#and re-re-re-rewatched itr
sportsthoughts · 2 months
It’s Sunday, so….BEER LEAGUE UPDATE!! Tonight eas another tie game, 2-2. So we’re 1-0-3. We really like ties, apparently.
The organization that this is through (HockeyFinder) has leagues in almost every state, but I’m from Minnesota which has by far the most. State of hockey, and all. It’s incredibly unusual that no one in my family played growing up. My older brother plays baseball (91 was randomly assigned to me at school, but I kept using it once I could choose because his baseball number is 19) but it’s a club team at his college just like mine. I like to give him a hard time cause he called me unathletic a lot growing up (the only sport I did past middle school is karate, and that’s not a team) and now we play sports at the same level, LMAO.
As is becoming typical, I skated half the game! It was tough the first time I did it but it gets more manageable every time. I’m used to having karate training 2-3 times a week and skating on my day off of work so I was already in decent shape. The first few practices at school nearly killed me though. I was not used to skating, much less with all that gear.
My highlight of tonight’s game was having a takeaway and then carrying that puck up the ice into the offensive zone! I’m getting better with having the puck…I don’t just hit it to the other team because I’m not looking up anymore. Lowlight was wiping out while getting ready for a face-off. I just fell with no contact whatsoever. Everyone got a good laugh out of that, including me. At school, big falls during practice get stick-taps, because falling generally means you’re pushing yourself. Who needs to be vertical to play hockey, right??
To answer your question from the last update, the Wild are my favorite team because I’m from MN, and Fleury is my favorite on that team. I yell his name in a terrible French accent any time he does anything because it amuses me and annoys my brother. But Sid is my favorite player overall, and the Pens are my second team. I have a lucky Crosby jersey that I wore for every game of their playoff push except for the Boston game (on accident). I’m pretty sure I was controlling fate via jersey. I never washed the jersey in all that time because that felt like the most Sid-like move. My goalie buddy’s favorite player of all time is Flower, so we find it funny that we completely coincidentally picked favorites that match our positions (forward and goalie) and also happen to be friends.
I am SO invested in these updates lol Congrats on your draw and the takeaway!
I am so impressed by the physical fitness it takes to skate for that long. Wow. I also love that you are unafraid to fall over and it's taken in good humour! It sounds like a really nice and supportive group.
I am so enchanted at the idea of hockey finder and have just spent about fifteen minutes clicking around the website deciding which game I'm going to join in my imagination. In my heart I will be at the women's pick up game at a place called Bloomington mostly because I like the sound of it and it says for beginners. That probably sounds so dumb but in the same way I think people dream of like... I don't know, coming to London and wandering around the landmarks I dream of Hockey In Small Town America. I have yet to convince my husband to come on a hockey holiday with me but I'll wear him down eventually.
You are inspiring me to look into whether there's any hockey I can watch near me though... I feel like there must be some in London...
Re: Flower I wholeheartedly understand your love. I missed the flower era in real time and have been reliving it through my ITR rewatch and oh my goodness. He's so delightful and I'm almost glad I missed seeing him be a penguin because I'm not sure I would have survived his trade. I am very glad he is well loved and appreciated by the Wild fans though!
Finally, I'm cracking up at your lucky sid jersey! You need to bring it back for this year please! The only thing I found that could accurately predict a win last season was me watching the game from the bathtub. I know that sounds bizarre, but every time I watched a game from the bath, we won, and won very well. Unfortunately, that only works with afternoon (evening for me) weekend games because taking a bath from midnight-2am on a weeknight isn't really it. Although as I write this I realise it's probably just that our old men played better earlier in the day because it wasn't too close to bedtime...
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chrisrin · 2 years
curses amv almost at 1 mil views?? omg that’s SO crazy... omg u should go watch it again rn,,,, if u wanna,,, aahaheh that’d be so sexy of u...  😳 😳
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