#i like the thrill of discovery and finding stuff like that in the wild
🎭Favorite sketch where the kids play themselves? oh the scott-bot sketch for sure! so many parts i love: the scott-bot ripping off bellini's towel only for him to have another towel underneath, kevin bursting in with a ripped sweater, mark's scared acting, the fact that scott built a robot because he was still tired from his vacation, scott fighting the robot in his robe and with the wrong remotes... it's a gem
🪠Favorite one-off character? scott's detective character from the katnapped sketch. that's a great sketch already, but there's something just really fascinating about the peter prince character that i just can't get enough of. also some of scott's best work, in my opinion
📰Have you watched News Radio? i have not! but i plan to! my girlfriend used to watch it and she really hyped it up for me. i recently found seasons one and two at a second-hand store, and my sister got me season three for my birthday. once i get it the last couple seasons on dvd i am blowing through it
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sciencestyled · 2 months
The Periodic Palette: How Chemical Elements Get Their Artsy Groove On!
Picture this: You walk into an art gallery, and instead of the usual Mona Lisas and Van Goghs, you see a giant painting of a flamboyant neon tube doing the Macarena. Welcome to the wild, wacky world of chemical element symbolism in modern art! If you think chemistry is just about boring old equations and guys in lab coats mixing weird stuff in test tubes, think again. We're diving headfirst into the bizarre and hilarious intersection of chemistry education with art, where elements get their groove on and artists get all scientific.
First off, let's travel back in time, like Marty McFly in a DeLorean, to when chemical elements were the rock stars of artistic symbolism. Medieval alchemists weren't just trying to turn lead into gold; they were creating visual symphonies of elements with symbols that would make your emoji keyboard jealous. Gold symbolized perfection and divinity—think of it as the Beyoncé of elements. Mercury, with its quicksilver dance, was all about transformation, like a magical wardrobe change at a Lady Gaga concert. Artists back then were like the original meme creators, using elements to convey deep, philosophical messages, much like how we use the crying-laughing emoji today.
Fast forward to the present day, and artists are taking these elemental symbols and remixing them like a DJ at a techno rave. Contemporary art has embraced elements with the same fervor as a Twitter feud. Let’s talk about neon, the gassy show-off that makes Las Vegas look like a glittery fever dream. Neon lights are the epitome of modern symbolism, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. It's like the element took a look at Picasso's Guernica and said, "Hold my electron."
Take Dan Flavin, for instance, the artist who decided that fluorescent light tubes could be more than just harsh office lighting. Flavin's work turns humble argon and mercury into glowing masterpieces that scream, "I’m fabulous and I know it!" Imagine a gallery full of Flavin's lights: It's like stepping into a cyberpunk nightclub where the bouncers are electrons, and the VIP section is reserved for photons.
And who can forget the quirky brilliance of Damien Hirst? This guy is like the Kanye West of the art world—controversial, ostentatious, and undeniably genius. Hirst's use of formaldehyde in his works is a literal embodiment of the phrase "preserve your legacy." His infamous shark, preserved in a tank of formaldehyde, is like the world's most macabre aquarium exhibit. If Finding Nemo had a Halloween special, this would be it.
But wait, there's more! We can't talk about chemical elements in art without giving a nod to the queen of radioactive elements: Marie Curie. Her discoveries in radioactivity have inspired artists to incorporate elements like uranium and radium into their works. Imagine an art installation that's not only visually stunning but also glows in the dark like a raver's dream come true. Sure, it might be a tad hazardous, but who cares about a little radiation when you're making art history?
Now, let’s slide into the DM's of education and art. The fusion of these fields is like a Marvel crossover event—unexpected, thrilling, and leaving you wanting more. Chemical element symbolism isn't just a nerdy niche; it's an interdisciplinary goldmine. Picture a high school chemistry class where instead of boring textbooks, students get to analyze Banksy's latest graffiti. Banksy, the art world's Batman, often uses elements like carbon (in the form of soot and spray paint) to make powerful social statements. Imagine the educational impact of discussing the properties of carbon while dissecting the layers of a Banksy piece. It's like learning chemistry through a Netflix binge-watch session—informative, engaging, and oddly addictive.
Educationally speaking, the potential here is like finding a cheat code in a video game. Teachers can use art to demystify the periodic table, turning it from a grid of confusion into a vibrant palette of stories. Each element has its own personality, much like the characters in a reality TV show. Take sodium, for example. On its own, it's a bit of a wallflower, but mix it with chlorine, and bam! You get table salt, the culinary superstar. Teaching chemistry through art is like giving students a backstage pass to the greatest show on Earth, where elements are the eccentric performers and the periodic table is the ultimate reality show.
Case in point: the work of Cai Guo-Qiang, the artist who decided that traditional canvases were too mainstream and opted for gunpowder explosions instead. His art is like a chemistry lesson wrapped in a Michael Bay movie. Guo-Qiang's explosive displays aren't just visually spectacular; they're a lesson in the chemical reactions that make fireworks possible. It's like watching MythBusters meets Cirque du Soleil—a sensory overload that leaves you both awestruck and slightly singed.
But the pièce de résistance of this wild ride through chemical element symbolism in art has to be the interdisciplinary learning potential. Imagine a project where students create their own elemental art, incorporating everything from neon light installations to graphite sketches. They could research the properties and historical significance of their chosen element, then use that knowledge to inform their artistic creations. It's like a science fair and an art exhibition had a baby, and that baby grew up to be the coolest kid in school.
In conclusion, the dialogue between chemistry and modern art is richer than a billionaire's bank account and more dynamic than a TikTok dance challenge. Chemical elements, with their unique properties and historical significance, provide a wellspring of inspiration for artists and educators alike. By exploring this vibrant intersection, we not only make chemistry education more engaging but also highlight the profound connections between science and art. So next time you see a neon sign or a preserved shark, remember: it's not just art—it's elemental.
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cloth0 · 6 months
A rather lengthy post about my hallucination process, and how to waste a couple of hours
The setting: in The Office 8x13, when Jim and Pam bring their babies to the office, everybody is greeting them yatta yatta, and at some point Andy says about baby Philip: "He's licking on my finger just like my cat does." I remember being rather confused when I watched this scene, like... Andy has a cat?? Why I didn't know this? Why nobody (asfarasIknow) is exploiting this information for fan stuff???
But that huge discovery (!) just kinda sat in the cluttered back of my mind, collecting dust. Until today.
I was randomly recalling this scene (while taking a shower, the vapors from the scorching water really help my "creative process"), and the actual line of thought went something like:
Andy has a dog personality, and owns a cat
Oscar has a (dorky) cat personality, and owns a dog
-> cute + absolutely perfect
Uh, Angela owns multitudes of cats as well tho, how does it fit in the equation?
And so I started to connect the dots and I thought... But what if
What if after he discovers the cheating (possibly also after the honeymoons), Andy needs to speak to Angela to sort the last things out, like getting back the engagement ring etc, and maybe in the heat of the moment he's taken by spite or anyway tries to come back at Angela somehow, and
Andy: "... And I want Fili back!" Angela: "WHAT I'm not giving you Fili!" Andy: "I took her from the warehouse, I saved her. She's my cat, I want her back."
(Yup, I was thinking about the cat that Andy captured from the warehouse and gave to Angela to win her over, which in my head was i) a female cat, because yes, and ii) named Fili, which admittedly is a work-in-progress, I was trying to find a cute name that could have had a reference to the warehouse, so I went with Forklift>Foli>Fili, eh.)
And eventually Angela begrudgingly complies, and Andy finds himself with this cat, and has no idea what to do with her, but he's enthusiastic (as Andy does). The cat on the other hand is Less Than Thrilled, because cats notoriously do not like to change homes, plus she doesn't have her cat pals anymore, AND the human she's stuck with is clearly incompetent. So she strives to make her distress very clear by peeing on any available surface and staying the fuck away from Andy, engaging as little as possible (glaring at him while eating and hissing if he tries to get closer).
Andy is heartbroken. Not only her betrothed cheated on him, now not even the cat wants anything to do with him? How sad and pathetic is that? So he depressingly starts to think that maybe it's best for everybody to give Fili back to Angela.
But then one day he gets home and idk, maybe it was just a particularly bad day, maybe he blew yet another sale, maybe the whole 'missed wedding' affair just caught up with him, maybe all these things together, but he just flops on the couch and just sits there quietly, head in hands, trying to decompress and calm down.
And Fili peers from a corner of the house and watches him with curiosity for a bit, then starts trotting to him, gets between his feet and starts playing with his dangling tie, which is extremely colorful as always and just so pretty. Andy opens his eyes, sees her and goes: "Oh hi".
The next morning he comes to the office with some very visible scratches on his face, to everyone's confusion/worry(/disinterest), and when Pam asks him if he is alright he just makes the brightest grin and answers: "Never been better!". And from there those two just clicked, and Fili steadily warms up to Andy, accepting to be patted and purring in return, snoozing contently on his lap while he plays his banjo/guitar, and generally do all the adorable mayhem a cat usually do, just being Andy's little princess.
After all this wild hallucination, I pondered the idea of actually writing something based on this scenario - the only real problem I saw was the 3-months period of Andy being on the damn boat. I could only see him leaving Fili to somebody he actually-really-truly trust (who? Oscar maybe? so obvious?), and when would he drop her off anyway? The entire journey's reason is for it to be a very spur-of-the-moment thing, so...
... Unless...
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(that's Cooper "The Sailing Cat", check him out)
I mean?? It works???
At this point, I was totally in a "you had my curiosity, now you have my attention" mood, and started collecting some refs etc.
And it was then that I discovered that the cat that Andy captures in the warehouse is actually the same cat, Garbage, that Dwight tried to give to Angela as a present, but she refused. Which is actually Bandit, the kitty that Angela throws at ""Oscar"" on the ceiling during the Fire Drill episode, the puss on the roof if you will. Speaking of 9 lives.
Needless to say, this canon pretty much ruins my entire well-concocted (?) plan. I think I will still do something will all this brain-garbage I produced, but now I'm too fussy about it.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
No One Else Can Know (Haikyuu!!)
Primary Universe
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So...this turned out to be less of a tickle war than a declaration of war on Hinata's part that leads to Kageyama getting wrecked and some interesting revelations, but...I really like how it turned out, even if it doesn't exactly fit the prompt, so I hope you'll forgive me for taking some creative liberty here. Enjoy!
This time, Hinata thought as he took off his sneakers before entering the gym. This time, I’ll be the winner. I’m not letting him beat me again!
Kageyama was inside, alone, practicing his serves. It was early morning before school. Hinata had no idea how the setter had gotten inside without keys – unless he’d talked Daichi into letting him borrow them, that cheater – but regardless, this was his prime opportunity to catch him by surprise. Kageyama always, always won their tickle fights because of his height and strength. But Hinata had gotten him begging once before, and dang it, he was going to do it again if it killed him.
He waited until the setter’s back was turned, then sprinted for him, leaving his bag and shoes behind. His speed was his ally as usual, and he leapt onto Kageyama’s back, wrapping one arm around his front and digging into his side with the other, legs wrapped around his friend’s waist.
“Ah – what?!” Kageyama yelped, letting out a shriek in response to those fingers in his side. He giggled, unable to help himself, but still managed to yell, “Hinata, you moron!”
“You’re not beating me this time!” Hinata laughed, clinging to Kageyama’s back for dear life as the setter twisted and writhed and tried to shake him off. “Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
“Gah – crap – dahahahang it, Hinata, gehehehehet off of me!”
“Nuh-uh!” The redhead reached even further around to his stomach and dug his fingers in there instead. “Not this time!”
“Nahahahahahahahaha!” Kageyama squealed, frantically grabbing at Hinata’s fingers even as he stumbled and fell to one knee. Hinata quite literally pounced on the opportunity, shoving the setter face-first to the floor and straddling his lower back, reaching into his underarms. Kageyama clenched his arms to his sides, but it was far too late for that. “Nohohohohohohoho! Hinatahahahahahaha!”
“You always win our tickle fights because you’re taller than me, stupid Kageyama,” the spiker teased, darting one hand out from its prison to scribble along his back. “But not this time! I’ve got the element of surprise on my side today.”
Kageyama tried to roll over, but it was useless. He giggled hysterically into the floor of the gym, kicking his legs behind him. “Stahahahahahahahap! Gehehehehehet off!”
“Not until I find your spot. You found mine immediately, which is super unfair. Today I’m finding yours so I can at least fight back a little!”
Good luck with that, Kageyama thought through his cackles. You’re going to be hard-pressed to get to it as long as you don’t move.
Hinata kept up his sporadic scribbling and digging into the setter’s underarms, ribs, sides, and all over his back, but to his disappointment, he got nothing more than crazed giggling and a few demands to get off of him, which of course, he ignored.
“Aw, come on,” he whined. “I got you to beg before! Why aren’t you--?” Then it hit him. The last time he got Kageyama pleading, his friend was lying on his back, not on his front like he was now. Still, shifting at all at this point was a dangerous move on his part. He hummed contemplatively, then did his best to sneak his fingers between the floor and Kageyama’s stomach, pleased with himself when he got some harder giggling for his trouble.
“Dahahahahang it, you lihihihihihittle moron, lehehehehehet me go already!” Kageyama half-growled, half-giggled at the boy on top of him. He tried once more to roll over, but that only afforded Hinata better access to his belly, and more digging made him collapse again, letting out an embarrassing squeal. “Nohohohohoho!”
“Aha! I found it, didn’t I?” Hinata laughed. “If only there was another bus for you to get stuck in, so I could tickle you without you being able to get me back.” Encouraged by his discovery, he lifted his weight from Kageyama’s back just a little, but that tiny fragment was enough of an opening, and the setter finally succeeded in rolling over, blindly reaching for Hinata’s ribs as he went.
“Then it wouldn’t be a tickle fight,” Kageyama informed him, grinning wickedly as the little decoy squealed and scrambled away. “Moron.”
“Ack! No! Not this time!” Hinata yelled, using a burst of panicked energy to shove Kageyama right back onto the floor, face-up this time, going for his belly. “I’m not losing to you again!”
Kageyama hated himself for how loudly he shrieked, the sound of it echoing off the empty walls of the gym. He threw his head back and laughed, grabbing at Hinata’s wrists and kicking wildly. “NOHOHOHOHO, STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
“Ha! It is your tummy! I knew it!”
The blush that had threatened to bloom on the setter’s face became a reality with those words. He growled through his laughter. “DOHOHOHOHON’T CAHAHAHALL IT THAT, YOU IHIHIDIOT!!”
“Aw, what’s the matter, Kageyama? Got a ticklish tummy?” Hinata latched onto the protest and sank his teeth into it, grinning widely, shoving his hands under his friend’s sweater to tickle the skin directly. “Oh, yes you do! You have such a ticklish tummy, don’t you?”
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Kageyama was mortified by the sounds escaping his mouth – sounds he didn’t even know he was capable of making. He grabbed Hinata’s wrists but was unable to pry him away. “GEHEHEHEHEHET OHOHOHOHOFF, HINATA!!”
“Not until you beg me to~”
“SCREHEHEHEHEHEHEHEW YOU, YOU LIHIHIHIHIHIHITTLE JEHEHEHEHERK!!” Then Hinata found the two spots directly below his ribs on his upper stomach, and he absolutely exploded with laughter. Hinata’s eyes went wide, shocked at how loud the noise was. “CRAPCRAPCRAP NOT THERE NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHERE!! HINATA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
The redhead beamed, thrilled to have found a spot that could make Kageyama laugh like this. “Wow, this really tickles you, huh?”
Kageyama cursed through his hysterics and pounded the ground with his fist, using his other hand to desperately push at his tormentor. “PLEASE!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! STOP IT, HIHIHIHIHINATAHAHAHAHA!! PLEASE YOU’RE KIHIHIHIHIHIHILLING ME!!”
At that Hinata did stop, smiling so wide it nearly split his face. He was ecstatic. “I’ve never heard you laugh like that, Kageyama! It was so awesome!”
“Sh-Shut up,” the setter gasped, shoving him away. “I h-hate you.”
“You’re so cool,” Hinata continued, blatantly ignoring his friend’s grumbling. “Your sets have gotten amazing lately, and it’s even more fun to share the court with you now, and you’ve got a really fun laugh! I want to hear it all the time!”
Kageyama panicked. In a flash he’d grabbed the little redhead and pulled him in close, wrapping his arms around him from behind and drilling into his lower ribs with a vengeance. “Absolutely not, you idiot!”
It was Hinata’s turn to burst into hysterics, squealing and kicking desperately. “WAIT NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! KAGEYAMA PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“No one else can know about that spot. You hear me?” The setter growled in his ear, tickling harder. “No one!”
