#and seven just doesn't stop staring at janeway
isagrimorie · 6 months
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Star Trek Voyager 4E09 - Scientific Method
The Janeway Moment for Seven of Nine. (The First of Many).
Part 1, 2
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trillscienceofficer · 6 months
Icheb's whole speech at the of "Imperfection” is wild because on one hand he's not wrong, Seven would literally rather die than admit that she needs to rely on other people for survival (issue she will continue to have twenty years later), but on the other hand there is imho a scene in that episode where she is relying on someone's help and opinion, even if it's just a momentary respite from her troubles. It's wild that the scene in Engineering between Seven and B'Elanna exists at all; it's the one moment where Seven isn't pushing people away, and it feels kinda odd in conjunction to the “thesis” of the episode. I suppose it makes sense that in a fraught situation where Seven is staring at her own mortality from a close distance she would find it easier to strike a conversation with someone who she knows doesn't like her very much, rather than with the people who are fretting over her nonstop. But also, I don't know. It's a strange glimpse into an alternate universe where Seven's story isn't necessarily revolving around what Janeway and the Doctor think it's best for her. Obviously not the only glimpse—I've come to appreciate every interaction Seven has with Chakotay over the course of the show for the same reason as well. I still don't like "Imperfection” very much anyway (I think it tries too hard to be a tearjerker), but I suppose at least it gave me that one nice moment of connection between least favorite coworkers™ (affectionate rather than derogatory this time). Definitely will not stop considering this alternate universe where B'Elanna is one of the very few people Seven relies on even just to have a chat from time to time
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benka79 · 3 years
I know no one is reading this madness but... I just have to scream about the Tom Paris x Harry Kim subtext...
Writers gave us two KimRis parallels...
First... Janeway asking Chakotay to have dinner with her. (With romantic hints all over)
While this was happening, Tom and Harry were close with each other. And Harry ends up gesturing to his best buddy platonic friend. It means. Writers showed us TWO RELATIONSHIPS in the past.
Then... Present... Chakotay had a new love and he was willing to not change the past to stay with this new lover...
Oh man, he changed Janeway for that girl, even when the producers made him stare longingly and sadly at our Captain. (Once when she asked Chakotay to dinner with her and the second time when she was dead and frozen on the bridge).
But... Why Harry hadn't doubts about turning back time??? Okay, we could think GUILT! REGRETS!
But because he mentioned they lost THE PEOPLE THEY LOVED... And he was willing to die for them... And he wouldn't change his mind... And they put that parallel with J/C... I will conclude, yeah, he was doing this because he wouldn't change ANYONE IN HIS FUTURE FOR HIS JUST PLANOTIC BUDDY TOM.
Now, the message Harry o himself to repair his mistake... Is linked to Tom Paris's letter to his father. Or how I like to call it, the letter he wrote for his own growth.
30 Days
Even when we got another rewind in Tom Paris career... From Lieutenant to Ensign, this episode represented again his huge issues with his father but it talked about what's inside Tom.
I'm gonna divide this insights in two parts.
Tom's Fantasy World: Captain Proton
Something that could start like a game, was playing a very important part of Tom inner thoughts.
The whole adventure of Captain Proton resume Tom's fantasies and deeper desires. Because deep inside Tom wants to save the day and be a hero. He needs to proof he is worthy by being a superhero. But mostly, he is always saving the girl in danger. And when I say the girl in danger, I'm talking about Harry. Because Harry represents the imposible love interest he wants to reach. In this episode he arrives to save Harry again but this time from the evil Delaney's twins. But Harry shows him he wanted more time with the evil girls. (Imagine Tom trying to save Harry from women just to show him that he should be his only hero in that story, in his fantasy.)
When they go out from the Holodeck, Paris talks again about the letters... (Because they're trying to fix the letters they got, one of them is Paris's father letter)
PARIS: Any progress on those starcharts?
MEGAN: I'll have them to you by fourteen hundred.
The fact that Paris is bringing back that to us is because again, something very meaningful related to his father will happen. Because this evil letter made his character to go backwards in his behavior. Remember?
But then... Look at this:
PARIS: I think Jenny really likes you.
KIM: Yeah, I know.
PARIS: I thought the feeling was mutual.
KIM: How many times do I have to tell you? I like Megan, but she won't give me the time of day.
PARIS: What is the difference?
KIM: You can't be serious.
PARIS: They're the Delaney sisters, Harry. They're twins.
KIM: Are you kidding? They're nothing alike. Jenny's aggressive and sometimes annoying. But Megan, she's quiet, artistic, and she's got that cute little dimple in her right cheek.
PARIS: Jenny doesn't have the dimple?
KIM: No dimple.
