#and she complained to my sister which i didnt know about (about gas and my other sister gave her more than enough for gas money) and then
softzindagi · 9 months
been a day
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emberlynnrayne · 1 year
Weddings, Family, and Bullshit
What is it about weddings that make people so crazy? My sister’s wedding was this past weekend, August 8th, and good god, it couldn’t be over soon enough. There are so many threads of B.S. that tie into the knot of that day, I don’t know where to start. Oh! How about that it only happened because I got engaged? No, really. She had been saying for ages before it that they were “married in the eyes of God, and anything more is a paper of man” (Obviously my sister is more than religious enough to make up for my lack of it.) She said they were going to save up for a nice wedding and they were in no rush. She said these things over and over, as recently as days before my engagement was announced. Not only that, my sister has always been very “I’m the oldest, I should be first!” To an incredibly irritating and delusional degree. So just a week after I was engaged, she announced her plan to have her wedding. God. Dammit. Because of this, our weddings were made to be a competition. With little over a year and a half for me to plan mine, and barely 6 months for hers, the family decided that her wedding was going to be a wreck and mine would be gorgeous. No pressure, right? But she just kept screwing herself over! She bought a 4 foot metal swimming pool, and literally HOURS later posted to facebook complaining about trying to afford her wedding. I wanted to be happy for my sister, but for a thousand reasons, I just couldn’t. She kept shooting herself in the foot only to butch and moan like it was someone else’s fault, the family kept comparing all our decisions, and she was such a smug, childish cunt I just wanted it to be over. Some maid of honor I am, huh? But I was only her maid of honor because she moved to a nasty little chicken farm town in GA, alienated her friends, and made a number of bad decisions that keep her broke and housebound. She had no one else and it was her own fault. Oh, and she was planning to milk me for every penny she could. Unfortunately for her, my stable job and working fiance pay our bills, and we do put our bills and responsibilities first, so there really wasn’t anything left for her. You know her church offered her a choice between a wedding shower and free catering for her wedding? Guess which she chose. Then she tried getting our father to do all the cooking and serving. I sound like a terrible person and sister, but I’m still mad. I held all this in, kept a smile on my face, and stayed supportive for her. I did everything I could do for her because in spite of all the crap, I love her and this was her big day. With her date literally 2 month in the year before my chosen date, October 8th, which I had announced before her, as well. All that aside, I sucked it up, put a smile on my face, made the trip to the most disgusting town in GA, and did my best to make sure she had a great day. And it turned out alright. I wouldn’t have chosen blue and orange for my colors, but Rosanna and I have always been incredible opposites.
Family. Oh, tumblr, will you ever hear the end of my family troubles? DRAFT END
Here’s my thoughts, several years later.  Rosanna is stuck in a holier than thou, victim mentality. I was so angry when I wrote the above post, because I was tired of the competition. It didnt stop after this, either. Years later, long after I went no contact with her, she scheduled her baby shower to be on my daughters birthday. She knew from family that that day was my daughters birthday, but she didnt care. Rosanna was the favorite. The golden child that got what she wanted. We were raised in constant competition with each other. She was the normal child that my parents could understand and support. I was the troubled child that liked weird things and they didnt understand. Thats a whole thing to write another day. 
Ive been no contact with my sister for years, and I dont regret it. She’s not a good person, she doesnt make healthy, responsible decisions, and she uses her christian god as a weapon and validation for her toxicity. “You dont need antidepressants, you need god.” was probably the final straw for me. Shes homophobic, ignorant, and so very self absorbed. She doesnt care that she hurts people. Im past being sad about the disconnect.  I dont know what else to write, so Im going to end this here. 
0 notes
missjackil · 4 years
My 15x15 Opinion
Gimme Shelter 
Alright, for starters I just want to say this episode was tragically low on Sam and Dean. We all know this is a no-no for me, obviously because they are who I watch for. I also want to note to all the BSGs complaining there wasnt enough Sam, to note that aside from that one scene with Amara, there was equally as little Dean in this episode too. This is what we have had to deal with a couple times per season because J2 have asked for more time off. This is NOT TPTB showing favoritism to one over the other. The show doesn’t happen for anyone if either J wants out, and all show runners and writers are disposable.  It does no one any good to dick around one or the other. They both asked for more time off and it was given to them. Period. 
With that being said, I must admit that I did enjoy this episode. That’s not typical of me to say for such a Cas heavy episode, but I think the focus was more on Jack, and the story itself was really interesting, and plenty creepy! It was fun to see Dr Sexy too! He did a great job as the Pastor. (Spoilers ahead)We start off with Sam and Dean heading off to Atlantic City to find Amara. This made me squeeee because AC is 50 miles from me and I go there pretty often. I wonder how they’d feel to see Winchester Rd is one of the main drags lol. They send Cas and Jack out on a “it’s probably not a case” case, which obviously bothers Cas because he’s an Angel, Jack is a Nephilim and these 2 mortal humans want to confront the Sister of God without them.  Funny how that is 😉
Now, the reason why I think this was such a good episode even though it was waaay too bro-lite is because the story itself was good and creepy. It really didnt matter that Cas was there, Jack’s part was much more pronounced and I think he did a good job. I liked seeing him truly empathetic to the Pastor’s daughter, it’s not often that we see his human side as a human and not as an awkward new entry to the world, but I love that he has a talking teddy, and wonder which Dad got it for him 💕
The creep factor was great! The torturous chopping off of fingers was very hard to watch, and the actress played the pain well. The decomposing LUST corpse was gross, and I could almost smell him! Both were more realistic looking than Im used to SPN gore being.  Not unlike Sam getting his fingernails pulled off last week, I again had to turn my head. 
Meanwhile, Sam and Dean kinda get stuck in PA because Rt 72 is closed. I liked this because they would need to take rt 72 East in PA to get to rt 42 in NJ to Atlantic City. Though it wouldnt take 3 days to get there from Lebanon, (insert wincest fics here) someone did their home work about the roads at least,
They find Amara (or she finds them) at a gas station in PA. She loooked great didn’t she? Emily is so pretty, and looks great in anything else other than that crappy black dress from s11. Now back in s11, if you noticed, never once did Amara talk to Sam even though he was half the reason she was there, and they were in the same scenes together a few times. I wondered if she’d talk to him now, but still kinda no. He did say a couple words to her, but there was nothing like an exhcange of words. This is very weird to me. But even Emily didn’t know why when I asked her last year at convention. 
This converstation at the diner with Amara was very interesting. To have her put in as much perspective as she could, her relationship to Chuck was important. It of course was similar to Sam and Dean’s relationship to an extent. We also have seen in the past that no matter how angry one is with the other, or how bad they’ve hurt each other, they’re also eternally bonded. They never WANT to hurt each other, though they have hurt each other badly sometimes. And when all is said and done, you can’t have one without the other. The whole balance of existance is off. 
I noticed how calm, and laid back Amara is now? So much moreso than Chuck. I still have a feeling that the reason she’s so mellow, and he’s such an ass, is because they’re on the same plane again and maybe it’s because they’re seperate entities on this plane, or need to be distanced, is what’s making Chuck evil. 
I did like the private talk Dean had with Amara. I think it really needed to be carved in stone the reason she brought back Mary. For Dean to see she was just human and not this saint he built up in his head. To know her as a person, and maybe to help him drop the anger. I think Jensen did some good acting here, he was emotional without yelling, lashing out or crying, and yet he was on the verge of all of them. 
So, Jack has to sacrifice himself to kill Chuck and Amara, not unlike the bomb Dean had to be in s11. Jack thinking Sam and Dean wouldnt understand was kind of a shock, because if anyone knows what its like to have to sacrifice yourself to save the world, its Sam and Dean. I guess it’s reasonable to think he doesn’t know. They do kinda keep gory details from him, or it may be that he knows they would stop him and feels he needs to do it. Well, I guess that solidifies that that is absolutely not what is going to happen. 
Whether or not Cas tells them off screen, Im sure the Winchesters will be finding “another way” because theres always another way, right? Next week if the flash back episode, and it doesn’t appear to be myth heavy, so Cas will probably tell them off screen.
In conclusion, dispite a sadly low amount of Dean and criminally low amount of Sam, I have to say I liked it. The main story carried itself, what little time we had with Sam and Dean was important to the overall arc, and I would not mind watching it again.
So on a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon, I’ll give Gimme Shelter a 6.5. A loss of 2 full points for lack of bros. 
I hope you all enjoy.... See you next week!
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distractedhistotech · 6 years
Ghost +1
Sydney was in the back of the van.  She preferred it back there since she could move around more.  Plus it felt weird staring out the window since losing her eye. She guessed it was the loss of depth perception.  She was still learning how to gauge distance.
“So, that was kind of lame.  Why did they think that guy was a ghost anyway?” asked Sydney as she tried to contact juggle some balls they had and dropped them all over the place.  “He didn’t even put a lot of effort into his costume.”
“They were really superstitious,” said Arthur.  “Only a few steps from being a cult when you think about it.  They decide that anything strange has to have a supernatural or spiritual cause.  Don’t even think there’s a scientific explanation because why couldn’t it be something that proves they’re right.”
“Arthur, you’re starting to ramble,” interrupted Vivi.
Arthur blushed. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. They were a bit…extreme,” admitted Vivi. “I can see why it would upset you.”
Mystery decided this was a good reason to lay his head on Arthur’s lap.  Sydney then flung her arms around him.  “Yeah!  I thought they were creepy too!”
“Sydney!  I’m driving!”
“Pretty sure they thought I was an idiot,” continued Sydney.  “I mean that tone they used with me was just insulting!  Just because I’m missing an eye doesn’t mean I’m an idiot! Lots of people are missing parts and are smart!  I’m not a pirate!”  Sydney paused.  “Actually, there were some pretty intelligent pirates.  I don’t know where I was going with that.  I seem to come back to pirates a lot lately.  I know why I do, but it’s getting kind of old.  I need to find something else to obsess with when I get riled up.”
“You could go back to talking about comics,” suggested Vivi.
Sydney sighed. “Yeah, I miss that…Why do I have so much trouble bringing comics up nowadays?  It used to be second nature, but now I have to focus to talk about them. Even though I still love comics. It doesn’t make sense.  Is this part of growing up?  Part of recovering from a traumatic event?  Both?  It feels like something’s wrong.  But isn’t that normal now?”  Sydney rested her forehead on the back of Arthur’s head, not noticing how hard he was gripping the steering wheel.  “Do you ever feel like that?”
“Yes,” said Arthur. He’d felt like it since he woke up in a hospital missing an arm, missing a friend, missing memories, missing so much… “I don’t think it’s gonna go away.” Mystery let out a whine and licked one of Sydney’s hands.
Vivi looked between the two as the mood quickly started to darken.  God, she just wanted her two friends to be happy like they used to be. She needed to find a way to change the subject and make them smile.  “Why don’t we pick up a couple of pizzas or something and then watch a couple of hours of Star Trek or Star Wars or Captain America?”
Arthur caught on to what she was trying to do and smiled.  “That would be nice.  It’s been a while since we hung out.”  He frowned. “That’s my fault.”  He’d been busy looking for Lewis.  He was trying not to ignore his remaining friends, but it was hard when he wanted to find the other one and mentioning him did…something to them.
“What the heck are you working on anyway?” asked Sydney.  “You’re not usually this secretive.  You’re not trying to make a mechanical eye again, are you?”
“No!...Not usually anyway,” admitted Arthur.
“I can see where he’s coming from,” said Vivi.  “I don’t think we can buy another eye if something else goes wrong.  We need an alternative method.”
Sydney shuddered. “Okay, point taken.  Being blind sucked.  I don’t know how someone can live with that for a lifetime. Especially if you’re born like that! Can you imagine never knowing colors? And I bet light doesn’t make a lot of sense either.  And you can’t play videogames!”
“Can’t work on cars or fabricate parts,” continued Arthur.
“Probably can’t paint either,” mused Vivi.  “Unless the various colors smelled different from one another.”
Sydney wrinkled her nose.  “Is-Is that a thing?  And I don’t mean synesthesia!  Can blind people have synesthesia?  Or deaf people?  Or anyone missing one sense?”
“What if sounds are linked to smell instead?” suggested Arthur.
“Can that happen?”
“Dunno.  Maybe.”
“Pigments are just a type of chemical compound, so it would make sense for them to have a scent,” said Vivi, keeping the conversation from veering off in a completely different direction for once.
“Depends on the chemical.  Some don’t have a scent, or at least the scent is too faint for humans to pick up on,” explained Arthur.
“I dunno, I swear I was smelling more right before you fixed my eye,” argued Sydney.
