#and respected her as a lesbian but he just couldn't make his feelings disappear in the blink of an eye you know? which i think makes sense?
normansnt 1 year
Handsome (Sanjixmale!reader)
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Warnings: reader gets shot, nothing to specific though, mention of broken ribs.
*nightmare devil fruit*:
You can detect your opponents worst fears by touching them and can make illusions for them to see and live through it.
Bright red
That was every girls cheek the moment they laid eyes on your handsome face, muscular build and nice fashion sense which fitted your body perfectly.
You are handsome
Everyone pretty much agreed
Very stereotypically handsome and women notice that, and they swoon over you
And to top it all you have a very charming personality with a kind and attractive tone
You are what people might describe as every woman's (who is attracted to men that is) dream.
Even Nami and Robin admitted to how handsome you are, of course they didn't swoon Nami is a lesbian missing Vivi, and Robin was too mature for that.
You joined the strawhats in alabasta when you tagged along with Robin to join them since you worked under crocodile as well to archive your dream of making the world a better place, you wanted to catch the right time and stop his horrible plans but the strawhats showed up and did the job for you. You didn't know what to do after so you tagged along with Robin who you befriended at that time.
Since then wherever you went you went with them.
You loved the crew and made a very powerful asset as well with your natural fighting skills with your scythe and your nightmare devil fruit*.
Since you were part of the strawhats wherever you went it was with them and the ladies swooned over you.
Sanji hated that.
He hated that ladies payed attention to you instead of him, he hated that they got all red in the face and even more beautiful that way whenever they looked at you.
But he mostly hated that even he had to admit that he agrees with those ladies.
He agrees you are handsome.
He agrees your smile is the most calming thing he ever saw.
He agrees that your charming personality and kind voice makes his legs weak and his cheeks burn so red he thinks he and his heart might blow up.
Thats why sanji prefers not to be around you, you confuse him and make him feel...things he never felt, not just towards a guy towards anyone.
This however made you believe he hates you.
And you just couldn't understand why.
When ladies swooned over you, you never did anything.
You just continued to be kind not thinking much of it since you were obviously gay.
And screwed.
Because of course you had to fall in love with the most lady obsessed man on your crew who not to mention hates you (or so you think).
He was just so kind, and considerate. Of course his perviness could be reather annoying but even so he was still looking out for women and respecting them, which most man don't.
The same thing happened in Thriller park.
When Perona saw you after you guys were awakened by Usopp she got red in the face and whispered to herself "he is so handsome I almost feel bad for making him depressed" that pissed off sanji. Of course he thought Perona was cute, but she of course noticed you and you didn't even answer her.
The next straw was when he wanted to rescue Nami-san, you tagged along and Absalom looked at you and immediately thought you are a big threat his exact words were: "you, handsome, you came for my bride there is no way Im letting her see you"
He didn't know you were Nami's crew mate since you didn't have a wanted poster either.
That extremely annoying for Sanji since he wanted to be the knight in shining armor for Nami.
Yelled Sanji to get Absaloms attention.
However Absalom attacked you first paying him no mind. Now you wouldn't have a problem defeating him however when he got close so you could attack he disappeared and that caught you off guard.
You lifted you weapon just in time to block his punch and gave huge thanks to your reflexes. While this was happening Sanji had a perfect opportunity to get to Nami and he knew your strength, he knew you could handle yourself. But he wanted to beat Absalom. He wanted to beat the pervert peeking at Nami-san when she was bathing.
So he yelled
"Y/N" in a very pissed off tone.
You snapped your head in his direction thinking he got hurt or anything of that sort with the way he yelled, you were worried.
This however got your attention away from Absalom giving him an opening which he took immediately and shot right towards your heart.
The bullet hit you and you fell backwards with shock painted on your face.
Sanji stopped.
His breathing stoppen.
Everything was playing in slow motion as you fell towards the ground with a bullet in your chest.
This was his fault.