“BUHUHUHUHUHUT IT’S SO FUHUHUHUHUN – AIIIEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!” He tossed his head back with an ear-piercing squeal, slapping the setter’s forearms as he switched to kneading into his ribs. “FINE OKAHAHAHAHY YOU WIN I WOHOHOHOHON’T TEHEHEHELL!! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Kageyama did stop, but he didn’t let him go. He held onto Hinata firmly, unwilling to unleash him back into the wild until he felt safe again. “Hinata, I’m…I’m serious. Don’t tell anyone about this.”
Hinata wiggled a little, but he knew he wasn’t getting away until the setter decided to free him, so he sighed and went limp, resting against Kageyama’s chest. “But why? You said yourself it’s not a big deal that we’re both ticklish.”
The dark-haired setter was silent for a long moment. So long, in fact, that Hinata wondered if he’d even heard the question. But eventually he murmured, “It’s just…stuff has happened, all right? People have…I’ve been…”
Hinata frowned, hearing the vulnerability in Kageyama’s voice and becoming worried. He twisted his head around to look up at him. “You’ve been what?”
Kageyama held him closer, though he really didn’t mean to. “People have used it against me. That spot. I’ve been…I’ve been humiliated with it before. I don’t want that to happen again. Not here.”
Humiliated with that spot? “You mean, people have used it to torture you?”
A flinch. A sigh. “Yeah.”
Hinata’s shoulders slumped. “So it’s not fun for you anymore?”
“That’s messed up.” The redhead patted his friend’s arm again, softer this time. “I’m sorry, Kageyama.”
Finally, Kageyama loosened his grip and let him go. “I just…wanted you to know. To understand that I’m serious.”
“I get it. I mean, I don’t – I haven’t been through it – but I still get it.”
“Yeah.” The setter wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Thanks.”
Hinata shifted a little, reaching for his friend’s knee and squeezing lightly, smiling at how Kageyama jumped. “But…I can still tickle you, right? Just not there?”
“Tch. Idiot.” Kageyama shot him a smirk, grabbing onto his ankle and scribbling his fingers along his socked sole.
“Ehehehehehehe!” Hinata squeaked, giggling happily. “Thahahahahahat wahahahasn’t a no!”
“Yeah, whatever, moron. If you must. Just not there.”
“Of cohohohohohourse I must tihihihickle you!” Hinata beamed, grabbing his knee and digging into the underside of it this time, making him giggle, too. “Hohohohow ehehehelse are we gohohohonna have tihihihihickle fihihights?”
“You ahahahahahare such an ihihihihidiot.”
With that, the two of them took turns tickling each other into round after round of hysterics for the rest of the morning, completely oblivious to the fact that three of their teammates showed up and then left again at different times, unwilling to barge in on their silly battle. And when the first bell rang, signaling to them both just how much time had passed, they scrambled to get to their classes on time, already so exhausted they had no hope of surviving the regular school day, let alone practice afterward.
But it was worth it.
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duskoscrawl · 3 years
End of Year Ao3 Wrap-up and Update: 2021
Works written: 49
Kudos: 3,699
Comment Threads: 193
Bookmarks: 454
Subscriptions: 26
Word Count: 89,344
Hits: 19,620
First fic of the year: Anything Frumpkin Can Do (Critical Role C2) 23/01/2021
Last fic of the year: Until the Dawn (A Town Called Danser) 27/12/2021
Highest hits: The Dots (I've Connected Them) (ATLA) 1,621
Highest kudos: Petrichor (Critical Role C2 post-canon) 262
Highest comment threads: Control Flames (Critical Role C2 post-canon) 11
Highest bookmarks: No More Children on the Pyre (Critical Role C2 post-canon) 35
Highest subscriptions: Thinner Than a Razor (Critical Role C2 AU) 13
Highest word count: Bread and Buttons (Critical Role C2) 8,220
Fandoms: Critical Role (37), A Town Called Danser (6), Cinderbrush (4), ATLA (1), The Terror (1)
I've done a lot this year, writing wise. I started this blog, increased my yearly word count by over 60,000 words from last year, found people to talk to about my crit role work instead of bothering my friends about it 100% of the time, committed multitudes of crimes against punctuation, and more. I didn't make it to 50 fics, or to 100,000 words written, but hey, there's always next year!
It's crazy to think that during this long long year I finished Tiefling Time because writing the final part felt like years ago. I adored writing the Tiefling Time fics and I'm so proud of how a series of headcanons came together to form Remembering How to Love Each Other. I'm hoping that my other headcanon series: Firbolg Fancies, The Voices Beneath, and Oops! All Essek progress as nicely in the new year.
The Campaign 2 finale feels like just yesterday and I'm incredibly proud of my post-canon series: When We Stop Runnning. Over the course of this year, I have become a person who can write dialogue, even going as far to write the largely dialogue You'll Hear When I Do. Campaign 2 holds such a large place in my heart. and despite my fears that I'd lose my love for it when campaign 3 began, I have a number of campaign 2 wips that you'll see sooner or later. I have more to write for When We Stop Running. There are 5 more members of the Nein to write in Lives of Nein (and I certainly have thoughts about Yasha). I am very excited about some of the AUs I'm working on - prepare for the Beau Yasha first meeting in the Aeor Era AU at some point soon, and Thinner Than A Razor is my dearest project (even the notes make me giddy with excitement). Campaign 2 will definitely return in 2022.
I adore Campaign 3 so far. It's been utterly thrilling to ride a campaign from the start (111 of C2 was my first live ep). It delighted me to post the first fluff for Laudna and Imogen, and then make the tags for Zhudanna and for Milo and see them fill up. My Krook House Family series is definitely something I'm excited to write more for in the new year, especially when new lore drops. But with new episodes coming, there will definitely be Campaign 3 fics in 2022.
I have written some experimental stuff for Cinderbrush this year. It was wild to discover that Amanda Beltman didn't have her own character tag. I will admit that my dark and emotional Cinderbrush stuff is easier to write, what with the amount of edgy music that slips into my doing stuff listening. So expect more in The Soundtrack to Cinderbrush is MCR. As for my other series, Rebuilding Lives, Brick By Brick, I am uncertain if I can return to it. My teen years are glowing further away and the friends whose laughter make this series feel real are drifting further away into the real world. To make the series work will require lots of emotional legwork and self-discovery from the characters that I don't know if I will find the energy to write. So no promises for Cinderbrush.
I can assure you that the Terror Fic I wrote was a joke for my friends, who are obsessed with it. You may see more joke fics based off conversations in the kitchen (there's this one Good Omens joke that I started). There will likely be no more Terror.
I wrote an ATLA fic this year and now that I've seen it for the first time, I completely get the hype. If you've been following my recent bookmarks (don't do that), you may have noticed I am enjoying ATLA a lot now, so you may see more of that in 2022.
As for A Town Called Danser, if you don't know what it is, I assure you that's fine. There are about 10 people in the world who know. I have promised a complete life and times of Charles Barnett so that may appear at some point soon (feel free to dive in clueless, we're having fun).
But overall, thank you to everyone who has read my work this year. Thank you to everyone who has commented or left kudos or bookmarked them. Thank you to the people with usernames I am coming to recognise. Thank you to the guests who commented because they felt like they couldn't leave without telling me. Thank you to everyone who has listened to me ramble about new episodes. Thank you, everyone. Happy new year.
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How do you think the gym leaders (or really anyone) would react to finding a new Pokémon species and type combination? (Examples: Fire/Electric or Fairy/Fighting)
Needless to say, Sonia would be the most thrilled. She immediately try to catch it, or call someone who could, like Leon, for her. She’s studying dynamaxing and history, but if the opportunity presented itself, she would definitely study a new pokemon species, especially if it were a new type combination.
Milo would probably not realize what a find it is. He knows a lot about pokemon, of course, but he doesn’t study them. He knows there are type pairings that don’t exist, but he doesn’t remember which ones they are. He wouldn’t try to catch it to see what it was either. He would probably let it leave and then realize his mistake after someone else finds it.
Nessa is also not that curious about pokemon, and she doesn’t want to catch one she won’t use, because then it’s just better off being wild. If she knew it was a new species, she would definitely try to catch it and bring it to someone like Sonia or Leon, but chances are she won’t realize until much later when she can’t find mention of that pokemon anywhere.
Kabu would certainly recognize a new species/type pairing. He’d try to catch it as quickly as possible, and if it ran, he would probably chase it. If he could get it, he would probably bring it to Leon or Sonia. He’s not big on studying pokemon, but he knows that a new discovery can make a big impact on the world.
Bea wouldn’t be interested in catching it. She wants strong pokemon, not new ones. If it were potentially a fighting pairing, then she’d catch it, but any other pokemon, she’d let go for someone else to discover. Who is she to butt into the scientific world?
Allister has a habit of catching pokemon just to see what they are. He’s a very curious person who knows that he doesn’t know everything. If he recognized that it was a new pokemon, he’d probably show it off, but not give it away. He’d be proud of himself for discovering it. If not, people would only find out when he’s like “hey, do you know what pokemon this is? There’s no information in the pokedex.”
Opal doesn’t meddle with the science and the discovering new pokemon stuff anymore. If there are any new pokemon, they’d definitely be hiding in the forests of Ballonlea, but she doesn’t feel the need to bother them. If she saw one, she’d let it run off back into the dark forest, living peacefully. No one is allowed to mess with the forest to look for them either.
Gordie has definitely went out searching for new pokemon before, with no luck. He wants to make a huge discovery and leave his mark on the world. So if he saw a pokemon he thought was brand new, he would be thrilled. Determined to catch it at all costs. He brings it to Sonia right away. “Don’t remember I’m the one who found it.”
Melony would probably not realize it was a new species, but she’d catch it just to see what it was. She would realize that the dex wouldn’t have any information, and she’d bring it to Sonia. She wouldn’t even want any recognition, she’d just ask Sonia to let her know what she found out.
Piers has a really good memory, so he knows what type pairings don’t exist and if he doesn’t recognize a pokemon, he’s tempted to catch it so he can see what it is. If he realizes it’s a new species, he’ll pass it off to someone else to bring to Sonia or Leon. He doesn’t care much about new discoveries, but he knows people will be mad at him if he does nothing about it.
Raihan is very smart and knows when a pokemon is new or a new type pairing. If he sees one, he gets really excited. He’ll catch it no matter what. He brings it to Leon to brag, and then to Sonia. Then he posts pictures like “look what I found.”
Leon definitely knows his stuff when it comes to pokemon. He recognizes a new species immediately, and it’s his job as the Champion to help the scientific community by catching it and bringing it to Sonia. No questions asked.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
wild winter | the quiet game; kyle o’reilly [m]
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LOCATION: a shared hotel room ( with Bobby Fish asleep in the next bed, ftw)
SITUATION: knowing people can/might  overhear
TYPES OF SEXUAL CONTACT: hand focus (holding hands), intense eye contact, spooning
So this is the unofficial begin to my year long smutty self challenge. I figured that the few I did in February could count as a begin to winter. So, I’m transferring them all over to my blog(s). Perhaps later, I’ll make some kind of information post so that you guys know what this is all about. Or, maybe I’ll just leave it a mystery, bc Idek myself why I chose to do this other than boredom, wanting to stop writing god - awful and cringe inducing smutty stuff when I feel up to writing smut. Anyway, here it is. This oneshot fits into the universe I started in fake fic titles with Kyle O’Reilly and the OC used there, Dominique Carron. { x | x | x } < if you wanna read those before reading this. Time frame for this oneshot is a few months between the second part and the third part when Kyle and Domi have become an established couple.
Kyle O’Reilly x OFC, Dominique. 
uhh... smut. filth. shared hotel room / risk of getting caught. body fluids. an awkward but funny moment in here where they do kinda get caught by Bobby, whomst they’re sharing a room with (thank you so much for the inspiration for this part @kyleoreillysknee​ love you forever for throwing it out there) aaand that’s pretty much it, tbh.
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                           KYLE & DOMINIQUE in
                      THE QUIET GAME.
He’d been on the verge of dozing off when he felt the bed dip low and he felt her, wiggling into place. He cuddled into her, his arms going around her after he’d pulled the blanket up over her better.
Dominique rolled over to give him a goodnight kiss and when she did, Kyle’s hands raised, cupping her face, pulling her mouth into a deep and gentle kiss. “Was startin to think I’d have to come in there with you.” he yawned into the kiss. Dominique cozied herself up to him and trailed her fingertip over his lower lip.
“I’d have honestly loved that. I just wanted to soak.” Dominique muttered softly, eyes fluttering open and shut as he pulled her closer. It always felt like sheer bliss when he held her close and tight.
“A little sore?” Kyle questioned, his hand leaving her cheek to ghost over her side and settle at her hip.
She shivered and bit her lip, pouting at him as he flashed her a mostly innocent grin. “More than a little. Turns out, not only are you sexy, amazing in bed, kind and funny.. You’re also really smart and I should’ve listened and stretched out instead of curling up in back like I did.” she pressed her lips against his lazily, an innocent little kiss.
Kyle pulled her closer and his tongue slipped past her lips as he raised his hand again to rest it against her cheek.“Good night, baby.” Dominique muttered softly, nuzzling her face against his hand.
“Good night, babe.” Kyle yawned lazily as Dominique rolled to face the opposite direction.
He slipped his arm back over her, pulling her completely against him, thinking he’d start to doze off. But naturally, he didn’t. And he knew she wasn’t either.
Bobby, on the other hand, snoring up a literal storm across the room.
Kyle’s mouth brushed against the back of Dominique’s neck and she sucked in a breath because as his mouth was wandering over her neck, his hand was wandering  up and down her sides, stopping a second or two to squeeze at her hip. He moved even closer and she bit her lip, whimpering a little, her breath catching in her throat as he rubbed into her from behind.
“Kyle.” Dominique whimpered almost helplessly as she continued to really try and rub herself against him in the hopes that she could get him all worked up. She just wanted him so badly. Right then. Right that second.
“Yeah, babe?” his voice was husky with sleep and that always did things to her. She licked her lips and swallowed hard. Parts of her wanted to turn over and face him but parts of her also liked it when he spooned against her from behind, strong arms tight around her body. And they had a shared room tonight, she didn’t trust herself to remain quiet.
Kyle had this ability to bring out the side of her that got loud. Insanely loud. And needy. Oh so needy.
“You know exactly what you’re doing.” Dominique gasped right as she felt his hand slipping beneath the hem of the t shirt she’d kind of stolen from him to wear to sleep. He chuckled, his lips against her ear as his hand crept higher up her thigh. “I’m not doing anything. Promise, babe.”
“Yes. Yes you are.” she gasped a little, rocking herself back against him about the second she felt his hand settle over her unclothed heat, rubbing lightly. She heard him swear upon the discovery that she wasn’t wearing panties and when his teeth grazed at her neck, she bit down on her lip.
Kyle had her flat against the mattress in a split second and he was settling himself over her, his hands grabbing hold of her hands and holding them flat against the pillow.“Kyle… oh..” her voice came in a soft whimper against his neck. He gazed down at her with lust blown pupils. “So beautiful. And all mine.” he mused, lips crashing against hers as he bucked into her teasingly.
The kiss broke and his mouth strayed. And despite his burning desire to get his hands all over her, he continued to hold her hands flat against the pillow and gaze down at her adoringly. Bobby stirred, grumbling in his sleep and rolling over in the bed across the room and for a second or two, Kyle and Dominique froze, Kyle taking advantage of the pause in kissing and whispering to let go of her hands and slip his hand down between them, circling his cock, teasing it along her bare folds.
She shivered and tried to thrust her hips upward, to get some kind of friction going but he shook his head and chuckled quietly, pressing down into her as he whispered against her ear, “Think you can be quiet, babe?” questioningly. He’d honestly been planning to be a good boy and just attempt sleep since they had to be awake hellishly early, but.. the fact remained… He couldn’t keep his hands -or his mouth, to himself tonight. And she’d been nothing short of a playful tease the entire drive.
“It’s doubtful but..” she started to whimper as she felt him lining his cock up and the tip teasing between her folds all over again, “I’ll try.” the whimper and her words were swallowed up in a hungry kiss and Kyle shallowly thrust into her, barely letting the tip enter her heat. Dominique wanted to raise her legs and wrap them around his waist, this was so much worse than the way he’d been teasing her earlier in the SUV on the drive to the hotel… His hips were pressed so firmly into her lower body that she couldn’t lift her legs and wrap them around his body and drive him into her to the hilt like she wanted.Just as she thought she’d at least get to keep movement of her hands so she’d be able to touch him like she wanted, his hands found her hands again as he sank into her, keeping still for a few seconds as he gazed down at her and lowered his mouth, capturing her mouth in a kiss.