“It’s not quite the same thing.  When you lose a sense you pay more attention to the ones that are left, like reassigning roles.  We get the most information from sight, so when someone loses their sense of sight they pay a lot more attention to little things that they didn’t even realize they were ignoring.  Also, I think there’s some neuroplasticity involved.  Your brain isn’t using the part that used to be for putting together what your eyes saw, so it starts using it for other things over time.” Arthur was silent for a moment. “Um.  But you, uh, would know better than me, given, you know.  Sorry, I got a little too into the science papers I’ve been reading.”
Sydney smiled and shrugged.  “It’s fine. I think it’s pretty interesting, even if I don’t understand all of it.”  She tapped her eyepatch.  “Does losing an eye affect how much of my brain it uses?”
“Just one?  I’m not sure.  You are seeing less…”
“Can you still smell and hear more than you’re used to?” asked Vivi.
Sydney shrugged. “Dunno.  I don’t think so.  Was kind of distracted at the time.  Plus, everything looked different when I could see again.”
Vivi huffed. “It is just so unfair.  How is it that my abilities still haven’t manifested but my half of the eye lets you see spirits?”
“It is really strange,” agreed Sydney.
“Maybe it’s because your abilities are already active,” suggested Arthur.  “And you do have some control over ‘em.”
Vivi hummed in thought.  “That might be it.  There are still so many unknowns…”
“Hey, I don’t care how as long as no one else has to go blind,” said Sydney.  “Besides, I’m sure something will wake you up eventually.”
“Yeah, but what if I’m like 40 when it finally happens?” complained Vivi.  “Heck, if I have kids by then, they might have gotten their power before me…”
Arthur winced. “Do you want kids?”
Vivi nodded. “Of course!  One, maybe two.  I just have to find the right guy,” she said, giving Arthur a significant glance.
Arthur missed said glance entirely as he was distracted by thoughts of what could have been. Sydney was blind on that side. The only one to notice was Mystery, who huffed.  Why did life have to be so difficult for these kids?  The last time he’d had charges this prone to trouble…
It hadn’t ended well. Mystery would rather not dwell on the depressing memories.
Vivi realized her hint had gone over their heads yet again and decided to just move on.  “Do you guys want kids?”
“I want one!  So there can be a Sydney Scoville III!” proclaimed Sydney.  “But just one.  Don’t think I could handle more than that.”
Arthur was silent. Lewis wanted kids.  He’d be an amazing father with how well he handled his sisters.  “I dunno if I want children.  I don’t want to pass on any of my issues.”
Vivi and Sydney both frowned at Arthur’s reasoning.  “Most of your issues are due to your early upbringing,” pointed out Vivi. “You wouldn’t make those same choices and mistakes.  That would prevent most of those issues from happening.”
“They could still pick up the behavior from me,” argued Arthur.  “There’s only so much that I can change.”
“I don’t think you need to change,” said Sydney.  “I mean, yeah, you’ve got anxiety issues, but lots of people do.  You’re also smart and nice and help people and have cool hair and stro-”
“What if I attract something dangerous?” interrupted Arthur.
“Then I’ll just keep living nearby,” reasoned Sydney.  She’d live with him if he asked.  “I mean, I don’t see why I would leave Tempo.”
“Me either. Tempo is our home,” agreed Vivi. She placed a hand on Arthur’s flesh and blood hand.  “We’re stuck with each other.  For life.”
Arthur felt himself cheer up a bit at that.  He gave Vivi a smile and tried to give Sydney one as best he could.  Maybe he was being selfish, but he wanted to stay close to his friends.
And then the dashboard started to spark.  Arthur’s eyes widened.  “What?! No, no, no…”  He stomped on the gas several times but failed to pick up speed.
Vivi frowned. “Is something wrong with the van?”
“There shouldn’t be! I just performed maintenance on it!”
Sydney raised an eyebrow.  “Am I the only one who thinks the purple sparks were weird?”
Arthur blinked. “Purple?”
Sydney nodded. “Yeah, I was staring right at the dashboard.”  The high beam light looked like a jellyfish.  “Definitely purple.”
“That is not a thing that should happen!” shouted Arthur.
Vivi nodded. “Electricity’s supposed to just be white, which suggests this isn’t normal.”  The van came to a stop right in front of…Vivi blinked several times.  “A dancing mansion?”
Okay, it wasn’t actually dancing.  However, it was sort of pulsing/bopping to a beat that one could fell in their bones. It was noticeably run down and purple and had eerie lights in the windows.
“There’s no way that’s not haunted,” deadpanned Sydney.
“Erm…”  Arthur tried turning over the car again.  “We don’t, have to investigate, do we?”
Vivi thought of what happened last time they’d jumped into an investigation without any preparation.
Blood. Hospitals.  Loss.  Guilt.
“If you can get the van started, we’re leaving,” said Vivi.  “Sydney, you’re not wearing your suppressor?”
Sydney shook her head. “Still practicing controlling it on my own.”
“Good.  Don’t reign it in.”
Mystery just stared at the mansion.  He recognized its aura.  He could barely believe it.
When did Lewis come back and what did he have planned? 
Lewis was planning to exact his revenge.  The plan had been simple:  Create a mansion on a road that they often traveled along near Tempo (He couldn’t get into Tempo, but that could be because of some of the wards Vivi had tried setting up.), lure the Mystery Skulls (especially Arthur) into the mansion, separate them, bring Arthur to his location, kill Arthur, and reunite with the girls and Mystery, with possible minor changes as were needed.  He was also open to making Arthur confess what happened to the girls (They must not have seen what happened to just go along with him.) before killing him.
The plan started to unravel as soon as the van came to a stop in front of his mansion.  Part of that was because instead of rushing into the mansion on the heels of Vivi like he was expecting, they stayed in the van. And stayed.  A lot longer than he recalled them ever doing so when he was alive.
Part of it was indirectly Sydney’s fault.  He’d known that her aura was potent against malevolent spirits and the like, but he hadn’t really appreciated it until he felt it pressing down on him.  From all the way outside.  He found himself rubbing his temples.  Ow.  No wonder the nastier spirits went out of their way to avoid her.  He was actually leaking some energy.  He could last for some time as long as he was careful, but theoretically, they could just stay in the van until he was too drained to keep them here.  If they tried that, he’d have to go out and confront them.  Not something he wanted to do, but if it became necessary…
Lewis wondered why he was being affected in the first place.  He wasn’t evil…Well, okay, he did want to kill Arthur.  That was justified, but maybe it was gray enough for Sydney’s ability to categorize him as malevolent.  If that was the case, then it would probably stop after he killed Arthur and no longer had any desire to hurt someone.
Lewis was dragged from his musings as several figures started exiting the van.  Finally!  Lewis quickly started setting up the finishing touches of his plan.
It was time to end this. 
Arthur had to admit defeat.  “I’ll need to look under the hood, and I don’t want to do that in front of a haunted mansion.”  He sighed. “I don’t wanna go inside either.”
Sydney had been staring at the mansion the whole time.  She could see the music.  And anger. This eye was so weird.  “I think you’d be okay.  Pretty sure my aura will reach that far.”
Mystery could confirm that her aura did extend that far and would retain enough potency to be effective. Not that he could tell them, but it was certainly a weight off his shoulders.
Vivi started handing out various items for protection and fighting.  “It’s a tough choice.  Stay out here alone but relatively safe or go inside with us to stay close to Sydney and me.”
Arthur groaned. If he was less worried about the girls’ safety he would stay outside, but he couldn’t help but worry that if he let them go inside that he would never see them again.  It had happened before.  Even if he couldn’t do anything to protect them, he could draw fire away from them.
“I think I’ll go with you guys,” Arthur decided.
Sydney and Vivi studied him for a moment before Sydney suddenly bit her thumb and smeared some blood in the center of his forehead.  “Just in case.”
Arthur instinctively looked up with crossed eyes for a moment.  “Uh.  Okay. I guess that’ll work.”
“It should. There is power in blood,” said Vivi as she gave him some holy water and slipped a beaded necklace over his head and under his shirt.  “We can try practicing making protective symbols with it too.”
Sydney chuckled. “Like an anime.”  She nodded.  “Anything that you think will help.”
Arthur fought down the urge to wipe at the blood on his forehead.  “Can I just say that I don’t like having other people’s blood on me?” It brought back bad memories.
Sydney winced. “Oh.  Sorry.  Should’ve asked first, shouldn’t I?”
Arthur took a deep breath.  “I’m fine. I’ll be fine.  You said it might help so it’s something to try.”  The blood itched on his forehead.  “But I am totally scrubbing it off when we get out of here.”
Vivi nodded. “Sounds like a decent enough compromise.”  She handed an ofuda to Sydney.  Sydney smeared some more blood on the back of it.  “I don’t want either of you getting hurt again.  You’re just starting to get back to where you were before.”
That made both of them wince.  The last few months of learning to live with new handicaps had been difficult and frustrating in several ways.  They didn’t want a repeat with themselves or Vivi or Mystery.
All four of them silently vowed to protect the others.
The walk up to the mansion’s front door took just a few seconds.  Vivi knocked on the doors (She was concerned that the inhabitants would be excited by Arthur knocking and see Sydney knocking as a declaration of war.), which creaked open ominously.  The inched in, the doors slamming shut behind them.
The darkness didn’t last long enough for them to pull out flashlights.  Several purple wisps of fire floated by and lit candles lined along the walls and set on a chandelier.
Vivi absently noted that the layout kind of reminded her of the Spencer mansion, except a lot more purple.
“Sydney, stop humming.”
“Oops.  Didn’t notice-”
Several purple ghosts suddenly popped up.  “Who-o-o-o-oa!”
Most of the group immediately tensed up.  Vivi didn’t immediately though.  “Cute!”
They really were adorable…until more popped up behind them.  “This time I might just disa-Who-o-o-o-who-o-o-oa!”  They suddenly got pointy toothed with claws. “Oh yeah!”
Nope.  They took off running down the hallway through break in the ghosts.
“This time I might just disappear!”
A suit of armor suddenly lunged towards them and swung an ax.  Sydney and Vivi dove under the ax.  Arthur vaulted over it.  Mystery barely dodged it, having to use his kitsune magic to retract his head into his body.
Mystery popped his head back out before any uncomfortable questions could be asked.
They abruptly realized that the paintings lining the hall were moving.  They suddenly leapt out.  “Oh yeah!”
The Mystery Skulls leapt into each other’s arms.  Thankfully, the portrait spirits pulled back into the paintings.  “Who-o-o-o-oa…”  And then the lady painting reached out and pulled a rope next to her painting.
A trapdoor opened under them.  They fell down screaming, and things became bizarre, even by their standards.  They weren’t falling as quickly as they should be. It was more like they were floating.  Not to mention there were several random items in the space with them.  A few hours later, they would comment on how it was oddly reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland.
They floated past several mirrors.  Vivi was a bit confused by the fact that her reflection had completely purple eyes. From what Mystery could see in his cracked mirror they could see past glamours.  Arthur was facing away from the mirrors so he didn’t see that they failed to reflect his prosthetic.  Sydney did faintly notice this but was a bit distracted by how her reflection showed her right after her injury with her remaining eye leaking various colors from it.
Then Arthur’s fall suddenly sped up.  Vivi and Sydney made to grab him, but just missed him.  Then they noticed Sydney was falling even slower and tried to grab each other, but it was too late again.
Sydney let out an ‘oof’ and shot to her feet as she landed.  “I’m armed!” she shouted, brandishing the ofuda.  She turned around.  There were a bunch of boxes, a dusty bed with no covers, and… a mannequin in a wedding dress and holding an ax?  Sydney thought she was in the basement until she noticed some windows that she ran over to.  She felt her brain short circuit.  “How the *&^*) do you fall down into the attic?!”
Vivi and Mystery had landed in a kitchen where a pair of dagwood sandwiches were laid out on the center counter.  The two stared at them for several moments but managed to pull themselves away. “Right.  Separated…We should look for Arthur first.  Sydney can take care of herself in this sort of situation.” Her stomach growled.  Mystery’s growled even louder.  “…I wonder if it would be safe to grab a few pieces.”
Arthur landed on his ass in what was probably the basement.  He absentmindedly glanced upward in confusion (How did that work? Ghost logic was so weird.) before zeroing in on a large coffin with a skull and thorny vine design on the top of the lid.  It was beating like the rest of the house.
Not good.
The coffin slowly opened, revealing a jawless skull floating above a large body in a nice suit.
Lewis narrowed his eye sockets as he floated out and slammed his feet in front of Arthur.  He glared at his murderer, full of hate and anger.
Arthur stared in fear, unable to recognize his dead friend.  All he saw was a scary, probably powerful, likely dangerous ghost that had separated him from his friends.
Lewis broke the silence by pointing a finger at Arthur.  “Fuck, it’s you I hate the most.”
Arthur gulped and pointed at himself.  “Buh-buh-Why?”
It was a reasonable question from Arthur’s point of view.  Lewis…it did occur to him that he wasn’t as recognizable without his face.  He lit the braziers and let his hair form. “Does this answer your question?!”
