#and one of them was just a screenshot of DT as crowley
bildadthemidwife · 1 year
So I stumbled upon a link to some Crowley-style sunglasses on Amazon, and these were the styling suggestions that Amazon presented along with them:
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And I agree, Crowley would absolutely rock this ensemble, thank you.
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ingravinoveritas · 4 years
About this whole shipping situation. 1. I don't ship real people, nor do I ship DT and MS, but it's quite understandable why so many people ship them. Although, I think people shouldn't take the "lover", "marrying MS" thing seriously. It's just them teasing the fandom for the sake of Good Omens. I even have serious doubts that they're as close as they appeared during the press.
2. Three months ago someone said MS actually tweeted he doesn't want people to ship him with DT. They said it was in a tweet from 2019. I've been searching, but I haven't found it. Do you know know anything about this?
Hello Anon. I’d like to start my response to this by thanking you for voicing your misgivings so respectfully, as I have had several rude and sometimes nasty Anons come at me on this topic, so this is a most welcome change of pace.
To address your first point, I will agree that some things that happened during the GO press tour were probably exaggerated. One example being the eggplant emoji thing on Graham Norton, as well as pretty much any instance of David acting clueless about something sexual because he is nowhere near as innocent or naive as he pretends to be. I’ll even give you that the “Maybe I should’ve married Michael Sheen” comment from David was him teasing the fandom, as he is wont to do, knowing full well what kind of reaction that would elicit from the fans.
But the wild card in all this, the "x” factor...the Welsh fly in the ointment, if you will...is Michael. Michael has certainly had his moments of teasing the fandom, but it’s almost impossible to talk about that without also acknowledging that Michael IS the fandom. We know how much the GO fandom has meant to him, how this community is something he’s honored to be a member of, and how he’s the biggest Ineffable Husbands shipper this side of Alpha Centauri. Yet so much of what Michael has said goes far beyond normal fandom teasing, and certainly beyond him just talking about Aziraphale and Crowley.
One of the wonderful things about Michael is that he has a tendency to let slip his true feelings--for good and for bad. So even when he does tease the fandom, there is some nugget of truth in there that puts it onto a different level. And because he is part of the fandom, it seems like he says these things not just because it’s what the fans want to hear, but because he wants to hear it. When David made the “Maybe I should’ve married Michael Sheen” comment, there was a context--he was asked a question about which co-stars he’s had the most chemistry with, and there was a perfect lead up to that comment based on his answer. But Michael calling David his “lover” had no such context. It wasn’t a fandom audience, and the conversation wasn’t even about Good Omens, so why say that? Then there was Michael describing David’s hips as “slinky” earlier this year, which... I have yet to find the straight man who would notice that, let alone make such a comment. (But more on that in a moment.)
I’m not sure what it is that makes you doubt Michael and David’s relationship is what it comes off so strongly as, but I truly believe their friendship/relationship blossomed over the course of filming GO, and then during the press tour as well. They probably did work out how they were going to approach the repetitive interview questions and the red carpet banter, but it’s not the big, flirty remarks or jokes that have stood out to me most. What convinced me of Michael and David’s closeness were the small moments between them--certain looks and little offhanded comments which occurred both when they were together on the press tour and separately long after, feeding into a chemistry that is palpable in pictures and video alike.
In regard to your second point, I have been following Michael on Twitter since May of last year, and I can’t think of anything that sounds less like him than what that person is claiming he tweeted. In all honesty, having dealt with similar issues in other fandoms, that sounds to me more like what someone says because they are uncomfortable with RPF, not something the celebrity said themselves. And in this instance, the idea is so laughable because that statement runs completely contrary to everything Michael actually HAS said and done, so it makes zero sense for him to tweet that.
To go back to the “slinky hips” remark I mentioned earlier: Why on god’s green and verdant earth would Michael talk about David’s hips being slinky if he DIDN’T want people shipping them together? Why would he call David his lover if he was NOT okay with people thinking that David is his lover?  If he was as opposed to shipping as that alleged tweet suggests, none of the things he’s said about David over the last year--hell, the last six months--would ever have happened.
So, no, I am not aware of any tweet from 2019 of that nature, nor have I found one after searching (I’d be curious to know if the person who told you that has a screenshot, though somehow I doubt it). I also highly doubt Michael gives a shit if people ship him with David, if only because he could’ve erased all doubt ages ago if he actually wanted to...but instead he just keeps encouraging it. Just my $0.02, anyway...
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