“Kyle..” she whispered, breathy and soft because her breath caught in her throat at his touches and kisses.
“Shh.. Gotta keep quiet, remember, babe?” his tone was a thick and sleep laced almost teasing drawl as he spoke.
She nodded, swallowing hard. All she wanted to do was get her hands on him. To wrap her legs around him.“C’mon.. Please?” Dominique tried begging again but she could look at him and tell that it was falling on deaf ears.
“Uh-uh.” he replied as he started to thrust, slowly and carefully. Almost agonizingly slow. It was quite evident that Dominique was about to pay for her little teasing throughout the drive today. And it was clear that Kyle wanted control.That turned her on more than anything. And he knew this.That combined with the way he was staring down at her, lust blown pupils almost blackening his entire eye.. She shivered as his cock buried inside her even deeper and he dipped down, mouth roaming hungrily down her neck. A gasp caught in her throat when she felt his lips latch on her neck, quiet sucking sounds drowned out by the noisy snores of their roommate for the night.The thrill of being caught at any second had her dripping. When she moaned a little louder than intended because he started to drive into her deeper and harder, his hips snapping quietly against her body as he did so, he chuckled against her skin. “Shhh.”
“You’re trying to make me scream.” Dominique choked out after a deep and bruising kiss broke because they needed to breathe.
“You were the one teasing me all the way here, babe.” Kyle replied, flashing her that cocky smirk from above. He started to fuck into her a little faster, his hands gripping her hands tighter, his hips pinning her flat against the bed. The orgasm started to build all over again, this time more intense and just like before, Kyle came to a full stop, cock buried inside her, gentle kissing and sucking noises as his mouth roamed all over her neck and dipped down, leaving a line of marks littering her collarbone as he smirked against her skin. When he felt her starting to back away from getting off, he started to fuck into her again. Deliberate and slow.
Her fingers laced through his and she gave his hands a gentle squeeze, trying and finally managing to move her hips just enough to get a little more friction going between them. It did nothing for the tears of frustration stinging at her eyes. Bobby stopped snoring and Kyle went still on top of her, mouth moving over her skin, finding her mouth as his tongue parted her lips. “Feels so good, Domi. God, you feel amazing.Shit.” he muttered into the kiss as he remained still, both of them caught up in kissing each other, Dominique trying and failing at wiggling her hands free.
Kyle chuckled and shook his head no at her with a teasing gleam in his eyes. “You’re in for it when we get back to our apartment, Kyle.” Dominique muttered as her teeth caught on the side of his neck and she nipped at it, leaving a mark of her own.
Kyle shivered. He definitely had a weakness about her lips anywhere near his neck. And she knew it. So he knew she was trying to tease, to do anything she could right now to get back at him for holding her hands still.“I’m counting on it, Domi.” Kyle muttered lazily against her collarbone.
Bobby hadn’t said anything or really moved again and he’d started to quietly snore again, so Kyle started the delicious torture all over again, slow drives deep into her heat as careful as he could. She moaned and the kiss swallowed it up, Kyle chuckling right after. The mattress’ quiet creaks had them both laughing in whispers that were swallowed up in even deeper kisses. When she started to rock her hips upward, meeting his deep drives, he growled quietly, burying his lips in her neck to muffle the sound and leave another mark behind.
“Eyes up here, babe.” Kyle coaxed as he started to move faster, letting go of her hands finally so he could grip her hips, angling them up, driving into her as deep as he could get. He buried his mouth into her mouth, their teeth bumping against one another in the hurry to deepen the kiss. “Kyle, fuck.. Oh..” her back arched away from the bed slightly and he buried his mouth into her mouth even deeper, muttering into the kiss, “C’mon, babe.. Wanna feel you.” coaxing her right over the edge and straight into an orgasm that shattered through her with enough intensity to make her want to scream his name over and over until she lost her voice.
Kyle deepened the kiss, his fingertips digging into her hips, the mattress creaking steady and quiet. When she clenched around him he growled into the kiss, teeth sinking into her lower lip, tugging at it, gasping as his own orgasm built to an almost dizzying rush and the snap of his hips against her hips was almost neck and neck with the sound of Bobby’s snoring across the room.
She managed to get her legs around his waist, her heels digging into his ass, driving him in even deeper. Her nails dragged slowly and carefully across his shoulders and down his back and Kyle grunted, “Fuck. So close.”
“Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop.” Dominique coaxed, staring up at him. Kyle raised his hands, putting them over her hands again as he continued to fuck into her, his hips at a steady and almost bruising tempo against her hips, fucking her deep into the mattress almost. As his orgasm shattered through, he crashed his mouth against her mouth, groaning as she whimpered his name over and over quietly into the deepening and dizzying kiss. “Love you Domi.”
“Love you too, Kyle.”They shared a look and Kyle’s head bent, burying in the crook of her neck as Bobby spoke up from his bed, “Love you, Bobby.” and after a few seconds of them both trying to compose themselves and not answering, he spoke up again,
“Oh come on? You two are seriously gonna leave me hangin? Just when I felt like we were gettin really close…” Bobby chuckled, trailing off with a mumbled, “Horny as a couple of actual teenagers, I swear to God.”
“Bobby go to sleep.” both Domi and Kyle responded in tandem, both embarrassed at having been heard, Kyle falling to the bed completely spent, immediately turning onto his side and pulling Dominique into his arms, gripping her tight, pulling her into a yawn filled and lazy goodnight kiss.
“What are the odds he was pretending to be asleep?” Dominique asked, cringing because she had a feeling that there was a high chance Bobby was pretending to be asleep just to give them shit.
“Knowing Bobby, babe.. Pretty high.” Kyle gave a sheepish chuckle as his lips brushed lazily against her forehead.
“Awesome. This is never gonna be not awkward.” Dominique muttered against Kyle’s chest as she rolled over to face him, throwing a leg over his hip. Kyle’s hand found her thigh, squeezing gently as he chuckled and yawned.
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putanauhere · 5 years
so me and @foxesmouth are writing an art forgery au eh, tentatively titled by me only (didn’t run it by amy - you’re probs good with it, right?): a portrait of the artist as a con man. here’s our first scene.
Theo slips out of Hobart and Blackwell, walking two doors down to his own studio, just minutes before his 3 pm appointment. He takes more private sector work these days than working with museums, partly because there aren’t too many new masterpieces popping up out of obscurity these days, but mostly because he always gets the feeling he’s flying too close to the sun. 
This is the last of his appointments before he ships off to Boston for a restoration residency on a few John Singer Sargents as a favor to Peggy at the Gardner, and he’s anxious to see it resolved quickly. That must be why the thought of the appointment buzzes uncomfortably in the back of Theo’s mind, the same frequency as the persistent worry that he forgot to turn off the oven before leaving the house.
His fingers pick through the code to disarm the alarm as he shrugs his coat off one shoulder, not at all elegant as he turns to the coat rack and shrugs the other arm off to hook it up quickly. As he sets the coffee pot in the corner brewing, Theo tries his name out a few times, trying to find the cadence of it so he doesn’t embarrass himself, and settles on something that sounds familiar, if not correct, just as the buzzer goes.
His 3 o’ clock is younger than Theo expects, shorter than Theo is, and dressed far warmer than Theo thinks is necessary. Theo is given a swift onceover, then a slower one, both immediately disarming, before Theo remembers himself and steps aside to let him in. “Mr. Pavliovsky, it’s good to meet you.”
He looks amused by this. “Sure.” He has the painting tucked under his arm, wrapped in what looks like a linen sheet, to Theo’s horror. He’s already seen what Mr. Pavlikovsky has in the way of provenance, and his hopes aren’t high, but in the off chance that’s a real Renoir he’s got in there - Theo is already sweating with the thought.
Theo hangs his thick winter coat and rests the Renoir - wrapped in a pillow case, he realizes - on the intake table, itching to yank it free from its cotton prison like a grand reveal, ta daaa, but he’s a professional and lets his showroom do its showing. 
Mr. Pavlikovsky’s dark, critical eyes carefully scan the studio, eyes lighting on Theo’s work bench with its array of lights and magnifiers clamped to every available edge of the desk, surrounding like a frame to the Pissarro reproduction he has lying in wait on an easel. He moves toward the work bench with interest, leaning over to survey the painting closely but keeping his hands tangled together behind his back. Another win for the showroom. “Is this restoration?”
“God, no, I have a separate temperature controlled studio upstairs. This is… practice.”
His eyes flick up from the painting to the shelves of paints and small buckets of brushes stored above the bench where Hobie would keep chisels, hammers, and pliers. “You practice your craft in foyer of business instead of fancy art studio upstairs?”
“I - ” Theo stutters, never having been challenged on that.
“Is okay, I understand. You don’t sell art, you sell skill. Can’t frame a restored or debunked Pissarro on the wall, but you can leave gentle suggestion of experience on display.”
Theo stops up, irritated at having his intentions read so quickly, so easily by a stranger, but he doesn’t like the way it sounds almost nefarious on Mr. Pavlikovsky’s lips. Theo’s clientele often work on blind faith and reputation, and no one is allowed in his studio. Gentle suggestion is the only ammunition Theo has access to.
He turns to Theo, misreading Theo’s surprise about the easel’s placement for the easel’s content. “Did I pass the test?”
Yes, technically, yes, because everyone else tends to guess Monet, which is frankly insulting. But instead of answering, Theo smiles his customer-facing smile and gestures to Mr. Pavlikovsky’s painting. “Let’s have a look?”
He liberates the frameless Renoir from its slumber once he dons a pristine pair of white gloves and all six of its sides a quick scan before placing it down on the intake table. He knows immediately it’s a fake - one made with a lot of heart but a less than acceptable amount of skill. Nonetheless, he pulls his stool forward, switches his glasses for a specialized pair, and switches on an overhead light.
He’s joined at the table by Mr. Pavlikovsky, which is rare these days - even if his typical intakes are ten minutes or less, his clients are still glued to their phones or important business papers or a copy of the New Yorker. Theo’s not wild about having someone sit over his shoulder, he finished with that once he graduated from a formal university and from Hobie’s crash course in furniture restoration, but Theo allows him to stay in the name of customer service.
“Do you enjoy Pissarro?”
“I have seen - they have many of his paintings at the Met, is local, have you seen?” Mr. Pavlikovsky asks, and Theo’s heart shudders like someone has just walked over his grave. Shaken, he blinks his eyes firmly a few times and refocuses on the task at hand. Nobody has cared enough yet to draw the connection, and Theo himself has had no interest to check if the New York Times has immortalized the article with his name on it on the internet finally now that all copies of the paper should have been disposed of over fifteen years ago.
Thankfully Pavlikovsky doesn’t wait for an answer - he doesn’t seem to need one. “Beautiful painting of Montmartre, looks exactly like the boulevard! Have you been to Montmartre? Incredible, some things, they never change, you could paint same paintings today, same views, but with cars and tourists on cell phones instead of horses and carriages.”
“I’m sure I have seen it at some point. I am a fan of his landscapes, as you can tell.”
“Yes, you have a way with them.”
Theo’s cheeks heat up and he can’t quite figure out why, so he disguises it by lifting the canvas and taking a careful inhale down the right side of the canvas. If Mr. Pavlikovsky is concerned by this behavior, he doesn’t say so.
Theo frowns as he sets the painting back down. It’s a shame he won’t even have to get his x-ray out to get a look at the layers, but maybe he should - he could charge more for this session, and the longer an investigation, the more legitimate he seems. But from the way this conversation has gone so far, Mr. Pavlikovsky doesn’t seem like he needs the whole song and dance.
As if on cue, Mr. Pavlikovsky says, “I should leave you to work - I will come back later, no?”
“No need, I have made my analysis.” He strips his gloves and switches his glasses back out before turning his focus back to Mr. Pavlikovsky.
“Already.” It’s not phrased like a question, but the way he sounds impressed sends a wild thrill through Theo’s chest for a reason he can’t name.
“I’m sorry to say, Mr. Pavlikovsky, but this is a fake,” Theo says and braces himself for an impact that doesn’t come. Ordinarily there’s screaming and spitting, the unchecked pride of rich men bubbling over at being duped, and because they likely won’t be able to find the dealer again, Theo is the unfortunate sole recipient of their ire.
Instead Mr. Pavlikovsky grins and says, “How could you tell?”
There’s a lecture’s worth of material in this canvas, but most don’t want to settle in to listen to Theo drone on and on like the worst of his professors. Theo taps to six different problem areas, each of them having lit up like a glowing red sore as soon as Theo had laid eyes on them - poor blending, wrong paints for the time period - is that acrylic? really? - thick careless strokes that indicated speed and not care, and more. “Here, staples here, this is wrong, no fraying on the canvas edges is immediately suspicious, this issue with the verso here. And Renoir typically signed his paintings with a signature tail at the end of his r - this, at its most charitable, is a smudge - and he almost never connected his o to his i.” He snags a piece of paper and fountain pen from his desk and works out a quick recreation, the bold r, the diamond-shaped o, then taps at it. “Reno-ir.”
Mr. Pavlikovsky leans in close to Theo’s shoulder, peering seriously at Theo’s scrawled signature. His proximity is enough to make Theo stifle a shudder. “Perhaps he was drunk this day.”
“No,” Theo says bluntly.
Mr. Pavlikovsky laughs, tracing his bottom lip with his thumb thoughtfully as he leans back. “It is fake,” he says, but in a way that almost sounds like he’s confirming what Theo has said to be true, instead of mulling over this new discovery.
“I don’t wish to presume, I’m sure the price is not an issue - if you would like me to perform the standard x-ray and microscopy to confirm, I am absolutely able to. But in the interest of preserving your time.”
He nods, like fair is far, and picks up the painting to stuff it back into the pillow case. 
“Sorry - I - my apologies, Mr. Pavlikovsky, would you mind? I know it’s not a real Renoir, but it is still. You know. I’d hate to see anything happen to it.”
He gestures an invitation. “Please.”
Theo quickly trims foam for the verso and wraps the whole thing in paper like a present. He presents the secure package back to Mr. Pavlikovsky, but neither of them move to complete the transaction. Something about the thing feels unfinished - yes, the money, Theo’s brain helpfully supplies - but Theo doesn’t think that’s it.
Mr. Pavlikovsky digs out a tight bundle of cash anyway, too many hundreds stuffed into a straining silver money clip that he peels their agreed upon fee from and slaps onto the table. It feels almost dirty transacting this way, Theo used to wires, money orders, checks, and the like - cash feels uncouth. One of Pavlikovsky’s hands repockets the money and the other doesn’t go for the painting like Theo expects, but rather squeezes at Theo’s shoulder. “Well, if I can’t reward your speedy expertise with more money. Do you want to join me for drinks?”
“I’m not - um.” Theo swallows his initial objection, the way his mind leapt to that conclusion feels too telling. “Sorry? Drinks?”
“It’s not fun to pretend anymore, let you talk talk talk, Mr. Pavlikovsky this, Mr. Pavlikovsky that.” He raises his eyebrows at Theo. “I will say it hurts my feelings you don’t remember me, Potter, though I know it was very long time ago.”
It’s the Potter that does it, the fuzzy sort of familiarity with the nickname born from a cultural phenomenon he’d missed almost entirely with the timing of it. The only way it had nudged itself into Theo’s brain was through some drunk coed at a party he was desperately trying to fuck at a houseparty holding him by the waist and telling him firmly that she thinks he’s a Ravenclaw, whatever the fuck that is. And, of course, also through Boris.
“Shit, Boris, sorry, man, sorry,” Theo says, his face widening with a grin. “God, it’s been forever since Vegas?”
“You look good.” Boris pulls him into a hug Theo isn’t expecting, but allows himself to be collected into. “It’s good to see you.”
He hadn’t exactly kept tabs on Boris at the time beyond the few classes they’d shared together, the rare times they’d found each other in the same places, nodding affably from where they’d each stood at opposite sides of the room. 
His last memory of Boris had been at this party at some girl’s house - Hadley, maybe - and the two of them had straddled their legs over either side of a diving board over the winter-emptied pool, and tried to lean forward and take lines off the laminate, giggling and knocking heads and clutching at the sides, at each other, every time the board would shiver and shake with their movements. Theo had already been fucked up on something he’d stolen out of Xandra’s purse just to give him enough motivation to leave the house, letting the world grow opaque in front of his eyes like it’d be easier to live in if he just couldn’t see it, but he remembers Boris at the time, clear as day, like his nearsightedness had transfigured into Borissightedness. 
He remembers Boris being taller than he was at the time in a way that burned jealousy into his skin - a non-contest he is too secretly pleased to have won out in the end now - and the way Boris would wear his hair in the style that his mom used to call Needs a Haircut and his dry, calloused hands that held onto Theo’s wrists when he risked toppling over into the pool and the urgent way he’d whisper I got you like it wasn’t anyone else’s business to know.
