#and please lmk if i should tag anything else for this post. ty!
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year
HI!! I'd love to hear about your podcast ocs :)
YAYY HII !!! (Everything is under the cut because I felt like i got a bit rambley <3)
okay well i've done simple breakdowns of some of them before but im in a talkative mood tonight so i'm probably going to repeat myself from prior posts and if information is different on the posts you can blame plot holes. ANyways!!
the podcast is my original podcast Brickwoods Amusment Park (BAP for short) where 5 teens who are invited to the park for a tour end up getting trapped by an eldritch god inside the park and some really horror-ish and creepy stuff happens to them while they try to get out
Now Meet the cast !!-
First Sophia Wynecross (tw cults for sophia's part)- (she/they + neos) they are a vlogger/streamer who was invited to create popularity for the park with their videos and she is the main source of audio for the first part of the podcast. Ve are very loud and exciting and passionate about their interests. Sophia also however, is the leader of a very big cult, one that happens to worship the god the kids are trapped by. This causes sophia to know a little bit more than the rest of the group while they try to get out, and also causes Sophia to make some questionable choices in the future.
Next, Blair Li-Ross !!- (they/them) Blair was invited to the park because their parents work for the park and they were encouraged (read: forced) to tag along to get out of the house. Blair is a stubborn and tough character that just wants to get out alive to make sure they can protect their younger sibling, so they are willing to fight to protect themselves over anyone or anything else.
Sunni Moore time!- (he/him) Sunni is a lovable smiley character that tries to be happy all the time for the sake of himself and others, however he's also very blunt and straightforward when it comes to their outcomes in the park. Sunni also has quite the dark secret that he hides because the majority of the people who knew he then no longer are around so why not create a totally different personality around people who didn't know him at the time of the Incident? (more about the incident here, and also a couple more character things :D)
Now David Garcia- (ae/he) David is sarcastic and funny but ae's also very shielded off ever since a traumatic Incident when ae was younger. Ae knew Sunni when the Incident happened and when ae finds out what really happend ae feels very vulnerable and hurt. David also trusts until that trust is broken and betrayal is almost impossible for you to come back in aer mind.
And finally Rebecca Blake!- (it/she) Rebecca is a worried and concerned person but when pushed will make risky choices to prove something. It is sometimes hot-headed and rude but will normally apologize later. She also is the most intrigued by how the park works, and although it would like to escape the park, she's very interested in knowing how everything happens within it. Especially the more creepy weird stuff, its a skeptic /hj
So anyways now that you know the cast :))
They all attempt to work together to get out of the park alive, however not all of them do make it out and the majority of them end up dying before escaping the park. The only one left being Rebecca, who decides that its up to her to dismantle the cult of the god who trapped them there so it doesn't happen again.
Anyways!! That was basic plot and character descriptions!! Please anyone ask more about particular characters or plot points, I love to chat about them <3
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cuteiemonster · 2 years
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My piece for the @hermithorrors zine!! I had the honor of drawing Jevin’s face melting into slime!! ^-^
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speedrunnercrafting · 2 years
hi hi new pinned post
My name is Sebastian (Basch for short, or Kasey if you were here for my internet safety not using my first name on the internet phase), I’m 24
read Half Past Seven AM: punznap fwb to lovers, E, 24k words (unfinished, in progress) <-minors dni. here’s the tumblr link
I am an adult and I do post adult content. I attempt to tag things that are blatantly NSFW but I can’t guarantee it. minors please block “kasey’s dating saga” and “kasey’s fic tag”
DNI: under 16, under 18 and interacts with NSFW content, /gen toxic solos, truthers
everything else under the cut (tagging, filtering, etc)
MCC discourse is always welcome. BE NICE ABOUT IT but you’re more than welcome to submit complaints or general thoughts directly to my askbox. even if it’s not dream positive (<-BUT BE POLITE) as long as you know I probably won’t agree with dream neg. differences of opinion are fine thumbs up emoji. also if you just want to talk about MCC. have I mentioned I really like MCC.
I do not tag discourse! or cc neg! not out of any malicious purposes I just can hardly remember to use my own tags much less content tags. if you don’t want to hear me talk shit you should maybe not be here (especially if you’re a big fan of billzo or sneegsnag. if you want to stay that’s fine I’m not going to DNI you but they annoy me and I post all of my thoughts directly to my blog so)
tagged below is my info tag, for as objective as I can manage answers to questions and general information (and my Safe For Dream Stans speedrunner list! not complete/comprehensive but does contain my recommendations. go follow illumina and benex on twitch RIGHT NOW)
blockable tags are “kcliveblogging” for talking about current streams (I try to use this one as much as possible but it’s not perfect and I do miss something. general warning for spoilers) and “kasey talks MCC” for. MCC talk.
my personal tag filter is “not for kasey” for things that are. not for kasey. if we’re mutuals it’d be cool if you use that for jumpscares, religion talk INCLUDING angel/demon AUs, and /srs tarot/witchcraft talk. thank u I appreciate it. <-specifically like if you don’t want to use the standard tags for those/they aren’t tagged by OP, etc I have “jumpscare” filtered too but if you don’t want to spoil it. ty!
mutuals if you have anything particular you need tagged please lmk and I will do my very best
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astralkoo · 5 years
Beautifully Misfit | 4
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‣ Genre: fluff, smut, hybrid au
‣ Word Count: 8.5k
‣ Pairing(s): skunk!Jimin x reader, puppy!Taehyung x reader, bunny!Jungkook x reader
‣ Warnings: strong language, Baby Kookie can’t read very well ;(, food porn (I’m not kidding), y/n deadass has a pizza kink, Jimin being tiny, nothing else really
‣ to be aware of: sub!jimin, switch!taehyung, switch!jungkook, dom!reader, some kinky ass future happenings, BDSM themes, some heavy angst, and triggering themes.
Summary: you never really saw yourself as a hybrid person. that is, until your best friend introduces you to his hybrid, and you suddenly find yourself craving the companionship. you only intended to bring home one. somewhere between the lines you ended up with three beautifully misfit hybrids who craved nothing but your love.
part. i, ii, iii, iv, v (coming soon)
A/N; I’m sorry this took so long to get up, i’m a slow writer when I’m not motivated, but yesterday I buckled down and wrote over five thousand words because I was determined to get this part posted for you lovely people. hope you enjoy! lmk if I didn’t tag you and you wanted to be added to the tag list!!
“Oh my god you live in a palace!” Taehyung gasped, pressing his face against the window of your passenger’s side seat. You giggled at the absolute wonder that sparkled in his dark eyes as you pulled into your driveway.
Actually getting the three hybrids to your home was probably more difficult than it should have been.
Taehyung was really the only one that understood the general ins and outs of cars, while Jimin and Jungkook were at a total loss. Jungkook expressed through broken sentences that the last time he’d been in a car, he’d been forced to sit in the truck. They may have put a crack in your heart. 
