#and roll around campus in leather jackets with our names embroidered on the back in gold
staarblaster · 4 years
The Mystery at the edge of the Universe
“So we drove on toward death through the cooling twilight.”- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Chapter One
It was a warm Autumn night and the smell of stale cigarette smoke lingered in the air but by the light of a lamp, one student was still awake.  A leather-bound book on his desk, filled with scrawled entries, he needed to calm down. He couldn’t prove what he was thinking so why was he so concerned? But yet everything was telling him he should be.
She would tell him that he shouldn’t be this stressed, but no offense to her. She didn’t know what he had found to make him this stressed, but he hated hiding things, but if he was right, he did not want to be right. It was just an old school legend, right? 
He sighed, his eyes darting over to the dark blue paper that was tucked underneath his leather journal. The school’s crest, an N and a W intersecting in unison, and smiled softly moving his pen to the first prompt. He had scribbled some ideas down for all three but the first one, the first one interested him.
Neverwinter Academy’s Practice Debate Topics
[X] Do personal demons lead to growth or can you make your growth?
[] Are private schools better than public schools?
[] Is the LGBT community forced upon our children?
He paused, scanning the brief three prompts he had chosen the first one in terms of a challenge for tryouts. The margins of the blue paper that advertised the event. He and Lucretia would have to talk about a strategy, while they were both co-captains they were also the star debaters of their school. But what would she say if he was investigating some pointless story? He sighed getting up from his seat. His legs, not quite asleep, gave some resistance but he casually began walking close towards his closet. He stared for a moment looking into the closet, not too surprised by its contents,  white-collared shirts, several pairs of denim jeans, and tucked away was his jersey from last season embossed on the right side underneath a small pocket, his nickname in silver embroidery floss B.Bluejeans.  Leave it to Magnus to give him the most memorable nickname freshman year and have it catch on like wildfire.
The school’s mascot, an owl embroidered on the sleeves. He sighed again, what was he doing? A drive would steady his nerves, probably. 
Before he left, he made sure to put on the varsity jacket, and made sure that he had his keys. The Camaro he owned was a decent one, vintage his father Gregor would say in an all too familiar overly enthusiastic voice, but as he exited his dorm grabbing the leatherbound book, for right now he didn’t want this book behind. 
Not until he at least talked to someone about his theory even if it did sound preposterous, he entered his Camaro and proceeded to drive off the campus, he knew it was past curfew, but he would be back soon.
For an Autumn night, she never expected it to be so cold,  well to be fair she was soaking wet.
 Her blonde hair soaking wet, a leather jacket, semi-stiff because of the water that seeped into it, a band tee sticking to her chest. But the worst was her combat boots sloshing and filled with water, and her socks were soaked.
 Gods this was uncomfortable,  that was the last time she was going to go to a party (she would say for now) even if it was a nice distraction from her latest string of foster homes. 
But right now, she was slightly buzzed and walking down the familiar streets. She could hear the wind up against her back. Fuck it was only going the night had to get worse huh?
She ran a hand through her hair, 
“Okay, Lup... you’ve been in worse scrapes. Remember the Hammerheads... you can call Hurley and Sloane and the- ”
She started the statement and pulled out her phone. Waterlogged. Fuck.  She let out another sigh, okay, let’s think this through. She proceeded to walk across the street, not entirely paying attention you need to call someone, Hurley, Sloane, Carey... would Noelle be up? Probably. Could she guarantee that the weasel Lucas wouldn’t answer the phone? No, she couldn’t. But first, she would need to find a phone. 
As luck would have it, illuminated by the streetlights was a payphone across the street. As she approached to cross the street, a car zipped past her, its windows partially rolled down,
“HEY WATCH IT!”  she shouted angrily at the driver. 
She sighed before her eyes widened, the car slowing down next to her. Great thinking Lup. Next time keep your mouth shut. She stared at the navy blue Camaro. It was a nice car what could she say. It was certainly nicer than most of the cars in Neverwinter Highschool’s parking lot. But she couldn’t shake the feeling there was something off.
The driver turned to look at her, Lup’s teeth still chattering. But he had kind eyes, shielded by his glasses, he was wearing a dark blue varsity jacket. His brown hair was a bit scattered, he looked even worse than her but something told her he didn’t drink tonight so what had him so frazzled?
“Shit, um... Did I hit you?” he even sounded dorky. 
Lup shook her head, it wasn’t in a condescending way, but she wasn’t going to let him off the hook. 
“I-I...d-don’t suppose you have a phone.”
Her teeth chattered as she enunciated each syllable.
Classy. She looked desperate. Pleading for this probable Richie Rich to be her knight in shining armor.  
He took a moment pausing and a faint click was heard, unlocking the passenger side of the car.
“You should warm-up, and then you can use my phone. If that’s okay... you just looked really cold an- ”
Lup looked him over, she could trust him and his words seemed believable enough, plus his face was memorable enough that if he tried anything weird.  She entered the car and gave him a curt smile.
Her teeth chattering had slowed down a bit, and before he started the car again, he took off the varsity jacket extending it to her.
“I’m Barry...” 
She paused, reading the name on the coat, as she took off her coat and put his on.
“Bluejeans?” she chuckled reading the silver writing on the coat.
He smiled, before watching her buckle her seatbelt and turning to focus on the road.
“It’s kinda a nickname... It’s kinda embarrassing” he chuckled
She rolled her eyes but smiled anyway,  her eyes looking around the car, before looking at the glove compartment.
“So Bluejeans... what’s got you worried?”
He cocked his head to the side, his eyes were on the road but he noticed her going towards the glove compartment. Chances are if she read his journal, she’d think he was crazy.
