#and posy whispered 'goats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
simgerale · 2 years
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on the day of the Tree Lighting Festival, the gang hurried to get there before dark so that they could get photos with santa 🎅🏽
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dragon-fics · 2 years
DOS: Sweetheart (Male Dragon-Shifter x Male Human/Reader)
Summary: Shunned by the village, you pity the "abomination". With his kind heart, you can't help but want to get to know him better.
Requested on wattpad
I had known him since I was a child. Or at least I knew of him. No one ever really was allowed to know him. Our parents were never pleased to see him close to us, never willing to see him as more than an “abomination” and “monster”.
I didn’t see that, though. He always had such a kind face. I couldn’t understand why they didn’t like him. Yes, he was different, but why was that an excuse?
Gadro was his name. He was some sort of cross between a dragon and a human. His human mother had brought him here when he was young. She’d grown up here and had hoped the village would welcome them both home. But… poor Gadro was barely tolerated by his mother’s relatives. They didn’t like his pointed feathers, cat-like icy-blue eyes, and not to mention the more obvious things that made him… unusual for this village; he had a long blue tail, cobalt scales on his cheeks that clustered like freckles and short addax-like horns.
He was quite handsome, though, at least to me. I hope he knew I wasn’t staring to judge or think he was “exotic” or something.
Gadro looked in my direction, probably noticing my lingering gaze, and I looked away hurriedly, heat rising to my cheeks. I risked a glanced, and he looked away slowly, getting back to his work. The scorching desert sun made his scales and bare, sweaty torso glisten. He carried a buckling goat under his strong, slick arm and had a bale of grass on his shoulder.
I watched as he trudged off to bring the young buck back to the herd at the edge of the village, my thoughts going to somewhere they shouldn’t.
I felt something tug on my sleeve. “You like him, don’tcha?”
I looked down at my little sister, Heba. She grinned.
I huffed and looked away. “Does it matter?”
She shrugged. “Not really. You should be able to like whoever you want.” She lifted her nose smugly. “You like him like Mama likes Papa.” She grinned again, taunting me.
“Oh, stop it!” My face heated again.
Heba chuckled delightfully. “I’ll keep quiet… for a price.”
I sighed and handed her some money for the market. “There.”
She looked at me smugly and skipped off to spend her money, her rag doll bouncing in her hold. I turned away and went about my errands for Mama. I was busy for over an hour. I went searching for Heba. Then I heard her voice.
“Leave me alone, Darius!”
I frowned. Heba had been complaining about him for weeks. Darius was picking on her at school, and now in public. He rushed towards her voice.
I heard Heba yelp and then yell, “Darius! Give her back!” Her voice wavered on the brink of tears.
I finally saw them. Darius was dangling Heba’s rag doll above her head, accompanied by two of his posy members, one yanking on her brown locks, the other cackling. Darius tossed the doll into the branches of a potted Mimosa tree. I scowled and opened my mouth to call him out. But I was cut off.
“Enough!” a stern voice growled. The boys stopped their behaviour and scrambled to hide behind each other. Gadro appeared from behind a shed across from the path. He came towards them and stood intimidatingly in front of them.
The trio of boys looked at him for a moment, considering whether to challenge him or give in. “Whatever.” Darius huffed, as if he hadn’t been quivering at the sound of his voice moments before. He stormed off, his less courageous pals following.
Gadro sighed and went to the tree. Heba and I watched him as he jumped up, grabbing her doll. He went to her and knelt by Heba to meet her at eye level, offering her doll.
I came closer.
“Here you are,” he whispered, very different from his intimidation act. He looked at me and I shyly smiled back.
“Get away from her!”
I looked at the owner of the voice; it was Mama.
Gadro got to his feet nervously, not wanting trouble. “I didn’t mean any harm.” He held up his hands in submission.
“Tsk! Stay away from her. All you bring is trouble!” She took Heba’s hand. “Come, Heba, (Y/N).” She looked at me sternly.
I blinked as she stormed off. I looked back at Gadro. “Thank you for helping her. I’m sorry.” Before he could respond, I left with the groceries to get back to my mother.
The night was chilly, and the sky was clear, as it is most of the time out in the desert. I watched a couple of fennecs run across the orange sand, the pale moon and stars watching over them. I stood by the doorway of our home, thinking about what had happened that day, how Gadro had helped Heba.
