#and pursuing passions through personal development and goal achievement. Manifesting dreams becomes easier with a success mindset
borngeniusworld · 9 months
Take Responsibility
1. “The price of greatness is responsibility.” – Winston Churchill 2. “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.” – Jim Rohn 3. “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” – Eleanor…
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idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): ‘ari’ used mainly by group-mates and friends. ‘bunny-reum’ given by fans because of her full cheeks and often toothy smile that resembles a rabbit. INSPIRATION: she was born with an inherent knowledge for music, but the true love and respect for it came from her older brother who would often sing to her when she was young. she looks up to him a lot and decided to make the jump from piano to singing because of him. SPECIAL TALENTS:
sense of perfect pitch; can identify or recreate any given note w/o a reference tone
excellent at reading lips; comes in handy when playing the ‘telephone’ game
younger sister to an older generation idol
can play the piano at an expert level; often posts videos playing on her insta
enrolled at seoul institute of the arts, majoring in composition
known for being a lookalike to a prior generation idol beauty
achieved perfect pitch at age 4
her current priorities are nightmare and finishing school. she believes in their sound and concept, especially with the addition of subunits. she’s committed to helping them succeed, and lord knows she isn’t the best at variety, so she turns to modeling to gain them attention. at the moment, she prefers group schedules because it’s easier for her to play off the other girls.
areum is a smart girl; she knows nightmare isn’t exactly set up for long-term success due to their niche music style. so she sets herself up for a career. school, modeling, etc. it’s all to set her up for her future. she has a natural talent for music and she doesn’t plan on wasting it. her goals are to write and produce music, though she has yet to decide if that will be for herself or others
talking never came easy to areum, so it was no surprise to her management that she wasn’t the variety darling that other girls seemed to be. she wasn’t particularly funny, she didn’t posses endless amounts of aegyo. but she had a pretty face, and that was enough for koala t. music to work with.
she watched, observed, absorbed every little thing going on around her. but she rarely spoke. to some, it was seen as a problem. they wanted people who could charm the audience. and what was she, stuck up? did she think she was better than everyone else? why wouldn’t she talk? these were concerns they had during her trainee days; she was talented and a hard worker, but how were they going to market her?
it wasn’t until a fan on some forum pointed out that she looked exactly like a former idol beauty that they figured out what to do with her. silent beauty, that’s what they called her. but she wasn’t cold, no. rather, she seemed to cling to her members for support, smile proudly when one of them succeeded and laugh at the right moments. she had a warmth to her that shone through in her smile rather than her words. and when she did speak, it was smart and articulate. she thought through what she was going to say before she said it, making her answers to questions meaningful and insightful.
she wasn’t invited to much solo variety. she wasn’t quite talkative enough for that, or as naturally charming as some of the others. most of her solo endeavors involved modeling or playing the piano and singing. but she thrived when she was put in front of the camera with the other girls. they brought out the best in areum, the side koala t. liked to see. the side that made them money.
the kyos weren’t particularly remarkable people. they had money, sure, and for them that was all that mattered. despite this, they had high expectations and standards for their children. kids were something you paraded around and bragged about. they had to impress so that you could impress your peers.
when areum was born, they weren’t sure she would live up to expectations.
she was a cute baby, sure. full cheeks, wide eyes, perfect button nose. but she was quiet.
she didn’t babble on like the children their friends had. she cried when she needed something, but that was it for the first six months. understandably, the kyos were concerned. there had to be something wrong with her. after multiple appointments with different specialists, everyone told them the same thing: nothing was wrong, she just chose to be silent.
it was at a party thrown by their family that she made her first noise. a pianist had been hired to play that night and at the first notes played, she cooed and did the best clap a baby could muster. her family was shocked and spent the rest of the night near the piano with areum. the noises continued and she displayed more enthusiasm than they had ever seen from their daughter. but when the party ended and the music stopped, she fell silent once more.