“Worried? Did I seem that way?”
Lup gave him a seemingly sarcastic deadpan expression.
“I’ve seen calmer expressions on a tightrope walker.”
Barry sighed,
“You’d think I’m crazy...”
She looked at him, his kind eyes seemed serious,
“Try me..”
As Barry opened his mouth, a car engine revved behind them.
“I’m sorry what did you say?!”
Lup turned her head and noticed a set of headlights close behind them.
“Someone’s uh following us...” 
Barry nodded,
“Hold on!”
He wouldn’t get away, not before they found out what he had written down in that journal. He had seen him scribbling away incessantly if he knew... no. Halwinter wasn’t that clever. Sure he had been aligned with some brilliant minds around the campus. But that journal, that journal had everything he needed to regain it. It wasn’t just a story. It was power, it could ascend them from what they were to what they could become. 
They said a small prayer under their breath as they collided with the car. Then time stood still. The cars were damaged, and the sound of the collision caused their ears to ring. It was fine, a mild inconvenience yes, but worth the reward.
Would he be forgiven?
Lup groaned, still being covered by the blue letterman coat, touched her head in confusion. She was bleeding? In her other hand, however, was a leather-bound book. But where was Barry?
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bl--ankhaeji · 5 years
The Get Together (Jeno)
Pairing - Non-idol*Lee Jeno x FemaleBlack*Reader, College au
Genre - smut, fluff
Warning - sexual content, enemies to lovers, slight praisekink, pretty explicit language
W.count - 5.4k
Sneak peek-“H-hold up,” I slightly push him off, “Let’s get this straight, just because we’re about to fuck does not mean that I like you now. It just means that I need some dick and you’re the only one around at this very second, ok.” I say in between breaths.
 “Ok, whatever you say.” He states smugly
 “Fuck you.”
“Oh please believe baby, you’re about to do just that.”
Lee Jeno, the most infuriating, egotistic, frown-inducing asshole was here, and it had me questioning why the fuck I was also in attendance. Let me start from the beginning. I was just a girl suckered into coming to a get together between my group of friends, the starting girls volleyball team, and his group of friends, the starting boys basketball team. This had already been planned for a while now, and because we were busy with preparing for the semi-finals it had been postponed for a month and ever since the beginning I knew I didn’t want to go just because of him. 
“Come onn y/n, pleasseee just for me this one time pleassee. I know you and Jeno have this unadulterated hatred against each other but I want to hang out with them because they seem like cool people.” My best friend and blocker, Joy, stated whilst violently shaking me. 
“No Joy, I’ve already made up my mind, I will not go and that’s final,” I rolled my eyes. “Also don’t act like you want to go to hang out with everyone, we all know you just want to get closer to Chenle, you’re not fooling anyone.” 
“Yea Joy, we all know you have a crush on him, so I agree with y/n on this one.” At that Joy became flustered whilst fixing a pout on her face. 
“Buttt y/n I also agree with Joy, I really want to go, and while you do hate Jeno you don’t hate us so do this for us please.” Chungha, the decoy, stated while tightening her ponytail. 
“Yea Cap. we’ve been working our asses off this entire season and I’m almost failing AP Chem. I need a break.” Our libero Hwasa commented.
The other wing spiker Mei strolled into the room “You guys it’s almost time coach is about to call us so can we decide this now?”
“Why don’t we make a bet.” The setter, Luci, calmly stated. Making sure everyone was paying attention she stated, “If y/n can score fifteen points this game then she doesn’t have to go, but if she doesn’t make the points then she has to attend. How does that sound?”
Everyone looked towards me to get the answer. “Fine. I’ll do it, but when I score a whole round don’t say anything. Come on ladies it’s showtime.”
“I shouldn’t have promised shit.” I grumbled when I found out I missed the mark by one point. All the other girls were screaming from enjoyment while I was beginning to sulk once I truly realized what I had gotten myself into. 
“Come on it’ll be fun I promise. You don’t even have to pay attention to Jeno, I'll be right there, we all will.” Joy expressed.
“Ok but when is the trip to hell?” I questioned already mentally putting together my outfit
“It’s next Friday. Ahhh I can’t wait, I'm so excited.” Chungha practically bounced on her feet. While I figured that it might not be that bad.
“I swear on my life that I will murder Jeno.” I exclaim while I forcefully throw my bag on the couch next to a startled Joy.
 “What did he do now?”  
“Ok so this morning had gone particularly well, I woke up early enough to do a bantu crown and fix my curls and not just wear a messy bun to class. I felt so good that I even decided to dress up for class.”, I say as I gesture to my outfit which consisted of a cropped hoodie with a tommy hilfiger sports bra and semi baggy pants with my tommy underwear band showing.
 “I was even able to stop for coffee and a cream cheese and ham bagel, I also sat down and talked to Jaemin and tried to express my concern for the coffee of the dead he was drinking at the time. That good mood went to shit when I got to my political science elective with Jeno.” I explained to Joy as what happened came rushing back to me. 
It was my second to last class and I was still thriving until he came in with his latest fangirl at his feet trailing behind him. The girl was desperately trying to get him to go out with him, he looked like he would do just about anything to get her to go away, and my dumbass made the mistake of snickering. He turned to me with a hard glare that would make anyone piss their pants and all of a sudden his eyes lit up like he had just figured out the key to life and not gonna lie that freaked me out. Before I could turn away he rushed over and dragged me out of my seat.
“I don’t want to go out with you because I’m already dating her.”
I whipped my head so fast that I’m surprised I didn’t break my neck. “What the hell you talkin’ bout willis?”