“(Y/N), was it?”
I whipped my head around in fright. Gadro stood close by, this time clothed and cleaned.
“Yeah… yeah, my name is (Y/N).” I nodded.
He smiled softly. “I have something.”
Heat rose to my cheeks, and I tilted my head. “Oh?”
Gadro nodded and reached for something behind him. He pulled out Heba’s doll and smiled. “I didn’t get to return it.”
I blinked and smiled softly. “She’ll appreciate that. Thank you.” I gently took it from him, feeling its soft knitted pattern.
He inclined his head and looked up at the rolling dunes and the twinkling stars.
I caught my breath, not even realising it had quickened. “A-and thank you for your help earlier. I’m sorry about Mama.”
Gadro looked at me for a moment, as if considering my words. He glanced down. “it’s okay. I’m used to it. I’m just glad your sister could get her doll back and those boys didn’t do worse.”
I nodded. “They’ve been bothering her for a while. No matter who she told, no one in the school would step up. So, it’s nice to know someone other than myself was willing.”
He hummed. “So, they’ll scold a kid for trying to be friendly with me, the weird kid, but they won’t deal with bullies?” He grit his teeth in frustration.
Earing him say that unearthed a hidden memory of the two of us knelt in a corner, showing Gadro my drawings. I blinked and watched him.
He sighed to relax himself and smiled softly. “I guess having been in her position all my life makes me hungry for justice.” He chuckled, then his face got serious. “No kid deserves that.”
I shook my head. “No one does.” I breathed.
Gadro looked at me, ears perked up. “She’s lucky to have a brother like you.”
I blinked and shyly looked away. “You’d make a good brother yourself.”
He hummed. “Maybe. Though I think I ruined any chance of that for my mother.”
“It wasn’t you that did,” I scowled, “it was everyone else and their stupid narrow-mindedness!”
Gadro stepped closer to me. “Are you fawning over me?” He said it too suspiciously to be teasing.
I shook my head. “I suppose it’s pretty late to finally find a friend here… Especially with the fact that we were in the same class.” I couldn’t remember anything about the two of us.
Gadro shrugged and nudged my arm with his elbow, the warm light of the house illuminating half of his face softly. “I remember what you used to do. It’s not entirely your fault that you were scared.”
I looked up at his face. “What I did?” I echoed.
He nodded. “The notes. The candy. You used to talk to me at break and show me your drawings.”
I blinked. I mustn’t have remembered that because of how the principal and my parents scolded me. “You… remembered that?”
Gadro nodded. “Very well. You… made school bearable while you could.”
I glanced down. I wanted to talk more with him but here wasn’t the best place. “Can you give me a moment? I want to talk more. Just let me give Heba this first.” I lifted the doll.
Gadro nodded. If he was affected by the sudden change, he didn’t show it. “I’ll be by the square?”
I nodded. “That sounds perfect, Gadro.” I gave him a smile and slipped into the house. I rushed to Heba’s room silently and gave her the doll. I passed through the kitchen swiftly, taking a couple of sweet feteers.
“(Y/N)?” I could hear the frown in Mama’s voice.
I turned my head slowly. “Yes?” I squeaked.
“What are you doing?” she folded her arms.
“J-just meeting a friend—Babu! I’m meeting Babu. I won’t be too long. An hour or two.” I put the pastries in my bag.
She didn’t respond for a moment, and I felt my brow grow wet. “Alright,” she said after a nerve-racking moment. “Don’t take anymore feteers! You know I made them for your Jaddati’s visit.”
I nodded. “I won’t Mama.” I smiled softly and slipped out of the house.
I skipped towards the square, unable to stop myself.
Gadro sat by the water fountain in the village square. I managed to walk the rest of the way to him, heart racing and face heated. He lifted his head and smiled at me, a lantern beside him to light up his face.
“All okay at home?”
I nodded. “Just strict parents.” I sat beside him and reached into my bag, water gurgling behind me.
Gadro glanced at it and tried not to look.
I chuckled. “It’s nothing to hide, just brought us a snack.”
He tilted his head, and I handed him a honey feteer. A smile formed on his face. “It looks delicious.”
“They’re pretty good. I could be biased, though; I grew up with the old recipe.”
Gadro hummed. “A family recipe?”
I nodded. “Yeah. I know it too. I think I do it better; I add ginger to the honey.” I grinned and winked.