Looking at Boris now, things shift slightly until they click into place, it’s like the sensation of sliding on glasses for the first time and realizing the world was not an impression, not muted, but all sharpness and defined edges and tangibility. Of course it’s Boris. 
“Come get a drink with me,” he presses.
Yes, technically, yes, that’s what Theo wants, but. “I can’t - I fly to Boston tomorrow morning.”
Boris checks his watch in an outrageous flash of silver. “Is sixteen hour wait at the airport, or what? You can’t take night off your busy schedule and have a drink with an old friend?”
Theo would hesitate to call them old friends. He’d hesitate to call them anything, but there’s potential humming under the surface now that had always been there back in Vegas. He hadn’t known what it was, what it meant back then - it was just shared snorting at the dumb puns Mrs. Mullin would say to get everyone excited about earth science, sitting silently beside each other on the bus when there were no more empty seats left, and holding each other by the waist only when they were wasted at a pool party on the weekend and acting like it never happened on Monday morning. 
But Theo knows what the humming is now - the desperate desire to have a friend and the fierce inability to let himself have one. Boris leaves the painting on the desk and scoops up his coat. He holds the door open for Theo, his way of telling not asking again. So Theo grabs his coat as well and thinks maybe he can let himself have something now, maybe just this one thing. 
“It’s good to see you too,” Theo says, but it doesn’t feel like enough.
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Sandwiches and charming little huts 
Walking the trails of Charm Villa is like stepping into a bright, colorful, and cute notepad. Rolling hills with vibrant green grass and colorful flowers scattered all over. On the tops of the hills are rustic and whimsical little cottages and huts, as well as shops, cafes, and a library. Take a picture and you’d think it was from a stationery set!
After sleeping in until around eleven we met up with Gutsy and Livvy at Coffee Studios for a tour of Charm Villa. Gutsy’s a college friend of Daisy Jane who just moved to the village a few months ago. Livvy’s her niece - first cousin once removed - and she and Jack - her dad/Gutsy’s cousin - own Coffee Studios. The cafe was founded by Gutsy and Jack’s grandma, then it was passed down to Jack’s mom, and after she retired her son and granddaughter now run the place.
The cafe’s best known for their sandwiches and every few months they set up a contest for a new sandwich to add to the menu. Livvy was the one who started that tradition and it got popular so it stuck. Guess what today happened to be? While Lolly, Pancetti, Biskit, and Lyman prepped for the contest, the rest of us hung around the village before meeting back around 3 for the contest.
I’ve only met Gutsy a handful of times over the years and she always leaves an impression. The name Gutsy - short for Augusta - fits her to a T. She said that she never thought her impulsiveness and wild imagination would make her a good detective and yet there she was solving crimes and saving the day. Gutsy really does remind me a lot about Jamie, except a lot more extroverted and bold. Honestly, I’m surprised that they haven’t crossed paths yet.
So far Gutsy’s enjoying the peaceful village life. It’s a huge change of pace compared to her old life. Gutsy grew up in a boarding house that also ran a stable so her life revolved around horses since forever. Her father died when she was seventeen, opening up a can of worms that led to her getting tangled up with an embezzling scheme that he was involved in and indirectly caused his death. After exposing the crime, Gutsy joined a task force dedicated to investigating crimes relating to shady underground practices involving horses like racing and such. 
Daisy Jane and Gutsy met in college when they became roommates. At the time Gutsy was considering studying to be a veterinarian but ended up dropping out a year later because the task force was starting to take over her life. In retrospect, the whole being a vet thing wasn’t meant to be for her.
Being a detective was an unexpected turn for Gutsy, one that no one saw coming - and yet, at the time, it made sense. For a while, she felt that she found her calling, especially after being betrayed by what her dad and his friends had done. Maybe, in a way, she was trying to absolve him of his misdeeds. Solving mysteries and working with horses, what else can she ask for?
But then around last year things went sour. Investigating crimes has its dangers, which Gutsy knows all too well. She can handle being a target, but when loved ones are in the line of fire, that’s where she draws the line. The birth of her daughter Lulu led to Gutsy reevaluating her life choices. Eventually she decided that it was time to move on and give Lulu a stable childhood.
That’s why she decided to settle in Charm Villa. Other than her cousins and a small handful of relatives, Gutsy doesn’t have much family. With Lulu to take care of, a journey of self discovery was out of the question so she opted to stick close to family for practical reasons. With Livvy in college and only coming home every other weekend and Jack having experience as a young single parent as well as needing help with the cafe, Gutsy knew she and Lulu would be in good hands. 
While she finds herself much happier and less stressed in Charm Villa, Gutsy does miss being around horses. As far as she knows, the nearest stable is about two hours away so she hasn’t had a chance to visit yet. Maybe when Lulu’s a little older, she says. For now, Gutsy and horses are taking a long break. 
The way she describes it is like a close relationship that has gone a bit too codependent. All her life she grew up surrounded by horses so she related to them more than people. Her views on the family she grew up with, especially her dad, have been clouded in recent years. When she put together the pieces, she didn’t want to believe it, but at the same time, it all made sense. While being a detective gave her a sense of purpose, it also showed Gutsy how deceiving people can be. She always - and still - find horses more trusting than people, so in a way she relied on them as a crutch. Do it for the horses - that was her mantra whenever she tackled a case that would push her limits. Then that led to her letting the task force take over her life to the point that she had nothing outside of that. 
Eventually it got to the point where all she cared about was getting the truth out. Right and wrong, black and white, collateral damage was unfortunate but it didn’t matter as long as what’s done is done. As a result, Gutsy ended up burning a lot of bridges, which in turn made her question if she did more harm than good.
Lulu was her wake up call, the one who turned Gutsy’s life upside down and forced her to reevaluate her future. Being a parent wasn’t in the cards for her but in the end she made her choice. While the idea of raising a kid is still terrifying for her, so far it seems to be the best thing to happen to her. After spending most of her life jumping headfirst into danger and chasing thrills, Gusty realized the weight of her actions and how one can’t always jump to conclusions or make poor judgements just to get ahead of everyone else.
Maybe it’s another attempt to right her dad’s wrongs - that’s still something she struggles with - but Charm Villa, the cafe, Lulu, her cousins, it’s been doing her a lot of good. There’s still a lot that Gutsy’s uncertain about, but getting herself out of a bad place is a good first step. After everything she’s been through, I hope she finds that peace of mind she deserves. From the looks of it, I think she’s finding her way.
Around 1:30 we headed back to the cafe to help set up for the sandwich contest. When we were done, we had time to kill so Jack and Livvy gave us a tour of the kitchen. Then we made lattes and bread, which was a lot of fun. By the time we were able to master latte art, it was time for the contest to begin!
Candy Fruit Sando by Lolly A super sweet take on the cute Japanese fruit sandwiches! To kick things up a notch, the fruits are coated with a sugary syrup for an extra crunch! Fresh ripe fruit candied to perfection, freshly whipped cream that feels like eating a cloud and a soft and pillowy brioche to tie it all together - it’s the perfect addition to any bento box! Rod - Candied fruit?! Genius! 9/10 Snooty - I just wanna take pictures of it and make my friends jealous over how pretty it looks! 10/10 Sylvana - Strawberries and cream are a winning combo! 8/10 Audie - Aesthetic and yummy - that’s a win for me! 9/10
Spa Day Sandwich by Pancetti In need of shaking up your skin care routine? No need to swap out your face mask or moisturizer when you can have a sandwich instead! All the freshest veggies guaranteed to give you a healthy glow like cucumbers and seaweed seasoned with a zesty citrus glaze on a slice of lightly toasted pumpernickel. Snooty - My skin’s already feeling great! 7/10 Sylvana - This kinda reminds me of a salad, but in sandwich form! 6/10 Audie - This was definitely inspired by a spa! 6/10 Rod - Skip the moisturizer, go for the sandwich! 7/10
The Ultimate Dessert Sandwich! by Biskit What happens when you mash a pie, cake, and pudding into one? Well, we’re about to find out with this sandwich! The bread’s kinda like a pie crust/brioche hybrid and the sauce is a rich caramel custard. In between are thin slices of red velvet cake, blueberry-ginger pie filling, and slices of yellow cake. Sylvana - If this doesn’t satisfy your sweet tooth, I don’t know what will! 8/10 Audie - Talk about indulgent! 6/10 Rod - Perfect for a cheat day after an intense workout - but only in moderation! 7/10 Snooty - Are you sure this is a sandwich? 5/10
Take a Bite of Nature! by Lyman Need a palate cleanser after having too many sweets or processed foods? Nothing like fresh organic veggies to put your body back in balance! Green, leafy veggies, rustic roots, and crisp, sweet fruit on sprouted bread - all the flavors of nature in one tasty package! Audie - Crunch, crunch, crunch! 7/10 Rod - I wonder if this will make a good post-workout shake… 7/10 Snooty - Turn the bread into croutons and add some dressing and it’s a rustic salad! 8/10 Sylvana - This is probably better than some of the stuff they sell at health food stores 7/10
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 : the series
Big Hero 7 S2
Fate of Roommates
*At a sunny day, Heathcliff had just picked up Fred and Minimax from his comic book club and drives their way to SFIT.*
Heathcliff: I trust your funny book club was illuminating Master Frederickson.
Fred: Twas indeed Heathcliff! We took a deep dive into Captain Fancy!
MiniMax: Fred dazzled with his superior comic insights!
Fred: I was the only one who noticed that the artist A.J Doehertz drew himself into the issue as the nosy neighbor Mr. Cameo.
Heathcliff: Oh, delightful discovery sir.
Fred: Oh you should've seen Richardson's face when-Woah!
*Heathcliff suddenly takes sharp turn as a futuristic blue car sped past them. And in front of the limo is a girl on a moped.*
Minimax: Brace for impact.
*But Heathcliff simply dodges hitting the girl and continues driving, where two new futuristic cars are heading towards them.*
Heathcliff: You might wish to hang on.
*And so Heathcliff zooms past the speeding cars at a wild speed, Fred screaming at the top of his lungs over the driving while Minimax flies through the air.*
Minimax: this is exciting!
*Just up ahead is a mother pushing a baby stroller in the way of Heathcliff's car. With smooth moves Heathcliff avoids hitting the mother and child and getting hit by a truck. Soon they are back to normal driving as if nothing had happened. Like a boss.*
Fred: Whoah.
Heathcliff: My apologies sir. Please, continue your riveting story.
*Fred comes running through the doors of the dining hall towards the gang eating their lunch.*
Fred: Guys! Guys! Guys!
*Even when he slides past them and crashes, he gets back up again and runs to the group.*
Fred: Guys guys(x10)! You should have seen these cars! They look like they were from the future! *Gasp!* Maybe they are from the future!
*During his excitement he slams his fist to the table which spills Wasabi's drink onto Baymax and the floor. A Roomba comes by and cleans up the mess.*
Baymax: Oh no.
Wasabi: Fred that was a 12 dollar cold press juice.
Fred: My bad Wasabi, you know time travel gets me all worked up*Picks up Roomba to clean Baymax*Let me get that for you Baymax.
*Hiro pulls out his phone to see the cars Fred was talking about and sees the news.*
Hiro: There was a bank robbery last night. Maybe those were the getaway cars.
Fred: *Whispers* From the future.
Gogo: Or not.
Cora: But you have to admit they do look pretty advanced compared to every other vehicle.
Hiro: There's only one way to find out. Night Patrol.
Fred: *Whispers* In the future...*regular voice* Wait I mean tonight, lets do this tonight.
Honey Lemon: I feel terrible but I can't make it, I'm throwing a sticker party. Its BYOS. Bring your own stickers!
Gogo: *Mutters* Great, not another sticker party.
Honey Lemon: what was that Gogo?
Gogo: I was just saying how sad I am, to miss it... but duty calls.
Honey Lemon: Don't worry we'll have a sticker after-party! Just you and me!
Gogo:...*Sighs* Fine.
Honey Lemon: Fine is gogo for yay!
*Later on Gogo is cleaning her wheels as a drop of her sweat lands on it.*
Gogo: Ugh... its so hot.
Honey Lemon: Oh I turned on the heat! Warm stickers stick best!
Gogo:*Looking at the stickers in Honey's hands* Of course they do.
Honey Lemon: Also, I just got these mood stickers! They change colors!
*Honey Lemon places it on Gogo's forehead and it immediately changes to black.*
Gogo: Wow. Life changing.
Honey Lemon: Uh oh! Looks like someone needs a hug!
*While Honey Lemon hugs Gogo, the shorter one removes the sticker from her forehead and places it underneath the table. Later on the three futuristic cars zoom out of its garages and into the city, where Gogo meets up with the rest of the team as Baymax scans Gogo's wellbeing as she removes the stickers on her suit.*
Baymax: Gogo, your clenched jaw indicates you are frustrated.
Gogo: That's because I just can't with Honey Lemon's bajillion hobbies.
Wasabi: Oh come on how bad can they be?
Gogo: She also plays the electric harp, has a butterfly aviary in her closet, and don't forget her smile-lates.
Hiro: What are 'smile-lates'?
Gogo: Its Palates, but you have to grin like a nitwit through the entire workout.
Fred:*Testing out the smile-lates workout next to Gogo* Guys I can feel it. My cheeks are getting so swol.
Cora: OK...those are just things Honey Lemon does for herself-
Gogo: Oh and she keeps making portraits of me without my knowledge or permission!
Fred: OK, that last part is a little...overstepping your comfort zone.
Cora: How about you talk to her about these things? You've been roommates for some time so communication shouldn't be a problem right?
*Before Gogo could respond the three cars that nearly got Fred to a car crash zoom by the team.*
Hiro: Baymax! Lets go!
*Hiro and Cora jump on Baymax as Fred and Gogo zoom into the action.*
Wasabi: Wait! Can we go back to the surprise portraits for a sec?
Cora:*Via Comm link* Run now! Portraits later Wasabi!
*When the pink car goes off one street Baymax follows.*
Fred:*To cars* Hey Wait important question! What year are you from?!
Wasabi: Really should've brought my car!
Gogo: Hindsight sucks doesn't it?
*Hiro and Cora looks over the car's design and build to study for any weaknesses it could expose. Baymax lands in front of the car and holds out his hand to stop.*
Baymax: This is an unsafe speed.
*It was then that the car levitates above them and resumes speeding past them.*
Baymax: Good jump.
Hiro: Uh guys? These cars can jump.
Cora: And keep an eye out if they do any other stuff too.
*The blue car zooms through the street as Fred is closely behind.*
Fred: Yeah? Well so can I!
*He gets on top of the car and holds on for dear life as the driver tries to shake him off.*
Fred: Oh I should've come up with a second part of this plan!
*The car flips over and slams Fred into a bullseye billboard nearby.*
Fred: Whoa... my swol cheeks saved me.
*Now its Gogo and the yellow car in the streets. She strikes her disc into the side where the wheels are supposed to be one and knocks it off, leading it to skid through the streets. But up ahead is an elderly lady walking along, unaware of the car skidding towards her. But thankfully Baymax arrives with Hiro throwing his magnetic dics to repel the car away from the old lady and into the ground. Baymax lands as Hiro and Cora gets down, the girl's left fist slowly cackling with electricity just in case the driver means business. Soon Fred joins in.*
Gogo: Ok! Out of the car!
*But when there was no response Hiro goes over to the car and actvates the pod, revealing nothing inside.*
Hiro: Remote driver? huh...
Cora: Who's been operating these cars?
*Wasabi finally arrives at the scene from a taxi and joins the team.*
Wasabi: Sorry guys! there was a lot of traffic.
Fred: Whats that?
*Fred picks up a purple coin with an image of a car engraved to it.*
Cora: Good eye Fred.
Fred:*Reading the coin* Maximum insane driving challenge...*Gasps* Mr. Sparkles!
Hiro: He's back?!
*Meanwhile, Mr. Sparkles is talking to the remotes controlling the cars.*
Mr. Sparkles:*Laughs* Too bad so sad! Wha-Wha-whaaa~ Racer numero uno you are black flagged!
Racer 1: Not fair! Big Hero 7 got in my way!
Mr. Sparkles: Hey! The maximum insane driving challenge is a real time race! On the real life streets of San Fransokyo! There's gonna be obstacles and the occasional super hero!
Driver 1: Still not fair!
Mr. Sparkles: I know! Like life!
*The driver gets dunked onto a pool of water in response.*
Mr. Sparkles: All the winners of the Maximum Insane Driving Challenge win a pair of these fabulous, cashmere lined driving gloves! *To Driver one on the ground* Not you! You go now!
*The ex driver gets off the pool to head home in defeat.*
Mr. Sparkles: I'll find a new driver worthy of these luxurious, cashmere lined driving gloves!