After stuffing all their belongings (which was a shockingly small amount considering there were three of them) into the trunk, it took a solid ten minutes just to get Jungkook to accept that he needed to wear a seatbelt; he damn near ripped it out of your car with all his unnecessary tugging and squirming. You’re ashamed to admit you were very much debating just tying him up with some rope and duct tape to keep him still.
It took another twenty to reassure an anxious Jimin that the car would not eat him and the seatbelt was just to keep him from falling out of his seat. It took Taehyung offering Jimin one of his stuffed animals, an adorable yellow chicklet, for him to finally relax. And you’d be lying if you said seeing the petite skunk hybrid clutching the little stuffed animal to his chest in his tiny hands wasn’t the purest thing you’d ever laid eyes on,
All the while Taehyung was happily bouncing in the passenger seat, a big boxy grin plastered across his handsome face as he waited for you to begin the drive home.
“Not quite,” you chuckled in amusement at his awestruck expression, “but it’s pretty, isn’t it?”
You weren’t going to deny it; you had a nice home.
Plenty of spacious rooms, a beautiful pool accompanied by a hot tub, three bedrooms– although only one (now two) being put to its intended use as the third was being used as an in home gym area. Not a mansion by any standards but definitely up in the higher percentile.
It, of course, had originally been a surprise from your Aunt when you graduated from college. Talk about extravagant gift giving. But she wouldn’t allow you to turn it away, no matter how adamantly you insisted you wouldn’t be able to maintain the place. For god’s sake you were just coming out of the shitty run down college dorms and suddenly having this gorgeous house catapulted onto you. She claimed that it was either hand it down to you or send a bulldozer over the property.
And you were not one to enjoy seeing beautiful things being carelessly destroyed.
So in spite of initial hesitance, you accepted. It took you awhile to adjust to the place, but once you had, it really had become a home to you. And you hoped it could become a home to your three new hybrids as well. A place they could feel safe to be themselves, a place where they didn’t have to hide themselves out of insecurity or fear of rejection. A place they could find genuine happiness.
Shit, when’d you get so sappy?
“Big! Big!” Jungkook chanted as he popped his head between your and Taehyung’s seat to get a better view, blinking those big sparkling eyes in amazement. You giggled, before turning to glance at Jimin. His eyes were squinted, face strained as it seemed he was having some trouble making out what he was looking at. But as soon as he realized you were looking, he plastered a shy, unconvincing smile across his face, head bowing.
“I–it’s nice…” you opened your mouth to question him, but Jungkook cut you off.
“Kookie go in now,” He declared. You watched in amusement as he pushed at the door, nowhere near the handle. He blinked in confusion as it didn’t immediately pop open for him. He then tried a random button, flinching in surprise as the window began to lower. He watched, seemingly transfixed as it slid out of sight, before placing his feet on top of the seat and crouching. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what he was about to do.
“Jungkook no!” You laughed loudly, reaching back and gently gripping the back of his shirt to keep him from launching himself head first out the window.
He turned to you with the cutest look of frustration, “why?”
“Pull the handle and then push,” you instructed, pointing to it.
He cautiously wrapped his hand around said handle, pulling it towards him and then pushing rather harshly on the door. His brows jumped up in amazement as the door easily swung open. It was only when he immediately hopped out of the car that you realized his seatbelt hadn’t been securely strapped around him. He must’ve undone it when you weren’t looking. Mischievous bunny.
Taehyung turned to you, with excitement in his eyes, “are we allowed to go inside now? I really want to see what it’s like inside!” His enthusiasm was contagious, and a wide smile broke out on your face.
“Of course! Let’s head in.”
Taehyung squealed, quickly undoing his seatbelt and rushing out of the car. You smiled to yourself, about to exit the vehicle before suddenly catching a glimpse of Jimin in the back seat. His lower lip was sucked into his mouth, his knees pulled up to his chest as he cradled the small chick under his chin, delicate eyes downcast. He looked so conflicted.
“Are you coming?” Taehyung tilted his head in confusion upon noticing neither of you had moved from your seats.
“Um— why don’t you go ahead, I’ll be there in a minute, okay? The key is under the potted plant on the right side of the door, you know how to use it?” Taehyung quickly nodded and bounced off to join Jungkook (who was aggressively pulling at the doorknob) at the door.
Once he was out of earshot, you returned your attention to Jimin. “Hey, Jimin, are you alright?”
Despite you having intentionally softened your voice, he still flinched, eyes sliding up to unsurely meet yourself. He seemed at a loss for words, mouth opening and shutting multiple times, on the verge of speaking but never getting out so much as a squeak.
But he did gasp in surprise as you suddenly jumped into the backseat (not very gracefully but still managing not to crack your head open so you’re chilling). “Hi there,” you smiled widely at the slightly baffled skunk hybrid.
“Hi…” his voice was quiet as a pin drop. His closed off nature was really beginning to show, and it made your heart sore with sadness.
“How are you feeling? Please be honest with me,” you shifted slightly closer to him, a tender upturn of your lips all it took to coax him out of his anxious silence.
He swallowed, gaze flitting. “I’m… I guess I’m… scared…”
“What’re you scared of?” You carefully pushed, wanting more than anything to reach out and run your knuckles over one of those adorably round cheeks, but refraining– just barely.
He sucked his frustratingly perfect lips into his mouth, noncommittally shrugging his shoulders as his grip on the small stuffed animal tightened. “I don’t… know… a lot of things, I guess…” each word seemed to grow quieter and quieter as it escaped him.
“It’s okay to be scared,” you murmured softly, “I know all of this change is scary. And, I know we don’t know each other very well right now, but I’d really like to get to know you, Jimin. All of you. I want us to be a real family, and I know we can be. Just… don’t give up on me just yet, okay? I’m pretty fuck— freaking far from perfect, so I know I’ll most definitely make a few mistakes. But I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy, I can promise you that.”
He looked up at you slowly, dark eyes shining behind his bangs. Shit, he had such beautiful eyes. Your chest tightened a bit as a wave of nerves struck you suddenly. You really hoped you said the right things, that maybe he’d trust you just a little bit more. Any progress is still progress, after all— another thing you’d learned from your oh–so wise auntie.
“Would you like to come inside now?”
You extended your hand for him with a gentle smile. The corners of his lips twitched upward subtly, and he shyly nodded his head, “y–yes.”
His hand was warm and soft, and small oh god it was so small as it slid delicately into your palm. You had to hold your breath as you carefully guided him out of the car from the pure adoration you felt towards him.
He didn’t let go of your hand the entire way to your front door, head bowed as an endearing blush settled on his cheeks.
Somehow, you remained outwardly composed. Stepping through the threshold of your front door, you were immediately greeted by a gasping Taehyung as he darted back and forth, taking in every last inch of your home with massive, shining eyes. You giggled, cupping a hand over your mouth as you watched the excited pup practically bounce off the walls every time he discovered something new to gawk at.