He chuckled. “Well, I’ll have to try that sometime.” He leaned closer to me and my face heated. His tail moved against my leg.
I found myself leaning closer to him, his breath tickling my face. I glanced at his lips, my heart skipping, then I looked at his pale blue eyes. I felt his hand fall on mine, sandwiching it between the sandstone slab I sat on. His other one touched my face. I saw his gaze fall on my lips and, after what felt like an eternity, his lips landed on mine.
My eyes drifted closed, and I kissed him back, my hand moving to touch the back of his neck, cool scales against my skin.
He jerked away after a moment and glanced around nervously.
My eyes fluttered open, my lips cold with his swift removal of his. I looked at Gadro and frowned at his flightiness. He jumped to his feet, my hand removed suddenly from his neck and his from my skin. “Gadro?”
He looked at me. “I’m sorry I… shouldn’t have done that.” He looked away as my heart felt wounded.
Gadro’s jaw and shoulder tensed. “Good night, (Y/N)…” He slipped away, keeping his head low, back to his home.
I didn’t get to talk to Gadro after that night. I’d tried approaching him, but he avoided me. It confused me. I didn’t know what to think!
The next time I got close to him was while I was foraging for ginger in a mini jungle close to the village.
“Fancy meeting you here.”
I spun my head around and looked up at him from my crouched position beneath the humid palm trees. “Hi Gadro.” I looked away. “What brings you here?”
He stood beside me. “I, um, wanted to talk to you. And I figured somewhere private like this was good.”
I scowled and got to my feet. “You could have told me that! You could have written me a note! Or, or just whispered it to me! Do you have any idea what you’ve put me through?!”
Gadro blinked and looked at me, stunned. “I didn’t know how fiery you could be. I like it!” He smirked. I jabbed my fingers into his ribs, and he bent over with a discomforted groan. “Touché!”
I crossed my arms. “If you’re going to court me, you could at least be a gentleman about it.” I lifted my nose and huffed.
He smiled and drew in a breath. “I’m sorry for what happened at the fountain… I was worried you’d get in trouble again, or in worse. I can’t imagine fraternising with the town ‘abomination’would be better than being my friend.”
I looked at him, my stance softening. “You’re forgiven… I’m still upset, though!”
Gadro nodded. “I know, but I hope this will help make up for it.” He pulled out a small paper bag from inside his trousers and offered it to me.
The smell of ginger and honey caught my attention. I peeped into it, seeing small zalabya, glistening with a dried layer of ginger honey. I smiled softly and looked at him.
“It’s no feteer but I’m still learning.”
I shuffled closer and kissed a scaled cheek. “you’re such a softy. You need to get better at communicating, though!”
He chuckled and nodded. “I’ll try, (Y/N), for you.”
We met at that spot most evenings to be together, just having a calm oasis of sorts to ourselves. It was nice to have the peace, letting Gadro relax himself after his long day of heaving and hauling, using his draconic strength.
I smiled at his resting face on my thighs, running a hand through his dark hair. He smiled.
“Yes, Sweetheart?”
“My mother wants to meet you.”
His statement was jarring, and I paused my stroking, bringing my hand to my face. My jaw tensed and I was locked in my mind. How does she know? Would she tell anyone? Does he expect me to tell mine?
Gadro sat up slowly. “Darling?” he frowned and touched my arm.
“How—How does she know?”
He pinched his lips together. “I told her? I wanted her to know.”
I slowly nodded. “Would… she tell others?”
Gadro shook his head. “Not unless I tell her she can. She wouldn’t do that to us. Ma knows how… quickly people are to spread news.”
I snorted. “You mean people are nosey and full of gossip.”
He chuckled. “Yeah.”
The smile slipped from my face. “Do… you want me to tell mine?”
Gadro thought for a moment. “If and when you feel ready, I’ll be there to support you.” He smiled softly.
I nodded and rested my forehead on his shoulder. “Thank you, sweetheart. I’d love to meet your mother.”
He kissed my head. “I’ll let her know that the dinner is on.”
I held his hand, my slim fingers between his calloused large ones. “I love you, Sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
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talkfastromance4 · 3 years
fun day with uncles//Luke&Lily special feat Ashton and Calum
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a/n: I want to expand on the relationships the girls have with their uncles (and soon Oliver and Michael) so I hope you enjoy!
word count: 2.1 k
warnings: none, just fun and fluff with our girls and Cashton :)
Luke&Lily Masterlist
You and Luke were going to the doctor’s office for Oliver’s routine check-ups and Calum and Ashton offered to take the girls out for a day. Lily and Posy were talking nonstop about it during breakfast asking where they were going and what they were going to do.