Okay, I will stop here. Pay attention to this because I'm in awe here of the amount of subtext: THIS IS A LOVE TRIANGLE AND IS A BLATANT REPRESENTATION OF B'ELANNA->TOM->HARRY.
Tom tried to show a point to Harry because Delaney's sisters, here representing women, are the same to him BECAUSE HE WANTS TO SHOW HIS FRIEND WOMEN ARE THE SAME. SHOULD HARRY TASTE THE RAINBOW THEN? 😂
And because is a Tom's episode, is Tom centric so... Jenny is B'elanna, because she's aggressive and sometimes annoying. Harry is Tom here, because B'elanna likes him. But Harry/Tom is in love with Megan, because Megan is quiet, artistic, and she's got that cute little dimple in her right cheek. This is screaming HARRY all over even the dimple!!!!
Gif credit @skjc-writes
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But the sad thing here is Harry saying IS AN UNREQUITED LOVE. And then Tom adding this...
PARIS: Well, you've done it again, Harry.
KIM: What?
PARIS: Fallen for the unattainable woman. First it was a hologram, then a Borg, and now the wrong twin.
I'm screaming here!!!! Because HARRY IS UNANTTAINABLE TO TOM!!!!!! ARE YOU READING THISS?? Of course no, I'm alone here, but, nevermind. 😂
Deep Inside Tom's Ocean
Another huge symbolism was the ocean planet and how they needed to go deeper to find the truth about the instability of that world.
The Ocean was a symbolic representation of Paris. We had a whole world installed almost in the surface of the waters that was about to fall down. It was an entire society.
When Tom decides to go deeper, they found another contractions that belonged to an older society who had lived there before. But... What was there wasn't the source of their incoming destruction. The new society was the one carving their own graves.
How we could read this related to Paris? Well, as I said, imagine the ocean is Tom. The society and buildings that are next to the surface is the self-destructive personality Tom had created in order to face his failures in trying to fulfill his father's expectations.
The old society buried in the bottom of the ocean is his true self. He's sensitive, and creative, and innocent like a child. But he abandoned that purity to build the surface. Because his true feelings wouldn't be accepted by his father. (This include his bisexuality).
Throughout the whole episode they repeat that the old society in the bottom of the sea IS NOT GUILTY for the incoming destruction. So, Tom's deepest feelings and thoughts and fantasies, what he really is, is not the cause of his self destruction.
The bad people here is the new society, that fake shield Tom had built for years to carry his low self esteem created by his incapability of fulfill his father's expectations. It's a self-destructive personality and is not who he really is.
The bad thing is, Tom is trying to destroy it, but Janeway blocked him. He couldn't... And he is still in his emotional prison.
Finish the Letter.
Tom starts recording a message to his father. It starts as if he was apologizing, but it will end as a compilation of his true desires. He wants to fight for what he feels is worthy. And sometimes you just have to take the risk.
The fact that Harry went to see him and not B'elanna is very meaningful and it shows why is Paris pining for him more than for B'elanna. But it also shows why Paris feels Harry is the unattainable love for him. And it show in the fact that Tom was avoiding Harry's eyes. He felt ashamed. He was ashamed of the man his friend had to see. His rank had been lowered. He was in prison again. Even after confessing behind the mask of a fantastic adventure of a ship that Harry was his NUMBER ONE.
He was feeling again he didn't deserve Harry he didn't deserve to be visited by him. He even let his self destructive personality to show again, but Harry, with eyes full of pain, gives Paris an advice that will close some of his wounds.
Harry is the one waking him up from the nightmare of deception. That's a huge symbolism because even with Harry there, bringing him back to reality, Tom will relate that with the fact that he feels he left down Harry too.
Harry asks Tom to finish his letter. To start healing that huge damage he has inside, the voice of his father yelling at him to do this and that, to be better. To not be what he wanted to be.
Finish the Letter for his father, because it will help him. Even if his father never hear it. Tom did it. He finished the letter. And then in his fantastic world of Captain Proton B'elanna repeats those words to him he really needs to hear from his father: I'm proud of you.
He has a long way to walk through. But it caught my attention that in season 5 we are still stuck in this matter. He should be showing more growth as a character. We are swimming in the same daddy issue and I suspect we will be swimming for a long time too.
I think the writers doesn't know what 'move on' means.
Miscellaneous: Megan and Harry mentioned to Tom the number 14 like something he needed to reach. (The remaining time to know about the letters and to get out from prison) This number represents EQUILIBRIUM and also LOVE. Maybe are those the two things Tom needs to achieve. Mostly, self love and acceptance.
Another interesting fact was the episode in which Seven said Tom got out from the cryogenic bed 4 TIMES. I'm thinking that maybe is related to everytime Tom had been in prison. We are counting three times so far. Let's see 😂.
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