If he had not gotten your attention away from your opponent you would not have gotten hit.
Sanji was feeling empty.
Even he didn't know what happened with his feelings.
The only thing he knew was you were hurt and he did not. like. that.
The moment your body hit the ground Sanji attacked Absalom kicking him so hard he passed out.
And then kneeled down to your body.
"Y/N?Y/N! Can you hear me?" He started to panic he did not want to lose you. He looked at your chest and he saw that the bulled hit just under you heart very likely not damaging your heart just breaking a few ribs.
"Sanji" you coughed out "Nami, Nami is getting take--" you coughed up blood not being able to finish your sentence. Sanji looked behind him and you were right. While he was busy worrying about you Absalom took Nami and disappeared, literally.
That is the moment Sanji realized.
He let Nami out in the open alone because he wanted to get to you.
You, the guy who had such an amazingly kind personality every girl who he claimed to want swooned over.
You who always smiled at him even if he didn't smile back or act just a little bit rude.
You, who offered to help clean up after every meal the crew had and even though he told you no every time (rather harshly) you still at least collected the plates and put them on the counter next to where he was washing the dishes.
He loved you
That is what he realized in that moment.
That was the most confusing thing to him.
How did he love a man?
"Sanji-" your raspy voice broke him out of his trance and he got to his senses you guys had to move or else there would be trouble.
After defeating Moria the straw hats celebrated. Not just the new victory but the new crew mate as well.
Sanji was in the kitchen preparing more food for luffy everyone. And you just can't shake the thought of what happened.
Sanji ran to your aid instead of staying by Nami's side and protecting her. In a way he choose you over Nami.
No, there is no way that's too far fetched. You just couldn't figure it out.
So there was only one thing to do.
Ask him.
Now this was trickier then it sounded.
With you thinking he hates you, approaching him was not easy.
But you had to do it if you wanted to get an answer.
Which you really wanted to.
So you stood up from your place next to Usopp and with claiming you will go to get another drink you were off to the kitchen.
Sanji was zoning out. Thinking about you. About how nice the button up shirt you were wearing looked on you and how it defined you muscles.
"Hey Sanji" you said stepping into the kitchen. He was still focusing on cutting meat and let out a "hmm" as greeting.
That did not help your already raging anxiety.
"I... great food tonight you did really great" this was quite awkward the way you said it however you did mean it. He said "mhmm" without giving you a glance and continuing what he is doing. Sanji did not mean any harm from this he just didn't want to look at you fearing a nose bleed.
"Anyway I was just wondering..." you were getting more anxious by the moment due to his cold demeanor. "Uhhhh" 'oh come on Y/N spit it out already he is already fed up with you' you thought to yourself.
"Can I ask you a question?" Finally better than nothing you are in it now there is no way out.
Sanji stoped what he was doing just for a split second.
"Sure" and he continued what he was doing
'Finally words' you thought to yourself your anxiety lowering just a little.
"Ok so... uhhh... its about what happened" pause "in Thriller park when we fought Absalom"
Sanji was confused. He already apologized for messing with your fight and for the broken ribs you suffered for it, he couldn't really look in your eyes from shame (you thought from hate), but he still did it. Not to mention you sounded nervous, why? At this point he put his knife down and looked at you (well kinda) leaning his back on the kitchen counter trying his hardest to prevent a nose bleed from your muscular forearms which showed because of your rolled up sleeves.
This of course just made you more nervous, you always thought he was handsome but when he looked right at you with his blue eyes you could faint.
"Well I was just wondering..." 'oh my god Y/N spit it out!' You literally yelled at yourself in your mind.
"Why did you come to my aid when you could have helped Nami?"
There it was, out in the open. Now he will either gat mad at you or you will get an actual advice, he already hates you whats the worst that could happen.
"Well..." he started slowly "I don't quite understand your confusion, I mean you were seriously wounded not to mention it was my foult--"
"No" you said cutting him off "I mean yeah it was kinda but it was my decision to look away and not pay attention so it was more my fault... but thats not what I mean." You corrected yourself quickly, then sighed.