*The other two drivers stare at Mr. Sparkles fawning over the gloves.*
Mr. Sparkles: Hey! this is a private moment between me and the gloves.
*Later on that night, Gogo is heading back to her apartment where she hears the sticker party happening and voices speaking.*
Honey Lemon: This is so exciting!
Gogo: Oh great, the sticker party is still here.
*Gogo opens the door to show instead, the gang with Esme and Miyuki, the two girls being SFAI students.*
Fred: Uh oh! Gogo's in the house!
*Honey Lemon runs up to Gogo and gives her a big hug.*
Gogo: Umm... What's going on?
Honey Lemon: Gogo, I know how much you treasure your space and I know I've invaded it with my stickers and my smile-lates and my surprise portraits.
Miyuki: *Looking at the portraits* Aside from the word surprise, you did a good job Honey Lemon!
Gogo: Honey Lemon... where are you getting at?
Honey Lemon: I asked Miyuki to defrost my dorm room and it worked! SFIT says I'm allowed back to my dorm which means you can have your apartment back!
*The gang cheer as Miyuki throws a puff of snowflakes to act as confetti.*
Gogo: Oh! Wow! Finally!
*But as the words sink in...so did Gogo's mood at the realization of Honey Lemon...not being at her apartment anymore.*
Gogo: I'm free..
*At Joe's diner the next day Hiro, Cora, Fred, and Baymax meet up with Felony Carl and Globby.*
Felony Carl: So, whats with airbags here?
Cora: He's Baymax remember?
Baymax: I am a personal, health care companion.
Felony Carl: You seem extremely huggable.
Hiro: Look, we need some information.
Fred: Globby said you know whats up when down, whats going around, pretty much all of the directions.
Globby: Felony Carl and I go way back. I knew him when he was just Misdemeanor Carl.
Felony Carl:Yeah, and you were still human. *To Hiro* Time flies, carpe diem so they day. Well the romans say anyway.
Fred: *Pulls out the coin* Recognize this?
Cora: He found it in the car we caught last night.
Felony Carl: I may or may not have heard about an emotionally unstable man boy handing them out. Mr. Sprinkles.
Hiro: Sparkles.
Felony Carl: If you say so. The freaks running some drone car race for well to do thrill seekers.
Fred: How 'well to do' are we talking?
Cora: And whats he offering as a price?
Felony Carl: Ascots... and monocles. and the price is a pair of fancy gloves.
Fred: Ascots and monocles...hmm.
Hiro: And all for a pair of gloves?
Felony Carl: Mr. Sprinkles is also working for some big fella, volatile, dry cleans his track suits.
Fred, Hiro, and Cora: Yama!
Hiro: Baymax, can you bring up the map of San Fransokyo?
*Baymax activates the map on his belly and shows the routes the cars had taken.*
Baymax: Tap to zoom.
Hiro: Felony Carl show us where you saw Yama and Sparkles.
Felony Carl: I'm not saying nothing, but...
*Felony Carl taps on the location of the meeting and leaves the table, but not before he looks at Cora.*
Felony Carl: By the way, there's been no funny business happening with your uncle right?
Cora: Nope. Nothing too serious, he is talking more. But still iffy about... *eyes Hiro and Fred* meeting other people.
Felony Carl: Close enough. Also, *Death glare* if I hear him doing any funny business with you and your boyfriend, he's gonna answer to me.
Hiro: *Nervously gulps* We'll keep it in mind Felony Carl.
Felony Carl: Good *To Baymax* Now we hug.
*And so Felony Carl and Baymax hug. Meanwhile Gogo Is studying over her blueprints when Honey Lemon pops by.*
Honey Lemon: Hey Gogo sorry for all the boxes. Hopefully with Esme and Miyuki helping me I'll be out by the end of the week.
Gogo: Really? So you're just going to stiff me for your half of the rent?
Honey Lemon: Of course not! *Pulls out her phone to show the rent money* I already cash-garoo you my half of the rent for three months.
Gogo: Oh! That's really nice of you.
*Honey Lemon smiles at Gogo before she leaves, where soon Hiro, Cora, and Baymax go over to Gogo to tell the news.*
Hiro: Hey we got a lead on sparkle.
Gogo: Yay...
Hiro: What did I say?
Cora: Hiro, could you go check on Gogo's hypercycle blueprints and see if its functional?
Hiro: Sure.
*Hiro walks over to tell the rest of the group while Baymax and Cora stay behind to check on Gogo.*
Cora: Something wrong Gogo?
Baymax: I am programmed to provide emotional support.
Gogo: Baymax, Cora, I'm fine.
Baymax: Your slumped shoulders and the lower pitch of your voice are indicators that you are not fine.
Cora: seriously Gogo, you can tell us.
Gogo: I don't need-
Baymax: Sharing feelings can be difficult, but can lead to a better outcome.
Cora: So spill, whats going on?
Gogo:... *sighs* You're right Baymax. *to Cora* and.. its about Honey Lemon... She's actually moving out... and I just feel...*grunts*.. I'm gonna miss her
Cora: OK, then go do what Baymax says and talk to Honey Lemon about the move.
* And so Gogo goes to Honey Lemon to talk.*
Gogo: Hey Honey Lemon, look it might be a good idea for me to share.
*Honey Lemon blinks as her as Gogo gathers her courage to confess to the peppy tall girl.*
Gogo:... My pencil!... there you go.
*Honey Lemon takes Gogo's pencil.*
Honey Lemon: Oh thanks!~ That's really sweet!
*As Honey Lemon walks away Baymax and Cora look at Gogo. Baymax blinks as Cora purse her lips in judgement.*
Gogo: Stop judging me with your blinks Baymax.
Hiro:*Walking up to Gogo* Hey Gogo! I ran some aerodynamics on your hypercycle and its good to go.
Gogo: Great.
*Gogo walks away as Baymax and Cora step out to talk to Hiro.*
Hiro: What'd I say?
Baymax: Gogo is emotionally vulnerable at the moment.
Cora: And it involves a certain chem genius.*Pulls out her phone and starts texting.*
Hiro: You're texting everyone about Yama and Sparkles?
Cora; Yup... and Miyuki and Esme about a certain Biker chick.
Hiro: Gogo would kill you, you know.
Cora: She could kill after we deal with Yama and Sparkles *Shudders in memory of her being in a bird cage.*
*Later on; Minimax, Wasabi, Fred, Hiro, and Cora are at Fred's room looking at the pictures of Yama and Mr. Sparkles.*
Fred: So whats the plan here?... I always wanted to say that!
Hiro: Normally we send someone in undercover to get more info but...
Wasabi: Mr. Sparkles and Yama would instantly recognize all of us.
Hiro: Exactly.
Cora: And I'm dead meat if I try to go Mystery Angel.
Wasabi: OK, so we need someone we can trust...
Hiro: who looks extremely rich...
Cora: Knows his way around the race tracks...
Fred: And is also a great driver.
*Just then Heathcliff comes through the door.*
Heathcliff: May I be of service Master Frederickson?
Fred: Wait! That's it! I know exactly who our driver should be!
Minimax: I'll do it!
Fred: I think somebody is ready for the nappity nap sleepity boop!
Minimax: I am not ready for my nappity nap sleepity boop! I am ready to defend justice!
Cora:*stern, warning tone* Minimax?
Minimax: I'm sorry Cora. I am ready for my nappity nap sleepity boop Fred.
*Fred picks up minimax and cradles him in his arms.*
Fred: Hush little Minimax, go to sleep. Boop!~
*And like that Minimax is out like a light.*
Cora: *Whispers* That was adorable.
Fred: *Whispers* Thanks.
*Soon all five of them, including a sleeping Minimax, contact Fred's father.*
Fred: Dad, you got any words of wisdom for our boy Heathcliff here before he faces Sparkles?
Frederickson the III: I've always hated fighting screwball villains. No respect for the game.
Hiro: Whatabout going undercover as a rich thrill seeker Mr. Frederickson?
Frederickson the III: Heathcliff doesn't need my advice; he's the best in the bizz. Back when I plucked Heathcliff out of butler school I schooled him on undercover work. Doctor, banker, hot air balloon enthusiast, he could pull the wool over his mother's eyes.
Heathcliff: Oh indeed sir. I relish the opportunity to serve Mr. Sparkles some hot justice underglass.
*That is when Minimax wakes from his nap and springs into action.*
Minimax: I like the way you talk about justice!
*Minimax brings out his fist to Heathcliff for a fistbump.*
Heathcliff: Oh um, thank you, Master Minimax.
*He fistbumps Minimax in return. Back at the lab, Gogo is setting up her hypercycle while Hiro and Cora are with Honey Lemon and Baymax.*
Hiro: Cora and I are gonna help Honey Lemon move her dresser Gogo, you good?
Gogo: Yeah, yeah. Thanks Hiro.
Cora: Esme and Miyuki are coming over soon bringing some lunch here. Just in case.
*With that, the three people leave. Baymax looks at Gogo before he sees Miyuki and Esme enter inside with some yaki tacos.*
Miyuki: Hi Baymax! How's it hanging?
Baymax: I am good. Thank you Miyuki.
Esme: So where's Gogo?
*Baymax points over to Gogo working on her project. Esme looks at Miyuki and nods at her; receiving a nod back the two girls put aside the food and walk over to Honey Lemon, with Baymax following them close.*
Esme: Hey, Gogo. Interesting project you got there.
Gogo; Thanks.. *Looks at Baymax* What now? More emotional support?
Baymax: Yes. Would you like a hug?
Gogo: I'm good. but thanks.
Hiro:*Through the door* Baymax, come on! *Sees the two girls* Oh! Esme! Miyuki!
Miyuki and Esme: Hiya Hiro.
Esme: *To Baymax* Yeah, you should go Baymax, this is something we girls need to discuss... alone.
Baymax:*Blinks* OK. Goodbye.
*As Baymax waddles towards Hiro, the two girls look at Gogo as Miyuki starts speaking.*
Miyuki: Ok, lets cut to the chase. You're being moody ever since Honey Lemon announced she is moving out and despite being annoyed at her hobbies, you're gonna miss her being there right?
*Gogo stops at her work and turns around.*
Gogo: Who told you?
Esme: Cora texted us about this. Said you chickened out telling Honey Lemon how you feel about this.
Gogo; Ugh. I swear I'm gonna kill her for this!
Miyuki: *Uses her finger to create an ice tipped fingernail* Not until you confess whats really going on in your head.
Gogo: *Grunts*...Fine! I... I...
Esme: You know for a chick who says woman up to make someone pull of the bandage and get it over with, you're pretty bad at acting on your own phrase.
Gogo: Fine! You want to know? I'm gonna miss Honey Lemon when she goes back to her dorm! I'm gonna miss her butterfly aviary! I'm gonna miss her electric harp playing! I'm gonna miss her smile-lates! I'm even gonna miss her stupid sticker parties! Maybe its cause I like how Honey Lemon brights up the room even if I didn't want to! Maybe its cause how I'll miss her showing me cat videos at 5 am! Maybe its because I gotten so used to her living with me and saying hello every morning! Maybe its cause I love her-!
*When Gogo sees the shocked expressions of esme and Miyuki, Gogo's face blushes into a giant tomato. She quickly gets up but Miyuki freezes her feet.*
Miyuki: Did you just say.. you love Honey Lemon?
Esme: As in... Love-Love?
*Gogo's glaring yet red face is enough of an answer than they need. Finally Miyuki brings over the taco and shoves it to Gogo. Esme then puts a hand on Gogo's shoulder.*
Esme: Gogo... you know more than anyone else, aside from Baymax, that not sharing these feelings will make you do something stupid right?
*Gogo does not say anything, her face remaining its embarrassed form.*
Miyuki: *sighs* You know what? You can't keep quiet about this forever. And who knows? Maybe Honey Lemon feels the same way.
*Gogo blinks as the frost on her feet disappears and sees Miyuki walk out the door, her eyes ringing with memory... about Tadashi. Esme then hands her a water bottle and walks out.*
Esme: So go out there, find Honey Lemon, and woman up.
*Gogo looks at her food and then to Honey Lemon's chem set, seeing through her minds eyes the memories of her crazy expirements, her joyful laughter, her enthusiasm, how she would attempt to cheer up their friends during troubling times. All this brings a warm smile to her face. Later that night, Heathcliff is with Fred, dressed in his Fredmelian costume in the limo near the place where the street racing begins.*
Heathcliff: Sir, we have arrived at the abandoned warehouse the felonious gentleman identified.
Fred: Great! Now remember, if you get in ant trouble, Fredmelian is nearby.
Heathcliff: Oh thank you sir. I'm sure we'll make a cracking good team.
*Fred activates his camouflage as Heathcliff goes towards the door and knocks on it. The slide eye opener opens to see Heathcliff.*
Heathcliff: Greetings, I am a well to do thrill seeker in pursuit of a pair of a new driving gloves. Cashmere lined perhaps?
*And with a monocle the guy lets in Heathcliff.*
Fred: *Whispers* Nice sell on the monocle!
*Fred slithers inside while the door is still open. Elsewhere Yama and Mr. Sparkles are hanging.*
Heathcliff: Good evening gentlemen. Rumor has it you're organizing a test of competence operating automobiles and high velocities.
Mr. Sparkles: Uncle Moneybags wants to race! You're in luck! My boyo here, just cranked up our ride so nobody can touch them. Not the heat! Not the superweirdos.
Heathcliff: Sounds peachy.
Yama: How peachy?
*Heathcliff pulls out his case and opens it to reveal it being filled up with cash.*
Mr. Sparkles: Extra peachy. Well well well, well-to do thrill seeker you're in!*Smothers himself in the gloves*
Fred: Ew!
*The two criminals hear a voice but don't see a body.*
Heathcliff: A thousand apologies sir, my monocle is squeaky. Needs Waxing.
Mr. Sparkles: Sure, that'll happen. I guess... Nine o'clock! Be ready for the ride of your life!
Heathcliff: I have dedication to acceleration.
*Heathcliff hands over the suitcase of case to Mr. Sparkles and walks off.*
Mr. Sparkles: Hey! Wax that monocle! Cha ching!
*He then throws it to Yama's face.*
Yama: Ouch!
Mr. Sparkles: Op! My bad, sorry! thought you were gonna catch it!
*Mr. Sparkles then walks into his 'office' with Yama.*
Yama: I'm not your boyo!
Mr. Sparkles: You're right! That gorgeous smile belongs to the world-
Yama: Sparkle! Be serious! Someone's going to-
: Figure out Maximum Insane Driving Challenge is just a diversion! To keep the law busy while we commit crimes? That's the insane part!
*Yama flips the switch on an old fan to show a vault of money behind a painting of money.*
Mr. Sparkles: But this time its going to be worth all the risk! Stealing Captain Fancy number 8!
*Unbeknownst to them Fred is in the room in camouflage mode, and he overheard it all.*
Yama: The comic book? I have a reputation!
Mr. Sparkles: Not just any comic book silly! The most valuable, comic book in the world!
Yama: Where is it?
Mr. Sparkles: Richardson's rare comics.
Yama: You sure the most valuable?
Mr. Sparkles: Ah ha! I knew you couldn't resist! Boyo!
Yama: Don't call me boyo! Freak.
*After the criminals leave the room, Fred turns off his camoflouge.*
Fred: Robbing banks is one thing, but comic books!? Now they've gone too far!
*After many hours, Gogo goes back to her apartment where she sees a majority of Honey Lemon's stuff neatly packed.*
Gogo: Looks like you're all packed up.
Honey Lemon: Yeah, almost! I should be out of your hair by tomorrow!
Gogo:Oh… that soon?... Honey Lemon?
Honey Lemon: Yeah?
Gogo: Look...*Sighs* I don't know how to say this... but-
Honey Lemon: *Pulls out the pencil Gogo gave her earlier* Do you want your pencil back? Cause, I really don't need it.
Gogo:No, I-
*Honey Lemon's phone buzzes and so she answers the call.*
Hiro: Yama and Sparkles are hitting Richardson's comic book store tonight. Meet us there.
Honey Lemon: Oh no! I'll go grab my chem purse!
*As Honey Lemon prepares herself for tonight, Gogo sighs at her failed attempt to talk to Honey Lemon.*
Gogo:... Well this is going well...*Pulls out the sticker underneath the desk and sighs*
*The remote controlled cars are up and ready for the road. The first two drivers put on their helmets as Heathcliff momentarily gets confused before Fred gently puts it on his head.*
Fred: Good luck!
Heathcliff: Thank you, invisible sir.
Mr. Sparkles: Ready roadsters? Time to play Maximum Insane Driving challenge! Who will win these silk soft cashmere lining driving gloves?