“Look at this! Oh my god what is that!? Wow that’s so cool! I’ve never seen one of these before! It’s so pretty! Can I keep this? Ohmygoditssoshiny,” words, questions, and exclamations were being spit out of his mouth faster than you could keep track. Suddenly he halted, ears raised, tail stiff, “wait a second.”
“Is–is something wrong?”
“Yes!” He yelped, before his eyes met yours, and he seemed to shrink in on himself, “I mean— no, no definitely not. Everything is perfectly perfect and beautiful and amazing…”
“But?” You tilted your head, watching as a soft pout twisted the corners of his lips downwards.
“But…” he swallowed, rocking on the balls of his feet as he fiddled with his fingers behind his back, “I was wondering— you mentions— are there may be any—”
It suddenly clicked what he was so hopelessly searching for. A playful, mischievous smile twitched at the corners of your mouth. “Toys?”
His entire body seemed to jump upright, ears raising to their full height, tail whipping upwards and twitching in tiny anticipating wags, eyebrows dramatically lifting as his eyes widened adorably. A desperate whine ripped from his lips as he performed a little wiggle.
“If you go up the stairs, turn left, last door on your right—” aaand he was off.
“OHMYGOD,” you heard his muffled screams of glee, snorting loudly.
Puppy has a kink for toys, that’s for sure.
“Where the hell is Jungkook?” You muttered, suddenly realizing you hadn’t seen or heard him since you walking into your home.
It was more to yourself really, but Jimin stuck his button nose up in the air nonetheless. You watched in amazement as he inhaled deeply, chest inflating, before his finger raised, pointing towards your back door.
“Shit, but that leads to the—”
A loud splash had you shrieking in horror and bolting outside, damn near cracking the glass sliding door in your haste.
The crystal blue water of your pool was jumping and foaming, angrily disturbed from its previous calmness. Below the surface there was a dark, distorted blob, slowly sinking.
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you cursed loudly, “Jungkook!”
This would only fucking happen to you of all the people in the fucking world. You brought the hybrids home not ten minutes ago and one of them was already in danger. There was no way in hell you were about to let his little mutant bunny ass drown.
“Mother of shitness—” those were the last words to escape your lips before you heaved in two lungfuls of air and dove head first into the chilly water. You forced your eyes open in the chlorinated water, easily locating a blurry dark form a little way in front of you.
But, it wasn’t sinking.
In fact, it was rising. Very quickly.
The fuCK.
Breaking the surface, you were immediately greeted by a casually treading bunny hybrid. His eyebrows raised a fraction upon seeing you in front of him, but the surprised look vanished into a happy smile.
“Swim with Kookie?” He asked innocently, head tilting.
“Are you kidding me, Jungkook? Why in the holy hell did you think getting into the pool fully dressed was a good idea?” You hissed, water splashing as you clumsily tread, legs kicking quickly as your hands flung around.
His brows furrowed, a confused pout touching his lips as he glanced down at your submerged body. “Full dress, too?”
“I thought you fell in and were drowning or some shit, I was trying to save you!” You cried, “you gave me a fucking heart attack, Jungkook!”
He suddenly smiled shyly, cheeks rising as his gaze flicked down, “save Kookie?”
“Yes, save Kookie! But apparently Kookie doesn’t need any saving because Kookie already knows how to swim and purposeful jumped into my pool with all his clothes on,” You hissed, reaching out to grab his hand and tugging him to the edge of the pool, “now it’s time for Kookie to get out of the pool.”
You hauled yourself out first, grimacing as your clothes stuck like glue to your skin. Not to mention wet socks. You can’t imagine a time you’d ever been more uncomfortable than when you were wearing wet socks.
With a defeated sigh, you swiveled around, about to lend the bunny a helping hand, “Okay, Jungkook hop out— Jungkook what the hell happened to your clothes?!”
He smiled, proudly pointing at the pile of sopping wet clothes sitting on the side of the pool that he’d managed to strip off weirdly fast. “Naked!” He chirped like it was the most natural thing in the world.
God have mercy. 
“Okay Jungkook, repeat to me the rules?” You hummed, carefully towel drying his wet hair, making sure to be extra gentle with his big, sensitive ears in the way. 
“No pool without ask. Hm, no run near pool. No swim ‘lone. No outside after dark. No swim full dress. And… and no swim naked.”
“That’s right! Good job, Kookie,” you cooed, and he grinned proudly, wiggling happily in place. You turned your attention to the other two hybrids in the room. 
Jimin was nestled up against your back, sleepily watching the movie you’d put on for them. Homeward Bound, a personal childhood favorite of yours. Never failed to bring you to tears. Taehyung, who’s made himself comfortable on the floor in front of you, was more engrossed with the dinosaur squeaky toy that he was happily gnawing on, squeaking up a storm. It might have gotten on your nerve had he not looked so fucking adorable, big eyes shiny with happiness and lips drawn into a never wavering grin. 
“You hear that boys? Those rules apply to you, too. I don’t need anymore incidents like today.” You informed sternly, drawing both of their attentions to you. 
Taehyung quickly nodded his head, toy dropping from his mouth and into his lap as he spoke, “I understand! I’ll be real good, promise! I’m good at following rules, I think.” 
You reached down, ruffling his hair in praise. His tail quickly began beating against the hardwood floor with loud thumps as he leaned into your touch, grinning widely. You turned your attention to the skunk curled up behind you, peering over your shoulder. 
“I–I don’t like to swim… but I understand.” He affirmed in that soft, melodic voice of his, thick with sleepiness. Jungkook piped in before you could reply. 
“Kookie like to swim! What Kookie swim in?” 
“When we go shopping tomorrow, I’ll buy Kookie a swimsuit,” you explained simply, briefly taking your focus off of drying his dark locks to meet his gaze, lips twitching upward at how cute he looked, white towel laid on top of his head, ears flopping down on either side of his face. 
The incident with Jungkook leaping into your pool opened up a few fundamental truths you’d have to face. 
One; clothes. They needed clothes. The one thing you’d failed to collect on your shopping binge earlier in the week for obvious reasons were things for your hybrids to wear. And of the very few things they’d brought from the shelter, outfits held an even smaller portion. Having all worn the same white scrubs everyday left little need for duplicates. 
And after Jungkook soaked his only pair, you’d had to force him into one of your favorite pairs of large grey sweatpants and an extra large white t-shirt that somehow still managed to hug ever inch his admittedly muscular body. It was an interesting look for him. It made Taehyung giggle, that’s for sure. 
You also made a mental note that Jimin needed glasses ASAP. He obviously had a lot of difficulty seeing things beyond a certain distance and you were surprised he hadn’t been given any at the shelter.  Getting glasses was a long, annoying, and expensive process, but you didn’t mind as long as he’d be able to see properly. 