“There’s no way you’re going out with her for one and for two she doesn’t even know your name babe like who the fuck is willis.”
“Woah lady excuse me-”
“What the fuck you mean by I wouldn’t go out with her?” Jeno fumed, “I’d rather go out with her than your basic ass. Get the fuck away from me, now.” 
I stood there dumbfounded because I had never seen Jeno look so mad in my life, and I should know since I make him angry a lot, but before I could finish my thoughts Jeno did something that I would never imagine he’d do in my life. 
All I felt were his soft lips against mine. His lips felt slightly cool yet so smooth. I found myself kissing him back slowly, losing myself(but I didn’t tell them that)-
“Woah he did WHAT!”
 “He kissed you, are you serious?” Joy and now Chungha, who had just made it back from work, exclaimed at the same time. 
“Yes he kissed me, but that’s not all.” I said while trying to get back to the story. 
He broke away and fixed his eyes on the girl in front of us, and he said something I couldn't comprehend and the next thing I know I feel something cold being poured on me and something plop on my hair.
“The bitch had poured her fucking drink and squeezed out her cupcake on my head.” I told them.   
I turn to Jeno with the fiercest look I could possibly mutter. “Do you realize how much I want to kill you right now?”, I all but yelled in his face, I wanted to say more but the teacher walked into class.  
“UGHHHH I promise if I didn’t love you guys I would so bail on this stupid get together.”
Chungha suggests having a movie night with all of the girls as a way to apologize. “Fine but since I have to wash my hair now you guys have to buy my products for me when I run out next time.” I point at both of them while staring into both of their eyes. 
“Deal.” They both agree.
Tonight is the night of the get together and even though I don’t want to go I’m gonna look good while regretting my life choices. I pin my hair to the side since I feel like that would go best with the vibe I have going on, then putting on my leather jacket that completes my outfit of a rose embroidered slightly cropped shirt and high waisted red elastic overalls with the belts hanging down, I start to head out of my room to meet up with Chungha and Joy in the living room.
“Ok are y’all ready so we can head out, I’m trying to get in and get out so that I can get this night over with.” I tell them as I pass both of their rooms, getting ready to walk out of the apartment. They both walk out looking fine as hell, and we all take a second to survey each other. Then Joy’s phone pings, “The girls said they’ll meet us at the boy’s place.”
“Ok someone get me directions. AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT.” 
Since we’re caught up now let's continue shall we?
 “Great so now that everyone is here, let's begin.” Donghyuck or as he’s better known on campus as, Haechan said seemingly being in charge of everything. To anyone else it would’ve seemed boring garnering that there were no drugs and alcohol because we were all athletes and were currently in season and there was no loud music to make your ears bleed, but it was enough for us. Not to lie it was actually quite fun as long as I pretended Jeno wasn’t there. I even saw Joy and Chenle cuddling in the corner of the couch.  
But after all of the karaoke and twister and card games had calmed down we were left in a calm silence, and I saw this as the perfect chance to try and leave. 
“So tonight was fun but I think I’m just gonn-”
“No, don’t leave yet, we haven’t even gotten to the best part.” Donghyuck smirked and started to walk to his room only to come back with a small box. “Anyone up for truth or dare?”
“Come on Hyuck really, how old do you think we are?” Renjun stated while looking up from his phone at Donghyuck.
He smirked evilly, “Oh no my son this isn’t regular truth or dare. See this has a catch and you’ll see once everyone agrees to play.” He states while daring everyone to say yes. A chorus of various forms of agreement are heard throughout the room. Donghyuck takes a seat while telling us all to get in a circle and he places a bottle in the middle. 
“You see these.”, he proceeds to shake the box in his hands, “These are dirty dice and if you refuse to answer a truth or do a dare then you have to roll them, and whoever gave you the question has to do what the dice say to you.” 
“Haechan what the fuck-”
“Oh come on Luci, if you want I could give you a dare right now and we could demonstrate how this is supposed to go?” He offers cunningly with a smirk. Everyone knows they used to hook up for a while back but for some reason they never got together, but the tension between them was almost palpable. 
“Ok I’m down.”
“Let’s do it.” Jaemin and Mei both agreed and glanced at each other. 
Hwasa offered to spin the bottle first and it landed on Chenle. 
“Truth or Dare?”
Everyone has had a go at the bottle, and currently Jeno, Jaemin, and Mark are shirtless all for different reasons. Chenle and Luci have hickey’s up and down their necks(not from each other), everyone knows that Mei likes rough yet passionate sex, and Hwasa has had her boobs caressed by Mark. Also that if I was a boy and had to fuck one of the girls I’d fuck Chungha and Joy, and they both have had to kiss each other while Chungha was sitting on Renjun’s lap, so it’s safe to say that everybody is under immense amounts of sexual frustration. Donghyuck was currently in the process of completing his punishment.
“Ok Hyuck since you didn’t want to answer your truth then you have to let Luci lick whip cream off of your nipples because I’m sure as hell not about to.” Jeno says with a smirk and a nod in Luci’s direction. You could see the immense blush on both of their faces. 
“Uh-h-uhh” Luci stuttered.
“Just do it, I'm fine with it.” Donghyuck states with care and understanding in his voice while he sat beside Luci.
She hesitantly leaned toward him and slowly laid him down. She leaned over him and slightly let her tongue venture outside of her mouth and to the sweet white cream on his chest. The first couple of licks were sort of kitten licks due to the tension and the anxiousness in the room. Soon she made it past the whipped cream down to his nipple and she began to lick the access off and Donghyuck’s moans started to gradually increase in volume, until that was all that you could hear. His sweet whiny moans gave Luci confidence and let her know that she was doing a good job. And by the time she started to kiss her way over to the other nipple Donghyuck was whimpering and withering on the ground and you could see his boner start to form. The temperature in the room had increased exponentially by the time she had gotten done.