*The three drivers insert the special coin to start the race.*
Peter:*To Heathcliff* Anyone ever tell you that you look like a butler?
Dereck: *To Heathcliff* Yeah, can you fetch me an ice tea?
Peter:*Laughs* Nice on Dereck.
Dereck: Thanks Peter!
Heathcliff:*To self* I'm going to relish this.
*The three drivers set up their controllers as they prepare for the race.*
Mr. Sparkles: On your marks, get set, Go!
*And so pushing metal to the pedal all three zoom off their cars into the streets of San Fransokyo. Meanwhile, the rest of Big Hero 7 arrive across the street from Richardson's comic book store. Cora looks down and sees a flashlight coming from inside the already closed store.*
Cora: They're here already.
Hiro: We'll catch them by surprise.
*Yama is shuffling through the comic store, thankfully unaware of the mole hole entrance, when the light turn on to which Yama sees is Big Hero 7.*
Hiro: Looking for something?
Cora: A certain comic book perhaps?
Yama: Its not here!
Gogo: Nice try *pulls out disc* hand it over.
Yama: Its not here! I've looked everywhere!
Wasabi: Then why would Mr. Sparkles say it was here?
Gogo: Unless...
Cora: He set him up!
*Yama receives a text just then that confirms their suspicions.*
Yama: That little Freak did set me up!
*Meanwhile the police are after the cars as they drive through the streets. Up ahead being an elderly woman crossing the street. The three cars fly over the woman while the police cars stop barely in time to avoid hitting her. When the old woman turns her head to see that the cops had barely avoided hitting her, she smacks the hood and continues on her way. Which results in the airbags to activate. In an attempt to swerve Heathcliff off course, Dereck nearly knocks out his car before Heathcliff regains control. Heathcliff drives backwards to join the pink car, to which Dereck realizes that in that attempt, he went off course. *
Dereck: Ah F-
*His car drives into the bay, sinking to the deep.*
Mr. Sparkles: Game over loser!
*Dereck is dropped to the pool as a result. Leaving Heathcliff with the other lone driver to compete. *
Heathcliff: Be a dear and fetch me an ice tea.
Hiro: Fred, Mr. Sparkles double crossed Yama. He's gonna get away!
Fred: All good, Fredmeleon's on it!
*Using his tongue he swings over to office only to find it empty.*
Fred: *Whispers* Sparkles isn't here.*Regular voice* Wait Sparkles isn't here I don't know why I'm whispering. *Opens safe and finds it empty.* Oh boy, and he emptied the safe.
Honey Lemon: If Mr. Sparkles isn't there, where is he then?
*Turns out Mr. Sparkles got into the pink car with all the cash and driving gloves with him.*
Mr. Sparkles: *Admiring gloves* Oh like a butterfly's kiss. Maximum insane manual mode!
*He activates the car to be operated manually, leaving Peter no control of his car.*
Peter: I've lost control of my car!
Mr. Sparkles: Thanks for not playing loser!
*Peter is then dunked to the pool, now leaving Heathcliff alone to stop Mr. Sparkles at his game.*
Heathcliff:*Cracking knuckles* This is for all the butlers.
*He sets up his controller to catch up to Mr. Sparkles and land in front of him, forcing Mr. sparkles to skid aside to avoid hitting the green car.*
Mr. Sparkles: Eat my sparkles!
*Mr. Sparkles then summons forth the robotic chicken he had used for his escapes to take out Heathcliff with giant eggs. Although he did his best to avoid the falling eggs, the last one exploded in front of, the force pushing back the green car and destroying it, making him loose the race.*
Fred: Guys! Mr. Sparkles is in one of the cars and just took out Heathcliff!
Heathcliff: *Falling to the pool* Indeed!
*After an unseen battle which left Yama with an aching crotch and a black eye from Aqua Girl and Electro Alpha respectably, he turns to one of the team members and taunts.*
Yama: You'll never catch him!
Gogo: And you're wrong.
*Gogo fist bumps Hiro as soon as Gogo's skymax delivers her brand new mode of transportation: The Hyper cycle.*
Cora: Go get him Velocity!
Hiro: We'll stay with Yama! Sparkles is all yours!
*And so Gogo zooms off with her cycle. Soon she spots the car that has Sparkles inside.*
Mr. Sparkles: Welcome to the party Velocity! Too bad you weren't invited!
*He rams the car to her side to knock her out of the road. When he focuses on the mirror he thought he succeeded... only for Gogo and her hypercycle remaining intact. She opens up a weapon from her cycle which soon fries out the circuits of his car, leaving him vulnerable.*
Mr. Sparkles: Bet your cycle can't do this!
*He activates the eject button, the only one that works, and flies up to his get away chicken machine.*
Mr. Sparkles: You haven't seen the last of me!
*And so the chicken flies off with the coward on its back, leaving Gogo with the car to catch.*
Hiro: Chem Princess! Velocity!
Honey Lemon: On it Alpha!
*Honey Lemon throws three of her chemballs to cushion the car into a bubble, though Hiro pushes her out of the way as it bounces through the streets... which just so happens to be heading towards a mother and her baby crossing the street. Gogo zooms faster to save them as the mother stops in shock of the upcoming car. Luckily Heathcliff comes driving full course and uses the limousine to smack the car bubble to the billboard which so happens to have Mr. Sparkles face on it.*
Honey Lemon and Hiro: Wow!
*As the mother cradles her baby, Heathcliff steps out of the car and is greeted by Big Hero 7, congratulating him and Gogo.*
Wasabi: That was amazing!
Hiro: Nice driving!
Cora: Those were some Sick moves dude!
Yama: Yeah! We did it haha! Team work yeah!
*The team look at Yama before Cora zaps him again.*
Cora: You're still going to jail. Nice try though.
Yama: Not again.
*And the police arrives at the scene.*
Baymax: You failed because you and Mr. Sparkles did not communicate honestly.
*Baymax just so happens to look at Gogo when he said this.*
Gogo: Yeah, I get it.
Cora: *To Baymax* Did you just throw Shade at Gogo?
Baymax: My shadow does not shield Gogo from any lights blinding her.
*Cora shakes her head but smiles none the less. The next day, everyone, even Esme and Miyuki, are carrying the final boxes to move out of Gogo's apartment.*
Honey Lemon; Well, I think that's everything! Lets go!
Gogo: Wait!
*Everyone looks at Gogo, who is holding a box in her arms before taking a deep breath. Realizing whats going on, Esme and Miyuki push everyone else up the stairs.*
Fred: Hey whats going up?
Hiro: Why are we heading upstairs.
Esme: Giving them space!
*And so with the rest of the gang out of the room, leaving Gogo with Honey Lemon, she takes another deep breath before speaking to her.*
Honey Lemon: Gogo? Whats wrong?
Gogo: everyone knows I don't do feelings, but sometimes its worth it to make an exception...I've really gotten used to living with you and if you leave well... I'll feel...
Honey Lemon: You'll feel?
Gogo: Lonely... and not just cause you're not my roommate anymore... I've... *Sighs* I've gotten so used to you waking me up every morning and saying goodnight that if you go... a part of my heart will be empty...
Honey Lemon: *Blushing as she realizes what Gogo is saying* You mean...
Gogo: Yeah...*She then places the emote sticker over her heart, turning it to a bright red as well as her cheeks.*
*Honey Lemon lets out an airy gasp as she drops her box and rushes over and hugs her.*
Honey Lemon: I love you too Gogo! Of course I want to stay!
*This catches Gogo off guard in surprise, her heart pounding faster than any speed she could've imagined in her life.*
Gogo: You feel the same way too?
Honey Lemon; Yeah! Even if you're no-nonsense mood and cold shoulder can be a little off, every part of you that showed that you push others to be at their best and 'woman up' is what made me fall for you too.
Gogo: …*Giggling before laughing happily*
*That surprised Honey Lemon, to which she started laughing with her as well. Its around this time that the rest of the gang saw what happened between them and smile brightly.*
Hiro: Congrats Gogo.
Cora; You finally womaned up.
Baymax: She has finally communicated her emotions to Honey Lemon completely.
Wasabi: So now they're a couple?
Fred: This is the happiest day of my life!
*Cora sees Miyuki sketch out the scene between Gogo and Honey Lemon. To which they finally let go.*
Honey Lemon: Official Couple selfie!
*Gogo looks at Honey Lemon for a moment before she smiles and joins the selfie.*
Gogo: This does not get posted.
Honey Lemon: Sorry, already did!
*Honey Lemon then sets her way to unpack her things to which Gogo sees the rest of the gang smile at her and give their thumbs up. At first she considers scowlding them until she remembers Baymax's and Esme and Miyuki's words and simply gives a thumbs up back. Hiro and Cora then hug each other as they celebrate their two friends becoming girlfriends. And for that moment, nothing in their life was sweeter than now for Honey Lemon and Gogo...*
Mr. Sparkles: I can't even with Big Hero 7 anymore. But alas that's why I'm here.
*As it turns out Mr. Sparkles had went to Sycorax to meet with Liv Amara with a large duffle bag of cash for payment.*
: I hear you give villains interesting abilities...
*Liv Amara looks inside the bag before she gives a wide smile to the eccentric showman. Already conducting plans for his future*
A.N: Yup. I made Gogo and Honey Lemon girlfriends. Hope you enjoy it! Love you all and thank you for reading BH7!
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ganzeer-reviews · 6 years
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THE BEST OF MILLIGAN & MCCARTHY By Peter Milligan and Brendan McCarthy o-o-o-c
Madness. Sheer and utter madness.
I must admit that before MAD MAX: FURY ROAD, I hadn't even heard of Brendan McCarthy, which is a damn inexcusable shame. But to be fair, the work of Milligan & McCarthy hasn’t really been part of the dialogue in comix culture. Not even when it comes to talking about the impactful indie work that fell outside of the mainstream; you never hear their work cited alongside that of Frank Miller's SIN CITY (which, before the 2005 film release was only really known in pretty small circles throughout the 1990's) or Eddie Campbell's ALEC or Dave Sim's CEREBUS. But that silence is in no way reflective of the duo's influence.
About a year ago, I listened to an interview with Neil Gaiman for the British Library podcast focused primarily on the RAMAYANA and Gaiman's involvement in adapting it for DreamWorks. When asked if he had a particular style in mind when working on the various [never-produced] treatments, Gaiman was quick to point out Brendan McCarthy's work on ROGAN GOSH, which Gaiman describes as being birthed from Brendan's "Road to Damascus moment, where he ran into a pile of comics in India, and just went 'I love this, there's art stuff here that I've never seen in the West,' and started doing stuff and playing with it." He also goes on to describe ROGAN GOSH as "one of the most interesting moments of fusion between Indian and British and American comix culture."
Naturally, I immediately looked into getting my hands on some ROGAN GOSH and discovered that it was reprinted in the pages of an over-sized hardcover titled THE BEST OF MILLIGAN & MCCARTHY published by Dark Horse Books in 2013 and retailing for only $24.99 (down to $7.19 as I type this). Although a horrendously produced edition (pages are actually falling out in less than a year since purchasing it), I'm still happy to have gotten my hands on it because it has been blowing my mind ever since. Not least because of the work itself, but because it simultaneously exposes a very vital almost secret history of comix lost to... I dunno,an obsession with the founding of Image Comics and the less than negligible work its founders produced? If there was ever a demented, revolutionary punk rock duo in comix, Milligan & McCarthy definitely fit the bill.
ROGAN GOSH first appeared in REVOLVER, a short-lived anthology magazine for mature readers published in the UK between 1990-1991. GOSH was finally collected by DC Comics/Vertigo into a 48-page one shot in 1994. It is perhaps because of the book's modest page-count that it is never mentioned in the same breath as say THE SANDMAN or PREACHER, or THE INVISIBLES or other long-running titles central to the Vertigo imprint's identity. But hey, Aristotle's POETICS is no more than a sodding 44 pages, which is sometimes all you need to jump-start a revolution.
In Milligan and McCarthy's own words, surrounded by "long and bloated 'concept album' comics", they were more interested in "the short, sharp, throwaway pop single. The type you danced to. The type you had sex to."
While the above statement can most be applied to their series PARADAX (also featured in the book), it pretty much hits the nail on the head with the majority of their collaborations, including ROGAN GOSH.
By the duo's own admission, it is not only difficult to describe what ROGAN GOSH is about, it is even pointless to ask. What may have been originally conceived as a “sci-fi Bollywood BLADE RUNNER” rapidly evolved into something far more demented. It starts off with Rudyard Kipling in Lahore en route to a place "where men of all castes come to sleep the sleep of dreams." Essentially, an opium den where "karmanauts can relieve a man of the curses of his sins.” If you think that opening scene will give you any idea of what follows, you are sorely mistaken. Kupling is entered into a "jasmine-scented dream of the future" where we are transported to psychadelic trip after psychadelic trip involving completely different characters:
- A man named Raju Dhawan waiting on another named Dean Cripps at a Tandoori joint called "Star of the East" - The blue-skinned Rogan Gosh on the run from the "bloody-tongued, dark destroyer" Kali together with a small idol of Kipling. - Raju Ghawan as Rogan Gosh together with Dean Cripps on the run from robotic hindu "Karma Kops". - Rogan Gosh as a bull-riding ancient Egyptian cowboy of the future, roaming through the mythic land of Wild Bill Osiris and Horus Thuh Kid.
If none of this makes the slightest bit of coherence, well that's because there is nothing coherent about it. Rather than there being any kind of train of thought, it's more like a train blown to bits upon the detonation of atomic dynamite. Shards of ideas floating around a nebula, jabbing into each other with every turn of the page. It's bizarre stuff, heavy on logic-defying captions almost as much as the explosive visuals. If you, the reader, let yourself go, you'll find that the synergy of text and image in ROGAN GOSH will drag you around a strong relentless current of spicy thought soup. Washing ashore an island of utter confusion is inevitable, but not without a sense of thrill retained from the memories of the surrealist storm that was.
Imagine a comicbook operating along the logic of say, PROMETHEA, 8 years prior to PROMETHEA's publication and without any of the rigorous explanation of the world's mechanics the way PROMETHEA delves into. Instead you're just thrown into it and left to make connections entirely on your own. That's what ROGAN GOSH feels like; a weird transcendental spell cast in comicbook form.
It isn't a coincidence that Milligan & McCarthy share something with Alan Moore other than British citizenship. All three after all did get their start making comix in the indie music paper SOUNDS. Moore with ROSCOE MOSCOW in 1979, and McCarthy et Milligan with THE ELECTRIC HOAX in 1978. This discovery, although new to me, was not at all surprising, as I find that I am typically drawn to creators who cut their teeth in avenues that fall outside of "the mainstream". Where the ones "in charge" understand little about what they’re doing, where anything goes and opportunities for mad experimentalism aren't stifled.
The greatest discovery in THE BEST OF MILLIGAN & MCCARTHY for me has been the duo's work on FREAKWAVE, a comic that, by Brendan's own admission, was directly inspired by MAD MAX 2: THE ROAD WARRIOR which Brendan became obsessed with during his surfing getaway in Australia in 1981. After which Brendan coerced Milligan to co-write a "Mad Max goes surfing" treatment Brendan could pitch to Hollywood. Hollywood didn't bite, but the duo did get to produce it as a backup strip in the pages of VANGUARD ILLUSTRATED published by Pacific Comics in 1983. Pretty straight adventure story initially (well, as straight as Milligan & McCarthy can muster anyway), with the most striking aspect of the strip being character designs and world building.
FREAKWAVE is a post-apocalyptic punk-rock drifter who windsurfs a flooded Earth in search of floating trash he can live off. He battles it out with disease-ridden humanoid "Water-rats" and psychopaths in gasmasks wrapped in old tin cans and the random cultural ephemera of old. FREAKWAVE would later resurface as a punk-absurdist Tibetan Book-of-the-Dead story in 1984's STRANGE DAYS, an anthology showcasing the work of Milligan, McCarthy, and Brett Ewans published by Eclipse Comics. It only ran for 3 issues, but Warren Ellis says it "landed like a hand grenade from another world", which is still exactly what it feels like going through its contents 34 years later today. It is especially in the pages of STRANGE DAYS' feature comic FREAKWAVE that you see Brendan McCarthy and Peter Milligan really rocking out like some kind of alternative comicbook band, the pages crackling with the energetic buzz of an electric guitar. Brendan especially reaches peak McCarthiasm, with 90% of his visionary work on FURY ROAD appearing here first on the page a good 31 years before blowing people's minds on  screen.
Which, by the way, how fucking cool is that? To be asked to work on the sequel to a film that inspired your scarcely read comicbook. And to be asked specifically because of your work on said comicbook?