Two; they might need some help navigating life outside of the shelter. You’d definitely be needing to set some boundaries. Obviously, they’d spent most of their lives in small living quarters, closed off from the real word. As a result, they’ve never been exposed to many seemingly ordinary courtesies such as manners, or public decency…or not stripping buck naked whenever they damn well feel like it. That could use some adjustment. 
And three; Jungkook was going to be keeping you on your toes for a while. You’d have to keep an eye on that little troublemaking bastard at all times to make sure he doesn’t do something unintentionally reckless and get himself hurt. 
All in all, you felt a second massive shopping spree was in order. This time for more specific commodities. 
“Kookie swim in swim…s–suit?” He asked, stuttering faintly on the pronunciation. 
That reminded you, you’d also need to ask Hoseok about speech lessons to help Jungkook with communication. As far as you can tell, he has no problem getting his point across, you can understand him perfectly fine, but to what extent does it reach? 
“Can I get a swimsuit, too?” Taehyung asked, a pleading pout resting on his lips. 
“Of course, you can all get swimsuits,” you glanced at Jimin, “just in case you ever change your mind. Now that that’s settled…” you pulled the towel off of Jungkook’s now only slightly damp hair, jumping up off the couch, “who wants pizza?” 
All the boys seemed the grimace at the mention of the cheesy delicacy. 
“What’s with those faces? Don’t tell me you don’t like pizza,” you laughed, but it died in your throat almost immediately. 
You gaped at them in horror, clasping a hand over your mouth as they all shared a telling look. No fucking way. They didn’t like pizza? How was that possible? Maybe they were lactose intolerant or something. There had to be an explanation. 
“How do you guys not like pizza? I practically live off of it most days of the week!” Taehyung flinched faintly as you raised your voice, despite your harmless intention. 
“W–well, we’ll have it if you want us to, master. It’s just that… the shelter gave us pizza every other Friday, I guess it was supposed to be a treat of sorts… but it wasn’t very good,” Taehyung explained in a meek, unsure voice, lead lowering as he peered up at you. 
“That’s probably because it was that organic, healthy shit. No, I’m talking about real pizza. Cheesy, delicious, juicy, thick crust, crunchy on the outside but soft on the in— wait, did you just call me master?” 
He seemed to shrink in on himself. His ears flattened against his head, tail ticking between his legs. You’re no expert on animal behavior, but you didn’t need a degree to see that he was showing submission. 
“Is… is that bad? Am I in trouble? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” his voice broke into a whimper, but you were quick to drop down to your knees in front of him, shaking you head.
“No, no you’re not in trouble, sweetheart, you’re alright. You didn’t do anything wrong,” you made sure to keep your voice soft and stable, gently taking one of his hands in yours, “I was just a little surprised is all.” 
He seemed to calm at your reassurance, body language relaxing, “really?” 
“Really.” You giggled, reaching up to nudge his cheek with your knuckles. That’s all it took to have his face brightening up with a grin as he nuzzled into your touch. “But you know you don’t have to address me like that, right? Unless, you wanted to call me something different, you can just call me y/n.” 
“Kookie call you y/n,” the bunny hybrid declared from his perch on the couch, nodding firmly, “y/n nice name.” 
“Why thank you. Jungkook is a very nice name, as well,” you cooed playfully.
Jungkook shrugged cockily, “I know.” 
You laughed loudly at that. 
“I–I’ll call you y/n, too… if that’s okay,” Jimin squeaked, blushing a pretty shade of pink as your eyes met his fluttering ones. 
“It’s more than okay, beautiful,” you grinned, shooting a playful wink in his direction. 
His eyes widened, face exploding in a deep red as a squeak escaped his lips. You watched with a wide smile as he grabbed the nearest pillow, shoving his face into it in a feeble attempt to hide his rose colored cheeks. Jungkook snickered at the smaller hybrid’s reaction, nose wrinkling in the most bunny like way imaginable. 
“Then I’ll call you y/n, too!” Taehyung sprung back to his happy go lucky self, lips splitting into a massive grin as his tail began to whip back and forth behind him. 
“Perfect,” you smiled, reaching up and scratching behind his ear, “now, about that pizza…”
. . . 
Within the next thirty minutes, you and the boys had swallowed down two whole boxes of large, cheesy pizza for your favorite pizza place. Talk about a food baby. 
“That was so much better than the shelter’s pizza,” Taehyung groaned, tossing his head back as he rested a hand on his well fed belly, “I’ve never been this stuffed in my life!” 
Jimin nodded quickly in agreement, still working on finishing his last piece. He was an adorably slow eater, very careful with his bites in not getting sauce anywhere on his face. Jungkook and Taehyung on the other hand… not so tidy. Taehyung had sauce smeared across his pretty lips and lingering at the corners of his mouth. Jungkook— shit, somehow the rabbit managed to get cheese in his damn hair, let’s just say that. 
You giggled at the puppy hybrid, thumbing a tiny spot of sauce off his chin, “I told you! They were definitely feeding you garbage pizza. This is the real shit, you’re eating with the big boys now, baby!” Taehyung’s tail began its helicopter blade wagging, an incredibly dog like ‘yip’ escaping his lips, his excitement rising right alongside yours. 
“Hell yeah, baby!” 
Throwing your head back, you laughed so hard that your stomach began to hurt. “Hey! Where’d you learn that kind of language, mister!” You cackled, smiling down at him in wild amusement. 
His grin mimicked yours, ears perking, “you!” 
And you’d been trying to keep your cursing in check, too. Perhaps you slipped up a few times during dinner… 
“Ah, I’ve got to watch my tongue or by the end of next week you’ll be able to name a curse word for every letter in the alphabet,” You snickered, ruffling his hair affectionately. 
“More! Want more,” Jungkook exclaimed, holding up his empty plate for emphasis. 
“Kookie, it's all gone,” you trotted over to him, picking up a nearby napkin and beginning to clean his face. He pouted at the newfound information, obviously very disappointed. “Don’t get all frowny on me now, you messy son of a bi–bunny.”
“Nice save,” Taehyung snickered, and you shot him a playful glare before returning your attention to the deeply disheartened rabbit. 
“Hey, but don’t worry. We’ll be getting pizza often. Very often,” because your ass can’t cook for shit, “and next time, I might even get you your own whole pizza, okay? That work for you?” 
His eyes light up at the suggestion, pout dissolving into a content smile, “okay. Work for Kookie.” 
“Fantastic,” you hummed, before tossing the tomato sauce soaked napkin into one of the empty boxes, “okay. I think that you need a bath. Napkins aren’t cutting it.” 
Jungkook froze, eyes widening, then narrowing into sharp slits, “no bath.” 
Your brows shot up at his sudden defiance. “Um, yes bath. You’re covered in pizza guts.” 
“No. Bath.” He hissed, ears pressing back. 
“Jungkook,” you said slowly, arms folded over your chest, “you are taking a bath.”
You stared at him hard for a moment, him staring back just as harshly. Then you lunged. You should’ve known a rabbit hybrid would be faster, because the next thing you know you’re getting a face full of chair. And that shit hurt. 