Mark cleared his throat, “Uhh Haechan do you uhm wanna go handle, that.” He said while gesturing to his boner currently poking through his pants, but he was too busy staring at Luci to listen to a word Mark was saying. Hyuck then stood up and grabbed Luci’s hand, “Come with me.” Him and Luci marched all the way back to his room where he slammed the door and all you could hear was our breathing. 
“Well that just happened so I think it's time- Woah what the fuck?” Chungha stopped talking and that made everyone pay attention to where she was looking only to see Joy and Chenle making out on the couch. Vigorously. Then soft grunts and moans were heard from Jaemin and Mei. ‘When the fuck did that happen?’ I think to myself. 
“Ok since all of you are some horny children I’m about to take my ass to Mark’s room goodnight.” Hwasa stated while she stood up and walked to Mark’s room, but what she didn’t know was that I saw her wink at Mark to which he claimed to have to ‘use the bathroom.’ 
So here I was stuck in the middle of sex crazed lunatics sexually frustrated as fuck with no one to do anything with, oh and did I mention I was stuck with Jeno.
“Fuck this I’m just about to head out, they can text me in the morning when they need to be picked up.”, I stated while getting my keys about to walk out the door, “I hope they use protection.” 
“Hey.” Jeno calls, “Let me go to your apartment.”
“What the fuck, no why can’t you stay here?”
“Because I won’t be able to get any sleep with all of this,” he gestures around the house, “going on.”
“Not my problem, bye.”
“Come on please.” He begs in aegyo.
“Ahhh stop stop now don’t do that bullshit again. Fine you can come just don’t ever do that I almost threw up.” I yell while grimacing.
“Thanks y/n you’re so kind.” He smiles with his eye smile.
Getting in the car and buckling my seatbelt I turn toward him and say, “Ok when we get to the house you can sleep in either Chungha or Joy’s room idc but just don’t say anything to me ok.” He nods his head and clicks his seatbelt. The entire drive back I was trying to be discreet while I rub my legs together. No matter how much I play it off, what went down at their house greatly affected me and now it was affecting my underwear, and Jeno’s cologne was not helping at all because it smelt so damn good and manly. I just hope he didn’t notice, all I have to do when I get to the house is just hop in the shower and then I can handle myself. 
“Hey y/n.” Jeno said out of nowhere scaring me. 
“What I thought we agreed not to talk to each other.” I said keeping my eyes on the road, but I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my head.
“When we get to the house do you want to continue the game?”
I almost swerve the car out of pure shock. ‘What the hell did he just ask me?’ And I don’t know if it’s because of the thrill of what he just offered or if it’s because I’m just that sexually frustrated and it’s making me delusional, but I pull up to the apartment building and once I park I look at him. 
“Why do you want to continue the game?” I questioned 
“I just want to, do you?” He looks at me with his eyes and what seems to be his heart on full display. 
“Fine.” I then get out of the car and walk toward the building and then proceed to walk up to the elevator. I notice Jeno is right beside me and we get in the elevator without a word and press the floor. We make it up to the apartment and I tell Jeno to turn around so that I can type in the password. Walking into the house feels as if I’m walking to my death and I get this feeling deep inside and it brings so much anxiety. 
“Ok lets continue.” I say to Jeno while I look at him.
“Truth or dare?” He questions while pulling the dice out of his pocket.
“I dare you to masterbate right here right now.”
I think about it but then I just say ‘Fuck it.’ Pulling my pants down I nervously worm my hands down to my underwear and I immediately feel just how wet I am and that causes a moan to fly out of my mouth and I start to work myself up. 
Rubbing my finger around my clit I feel that little tingle that comes from it and it is enlivening. I feel myself get wetter over time and then the moans start to bubble up until they are uncontrollable.
 I feel like something is burning into and I realize that I got so into it that I forgot that Jeno was watching me do this to myself. I didn’t know I was this horny but I was too far gone. I had already started and I wasn’t gonna stop anytime soon. 
“Ahh f-fuck, Jeno mm truth or dare?”
I take my hand deeper into my underwear and stick a finger inside. The penetration although not much made my moans come out even louder and I wanted more, so I asked the unthinkable, “J-jeno do you want to f-fuckk me.” It was like I had set off a bomb that released him from his cage because the next thing I know he was all over me. 
“Fuck kitten it’s about time you asked.”
“H-hold up,” I slightly push him off, “Let’s get this straight, just because we’re about to fuck does not mean that I like you now. It just means that I need some dick and you’re the only one around at this very second, ok.” I say in between breaths. 
“Ok, whatever you say.” He states smugly 
“Fuck you.”
“Oh please believe baby, you’re about to do just that.”
He started to take off the rest of my clothes while kissing my neck until he found my sweet spot. “Ah yes r-right there please.”
He grabs the hand that was in my underwear and holds it up. 
“Damn kitten you’re soaked. Is this for me?” He states while staring me in my eyes.
“Aw that’s too bad because maybe if it was you would’ve gotten a prize.” He says working his way down my neck to my breasts. He starts to slowly rotate them while putting gentle kisses around the nipple. 
“Hmmg stop teasing you asshole.”
“Baby, I don’t really think you’re in a position to tell me what to do.” He says while holding up his hand after running it up my slit. 
“Mmm like you have any room to talk.” I say while motioning to his clear erection. Deciding I’ve had enough of his shit I flip us around so that I’m on top. I look at his shocked face and say “You were taking too long for me.” 
I start to palm his dick over his pants while my other hand works on unbuttoning them.
