#and rhaenyra was so taken aback that someone would love her like he did
moonshine999 · 11 months
Ok literally so sorry to bother butttt🫣🫣🫣 i was wondering if you had any hcs for modern Nyra/alicent with their husband/bestie Cole and their gaggle of children??
Totally ignore my lmao if you don’t!!! I literally love your modern takes on them and honestly just anything about them that you post!!!💓💓💓💓
You’re never a bother love, thank you for this ask (srsly means so much coming from you) 
I’m going to assume that these will be taking place in the old money AU 
🍸 Rhaenyra loves to spoil Alicent and their children so much
When they first started dating and an argument would break out, it was almost guaranteed that a bouquet of flowers would be at Ali’s doorstep the next morning. It grew to chocolates and tickets to concerts and museum tours on valentines and pendants, earrings and watches on anniversaries. And then on their 5th anniversary, Nyra pulled out a box after Alicent gave her a portrait that she made of them together. Ali scoffed and made a joke that Rhaenyra doesn’t remember because she was too busy staring at her dearest’s eyes.  She chuckled. And then got down on one knee.  The rest is history now.
Aegon being the first born in the family, he was one of, if not the most, spoiled. He accompanied his parents on all their pretentious dates, he got showered with kisses from Alicent and Criston, and got the fanciest of birthday presents when he wasn’t even able to walk.
“Rhaenyra.” “Yes love?”  “You realise you can’t give a 1 year old a Rolex, right?”
Basically, no she doesn’t.  They talked it out though when the other children came along. 
(P.s, this is part of the reason why he turned to his “habits” as he did and also the reason he inherited this need to spoil his own family) 
🍸Aegon and Helaena’s wedding 
When Aegon and Helaena were going to get married, Alicent wanted to take her  dress shopping but Rhaenyra insisted that they should try to have the dress custom made. 
“There’s a certain experience in dress shopping, dear.” “There can be a certain “experience” in having it custom made too, dear.”
(Yes both of them are speaking from experience. No their mothers are not dead. Why? Because I said so.) 
Helaena just sits between them, comically darting wide eyes from one mother to the other until Criston comes to the rescue (with Aegon giggling like a maniac behind him)  and reminds the couple that they have a company to run.
They glance at each other, sigh and walk out of the room. The ,still, giggling Aegon immediately crashes into his fiancée, leaving them both in fits of laughter. Criston just shakes his head with a smile on his face.
Some side points : 
Criston walks Hel down the aisle
Daeron cheers the loudest when they kiss
Alicent is elegantly wiping tears while Nyra is full on sobbing with her face in her hands
Aegon can barely say “I do” because he’s crying so much
Helaena’s fine.
Aemond is the most reluctant to dance at the reception but gives in when teased/encouraged (means the same thing in this family) by the newly weds
Oh and some Helaegon wedding vibes : 
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Just some other small hcs :
🍸 Alicent and Criston love art museums. While Ali is a painter herself and goes there for inspiration, Criston is more interested in the history of it all. So when Rhaenyra is too busy to come with them, both of them go off to a museum and spend hours there together.
🍸 Rhaenyra and Aemond have a tradition where they go apple picking in the fall and discuss all things books and writing. During one of these ventures, Aemond accidentally lets it slip that he has been publishing his works under a pen name. Rhaenyra is a bit taken aback at first but she just breaks out into a smile and hugs her son. (Bonus points if the pen name is a new author that she is a fan of)
🍸 Daeron often looks to Helaena and Aegon for guidance. The youngest is someone who is not a fan of being in the company, he wants to explore, travel and break the bounds of what the media always perceives him to be. He told this to Hel and Aeg once when he was babysitting the twins. They gave him guidance and assured him that all would be good and their mothers are the most understanding people they know. He hums, smiles softly and goes back to the twins.
these are all that I can piece together rn. You have literally opened a whole new can of worms and I won’t be surprised if I do a part 2 of this. Again thank you for the ask (I really enjoyed it) and your sweet words.
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ar-feyniel · 6 months
Omg I went to the wrong person with my ask below. Super sorry. 🫣🤓 I love your work too and am having soooo much fun reading it.
