#and red is closer to Hollyberry’s pink
quibbs126 · 1 year
You know, if Golden Cheese is revealed to have a kid that also has red eyes, I’m gonna start calling conspiracy
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fawnheartedly · 2 years
Some Cookies as DnD classes and races
Because some cookies are walking DnD character tropes, they very much have dungeons and dragons and I'm both cookie run and critical role brainrotting so enjoy :D
Starting with the ancients cause they're basically an ex DnD party
Pure Vanilla Cookie : a cleric for sure. Probably life or light domain. He would be an Aasimar because cookie jesus.
Hollyberry Cookie : Barbarian. Let this woman rage. Path of the zealot or berserker. As for race, goliath or orc. That would have fun consequences for Princess and Tiger Lily
Dark Cacao Cookie : Paladin. He broke his previous oath and is now following an oath of vengeance. He's a dragonborn.
Golden Cheese Cookie : Hard to figure out just yet. Pretty sure she would be an aarakocra but class... Hmm... Fighter the safest bet for now ? Maybe possibly monk.
White Lily Cookie : She's a druid. I don't care if it turns out to contradicts when she's released, she's a druid in my heart. A circle of moon druid, specifically, let her turn into sabertooth tigers when she craves violence. As for race, either tiefling or fey being. Little chaos and small mischiefs behind those sad eyes and innocent smile.
Other cookies I have a take on for a DnD AU :
• Madeleine Cookie : He's the one I was refering to saying some cookies are just DnD tropes. He's a textbook Paladin. He's an Aasimar, like PV. I know they're very rare but... only those two I swear. And that would explain why he's so beloved be almost everyone.
• Espresso Cookie : Wizard tiefling. Nothing else to add. You know i'm right.
• Sparkling Cookie : Half elf. And he's the owner of the tavern everyone meets in. Since he's a healer I was first inclined to say cleric but then I thought that his best stat being charisma would make more sense so sorcerer. I think he's cool enough to be a sorcerer and some subclasses provides healing.
• Herb Cookie : Druid druid druid druid. No one is more druidic than him. He's a fey being as well, maybe a satyr or faun ?
• Vampire Cookie : A Dhampir. I feel like Rogue would be a good class for him, funnily enough.
• Mint Choco Cookie : I mean... He's a bard. Cannot possibly pick anything else than a bard for him. Charisma duo with Sparkling, they're here to smile and wink at people until they get what they want. Species I've not made up my mind yet. Tiefling is my first thought but i'll come back on that probably.
• Cocoa Cookie : I hc her as being smol, so a dwarf maybe. I feel like it fits her. Now she's a tricky one for class. She's one of the least dnd tropey character. However, Devsisters made the very interesting choice of putting her in the defence class. And if you think about the amount of milk she must be drinking everyday from her cocoas, she got tough bones. So she tanky. I'll make her a barbarian. Soft but can take a hit or ten. Not afraid of punching <3
• Cherry Blossom Cookie : Rogue. Rogue who wears pink and pink only. Rogue who isn't edgy. Rogue who loves people and picnics and making food and having a good time with friends. Softy rogue. I love a good trope subversion sometimes. She's an air genasi, idk it makes sense.
• Red Velvet Cookie : Ranger or fighter. I thought about Blood Hunter but killing monsters is quite literally the opposite of his goal. As for race, elf with dragon traits due to an incident.
• Pastry Cookie : Human. And the most ecclesiastical class would be cleric. Let's say she just doesn't like to heal. Or a domain that's less healing based.
• Latte Cookie : Elf sorcerer.
• Milk Cookie : I wanted to have him be the basic-est thing possible in DnD, an human fighter, but then realised I could just have Gingerbrave be that and Milk is closer to be a paladin so... Human Paladin.
• Purple Yam Cookie : Textbook barbarian. He's a goliath.
• Dark Choco Cookie : Human with dragonborn traits but not in the same way as RV. And he's a paladin.
