#and ortega looks so much younger without facial hair
ryuichifoxe · 2 years
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A little silly something I started a few days ago because face reveal~
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origetlopez · 3 years
Task #1
Basic Information
Full Name:  Orianna Marie Lopez - Orianna was her grandmother’s name. It is of Latin origin, and it means  sunrise  . Her mother always thought the name was suitable for her because Orianna was constantly looking towards the start of something new.  
Nickname(s): Ori is her pet name, and the name most referred to. However, she is also widely known as the  Poker Princess  . Although she detests the  princess   part, Orianna obtained the name because of her exclusive and decadent poker games that she has been hosting for several years now.  
Age:  She is twenty-four years old. She may be young, but she is highly intelligent and considers herself a bit of an intellectual despite her age. Orianna doesn’t think of her age so much, but rather focuses on what she strives to accomplish.  
Date of Birth: Orianna was born on May 3rd, 1997. Oddly enough, she was born right at  sunrise   which is also rather suitable given her name.
Hometown: Orianna was born in Beverly Hills, California. She lived in California for most of her life, until she was eighteen. That’s when she moved to Las Vegas. If there is a place that feels like home for her, it is Las Vegas.  
Current Location: Queens, New York. She moved to New York when her game in Las Vegas was burned out by a vindictive player and an upset friend. Her goal is to build her game from scratch this time (rely on no players or ex-bosses for a contact list) and be the largest poker game in the city.  
Gender: Female. I can’t say more than that.  
Pronouns:  She/Her
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. She prefers the company of men. She hasn’t had many relationships, but Orianna prefers men. One in particular. 😏
Occupation: Orianna manages and operates an exclusive and high-stakes poker game every week with a 250K buy-in. She started this back in Las Vegas and learned about poker from her ex-boss. When he tried to fire her and make her work without pay, Ori retaliated by relocating the game and offering the players a better place to play. Unfortunately, she was burned out after a couple of years and now built her new poker empire in New York.  
Living Arrangements: Orianna technically has two residencies. She has a condo in Las Vegas and a condo in Queens. She maintains both residencies and continues to try and operate both games. Since New York has the larger stakes, she tends to mostly reside in New York. However, she does travel back to Las Vegas every two weeks to maintain her connections there.  
Language(s) Spoken: Orianna may have been born here, but her family switched between English and Spanish. This led Orianna to the opportunity to have learned both growing up. In school, she studied French and still knows a little. Enough to impress.  
Accent: Since she grew up in California, Orianna has a vernacular that matches. It adjusted a little when she moved to Vegas, and even in New York, she is quickly adapting. Her voice is soft and sweet-sounding, but she shows that she’s from SoCal.  
Physical Appearance
Hair Color: Dark, ebony
Eye Color: Brown, however, she sometimes wears contacts with blue eyes depending on the occasion.  
Height: 5’7”
Build: Curvy
Tattoos: She has four tattoos. The first is “MCMLXIV”, located on her right forearm. It’s the number 1964, which is a period she feels connected to. The second is the “rose” behind her left ear. She also has a “hand-poked” tattoo on her back that she got in Bali one year during her travels. Lastly, she has a little rune symbol on her left side of her ribcage.  
Piercings: Orianna has her ears and cartilage pierced.  
Clothing Style: Orianna is a fashionista, as soon as she started making good money she acquired a taste for the finer things. She is often seen wearing Chanel, Dior, Guess, and several other big-name fashion designers.  
Favorite Accessories: Her Chanel earrings and a particular golden locket that she received from her mother. Although Orianna is constantly seen interchanging these accessories, those two specific items is what she wears the most.  
Distinguishing Characteristics: Her slim and narrow facial features. They bring out the ovals of her brown eyes and plump straight lips. Orianna can smile, but she wears a poker face at all times.  
Health: Despite her addictions that are in play (and more coming later), Orianna is in good health. She did suffer scoliosis when she was twelve and had back surgery for it. After she re-injured her back later in life, she dropped out of the Olympics team.  
Physical Conditions: Orianna had scoliosis when she was twelve. She had back surgery to repair it. However, when she re-injured her back, it was decided that Orianna would no longer be able to compete in gymnastics anymore.  