"Look we all know how much you love Nami and for you to get to me instead of a lady who is Nami is just to weird--"
"Because..." started Sanji cutting you off "I..." he was screwed, he had no idea how to tell you why he did what he did without confessing his love to you which just got stronger by every passing day.
"I...don't actually know its just what I did it was in the past, it already happened so I do not see any need to discuss this any further" he said kind of hastily to rush the conversation along.
This hurt you. You knew he hated you but... well when does it not hurt when your crush just wants you out of his sight.
You turned around and were about to leave when
"Now, can you answer a question?" Asked Sanji in a calm tone. You were surprised to say the least. This was probably the longest conversation you guys ever had.
"I... uh sure" you were kind of happy he was not that fed up with you yet.
"Why do you never do anything about women swooning over you all the time?"
"What?" This caught you off guard, very much so, what did that have to do with anything?
"Don't play dumb you see how they cheeks get pink and how they look the other way giggling, why do you never act on that, with your looks and charm you could get any women in the world and I don't know how but you don't even do anythi--" laughing.
Your laughter cut Sanji off. It was a lovely laugh, he knew that he liked your laugh a lot. But why were you laughing?
"Sanji...what?" You asked flabbergasted, still chuckling a bit. He was just staring at you silently. That told you everything.
"Sanji... Im gay" you said with still an amused expression on your face.
Sanji suddenly understood everything. Your good sense of fashion, your kind nature you being very good friends with Nami and Robin.
"And as for how Im charming" you continued to answer him.
"Im not" you smiled lightly " I mean you saw how anxious I was when talking to you the guy I like I mean you do hate me but still, Im not charming, the only thing I do is treat women... well not like a pervert and not like they are only boobs, and a pretty face, but like they are actually a person, which they are however men fail to notice that" you continued smiling, blissfully unaware of what you said at the beginning of your statement.
Sanji wasn't unaware however. He stopped functioning the moment you said you liked him and then his eyes bulged out of his skulls when you said he hates you.
"Hold on..." he didn't even know where to start.
"You think I hate you?" He went with that first
"Well based on the fact that this is the longest conversation we ever had, yes." You said dumbfounded still not aware that you confessed to him.
"I..." he felt really bad. You thought he hated you when in reality he just had feelings for you that scared him. "No, I don't hate you, not at all in fact..." should he do it? Well you confessed first so that made it easier.
"I like you... a lot, actually I kinda... sorta...love...you" and he said it. He confessed, real love, to a man, you.
Thats when you realized what you said, that you said you liked him. That you just confessed to the man you have loved since you saw his adorable curly eyebrows and silky blond hair.
You turned tomato red, Sanji chuckled at this finding you adorable.
"Ehh... wait, you love me?" You were short circuiting, this was not happening, but...how?
"Well... thats what I just said" he said not so sure of himself anymore. You just said you liked him but he already confessed his love for you. Now it was his time to turn red or he was about to when you leaped into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"I love you to" you whispered in his ears.
Sanji hugged you back slowly, relishing in your sent.
When you two parted you looked in his eyes, ocean blue, you loved it.
"Uhh... before the urge to kiss you gets to strong I should probably tell you...uhh" stuttered Sanji
"This is my first...kiss...relationship?...or anything romantic with a guy--mmhhp" before he could finish you kissed him.
You kissed him.
Sanji was above every cloud there is. Your soft lips on his.
The way they moved against his, fitting together like puzzle pieces, it was addictive.
When you licked his lips to ask for entrance he gave it to you right away craving more of you. You sat him up on the kitchen counter while discovering his mouth with your tongue. There was not much of a fight for dominance since Sanji was dazed from kissing you. Since you needed air you slowly parted your lips from his and looked in his eyes.
You were both panting slightly, with red faces.
"So, how was that for first romantic experience with a man?" You smiled kindly again.