ever since, areum has been surrounded by music. she seemed to be most expressive when listening to music, whether it be a recording or (a personal favorite) her older brother singing to her. her love for music begin to manifest, starting first on the piano. it was obvious that she had a natural talent for it, and at a young age her parents hired a teacher for her. even though she still didn’t talk much, if it all, she was able to pour her emotions and dedication into the piano. she outgrew her teachers quickly; her family had to hire experts, and at age four, they were told areum had a sense of absolute pitch, a rarity in someone so young.
from that moment on, music was all that mattered. piano lessons and recitals took precedent over school. at every party they threw, she would have to perform for their guests. areum didn’t mind. sure, it would have been nice to have parents that actually cared about her rather than what she could do, but she had seokyung to fill that void. and music; music would always be there for her.
in other ways, she developed slowly. speech therapists were hired due to her lack of talking. young areum just didn’t see why it was so important to talk when she could express herself in other ways. but she had to be normal; not speaking was seen as something wrong with her, and there could be nothing wrong with their little girl.
from an outsiders perspective, things were perfect for the kyos. it was only their children that knew otherwise.
areum had never been dumb, or stupid. and she wasn’t blind to what went on in their family. with her father constantly working, he trusted his brother to help out with the children. a parental figure that he couldn’t be. areum knew he was never the positive male influence everyone thought he should be. he was overly critical, often harsh and unfair. he hurled insults at her for not being able to articulate just what she wanted or needed. he made fun of her stutter and once tore up all the sheet . but that was the extent of her ‘punishment’. he never took it further, but when she was six, she figured out why: her brother. he had saved her and took the punishment on himself. she remembers sneaking into his room that night to wrap herself around him. a silent thank you that she hoped spoke volumes louder than words ever could.
it was then that she learned the only family she could rely on was him.
so she clung to her brother. when he would sing, she would sing along. she wasn’t as naturally talented as him, but she learned and worked hard. her family hired a tutor for her when she insisted she wouldn’t continue piano lessons without voice lessons too. she was eight when he left home to pursue his passion and she envied him for escaping. her world had to shift focus now that she didn’t have her brother around to rely on. she only had herself.
areum learned to avoid her uncle. if she made herself as small and sparse as possible, he left her alone. nothing was perfect, and she made mistakes. she experienced more than once first hand exactly the kind of punishment her brother had taken for her all those years. but she was tough, always had been. she buried any emotions in her school work and musical lessons. she found it difficult to make friends; she wasn’t as easy-going and carefree as the other kids and found most of them unbearable to talk to. and most of them knew her as the girl who didn’t talk correctly. the teasing only pushed her to try harder.
her brother was already famous by the time she decided to become an idol. if anything, it was an escape from her family. she knew what they wanted for her: become a world class pianist and composer. but the fact that they wanted that so badly made her push against it. she had cultivated a love for music and to areum, it didn’t matter how it manifested itself. all that mattered was getting out of their clutches.
so she made promises to them. if they would let her audition, if they would let her follow in her brother’s footsteps, she would continue to practice on the piano. areum convinced them she wasn’t giving up on her dream, just changing course. she would continue to make them proud. and despite all her problems with her parents, she did want to make them proud.
while she had hoped her brother’s company would take her on, she didn’t fit. her personality didn’t match with what they had planned, so she tried elsewhere. two more failed auditions before koala t. decided to take her on at age fifteen.
she practiced harder than she ever had before. all her life, things had come easy to her when it came to music. but dancing, that was different. that was something that just didn’t… click. at first, at least. it wasn’t until one of the other trainees decided to help that she really understood how to feel the music, how to let it take control in a way she never had before. it was freeing.
things improved from that point on. slowly, she began to warm up to others. they all shared the same love and the same dream; it was easier to relate to these people who loved music as much as she did. on her own like this, away from her family, she was able to find herself more and more. the areum she discovered learned how to connect with people, learned that it was okay to let people in every once in a while. they taught her how to be a teenager, that maybe the world could be more than just lessons and practices. they taught her to speak with confidence, and to speak in other languages. and by the time she was chosen as part of the lineup for nightmare, she had made leaps and bounds towards becoming the person she wanted to be.
of course, parts of the old areum still remained. she maintained contact with her brother and mother, cutting off her father years ago. he wanted her to attend yonsei and forget about these idol aspirations. he told her she was wasting her potential, but for once she ignored him. she enrolled in the seoul institute of the arts instead, not wanting to let her passion for writing and composing waste away.
university and nightmare schedules were no easy feat to balance, but if anyone could do it, it was areum. her priority stuck with her group now; she was an new person thanks to them, a better person. so she worked hard on the her performances, and even her image. it was new and terrifying to rely on the help of others, but it was for the good of the group.
people constantly asked her why she chose this life over a future as a concert pianist. in areum’s mind, it’s simple. a pianist was a solo job, and she was tired of being alone.
she wasn’t alone anymore.