Mental Health Conditions: Orianna suffers from perfectionism. People with perfectionism hold themselves to impossibly high standards. They think what they do is never good enough.  
Allergies: Orianna doesn’t have any specific allergies.  
Sleeping Habits: Orianna is awful at sleeping, especially because of the games. Sometimes, the games run for days, and because there are so many things to monitor and keep track of, Orianna often finds herself staying awake for days and then sleeping for a couple.  
Eating Habits: Orianna has healthy eating habits, mostly. She loves pasta most of all and coffee. She usually loves anything carbs and has an affinity for Italian or Mexican food. The best way to make her happy is to put a plate of either pasta, tacos, or pizza in front of her.
Exercise Habits:  Orianna runs regularly and goes to the gym, but she doesn’t  overly   work out. She maintains her figure and hopes that working out will help lessen the side effects of her bad habits, but Ori doesn’t believe she overly has to try to stay fit.  
Addictions: We’ll get more into her drug use below, however, she does have an addiction to gambling to some extent. Though she doesn’t play the game herself, Orianna acquires a constant need for winning, and a certain high/low depending on the outcome of her poker game turnouts. She becomes very addicted to the money and lifestyle that the games give to her, to the point that it becomes obsessive for her to keep these things.  
Drug Use: At the present, Orianna is only addicted to Adderall. However, over time she begins to take cocaine and Vicodin. Eventually, she mixes all three and starts losing track of what she is even taking. This happens around the time the Russian mob starts to interfere with her game.  
Alcohol Use: To go with her drug habits, alcohol has always played a heavy part in Orianna’s life. It was one of her earlier addictions, but because it didn’t help her stay awake, she turned to alternatives. Her favorite drink is  any type of wine  .  
Label: The Temptress
Positive Traits: Witty, Resourceful, Clever, Ambitious, Focused, Determined, Articulate, Motivated, Curious, Perceptive, Honest, Independent, Efficient, and Eloquent.  
Negative Traits: Neurotic, Competitive, Stubborn, Cynical, Sarcastic, Materialistic, and Egotistical
Goals/Desires: Orianna’s biggest goal and desire is to prove herself capable of what the men can do, especially to her father. She grew up in the shadow of her older brother and a younger sister who was seen as the princess of the family. It was hard for Orianna to stand out, and she hated that her father treated her so differently. While it became a driving force in her life to be successful, it also gave her the  perfectionist   mentally, that nothing she will ever do is good enough.  
Fears: Failure, Orianna’s biggest fear is to fail at her desire to become successful and make something of herself.  
Hobbies: When Orianna isn’t running a game, she usually spends her time clubbing, traveling, or sleeping — mostly because she stays up for days because of the games.  
Habits: Orianna is  infamously   known for her smirk. When you see her smirk, you know she is up to no good.  
Season/Weather: Orianna is a summer girl. She loves the heat and the sun.  
Color: Red, she is known for wearing the color whether in her outfits or on her plump lips.  
Music Genre: Pop, Hip-Hop, Rap, a little Indie.  
Movie: A Promising Young Woman
Sport: Poker
Beverage: Wine
Food: Pasta
Animal: Dog
Father: Her father was Antonio Lopez.  
Mother: Her mother was Vivian Lopez.  
Sibling(s):  Ori had two siblings; an older brother, Antonio II, and a younger sister Marisol.  
Children: Orianna has zero children.
Pet(s): Because of how often Ori travels, a pet wasn’t an option. Though she is considering a dog.  
Other Important People:  Dominic King; her boyfriend. Though they are in the very early stages of their relationship, Orianna comes to rely on Dominic more than she has anyone else. When her guard is usually up for most, she lets it down for him. He is the first person that she ever develops strong feelings and an attraction for. Letitzia Ortega; her best friend. Leti used to be close friends with Orianna’s sister growing up, but Orianna spent time with them as well when Leti game to stay. When Marisol passed away, Leti and Ori bonded in their grief. She is a best friend but also is like a younger sister to Orianna.  
Zodiac Sign: Taurus  
MBTI: Visionary, because she is curious, intellectual, and clever.  
Hogwarts House: This was really hard, but Slytherin. If compared to a character from HP, Leta Lestrange.  
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Primary Vice: Greed
Primary Virtue: Fortitude
Element: Earth
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