How could you kiss him like playboy and smile like a child with puppy eyes the next moment he'll never know. Thats just one more thing he loved about you.
Interesting how things turned out the handsome man he was so jealous of for all the attention he got from the ladies ended up his handsome boyfriend.
I actually didn't plan on my next fic being a Sanji fic but I got this great idea for him so I had too.
Also you guys didn't like my last Sanji fic馃槶
But thats ok I loved it a lot so馃槢
I love this man and to be hones I hate that cuz his perviness is annoying but I cant help it the heart wants what the heart wants kids remember that馃
ANYWAY I don't know who or what my next fic is gonna be WE SHALL SEE WHEN THE CREATIVITY STRIKES ME馃珷
Well I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies, gentlemen and others, good afternoon good evening and good night馃А馃
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lesbianlotties 2 years
In fics, I always see people writing and joking about how steve used to love robin as like a sort of one off throwaway line and sometimes the reply from robin would be like "gross" or steve would be like "ew dont remind me" in like a teasing way but i actually hate that so i came up with a hc that whenever its brought up, steve would say "and i had GOOD REASON TO LOVE YOU, robbie. I still do, even more than i did that day, but its just a love that looks a little different now." And robin would just start dopey grinning.
(Meanwhile Robin's literal girlfriend NANCY WHEELER just looks between the two dumdums in the background and starts to grin to herself at how sweet the bond is between the two)
i think you're so right. i think we should acknowledge that Steve loved Robin, and i was going to say something else but tbh reading "i still do, even more than i did that day" hits me so hard 馃槶i mean can you believe that platonic soulmates were invented when these two met?? amazing right??
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neptunetheplanet7 3 years
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饾悳饾悺饾悮饾惄饾惌饾悶饾惈 饾惉饾悶饾惎饾悶饾惂 - 饾惍饾惂饾悶饾惐饾惄饾悶饾悳饾惌饾悶饾悵 饾惎饾悽饾惉饾悽饾惌饾惃饾惈
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.0k
warnings: swearing, zeke
listen to the music masterlist
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Just as you were about to say something else to Mikasa, the doorbell rang, interrupting the moment. She let go of your hair and stood at her full height.
"Are you expecting anyone?" She asked.
"No, we're not." With confusion evident on your face, you got off the stool and lightly kicked it under the counter.
Your eyebrows knitted together as you made your way to the front door.
On the other side of the glass, you saw a blond bearded man struggling to hold around five suitcases. He noticed you reaching for the door handle and grinned widely.
"Surprise!" He shouted and dropped his luggage on the marble floor when the door was fully opened. He raised his arms and tried to hug you. Scowling, you evaded his embrace.
"Zeke, what the hell are you doing here?" Your grip on the door tightened with every word.
Zeke frowned. "Do I need a reason to visit my sister?"
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not your sister. And typically, yes, you would."
"Okay, well, you're like my sister." He paused to adjust his glasses. "Have you forgotten? Eren's twenty-second is coming up. There's so much to do!" His excited facade was transparent to you.
"You didn't care about his twenty-first. Or his twentieth, for that matter. What's the sudden interest in your brother's life?" You raised an eyebrow as he visibly grew nervous.
"Well, you see, uh-" He twiddled his thumbs and your eyes narrowed. "Here's the thing-"
"Spit it out, Zeke." Mikasa cut him off when she rounded the corner. She crossed her arms as she leaned against the staircase railing.
"Mikasa! I didn't know you were back!" Zeke made rapid hand gestures toward her, eager to change the subject.
"I didn't know you were back, either. At least I gave a warning," she uttered, earning an incredulous look from the blond.
"Zeke, why are you here?" you continued.
His eyes briefly shifted to a houseplant before training back on you. "What if I told you I'm not allowed in the state of Nebraska?" He gave you a meek smile and your jaw dropped.
Mikasa snorted. "What the hell did you do in Nebraska?"