“Fuck me!” You shrieked, cupping your throbbing nose. 
“Y–Y/n, are you a–alright?” Jimin gasped, running over to you in tiny font and carefully helping you back onto your feet. 
You glanced over to see Jungkook on the opposite side of the kitchen, looking over at your crumpled form with a piss all smug expression. A growl rose in your throat. 
“I’m good, Jimin, don’t worry.” You offered Jimin a reassuring smile, only wincing slightly. No way in hell would you let the mutant bunny win. He was taking a bath if it goddamn killed you. 
A determined glare found your face as you struck Jungkook with your stare, pushing up your sleeves. “You’re still taking a bath, Kookie.” You sneered, pointing a finger in his direction. 
“Gotta catch Kookie first~,” he sang, excitement sparkling in those big eyes.
“Oh, I’ll catch you, alright.” 
Little need be said, you did not catch him. 
All of fifteen minutes later, you lay face down on the floor of your upstairs hallway, sweating so much it looked like you’d fallen in the pool, completely winded, and on the verge of passing out. You always seem to forget that running is definitely not your strong suit. 
“Y/n?” You heard a meek voice chime from above you.
“Yeah?” You wheezed, not bothering to so much as open your eyes. 
“Are you okay?” 
“I’m fucking dandy,” You chuckled, finally forcing your eyes open. Jimin was squatted down in front of you, head tilted to the side as his large tail calmly swayed behind him. 
“You don’t look dandy.” 
Somehow, you managed a tired smile, “it’s called sarcasm, darling.” 
Jimin flushed at the nickname, cupping his reddening cheeks in the palm of his hands as he let out a soft whining sound. So cute. 
“That bunny is quick.” You groaned, rolling onto your back and letting your aching body melt into the floor, “where’s all that stamina come from, huh? He was going up and down the stairs like it was nothing. Up, down, up, down, up, down, like what the hell? Don’t his legs hurt after that? Well, I guess he does have pretty massive thighs—” 
“Would you like some water, Y/n,” Jimin softly cut off your delusional rambling that was about to take a not so appropriate turn. 
“I would love some water, Jimin, thank you.” 
He giggled that sugary giggle of his as he stood up, “alright, I’ll get you some water. Don’t move.” 
“Wasn’t planning on it.” 
He laughed again, standing and trotting towards the steps, disappearing down them. He has a really pretty laugh. 
Just as your eyes began to flutter shut again, a loud thump caught your attention, and then a shout. 
“Y/n! Y/n I caught him! I caught him!” 
“Can a girl not get a moment's peace in this house—” you cut off your incoherent mumbling abruptly, shooting upward. Caught him? He caught him? Holy shit! You leapt to your feet, frantically scrambling in the direction of the commotion. It wasn’t too difficult to find what room the shouts were coming from with all the noise they were making. 
In your downstairs gaming room, you found Taehyung, his entire body wrapped around a flailing Jungkook, whom he’s somehow managed to pin to the floor. 
“Tricked! Tae tricked Kookie!” The bunny screeched, betrayal shining in his dark eyes. You were trying so hard not to laugh. Taehyung looked absolutely ridiculous, Jungkook even more so as he tried to squirm out of the puppy’s vice like hold. But you knew you couldn’t allow them to continue like this, or else one of them might end up hurt. And that was something you definitely did not want to happen. 
“Tae, let him go, hun.” 
Taehyung’s eyes widened at your request, mouth opening to object, “but—”
“It’s alright, Tae. Trust me,” you shot him a sly wink as you murmured the last bit. He reluctantly obeyed, rolling off the bunny and scrambling behind you before he could retaliate. The moment he was freed, the bunny leapt to his feet, glaring harshly at the puppy cowering behind you. “Ah–ah–ah, eyes on me, Kookie. Tae didn’t do anything wrong, he was just trying to help me catch you.” 
He huffed, lower lip jutting out. 
“I have a proposition.” 
His ears twitched, brows furrowing. “Prop… prop… prop…?” 
“An idea,” you rephrased, noticing his struggle, “one that doesn’t involve running around the house like a couple of chickens who got their heads cut off. If you win, you don’t have to take a bath. I win, you bathe. That cool?” 
He squinted his eyes at you suspiciously, “what idea?” 
You smirked, eyes drifting to something behind him. You made your way over to the large flat screen television, opening up the cabinet to the right off it. Inside were hundreds of games. That’s an exaggeration, but you get the idea. Jungkook’s eyes bulged, pupils practically turning into hearts at the glorious sight. You pulled one out, holding it up for him to see. 
“You race?” 
It was Jungkook’s turn to smirk, “Kookie race.” 
. . . 
“Watch out for the banana peel! Oh my god the red shell! The red shell! Careful on the turn—”
You were on the third and final race of Mario Kart. The deciding match. Each of you had won one round prior to that, making it an even game. It was tense. But Taehyung seemed to be more on edge than you and Jungkook combined, and he wasn’t even playing! 
The finish line was in sight. It was neck in neck; Jungkook in first, you right on his heal in a close second. 
There was absolutely no way in hell you were letting him beat you at your game. The game you’d been playing since you first learned how to use your thumbs. You absolutely demolished anyone you went up against. But Jungkook was good. Really good. He matched your skill level almost perfectly. He knew all the shortcuts, all the right turns to making, even how to drift flawlessly. And for the first time, you weren’t completely positive that’s you’d win. A thought terrifying enough to send chills racing down your spine. No. No, you were going to win. You had to. That bunny was going to bathe. You’d make sure of that. 
The finish line was approaching rapidly. Your heart thundering against your ribcage, entire body trembling with the adrenaline coursing through it, a sheen of sweat resting on your upper lip. Your hands were aching for the effort, thumbs just about ready to fall off. 
Beside you, Jungkook was just as tense, tall ears fully erect, body stiff and leaned forward as he pinned all his attention to the screen. 
This is it. Time to pull out all the stops. You’re secret move that got you the win every time without fail. The boost and drift. 
“Eat my dust, Kookie!” You shrieked, pressing down on the buttons just long enough to have your car shooting forward and crossing the finish line, earning you the first place slot. A triumphant laugh burst from your lips, and you jumped to your feet, pumping your fist into the air victoriously. You’d be lying to say your ass didn’t hurt from sitting on the hardwood floor that entire time, but the brilliance of your victory washed out any lingering ache. “Fuck yes! We have a winner folks! We have a winner!” 
Taehyung and Jimin giggled from their seats on the couch behind you, clapping encouragingly as you shamelessly gloated. 
Jungkook stared at the screen in shock, unable to process that he was seeing the number two on his half of the screen. Second place. Second place. It was mocking him. 
Squatting down beside the stunned bunny, you placed a hand on his shoulder, “I won, Kook. You know what that means.” 
He pouted, turning his head away from you stubbornly. “Cheated.” 