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Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development. Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
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Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development. Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
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Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development. Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
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Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development. Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
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s7groupinc-blog · 5 years
Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development. Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
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Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development. Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
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brianmedavoy-blog · 7 years
GIVE Theory: Success is Measured by What You Do for Others
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“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” — Winston Churchill”
I love this quote because it so adeptly pinpoints why I am so passionate about giving.
Wealth, notoriety, status, and power are only external, socially constructed measures of success. To me, success is better measured by the health of your relationships and is heightened by what you do for others.
When building success in this way, I believe you are on the path to truly make a difference. After all, you don’t control the outcomes of your life; your principles do.
Today, I want to share with you the 4 principles of my personal GIVE theory.
“That’s what I consider true generosity: You give your all and yet you always feel as if it costs you nothing.” — Simone de Beauvoir
I get 5 to 10 emails a week from actors asking me to represent them. Believe it or not, I write them all back. I do it because I believe in the power of human connection. I do it because I empathize with the uphill that actors typically face. I do it because no one else bothers to do it.
And over time, I’ve realized that I also do it for a more selfish reason …
It feels good to give generously.
And it’s not just me — that’s backed by science.
A study at Stony Brook University found that generosity triggers a response in your brain’s mesolimbic pathway, which recognizes rewarding stimuli. Generosity releases dopamine, endorphins that give people a sense of euphoria; and oxytocin, which is associated with tranquility and inner peace.
Let me simplify: it’s the same response you get from sex or having a pizza delivered … or — ideally — both (it’s one a hell of a rush!)
If you want to be more successful as an actor, I suggest you think about what you can give. It could be as simple as paying compliments to fellow actors. Maybe you want to help teach others or run lines with them (UGH!).
If something moves you, do something about it. Don’t be a bystander when it comes to generosity.
I’m certainly not content to sit around and merely appreciate a passing moment of brilliance or a fantastic performance; I need to share that moment with others and let that talent know how I feel. It’s not even a conscious process. I just know I need to find out how I might involve myself in that person continued success — I need to find ways to embolden them to deepen their mastery of craft.
Through an act of generosity, I’m tying my horse to him or her for at least some period of time. I’m invested, which means we sink or swim together. So it only makes me want to try even harder. Do even more. You don’t burn out as a giver when you start to see the impact you are creating.
No matter what you decide to do, generosity is never wasted. It will eventually pay off.
Trust me.
“Live like every week it’s Shark Week!” – Tracy Jordan (30 Rock)
People want to work with others who are truly inspired by what they are doing.
Just think about a time when you were filled with passion, drive, and creativity — it’s impossible for others to not take notice. In fact, inspiration is strangely contagious.
But inspiration is often thought of as a notion that strikes in moments. Conversely, I believe it can be part of one’s approach to life in the long term. And it is largely connected to the meaning we derive from life.
Look, I could not work for more than five minutes in a job that I wasn’t passionately compelled to do. If I wasn’t inspired at a broader level, I simply couldn’t do it.
Don’t get me wrong — this is different from only doing things that you enjoy. It means that the only way to succeed is to follow a path where you understand why you are on that road. I know who I am, and I believe in my work. This allows me to make authentic connections with others.
I decided to do what I do because I have the ability to help others in their career. God has given us all a gift, and if we use this gift to help others we get paid back spiritually and sometimes even financially. I have been known to build stars from obscurity. Why do I do it?
I’m not inspired by making phone calls all day or reading a stack of scripts over the weekend. I’m inspired by my ability to help actors achieve their goals. It’s the most enjoyable part of my job.