"Nothing!" he assured. "It's just that I may or may not be several million dollars in debt and on the run from the police." He looked down at his muddy boots in shame.
"You're WHAT?" You gaped at him. You'd known Zeke long enough to have it figured out that he brought trouble wherever he went but he was usually careful enough not to get banned from a state.
"It's not as bad as you think! I just got into a little quarrel with some guys. Everything is fine. Just let me stay here for a while," he said sheepishly.
"I am not letting a fugitive stay in my home!" you exclaimed.
"I'm not a fugitive! There's no need to use terms like that!"
"You're banned from Nebraska! I'll call you whatever I want!"
"What's all the commotion about?" Eren was walking down the stairs when he saw his older brother at the door. His mouth dropped open and he gripped the railing beside him. "Zeke?!"
"Why didn't you tell me your brother was in town?" You glared up at him.
"Because I didn't know!" He started to flail his arms around while simultaneously trying to make sense of the situation.
"Hey, little brother. Can I sleep in your room?"
"Zeke's not allowed in Nebraska," Mikasa informed.
"What?!" Eren clutched the railing with one hand and his head with the other whilst continuing his descent down the stairs. "What even is Nebraska?" he mumbled with wide eyes.
"Doesn't matter. I wanna know how he managed to be banned from it." You glowered at the man in front of you.
"Y/n, will you please let me inside? It's cold even in March, you know." Zeke pleaded and pretended to shiver.
You glanced back at Eren for a sign of his approval. The house was yours, but Zeke was his brother. It wasn't like this was the first time he needed to stay over, anyway. Unlike mere seconds before, he now held a serious expression. He nodded at you and beckoned for Zeke to follow him.
He heaved a relieved sigh and nearly tackled you with a hug. "Thank you so much, Y/n! You won't regret this, I promise."
It felt like your bones were being crushed by his weight as your face was pushed up against his jacket. He reeked of an old car. "Okay, get off me, old man!" Your voice was muffled as you tried to push him away. He backed up and brushed your shoulders off before grabbing his luggage and disappeared into the basement with his younger brother.
You sighed heavily and plopped down on the stairs. "He got mud all over my floors. I just cleaned them too." Your head fell into your hands as you stressed over Zeke's sudden arrival. As if there wasn't enough on your plate already.
Mikasa laughed quietly as she draped an arm around your shoulders and sat down beside you. The sudden contact made your ears burn red. "Any particular reason for cleaning?" she hinted teasingly.
You lifted your head as you apprehensively stammered out a poor explanation.
She laughed at you again and you couldn't help but wonder if it's always been that easy to make her laugh. You thought about it for a moment and concluded to yourself that it didn't matter what made her laugh, as long as you got to hear it.
A dreamy smile spread across your face as you watched how her newly short hair fell in front of her eyes when she laughed like that.
It seemed she noticed your thoughtful gaze because she tucked the hair behind her ear and peered down at you. "What are you looking at?" she whispered.
The sound of footsteps resounded from the stairs behind you. "Woah, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Jean smirked when he saw how close you and Mikasa were. He parted the two of you by removing Mikasa's arm so he could walk in between.
Your face grew red when you realized what you had said to her and it grew even redder when you noticed Mikasa had a similar amount of color dusting her cheeks.
"Heads up, I'm going to Marco's right now so if anyone asks that's where I'll be." He corrected the slight wrinkles in his new shirt and grabbed his keys from the key-hook.
Mikasa was quick to add to his words. "It's nice to see you and Marco are still going strong. I'm happy for you, Jean, really." She smiled up at him honestly.
Jean's tinted cheeks gave away his embarrassment. "Oh, thanks. Uh, I'm also really happy for, um, whatever you guys have going on." He grinned but quickly covered his mouth when he saw a look of distress flash across your face. "Uh, sorry, I have to go now. See you guys later." He mumbled another apology and turned sharply on his heel to make a mad dash at the front door.
Mikasa chuckled and shook her head. "He can be such a dork sometimes," she said when the door closed behind him.
