#and realised rhat kylo could really do with not caring
kylosbreedingkink · 2 years
This one is for @diningwiththeasquiths
It uh. Is nothing like what I first thought in my head. And is longer than I planned by a lot as this was to be a drabble lol. It's also quite strange.
Still accepting prompts if anyone's interested. Stuff that can be just a scene or smth a bit stranger like this.
He can see why the artefact was so hard to find. A device said to gift the user the most valuable thing in the galaxy, but at the price most were unwilling to pay.
But Kylo didn't care. He had paid and paid and paid, all his life. What was this new malvoyance going to take from him that others hadn't already?
It had taken him weeks to track it down when he finally put his full focus on it. Seeking out in the Force, hours upon hours of meditation. Reaching further than he thinks even his Uncle realised was possible. Then there was the journey, to this small backwater moon, with life so primitive that they could scarcely understand that space travel was a thing.
When he searches in their minds for hints of what he's after, there's nothing. His own shout of annoyance drowned out by the screams and sobs of those he had just searched. He knows it's here. He can feel it pulse in his body, like a quick beating heart. He can even feel it respond to his own power, it's beady eye focused on him.
"The rooks have what you seek! Just please, leave us alone!" The shrill voice of an elderly woman, terrified, picks up. 
So to the rooks he went.  Followed as they circled in the sky, completing murmurations above him. A sight he couldn't help but get carried away in, each of the rooks flying perfectly with one another, dipping and diving, in sync with the Force as it flowed around them and through them.
And when they went to roost, he disturbed them. Wandering around the trees of the rookery. Ignoring the calls of indignity as their sleep was disturbed.
Until he saw it. It looked like nothing more than a shiny black piece of transperisteel, like something the ones above him just liked the look off so kept it around for decoration. It seemed both innocuous and nocuous in one, even the supposed darkness of the artefact not being that dark afterall. Not now he was close enough to truly feel it.
He reaches out to touch, just to be granted with a close up reflection of one of the rooks in its shiny surface and the gentle tink noise of its beak as it connected with the object.
And just like that, he understood. He understood the rooks. He understood the object. He understood what they were all doing here. And he understood his purpose too, as he stepped away from the object that has been guilty of no crime on shortened legs, and spread his new wings in the twilight. Realising that he should feel anger and fear, two emotions familiar to him, but not seeing the point anymore.
Really, he just felt he didn't care about anything. Ben. Kylo. The Dark. The Light. Snoke. Luke. Rey. Tai. Hux. None of it mattered. It was all inconsequential to him.
Trivial matterings of a man now gone.
For once, he finally felt free. 
And what a dangerous feeling that was.
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