“Shit that feels so good.” He says while slowly rotating his hips. 
I take my hands and push his pants and his underwear down at the same time, and when his penis pops up to slap his stomach which I then notice is bare my mouth slightly waters. I haven’t had sex in a long time because I’ve been too invested in college and volleyball, so to say that I would kill for some dick right now wouldn’t be too far off. 
I slip his dick in my mouth and start to give him possibly the best head of his life. If his high pitched yelps of my name say anything. 
“Ah-uh-h s-s-shit right there FUCK yes, suck that dick baby.”
I take my tongue and slowly caress his dick in my mouth from as far as I can reach to the very tip and I tease his slit. What my mouth can’t reach, I massage with my hands. Then I destroy his life by taking him all the way into my mouth bottoming out on his dick. 
I feel Jeno clutch my hair and tense up trying not to thrust into my mouth. 
“Y-you must be so hungry for my cock kit-kitten, you’re doing so well baby.” He says while rubbing my head 
I feel my spit building up in my mouth so I back off a little and swallow while still around his cock and he almost has an aneurysm. He immediately takes me from around his mouth. 
“Stop, if you had kept going I would’ve cum and I never cum that quick baby.” he says gingerly patting my head while looking into my eyes and running his thumb over my bottom lip. “Look at you kitten, you look so innocent, but with a mouth like that you’re anything but.”
I don’t know what it was whether it be his praises that sent shivers down my back or was it the way he was looking at me, but at that second I felt as if I was seeing him in a new light and it slightly scared me because I’ve never seen him in any other way than with hatred. 
He looked so beautiful with his freshly flushed face and his moans that still rung in my ears and the taste of his pre-cum still on my tongue. It was then that my mind decided to remind me of our kiss shared earlier this week and for the first time since it happened I didn’t get heated in anger but in somethin-.
 NO what the fuck am I thinking, I hate him and I’m pretty sure he isn’t feeling like this now just from some head. 
Y/n calm the fuck down. I look away from him as quickly as I possibly can and clear my throat, “Uh yea so can we just like move along please?”
I think he senses my change in moods but he doesn’t say anything. “Ok cool we can totally do that kit-”
 “Oh and can you also stop with the pet names.” He looked slightly hurt but agreed nonetheless. 
“Let's move this to the bedroom ba-y/n.” 
I can tell that what I’ve said has slightly ruined the mood but that won’t stop me, so as soon as we enter my room I push him onto the bed after I grab a condom from a shoe box under my bed.
 “I want to be on top.” I say while straddling him and rolling the condom onto him, and he agrees while stating that it’s whatever I want. I take his dick and rub my wet folds against his dick slowly grinding on it past my soaked hole but not yet putting it in and you can tell it’s pure torture for him. 
“Come on y/n stop teasing.”, and he slightly thrusts up as a warning.
“Mmh nope I don’t think I want to do that, this feels pretty ahh nice.” You could see the anger and irritation in his eyes. The next time you rub near your hole Jeno sits up and grabs your hips forcefully and slams you down on him basically impaling you. 
The whimper/scream that was forced out sounded downright inhumane in the most wanton way. You looked utterly fucked out right then and there and he hadn’t even moved yet. 
He slowly moved your hips to gyrate on him in an act of trying to get you used to the stretch before he lifted you up and slammed you back down again. 
“OH fuck baby, mmh shit you feel heavenly.”, he groaned in your ear smaking your ass, “You had me so fuckin’ twisted thinking I was just about to sit here and let you tease me like that and not strike back. Now you ride this cock like a good little kitten or I’ll make you do it myself.” 
You whimpered and proceeded to grind yourself against his pelvis. His dick reached spots that had never even been tapped before. You felt him everywhere. The encouraging kisses that he laid on your breasts followed by some of the darkest hickies you’ve ever had. Suddenly Jeno delivered a thrust that made you hop up and he kept giving them back to back nonstop.
“Yea my kitten likes that huh, I own this hole baby. Tell me who it belongs to.” 
When I didn’t answer he decided to take matters into his own hands. Next thing I knew he had me face down ass up giving me just about all the power he could muster in his hips.
“I don’t know if you heard me but let me repeat myself and this is the only time but I said who does this belong to.” He stated.
I didn’t reply. When he didn’t hear an answer he stopped. “No, no no no ugh fuckk don’t stop please don’t stop.” I plead while working my hips trying to get some sort of friction. 
“No, you don’t get shit.” He said while starting to get off of the bed. 
“Why do you want me to say that so badly? Why can’t we just fuck this one time with no strings and then go back to hating each other tomorrow?”
“Because y/n I like you ok, hell I would even say love. Look I don’t know when hate started to turn into like, but once it did it was too late to do anything about it so I just kept playing along with you because that’s the only way you would talk to me.”         
“What y/n I can’t understand you, look if you don’t like me back I understand but don’t do this and just let me go sleep in another room tonig-”
“I SAID, it’s yours- I’m yours..” I said looking away flustered. He walked toward me and held my head up and with his beautiful eye smile said, “And I’m yours.” 
He kissed me and it was as if nothing had ever felt as right as this, his lips moulded to mine. He proceeded to lay me down whilst still kissing me softly yet passionately. 
“Damn kitten you don’t know what you do to me. Now where were we?”
He inserted his dick into me and I swear it felt even better than last time. We kept eye contact while he moved in me, albeit slower, but each thrust left me wanting more and more. Something about this felt different then when we first started. I don’t know what it was but as my hands wandered all over his body feeling his protruding muscles and I looked into his gentle eyes that leaked nothing but love and I felt as if we were one. 