"That's true," you admitted softly. You were a little displeased that she kept her arm in her lap instead of wrapping it around you again now that Jean had vanished.
"I take it Zeke's kept up with his habits since I've been gone?" she assumed.
An exasperated sigh left your lips. "He shows up at least once or twice a year wanting to stay. He always owes somebody money but, as far as I know, this is the first time he's been permanently banned from a state. I don't love letting criminals in my household but you know how Eren gets."
"I see. I do remember how angry he'd get with us when we wanted Zeke to leave," she recalled dejectedly.
"I just wish he wouldn't get his hopes up every time he asks to stay." You frowned and tapped your fingers against the wooden stair you sat on.
"I hope he can stay long enough for Eren's twenty-second. It'd be nice if he could spend his birthday with him."
"That can be arranged." You ran a shaky hand through your hair. "Will you be okay at a party for him?" you inquired timidly. Considering what happened the last time she was at a party, you felt the need to know if she'd be alright with going since Eren's birthday was rapidly approaching.
Mikasa was surprised by the question. "Of course I will be. Y/n, you know I'm over what happened. You don't have to worry about what I think. It's cute you care, though." She squeezed your shoulder gently and gave you a reassuring smile.
Before you could respond, she stood from her position next to you and started up the stairs. "I'm gonna get changed. I'll see you later."
When she was out of your sight, you gave a final weighted sigh. You had to figure out what you were going to do with Zeke. The feelings that came with Mikasa being home already clouded your mind, not to mention the stress of Hitch on your ass as well.
For Eren's sake, Zeke should stay for a little bit. Mikasa suggested he should leave once Eren's birthday passes and that made sense. However, that would mean he'd be living in your house for two weeks.
You groaned and leaned back. There was only one person who would know how to help. You spun around and scrambled up the creaky stairs.
Facing the office door, you opened it and watched Armin move hastily to turn off their monitor.
"What are you doing?" You raised an eyebrow and leaned on the doorframe.
"Important research." He swiveled the chair to face you and rested his arms in his lap.
"Yeah, right," you snickered. "Did you know Zeke is here?"
Armin nodded. "I overheard everything. It's not like you people are quiet."
"Okay, so what should I do about it?" Moving to sit on the couch, you placed your hands on the cushions under you.
They shrugged. "I don't know. What should you do about it?"
"Come on, Armin. I came in here because I need your help with this." You sent him a worried glance.
"Y/n, at the end of the day, this is your house. You decide who stays and who doesn't. If you want him here, let him stay. If you don't, kick him out."
He couldn't just ignore the obvious issue present. "But what about Eren?"
"What about him? Eren respects you more than he respects anyone else. He wouldn't want to do something if you weren't comfortable with it. The guy trusts you with his life." He spoke like the answer was so clear.
You pursed your lips and thought over what they said. "I don't want to hurt him, though."
He wore a compassionate smile. "None of us do, but the difference between us is that he would listen to you.聽 So, with that said, how long will you let Zeke stay?"
You looked down at your hands and thought back to your conversation with Mikasa and about the conversation you just had with the man across from you. "He can stay until Eren's birthday party. When that's passed, he'll have to leave."
When you looked up, you noticed Armin was still smiling at you. "I knew you'd make a good decision."
"I always do, don't I?" You joked.
He snorted and adjusted his chair to face his computer again. "You wouldn't be able to without me."
You feigned offense and stood up. "You're too cruel."
"Sure I am. Now leave my office, peasant. I'm busy." He waved you away with a dramatic flair of his hand.
You scoffed. "I bet you don't have actual work to do and you're just being a freak on the internet, like usual."
He flipped you off. "If you don't leave I'll have to use brute force."
"Whatever, whatever, Armeen, don't be harsh." You sauntered out of the office before he could scold you about the nickname.
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posted: 8/31/21
neptunetheplanet7漏 2021
no edits, reposts, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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