No, it didn’t, but Arthur decided he wasn’t going to explain that this was a case of mistaken identity to a ghost that probably wasn’t going to listen.  He threw the vial of holy water, turned on his heel, and ran.
Lewis did recoil a bit at the holy water.  He was a fire ghost.  Water stung even if it wasn’t holy.  Then he threw it off, decided this was proof of Arthur’s guilt, and gave chase.
Arthur was in good shape (He didn’t understand how he was still so healthy when he’d been hospitalized and locked in his workroom so much for the last few months.) and used to running from scary things.  He glanced behind him and saw the ghost practically flying towards him.  No more glancing back.  He put on a burst of speed.
Oh, hey, Vivi and Mystery.  “Angry ghost! Run!”
Vivi and Mystery looked away from the sandwiches they were still debating eating.  They looked in the direction Arthur came from, threw the sandwiches at the angry ghost, and ran after Arthur.  Lewis didn’t bother trying to avoid the sandwich contents and flew right through them.
“We need to find Sydney!” shouted Vivi.
“Where is she?!” shouted Arthur.
“I don’t know!”
Mystery could feel that Sydney had ended up in the attic and was managing to work her way down. He pulled ahead and ran up some stairs, Arthur and Vivi close behind him.  They ran through a bunch of doors and rooms.
Sydney heard the racket and threw open the door of the room she’d wandered into.  “Angry Elvis ghost!”
That threw Lewis for a loop.  “Elvis? Are you kid-”  He saw the eyepatch.  “What happened to your-”
Sydney threw an ofuda at him.  Lewis yelped and pulled it off.  That hurt!
“You stay away from Arthur!” demanded Sydney.
That hurt almost as much as the ofuda.  “You don’t get it.  He-”
Vivi darted back and grabbed Sydney.  “What’re you waiting for?!”  She then dragged Sydney off.
Okay, Vivi and Sydney didn’t know about his murder.  Somehow. Maybe it was post traumatic amnesia or something.  Clearly, this needed to be remedied.  Also, why was Sydney wearing an eyepatch?  She wasn’t wearing an eyepatch for the heck of it.  There’d been scars peeking out.  He gave chase, now equally intent on telling Vivi and Sydney what happened along with killing Arthur.
He threw fire to keep Arthur from moving down a hallway.  Arthur turned and stared at him fearfully.  Lewis felt his desire for vengeance clawing up his heart.
And then Vivi and Sydney put themselves between them, Vivi with her arms outstretched as if to shield Arthur as much as possible, Sydney with her hands up as if she was prepared to fight him.
This was wrong. Vivi and Sydney were supposed to be on his side.  He wasn’t the enemy!  He just needed…Maybe…Yes.  That would work.  He willed his anchor towards them.
They just needed to see the proof of who he was, that they knew him.
The flames died down. Arthur was certain he knew the way to the front door from this spot.  He grabbed Vivi and Sydney and booked it.
Vivi and Sydney glanced back once.
Mystery made sure to take up the rear.
Lewis stared in disbelief and heartbreak as his murderer and the love(s?) of his life and (more than) best friend.
And his anchor fell and broke.
And Lewis switched to frustration and anger and despair and why did this happen to him?! Why why why?!
He screamed, pouring his everything into it as his fire erupted around him.
The living Mystery Skulls barely made it through the doors in time to avoid being burned alive. Mystery might have had something to do with it.  They rushed to the van.  “Go go go!”
Arthur revved the van. It started.  “I’m going!”
They peeled out of there.
None of them saw the figure watching them from one of the high windows.  Lewis watched as the van drove away.  He pressed down on his cracked anchor and looked at the picture inside.
It was from shortly after he and Vivi started dating.  He had an arm around Vivi, who was hugging him.  Sydney had an arm thrown over his shoulder while he used his free arm to support her.  No Arthur. The three of them were smiling and happy and whole and alive.
They could never go back to that.
Lewis barely noticed the tear running down his face as he finally passed out and returned to his anchor, the house fading around him.
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bookishbabygay · 4 years
Asking For a Ride
(RIP to anyone expecting bookish things from me, but I'm rarely on and when I remember I have this account I've already forgotten about the last book I read) ((this is just another rant))
Alright, so. Pretty much everyone has been in a situation where they're either being asked for a ride, or they themselves are asking for a ride from a friend/acquaintance/whatever. This whole thing is about a friend who asked me for a ride.
So, depending on who you're asking for a ride money may or may not be involved. Like, I regularly take my best friend to school; her house is on the way and she's my bf, in this situation I don't ask for gas money. Now, this one friend I have is asking me for a ride this week because he doesnt want to take the bus (which is understandable) and he got his car taken away. I confer with my sister, along with my bf about whether or not we should give him a ride we decide that it's fine. However, his house is quite a bit off our route home so we, naturally, ask for gas money. Gas is around $2 a gallon, I ask the counsel (bf and sister) if $5 is reasonable and they say yes. A little info: we're driving him in the evenings from school to his house for two days. As stated, his house is quite out of our way and we have to drive from school, to his house, and back to our route home. I don't know if it would take a whole gallon to do that twice, but 5 is a reasonable amount and, hey, giving him a ride is a hassle so it would definitely compensate for our time as well as the actual gas. I proceed to ask him for the $5 and he says "pretty sure that's not how giving a friend a ride works. but I was going to anyways" now look here buddy, it's great that you were going to but this isnt 'giving a friend a ride'. you could take the bus but you didnt want to, so you ASKED for a ride, when you ask for a ride expect to be asked for gas money in return. Anyways he agreed to the $5 which is good. But then he sends a long ass text which summarized is, "I dont have a job so I cant be paying you for a ride all the time. plus I weigh very little and your car has good gas mileage. itd probably only cost 50cents but I'm nice so I'll agree to pay you". Look, you asked for a ride when you have other options if you dont want to pay gas money then say never mind, or just ask your parents. I'm sure your parents would understand if you explain to them that you asked for a ride and now your ride is asking for gas money, that or theyd also tell you to take the bus.
Just, if you ask someone for a ride please expect that you may be asked for gas money. If your potential ride does ask for gas money, whether you agree with the asked amount or not, don't complain. Instead, state that you will pay the amount, or not. You don't have to make excuses as to why you can't pay, just say that you can't and you'll figure something out.
0 notes
vamytas · 7 years
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18th May ‘94
Thanks for your exhibition prints. I’ve sold a few off the counter, the deer ones are popular. Still find it funny that people opt for the cuter kind, even if the forest frolickers are dead, although when one woman came in to buy a wallet for her husband and I told her the deer was a taxidermy she didn’t seem as eager to look around much more! Shame, that. Tried to tell her half the cost went to the RSPCA but she didn’t buy it. I’ll see if Alex wants one. Have you sent some to Tommy? He’d like the mouse driving the car (that’s him, right...?)
I would say ‘same old’ here if it was true but it’s not. The bloke I work with, Rob, the one who thought it would be a grand idea to throw Alex’s surprise birthday bash, he hasn’t shown up for work in a couple days and he won’t pick up his phone. I could joke that it was Alex’s doing but at this point with the way he’s become such a recluse I wouldn’t put it past him. Maybe they eloped? Not that they have any reason to, didn’t catch on to anything like that. Not that you’d care, obviously (ha ha). I shouldn’t joke about it, though. Rob’s somewhere we don’t know...or at least I don’t know. Thank god Alex is responding even if it’s minimal. I asked him if he knew anything and  he said he didn’t. At the moment it’s a mystery to us but I’m not sure if Rob’s family have managed to get in contact, or if he has any family to worry over him, there’s a lot of characters like that around here.
Don’t be a stranger, even if you have all the critics climbing all over eachother just to glance at your face. Are you really going to try and pull the Banksy thing?
    Much love,
P.S. Have you installed your dial-up yet? Data’s quicker to send than paper.
21 May 1994
To: MissMolly
From: S.M.
Subj: Beep, beep ... nnNNRRHH
Happy to see you’ve joined the legion of the world wide web! I know a lot of people complain about the noise but it doesn’t sound much different to what we used to listen to. You haven’t sold your original 20 Jazz Funk Greats, have you? Not sure it would even rake in much with what we drew all over the back, unless you or Alex get put in the Tate. With the way you’re going I wouldn’t say it’s a far way off! Also need more of those prints! Running low. You’re a popular girl here :) -- that’s called a smiley.
As for the Earnshaw Update: he’s as much a hermit as your sister used to be when she started getting into The Cure. I don’t know what instigated it but he’s only been reachable by phone since his birthday, and only at night. I’ve tried dropping in but his door’s been shut tight and I don’t know where he keeps the emergency key. You should try talking to him (I can resend his address if you’ve lost it, he hasn’t got internet yet). That’s if I can’t tide him over by telling him you’ve got a gift, next time he picks up... if he does. Sorry, that sounds very doom and gloom. I really am worried about him, if only because he hasn’t been in this kind of stasis since... well.
Please get back to me as soon as you can.
Much love,
23 May 1994
To: MissMolly
From: S.M.
Subj: He’s alive!
Did you send that print to him? I came by his place tonight and he answered after the first knock! Smiling as ever. He felt colder than a Yorkshire winter, though, and pale. I told him I could help with the gas bill if he needed it but he waved me off. We went out to one of those clubs where everyone is in fishnets and knock-off McQueen, which is nothing new, but they were playing that new MTV gothic stuff, the kind he said he hated -- could be broadening his horizons. I lost him for a bit but he found his way back, he’s somehow easy to distinguish from the crowd now (for me that is, imagine it’s always been the case with you, ha ha!)
He also told me that Rob went on a spontaneous break to Rome. Rob in Rome! And that I’d be getting a “confirmation of assumin’ such responsibilties required of a leather shoppe owner, as well as the salary”. Alex and him were closer than I thought.
It’s all looking up here. What’s happening with you? Apart from the Guardian editorial, you don’t tell me much apart from work!
Much love,
27 May 1994
To: MissMolly
From: S.M.
Subj: Concerned again.
I don’t mean to ignore the other topics covered in our ditties but Al has gone Weird. I know he always has been, in that ‘cool cousin’ kind of way but now he’s just... I don’t know. He’s practically nocturnal. There’s more and more stuff popping up in his wardrobe that he used to say was a ‘fuckin’ disgrace of shite taste’ -- the chokers! There must be about ten discarded around his whole place. I’ve seen some of his paintings too and they’re dark, as in David Lynch meets Goya’s black paintings, I mean they’re good -- really good -- but it just seems excessive.
Worst of all, he keeps mentioning Ricky. Since the accident he’s been fairly healthy with talking about it but now it seems like he’s got this growing obsession with ‘what it all meant, his death’, I don’t even know what Alex meant by that.Then he’ll ask me where I think Ricky is now and honestly I don’t know, I don’t like to think about it. I just keep saying ‘somewhere warm’  because it seems like Alex needs the comfort. I don’t know if what happened to Ricky got to him more than he let on before, or if he was too preoccupied at the time with making sure I didn’t do anything drastic. Was I that needy?
I don’t know anymore. I don’t know what to suggest either. Sorry to end on such a downer of a note.
1 June 1994 
To: MissMolly
From: S.M.
Subj: Dire.
I don’t know him anymore, Molly. When we don’t go out he just wants to talk about Ricky with me, like I’m a proxy for some kind of loss he’s going through. But I don’t know what loss that is -- you? It’s the only comparison I can think of. I feel like the kid stuck between two divorced parents with you two sometimes. Except he avoids talking about you all together and if I do bring you up, like how you were moving back to London, he just looks down, rubs his beard... a new habit. 
(Beard, yeah. I forgot to tell you because it was a really gradual transition at the time that I didn’t notice, but he has this Jesus thing going for him. Before, I didn’t think much of it but now it’s like an inherent look he should have been born with, innate? I could never imagine him looking like it but now it’s hard to imagine him looking any different.)
Anyway, beards aside. He’s getting... creepy. When we’re not drinking he just wants to postulate on death and ‘what comes after’, he’s a right fucking misery to be around. Although I haven’t seen him drink much at all, do you think he’s on drugs or something? It’s the only conclusion I can come up with, and I don’t have anyone else to ask about this because they’re all in the same scene he is.
Please reply soon.
2 June 1994
To: MissMolly
From: S.M.
Subj: -
Okay there are some things I’ve witheld for a long time because I didn’t want to cause you any unnecessary pain. As much as I know you say you’re fine it’s never a gift to hear these things but I feel it has a lot to do with how Alex is now.
After we moved to SF he started seeing this woman who I didn’t see much of myself,,  she set me on edge but I can understand how he was drawn to her because I think it was mainly a sex thing to get over you. I told yu before that he was a catastrophic mess after you left and things got better but when I say catastrophic mess I really mean it, I won’t state examples because I dont mean to make you feel guilty Molly but it’s the truth and I don’t know what to do anymore.