Grunting, Jeno asked, “ Is this enough for you baby, do you like the way I make love to you.”
 “Yes oh my god yes. It feels so good, I-I feel you in every part of me.”
“Fuck don’t say that...because I won’t be able to hold back kitten.”
“Who..was asking you to?”
At that Jeno started to roughly pound into me. His thrusts were so strong that I felt the bed moving with us. 
“Ffuck see this is what you do to me, you make me want to destroy you.” He grabs my ass so roughly that I’m sure there will be marks tomorrow.
“J-jen ahh I’m a-abou to uhghh cum.” I say barely being able to get my words out. 
“I’m almost there too baby just wait a sec.” He mumbles into my neck. I start to feel his pants and I feel his hips stutter. Clenching onto his arms, trying not to dig my nails so deep that it draws blood I lock my legs around his waist and squeeze my walls to help him get there faster. 
“Cum with me Jeno I can’t hold it any longer.” 
Jeno looks into my eyes and rubs his hand against my cheek and says,“Ok my sweet kitten you can let it go.”
It was as if my body was on cloud 11 and I didn’t want to come down. A broken scream was released from my mouth and I tried reaching for the closest thing I could find, anything, everything. 
Jeno thrusts one last time while cumming into the condom. He stands up off of the bed and walks over to the trash in my bathroom and ties the condom before throwing it away. Walking back to the bed he sees me get up and almost fall so he rushes over to help me. 
“What are you doing standing up right now? What is it I’ll get it for you?” he urges. 
“Uhh I’m pretty sure you can’t help me pee Jeno.” I chuckle in amusement. 
“Oh ok well just make sure to be careful.” 
I finish doing my business and make my way back to the room to see Jeno flicking through Netflix and it’s then that I realize that I’m naked so I try and hide myself so he can’t see. 
“I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t matter that I see you naked now since we did just have sex, and I’ll be seeing a lot more of you now that you’re my girlfriend.” He smirks while still scrolling, “But if you’re uncomfortable with that then I understand.” 
I clear my throat and make my way out of the room. I come back in with his shirt on and see his getting ready to say something until he sees me and then he blushes. 
“W-why are you w-wearing my shirt?” He stutters, not looking at my way. 
“Because I can, can’t I? Also I don’t ever remember you asking me to be your girlfriend, I’m waiting.” I smugly look in his eyes, “Look who’s shy now.” I say climbing into bed next to him.
“I- uhh.” He scratches the back of his neck out of anxiety. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” He smiles nervously 
“I don’t know Jeno, why should I?” I say in an attempt to scare him, He simpers and turns to hover over me, “Because I just gave you the best dick of your life that’s why.” 
I look at him incredulously, “Some one’s cocky. Are you sure about that statement?” 
“Do I need to recall you begging me not to stop. ‘oHhH jEnO PlEaSe DoNt sToP aHH AhH-’”, I start to smack his arm and push him off of me trying to hide my smile. 
“Shut UP I swear, see that’s why I’m not gonna be your girlfriend.”
“Noo baby I’m sorry ok, please do me the honor of dating me I promise not to mock you again.” He says trying to stop laughing and giving me puppy dog eyes. 
“Hmph, you act like you didn’t want this, do I need to recall you huh?” He hurriedly shakes his head. 
Jeno looks down sadly and asks,“Are you really not gonna date me now?” 
I have no choice but to swoon at how cute he was and I can’t help but to question his duality. “Oh my god you’re so cute, and of course I’ll date you.” I say holding his face up to look at me, and I peck his lips for added assurance.
 “Ok let’s watch a movie. I wanna cuddle, I'm tired.” I say as I snuggle into his chest.   
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Granger’s Sister part I (reader x Draco Malfoy)
                           part II | part III | part IV | part V | part VI | part VII
Not Requested: A few people at Hogwarts knew about Hermione’s family in the Muggle World. Even fewer knew about her older sister. A complete muggle, you kept silent and lived as a muggle with your family until Hermione asked you to go visit her at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and  Wizardry.
The wind was blowing through your hair, making it flutter madly, bursting out like flames from under the helmet. It was fortunately not long enough to be getting into your mouth. Unfortunately, Hagrid's was. You tried fighting it for a while, at first, but forfeited in the end.
 Had someone told you before that in a few hours you would be sitting in the back of a flying motorcycle, flying towards a magic school, you would have laughed and punched them in the face for taking the piss out of you. But there you were... being driven by a giant and you were clearly not dreaming, because all of that hair felt too damn real.
"Half-giant, actually. My ol' dad was a normal guy – by the age o' 6, I could pick'im up an' hang'im in the coat hanger. Oh, how he'd laugh when I did that." You smiled. Hagrid seemed like one of the kindest of people you had ever met. The embodiment of a gentle giant. Oups, half-giant. He had told you all about Hogwarts and how great Dumbledore was and you couldn't see his eyes, but judging by the tone of his voice, they were certainly glowing. He told you about the Dark Forest and the Black Lake and all the creatures that lurked about the school grounds and the mere thought of some of them made your skin crawl.
Oh, also, Werewolves were an actual thing. How crazy was that?!
"Well, I should have gone first, because nothing about my life can top that. I mean, my parents are dentists, I'm going to graduate soon..." You laughed. "And my sister a witch." He turned to you and smiled.
"Hermione, y'know... she's abou' the brightest witch of her generation." There was obvious admiration and affection in his voice and your heart warmed up a bit at his words. You had always been mad-proud of Herminie - even before you found out she was a witch.