•Crunchy Chip Cookie : Ranger. I've never seen someone as ranger as him. Halfling because smol~
• Caramel Arrow Cookie : Fighter for sure, proficiency in ranged weapons. Race i'm not sure yet again. Shoot me ideas o/
• Wildberry Cookie : Human. But a very tall one. And a Barbarian too.
• Financier Cookie : Part of me wants her to be a Firbolg or a goliath (have you noticed how big her sprite is in game ? She's taller than Dark Cacao). One of the half giants races at least because she's huge. And she's a paladin, there again cannot pick anything else.
• Clotted Cream Cookie : Human or half elf. And I want him to be a warlock. I know a sorcerer would make more sense but ... Ok ok, compromise. Both. Multiclass Sorcerer/Warlock. He can do it, I believe in him.
I do have some more ideas but it's getting long. If you want my input on other cookies, a more in depht research on those cookies or just to talk about DnD AU, don't hesitate ! I might even draw them, who knows :D
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littletealseal · 3 years
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CR AGERE Short Story: no2
CW: bottle feeding, changing
The moon hung high in the night sky as Hollyberry Cookie made her way through the dimly lit halls of the castle while holding a warm babies bottle in one hand, hearing non stop cries in the distance only growing more in volume as she got closer. It had been a few days since the event of her granddaughters returning and her return as well, in which lead to the defeat of a certain reptilian cookie. The muscular cookie gently opened a door in the middle of the hallway and the crying could be heard coming from within.
Hollyberry sighed and wore a soft smile as she walked over to a rather large crib near the far end of the darkened room, only partly illuminated by the soft glow of a light pink nightlight near said crib. She soon reached the source of the persistent crying and gazed down upon the one making all the racket, and started to unhinge the cribs side. Pitaya Dragon Cookie continued to wail regardless as he held one of his most favorite stuffies tightly, with large tears running down the hatchlings cheeks as he buried his face into his pillow. It wasn’t until he felt a hand rub his left shoulder that he finally opened his flooded eyes to see his Mommy looking down at him with a comforting expression.
“ Hey there, kiddo.. what’s with all the tears?..”
Hollyberry softly said while leaning into the crib to help the weepy dragon up, with Pitaya clinging to his Mommy as he buried his face into her shoulder. The pink haired cookie awed at this and gently bobbed him up and down as she held him close and made her way over to a very plush looking chair. There she sat and gently rocked the tiny hatchling and hummed a soothing melody, Pitayas tears began to dry and gained a small smile as he held onto his Mommy tightly, starting to feel himself calm down from his sobbing. Hearing her soothing heartbeat and singing, the little hatchling cooed and nuzzled into the pink haired cookies chest, feeling his whole body relax. Pitaya was quickly snapped out of his relaxed state by an odd feeling and sound coming from his tummy, though it actually made Hollyberry chuckle!
“Pfheheh, ya hungry?” She said with a smile
All Pitaya could do was let out a squeaky chirp as he stared up at his Mommy with large eyes, causing her to chuckle more and gave the hatchling a kiss on the head, in which made said hatchling giggle and kick his legs a bit. Hollyberry positioned Pitaya to where his head was elevated, and presented the warm bottle from earlier to the little dragon. The speckled haired hatchling squeaked and pawed at the bottle before latching onto the silicone teat and starting to suckle, making Hollyberry chuckle again, just unable to get over how goofy her little baby was being, but so glad he was starting to feel better from before. The tiny dragon chirped and swished his tail as he drank the warm milk, noticing the slightest hint of honey. Pitaya then let out a squeaky yawn after finishing up his bottle and rubbed his eyes, now starting to feel drowsy from how relaxed he was, Hollyberry then places another kiss on the tired hatchlings head before softly speaking.
“ Hey, don’t worry ok? I ain’t going anywhere this time, Mommy’s gonna stay right here with you, pip squeak... Mommy’s gonna keep you safe and sound...” The ancient cookie said as she held her tiny bundle close while her forehead touched his.