“Will Duke be with us?” Lily asks while you’re styling her hair in her room. Luke has Posy in her room getting her dressed and Oliver is in his swing sucking on his fingers.
“I don’t know, honey. I guess we’ll see when they come pick you up,” you kiss her head watching her pull on her socks. 
That was the one request Ashton and Calum had for you and Luke; the girls had to wear shoes and socks. You had packed sunscreen, goldfish crackers, and some extra pull-ups for Posy in case she had an accident. She’s been doing really well going potty on the toilet but accidents happen. You packed an extra outfit and sweaters just in case and placed them in one of Luke’s backpacks. 
You figured Ashton and Calum wouldn’t want to carry around the baby bag that you have.
“I ready! Let’s go!” Posy announces skidding to a stop in Lily’s doorway. 
“Uncle Ash and Uncle Cal aren’t here yet, bug,” Luke laughs poking at her cheeks from behind. 
The girls busied themselves with their toys as you and Luke made sure you had everything you needed for Oliver. Then there was a knock on the door followed by Petunia barking and the girls screaming in excitement running down the hall. 
When it opens, Posy rushes to Ashton’s legs and Lily grabs hold of Calum’s hands pulling him inside the house.
“Hey, hey, let them get in the door,” Luke laughs entering the living room behind you. 
Oliver woke up from the loud noises and you scooped him up into your arms, rocking him slightly until he calmed down. 
“I want to be greeted like this everywhere I go,” Calum laughs, lifting Lily in his arms. “Are you ready for a day of fun, Lils?”
“Yes! Where are we going?” Lily asks. 
“Up, up, up Unca Ash!” Posy is trying to climb her way up Ashton’s legs. He picks her up easily as well and pokes her nose.
“Hi little one,” he grins then turns to Lily. “It’s a surprise, but there’s rides, animals, and yummy food.”
You and Luke exchange a look. Rides?
“What kind of rides?” Luke asks, his eyes moving to Lily who’s always been the most cautious with certain things. 
“A carousel and pony rides,” Calum eases. 
“Ponies?” Lily’s eyes widened. 
“Do not let them out of your sight,” Luke warns, lifting the backpack you packed and handing it to Ashton.
“We won’t. How long do you think you’ll be at the doctor’s?” Ashton asks. Calum moves forward towards you and gazes lovingly at Oliver. 
“No idea. They’ll probably check his oxygen levels, weigh him, take some blood...a few hours at least,” you respond. “I packed extra clothes and some snacks for them.”
“We’ll be back before dinnertime,” Ashton informs. “You girls ready to go?” 
“Bye mama! Bye Daddy!” Posy waves. 
“Have fun and listen to your uncles, okay?” you tell them. “And hold their hands.”
“We will mama. Bye Olly!” Calum sets her back on the ground and she touches Oliver’s arm softly. 
Ashton carries Posy along the grounds of where the circus is in town. There’s a train painted in bright colors with animals drawn all over it and clowns are walking around. Lily is holding onto Calum’s hand taking in all of the sights around her. 
“Where should we go first?” Ashton asks, looking at the booths of face painting, jewelry, t-shirts, concessions, and games with colorful stuffed animals. 
“Let’s just start on one end and work our way around,” Calum shrugs.
And so they did. First, they ordered a large lemonade that was shared amongst the four of them and looked at the animals. Lily and Posy wanted to feed them so Calum bought the food from a machine that usually holds pieces of gum. He took photos and videos of the girls laughing at the tickling sensation from the goats’ whiskers. 
“Goats are pretty cute,” Ashton muses, scratching one on the head. 
“No way are you going to get a goat,” Calum shakes his head. 
“I want a goat!” Posy claps her hands. 
“Ask your daddy that, little one,” Ashton giggles. 
They wash their hands and look at the rest of the animals for a bit longer until Posy whispers something in Ashton’s ear. 
“She needs to use the potty,” Ashton tells Calum with wide eyes. 
“Oh, okay. Uhh…” Calum looks around but all he sees are portable ones. “Looks like those are our best option.”