I didnt want to make uyo worry  because i know you;re already dealing with enough already, and i didnt want this matter in particular to be especially distressing for you. But I think alex and this woman were into heavy stuff  - not drugs but maybe that too. We went out while he was with this girl, in January, I think? it was to one of those fetish clubs, wasn’t my thing. But he left me there alone without telling me he was leaving, hhe left with the girl and didn’t even leave me  a voicemail. I got home fine, couldn’t sleep though. But then  I went over to check on him in the morning and his back was covered in gashes and blood. he didnt wake up but he was breathing. i didn’t know what to do,  i pretended i never walked in and he called me soon after to apologise for the night but i  wouldnt say anything about his back because i thought it was a bdsm thing but with the way hes acting now i dont know if he was being abused? I dont know the telltale signs, just that he’d follow this woman around like she had him on a leash.
There are still parts of him I recognise but there’s something about him which feels out of touch, like he’s not the same person but trying to be.  I dont know how to put it, maybe I’ve been away from someone who can actually talk about these problems for too long
The thing is I havent seen him with this woman in a while, since his birthday I’d say. Despite it he seems a lot happier now than when he was with her (apart from the Ricky fixation) but he’s gone full blown Byronic Bohemian.  He’s invited me out almost every day in the past week and since this was an improvement from locking himself inside, I tried to go as much as I could. Each time I’d lose him for a while because he’d gone off with a girl . He thinks he’s being discreet but I’m not much of a dancer for these places so all there’s left to do is watch. Sometimes he goes home with them and offers to pay me for a taxi, which is a step up from leaving me stranded, I’ll give him that.
I know I shouldn’t have but I looked through his art yesterday (his emergency key is in a broken light on a wall outside his door), not his stuff under the bed but in his wardrobe. There’s five entire sketchbooks of you, some of the drawings are so beautiful, he still remembers how you look exactly but in others they just seem... off? Not that they don’t look like you because they do, even if it’s a few strokes, but for someone who knows you they just look like he;s trying to put through what he is now onto you?  I don’t know. that doesnt make sense.Then there are some Ricky drawings in there too but  I don’t want to talk about them.  he writes stuff around you and Ricky, dates and places and random lines like ‘snake chokes on its own tail’ and ‘saw him around Seb’s’.  I  think he’s scared of losing parts of himself and not being able to get them back.
Please talk to him  Molly , you know his number and email . I know you think you’ll do him more harm than good but I don’t know what to say, if I point out how he’s acting weird he just resorts to deflective humour ‘it’s all part of being a la Americana now’. But I’m worried if I push it he’ll get angry. Sometimes I don’t feel safe with him and I don’t know why. Please reach him, I miss him, nothing’s right with Alex like this. I’m getting homesick because there’s nothing here that seems real anymore, everything feels like I’m watching it through a TV screen and it’s muted, or the music’s too loud to hear what people are really saying. I don’t want to leave Alex alone but I feel like I’m in a coma here.
Do you think I could stay with you for a while?
Love always,
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olusegundare · 6 years
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May 25, 2013
Afta d separation 4m Igbayi...I hardly interract wit ladies again, although I proposed 2 some ladies/sistas but all of dem rejected my offer of love, which make me continue 2 fend 4 myself, a lone ranger...d interaction wit Christian sisters cannot be deeper as d one with ur fiancé...
1 day, my love, d bow dat shal hold my future arrows (Psalms 127) had pimples all ova her face, which made her extremely UNbeautiful...a day afta, she started complaining about abdominal pain, headache n general body pain...why all these was my question...I started praying.On d 2nd month, something akin 2 dat happened which made her sublimally active during our transcient interactions with each oda...The ffg morning around 06:00 hours, d Island's tym, I contacted her tru fone but she didnt picked d call...I thence texted...around 09:00 hours she beeped me n I called her but her voice on d fone didnt sound 2 gud 2 me...When d scenerio passed n d interaction was platonic again, I got 2 know 2ru our discussion dat it was bc of her menstruation dat she has those cyclic characteristics...I felt bad when I got 2 know dat, telling her dat I hope she was not annoyed with me 4 pressurizing her during those periods. She replied dat she was not angry.I told her dat it is over a dozen of seasons dat I have had d feelings, touchings, huggings, intimate interaction with lady last, Dat she shd accept me as I am. She said she has accepted me as I am dat dat is why she had been trying 2 hide those manifestations 4m me all these while but that d last experience grew beyond her n cldnt be hidden 4m me..."huh, well, praise God all is now over", she concluded."Alleluiah", I replied, stood 2 my feet n kissed her fore-head.She laughed n said, "Sir, what shall be the definition of what u have just done in d dictionary of courtship?". "Dictionary of courtship?" I inquired flabbergastedly."Yes, "mai" lord", holding my palms, squeezing it. "I didnt know dat such dictionary exists", i said."Oh, wonderful! Having gone dis far in life "mai" lord, u havent heard of courtship's dico...it surprises me o"...she said, still holding my palms, pressing it. "Alright, madam dico, what shall we call wat u r also doing in relationship dictionary?" I also asked her. "ẹh, U want 2 transfer d question 2 me "abi"? "Mai" Lord sir, leaving my hand, bowing her head, acting as if in a law court, Please answer "mai" question, "mai" lord". "Alright. Anything. Anything u call it. But, in d dictionary of "Debbie-Sam", I call it expression of Love", I concluded. She jumped up laughing. I know. I said it 2 mysef... "That wat", I interjected. ""Mai" lord, I know my Sword shall have a word 4 it,..."o dara o", expression of love indeed... I suddenly gripped my abdomen, sank down 2 d seat nearest 2 me, grimmed my face, started saying abdominal ache o...Ye...Hu...Debbie... For d serious expression on my face, she rushed 2 where i sat down @ and started asking me questions, "what happend? What did u eat? What did u drink? What was ur dream like?...she was confused...didnt know what 2 do... "P..p..pleeeas ggget mme salt n wwater", I said. She left me, rushed 2 where salt was, opened d cruet, put some in a cup, started looking 4 where i usually put pure water, tore open d nylon, brought out one, tore it with her incisors, poured some into d cup containing d salt, shake it 2geda...brought it Nearer 2 me..."Sorry "mai" lord, here is it"...take d cup nearer 2 my mouth, her left hand went across my shoulder, drawing my head close 2 her chest as her baby,...said, "here is it, drink..."ẹ pẹ̀ lẹ́".
I took it with my left hand n laughed, "à sé iyawo Samsoni ò tilẹ̀ láyà, o ga o".
On hearing this She pat me severally n said, ""ẹ ẹ̀ ti ẹ̀ fẹ́" serious "mọ fa, lẹ wa n dami lamu". I was laughing.
"You know it took me seconds b4 i cld rush 2 ur side, bc something keeps telling me dat u r feigning d action...but when u persisted dat was when I have a rethought, remembering one of my lecturers of old's saying dat "tí a ba ni ko ri bẹ, to ba lọ ri bẹ nkọ?" Debbie said.
I was still laughin, then I said, "Sorry dearie love, I just want 2 cr8 a loving scenerio "nã ni"".
She took d cup off my hand n said, "o ti dara bẹ́ ẹ̀...o ti di 1-0 niyẹn o, emi nã mã se temi pada o", during d return leg match"".
She stood up, pouring d mixture in d cup into a washing bowl.
""Bóyá lẹmọ̀" dat dia wont be a return leg". I said.
"There shall be", she said humorously.
"Then referee shall support me", I said.
"Is any referee or referees and match officials here now?" she asked.
"I will invite them then", I said.
"We are "sitting" on it", she replied.
"Sit well on it o", I said..."Please what shall we eat this morning, I am damn hungry", I added.
"When wont u be hungry, when u have depleted all the mitochondria's storage in your system thru exercises," she said.
""To ò" wont we eat again because of exercises? Bible also talks about physical exercises (1 Tim 4:8), I said.
"I know, "no bi" you, you go counter me "sha" ni" she said.
"Ok oh, "mai" lord, watz in your mind?" she asked.
"Shall we go the students of the Islands way 2da?" I inquired.
"Whatever. I am at your service "mai" lord", she replied.
"Let us eat concorsion". I said.
""Mo ti mọ". That is good". She said, "but it wont be totally students, let us go and buy irú (locust bean), ọ̀fọ́ọ̀rọ̀ (roasted fish), rodo ((pepper) that i will grind on it) and some pieces of liver", she concluded.
"We r in rich-students estate, if we eat that". I said.
"Whatever", she said.
We got up and left 4 d market square...
May 25, 2013
Igbayi (I hope you remember the lady who wrote letter to brother Samson in Yoruba telling him why she decided to marry someone else which was translated, her name is Igbayi)...
ladies/sistas (means sisters (Christian sisters))
1 (means one)  
ova (means over)  
dico (means dictionary)...
"abi"? (means or what?)  
o dara o", (means it is well oh/it is okay oh) 
"P..p..pleeeas ggget mme salt n wwater", (It is the old people who taught us to add water into water when we have stomach ache and that is what is happening here, although they did not know the scientific basis of it, but it is to neutralize the acidic content of the stomach or gastric and then the abdominal pain will subside)   ...
"ẹ pẹ̀ lẹ́". (means sorry)
, "à sé iyawo Samsoni ò tilẹ̀ láyà, o ga o". (means this is serious so Samson’s wife is not a bold person) ,
""ẹ ẹ̀ ti ẹ̀ fẹ́" serious "mọ fa, lẹ wa n dami lamu". (means you are no longer serious, and you are disturbing me, acting as if it is real)  
"tí a ba ni ko ri bẹ, to ba lọ ri bẹ nkọ?" Debbie said. (means if we said it will not happen like that and it happened like that what shall we do?)
cr8 (means create) a loving scenerio
"nã ni"".(means simply or like that…simply to create a loving scenario)
"o ti dara bẹ́ ẹ̀...o ti di 1-0 niyẹn o, emi nã mã se temi pada o", (means that is good, I will pay you back in your coins, it is now 1 goals to nothing to your advantage)
""Bóyá lẹmọ̀" dat dia wont be a return leg". (means I hope you know that there is nothing called return leg) 
""To ò" (means after all said and done or alright)
"I know, "no bi" (means is it not) 
"sha" ni" (means always)
""Mo ti mọ". (means I know it
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Who is the best insurance company to work for?
"Who is the best insurance company to work for?
I just got my AD&D/Life insurance license this past month. The company I am about to work for, well, after learning more about the company and talking to some of the people that work there (they all complain about the leads, making no money, etc.) I'm starting to freak out a little and it's giving me second thoughts about joining on as a broker. I do however want to give this a try. I've never had a commision based job, so really any help from experience would be wonderful. I feel so lost right now on where to go, or what to do.    Thanks!   (IDK if this will help/matter, but I am located in Georgia)
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Is anyone with Endsleigh for their car insurance, and has done pass plus?""
How much did you save? I am 18 and am about to buy my first car after using my mums. I did pass plus but on confused.com quote it doesn't ask if i have it. Well anyway, endsleigh is the cheapest quote but i was wondering how much i will save when they know i have pass plus?""
Is Mercury Insurance good?
cause i know its really cheap
Where can I go for the best and cheapest classic car insurance?
We have a 1965 classic mustang and want to insure it for it's restored value.
Some Cheap Auto Insurance Companies for Young Drivers?
Can you list cheap auto insurance companies for young drivers please?
Hey everyone quick question about my auto insurance.?
So I've been with TD insurance for 2 years now, I used to pay 208 last year and it went down 165, and this year it went 145, but I'm moving I called them when I told them my new postal code it went up 192.which is fine ,but my question is am I entitle to the discount I received from last year and this year on my new montly rate ? I got them because I had no vialation, or tickets nothing. Shouldn't I still be entitle on my new rate?""
How much is motorcycle insurance for a 150cc moped?
I've heard some people say $100 a YEAR. And some $250 a MONTH. Big difference. Who is more correct? And I'm just wanting a rough guess. Not an exact quote. So please no ...show more
""What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
Car insurance INCREASE every 6 months with no accidents/tickets? wtf!?
Last year I had Unitrin Direct....they were charging me $85 a month...this is with NO tickets or accidents for the last 5 years of my driving record....this is also with the BASIC insurance that you need in Florida...10/10/20...NO collision...and a $1000 deductible..... So at the end of my 6 months...it was time for a renewal...they tried to bump me up to $140 a month for no reason...still no accidents/tickets...nothing had changed...i had expected my rate to DECREASE....they tell me it's a STATEWIDE INCREASE ......so i called around... Ended up switching to Allstate who has been charging me $90 a month (better than $140 right?).....6 months go by, everything's cool.....now my policy renewal is coming up and they're trying to tell me i need to pay $160 a month for their basic insurance. Are you kidding me? And according to them it's another STATEWIDE INSURANCE INCREASE ...... They also told me that it could be due to not having CONSECUTIVE insurance for the last few years, as in...I switched from State Farm to Unitrin to Allstate......they told me call the state insurance commissioner...which I did.... Got connected to some guy in Gainesville who tells me that the INSURANCE companies are the ones who decide the rates and increases...not them. Pretty much BS....Allstate's blaming the state, state's blaming them...feels like a huge runaround to me. Guess my questions are.... Should I stick with Allstate and pay $160 a month for this absolute BASIC insurance (keep in mind..no collision, $1000 deductible)...my car's not even worth a YEAR of their insurance. .... Or shop around? But if I switch back to Unitrin or get Geico or whatever....will I risk having ANOTHER increase after 6 months? And is it true that one of the reasons for these statewide increases is not having consecutive insurance with the same company for so many years? Thanks all.""