The speckled haired cookie mewed and nuzzled in response, clinging to the red haired cookie even more. Hollyberry then slowly got up from the chair and made her way over to the changing table nearby, all while hugging her little one close, she then lied Pitaya down on the table and began to change the tiny dragons d1aper. This process only made the hatchling even more relaxed as he now was only the verge of falling asleep, as he sucked on his thumb and sleepily gazed up at the mobile above him, which had many different beads and plush animals strung onto it, there to distract Pitaya when he became tired of waiting for the change to be finished with. 
Before the tiny hatchling knew it; Hollyberry had suited him in a fresh d1aper, which had blue and pink polka dots all over it. She lifted Pitaya back into her arms and started to walk back over to the crib, but he then stopped the courageous cookie when she was about to put him back down and softly asked...
“ Mommy? C-Can I ssstay wif you tonight?...” The small hatchling said while staring up at his caregiver with big glossy eyes, that looked like they would start to tear up at any moment.
Hollyberry happily obliged and closed the crib back up, she then made her way out of the nursery with her tired baby in her arms. Soon enough the two made it back to the ancient cookies bedroom and Hollyberry placed Pitaya down on her bed, where he nuzzled and wiggled on the bed cover, chirping and just being a happy baby. The pink haired cookie placed the empty bottle and spare d1aper on her bedside table as she turned to see the hatchling settle into her bed, letting out a mix of a sigh and chuckle, just happy to see he was in much better spirits. Hollyberry then climbed back into her bed and rested down on her pillow, with Pitaya nuzzling himself next to the ancient cookie as he let out some chirps and squeaks. The pink haired cookie chuckled at the hatchlings snugglyness and held him close, and pulled the covers up to make sure her baby was warm.
“ G’night Pitaya... I love ya so much...” She said with a kiss on the head, making the baby dragon coo in his sleep and nuzzle more into her chest. Hollyberry thought and was just happy everything ended peacefully, not just for tonight or the previous days, but for her small hatchling to be safe once again. She let out a yawn of her own and finally drifted off to sleep as well.
Oooook this big fluffy mess is the result of me being in a very bad place last night and deciding to write something super comforting and fluffy... and it did work thankfully <: I would have posted this last night buuut it was super late and I wanted to make an icon for Pitaya. 
Aaaand tbh I’m just so happy for this update since despite everything in the story, I feel Pitaya finally has a solid cg ❤️ Since I’ve been flipping back and forth for months on who would look after an age regressed dragon -shrugs- I hope you guys enjoy this lil story <:3
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maluminspace · 4 years
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Genre: Smut/Angst
Pairings: Calum Hood/Luke Hemmings
Word Count: 2.5k
Requested: @periwinkle5481
Slytherin Calum + Gryffindor Luke are secretly dating and they’re hiding it from Slytherin Michael and Gryffindor Ashton bc of the rivalry. Cake gets caught in the prefect bathrooms by Mike and/or Ash (I’ll leave that up to your discretion) and shit kind of blows up but the four work it out. So I guess this is angsty with a touch of smut ;) thank you for writing this
Includes: nudity, hand jobs (almost)
Trigger Warnings: strong language, moderate sexual content
A/N: Angst with a touch of smut, you say? I hope this fits the bill, my sweet! 
Calum Hood had been working hard to become the Slytherin quidditch captain his whole school life. He’d trained hard at every given opportunity and spent almost every penny of the allowance his parents sent to him, on buying the very best knee and elbow pads. All of his blood, sweat and tears had paid off on the first night of his fifth year at Hogwarts, when the current head teacher had announced that Calum was to take over the important job of captain from Greta Hollyberry, who’d graduated the previous year.