Not to mention that FREAKWAVE, although given a pass by executives in Hollywood, very likely influenced the movie WATERWORLD in 1995, at the very least in terms of look and production design, which let's face it was the only really good thing about the film.
Nothing will give you that good kick in the balls to go off and make comix (or any ill-advised pursuit) more than looking at the work of Milligan and McCarthy. If a big part of the draw of comix for you is that it is medium void of filters between creator and reader, well then that cannot be more true of Milligan and McCarthy's collaborations. Because there are always editors keeping creators in check, or heck, even self-inflicted inhibition on the creator’s part. Not for Milligan and McCarthy.
Never for Milligan and McCarthy.
[Available on Amazon]
Ganzeer November 23, 2018
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questfriendspodcast · 6 years
What is the players and the characters ideal date?
For Elee: 
Wandering around somewhere naturey, preferably slightly dangerous but not too much, then food. She sucks at cooking, so if the date can cook that is a huge bonus. The ideal date also probably includes getting laid.
For Emily: 
Wandering around somewhere naturey in cool weather, but preferably not dangerous at all, then food. I have a huge sweet tooth, so dessert is also ideally involved. I am always thrilled to go to the arboretum, butterfly house, or conservatory near where I live.
You know that scene in The Little Mermaid where Ariel goes on a carriage ride with Eric to explore the city and she is super excited about literally everything? Basically that (as long as MISHA knows that they are things that their date enjoys as well). For the evening, if MISHA liked their date a lot and they knew what a date actually was, they would love to show them something that they enjoy watching at night. Such as the moon. Or the nuptial flight of queen ants.
For Ari: 
Anything that involves walking around doing something fun while talking. So hiking, going to a museum, going to an amusement park, stuff like that. Something that is not just sitting in front of one another talking (or at least not during the whole date). 
For Xoc: 
Xoc’s perfect date involves seeing something new and exciting, something unknowable and inspiring. Of course it should also be something his date is excited about as well. Basically it’s just a magic show.
For Tom: 
Some kind of adventure or discovery. Like geocaching or finding some out-of-the-way spot.
For Hopper:
Hop really likes to listen to people talk about what they like, so if his date had some sort of a favorite location (like a favorite museum or coffee shop or park), he would want to go there. But if he was forced to choose, he’d probably just want to go for a walk or a picnic. (Note: He would not bring calzunes to a picnic. They are not a date food.)
For Hallie: 
It’s 8 o’clock on a Saturday night. The band is getting ready to play. I sip a classy cocktail as you walk into the bar dressed to the nines in a slick ‘40s outfit. You are right on time because you didn’t crash your plane into the Atlantic Ocean. You are also Steve Rogers. The night is ours. 
For Kyle: 
Cuddling on the couch with Emily while she screams in fear at my reckless playing of Breath of the Wild. So our typical Saturday night, really. (But in all earnestness, if I can cook for a date I’m pretty happy.)
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disneykathy · 6 years
Disney’s Animal Kingdom
This is the other park I get lost in. I’ve been there a dozen times or more but it still feels like the Moving Island in “Lost”: “Wasn’t Africa to the left of Dinoland? How can I be in Asia? Where’s the damn big tree?? I can’t see the tree!!”
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Never fear...when you first enter, you have no choice but to walk straight to the first “land” of this park: Discovery island:
Directly in front of you will be the weenie for this park: The Tree Of Life! It’s huge!
No...it’s not real! C’mon, sane up.
The “tree” is a 145 foot high sculpture of an African Baobab tree. Wander around the tree, under passages and through the Discovery Island Trails. Besides seeing some interesting real-life animals, you’ll see that the “Tree of Life” aka the “BFT”, (use your imagination), has 135 detailed animal carvings in its wood. They are amazing. Please take time to explore. You just got here-you can still feel your feet.
Under the BFT, in its roots, is a theater. This is where you will find the attraction: “It’s Tough to be a Bug”.
If you have a fear of bugs, take heed: although no real insects are involved in this production, it does evoke creepy crawly bugginess. The waiting area is an underground lair with the constant sound of chirping and buzzing. And the show does evoke a few fun special effects that make most of us laugh, but, if you are creepa-phobic, these effects may shoot you right through the wall. Just sayin’.
The show is a 3D movie with characters from “A Bugs Life” who will introduce you to the life of bugs and their importance in our little Earth lives. It’s fun. You can sit. It’s air-conditioned (actually TOO air conditioned).
And for those with a phobia, really, you’ll be fine... (spiders, roaches and bees, oh my!!!).
If you stay in the Animal Kingdom until dark, come back to Discovery Island and stand in front of the BFT. Once it’s dark, they do a new projection like show on the tree that is stunning! I had no idea they did this the last time I was there, and just happened to be passing... I was like “what the hell goes on with that tree?? There were all flashy lights coming out of its limbs- I thought I was having a stroke!
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Pandora-The World of Avatar:
It’s beautiful! This newest area of Disney’s Animal Kingdom is gorgeous! If you’ve seen the movie Avatar, you’ll be completely amazed at how they captured the topography and flora of Pandora. If you haven’t seen the film, you’ll be confused. Just go with it.
Avatar Flight of Passage
If you didn’t fast pass this ride, enjoy your day standing in line.
I’d love to say “it’s worth it”. It’s not. Nothing is worth waiting in line for 4 hours. Nothing. If Elvis and John Lennon cane back from the dead to jam with Billy Joel, Elton John and Bruce Springsteen, I wouldn’t wait in line 4 hours.
However, it’s a great ride. This is a 3D flight simulator taking you on your Banshee and swooping over landscapes of Pandora. It’s only 5 minutes but it’s a memorable 5 minutes!
Warning: there are warning all along the queue area about thinking twice if you’re not healthy. Hey Disney-none of us are. I actually thought of not riding because of the excessive warnings. But...
The truth is, if you can ride “Soarin’” without getting extremely dizzy, having a coronary or bursting an aneurysm, you’ll be swell. Only dif here is, you are riding on something similar to a Star Wars speeder bike? It doesn’t actually go anywhere, just moves to simulate what’s happening on the screen. You are in a crouched position. So, if you have neck or back issues, you may want to rethink.
Na’vi River Journey
Your boat takes you on a river journey through Pandora at night. Again, if you haven’t seen the film, most if the trees, plants, animals, bugs in pandora are bioluminescent-a fancy word meaning that they light up at night in psychedelic colors. So, this ride is like floating through a college dorm room in 1968.
Rivers of light
Again, if you are going to be in Animal Kingdom after dark, you might want to get a fast pass for the Rivers of Light show. There are multiple viewing areas for this light show-one entrance is by The Voyage of the Little Mermaid theater And the other is by Expedition Everest.
I hear it’s a beautiful attraction. I haven’t seen it. It’s like, late, and my feet hurt and I’ve seen enough cool stuff to last me. But, if your still bright and bushy tailed, by all means, go. And let me know how it was.
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I love the atmosphere here. It really feels like you are visiting an African Village (I say that like I’ve ever been anywhere near a real African Village...). The village is called “Harambe” which I think means “spend money” in Swahili. There are some really interesting shops and food stops here-linger awhile...
Kilimanjaro Safaris:
You should have a fast pass for this excursion. You should also go first thing in the morning; the animals are much more active and visible before the heat of the day. They, as opposed to us, have common sense.
For this ride you will board large Jeeps and a driver will take you over muddy rut filled roads and over creaky rope bridges through a variety of African ecosystems where you will see indigenous animals. It’s a wonderful experience.
Last time I rode, 2 long horned Bongos blocked our way And we had to sit and wait until the mood hit them to wander off. And a Rhino jogged next to the Jeep, a little closer than my comfort zone approved of.
Lions, giraffes, crocs, gnus ...you’ll see them all with a steady stream of comments from the driver. You’ll love it.
Warning: pee first. The ruts are deep and the ride is long.
Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail/Wild Africa Trek
This section is right next to the Safari. It’s a walk through African nature trail where you can spend some leisure time really experiencing the animals. And you will get a close up view of the gorillas! I have an obsession with Silver Back Gorillas And will spend quite some time in this area photographing them. Unless it’s 90 degrees, then I photograph whatever lurks in the A/C.
Festival of the Lion King
This is a theater production where they re-enact the film with all the songs...it’s full of color and pageantry and people love it but I can sit in my house and watch the movie in the a/c without having to spend a gazillion bucks on a one day pass, so I am not a fan. But what do I know??
Asia: this area is also beautiful and evocative. Lots of photo ops to take advantage of.
Expedition Everest- I hate roller coasters, but I love this one! I love the theming in the queue, I love the speed, the yeti and even the drops. It doesn’t feel as wild as it looks, and it’s a smooth ride. If you can keep your eyes open, there’s lots to see.
Again: there are all the standard warnings. I had no problem and I am a major chicken with a bad stomach...so only you know you. Chose wisely.
Kali River Rapids- the signs read “You will get wet”. They should read “You will get soaked to your undies!”.
Kali River Rapids is a wild rapids ride that takes you down a raging Indian River. The theming revolves around an illegal mining/logging camp that you will come upon, showing the decimation of the forest.
You won’t notice this at all because you’ll be praying that the raft turns in your favor and drowns the guy across from you instead. I have ridden this a few times and have never not gotten soaked.
It’s a fun ride and it feels great to get wet in the heat of the day. However, it doesn’t feel great to still be squishing in your jeans 2 hours later or freezing while eating lunch in the A/C! So... don’t wear denim jeans, or, better yet, wear your poncho!
Maharajah Jungle Trek- this is similar to the wild Africa Trek, but with Asian animals-duh. The tigers are the Star of this walking tour and you’ll see them up close and personal. The theming of this Trek is lovely-you’re in an ancient ruin of a Hindi temple.
Up! A Great Bird Adventure:
This is a wild bird show like any other bird show you’ve ever seen except for two things:
1-it stars characters from the movie “Up”
2- it’s outside in Florida so, even though the partial roof keeps you out if direct sun and there are a few large fans, you will still be hot. Unless you go on a cool day, I’d say you can skip this and not live your life in regret.
Dinoland: -
The theming here is just...weird. When it first opened it had a sort of Paleontological bent with fossil beds and some Dino bone exhibits. Then Disney realized that people on vacation don’t care bout science, so they changed the theming to...
Weirder. Now the idea is: this is one of those tacky roadside attractions you’d find on Route 66 in the 50s or 60s. Run by “Chester and Hester”, this two bit Dino-Rama themed low rent stop over features two old fashioned carnival rides - the Primeval Whirl and the Triceratops Spin. The first ride being a small roller coaster and the second is the Dumbo the Flying Elephant Ride with triceratops (triceratops’? Triceratopses?). There are also carnival games and a tacky roadside shop and restaurant. Unless you are with desperate little ones, I’d walk through to pick up the atmosphere and Keep walking.
The real attraction here is Dinosaur!- the ride. This is a dark ride in an enhanced motion vehicle through the Cretaceous period to capture a Dino...And time is of the essence because you have to find said Dino before the great extinction comet hits!
This is a fun trip with lots of bumps, quick turns and jolts..with a few true honest thrills. It is a not to be missed e-ticket ride.
I just rode it and came away unbroken. But, if you have back or neck issues I’d think about skipping it. And, again, use the facilities first.
The Boneyard, which you should save til the end of the visit, is a play area for the kiddies: there are bones to dig up, slides, ropes and climbs and all kinds of stuff to work out any energy they’ve stored up. (You want them to sleep tonight, right?). There are only a few sitting spots for parents/grandparents though. I guess Disney thought we’d be running around sharing joy with our precious darlings. They guessed wrong. They need more seats. And wine.
Well, if you followed my order... and there’s no reason you needed to... you’re done with Disney World!!! Now go back to your room and relax...cuz tomorrow you’re probably spending the day at Universal Studios! ThenThe World of Harry Potter...then Sea World...And Legoland...then of course you’ll have to take the fam to the beach... maybe Clearwater... then you might as well spend a day at Busch Gardens...wait!
You didn’t tour Kennedy Space Center??
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skymoonandstardust · 7 years
Office Hero Part 4
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AN: The Last part :( thank you all of you for loving this series and leaving scads of wonderful comments <3 I loved writing this and I'm kind of sad to see it go. . .  
The revelation of Clark Kent’s secret identity shook your world and changed how you saw . . .well, pretty much everything—especially him. It was going on a week now since you discovered his secret and so far you’d managed to keep it to yourself, act normal and not let anyone least of all him have any idea that you knew.  You still hadn’t gotten used to the fact that you were working in the same building as the man of steel, that you knew him, that you counted him as a friend. It was too wild to be true.  You’d think that this discovery would be enough for you and spell the end of it. You’d go back to being a normal reporter, slowly get used to the idea that Clark Kent who’s desk you passed every day on your way into work doubled as a hero, and that would be it.
. . . but there was no rest for the wicked and no time off for an investigative journalist.
As soon as you’d solved the mystery of the man of steel and the mild-mannered reporter you immediacy set yourself on another track, that of his friend Diana prince and the billionaire playboy himself Bruce Wayne. They were both inexplicably high on the danger scale and (at least in Diana’s case) had a clear friendship with Clark—there had to be something up with them, just like there had been with him and your reporter’s inquisitive instinct wouldn’t let you rest till you’d cracked them too.
It only made sense to you that if Clark was secretly a flying cape wearing hero then the other two had to have a similar day (or would it be night?) job so you started monitoring both of them.  Bruce Wayne was easy, being the rich, famous, playboy that he was, you just payed closer attention to all his photos, speeches and appearances --- and more importantly, his disappearances and cancelations.  The trouble there was sorting through the white noise to find the really relevant stuff, which was made doubly hard because of the massive amounts of info you got on him every day and the fact you still sort of had to look over everything since you didn’t know what might turn out to be the key you needed to unlock the truth in his darkness.
You weren’t ashamed to say that you’d often asked some of your friends and coworkers to help you sort through it all. There were times you asked them or keep an eye out for anything Wayne related for you when you had to go out for a story or were too busy to do it yourself.    
You made a file for Bruce and wrote your data down in a notebook jut like you had for Clark. His got full surprisingly fast.
Meanwhile the one’s you’d made for Diana were nearly empty.
It was much harder to get information on her. On top of the fact that she wasn’t as well monitored as Bruce, only the most basic facts were known about her life, nothing more nothing less.  Still, it would have seemed above board over all if, when you started digging-- Her past hadn’t turned out to be little know and sketchy. It seemed like she had just popped into the face of the earth one day and just started living her life.  It had taken you asking for help or information from other reporters, even ones from other papers and calling in a few favors to learn more. . . but it only made things more confusing. Ultimately the trail led you to a historical societies archive’s were you spent the day going back in time through pictures, looking at centuries worth of photos in an attempt to find her or any of her ancestors.
You found her alright.
A thrill had gone through you when you’d first found Diana standing In one of the photos, followed immediately by a burst of confusion and excitement when you realized that the photo was taken too long ago and she looked too old  (exactly as old as she did now as a matter of fact. . .) for it to be her. For a second you wondered if it was her mother or maybe a grandmother but no, when you looked at the names written in the bottom corner of the page hers was written there in a faded spidery script and they looked exactly the same in every way; there was no piecemeal genetic inheritance that you usually see—no “they have the same eyes” or “the chins looks the same”.
No, they had to be the same person.
Trying to stifle your exactment and crush the urge to go tell the world you kept digging, going further and further back and finding her in more and more photos. In every single one she looked the same, like she hadn’t aged a day even though the date written down on the back or the corer, the clothes she and the other people in the photo wore, and the changing style of the pictures themselves all said differently.
Finally, you got all the way back to the nineteen forties, and found a few more photos of her before the trial suddenly went ice cold and froze to nothing in front of you.  
That was it.
No more pictures, no more appearances after that—and still she looked exactly like she did the day you saw her walk through the daily planet’s glass doors.
You left the building that day with more questions then answers.
Billionaires and nurses weren’t the only ones you were keeping track of and monitoring. You also kept an eye on anything and everything having to do with heroes or the justice league. Hey, maybe if you couldn’t figure it out one way then you could figure it out the opposite way, attach the hero to the secret identity instead of the secret identity to the hero. . .
Whatever would work.
Two days after your trip to the historical society you were sitting at your desk at work, actually working although more then half the office was stopped in their tracks, all clustered around the nearest Tv as the news channel played the latest battle of the justice league live as they faced off against a small army (for what was it, The second time this month?)   Just a minute before you’d seen Clark do his usual disappearing act, running out of the office when everyone’s back was turned and no one was looking, so, you knew, he could be change into superman and fly off to join the battle. At the sight a smile that bordered on a knowing smirk flashed across your face before you got back to writing.  