Were would i find price range for car insurance?
im doing a power point on insurance and i need to find the best price range for car insurance
Ohio Dental Health Insurance Companies?
Provide the List of Dental Insurance Companies in Ohio
What is the cost of average car insurance that a 19 year old boy and girl pay?
Well, I am taking my test soon (hopefully I will pass) and I am 19 --- and I heard that car insurance is worth a lot for youngsters that they can buy a BMW second hand with same amount money that they pay for 3 years. so, how much do 19 year old boys pay monthly for it and how much do girls pay ( heard it is a lot cheaper for girls). -- my younger sister will turn 19 in 2 years time till then if she passes her test -- how much will she pay when she gets licence---- what would be your solution -- if I want to get cheaper option (I heard of pass plus scheme - would it work)""
""Delivering fast food, wrong car insurance?""
Hi, i got pulled by the police earlier and they gave me a producer for no insurance. I was delivering fast food for a local takeaway in there car, my car broke last week and my policy covers me for SD&P only, im fully comp and can drive other vehicles, the car i was driving tonight is covered on a personal and business policy with anyone to drive. I didn't know i had to have a different policy to deliver fast food, I only work for them for about 5 hours on the weekend, I am going to take out business cover tomorrow. Will the courts still treat this as driving without insurance (penalty 6-8 points), or would they take in to consideration my situation?""
Auto insurance rate increase for California?
i noticed this year 2008 when i was up for my 6 month renewal monthly payment plan that my payments were higher. i bought my car, a mazda cx-7 june of 2007 and i was paying $95 a month, now i have to pay $114 a month. no new accidents or tickets since buying the car. i was expecting nothing to change, but then i noticed this. so i called them (esurance) today and they told me that all of California had premium increases. is this true? i had a feeling they were bullshi**ing me. can someone please give me a link to this in the news or something if this is true? are there any other reasons why my premium should have gone up if i didnt change anything on it from last year? i always thought if everything is the same and my record is clean it should go down slightly every renewal? should i shop around? (26, male, san jose, ca, good driving record, esurance car insurance)""
Does the insurance rate go up or more if I get my license?
Ok my mom and dad both have a car and they bought a car just for me. It already has insurance and license plate and everything. I'm planning on getting my license soon. So when I do would my dad have to pay for more money because of me driving it? I mean the insurance is on my dads name. Thx for replying.
Has anyone bought car insurance that deals with people who have points?
I am 20 years old turnin 21 next year march. And I got 6 points in january. Now its impossible for me to get car insurance on my ford fiesta 1.3 2002 plate, they are askin me to pay 6000 pound for insurance. I was woundering if there are any car insurance companys that deal with people that have points?""
When will the health care insurance take effect?
When does the doctor start charging more if you don't have health care insurance?
I got pulled over in my parents car and the insurance wasn't in the vehicle?
Ok I moved out of my parents home a couple months ago and they let me borrow their car for a little while just in case of an emergency, well I asked them if I could drive to see my girlfriend and they said yes so I drive and I get pulled over for speeding and I give the officer my license, registration but my dad forgot to leave the insurance in the car! So I get a huge fine for speeding and having no proof of insurance! And I asked my dad if I was under the insurance and he said no because I don't own a car and I don't live with them so what would be the point? So what I'm trying to ask is will I be able to get the no insurance fine waived even though I'm not under the insurance my parents were just letting my borrow the car?""
Anyone in California need a quote on Insurance?
I sell Insurance.
Car accident with no insurance in FL?
I was in a car accident where the other driver admitted it was her fault, and i had a witness - as well as the officer saying it was my right away. However, I did not have insurance.. I assumed I was still under my parents name but my dad took me off their insurance a couple months ago. My car is totaled, and im in some pain ( nothing minor, just very sore )Where can I go from here? is my only option to call a lawyer or can i directly go to her insurance? all i want is a rental for the time being and to get money to buy a new car ( so w.e money my totaled car was worth) i want to make this as easy and fast as possible which is why i dont want a laywer involved. is that basically my only choice though? Thanks""
How much is adding my teenager to my insurance policy?
how much is the averge amount that i would have to pay when i add my teen to my auto-insurance policy..with their own car.
How much does car insurance cost for a 19y/o?
Hey, I just wanted to know what is the avarage cost of car insurance in California( San Diego) for a 19 yearold female and college student""
Cracked windshield - should I make an insurance claim?
My windshield needs to be replaced due to a crack about 18 long. (from a stone that got kicked up by another vehicle on the highway). It will cost about $325 - $350 for a new windshield. The windshield installing companies say they can get Geico to pay for it. Might be true. I have comprehensive, but my deductible is $500. I just need to know if they will pay for it, and if it will cause them to decide to raise my rates, as I have made a claim.""
Disability Insurance question?
Can an individual buy short term disability insurance themselves without going thru a business? Can I purchase Aflac on my own, or some other disability insurance?""
""Car Insurance, should I go as a named driver?""
I am 25, just passed, I got a quote from the post office for a 2001 MITSUBISHI Colt 1.3 Equippe at 2500 for the year... I live in a posh area (my nan n grandads) and the car will be parked on the drive. If I go as a named driver on my Grandad's insurance, who has plus 10yrs no claims how much cheaper do you think it will be? Does my Grandad have to buy the car in his name? What's the best way I can do this? Or should I just drive his punto 1.2l as a named driver, as a guess how much do you think i will have to pay extra so my grandad is still paying the same he usually does?""
Is the 2011 Kia Forte Koup considered a sports car by insurance companies?
It looks like a nice first car but if the insurance is too high I can't get it.
Who is the best insurance company to work for?
I just got my AD&D/Life insurance license this past month. The company I am about to work for, well, after learning more about the company and talking to some of the people that work there (they all complain about the leads, making no money, etc.) I'm starting to freak out a little and it's giving me second thoughts about joining on as a broker. I do however want to give this a try. I've never had a commision based job, so really any help from experience would be wonderful. I feel so lost right now on where to go, or what to do.    Thanks!   (IDK if this will help/matter, but I am located in Georgia)
""Financed car damaged,no insurance.what to do?!?
long story short... my car cost 7000 to fix and i dont have any insurance. i want to have the finance company to get the car.what happens once they get it? will i have to pay off the loan or just pay for the damages done?
""And finally, would you be willing to pay more for your medical insurance if you knew for a fact?
people less well off then you would have a better chance at life.
Can I Get Temporary Car Insurance If I Dont Own The Car?
I have just got a new job, however, I need temporary car insurance for 1 month. My stepdad's friend is allowing me to use his car he has up for sale for this period. Can I get insurance if the car owners name is not on the policy? Any help would be apprechiated. Thanks.""
For my car insurance I have full coverage. Have a $500 deductible to fix a broken window. Is that normal?
A rock hit my window while I was driving and i have a $500 deductible to fix it. I wanted to see was that really high or normal? I have full coverage. I just want to see how this insurance compares to others. $500 deductible just seemed a bit high. Thanks!
Pregnant and need insurance
where in pinellas county can i get insurance help for pregnancy as far as free insurance?
Does my employer provide good health insurance? ?
Here's a description of the health insurance my employer provides to employees. It costs $50 per month to have, and the co-pay for each doctor visit is $40. This seems really weak to me. Am I right? Should I look around for a new job? What's the typical average going rate? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!""
Am i entitled to my unused car insurance?
After being with my car insurance company over 10 years now, I've never had a claim in which they've had to pay out. I recently purchased a new car and my rates skyrocketed I ...show more""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
Is Northern Illinois University health insurance any good?
I really dont understand insurance that well so here is the link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge 395 per semester
Hyundai tiburon insurance?
I am looking for this car to be my first car. I live in Washington and I have a 3.5 GPA (my insurance company told me this would help), and I'm a female. How much would it cost to get car insurance, per month. Is it a sports car? I was thinking of getting the 4 cylinder, 2.0 engine, if that makes a difference. I also have State Farm if that helps.. Thanks!""
Bussiness insurance?
need to know what type of insurance i need to open a carpet cleaning and window cleaning service.
How much do you pay for teen car insurance per 6 month?
We have 2 cars 01 camry and 98 nissan. I am 18 , dad is 54 and we pay 35004+ for 6 months . Is that high?""
Why is car insurance so high in UK?
I want to insure a 1.0 litre 2000 Vauxhall Corsa 3 door. Im getting quotes for 3000 - 5000, does anybody know why this is? Its really annoying now""
Should I continue to pay my car insurance?
I've been paying car insurance for a car that has been with a mechanic for the past 7 months. In order to get my car back I have to pay $900.00 USD. Should I cancel my car ...show more
Car accident/insurance.?
Okay, three days ago I got into a car accident, I drive an SUV and the other party drives a Toyota Camry. Save for a few scratches on the bumper, my car is fine, the other woman on the other hand says she can't open her door and the front right light and part of the bumper is damaged. I told her I would cover the damages if we could keep this from the insurance companies. She agreed, but is now saying she is in pain . No one called the cops and she was at fault, I CAN NOT afford to have an accident on my rec as I'm only 18, what to do? I said I'd pay as my car is fine and as a thanks for staying mum. Now shes called her insurance company and claims she got an estimate of $3,600 for the car and medical.""
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Two part question--Germany Auto insurance and the IPhone?
1.) What automobile insurance companies do most people use in Germany (German companies not American) to get the best rate? 2.) Will a T- Mobile IPhone from German (T-Mobile) work in the US under a new contract or will i need to get a new phone when i return to the US?
Can anyone help me regarding a huge fine for driving without insurance.?
Man, Im screwed. A few years ago I let my insurance lapse on my vehichle and didnt hand the license plates in. Failure to do so means an instant 150 dollar fine for the first month and 7$ a day afterwards. Ok, I was being a complete jackass at that time in my life and figured I would deal with it when the time comes. Well, its that time. I finally got my license back and went to buy a cheap used car. The dealer told me he cant get me plates for it cause I have a violation due to a fine for driving uninsured. The fine is off the charts, $4,455.00. Has anyone ever gotten the MVA to reduce this fee or waive it. I havent tried yet. They offer payment plans at 20% down and the rest must be paid within 2 years. I dont want to do anything illegal per say but just wanted to know if anyone has any ideas. I know, im a jackalope for letting this happen. anyone, let me know""
""Car purchase, insurance and parking permit in MA?""
Hi, I plan to buy a new car in Mass and have a couple questions: 1. I used to live with my parents who live in Boston. I no longer do now, but I still visit them often enough that I'd really like to get a resident parking permit. Can I get one by adding my Dad as a co-owner of the car? Or must he be the sole owner? 2. I pay a much lower auto insurance rate than my Dad, should I expect to pay an amount in between mine and my dad's rates if I add him as co-owner? 3. I have much better credits than my dad, can I finance the car loan myself and pay for the car alone, even though my dad will be a co-owner? Will he have to pay taxes because I am in essence giving my dad the car by adding him as a co-owner? What if he's the sole owner, and I am paying for him? Thanks!""
Car insurance?
which car insurance company do you perfer for a teen that just starting a job and just turned 16
Student: Buy car with years free insurance?
I'm looking to buy a new car, and I have heard that you can get special deals where you get a years free insurance. I'm 18 and have one years ncb. Does anyone now of a deal like this currently on offer? Cheers :D""
What does liability mean when getting auto insurance?
What does liability mean when getting auto insurance?
""Car Insurance, including APR?""
So, im looking for car insurance and I found the cheapest one for me. 'A deposit of 70.00 payable by credit or debit card followed by 10 monthly instalments by Direct Debit of 55.90. Total payable is 629.00 including APR of 29.6%.' What does it mean including APR of 29.6% That I will have to pay an extra 29.6%. Its my 3rd year driving and I've never seen this before.""
I want a car! what car(s)do you recommend to buy for a new driver?
cars that are new (not broken down second hand cars) and come with cheap car insurance for new drivers please help me!
Best car insurance company for me 10 points!!!!!!?
what is the cheapest+best auto insurance for me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we are a family of 4 and we all drive. we have a toyota 4x4, colorado, 1985 nissan truck, mustang v6. my youngest son has had 1 accident i'm 46 my wife is 46 and my sons are 18,19 i cant find a good car insurance they are all expensive!!!!!!!!!!""
