#and quinnshot is popular as a 'brotp'
jennathearcher · 5 years
Salty Ask List: 2, 6, 12 & 20 (for whichever fandoms you'd like)
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
HOO BOY. Is FinnRey still popular? That’s really the biggest one, and then some pretty big Marvel ships like Stucky and Stony :P 
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Ooh that’s a good one!! I can’t really think of any that I used to HATE per se, more so ships that I was just ambivalent towards until the fan content made me really fall in love with them, and some really good examples of that are Theonsa and Quinnshot
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Oh gosh. Does it count if I haven’t actually watched the season in which this arc happens, but I know that it happens? Basically the Steve-Nancy breakup in Stranger Things which leads into Jancy becoming canon. I know it was controversial when that season first came out but when I heard about it I was SO HAPPY
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
In any fandom??? Is it bad that Reylo was the first ship that came to mind XD Theonsa is also up there for me!!
Thank you so much for asking, Laura!!
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jennathearcher · 7 years
suicide squad! (if you're still doing the shipping meme)
Of course! Bless your heart :3
Send me a character and I will tell you: 
My OTP: It’s a dead tie between Quinnshot and Moonflag for me, I can’t bring myself to choose between them!
My NOTP: Joker/Harley. ‘Nuff said.
My BroTP: I have SO MANY BROTPS WITH THE SQUAD. The big ones for me are Rick & Tatsu, Chato & Waylon, and Digger & Harley, but pretty much any amalgamation of the Squad members and I probably ship and/or broship it at this point
Overrated pairing: Again, J/H. 
Underrated pairing: SO MANY. I almost wanna go with Flagshot for this because it doesn’t get as much love, though it’s probably the third most popular ship in the fandom, maybe even the second most if you place it above Moonflag. And of course, Kaboom, my unlikely OTP. :3 Also Waylon/June, it’s canon in the comics and they’re ADORABLE, but as far as the movie goes it’s vastly overshadowed by Moonflag. ALSO TATSU/HARLEY.
The ‘I used to ship it, but not anymore’ ship: Believe it or not, J/H actually! Back when I was a kid who didn’t know any better, but I’ve since seen the light!
The ‘I used to dislike it but it grew on me’ ship: I didn’t really get the appeal of Chato/Digger at first (I’ve seen a couple different ship names for them on here, most notably Flaming Boomerangs and El Boomablo), but after seeing the movie I can kind of see it :P Same with a couple of Chato/Tatsu gifsets that are circulating now that made me go “that’s crazy…so crazy IT JUST MIGHT WORK!!!” Chato/Digger/Tatsu as an OT3 though
Also, I wanna give a special mention here to Chato/Grace. When I first saw the movie, I was so disappointed that they changed Chato’s backstory from the comics and made it his own wife and kids that he accidentally killed, instead of the family of a random guy from a rival gang. But the way it was executed in the movie made it impossible for me to just go “WE’RE GONNA PRETEND THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN,” and over time I totally got invested in them as a ship, so THANKS FOR THAT, MOVIE.
The ‘guilty pleasure’/crackship: I HAVE A MILLION OF THESE. Digger/Slipknot is a big one, based around a joke I made before seeing the movie that Slipknot was Digger’s ex because of Digger’s rope tattoo and I just ran with it. Also Floyd/Chato and Chato/Harley are my “I can see it but I don’t UBER ship it” ships that have a special place in my heart. And possibly my favorite one…Waylon/Amanda. Do with that as you wish. :P Oh, and Joker/Griggs. That’s a thing that exists.
Overall thoughts: Oh my gosh I love this movie and these characters SO MUCH. Every single dynamic is so rich with potential and everyone has so much chemistry, it’s hard for me to NOT ship everyone with everyone else in this movie; romantically or platonically. While I definitely have my big favorite ships, this is definitely one of those fandoms where I’m just like SHIP ALL THE THINGS. Mostly, anyway :P
Thanks so much for the ask, Lina!!
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