"She has always been the best in everything she did - such a perfectionist. She has this incredible memory and I admire her so much for how motivated she is. It looks like she inherited all the motivation of our family and I... despite having been born first... was left with nothing." You sighed and Hagrid's face became a bit stiff – he was clearly not good at comforting people. "I mean... nothing except the good looks." You laughed, giving him a sly wink. Hagrid laughed at your cheek and patted your shoulder. "Wow, wow, hands on the steering wheel, please." You were already a tad envious on your sister.
It was not long after, that you caught a glimpse of a tower poking up from the clouds and then, bit by bit, Hogwarts began to unfold in front of your eyes. You were mesmerized. You had never seen anything as majestic. The grounds of the castle were swarming with black-dressed students, walking hurriedly towards class and every bit of the campus exuded magic. You fit like a fish in the middle of a forest. Hagrid must have noticed you holding your breath, or the sparkle in your eyes because soon, his voice pierced through the swooshing sound of the wind – that was blowing slower by the minute. You were getting close to landing.
"Beautiful, ain' it?" You nodded slowly, mouth agape, too overwhelmed to articulate a verbal answer. "Hold on tight, we're landing." You tried to wrap your arms around him as much as possible and closed your eyes, hanging onto his coat tightly. With a thud that made your stomach jump up into your chest, followed by various moaning sounds coming from the motorcycle, you had finally arrived. You jumped off the bike and spun around, taking everything in.
"Careful! Don't get too close to the Whomping Willow." Hagrid warned, pulling you by the collar of your denim jacket as if you were a mere puppy.
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"Wow, Hagrid... this is beyond imagination. And they were worried that I would talk about this in the muggle world?! No one would be able to even begin to imagine such beauty." You held your breath the entire way to Hagrid's hut, where you were to leave your luggage - that Hagrid was carrying for you.
"Ye' remind me of yer sister the first time she got'ere." Hagrid replied with a smile that felt somewhat nostalgic. "I remember it like it was yesterday." You smiled back and patted his arm. Your sister only had 1 or 2 years left at Hogwarts and you could understand by her letters that her friends and her were very close to Hagrid.
"Don't get yourself down by thinking too far into the future, Hagrid." You smiled encouragingly. "You know, living in the future can be as destructive as living in the past. Just enjoy the moment while it lasts." Your eyes fell upon a rustic looking hut, right by the edge of the forest you'd just flown above. Hagrid extended a hand, presenting the hut humbly. "It is absolutely lovely, Hagrid. It's just as magical as the castle – fits these grounds like a glove."
"Why thank yeh'!" By the redness of his cheeks, you could tell that it meant a whole deal to him. You complimented his humongous pumpkins and unique home décor and played a bit with Fang before he egged you on to explore a bit of the castle's ground. "The forest's out of boundaries, eh?" You nodded excitedly.
"You may not believe me, but gigantic spiders and werewolves are not something I'm dreaming to meet here." You answered and made your way, running up the hill right towards the castle. "Dumbledore will find ye' when the time's right!" Hagrid yelled from the hut's door and you waved in response.
  Oh, how you wished you got to live there too... you finally understood why Hermione always spoke of the place as if it was out of this world. For all you knew, it actually was. You walked around the castle for a bit, until you found your way inside an interior garden, where you finally sat on a bench to catch your breath. If you breathed enough of the magic air, you hoped you'd suddenly turn magical too and you got to stay. The life you'd have left behind was nothing worth pondering upon – you'd have given it in for that any second.
"Are you lost?" A voice interrupted you, just as you were about to summon the devil and sell your soul if he let you stay. Instead, you turned around and your eyes fell upon the figure of a tall, blonde-haired boy, watching you with a pair of magnificent grey eyes. You stared at him for a moment, your eyes travelling up and down, before you finally spoke.
"Hi." You smirked. "I wasn't lost before you showed up. Now I'm lost into your eyes." Your smile widened at the cheekiness of your dumb pick up line – wait, did they have them in the wizard world too? Judging by his lost, confused look and red cheeks, you supposed not. "I mean, I have no clue where I am, but I have no particular place to be, so I guess that I can't really get lost." You added, making the boy frown thoughtfully, his cheeks still flushed
"You are not a student at this school." He explained, making his previous question clearer.
"Ah, great sense of observation... so those gorgeous eyes are not only for show." He smiled and looked away, biting his lip and making you escape a laugh. He really was handsome, now that you had gotten a better look at him. The damn school just kept getting better and better. "I am visiting." You finally gave him a serious answer.
"Visiting?" He asked, now more confused than ever and his attention was all yours once more.
"Visiting." You emphasized as his eyes scanned you from head to toe. You were, indeed, easy to spot. You wore a white, summery dress that contrasted the oversized denim jacket and platform leather boots. Your long, dark hair was loose and had some nice waves in it and you had made yourself a daisy headband while you sat by the lake earlier.
"I didn't know that casual visits were allowed here."
"Neither did I, but Dumbledore agreed to it and here I am. And here you are... thank you Lord." You smiled and finally stood from the bench. You made your way towards him confidently and stopped one foot away from him, reaching your hand in front of you and introducing yourself - by your name only. "Hm, you are not a Gryffindor." You hummed and he blushed slightly as you ran your fingers over the embroidered snake on his robe.
"Oh, Salazar no..." He exclaimed in disgust, rolling his eyes despitefully. "Slytherin." He declared proudly, picking your interest. He could be cocky, you liked that... in the right amount.
"Hm... don't mind if I do slither in." You narrowed the distance between the two of you and pulled open his robe, wrapping it around both of you. "It's chilly here." Your bodies were now touching, your faces only inches apart as you looked up at him, smiling devilishly. You had no idea when you'd gotten that bold, but you were only going to be there for a short time and you were never going to see him again, so you had nothing to lose.