You gaped at him. “Did not! I won fair and square and you know it! Come on, we had a deal. You can’t just go back on your word,” you frowned, offended by his blunt claim. You would never cheat. You didn’t need to. At least not in Mario Kart. Pure skill, baby. 
Jungkook snuck a glance in your direction, and his ears dropped seeing the expression on your face. He quickly turned his gaze away, focusing intensely on the floor as he worried his lower lip between his teeth. He knew you didn’t cheat. He knew he lost. He hated it, but he knew you won fairly. Admitting it out loud was just a bit harder to do. 
But the look in your eyes was enough to get him to put his pride aside. 
“Kookie take bath.” He relented with a defeated sigh. 
You smiled brightly, gently ruffling his hair, “thank you for keeping your word, Kookie. It means a lot to me.” 
He flushed at the praise, quickly swatting your hand away with a pout, eliciting a giggle from your lips. You stood first, helping Jungkook to his feet as you turned to the two other hybrids. 
“Okay boys. As soon as Kookie here finishes up his bath, we need to discuss sleeping arrangements, alright? It’s getting late and it’s been a hectic day for everyone so I think we could all use a good night's sleep, yeah? Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone.” 
They quickly nodded in agreement, bidding you soft farewells as you guided Jungkook to the upstairs bathroom. Of course, he donned a pout the entire way, obviously trying to make you feel bad by milking the blow of his loss. 
Tugging him into the bathroom, you sat him down on the closed toilet seat, and began to explain the ins and outs of your bathroom. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, towel location, how to change the temperate, and even pointing out the bubble bath bottle in case he like that. He stared up at you blankly, blinking slowly. 
“You got all that?” He nodded. “Any questions?” He shook his head. “Good, I’ll sit outside. Just give me a shout if you need any help.” With that, you proceeded to exit the bathroom, plopping down beside the door and pulling out your phone to kill the time. You heard the gush of water hitting the tub, and assumed he’d be fine on his own. Until—
“Y/n?” You hopped to your feet, leaning against the door.
“Yeah, Kook?” Silence. “Kookie? You okay in there?” Silence. “Jungkook?” A nearly inaudible murmur. “I’m sorry I didn’t understand that.” 
“N–need… help…” 
“Okay, I’m coming in,” you took his silence as an okay and slowly nudged the door open, “are you… covered?” He hummed quietly in confirmation and you let out a breath of relief, sticking your head inside. 
He was submerged in the bath, the top of it was covered in a thick layer of white, shiny bubbles. He had his face turned away from you, and seemed to be fidgeting slightly. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked carefully, gliding over to kneel next to the tub. He avoided your gaze, and you noticed how red his cheeks were. You were worried he might’ve made the bath too hot, but when you experimentally dipped your fingers in, it was the perfect temperature. “You can tell me, hun. What’s up?” 
He bowed his head, splashing his hand against the water. “Can… can y/n wash… w–wash Kookie?” 
Hah. Pardon? 
“W–wash? You want me to wash you?” You reiterated, making sure you’d heard him correctly. 
“Please…” he murmured quietly, and you watched his neck melt into a boiling red color that perfectly matched that adorning his face. He looked so humiliated, so vulnerable. It dawned on you that he might not know how to properly wash himself. At the shelter someone had helped with that sort of thing, so he might have never actually done it himself. Your heart swelled at the thought. 
“Of course I’ll help,” you murmured softly, touched by the fact that he’d ask instead of struggling alone and saving himself the embarrassment, “in fact, I’ll do you one better. I’ll teach you how so next time you can do it all on your own, okay?” 
He peered over at you shyly, a light smile twisting the corners of his lips upwards, “okay.” 
“Perfect. We’ll start with shampoo then,” you chirped, reaching down to grab the white bottle of shampoo. 
You learned that Jungkook wasn’t the best reader, something you probably should’ve guessed based on what Hoseok had told you. But it still made your heart clench to see him trying so hard to make out the letters on the bottles you present to him. His bath managed to turn into a reading lesson, as you explained to him in depth how to read the words shampoo and conditioner as well as their individual purposes. And soon enough, something seemed to click in that cute little brain of his.
“You’re a fast learner, Kookie!” You praised, grinning happily as he pointed out the word shampoo every time it appeared on the back of the bottle. 
He beamed at the praise, sighing in content as you massaged the conditioner into his hair, being extra careful around the base of his ears. It was then that you realized how beautiful they were. The fur was sleek and healthy, shimmering faintly under the dull glow of your bathroom lights. Instinctively, your fingers reached for one, gently stroking the silky fur. His body jolted forwards, a loud gasp shooting from his lips. You snapped your hand away as he whipped around, staring at you in shock. 
“D–D–DON’T touch!” He squeaked, his entire face a deep shade of pink, his chest heaving as he seemed genuinely flustered. There was terror in his dark eyes, the emotion read loud and clear. 
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, I didn’t even realize,” you blinked rapidly, clutching your hand against you chest like it’d been burned. You were horrified with yourself. You’d obviously crossed a boundary you weren’t meant to so much as think about. It was careless. “I’m so sorry, Kookie. I shouldn’t have touched your ears without permission.” 
He stared at you a moment longer, breathing heavily as his hands gripped the edge of the tub so tightly that his knuckles paled. There was something in his eyes. Something dark. You couldn’t make out exactly what it was before he snapped himself out of him, shaking his head. 
“It… okay.” He slowly turned back around, facing away from you. You weren’t sure what to do. Did he want you to keep washing him, or would it be better if you left all together? Your prolonged silence caught the bunny’s attention, and he softly uttered over his shoulder, “can keep wash Kookie.” 
“A–are you sure?” You swallowed, needing the extra confirmation.
He nodded, “yes.” 
The remainder of his bath was spent in silence. It wasn’t awkward persay. It was more like both your mind were weighed down from the previous upbeat mood. Even as you were running a washcloth soaked in your favorite face wash over his faintly red stained skin, he wouldn’t meet your gaze. 
“Alright, I think you’ve got it from here. You can wash your body with this green soap and then dry off and meet us downstairs, alright? I put a new shirt and sweatpants next to the door outside, so you can put those on when you’re finished,” You hummed, standing and stretching from having sat for so long, back cracking loudly. He nodded silently, sinking lower in the tub so that his nose hovered just over the water and you took that as your que to exit. 
You were disappointed with yourself. That could have been a beautiful bonding moment— and it had been! But then you had to go and screw it up. Like you always seem to do… 
Taehyung and Jimin were playing with some of the toys you’d gotten in the living room when you came trudging down the steps. They must’ve noticed the heaviness in the air surrounding you, because their sweet giggling ceased rather abruptly and they jumped up to meet you halfway. 
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” Taehyung asked with a soft frown. “Did Kookie hurt you?”
“Ah, no, of course not, Kookie didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I’m fine,” you reassured, reaching up to pet the top of his head, but freezing and redirecting your hand to land on his shoulder instead. Taehyung blinked, looking at your hand in confusion. 