“Those are disgusting,” Ashton crinkles his nose. “There has to be an actual bathroom somewhere. Let’s ask someone.”
Calum and Lily follow him to a worker and shockingly enough, there is an actual bathroom building but it’s way in the back.
“Can you hold it until we’re at the bathrooms, little one?” Ashton asks, already walking towards the back at a brisk pace. Calum and Lily follow. 
They push through the crowds of people muttering their apologies. At long last, they’re in front of the building and thankfully see a door that’s labeled as ‘family’ restroom. 
“Here we go,” Ashton says and Calum stops him.
“Do you even know what to do?”
“I’m not dumb, it can’t be that hard. Have some faith, man,” Ashton shakes his head and moves into the restroom. 
Calum looks down at Lily who gives him a nervous smile. 
“Do you think Uncle Ash will drop her in the toilet?” Calum asks and she giggles.
“I hope not. Dada always sings when she’s on the potty to help.”
Calum looks to the restroom door and approaches it. He knocks lightly.
“It’s me!” Calum shouts. “Lily says Luke sings to her to help her go.”
“Sings what?” 
Calum looks down at Lily.
“Wheels on the bus.”
“Wheels on the bus!” Calum shouts.
“Got it! Thanks!”
Calum notices a bench against the wall and he pulls Lily onto his lap.
“You’re such a great big sister, you know that? You remind me of my big sister,” he says then realizes Mali hasn’t officially met the girls or Oliver. 
“My big sister, Mali.”
“Mama showed me Mali! She sings pretty.”
“Yeah, she does,” Calum grins, “she’d love to meet you someday. I’ll see if she can come visit me soon.”
“Can we ride the ponies next?” Lily asks and Ashton comes out with Posy with a triumphant smile. 
“Did it all go well, then?” Calum asks.
“She did such a good job,” Ashton praises and Posy is grinning like he is. “Your mama and daddy are going to be so proud of you, Posy.”
“Way to go Posy!” Calum and Lily clap their hands. “Lils wants to go on the pony rides next.”
“Then let’s go see some ponies!” 
Calum and Ashton were able to walk alongside the ponies to make sure the girls didn’t fall off. There was a strap that could be secured around their waists. Calum held onto Lily who kept petting at the pony’s mane and neck as he strutted around the circle.
Ashton was speaking in a southern accent trying to sound like a cowboy and Posy was laughing the whole ride. 
After the ponies, they had lunch which consisted of a slice of pizza and some fruit that was sold as a side. Games were next and Posy loved watching Ashton do the hammer one to test his strength. Her peels of laughter encouraged him to keep trying until he finally hit the bell at the top. 
He asked Posy which toy she wanted as a prize and chose a purple looking monster with orange teeth and green hair. Lily looked at it apprehensively so Calum towed her along to the water games. She had a good shot with the water guns being aimed at the spinning target as it ascended up the pole, but she didn’t beat the buzzer. 
“It’s okay Lils, let’s try this one over here.”
They walk over to the ping pong toss over small fish bowls while Ashton and Posy are throwing balls at glass bottles. Calum buys a bucketful of ping pongs and tries to help Lily with her throws. He loves how dainty she holds the white ball in her hand and she sticks her tongue out in concentration. One of her eyebrows quirks up and she looks so much like Y/N when she does it it throws Calum for a loop. 
“Try not to aim for one certain one,” Calum says. “Just throw it and I’m sure you’ll make one in.”
“Okay…” Lily tosses a ball.
She and Calum watch it in slow motion as it hits one bowl then falls into the one next to it. Lily lets out a scream and Calum whoops in excitement as the attendant shouts out “WINNER TO THE LITTLE GIRL IN PINK!”
“I won! Unca Cal I won!” she jumps up and down clutching Calum's fingers.
“Way to go, Lils!” He congratulates and Ashton and Posy come by.
“What’s going on?” Ashton asks just as the attendant comes forward with a bag of water and a small pink fish. 
“Lily won a fish,” Calum explains proudly and takes the bag. 
“No way! Lily, that’s awesome!”
“I thought she’d like this pink one,” the attendant smiles.
“She loves pink, thank you,” Calum grins and bends down to Lily’s height. “What do you think, Lils?”
“He’s pretty,” she smiles, poking the bag lightly where the small fish is poking in the corner. “Will mama let me keep him?”