Who is the best insurance company to work for?
I just got my AD&D/Life insurance license this past month. The company I am about to work for, well, after learning more about the company and talking to some of the people that work there (they all complain about the leads, making no money, etc.) I'm starting to freak out a little and it's giving me second thoughts about joining on as a broker. I do however want to give this a try. I've never had a commision based job, so really any help from experience would be wonderful. I feel so lost right now on where to go, or what to do.    Thanks!   (IDK if this will help/matter, but I am located in Georgia)
Does My Car Insurance cover me to drive any car?
I got stopped by the police today for driving a car that I bought a week ago which was not registered on the MID. Although I have fully comprehensive insurance on my other car is there a way I can get away showing cover on this vehicle(even if it is just 3rd party) Sadly the police seized my vehicle and now I face 6 points on my license and a 200 pound fine. Any useful tips to get out of this? p.s I am In London UK.
What is the difference between dental insurance vs. dental discount plans?
I'm trying to figure out which one is most affordable for someone one a budget and beneficial for my needs? I'm 35 years old with 1 dependent child 12 years old and we both need braces, I need a bridge, crowns, root canal, replace over sized silver fillings.. etc.. any advice? Oh and I live in Southern California""
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
Why is my Auto Insurance so high?!?
I am 20 years old paying full coverage insurance on a 2011 Nissan Versa that I am making payments on. My Credit is middle of the pack and I've never had a wreck or a ticket. So, can anyone tell me why my insurance is twice as high as anyone I talk to with the same set up?!? My insurance company said that it was strange, but can't find out why it's that high and this is my 2nd insurance company. The previous one charged a little more. I've gotten quotes and they're either close to my monthly currently or are more. I am paying nearly 500 dollars a month... I hope someone out there can help me lower this insurance. Thanks ahead.""
Need to switch car insurance?
i am 18 and a female, i have a car under my parents name along with the insurance. last year i was in a car accident, and this year my insurance went up to $2000 a year with statefarm. i have to come up with $400 for the renewal period now. we've looked for insurance to something cheaper but cant find anything...can anybody help me find a cheaper insurance or where to look for one. thank you so much""
Recovery/treatment dates for disability insurance?
If someone was never treated for borderline hypertension, they just controlled it with diet without any input from a doctor, what can be used as recovery and last treatment dates? Could it be when the patient's current physician first had their blood pressure measured and it was normal?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I am taking a survey. I need to know how much you pay for car insurance, how old you are, and what gender you are. Thanks.""
When do I get the prepaid home owners insurance back?
I prepaid 1 year home owners insurance at closing on my home. I have also been paying monthly as part of my escrow payments for home owners insurance. What happens to the prepaid years worth of insurance payments? Do they always just need a buffer of 1 year and I get it back only when I sell the house or can it get applied to my second year and allow me to lower my escrow payments?
Short term car insurance for driving abroad???? (in france)?
I am 19 years old and heading to france for the day, the yearly car insurance I already have does not cover me abroad, so I need to get insurance for the day. I have looked online but most companies only insure people who are 23 years old+""
How much does it usually costs for liability insurance on a car?
Buying a 1997 Ford F-150 2 door soon and wanting to know how much liability insurance is going to cost? just a Estimate is all Im looking for. :)
On average how much would it cost for an independent living 15 year old girl to get good health insurance.?
On average how much would it cost for an independent living 15 year old girl to get good health insurance.?
Looking for individual dental insurance?
I'm trying to find an affordable good dental insurance company. I've looked online quite a bit and can only find insurance with a 6 mos waiting period or a dental plan that you pay like $100 a year for a discount which seem useles. I'm 30 and live in Ohio if that makes any difference. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
How much does on average do people pay for health insurance?
I'm doing a debate on weather or not obese people should pay more for health premium or not but thats not the important part, the important part is how much does the average person pay for health insurance?""
Is it true that if some one borrows your car and they don't have their own insurance they are uninsured?
If they don't have their own car and insurance and you just have basic liability are they driving uninsured and could get fined if pulled over. Please advise
What is the cost of Medical Insurance for an 18 year old?
I am a 17 year old senior in St. Louis, Mo. I plan to move out of my parents house promptly after the school year is over. My boyfriend and I have been doing a lot of research on apartments and creating a budget. My biggest concern though, is medical insurance.. I'm not sure how much it is going to cost us to be able to have it.. I would really appreciate an average monthly fee, (or at least an idea) Thank you!""
How can I find out what my employer pays for my health insurance?
My employer tells me that they pay 70% of my health insurance premiums, but looking at the amount my 30% portion is and calculating the total, it would be a ridiculous total premium. So I think that my employer is lying to me about the percentage they pay. I tried calling the insurance company to find out what the total premiums are, but they would not tell me. Is there a way that I can find out what what the total premiums are on my health insurance plan?""
Health insurance?
im 21 years old i dont know anything about health insurance what affordable insurance would you recommend?? i want to get braces
If you park your car on the street does it cost more on insurance?
Getting a car and if i can save some money on insurance by finding else where to park then i will do that, but i don't mind parking it on the street if i doesn't have an effect on my insurance.""
Can I Switch To Another Car Insurance Company?
I hate my current car insurance company. I was paying about $12 less every month with my last one for the same type of coverage. The only reason i got this insurance is because my last one was about to expire. I wanted to go shopping for car insurance and my GF's sister told me about this one and she didn't wanna give me a ride to look for cheaper insurance. I guess she just wanted to get her $25 the car insurance company gave her after i signed up. B*tch. Anyway, I am paying around $45 a month and i wanted to know if i could switch car insurance companies. My current car insurance does not expire until March 2011. Also, will i have to pay that first month down payment thing with the new company???""
Cheaper insurance for full time students?
well this semester i am suppose to be a full time student, because my parents said it makes insurance cheaper but what happens if you withdraw from one of the classes, does the insurance go back up, or they don't know about it, and they assume your still a full time student?""
Car insurance lapsed? opposing insurance sends letter saying im liable.?
Long story short my insurance lapsed. I got into a car accident where i was backing out of a driveway and as i shifted the car into drive i was backed into my side driver door by ...show more
Breast implants covered by insurance in houston tx?
I heard some doctors bill your insurance for your breast augmentation surgery. Any one heard of this if so where?
What are some affordable/cheap community colleges in the USA for international students?
Hi, i want to study associate in business management so in which state i can find community colleges with low fees or which are the affordable and cheapest community college in USA for study? Thanks""
What are the different types of life insurance?
and which ones are better to get, middle age ,non smoker""
Whats a Good Car to Customise at 17? but cheap insurance on?
for when im 17, im looking at a car im able to customize, i dont want a high cc car, only a low one because of insurance costs... i want to get a car thats like a bmw m3, or misubishi evo style.... as in like sports, 2 doors etc... but i need the insurance to be low... and can i have some estimates for upgrades? like bodykit prices, exhaust systems... etc...""
Who is the best insurance company to work for?
I just got my AD&D/Life insurance license this past month. The company I am about to work for, well, after learning more about the company and talking to some of the people that work there (they all complain about the leads, making no money, etc.) I'm starting to freak out a little and it's giving me second thoughts about joining on as a broker. I do however want to give this a try. I've never had a commision based job, so really any help from experience would be wonderful. I feel so lost right now on where to go, or what to do.    Thanks!   (IDK if this will help/matter, but I am located in Georgia)
How to choose a Life Insurance?
All the insurance companies sound like they're trying to sell us on the product. We're married in our thirties with two babies. Thanks!
WHY is car insurance so freaking expensive?
We are insuring two drivers with clean records on a 99 chevy cavalier and a just purchased 09 toyota camry and we are paying about $2,000 a YEAR. Doesn't that seem like TOO much!?""
How much would my car insurance cost?
I'm planning to buy a 90's bmw 325 or 328. I'm 20 years old, almost 21. So far I have been driving around in my parents' cars, both of which I'm insured on under my parents' names. I have been driving for 3 and a half years and during that time I have only gotten pulled over once because my front license plate had fallen off, so statistically speaking I am a quite responsible driver. What do you reckon my insurance bill will roughly be? I live in east Washington State""
""If I cause $1000 worth of damage to another car, how much is my insurance premium going to go up next year?""
If I cause $1000 worth of damage to another car, how much is my insurance premium going to go up next year?""
Car Insurance?
In Massachusetts what do you think a 16 year old driver would pay for these cars for insurance? 1998 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR 4 >100k miles 1998 Audi A4 1.8 Turbo 4 cyl 100K miles 2001 Ford Taurus SEL v6 40K miles 1999 VW Passat V6 5 speed 95k miles Thanks
I have just started an apprenticeship and wondering if I would be able to afford a car and insurance?
I have recently just started an apprenticeship in march which is only 12 months long, however there may or may not be a job at the end of it. I get paid 2.65 an hour, 5 days a week 9AM-5.30PM and I currently am doing my driving lessons but I am sick of relying on other people for lifts. Will i be able to afford a car and insurance on this pay? I'm really not bothered what car I can get as long as it gets me to work and back.""
Motorcycle Insurance?
I would like to purchase a motorcycle this summer, something between 500 CC and 650 CC. I was wondering what my insurance rate would be. I am 19 years old and currently pay 2000 a year for my 06 Subaru Impreza. I have a clean driving record and currently have nationwide insurance.""
Why not sell medical insurance like Auto insurance?
I know this is long but please bear with me. Rather than set up a separate government run medical insurance or expansion of medicare to the general public....One criticism of government care is that it will be in direct competition with existing providers. Ultimately siphoning insurance customers away from traditional plans and onto the rolls of govt care causing these providers to go out of business. Here in my state the auto insurance companies MUST offer the same basic minimum coverage in order to do business in the state. Everyone here must have at least the same basic level of insurance (both auto and medical) . You can go to any provider you choose and this basic minimum insurance level costs the same . If you want more insurance you can pay for additional coverage. But that basic plan is available to all. So why not have a similar program for medical insurance as part of a nation wide group policy. This group can be subsidized by the government but it would be managed by the existing insurance providers. (In other words if you want to be in the insurance business you must offer and support this minimum plan which would be a foundation for any other plan you offer) The govt pays the insurance company a flat rate to manage each person enrolled in the basic plan. The more money the company saves (the better they manage the insurance) the more money they keep. However if that company provides poor management it will cost them. Either subscribers will change management companies if they feel they are getting a raw deal or wasteful management would not be payed for by the government. One advantage I see here is that consumers would have an alternative providers to go to if they feel wronged by a particular management company. Insurance providers also have an incentive to offer additional services to the basic plan members in order to attract more subscribers and earn money. With a govt program like medicare your stuck with the one provider (the governement). As they say One Choice is NO Choice.... If someone wants additional insurance they can buy additional coverage from any provider they choose. But No one could be denied coverage for the standardized basic plan. Since everyone is part of this national group policy the basic insurance is portable and independent of supplemental policy one may have. So if you change jobs or move to a different state you may loose the supplemental policy BUT your basic coverage remains intact. You merely transfer the company that provides the management services for the basic medical. Insurance providers would get paid by the fed to manage the participants in the basic plan for each participant in the basic plan. this would put market forces into play for the insurance providers to make money by attracting additional participants through better service or offerings. COunter to this is if the consumer gets crappy management services they can transfer to any other insurance provider.
Car insurance nightmare!?
21 year old new driver, any type of practical car (e.g. pug 307 1.9d), car insurance is stupid money. As that is kind of expected, what I need help with is bringing down the price. Any suggestions? ...Also, it was cheaper last month than it is this month - substantially. Why?!""
Having trouble finding insurance for an older truck in ontario canada.?
Hello, just like the title says im looking to insure a 1978 GMC sierra and im finding none of the major companies offer insurance for vehicle's this old. does anyone know of a company that does with decent rates and possibly online quotes? i have a clean driving record and am in southern ontario, canada. thanks""
""Does anyone know how much Plan B costs without insurance at the Flagstaff, AZ Planned Parenthood?""
Also, does anyone know, if I were to use my parents insurance, if they would find out that I got Plan B? I really can't let them know about this... please, I need helpful answers. Thanks so much.""
Car insurance quote?
i want to go ahead with a car insurance company and i got a yearly quote online with them,as i want to pay direct debit monthly i phoned up to see what the monthly amount was with interest charged. i just want to check that this is accurate. the yearly amount quoted was 353.95 making it 29.50 per month . they charge 8.5% interest on any direct debit or credit card payment adding the 8/5% interest they then caluclated my monthly amount to be 34.81 yet it thought that :- 8.5/100 * 353.95 = 30.09 interest 353.95 + 30.09 = 384.04 total to pay 384.04 / 12 = 32 per month is this right? i know its only 35 per month, obviously im looking for the cheapest deal possible! but i just wondered why it was a different amount? help??? ta x""
How do I get insurance help for pregnant women?
