#and scott's performance is mwah chef's kiss amazing
🎭Favorite sketch where the kids play themselves? oh the scott-bot sketch for sure! so many parts i love: the scott-bot ripping off bellini's towel only for him to have another towel underneath, kevin bursting in with a ripped sweater, mark's scared acting, the fact that scott built a robot because he was still tired from his vacation, scott fighting the robot in his robe and with the wrong remotes... it's a gem
🪠Favorite one-off character? scott's detective character from the katnapped sketch. that's a great sketch already, but there's something just really fascinating about the peter prince character that i just can't get enough of. also some of scott's best work, in my opinion
📰Have you watched News Radio? i have not! but i plan to! my girlfriend used to watch it and she really hyped it up for me. i recently found seasons one and two at a second-hand store, and my sister got me season three for my birthday. once i get it the last couple seasons on dvd i am blowing through it
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