The Slytherin’s elation at gaining this new title had been infinitely enhanced a few moments later when the headteacher had announced the name of the prefects. He wasn’t surprised when his secret boyfriend’s name had been called for taking the place of Gryffindor’s new prefect. Luke was a typical goody-goody, acing all of his classes and taking every extra-curricular activity possible to ensure he got the best recommendation when he leaves school in a couple of years. Calum couldn’t be happier about all those things, though, because it meant that for the first time ever, the two of them got to use the prefect’s bathroom, AKA the best place ever to secretly do the stuff they’d previously been forced to do in dusty, deserted corners of the castle.
It was tough on both boys sometimes, having to keep such an important relationship a secret from their friends and peers. Unfortunately, it was a necessary evil. Old prejudices that dictate that Slytherin purebloods shouldn’t date people from other houses, especially muggleborns, were still prevalent in the wizarding community and Hogwarts itself was no exception.
Due to their hectic schedules, the two boys had had to wait well over a week to finally meet there, but they were determined to make the most of it now. 
“What colour water should we have?” Luke asked, surveying the multitude of golden taps lining the sunken, pool-like bathtub. His bright blue eyes were sparkling with excitement as he sat down on the side of the huge bath. “Pink could be quite romantic?”
“I don’t fucking care what colour the water is Luke…” Calum replied, hastily shuffling out of his clothes and discarding the pile of his school robes near the wall. “I just want a wet, naked Gryffindor prefect pressed against the side of this massive bath.” 
Luke’s cheeks heated up under the intensity of Calum’s desperate words as he simply turned on the closest tap. The water that began filling the bath happened to be a pretty pastel purple colour. The slightly younger boy gave a delighted chuckle as he scrambled to his feet so that he could undress.
“Wait a second!” Calum insisted before slipping off his boxers, loving the way that Luke eyed him hungrily. He slipped into the tub, leaning against one side of it as he found the perfect position to watch Luke undress. “Okay, strip…”
Luke suddenly became shy, the way he always did when Calum’s attention was solely focussed on him. The lanky boy felt awkward beneath his boyfriend’s gaze as he slowly shed his Gryffindor robes, leaving them in a heap next to Calum’s Slytherin ones.
“Why did you stop?” Calum growled, indicating Luke’s tight red boxer shorts. “Show me the goods, Hemmings!”
Luke rolled his eyes fondly as he slowly pulled down his boxer shorts before kicking them to one side. He automatically curled in on himself in a weak attempt to feel less exposed, but the way Calum stared at him as though he was about to devour every inch of his pale, lanky body, made him more bashful than ever.
“Hurry up and get in here…” Calum commanded, stepping back from the edge of the rapidly filling tub to let Luke slide in. “I’ve waited so long to get my hands on you!”
That much was true. The two boys had not been alone together since the end of the previous school term, over seven weeks ago. Of course, they’d found ways of secretly communicating throughout the summer holidays and they’d managed to steal the odd moment for a quick make-out session here and there since returning to school the previous week. This was their first chance to properly be together, though, and they weren’t about to waste any more time before relieving their sexual tensions.
As Luke slipped into the huge bath, Calum couldn’t help but admire how beautiful he looked. The Slytherin found himself raking his eyes over every inch of Luke’s pale skin as he settled into the water. The younger boy’s dark blonde hair was slightly tousled and fluffy from where he’d pulled his clothes over his head, making him look softer than ever. His blue eyes were twinkling in the dim light, too, reflecting the pastel shade of the water and the bright flecks of the multi coloured stained glass window above the tub. 
The whole sight almost took Calum’s breath away. It was even harder for him to see why his fellow Slytherin’s would begrudge this relationship. Luke was the purest creature on earth, someone to be treasured and even worshipped, not looked down upon and shunned. He just wished that those narrow-minded people could see what he saw and feel how he felt when he was with Luke.
“You okay, Cal?” Luke questioned quietly when his boyfriend failed to make a move on him the second he was in the water.
Calum shook his head in an attempt to rid his mind of the ugly thoughts about his housemates and the associated feelings of anger and disappointment they brought with them. “I’m fine…” He promised, pressing himself closer to Luke until as much of his body was touching the Gryffindor’s as possible. “Just can’t get over how gorgeous you are, Lukey.”
