#and people wonder why we get crabby
rudjedet Β· 1 year
Egyptologists: The pyramids weren't built through slave labour but rather by workmen who received wages
Tumblr randos: Oh my god can you stop being slavery apologists for like one second you filthy fucking imperials??
Egyptologists: The strikes under Ramses III were caused by a famine rather than a deliberate and malicious mistreatment of the workforce. That's projecting a modern bias and uncool for a number of reasons.
Tumblr randos: Jesus christ you capitalist shills, stop sucking pharaoh dick like royalists
Egyptologists: You all need to stop claiming ancient artefacts of non-white people are cursed and need to be put back, that's fucking racist
Tumblr randos: Well yeah you're colonialist racists the lot of you!!
Egyptologists: ...you really have no idea what words mean do you
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