Three minutes later and you let yourself take a quick break to look up yourself and watch from your desk as the arrival of superman was announced by the blonde pretty female newscaster.  Just as you were about to look away the tv changed as they showed Wonder Woman Standing her ground as a hail of bullets sparked harmlessly off her famous bracelets.
The second you saw her you knew it was the same face you’d been searching for and staring at in pictures for hours. It was the same Person Clark had brought into the office and introduced to everyone.
Wonder Woman was Diana Prince.
It was almost too easy to spot once you knew what you were looking for.  The only difference was the change in outfit, the tiara and that fact that her hair was down instead of the ponytail it was in when you first saw her or tied up in a bun on the back of her head.  The whole thing seemed about as ridiculous and as likely to work as Clark’s stupid glasses and the appearing, disappearing forehead curl . . .yet somehow, they both worked.  You guessed it went to show how caught up in themselves, stupid and blind people at large could be, that a pair of glasses and a change of hairstyle was enough to fool them and keep them from seeing the hero in front of them.
Everything clicked into place and it all made sense. Of course she would stay the same in all those photos--- if Diana Prince really was wonder woman she’d be an amazon, an immortal. It would explain why she seemed to appear out of the blue one day. . . she actually had.  Her words came back to you, drifting through your head once more. . .
“It’s a small island near Greece in the Aegean Sea. . .”
And the amazons were said to live in an mystical island near Greece hidden and protected from the outside world
The giddiness of your second triumph thrummed In your veins, causing a wide smile to spread on your face, directed at empty air.  You’d met Wonder Woman, you’d met a literal goddess—well not really but technically. . .as close as you were going to get.  Laughter bubbled up in you, light and euphoric and you could barely keep it in, but you had to.  if you let it out everyone would be wondering just what you found so funny and amusing when there was a battle going on right now, when the justice league were fighting together at this very moment. With a small force of will you swallowed the laugh and tried to concentrate on something normal and serious to keep it from coming back up, scaling your throat to escape into the empty waiting air.
Two mysteries solved, One left to go. . .
 Fittingly, it was at night that you discovered the truth behind Bruce Wayne, Billionaire Playboy.  About four days after you connected Diana Prince to Wonder Woman you were at home, working late on a piece due the next day when a voice from the darkness of your shadowed hallway made you nearly jump out of your skin “Doing more research?” The deep gravelly voice sent shivers through you as you recognized it instantly.
You were in trouble—deep deep trouble.
That was the only explanation, the only reason he’d be here since he hardly ever came to Metropolis – lord knew he had enough trouble to solve in his own city. Somehow, he’d found out about your research, all your discoveries and had come here for you. Almost certainly to threaten you , possibly to destroy everything you’d gotten on him and the other two heroes. At least you knew he wasn’t the killing type, you’d learned that much from your research and years of watching him fight and stop crime.
Nonetheless you found yourself having to speak over a pounding heart as you found courage from somewhere and answered the voice from the shadows.  “Sorry to disappoint, but no. It’s for work.”
Batman stepped out of the blackness and you could have worn that for half a second his lips had been just he slightest twitch up. . .that was probably as close as he ever came to a smile “You have been doing a lot of research lately, haven’t you—into Bruce Wayne, Diana prince, and especially your coworker Clark Kent.”
“Don’t you mean you and two other members of the league?” The words were out before you even realized it and as soon as they were you wanted to bite your tongue off, to sew your mouth shut so you’d never speak again—anything to keep from saying something so provoking and stupid. It was too late, the words were out now and there was no taking them back so you could only continue on. You pulled up a picture of Bruce Wayne and turned your computer to face him, so he could see “That is you isn’t it?” The face under the mask was inscrutable as ever. You may as well have tried getting a reaction out of stone “Maybe. What I want to know is what you know—about the people you’ve been looking into.” You scoffed and turned the laptop back to you “Please. You already know it all—why else would you be here? You just want me to corroborate it so you can be sure that everything I wrote is the truth. It is.”
Your words did seem to surprise him, but the emotion only flickered there for half a second before there wasn’t a trace it had ever been there—it may as well have been an illusion of light and shadow.  “Humor me.” You sighed and closed the picture before putting your laptop aside and locking eyes with him again “Alright. . ..” so you told him as briefly, concisely and accurately as you could everything that had happened, everything you’d found out from start to finish including all the hard proof you’d been able to get on all of them— only leaving out the minor detail of your power obviously.
When the last of your lingering words faded slowly from the air emotion once again seeped through the cracks of his (literal) mask as he nodded once approvingly, a (small) smile on his face “Impressive.”  Of all the thing’s you’d been expecting to hear that was the last thing you thought he would say.
Batman lowered his hood, showing the features of Bruce Wayne exactly as you suspected “How would you like to Join the Justice League?”
You were completely and utterly stunned.  You couldn’t believe you might have actually heard him right—never in your wildest dreams did you ever imagine that this was what he was here for, to offer you an opportunity to join the Justice League. . .but here you were.  “b-but I can’t. I can’t fight, I don’t have any training-- and I don’t have any powers.”
Bruce smirked “Don’t You?”
Your heart went right up your throat before sinking all the way to your stomach “W-what?”
“You’ve told me everything except what made you look into Clark Kent, or how you knew to look into me and Diana. Diana makes some sense because to you there was a clear connection between her and Kent- -they knew each other, but you didn’t know Clark knew me—in fact, he told you the opposite. So how did you know?”
Against your will your eyes flicked up to the black ten hovering above him and he caught their movement, his eyes lifting in an attempt to see what you were seeing. . . except he couldn’t.  Words and sentences choked your throat. . .too few, too many, and you couldn’t get any of them out.  You inhaled and let it out in a great big whooshing breath that shook the words loose inside you “I- I can see numbers—over people’s heads. They tell me how dangerous someone is. It’s usually on a scale of one to ten. . . but thanks to Clark I’ve run into one or two of you who broke the scale.”
The same crooked almost boyish grin that you’d seen directed at a few near swooning girls at the planet reappeared, making him seem years younger and much happier, much nicer. It was hard to believe that smile could belong to someone as serious, cold and direct as the batman. . . which was exactly the point of course. “I thought It was something like that” The grin grew wider “Still say you’re not fit to join the league?  That power could come in useful-- And you’re smart, smart enough to connect the dots between me Clark, Diana to our alter egos ---and get enough evidence to prove it. That’s just the kind of skills the league needs. As for training, don’t worry about it. We’ll take care of that if you decide to join. It would take time, don’t’ get me wrong, but you could do it--- you’d be able to hold your own next to the rest of us. So what do you say, do you want to join the justice league?”
The forevers:  @casownsmyass  @docharleythegeekqueen @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious@his-paradox @l4life @fangirl-who-dreams @sarciaczekk @esoltis280 @theresnofandomforthis  @laramitk @dragonangel-funandfire  @a-sea-of-fandoms @thatbasicnerd4life @scarlettsoldier @cassiopeia-barrow
 The office heroes: @scionofthestars @suz-123 @aquabrie @sneakingthroughyourgifs @theresnofandomforthis @bbparker @iclaudsworld  @purpledolphin-f   @luv-what-you-do  @coltcas
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femnet · 6 years
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One of the many joys of starting your junior year of high school is that you get to start thinking about colleges, test scores, and the fate of your entire adult life more seriously than ever before. And of course by “joys”, I mean one of the most mind-numbingly terrifying aspects of starting your junior year of high school. But, nonetheless, there is some kind of thrill that comes with the journey that lies ahead.
Very recently, I took three college tours in three days. Along the way I learned a lot about colleges, a lot about having sore feet, and, surprisingly, more about myself than I thought I would. I have come to realize some silly stuff about myself and some more serious stuff about myself. So, I figured I would share some of what I learned for the rest of you guys that might be in my shoes right now! Without further ado:
What I Discovered On College Tours
1) Your interests are going to change over time.
Sometimes it’s hard to think about something that is such a large part of your life no longer being at the forefront. But I realized over the course of these college tours that part of growing as a person means having growing interests too. Think about it, you probably don’t have the exact same set of interests as you did when you were 13 years old. You can’t expect your interests to stay the same from when you were 16 through your college years.
For example, one of the student tour guides I had started out completely sure that he wanted to be involved in ROTC while in college and go into the military. About a month into his freshman year he realized this was really not what he wanted to be doing. You can’t just expect all of your previous interests to play out in a different environment with a different you. It’s just not reasonable, but that’s just part of your personal growth.
2) Sometimes you’re going to mess up a lot.
I’m sure most of you had already noticed this one. It seems pretty obvious. But the hard thing about this situation is realizing that you’re going to mess up sometimes when you least expect to, and also learning not to tear yourself apart when you mess up big time. You might get a terrible grade on an essay you spent a lot of time working on. You might end up doing poorly in a class you thought was going to be a breeze. Miscommunication and misunderstanding might ruin a friendship.
But the secret is that you have to learn to gather something from the ruins and move on. You can’t expect to right every wrong that occurs, but you can at least expect to learn something from the experience. Take the constructive criticism you can get and take it and apply it somewhere else. Every experience can be a learning one if you look at it with the right mindset.
3) You need a break and something to keep you sane.
As an extremely ambitious person who often overestimates their own ability to do things, I feel this one. Deeply. But the thing everyone has to realize is that you can’t push yourself to the brink of exhaustion all the time and still expect to function like a normal human being. You’ll be functioning worse than a normal human being even though you are putting in the work.
The simple fact of the matter is that you need something that isn’t coursework to do in order to keep your sanity in tact. It could be gardening. It could be singing or playing a musical instrument. It could be taking a good nap or immersing yourself into a fictional world. Just make sure it makes your brain feel good!
4) You’re probably not going to have everything figured out like you think you will.
This kind of goes hand in hand with the whole “your interests are going to change” thing, but everyone hears the stories of someone going into college sure of what they want to major in and what they want to with their lives. But when they get there they realize that that’s not actually what they want to do. Trust me I’ve heard this story a million times too, but I think a lot of people write it off by saying that that’s not going to be them. (Myself included in that!)
This isn’t going to be true for everyone, my brother has known what he wants to do since he was five years old and went through college to do that thing. But, there’s a high chance that something like the aforementioned scenario will happen to you, and that’s okay! You can’t expect to know everything right from the start. Life changes and so do you, so you just have to learn to adapt to yourself (as weird as that sounds).
5) Friends are undeniably a good thing to have.
I’m a huge introvert. I like to stay in my room and read books rather than go out and be social. You might relate to this or you might think I sound really weird and sad, but this one goes out to you guys who can relate! You might think that you can live your best life by yourself in your dorm room with nobody else except yourself, your laptop, and a mug of your favored warm beverage. But, I guarantee you, there’s going to be a time where you need someone!
You need friends! As awkward as you may feel trying to make them, you’re going to be happy that you did. You can learn things from them, you can borrow things from them, and, most of all, they can make you really happy! So what’s a little awkwardness in exchange for a lot of good times?
6) You just have to find what makes you feel passionate and happy and genuinely good!
The biggest take away I had from this journey of self discovery on college tours (if that’s what we’re calling it) can be summed up quite simply. You just need to have something that makes you happy! You need to find what you’re passionate about and pursue it! That makes me sound like a motivational speaker, I know, but it’s the truth. Take different classes that just spark your curiosity. Write papers or even a thesis on some super niche thing that just makes you go wild. Have discussions and debates with other people about things that you feel strongly about. The point is, college will be boring and bland if you can’t find something that you are genuinely passionate about, so strive to find that thing!
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: The World is the Game, Designing Worlds after Breath of the Wild
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  Hello everyone, and welcome back to Why It Works. With the holiday season approaching and a number of pushed-pack games finally seeing the light, we’ve been receiving a wave of exciting announcements and updates over the past few weeks. And among them, few had me more excited than the announcement of a brand new Monster Hunter game. If you haven’t heard, Monster Hunter Rise will be coming to the Switch next year, brimming with ornery new beasts to conquer and capture.
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    Along with featuring plenty of bizarre monsters, one of the things that stuck out to me most within Monster Hunter Rise’s announcement trailer was the surprising freedom of movement possessed by the player’s avatar. While individual tools like the Insect Glaive have allowed monster hunters to take to the skies, Rise seems like it’s been designed from the ground up with more of a sense of verticality to its design and more places to physically explore. Heck, even the title “Monster Hunter Rise” seems to imply that scaling great heights will be precisely what sets this game apart.
  In earlier titles, Monster Hunter fights took place in zones that weren’t much more complicated than standard, relatively flat battle arenas. Monster Hunter World complicated this, creating expansive, shifting worlds that you could run up and down, chasing your quarry all the while. And Rise seems to be pursuing this instinct even further, creating not just sprawling landscapes to explore, but worlds that extend upwards, and which you can scale freely, without the restrictions that even World placed on your pathing, jumping, and climbing abilities.
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    Personally, I’m thrilled to see this shift toward more vertical and environmentally-focused gameplay, and though the game industry is a vast and complicated organism, I believe one game, in particular, has helped steer the overall course of open-world designs in this direction. Though it was a landmark title even in its own storied franchise, I believe this game’s most enduring legacy will be through how it changed the way developers approach open worlds, something that’s only become more apparent in the years since its release. I’m speaking, of course, about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
  Open-world games have been a part of the industry landscape for decades, evolving from platformer stages and sandboxes like Grand Theft Auto III into their current incarnations. However, while “exploring a vast, open world” is a standard part of the pitch for these games, that concept is rarely incentivized by games’ central design features. There are many games that take place in open worlds, but which are not really “about” their open worlds — they are about the missions and objectives you complete within them. The cliche example would be the Ubisoft model, where their worlds are always brimming with objects to check off, but not that much to actually do in terms of your relationship with the landscape. These games frequently boil down to two categories of terrain: places you can explore without effort and places you can’t explore at all.
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  Image via Nintendo
  Breath of the Wild changed that. Rather than the open world simply being the map on which you play the game, Breath of the Wild’s map is the game. Anywhere you can see, you can go — and charting your path there is itself a fun process of discovery and mastery. It’s fun to run and jump, fun to climb, fun to figure out how to use your limited stamina and health to scale unimaginable heights or traverse impassible caverns. The movement within the world is the core gameplay, meaning rather than forcing developers to fill their empty worlds with stuff to do, they can focus on making the world itself a fun “thing to do.” There’s a thrill in approaching a new set of environmental hurdles, and an even greater thrill in overcoming them, proving your mastery of this world through careful routing and skillful agility. Breath of the Wild is, in my mind, the first open-world game to fully and successfully make the journey itself the point.
  Breath of the Wild’s gameplay revelations felt even more stark back in 2017 when no other developers had yet had the time to internalize its lessons. It was extraordinarily difficult for me to switch from Breath of the Wild to Horizon: Zero Dawn, a game that came out around the same time. Your pathing was limited, your “platforming” was essentially Uncharted-style “jump to the jump point” command prompts, and the map was more a restriction keeping you from the gameplay than a part of the gameplay itself. Horizon was fun, but after I played Breath of the Wild, its world design already felt hopelessly dated. I want the world itself to be my challenge now, or at least a key part of it, in order to not only make for a more satisfying gameplay experience but also build a personal, memorable relationship with the world itself.
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  Image via Playstation
  A few years after Breath of the Wild, we began to see the results of developers connecting with this revelatory game. In 2019, Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding embraced a similar philosophy of “traversing the world is the gameplay itself,” shifting from Breath of the Wild’s bouldering-focused adventures to a system where the most minute shifts in your weight and footing might spell disaster. Kojima developed his gameplay system independently of Nintendo, but he came up with a very similar solution, and it resulted in a game where something as basic as a rocky hillside or sudden shower could essentially serve as a “boss battle.”
  Now we’re finally starting to receive games that seem to call back to Breath of the Wild’s innovations. Ubisoft themselves recently reimagined their upcoming Immortals: Fenyx Rising, shifting an unrelated property into one that echoes both Breath of the Wild’s approach to environmental design and its visual aesthetic, while Genshin Impact is clearly taking world design cues from Zelda as well. Next, we'll see Monster Hunter Rise, a game that seems determined to expand Monster Hunter’s drama into the rocky heights, by hopefully fusing it with some tighter character movements.
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    I frankly don’t know whether Monster Hunter’s arcade-derivative gameplay is a natural fit for Breath of the Wild’s naturalistic, almost inherently contemplative approach to world design. But I’m excited to see more studios taking advantage of Breath of the Wild’s key innovations and only hope more games begin embracing the potential of making the open worlds themselves the gameplay appeal. This is an exciting time in open-world games, and I'm eager to see what the future holds!
  I hope you’ve enjoyed this discussion of game design, and please let me know all your own favorite open-world games in the comments.  
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    Nick Creamer has been writing about cartoons for too many years now and is always ready to cry about Madoka. You can find more of his work at his blog Wrong Every Time, or follow him on Twitter.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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