The younger boy giggled as he wrapped his arms around Calum’s neck. “You’re the most gorgeous, Cal.” He replied. “I can’t even tell you how much I’ve missed you.”
“I think I might know exactly how you’ve been feeling…” Calum whispered before capturing the younger boy’s lips in a soft kiss. “Dreamt of your fucking mouth more than I can tell you.”
Luke whimpered into the kiss as Calum pushed one of his thighs between the Gryffindor’s applying friction to both of their deprived dicks. “Is that all you’ve missed?” He asked, rutting desperately against the quidditch captain.
Calum shook his head as they pulled apart from the increasingly intense kiss. “I missed everything about you, Luke, so fucking much…”
The Slytherin’s words were laced with so much need and lust that Luke was powerless to hold back, he moaned into his boyfriend’s mouth like it was the first time he’d ever been kissed. “Then show me…” Luke begged, sliding one hand down Calum’s arm to grip his wrist before guiding it between their bodies. “Show me how much you’ve missed me.”
“Fuck, Lukey.” The older boy groaned, backing up his hips just enough to allow him space to touch the Gryffindor where he needed it most. His fingers had barely grazed the base of Luke’s cock when the door of the bathroom burst open unexpectedly. 
Calum jumped backwards, instinctively covering his dick as he turned to yell at the intruder. “The door was locked for a reason, you fucking idiot…” His rant trailed off as his gaze met a pair of all-too-familiar, startled green eyes. “Michael? What the fuck are you doing here?”
The new arrival didn't even attempt to answer. He silently glanced from Calum to Luke and back again. It was entirely obvious that his mind was processing over the scenario, the cogs of his brain working overtime as he just stared, slack-jawed at the couple in the pool.
Quickly realising that there was no lie on earth that Michael would believe right now, Calum hastily tried to work out what the best method of damage control would be. He shifted sideways slightly, using his own body to shield Luke as much as possible. “Mike, you need to let me explain…”
“You two?” Michael gasped, a note of horror clear amongst the shock. “How? Why? I just…”
“Just turn around, so that Luke and I can get dressed. Then we can talk, yeah?” Calum asked, surprised by his own logical thinking in such a stressful situation.
Much to Calum’s dismay, Michael seemed glued to the spot, unable to tear his eyes from what he clearly believed was the friendship equivalent of a car wreck. “I thought you hated Gryffindors, Calum?” He sputtered. “You’re always going on about how much you want to beat them at quidditch and you definitely fucking can’t stand prefects! Hemmings is the last person in the world I’d have expected you to hook up with.”
“I don’t hate Gryffindors.” Calum protested, hoping to side step the rest of his best friend’s argument. “Don’t project your own prejudices onto me, Mike!”
The blonde boy shook his head disbelievingly, his expression betraying a hint of anger now. “I’ve never said a single thing about hating Gryffindors! Stop trying to deflect! Why would you feel the need to keep this secret from me? I’m supposed to be your best fucking friend, Calum.” 
Part of Calum felt ashamed, if there was one person he could have trusted with his secret it would have been Michael. He still felt irritated and embarrassed by the intrusion and the allegations that Michael had thrown at him. Perhaps that was the reason that his brain frantically tried to find an argument to throw back at Michael. Luckily, it wasn’t hard to find something to fuel his anger. A quick glance over Michael’s dishevelled hair and crumpled robes told Calum that his friend was clearly here to meet someone as well. “You can talk!” The younger boy shot back. “You’ve obviously been keeping secrets from me, too.”
Even in the dim light with the reflections of the colourful windows and water tinting everything and everyone in the room, it was clear how much Michael was blushing at Calum’s words. “I don’t know what you’re…”
As if on cue, the bathroom door swung open again. Michael didn’t even turn around but his eyes widened in horror. He didn’t have time to react before the new arrival stumbled into the room. “Hey baby, sorry I’m late, I had to shake off the nosy Hufflepuff prefect…”
“Ashton?!” Luke exclaimed, almost deafening Calum as all eyes moved to the Gryffindor quidditch captain.
