#and ricky ang gina have always gotten each other
timingmatters · 2 years
I genuinely think people thinking Rina is badly written or that it happened just because Olivia left the show are just biased over not liking rina. Like not even trying to shade I genuinely think some people are too biased. I do believe originally it was gonna be rini, but I also believe halfway filming s1 before it was released to the public (but after s1 was written) that changed. I mean the rina flashback was written in s1 and showed in s2. It was filmed before there was a public and before s1 was released. Tim clearly saw the chemistry and decided to change the original plan way before the show was released. Since them it had been working steadily towards that. If Olivia hadn’t left the show it would have simply made it messier, but wouldn’t take away Rina. They made them friends, filmed before s1 was released stuff in s2 that jeopardized their friendship, and didn’t give them closure for it. Regardless of Olivia that was something done since before s1 was released. Making them fight bc feelings got in the way and it got messy was literally filmed back in s1, released in s2. Before Olivia left the show. Rina getting closure was never gonna be them finishing their friendship. Clearly there was a built up, especially since Ricky never even had time to process Gina’s feelings. And other people noticed their dynamic being complicated since s1. Dismissing rina is just actively being biased.
It is also not badly written at all, they were steadily working towards it for a long time. And Gina confessing first makes sense when Ricky has learned to prioritized her wants all summer. He wasn’t gonna confess, especially after thinking she was upset for Ej’s reaction to the doc. He was actively trying to think of ways to change the doc so Gina wouldn’t be burdened by it. Gina also had confessed her feelings last time because she was giving up and leaving. This time, she said it and wasn’t gonna run away because she was ready ti face the aftermath. And he wasn’t gonna let her walk away. Ricky constantly needs words of affirmation and Gina constantly has asked for actions over words. They gave each other that. She said what he means to her, the confirmation Ricky needed, and he stoped her from walking away and kissed her first. It was quite well written.
Ej will also be okay, they have tons to work with on him next season. And saying he should be mad at ricky is weird when ricky actively helped him and Gina and shut his feelings out all season. He didn’t lose something to ricky, because Gina is not something. And Ricky purposely didn’t get in between them either. Next season we get to see Ej as an adult rather than a student and how he will confront his dad. Dare i say, it would be nice for him and Ricky to form a friendship given that Ricky has parental issues too.
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