Hi there 
I have just recently started reading daemon and rhaenyra work and boy has it been a ride! Such an awesome treat and I’m loving exploring all these different stories. But you are fast becoming my favourite writer when it comes to these two.  ‘Acts of desperation’ was one hell of a ride and I respect that you want your readers to come up with the answers to their queries/ questions but please can I be cheeky and ask what was in your mind? 🤓🫣
I felt that maybe daemon was really pissed that rhaenyra had brought Harwin to the party   And was acting like she had moved on. And that Laena wasn’t an actual relationship but more of a ploy to get back at the reader. It wasn’t a coincidence that he started something (whatever it was) with her.  Did he know that Rhaeynra would turn up on that day and time? I think he did. And did he have sex with L before Rhaeynra friend up? Surely not - did he have the stamina to go again? It’s abit gross if he did. And he didn’t deny anything about L screaming in his bed because as we all know our imaginations are far worse than the truth. 
And would he be really happy when he found out she was pregnant? I hope so. I don’t think that was his aim to get her pregnant but more like punishment for being a brat with Harwin. But I’m some level he is so cunning I wonder if he did plan it? And want them to get back together? And thought this would be the only way? Maybe?
I would love to hear your thoughts. 🥰🥰🥰 Really loving your work and started reading it yesterday and honestly, it made my day discovering your work! Xx
Ohh, first things first, thank you for the ask! I appreciate your interest a lot, it means so much to me. <3 Now, regarding your question, I actually still want to write a sequel (Daemon's POV) to this story one day, but I don't mind sharing my thoughts on this fic! Daemon was *really* pissed, that's very true! And another truth is that Laena wasn't an actual relationship - but when he got "caught" by Rhaenyra, he really didn't deny anything because why would he? It riled Rhaenyra up, proving that she hadn't moved on either. They certainly did not have sex, either directly before Rhaenyra came or at all. I think that he has at least considered this possibility but wasn't interested in going all the way with Laena - so they might have met up a few times for wine and a conversation, but not for sex. But Rhaenyra jumped to a conclusion (I mean, fair, but also, this is the point of writing a fic through someone's POV - you see things the way the character sees them, and they aren't necessarily true).
I was a bit taken aback by the intensity of the comments about Daemon and Laena though haha, I remember their relationship not being my intention at all, just enough of it to allude to *something* but prove nothing. The question about planning is really interesting! If I one day end up writing the second chapter, I will obviously have to pick the direction, but for now, these two theories co-exist in my mind, haha. I am leaning towards him not knowing and not expecting her pregnancy, thinking she must be on birth control and all considering Harwin and the loss of their child, so it would most likely be a surprise to him - but obviously a pleasant one, and they will both admit that they need to get back together.
But there is also something incredibly delicious and wicked about him planning it all - especially since, in any scenario, he considers her to still be his wife, formal divorce being no more than a temporary inconvenience. Keeping her period tracker on his phone is something borderline psychotic but also kinda hot haha As I've said, I am yet to figure out this part entirely, but I am always very happy to share my thoughts about fics (as you can see from this essay of a reply, lol). Thank you so much for reading and don't hesitate to ask more if you want to! <3
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adip-in-theink · 2 years
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Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and her White Knight
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thesithdiaries · 2 years
A Secret (Criston Cole imagine)
A Secret (Criston Cole imagine)
Pairing: Criston Cole x female!reader
Requested: Yes
Warnings: its the forbidden love trope so anything related to that, angst, being ignored and rejected
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Y/N has been a guest of the Keep as long as she can remember. Her parents were active members of the court, and she enjoyed traveling to King’s Landing with them. Rhaenyra quickly became her friend, amazed by her tales and how easily funny and carefree she was.
Being friends with the Princess also meant being close to the people in her life. Her father, her late mother before she passed on, her uncle… and her knight.
“This is my friend, Y/N. She will stay with us for some time.” Rhaenyra introduced her, while grabbing her hand. “And Y/N, this is Ser Criston Cole, a member of the Kingsguard.”
Y/N smiled softly. “Hello.” Criston gave a short nod of acknowledgment.
At first glance, Y/N was taken aback by how handsome Ser Criston Cole was. She could not take her eyes off of him and did not bother to hide it. Of course, nobody paid any attention to that. Except him. Criston was also staring at her. Unlike her, he was trying to be discreet about it.
As Rhaenyra and Y/N walked through the Keep together, Criston was following behind them, watching Y/N. Her small quirks, the way she smiled, the way her hair flowed due to the wind. She tried to include him in the conversations, wanting to know more about the handsome knight. Rhaenyra quickly noticed what was happening and bit back a smile.