Michael simply covered his face with his hands and let out a low groan. 
The oldest boy in the group stopped in his tracks the moment he realised that Michael wasn’t alone in the bathroom. His cheeks immediately turned crimson as the reality of the situation dawned on him.
“Looks like I’m not the only one fucking a Gryffindor.” Calum huffed, turning his attention back to Michael. “What’s your excuse for keeping secrets, Clifford?”
Michael curled in on himself, looking over at Ashton for some kind of emotional support. “I… Ash, I’m sorry.”
The Gryffindor quidditch captain stepped a little closer to his apparent boyfriend, gripping Michael’s shoulder gently. “We don’t have anything to be ashamed of, Mike.” He smiled comfortingly. He glanced over at the couple in the pool, adopting an almost pleading tone and expression. “We just all need to have a talk, I think.”
It was becoming increasingly difficult for Calum to keep his temper. “I don’t want to fucking talk, Irwin.” He snapped. “I want you and your boyfriend to leave! Just get the fuck out, both of you!”
Michael almost looked close to tears as he mirrored Ashton’s pleading gaze. He was obviously feeling embarrassed and overwhelmed. “Calum, I’m sorry, I just thought the door was locked because it’s almost curfew…”
“Just fuck off!” Calum demanded, entirely losing patience with the whole situation. “I want to be alone with Luke, so get out!”
Ashton’s expression hardened a little as though he was about to lose his own temper and stand up to Calum, but he faltered when Michael lost his battle to keep his emotions in check and ran from the room without a backwards glance.
“You should go after him.” Luke shrugged, drawing Calum’s attention away from the older boy for the first time since he’d arrived. “We’ll come and find you in a minute.”
Ashton nodded before turning on his heel and jogging after his boyfriend.
“Can you believe those two?” Calum huffed angrily, turning to fully face his boyfriend. “Michael yelled at me for keeping you a secret and the whole time he was doing the exact same thing to me!”
Sighing, Luke reached up to cradle the Slytherin’s cheek. “I think all four of us are guilty of letting outside opinions affect our own relationships and friendships.” He explained gently. “I’m a little hurt that Ashton didn’t talk to me about Michael, too. We’ve been close friends for years, we talk about everything else… I guess we’re all just scared of those few idiots that might bully us for dating someone so different to ourselves.``
There’s no denying Luke’s words. Calum knew that that one stupid reason is the only cause of this whole mess and he hated that he ever allowed himself to get caught up in it. “You’re right.” He answered quietly, pecking a kiss to the corner of Luke’s mouth. “We shouldn’t let those pricks make us feel like we have to hide.”
Luke smiled softly. “Let’s put this romantic bath on hold and go talk to our friends, yeah?” He suggested tentatively. 
Calum nodded reluctantly, knowing that he wouldn’t fully be able to enjoy the rest of his date with Luke when Michael was upset with him. He was also more than eager to find out more about how he’d ended up dating the Gryffindor quidditch captain.
After another brief kiss, the couple climbed out of the bath and headed over to where they’d hung up their towels earlier. 
“I know the most important thing to do tonight is to make things right with Michael and Ashton…” Luke said as he dried himself down with his fluffy white towel. “But can we also ask them to agree a schedule to use this bathroom? Like I may never get over the embarrassment of knowing that Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford saw me naked.”
Calum chuckled, pulling Luke into a warm embrace. “You don’t need to be embarrassed about that, Lukey… You have the prettiest little cock, in the world. They’re lucky to have even gotten a glimpse of it.”