"You can have it." He said, sliding out of the robe and stepping away from you, leaving you behind wide-eyed.
"Oh, I don't mind sharing, c'mon." You laughed and invited him back, sliding your hands into the sleeves and opening up the robe.
"I'm fine, I was actually hot anyways." He replied almost immediately, taking a step back. You smirked and bit your lip.
"If you ask me, you still are." You winked as his face became inhumanly red.
"C-class is starting, I must go." He excused himself and left you there speechless, but smiling to yourself.
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"Cute." You thought watching him leave. "He's hot, what was he so shy about? Maybe I came on too strong." You pondered, pulling his robe closer to you. It smelled incredible and you were a sucker for a man that smelled good. "Damn, he never told me his name." It was not often that you went straight for a guy like that, but your time there was short and it was not often that you met someone who struck you in the way that he had done.
"Sister?" A familiar voice called from the doorstep and you raised your eyes to meet Hermione's.
"Herminie!" You exclaimed excitedly, meeting her halfway and hugging her tightly. Your little sister was the apple of your eye. You loved her dearly, for she was so worthy of all the love in the universe, so she more-than-deserved yours.
"Ugh, still calling me that?" She hissed through gritted teeth.
"Always." You answered kissing her head.
"How was your trip?" Her hand slipped under your arm and pulled you towards the castle.
"Right now, even taking a piss would feel exciting, so how do you think flying in a motorcycle felt?!" You exclaimed looking at her with sparkly eyes. "I still fear that I might be in a coma and imagining everything, but I still have some of Hagrid's hair on my clothes, so I guess it's real." Hermione laughed, leaning on your shoulder. "The thing that saves me is knowing that my dry brain could never come up with something this incredible."
"You smell... wait, thinking of it, where'd you get a robe from?" She asked analyzing you carefully. "And a Slytherin one to top it off. Ugh." She jeered.
"It was a welcome gift." You smiled innocently, but Hermione still knew you too well.
"Did you steal it?" Her eyes were burning holes into your soul and you burst out laughing.
"What an awful accusation. I was actually telling the truth." You answered trying to feign offended, but she knew you like the palm of her hand.
"Making someone give it to you is not receiving a present..." Hermione laughed and picked up her pace.
"Wow..." An unknown voice broke the sound of your steps as your eyes fell on a group of guys. For a second there, looking on the right, you feared that your brain might have been overheated, because you were suddenly seeing double.
"Sister, these are, in order from left to right: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan and Ron's twin brothers, Fred and George." You looked at everyone, trying your best to remember their names... then, overwhelmed by the mass of people, trying hard to remember your own. "Everyone, this is my sister." You waved and you swore that half of those guys were drooling. You weren't some supernatural beauty, but you guessed you did stand out a bit.
"Oh, what is it? Is it a secret meeting of the 'worst things that ever happened to Hogwarts'?" A weirdly familiar voice rang from behind you right as Hermione arranged the robe's hood on your head. "And look... naturally, Granger's the head of it." Your head shot up when you heard your name, but then looked at Hermione to see that she was now shaking slightly.
"Shut up, Malfoy!" Ron spat angrily. You instantly liked him.
"Uhhh, or else? Did they make poorness contagious now?" The other guy answered, making Ron turn almost as red as his hair.
"Just go away, Malfoy." Hermione spoke, her voice shaking a bit.
"Don't tell me what to do, you filthy mud-blood." Hermione turned towards you, embarrassed, trying to keep her composure, but you noticed that she was getting teary eyed. That was when you'd had it - what was a mud-blood anyways?
"Who in the bloody hell do you think you are, you piece of..." Your words got stuck in your throat when you turned around and your eyes met those of the guy from earlier. Your eyebrows shot up incredulously and a wide, mean grin appeared on your face. The little sheep was a bully?! By the look of it, he was choking on his words as well, because he was speechless again.
You would have been amused by the irony of the situation, if you didn't remember that he had just insulted your sister.
"Wait... you seem familiar. Have we met before or do you just look like my next boyfriend?" You spoke loudly, making everyone look at the both of you dumbfounded. Hermione's eyes widened when she figured that it was his robe that you were wearing. "Did you come looking for me?" You flirted, walking closer to him.
"N-no." He stuttered, making your eyes turn a bit meaner.
"Changed your mind about sharing the robe?" You inquired, walking closer to him and opening up the robe. He shook his head in response, making you bite your lip. "Oh... cat's got your tongue?" You were, once more, inches away from his face, your fingers tracing his smooth, ivory skin.
"K-keep it. I'll-I'll just buy new ones." He forced an answer, trying not to look as intimidated as he was in front of the others.
"Thank you, love." You replied getting closer and brushing your lips against his cheek before placing a soft kiss on it. A second later, the same fingers that had caressed his skin were now clenched tightly around his jaw, your long, red nails pressing down into his skin. "Listen, boy toy. As cute as you might be, don't you dare bother my Hermione again." You hissed angrily, looking straight into his eyes.
"Or-or else?" He stuttered, despite trying to push back. You laughed and let go of his face.
"Listen, puppet. You don't know half the things I'd to for her, so don't push me. Alright?" You smiled as you pulled his head down and pushing it back up into a nod. "Good boy."
"Don't touch me." He snapped, pulling his wand out.
"Babe, take that thing out of my face before I shove it up your ass." You growled grabbing his wand wand pulling him closer to you. "Just go." You whispered, leaning towards him, your lips millimeters apart and blowing him a kiss. You let go and walked back towards Hermione, putting your arm around her neck and hugging her, leaving a dumbstruck Draco behind. "Bye love, see you around!" You yelled looking back at him and winking.
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