That night, Y/N bumped into Ser Criston while she was walking towards her bedchamber. Making sure there was nobody around, she grabbed his hand and dragged him along with her. Inside the bedchamber, she locked the door and turned around to face him.
“Lady Y/N," he began speaking as she was looking up at him through her lashes. However, he forgot what he wanted to say. Without a second thought, he kissed her.
His kiss was needy, as if he had been deprived of the closeness for a long time. Y/N’s fingers tangled in his soft hair while Criston’s hands moved up and down her hips and waist, causing her body to get chills. His lips trailed down her neck, giving her the opportunity to start removing her nightgown. Y/N could not resist herself, she wanted to be as close to him as possible. However, his armor was in the way. Thankfully, it went on quickly, the desperation to feel his skin grew bigger each second.
Criston softly bit on her bottom lip and Y/n whimpered as he made her sit on top of him on the bed. His strong arms wrapped around her body, rough fingers leaving marks that would remind her of that moment. A moment later, Y/N was underneath him, her eyes rolling back into her head because of his delicious scent.
As time went on, he developed feelings for her. If the King heard about it, Criston would be killed or sent to the Wall. It was killing him, not being able to express his love publicly, it all had to be done behind closed doors.
Y/N was not oblivious to his feelings, since she had some for him as well but she was so not sure if her assumptions were correct. Nevertheless, she did not want to pressure him into saying or doing anything he did not want to. She understood what his oath meant and what could happen to him if someone were to find out.
As a result, Criston distanced himself.
Y/N did not notice at first. She would send smiles his way, or subtly touch his hand when walking close to him. These small acts of love went ignored. At first, she thought it was to keep up appearances, to not raise suspicion of their secret relationship. But no, that is not what it was.
He stopped going to her bedchambers at night. There were no more secret letters nor flowers awaiting for her in the designated hidden spots around the Keep. It was as if they did not exist for each other.
To say Y/N was sad is an understatement. She would decline every invite Rhaenyra gave, she did not want to leave the safety of her chamber. It hurt that just like that, Criston stopped speaking to her. As if she did not matter. On the other side of the Keep, Criston could not stop his duties. Standing in the same place with nobody to speak to haunted him. Memories of the last months with her were driving him mad. Deep down in his heart, he knew it was the best.
Y/N was on her bed, staring blankly into nothing, when Rhaenyra walked in without knocking.
“My father is sending me on a tour to meet suitors," she revealed with a scoff. “I do not understand his obsession with my marriage.”
“Otto is probably behind it," Y/N replied as Rhaenyra dropped herself on the bed with a loud sigh. “Entertain it for a while. It will be long and boring, but the bright side is that you can leave the Keep.”
Rhaenyra did not want that at all. She knew Y/N was right. Her father would not allow her to just not go.
“When are you leaving?” Y/N wondered, twisting her fingers nervously.
Now Y/N was truly worried. “So soon? How long will it last?”
“Probably six months.” Rhaenyra whined, rubbing her face with her hands.
Six months? Criston was leaving for six months… Six months without him.
Y/N spotted Criston while he was making his way to Rhaenyra's room. She grabbed his hand and dragged him to a secluded area, where they could speak freely without being seen.
“Why are you ignoring me?
No answer.
“Damn you, Criston! After all we have done together, you discard me as if I meant nothing!” Y/N was on the verge of tears, her outburst surprised him.
“I did not discard y-” Criston began talking, only for Y/N to push his shoulder with all of her strength.
“You did! We spent countless moments in each other's arms. And suddenly, you stopped it."
“I am in love with you, Y/N. Can you not see that?” His eyes were wild, Criston now acted like a caged animal. “I have loved you from the moment I saw you and it pains me that my oath keeps me from courting you properly. I wish to be with you forever.”
They were shedding tears. Criston brought her into his arms, finally hugging her. Y/N sobbed against his neck. “Why keep this to yourself?”
“I did not know how to say it at first. I was scared you would reject me," Criston confessed.
“How could I reject you if I love you too.” Y/N sniffed, Criston softly wiped the tears from her cheeks. “We could flee King’s Landing.”
Criston was perplexed. “Leave? Are you mad? Where would we even go?”
“Perhaps south to Dorne or leave for the Free Cities," Y/N suggested, lowering her head. “If that is what you also want, of course… But I will understand if you want to stay here.”
Criston smiled, placing his hand under her chin to lift her head. “I will run away with you if that is what we need to be together properly.”
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