I was on vacation in Hongkong when i learned im 3 months pregnant, now im back in California and already in my 26th week. How do I get help applying for government programs (i dont have medical insurance) like AIM, since my husband's income is a little over for Medical.""
Car insurance to help disabled grandparents?
My grandfather is ill in hospital and my nan is finding it difficult to drive to the hospital and back on a daily basis. Aunt has MS so she cares for her too, thus I was wondering if anyone knows of a type of car insurance that will enable me to help out with their daily living. I obviously know that standard insurance would work, but I'm a 21 yo male and don't have the funds to get full independent insurance. Thanks for any help.""
Where to Find Really Cheap Health Care Insurance?
I know a lot of sites that offer health insurance, but need to know really cheap health care insurance.Thank you in advance.""
50cc Scooter Insurance?
I'm 16 and I'm going to buy a Keeway Hurricane 50. The cheapest quote I got was 600, the scooter is only going to cost me 750, I live in a quiet area and it's in a locked secure garage, why is the the quote so much? I don't want advice that tells me not to buy one, I just want to know why.""
Is it cheaper to only out me on the insurance for one night?
Is it cheaper to only out me on the insurance for one night?
How much would insurance cost for a 16 yr old female?
I'm 16 & getting a 2010 Nissan Maxima. Don't tell me not to get it because I'll wreck or trash it. I learned how to drive when I was 12 and I drove all the time when I got my permit. I'm not going to trash it at all. All I need to know if how much insurance might be. A rough estimate because I know everywhere is different. Some few details: I'm 16, a female, straight A student, and really responsible. Thanks.""
What car has the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old new driver?
looking at cars, i would like something that looks alright like a clio etc""
Looking for AFFORDABLE individual medical insurance plan?
Is there anyone one here from Minnesota who can recommend a decent relatively inexpensive family medical insurance plan? 2 adults and 3 children. They can't afford 800 bucks a month for a plan with a 5000 buck deductible or 700 for a 7000 deductible. He makes too much for medical assistance or Minnesota Care or Medicaid...just a little too much, and he isn't eligible for medical coverage through his employer. Please help!!!! Anyone ever hear of Land's Health???""
Report someone who is driving without insurance and not registered?
how do i report someone driving without insurance and who isnt registered? and what happens to them when they get caught without both??? in california.
Salvage car insurance?
If I have nissan 350z roadstar 2006 salvage car with only 13 000 miles and I have only liability insurance. Now If someone else hits my car(AND ITS HIS MISTAKE) and I have damage, what would the other insurance party will give me? Would they fix my car if it has big damage?If they total it, how much would they pay? i UNDERSTAND THAT SALVAGE CARS ARE FAR LESS WORTH ,HENCE I AM ONLY BUYING LIABILITY ON IT. BUT WHAT IF MY CAR IS DAMAGED BY SOMEONE ELSE MISTAKE?""
Liberty Mutual Insurance please help!?
If you use Liberty Mutual for your car insurance, how much is the insurance for two people each under two cars? If not, generally speaking, how much is it for two people to be insured for two cars each? My fiancee and I both have clean records no tickets and in the age bracket of 22-24. Thanks!""
What is the cheapest sr22 insurance in california?
i had one accident in 2009 and i am currently paying the other party but i hadnt done it before and the dmv took away my license now i need to get a sr22 one but they keep on giving me car insurance quotes,, any help appreciated im 20 years old and dont own a car my uncle lets me borrow his""
Can I use medicaid as a secondary insurance?
Hello. I live in the state of florida. I just found out im still covered under my mother's health insurance because Im under 24 and I am a full time student. I also qualify for and have pregnancy medicaid, but I want to go to a doctor with my moms insurance because I used this specific doctor for my last pregnancy. My question is, could I still use my medicaid to cover my co-pays with this ob/gyn?I called the office and they said they could send the bills to medicaid for what my mom's insurance doesnt cover. I dont have a job and can't afford to pay the co-pays/lab fees/hopsital fees. thanks""
Who is the best insurance company to work for?
I just got my AD&D/Life insurance license this past month. The company I am about to work for, well, after learning more about the company and talking to some of the people that work there (they all complain about the leads, making no money, etc.) I'm starting to freak out a little and it's giving me second thoughts about joining on as a broker. I do however want to give this a try. I've never had a commision based job, so really any help from experience would be wonderful. I feel so lost right now on where to go, or what to do.    Thanks!   (IDK if this will help/matter, but I am located in Georgia)
0 notes
Motorcycle Buying Advice For Teen?
"Motorcycle Buying Advice For Teen?
I'm 17 years old and plan on getting my motorcycle license in about 2 weeks. By the end of summer I was hoping to give my mom money to make a large downpayment on a bike and finance it to make monthly payments on it. However I then read up on insurance and read that in the teens if you don't pay cash for a bike the price of insurance is outrageous and near nothing when you pay cash because it's only liability. Would it be better to finance the bike or just wait a year or two and save up money to buy one off of craigslist? Thanks!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What health care insurance I can get that is affordable?
I need health insurance. And I can't afford it with my pay checks. I work part time. I have research over and over for health insurance. And nothing that I can afford comes up. So please help.
What's the best individual health insurance?
I am 27 and have no major health problems, but because all the jobs I have been getting lately are temporary gigs, none of my employers offer health insurance.""
Is it legal to drive family member's car without insurance in California?
Is it legal to drive family member's car without insurance in California? The owner of the car has insurance tough. Situation is like that: I am 26years old foreign driver right now in business trip to California. I have got the permit driving licenses and the car i am driving is my twins brother's, we are live in the same place .Yesterday I was pulled over by police. however, I did not find my brother's insurance in the car and I did not take the permit with me either. The police gave me a ticket asking me to goto local court two month later. What should I do to solve this thing now ? Can i adjust the courting time? what kind of punishment i will receive ? Will it left in my record to my next year business visa?""
Recommendations for car insurance (NO URLs)?
*** Don't give me links to comparison websites. SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. I'm looking for low cost, quality car insurance. Something other than USAA. Any recommendations? Here are some facts about me: Full-time student with a B average or better Car - (2000) Infiniti G 20 Never had Car Insurance Before No accidents, tickets, or traffic violations in the past My car has anti-lock breaks Thanks""
""I don't have health insurance, should I get AFLAC?
My company sent an AFLAC representative to us today. I heard it was supplemental health insurance and it costs $35/month for accidents and sickness. I don't have any insurance at ...show more
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
Life Insurance Policy?
What will happen if you have a Life Insurance and decide to stop to pay it? Will you lose all the money that you already paid? Or they will give it back to you?
How much will car insurance cost?
I am 19 and got taken off my parents policy because I had to at fault accidents. I am a female college freshman who would be driving a 1996 Honda Accord. About how much Should I expect to pay for auto insurance? I just want basic coverage. Also I have had my license for about 2 and a half years.
Increase in car insurance after DUI?
Recently my friend received a DUI charge in the state of New Jersey, and is waiting for his court date. He is 19, so I assume this case as an underage DUI. He is worried about ...show more""
About how much would the average insurance run for a 17 year old male driving a sports car it is a mustang?
About how much would the average insurance run for a 17 year old male driving a sports car it is a mustang?
Do you have to have insurance when you have your permitt. All i have is my permitt,and my grandma is worried about getting me insurance. Her insurance covers 65 and above. But my cousin didnt get insurance until she was 16 she thought that you didnt hafta have insurance until you got your license?""
""I just turned 18 years old, how much do you think i will pay for car insurance?""
i just turned 18 years old, how much do you think i will pay for car insurance""
I cant get car insurance because I have bad credit?
please help! I have just passed my driving test and having a problem getting car insurance im 22 and i got bad credit from catalogs loans and overdrawn i dont own anything like a ...show more
Do auto insurance companies actually confirm the info you provide for the quote?
After requesting a quote online, you anto insurance companies actually confirm that all the info u gave are true? For example; moving violations, actual address? Does the DMV verify this info?""
What health insurances would my sister and I qualify for in NY?
My sister and I are in our mid 20s. We both work and she lives with me at my apartment. i was curious if we could get cheap health insurance as a group. medicaid? or some plan that we could both pay into to get check ups and health care. we dont make much money. i qualified for healthy NY but never went through with it. Im waiting to see if i get a new job but sofar no good. I really dont know how the healthcare system works. we cant afford trips to the ER anymore for minor problems. I need to know what documents and proofs that we may need in order to apply for anyplan. i just dont know where to look or begin. Im talking at least 3 check ups a year each. Are there even plans for 2 people? thanks any info would be greatly appreciated!
Do i need insurance on my 150cc scooter in WI?
do i need insurance on my 150cc scooter in WI
Help insuring a Car?
I am 16 years old and from the UK. I will be turning 17 in november and getting a driving licence. I was offered a car from my step dad. It is a 1996 Honda Civic Coupe LSi in green/blue. It has a 1.5 litre engine, and although not very powerful, it is very desireble to steal. It might be important to mention here that it has an automatic transmission. Here is a picture of the same kind of car. http://www.auto.vl.ru/catalog_photos/honda/civic_coupe/honda_civic_coupe_11787.jpg This car has a sentimentle value and it is the first car I ever drove. I have tried online insurance sites to see how much it would be to insure. All the prices are very high. I just wanted some advice on how to insure this car cheap. Or at least cheaper then the quotes I have been getting. I am willing to keep it in a garage, it has an alarm and I will use a steering lock, but the quotes are still expensive. .Thanks for any help I get
How much does Car insurance cost?
I am 17 and a half about to get a license. I want to know an estimate on how much car insurance will cost for me alone. The car I'ma use is an 1990 Acura Integra. I really don't want a it depends answer haha. Just want a best guess? What's the best type of car insurance and is recommended? And is there any discounts that can help me?
Will my car insurance cost less when the surcharge ends?
Please let me know what your experience gas been.. Thank you
What are some good insurance companies?
I am 20 years old, working part-time, living on Connecticut and making around 800 a month. I was wondering if any one has some ideas of good but affordable health insurance I would be able to buy on my own?""
Full Coverage Insurance ripping me off ?
I got a wreckless driving dui dropdown in ohio live in kentucky in my Nissan 350z was paying $70 a month for full coverage under my parents plan... Now 2 years later after dealing with a bunch of bullshit driving a pos car with just liability for $100 a month in insurance for 2 years I finally have enough to buy a 08 nissan altima and I checked what full coverage would be and they told me $300 full coverage cheapest so I gave a few different cars and still the same price....Does it make since if my car payment is only $220 a month why in the hell would anyone pay more for insurance..?? & before you start saying something like a troll would I live in the country there is no bus stops or anything so I need a vehicle to get to work and back at this point the insurance cost to much for me to even afford when you have a apartment on ur own and only making $13/hour full time America doesn't make a god danm bit of since is this what the world is coming poverty P.S I hope i don't hit anyone without insurance....if only insurance was affordable.
How can I get insurance without a job?
I want to be a full time nanny but I won't be getting insurance. How can I get my own insurance?
What is the cheapest 7 seater car to insure for a new driver?
What is the cheapest 7 seater car to insure for a new driver?
What car would you get between the 06-07 scion tc or the 06-07 mitsubishi eclipse ?
Ok i know this question has been asked a million times on this, so let me be the million and one person to ask and hopefully for the last time. Thing is , i need to buy another care and is between those 2 cars and i just dont know which one to get. I don't know much about cars and so on so i would like some decent answers on which one i should get and why, my third choice was taken out of the equation when i read up on it on the kbb website, thrid choice was an audi tt but alot of people complained about how often it needed to be fixed for something The factors that most concern me are -Realibilty -Insurance cost -How much would it cost for maintance and repairs -which one is built better -which one of the two do you think looks better -which one will last me longer in the long run for those who would ask , i live in florida , and would like an automatic just incase those things are taken into consideration tours making my decision. i know this has been asked a million times but i really need to just settle for one or the other so please help me out thank you in advance for those who answer.""
How much would my car insurance be?
Right now I have a Nissan Maxima that im paying about $1000 per year liability insurance on. But this car is giving me problems and I am tired of putting money into it so im looking into a new one. I seen a nice 08 Honda that I can afford but my only concern is that my insurance will skyrocket because I have been told that I would have to get full coverage on it. So about how much would insurance on a 08 Honda accord be for a 20 year old male. Btw I have all state right now can anyone recommend a nice cheap insurance?
Motorcycle Buying Advice For Teen?
I'm 17 years old and plan on getting my motorcycle license in about 2 weeks. By the end of summer I was hoping to give my mom money to make a large downpayment on a bike and finance it to make monthly payments on it. However I then read up on insurance and read that in the teens if you don't pay cash for a bike the price of insurance is outrageous and near nothing when you pay cash because it's only liability. Would it be better to finance the bike or just wait a year or two and save up money to buy one off of craigslist? Thanks!
Should I get insurance on a car loan?