“I don’t see why not, you don’t have to walk them.”
“I love him. His name is Bruno.”
“That’s the perfect name,” Calum grins.
“Po, look at my fish.”
Posy scrambles down from Ashton’s arms and presses her nose to the bag. 
“He’s tiny!” Posy crinkles her nose. 
The rest of the day Calum carried Bruno and Lily would check on him periodically. Posy started to get fussy and they ended the day at the pet store to get some supplies for Bruno. The clerk informed them that Bruno was a male betta fish and about 6 months old. 
Calum bought a small tank with gray stones and a lily pad for the fish to sleep on; Lily loved knowing that bit of information that betta fish like to nestle. He bought food and some colorful fake plants. 
Ashton stayed with Posy in the car because she fell asleep on the ride to the pet store. 
“He won’t...die right away will he?” Calum asks nervously as Lily inspects some more water accessories. 
“No, as long as you feed him and change the water periodically he should live for about four years.”
“That’s the average lifespan of betta’s. He’ll be a good starter fish for her if she wants to get another one. When the time comes.”
Calum feels saddened by that because he doesn’t want Lily to be sad when the fish will die. But she’s so enamored by him there’s no way he’ll tell her any of this. 
He’ll just tell Luke.
“Mama! Look what I got!” Lily runs through the door with Bruno in his bag. She stops in the kitchen where you’re making dinner, Oliver is held against you in the wrap around your body. “I won him! His name is Bruno and Uncle Cal got him a nice home and some food!”
“He did? Wow, he’s so pretty sweetie,” you smile looking at the pink fish. 
“What’s with all the noise, is there a circus in town?” Luke asks, coming up from the stairs. “Hey bug, are you still sleepy?” He takes Posy from Ashton’s arms, Posy rests her head in Luke’s neck. 
“Look dada! I got a fish!” Lily spins around and shows Luke Bruno.
“Oh wow, and he’s pink! Did you have fun at the circus?”
“Yeah, Po used the potty and won a monster. We had lemonade and pizza and cotton candy. Can Uncle Cal help me with Bruno’s tank?” Lily looks up at you and Luke.
“Absolutely. Thanks for buying everything Uncle Cal,” you smile at him and Lily runs to her room. Luke follows to put Posy down to finish her nap and Ashton crashes on the couch sighing heavily. “Busy day, huh?”
“I don’t know how you and Luke do it,” Calum shakes his head. “And now with three? You’re super human.”
“I’m just a mom.”
“You’re the best mom, lovie,” Luke reappears with a smile. “I take it you two are staying for dinner? Need us to bathe you and tuck you into bed as well?”
“The only one I’ll let bathe me is Y/N,” Ashton sighs, closing his eyes and you laugh loudly.
“Sorry mate, she’s all mine,” Luke gives you a kiss on the cheek and Calum goes to Lily’s room. “Can’t wait to spend the weekend with you, soon.”
Taglist: @calumance​  @in-superbloom​ @calpalirwin​ @karajaynetoday​ @wiiildflowerrr @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @hoodhoran​ @Fobodob @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @sunshineeashton​ @ashtonsunflower​​ @mymindwide​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @seanna313​ @fivesecondsofonedirection​
Luke&Lily: @prentisswrites​
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Happy Birthday, javistg!
Today, we wish a Happy belated Birthday to one of our fandom’s biggest supporters, @javistg! We hope you had a wonderful day on the 27th, and got exactly the presents you were hoping for! To bring the celebration back around, @ally147writes has written a story just for you!
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AN: Apologies again for the delay, @javistg! I hope you like this little bit of canon-compliant Everlark going on (or, rather, getting ready for...) their first date post-war. I don’t normally write canon-compliant stuff, or in Panem stuff, so this was a fun experiment for me! I apologise also for how short it is; this is very much a quick breath of air for me before I dive back into my exegesis...
Rated T - all errors are my own.
The first indication that this whole exercise is stupid happens when Peeta knocks on her door. Like they haven’t been living together for the past year. Like they don’t sleep together most nights with their legs entwined like a snare. Like the few kids in the district don’t call her Mrs. Mellark behind her back, and Peeta doesn’t do a damn thing to correct them.
 (She doesn’t exactly hate that, though…)
The second is that, even if the whole endeavour is stupid, her heart’s still fluttering like a damn hummingbird. Heaven help her, she’s excited. The sheer mass of things she’s been through, and the thrill of the mere idea of going on a stupid date with Peeta is still enough to set her scowling so deep it hurts her cheeks a little.