Without missing a beat, he grabbed your wrist and placed your hand on top of his head. 
You couldn’t stop the grin that found your lips, one he happily returned as you combed your fingers through his dark locks. Jimin whimpered mournfully from his larger companion’s side, staring longingly at your other hand. “Oh you big baby,” you playfully cooed, immediately shifting to stroke the top of his head as well. 
They both melted into your touch, Jimin chirping as Taehyung vocalized his happiness with high pitched whines. It was a rather ridiculous scene, but so utterly precious you couldn’t find it in you to stop. Not until you heard heavy footsteps coming from the stairs. He was dressed in new clothes, lingering droplets of water creating dark patches on the shoulders of the grey material of the oversized sweatshirt.
Jungkook paused, meeting your gaze. You offered him a light smile, but he only ducked his head and plodded to Taehyung’s side, eyes fluttering around the room. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t sting a bit. You’d hoped that you’d be able to brush off the incident, but apparently not. Maybe it’d be forgotten by the morning. 
You cleared your throat, shaking yourself from your thoughts. There were more important things to address than a moment of discomfort. 
“Alright, boys. Now that we’re all here, I have to tell you that we have a small dilemma.” 
“A dilemma?!” Taehyung repeated, blinking at you with wide, concerned eyes. You nodded in confirmation, folding your arms across your chest before continuing. 
“As of right now, I only have one bed for you guys. I’m pretty sure it’s more than big enough to fit the three of you, but I want to ask if any of you are uncomfortable sharing a bed? I know you all had your own back at the shelter, so it would definitely be a change.” 
“I don’t mind! I love cuddling!” Taehyung chimed, unknowingly lifting a weight off your chest. You shifted your attention to the bunny hybrid, who seemed to be in deep thought, eyes squinted, lips puckered as he mulled it over. 
Finally, he shrugged. “Fine with Kookie. Don’t mind.” 
“M–me either. I’m okay with it,” Jimin quickly added, blushing as you smiled gratefully over at him. 
“That’s a relief to hear. I promise that this won’t be permanent, just for a little while until I figure out a better sleeping situation, alright?” You breathed, clasping your hands in front of you, “let me show you guys to your room.” 
The hybrids quickly scurried behind you as you guided them up the stairs and down the hall, before you were pushing open a door. They gasped simultaneously, eyes widening as they took in the sight before them. “T–this is our room?” Taehyung swung his astonished gaze to meet yours. 
“Yeah… do you not like it?” You asked, unable to read whether their reaction was positive or negative. 
“No! I love it!” Taehyung cheered, bolting into the bedroom and pouncing onto the bed. “It’s so big! This is probably the biggest bed I’ve ever seen in my entire existence!” 
“It’s amazing,” Jimin grinned excitedly as he made his way into the bedroom, joining Taehyung on the King sized mattress. 
Jungkook murmured his agreement, “very nice. Very big. Kookie approve.” 
You smiled, watching as they oohed and awed over every little detail of the room, from the dresser to the windowsill seat to the light fixtures above their head. Their amazement made your chest feel light. 
“Well, I’m glad that you like it. You guys can get things to decorate it and really make it your own when we go shopping,” a yawn followed your statement. You hadn’t realized just how tired you’d become. It was a pretty eventful day, if you do say so yourself. But a wonderful kind of eventful. 
“I’m headed to bed if you guys don’t need anything else. But if you do happen to need something in the middle of the night, my room is right across the hall.” You turned to leave, but paused as Taehyung cleared his throat. 
A warm flush was resting on his cheeks, the faintest of smiles on his lips as he stared at you with such sincerity that your skin prickled and your heart picked up, “speaking for all of us… Thank you, Y/n. For everything.” 
Taking a slightly trembling breath, you plastered a smile across your face, biting the inside of your cheek, “Of course. Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” 
“There are bed bugs?!” 
“It’s just a saying Taehyung. There are no bed bugs.” 
“Oh. Good night then! Sweet dreams!” 
You shook your head in amusement, murmuring a final ‘goodnight’ before you stepped out of their room, gently shutting the door behind you. You plodded across the hall, slipping into your bedroom just as another yawn escaped you. Throwing yourself onto your bed, you groaned as you muscles instantly relaxed. 
“Fuck, I missed you baby,” you muttered, tugging the sheets up to your chin as you nuzzled your head into the thick embrace of your favorite pillow. You know the one. 
In no time you were dead asleep, snoring up a storm as your mind filled with fantasies of living on your own private island. But, this time you weren’t quite alone. Instead, you were accompanied by three beautifully misfit hybrids who seemed to fit right in. An island all alone in the middle of the island might’ve have gotten a tad bit lonely. You were glad they were there. 
Until one of them interrupted your blissful slumber that is. 
“Yes? Huh? I’m awake. Who is it?” You fumbled, jolting upright as your heavy lids adjusted, squinting to try and make out the figure stood in the doorway. It was only dainty enough to belong to Jimin. 
“It’s Jimin,” he identified himself. 
As you suspected. You’re a genius even when half asleep. 
Running a hand down your face in a feeble attempt to draw yourself further from the steel grip of sleep, you acknowledge him with a soft hum, “What’s up, beautiful?” You didn’t have to see him to know he was blushing. 
“I–I… Jungkook accidentally kicked me out of bed and then he spread out and kinda took my spot a–and I was too scared to move him… s–so I was wondering if—” he faltered, fidgeting and lowering his head, “—if possibly… if it’s not too much of a nuisance… if I could—” 
“Jimin, get over here.” You cut him off with a playful chuckle. He gently shut the door before stumbling over to you in the dark, tripping over various items you hadn’t taken the time to clean up. You weren’t expecting visitors. 
The skunk hybrid faltered at the foot of your bed. “You really… don’t mind?” 
“Not at all.” 
That was all the encouragement he needed to climb onto the mattress, crawling up and plopping down beside you. But there was an awfully large space between the two of you, and it made a frown touch your face. 
Sleepy y/n liked cuddles. 
“Do you like to cuddle, Jiminie? Because, unless you’re opposed, I would really love to have a cuddle buddy right about now.” 
You heard his breath falter. Then silence. 
A discouraged sigh escaped you, and you rolled to your other side, facing away from him as you shut your eyes.
“I… I like cuddles.” 
You flipped back over immediately, grinning widely as you parted your arms invitingly, making grabby hands, “then give me some love, sugar.”
The heat radiating off Jimin’s face was palpable as he shifted into your arms, allowing you to wrap yourself around him almost entirely, resting your chin just above his head. You could feel how quickly Jimin’s heart was beating, feel the faint trembling of his body against yours. But the way he nuzzled his burning face into your neck and coiled his arms shyly around your waist told you he wanted this just as much as you did. Small flicks of his ears tickled your under jaw, drawing the corners of your lips upwards. 