… It’s when people start to make a lot of money that they can become a real pain in the ass.
Here is the real take away for actors; do you understand why you are an actor? What inspires you to pursue such a difficult trajectory? To get rich? To sleep in late?
Or do you feel that by expressing your creativity, you can help others understand the world and themselves? Do you want to move them to take action?
Don’t answer that question without thinking it through. Because it is critically important to understand what matters to you and why.
One thing that had always stayed me was a letter my father wrote me many years ago:
“Because of the community we live in, where people and things can be larger than life and reality takes place in that rarefied air at the top, it’s easy to get the wrong idea about what a person should be… If I teach you nothing else, you are a success in my eyes and in your grandparent’s eyes if you aspire to be an honorable man, a good person, good for your word, good to others, helpful to those less fortunate than yourself, carving your way through life that is open and above board, honest and respectful, gentlemanly and courteous, taking responsibility for your actions- not trying to blame the next employee or your background and upbringing or anyone other than yourself when you step out of line.”
What is the one word that links all of these different actions together?
Valuing others, valuing yourself. Believing in your own worth. Just as important as being generous and inspired in my opinion, value allows you to understand that the things you do actually matter.
One of the most important lessons to learn in Hollywood is that value can be defined in a number of ways — from money and fame to influencing and helping those around you. I have made millions and I have lost millions; why do I have the ability to keep doing it? I am really good at what I do. I understand where my greatest potential lies.
In a way, it’s probably why I appreciate football coaches. At the end of the day, the winning coaches are not simply the best strategists; they are motivators and empathizers for the team.
That’s where I believe my value lies as well. My favorite clients are those who are pure, raw, unfiltered talent who go on to great success through motivation. These are the people who allow me to capitalize on my own value and help me to unlock their own.
What is your value as an actor?
“It’s easier to exemplify values than teach them.” — Theodore Hesburgh
If you truly believe in what you do, think, and value — prove it by example.
My clients, friends and colleagues inspire me on a daily basis. By inviting them to lead and vice versa I have made a career. Example is everything; that’s how I got into managing. Leading by example doesn’t necessarily mean doing anything particularly grand. For instance, I might send out letters to people if they do something that particularly moves me. It’s a concrete action that shows I care.
Sometimes leading by example means you need to take risks. In many cases, this is when it is more important than ever to be what’s in the pudding. If you’re feeling uncomfortable, you’re doing it right. There comes a time when the biggest risk is not taking one, and it will be your job to get out there and go for it. No one is perfect the first time out, but they learn from their experiences.
All of my assistants have gone on to develop wonderful careers of their own, and I believe part of that is due to how I have exemplified my ethos on a day-to-day basis. I have worked to instill these values in my clients as well.
Exemplification is not an action in one specific moment — it is a journey, a consistency. It is the manifestation of your character in the world. Even amidst failures.
In fact, failures are nothing more than exploring and developing your strengths — and one day, reaching your potential. No matter how long you live, you will always have the opportunity to grow.
And with that in mind, it becomes much easier to help others; no singular end goal should take control of you. Your success is measured by what you are doing now. Live in the present and start this very second. The world is your oyster.
The GIVE Theory is the greatest piece of advice I can give to anyone who desires to find success, be they a performer or something else. And I would start with asking yourself, “what does success mean to me?”
In my next post, I will be discussing 11 steps you can use to build success and manifest your desired destiny.
“Don’t Just Take, Give”
Don’t just learn, experience. Don’t just read, absorb. Don’t just change, transform. Don’t just relate, advocate. Don’t just promise, prove. Don’t just criticize, encourage. Don’t just think, ponder. Don’t just take, give. Don’t just see, feel. Don’t just dream, do. Don’t just hear, listen. Don’t just talk, act. Don’t just tell, show. Don’t just exist, live.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
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Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development.      Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
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Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development.      Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
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Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development.      Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
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Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development.      Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
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s7groupinc-blog · 5 years
Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development.      Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
0 notes
Adam Radly Bob Bates: The 7 'Senses' of Self-Development
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https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331147?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development. The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships. Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement. They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally. Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes. You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen. Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.