 It all just seems so… normal. She snorts at the word. Normal. Not a single speck of their lives has been normal.
 “But that’s the point!” Peeta exclaimed, when she told him just that after he asked. “We deserve normal, don’t we?”
 She couldn’t really argue with that. So she blocked off her day accordingly, skipping her usual trip to the woods and her shift with the crew rebuilding some of the still gutted buildings along the Seam’s edge, and let Peeta plan whatever it was he had brewing in his mind.
 The third comes after she smooths the soft satin of her jade-green skirt — tea-length, she remembers Cinna telling her — with her sweaty palms and opens the door. Peeta’s jaw drops as he takes her in, like he’s never seen her in a dress before.
 “Katniss,” he breathes. “I… wow.”
 “You look nice, too,” she whispers, but she’s not sure why. Something about the moment demands a sort of reverence she doesn’t understand. She looks him up, and down, noting little things like how he must have gotten a hair-cut between now and when he left their bed early that morning — a little short, but she still likes it — and the way his shoes are polished to a shine, free from the coal dust that likely won’t ever disappear from their district. His shirt is one of many just like it, remnants of the wardrobe Portia designed so long ago, but his pants are a dark grey pair he wore during their Victory Tour. She remembers them particularly for the way they clung to his —
 He coughs, and she jumps. His ears turn pink. She couldn’t even begin to guess why they’re acting like fourteen-year-olds with their first crush.
 Maybe because they’re eighteen-year-olds with their first crush, and it’s probably not much different.
 “Thanks. These… uh, these are for you.”
 He hands her a bundle of violets tied together with a string of purple ribbon. A rush of warmth surges through her as she takes them. “Thank you.”
 “You’re welcome.” He coughs again. She smiles at how perfectly Peeta and not-Peeta he’s being; she’s never seen him so awkward. “So… are you ready?”
 She shakes her head and sets the posy down on the table by the door. The house is so chilly — she barely lives there anymore — that she doubts they’ll wilt. “I still think this is silly.”
 He smiles at her, that smile she secretly knows could get her to do anything. “Have you ever been silly, Katniss?”
 No, she’s not sure she ever has been silly. Not for a long time, anyway. She’s not sure she knows how anymore.
 She clears her throat. “Where are we going?”
 He glances down at his side. She didn’t notice the picnic basket there earlier.
 “I made cheese buns,” he says. “Goats cheese and apple tarts. There are some rolls in there, too, and I managed to get some ham from the butcher. I thought maybe we could down to the meadow? Maybe watch the sunset?”
 She smiles. It’s so completely Peeta, so completely normal, that it almost makes her laugh.
 “I’d like that,” she tells him, and all the breath leaves him in a great whoosh, leaving only a wide, relieved smile behind.
 “Good,” he says, nodding. “Yeah, awesome.”
 She quirks a brow at him “Did you think I’d say no?”
 He lets out a breathy laugh. “Honestly, I’m never sure with you.”
 She frowns. “You know you can always ask me —”
 “— Not that sort of, not sure,” he interjects. “Not sure, like a guy with a girl he likes. Whatever else we are, Katniss, this is still our first date, and even after everything, you still scare the hell out of me. In a good way, I promise,” he adds at her ever-deepening scowl.
 “I didn’t know.”
 “I said, it’s not bad.” He picks up the basket and offers her his free hand, which she takes and squeezes gently. This is familiar, this she knows how to do.  “It’s kind of great, actually. The most normal I’ve felt in ages.”
 “You make me kind of nervous, too,” she whispers.
 He pauses for the barest second then keeps going. “Why?”
 She shrugs and lets him lead her out the Victor’s Village gates. “Same reasons, I guess. I suppose I just want everything to be… good for you, you know?”
 From the corner of her eye, she just catches his enormous, dopey grin. “Yeah, I know. I want it to be good for you, too. For both of us. We deserve it.”
 Those words are the ones that do it for her. The words he’s had to tell her over and over again on bad days, when it’s hard to know if it’s okay to live again, to have good days. To have a picnic in a meadow with a boy who loves her.
 That she loves, too.
 “Yeah,” she squeezes his hand again, and thinks that maybe this isn’t so stupid after all. “We do.”
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