You’d long forgotten the warmth of sharing your bed with another. The feeling of comfort that settled in you chest, the sense of belonging. It vanquished any loneliness that had lingered there in nights prior, Jimin taking the place of empty air. You loved it. You loved it so much. 
It was then that you noticed something small and yellow squeezed between your chests. The chick stuffy Taehyung had given him. You bit your lip almost harshly enough to draw blood to keep down a squeal. How much more adorable could he get? Wrestling off the sudden desire to squeeze his cheeks and kiss all over his adorable little face, you drew slow, soothing circles against his back, listening to his breathing grow slower and heavier, until you were certain he was completely asleep. 
“Good night, Jimin.” Pressing a tender kiss to the top of his head was the last thing you did that night before falling into the most blissful sleep you can recall ever having.
tag list: @queenofthecliff @sweetmurder12345 @thatmemechick @abehavedtinychild @twinklestqr @xanny91 @jintrohasarrived @purringpanda @rationalmagic @neocity97 @shelley-hennig14 @catsandstrawberries @brokebinnie @shortpeoplematter @bangtxnbxunch @jinnieseok @sosushy @cottoncandyparakeets @brazilianpal @camilaxpolanco @boononx @enthusiastt @daydreamindollie @kimsamueldeservesbetter @xxqueenwxtchxx @aimee-lucass @maryseesthings @unknownblinkarmy @mrsplisetsky @cliffordmonarchy @serious-addiction
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dacreskars · 5 years
It’s Complicated (Part 4)
A/N: sorry it took me so long to post I’d been trying since last night to post this and it wouldn’t let me.
Trevante Rhodes x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8 Part 9
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“Nice to meet all of you.” Trevante says making eye contact with you before him and Ava walked to their seats.
As they sat directly across from you down your glass of wine and immediately excuses yourself from the table going outside while Ty followed close behind. Once you made it outside you sat on a bench in silence gathering your thoughts.
“Wait was that the Trevante you were telling me about?” She said. You nodded your head not looking up from the ground.
“Hold on I’m about to kill this nigga.” Ty said a taking off her earrings and getting ready to go back in.
“No. Just forget about it.” You tell her grabbing her. “Let’s just go.” You say.
Ty goes inside to let everyone at your table know that you were leaving because you weren’t feeling well and she met you out front while you waited for a car. When you got home you showered, got dressed and went to bed. The next morning you got a text from Trevante soon as you saw his name you put your phone down and went to the kitchen. You started making yourself some tea when Ty walked in.
“Good morning.” You say to her as she grabs a cup out of the cabinet.
“Morning Y/N! How you feeling?” She asks.
“A little better.” You tell her as you sit at the table.
“C’mon let do something to take your mind off all this shit. Let’s go to the beach or shopping, something I just don’t want you stuck in your apartment all day. And I’m hungry so before we do anything let’s get food.” Ty says sitting next to you.
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You agree and soon the two of you are out at breakfast. After ordering your food you and Ty talked and waited for your food to arrive. In the middle of your conversation you get a call from Trevante again and you immediately declined it. A minute later you see he left a voicemail you then turn your phone off and focused your attention on Ty. Once you were done with breakfast you and Ty went to The Grove to shop.
Hours later you arrive home and put your shopping bags away. You go into your guest room and help Ty pack for her flight in the morning.
“Fuck I didn’t realize how much stuff I had.” Ty sighs trying to close her suitcase.
“It’s probably because you’re leaving with more than what you came with.” You laugh. Getting up you go into your room and get a bag to give Ty. “Here you should be able to fit everything else in this.” You say giving her the bag. You sit on the bed and continue to watch her pack.
“Y/N promise me you won’t forgive him.” Ty says looking at you.
“I won’t.” You tell her.
“You say that now but I know you Y/N you’re too forgiving. As soon as you talk to him again you’re gonna act like nothing happened.” She says.
“I promise you he is the last person I wanna see or speak to.” You say.
The next morning you wake up and get ready for work. Ty’s Uber showed up you help her with her bags to the car. You say your goodbyes and watch as she leaves. Once Ty is fine you get in your car and go to work. When you got to work you went straight to your office to avoid seeing or having to speak to Ava. As you sat staring at your computer you hear a knock on you door and see Jeremiah waving at you. You invite him in and he sits across from you.
“Feeling better?” He asks. You look at him confused. “Your friend said you weren’t feeling well at the party.” He says.
“Oh yeah I’m fine now.” You tell him. “So what’s up?” You ask.
“Nothing much really. Ava’s away for the next few days so I’m gonna make the best of it.” He joked. “Speaking of Ava that fiancé of hers is...oh my God.” Jeremiah continues.
“You never met him before the other night?” You ask.
“No. Which is weird because I’m usually everywhere she is.” He says. “I’ve never seen them together, I’ve never seen him at her house, hell there aren’t any pictures of him at her house or her office. But then again she is hella private so I kinda get it.” Jeremiah continues.
“Yeah you right.” You say getting up. “I’m going to the cafe downstairs you wanna go?” You ask Jeremiah. He agrees and the two of you leave.
Later as you got home you started to get comfortable until there’s a knock at your door. You get up and look out the peephole to see Trevante. You sigh and turn around to go sit back on the couch.
“Y/N can you open the door please?” Trevante begs.
You ignore him and sit back down.
“Come on Y/N just let me explain and if you don’t want to talk to me again I’ll leave you alone I promise.” He yells through the door.
You hesitantly walk back to the door and open it. Trevante comes in as his tall frame hovers over you. You take a couple steps back and look at him.
“Explain.” You say folding your arms.
“Listen Y/N when we met Ava and I weren’t together at the time. But a month or so after you and I met we got back together but I didn’t want things between me and you to end so I kept it going.” He tells you.
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“That’s a poor ass excuse but I didn’t expect anything else.” You say.
“I know. I’m sorry.” Trevante says walking towards you.
“What I don’t understand is the night we met I told you where I worked and you didn’t once bother to say ‘Hey my ex is your boss.’ You didn’t even bother to tell me so I could’ve avoided all this.” You yell. “And not only that you and her got back together while we were together. I would’ve preferred you telling me you didn’t want to be with me, hell you could’ve ghosted and that would have been better. But instead you led me on and made me feel stupid.” You continue to yell as you felt tears roll down your face. Trevante stood quietly as you continued to yell at him.
You tried but couldn’t stop crying as Trevante steps closer to you. He holds your face wiping your tears. He leans in to kiss you and you push him away. He kisses you again and this time you gave in and kisses him back. As much as you knew what you were doing was wrong you couldn’t help yourself. Coming to your senses you push Trevante away again and the two of you just stood staring at each other. After a minute you tell Trevante to leave and you go into your room.
Taglist: @kangchalla @yaachtynoboat711 @desireatatyana @alexundefined @lifelover4u @forbeautyandlife @janelledarling @chaneajoyyy @trevantesbrat @mebeingme1234 @missmohnique @leahnicole1219
If you wanna be tagged lmk.
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