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​Cake Masterlist 
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quibbs126 · 1 year
hear me out on a potential rare pair: knight cookie X raspberry mousse fankid. the raspberry family seems to be super into attempting to restore the house raspberry,and while knight cookie is a retainer (a paid servant who has been employed for a long time) and bodyguard,we dont actually know a lot about him or his family. heck we dont even know what type of berry he is despite him being a hollyberrian. apologiese for the infodump
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Nah, you’re good on the infodump, here’s Raspberry Cheesecake Cookie
I know what I said earlier, and I’m considering taking a break, but I was already drawing him when I posted that, and I do still have a few others I had done some half sketches for that I want to finish first, so I finished him anyways. I was going to finish the Dark Choco/Raspberry kid first, but I couldn’t figure out a design for the sword hilt, so I did him first instead
So as for this guy’s name, so I know I was originally having some trouble with it. I don’t believe Knight is a berry, even if he grew up in the Hollyberry Kingdom, since I doubt every Cookie living in a kingdom of a particular flavor is of that flavor. If that makes sense. But I wasn’t sure what he was, so I was guessing around. I eventually came to Raspberry Tart, but it was still a bit before I’d get to this one. But recently I learned his dough contains at least some white chocolate, given White Choco’s Jelly description, so I worked with that for coming up with a better name. Also I wasn’t sure how to incorporate the distinct look of a raspberry tart. An idea was to name him after white chocolate filled raspberries, but also I feel like that’d be a better thing for a potential White Choco/Raspberry Mousse kid. But in that search, I found white chocolate raspberry cheesecake, so I ultimately decided to name him after that
White chocolate raspberry cheesecake:
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With his design, I’ll be honest, I was kind of making things up as I went. I know I wanted his hair to be long-ish and to have pink and yellow, and I wanted him to have a rapier, but everything else just sort of happened. I think when I originally drew this, I had planned him to have a completely different outfit, likely one closer to Raspberry, but I got what I got. I like the asymmetrical cape, which I again did by accident. I realize it should probably be on the arm opposite of the one he uses, and I fixed that in the little sketch, but I thought it looked cool on that side instead. Also with the boots, I had originally intended them to be a normal length, but doing the lineart, I decided “screw it, make them higher” and yeah. Could I have made them higher? I feel like he doesn’t look much like Knight. I had intended more blue, but I just thought the reds/pinks with the yellows worked better. Actually maybe the yellow covers it. As for the feather, in my head it’d be like, behind the ear, but since Cookies don’t have ears, it’s just like, a hair clip or something, I dunno. Also I I don’t like the color of the mouth. I don’t like the red, it doesn’t look right. But that’s what Knight and Raspberry Mousse have. But overall, I generally like how his design turned out
So as for him, I’ll admit I don’t have much. Something I should admit first, but I always think Raspberry Mousse is Spanish, despite him almost certainly being French. I think it’s because around the time I discovered him, we recently saw the Puss in Boots sequel, as well as the first movie, and I think RM and Puss look kind of similar, as well as Raspberry Mousse’s skill theme having similar instruments to him. Actually I don’t know why I mentioned this, I think I just wanted to say it
Anyways, so I guess Raspberry Cheesecake is something like what I understand Zorro or Puss in Boots to be, basically a guy who travels around the land helping those in need, but without the massive ego. He probably also has a horse
Also, in reference to the little sketch, so while Raspberry Cheesecake may appear a suave and confident fighter, he’s internally a bit of an anxious mess, constantly worrying about if he’s doing things right. He’s internally always shouting. One thing I’m thinking of is that he got made into a knight of the Hollyberry Kingdom, or at least made a proper warrior, but he got too nervous about all the pressure and just decided to instead travel Earthbread. The dude needs to get a better grasp on his confidence
Also I mentioned a Dark Choco/Raspberry kid before; while I don’t think most of the kids exist in the same timeline as each other (Panela and Turtle Fudge especially), these two do, and while they’re second cousins, they’re pretty close. I haven’t gotten much around to Black Forest Cookie (I’ll give you a spoiler and tell you their name), but I do know this. I’ll probably elaborate more there
But yeah, that’s Raspberry Cheesecake. Hope you like him!
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