1. Sense of self.
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue. True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams. Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you. The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them. To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready. Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward. As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives. Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem
2. Sense of curiosity.
To live successfully, be endlessly curious about all the possibilities your future holds. It is important to have an unquenchable thirst for your advancement and for adventure. Curiosity inspires you to push through the unusually painful trials and errors in your lif5e and business, leading. This type of resiliency is an acquired self-discipline which teaches you to cast your fears aside bringing you to the fullest experience of the adventures success can bring. Curiosity creates a longing to know more and do more. It inspires that energy which makes it possible to see all situations as opportunities for your advancement. When you approach life and business with a sense of adventure, there is no situation, however limiting, physically or economically, which cannot be filled to the brim with the interest and curiosity of how it will all work out. Without a sense of curiosity it is impossible to grow.
3. Sense of direction.
The more you develop yourself the more pristine you become in achieving what you want. This clarity makes decision-making easier because having a direction improves your ability to prioritize. You know which objectives are important in the short term and which are necessary for your long term.  With a sense of direction you become focused and effective. There is nothing more organizing to an effort than being focused. Direction provides commitment. It is difficult to commit to something that has no foreseeable future or path. If you are filled with doubt and a lack of clarity there is no way to launch your ideas.  Self-development gives you direction, and thereby, the commitment to achieve your ends. Related: 4 Ways to Spot More Business Opportunities
4. Sense of follow through.
Knowing what you want to achieve makes it easier for you to see the benefits of taking action. Even when the tasks at hand are not enjoyable, seeing the benefit of following through on them, will make it easier to motivate yourself into taking the necessary actions to achieve your set goals. There is much truth in the saying, when there is a will there is a way. When you are committed to personal development, you always find a way to develop the necessary will. Your idea of success and the vision of what that will look like is where you grab your incentive to always follow through.
5. Sense of urgency.
A sense of urgency drives inspiration. Urgency creates the mindset to work as if your life depends upon it, especially if you have fewer resources than others. When you are the underdog you will dig deep inside yourself for the advances you need in order to thrive. Urgency causes you activate quickly when making decisions. You get out of your routine and do something different.  It motivates you to get results quickly and efficiently, but it does not eliminate assessment. If want to produce getting results faster you must assess what is and what is not working, then eliminate the efforts which have been identified as wasteful. Keep in mind it is easier to steer a moving object, so if you realize you have made a poor decision, a sense of urgency allows you to adjust. If you wait too long you miss opportunities and chances. Related: Don't Lose That All-Important Sense of Urgency. Do It -- Now!
6. Sense of resiliency.
There will be tough times in life and business. When tough times occur, you need the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them. Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from occurring but it helps you deal with obstacles as they surface. Resiliency teaches you never to view any challenge as the end of the world. Resilience allows you the patience, awareness and fortitude to continue moving forward, even if that means completely changing course. Self-development deepens your maturity to trust that everything happens for reasons which can only be in line with your best interest.  With this type of mindset, there is no obstacle that will hold you back. You will have greater confidence, pliability, and the personal and interpersonal skills to cope with any obstacle you face in climb up the ladder of success.
7. Sense of connectedness.
Relationships can be double-edged swords. They either lift you up or drag you down. They either bring you closer to your goals or push you further away. When you improve your personal development, you are better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and which you need to cut loose. This type of self-awareness gives you the skills to make the best of the relationships which have a positive impact on your life, your business and your overall success. If you aren’t learning then you aren’t living. Make the commitment to invest in your greatest resource – You. Many people are put off by personal development because it viewed as a weakness or something which shows you do not already possess the skills necessary for success. If you assume you already it all, you will not be happy or successful. The greatest achievers in life and business know the key to success is their ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations. That ability comes through personal development.      Radly Bates affiliates: S7 Group Radly Bates Index Radly Bates Consulting Radly Bates Capital Radly Bates Associates Radly Bates Digital Radly Bates Valuations Follow us on social: https://issuu.com/radlybatesconsulting https://issuu.com/radlybatescapital https://issuu.com/radlybatesdigital https://issuu.com/radlybatesassociates. https://issuu.com/radlybatesvaluations https://issuu.com/s7loans Read the full article
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