It's been many years since I got a car loan, but we're in need of a replacement car. I started to get pre-approved, but during the process they asked about insurance on the loan. Things like death, DISM and UEMP . I've no idea what the last 2 are; or if I should or shouldn't get it. This may be what I've heard called GAP Insurance , although doing a web search on that term resulted in hits related to car leases, and I'm not looking to lease a car, but to buy one, so I don't know if that applies or not. Bottom line: do I need this or not? I'm sure the answer, in part, will be it depends ; well, until I know what it depends upon, I can't make any intelligent decision about this.""
How does insurance in general work?
and what are some of the rules of finanace for insurance??
Do you know of any extremely low cost car insurance for cars?
Please dont say companies like Geico, progressive, etc. i am looking for something that I have not looked at already- that maybe someone on here has experience with. i live in NJ, but that really doesnt matter when shopping for auto insurance.""
What is the cost of baby health insurance?
I am doing a project for health class, called baby's first year. I have every thing that i would cost to have a baby except Doctor, Hospital cost and health Insurance. If you know how ...show more""
What is the cheapest auto insurance you have found for Louisiana?
We by far are one of the highest rated states in the US. I am looking for ways to save money and I am sure this is a good way. What company works for you?
What is the best and cheapest company for motorcycle insurance?
I am a rider with 10 years of driving experience but my license lapsed and I was forced to start over as a new driver (M1 graduated liecense). I'm married, in my 30's, I drive a 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 and have never made any claims.""
Where can I find car insurance who will LISTEN to my circumstances.?
I have been driving for over 20 years but the last 5 years have been on my husbands policy for company cars. Before then I had full no claims but lost them as we lived in Singapore on a 3 year work contract, I was driving there also with a Singapore driving licence. When we came back to the UK I have been driving brand new top of the range 2.0 cars.(accident free) Now I need to get car insurance but the set forms do not take any of this into account. Hence the hefty quotes. I have only 1 controversial speeding penalty. Why dont you insurers out there LISTEN !!!""
""Hello , I have a car in my wifes name ...but the car insurance is in my name can i get it licensed?
Can i get it licensed in kentucky ...while it is in her name? ..she doesn't drive ..i have the insurance on the car in my name..etc .
Where do I get low rate insurance in Toronto?
I am 56 and clean driver. My daughter is 25 and new driver.Which company can give me a better low rate insurance in Toronto?
Car insuance??
what highers your insurance and what are some tips to lower it??? I am a 16 YEAR OLD GUY so its gunna b high because of that i have heard if u have a ~sports car ~coupe ~yellow car ~if ur a guy ~if ur a teen ~if u buy a high profile car ~if u drive more than 40 miles a day ~if u have a bad driving record all these things higher the cost of insurance.... anything else and any tips?
Anyone know of an insurance company in Alabama that covers Suboxone?
Ive been checking around and BCBS said that I wouold have to wait till after a year of coverage untill they would cover that drug for some reason, also would it be considered a pre-existing condition if I was prescribed the drug before I obtained coverage?""
Aviation Insurance Question.?
How much do universities with aviation departments spend on average to insure their entire fleet of training aircraft annually?
Unemployed pay more for car insurance?
The 'cat is most definately out of the bag' about big insurance companies in the UK who are making a mint from people who find themselves out of a job and renew their car insurance policies and find that their premiums have nearly doubled because of their circumstances. We already know of the money-spinning ideas they already have , ie Young Drivers and Female Drivers...now they are hitting the Redundant Jobless. Are there no lengths that these companies will stoop to make billions from us?""
Need health insurance for my child
need health insurance for my child I have a child who lives with his mom and I need to buy health insurance for him, Im also moving o/s so I cannot get insurance though my work, does anyone know of any programs or discount insurance company I can go though.""
Cheap car insurance for first time driver in new jersey?
Cheap car insurance for first time driver in new jersey?
Good used sports car that won't jack up my insurance?
I am 17 and getting my license in november and I want to buy sports car (ex:mustang) that won't jack up my insurance, and won't break down all the time, my budget is about 12,000. Any recommendations?""
If I am 16 can I get a rental car if my insurance company covers it?
We went to the rental car company and they said that being under the age of 18 I can not get a rental car, but I do have full rental coverage on my insurance. Would I be covered to get one since I have full rental coverage? I am going to call my insurer tomorrow to see. But I'd like to know now.""
Ford Mustang for a first car?
I know people say mustangs for 16 year olds have high insurance, but would buying an older model (1994-2000) with the V6 make insurance cheaper? Thanks!""
What do you buy first- the car or the insurance? In Oregon.?
Last year, I sold my car. Since I did not have a car, I stopped my insurance. Now, I am ready to buy a car again, via a dealership. Do I have to already have the insurance, or do I wait until I purchase the car to buy the insurance?""
Can car insurance transfer?
I am under the insurance of my dads current car. If he purchase another car in his name for me, can I transfer from his current car insurance to his new car. (Aka is my name tied to a car) Or is it that I am under his insurance, it covers all cars he purchase. Or is it I have to cancel from his current car insurance plan and sign my name under his to the insurance of the new car. He will be paying.""
How do I find health insurance if I have been told we are uninsurable?
I am asking this question for my m-in-law. Retired early, had extensive back surgery, f-in-law has diabetes and possible heart issues. Going to be coming off of COBRA in California, and are looking for health insurance. Aren't there health insurances like Medicaid/Care that cover hard to insure people that are in > 50yr age group?? What if they change their residency from Calif. to Texas?? Does it matter??""
Cheap first car for son?
I only have about $2,500. Prefer something newer than '99. Has to be reliable and look decent. SUV's are a plus (cheaper on his insurance). Any ideas? thanks!""
Laddies. Is there any good Health Insurance that is not that expensive?
I know this is a dump question to ask but is there a Health Insurance that is not that expensive out there? I live in Missouri and she is 29 years old. We have 2 kids and live pay check to pay check. We tried Medicaid but they won't cover it unless you don't work or have more kids, and both are out of the question. I don't make a lot of money where I work but it does pay the Bills. I have tried to get a 2nd Job but with my first Job it doesn't always work out. I have to work over time and that doesn't cut it with most Jobs. I am trying to find a good health insurance that I can afford to help pay for her hospital visits. Please help me.""
""Auto Insurance, Please Help!?""
What are good coverage amounts for Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured Motorist for auto insurance? I just want to make sure i have enough coverage for my insurance.""
Someone hit my dad's car with no insurance?
So my dad was on his way home from work. At an intersection, he was waiting for the light to turn green, when suddenly someone hit him from the back, probably because the person didn't stop in time. So the person waved his hand to go somewhere to park and exchange information. Notice, no witness besides the two of them. Well, it was a crowded intersection and at dinner time, so no one stopped, and it's impossible to track any down. My dad was panicking, so he just followed the guy. Both exchanged legitimate information and drove home. When my dad got home, of course, it was past 8pm, so we couldn't call the insurance company. So we did all the paperwork the next day. It turned out, the guy's insurance had expired just 1 month before. We told the guy and he said okay and will pay by cash. My dad went to the autodealer and the price is about $4000. So the problem is now, we've been keep calling him and he doesn't pick up. He picked up the first couple of times, but now he doesn't anymore. We told him the price already. What should we do? Take him to court? I heard you don't get anything out of it. We have the guy's info, because his old insurance sent it. It happened on 16/01/2013 Orange County, California My dad's car Mercedes ML320 2001. Damage: the trunk is pretty damaged, can't open it anymore. Obvious it was hit by a car. We just want the guy to pay for what he did.""
Motorcycle Buying Advice For Teen?
I'm 17 years old and plan on getting my motorcycle license in about 2 weeks. By the end of summer I was hoping to give my mom money to make a large downpayment on a bike and finance it to make monthly payments on it. However I then read up on insurance and read that in the teens if you don't pay cash for a bike the price of insurance is outrageous and near nothing when you pay cash because it's only liability. Would it be better to finance the bike or just wait a year or two and save up money to buy one off of craigslist? Thanks!
Should I get a full coverage insurance on a rental car?
I have to rent a car for 2 weeks for business. Supposely, the cost should be reimbursed to me by a company after the assingment is done. Not sure if I can truly trust that. But anyway, if I don't get the insurance, it will be $500. But if I get insurance, it is $1200. I am a safe driver and I will be in a rural place. I am trying to convince myself that I don't need it. But then again, I worry about what might happen if accidents occur. The cost of rental car will be reimbursed by a company. But I am not sure if they are actully going to do that in timely manner and my credit card balance is high. I don't want to put extra money charged into my account. My credit card company and auto insurance company (on my own car) told me that they do not have insurance coverage on rental cars. What do you think? Thanks""
How to make health insurance more affordable/cheaper?
can someone give me some sites to provide me with information? i have to do a problem-solution speech on economic change. sites with statistics are definitely desired.
What style of vehicles is cheaper to insure and which is body type more expensive?
Also, which insurance company is generally cheaper with SUVs such as a ford explorer?""
How much will my insurance raise for 2 points on my license?
I recently got a ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign, I don't know for sure but I'm guessing it's gonna be two points on my license. I have already paid the ticket, I live in georgia, I'm 17, my insurance provider is state farm, I am currently paying $78 a month for only liability, I have no other tickets, but I did get a written warning for 21mph over. Will this warning count as any points or be recorded on my record? Roughly how much do you think my ticket will raise my insurance a month? thank you""
Yes/No: Do you have health insurance?
Yes/No: Do you have health insurance?
What type of insurance is needed to start a cheerleading team?
I would like to start a cheerleading team but do not know what insurance is needed to protect me from being sued if someone is injured during practice. and what other advice is important to know when starting such a bussines?
How much does affordable health insurance cost?
How much does affordable health insurance cost?
Is my auto insurance valid after curfew?
If my 16 year old gets in an acident after 11 pm, curfew, is my auto insurance policy still in effect?""
Non owners insurance?
Where can I find good quality, affordable non owners insurance I live in Elmwood park,Il...""
Insurance problems please help?
My mom got insured for my car, and i was wondering if i get in a crash would the policy still cover me? I dont was to put my name on the list cause for myself it costs a 114 to about 200 just for liabilty. I am 18 years old and i drive a chevy malibu""
Motorcycle insurance?
my motorcycle insurance policy is about to expire next month, so im just looking into companies/experiences to see if i should switch (since getting quotes isnt as easy as they make it sound!!). ive been with progressive for a year and pay 93$ a month. i was honest when i joined and said i had less than a year of experience-- i'd literally learned how to ride right before signing up with them, though because i learned with one of those motorcycle safety courses, i got a small discount with them. so, now, i have a year of experience as well as a year of owning my bike (which i paid for in full and am the sole owner of). i'm 20 year old female, have a kawasaki ninja 500r, use it for pleasure purposes. my driving history, unfortunately, is not pristine. in 2009 i got a speeding violation for MORE than 10mph over the speed limit (that was in my car), and last month, sadly, i was in an accident that was my fault (also in car) (no injuries). i havent had any infractions on the bike. i have a motorcycle endorsement on my license and, as i said, passed a motorcycle safety foundation course. i got a quote with geico, and their prices were really just obscene. so, basically, i just want to hear from other ppl who deal with the same thing. how much do you pay for bike insurance? have any good recommendations for companies? what companies are known for being a little bit more forgiving about accidents, seeing as i just had one (again, in my car, not my bike, but i know it matters). any tips, etc? i know being young and not having a lot of experience are not on my side, just thought id try :)""
Where to go to get a quote?
Hi people, I'm seventeen, taking my driving lessons but find it incredibly hard to get a quote for insurance. I want a rough estimate so i know how much to save but every site i have checked is for someone who already owns a car. If anyone has any good sites or references for my position it would be appreciated. thanks dudes XD""
""Female 19 year-old-, non-owner, occasional driver, Florida. Insurance premium increase?""
Okay, here are the details: My sister (who is 5 years older than me) got her first car 6 years ago at the age of 18. She didn't get her license until AFTER she bought the car. It was a '94 Blazer SUV. My parents' insurance went up about $800/year when she and the car were added. Then, she got married in 2002 and was removed from my parents' policy. Not much has changed since then; they are still paying pretty much the same premiums. So, since I also decided to wait until I was at least 18 to get my license due to the increase of insurance premiums, last fall I started inquiring with my parents' agent about how much it would be for me to be added. I turned 19 in December 2007, and was quite sure it would be less for me to be added considering I am a year older than my sister was when she got her license, and I do not own a car of my own. (Continued below...)""
Should i use life insurance or annuity or retirement?
my wife has a non qualified annuity @ 3% fixed rate. my question is on her renewel medicaid application should i use annuity-retirement or life insurance policy. thanks for any help & may GOD bless.
Starting a insurance comany(drivers require minimum 4 year no claim discount) start up cost?
Starting a insurance comany(drivers require minimum 4 year no claim discount) start up cost?
How do you get someone's car insurance provider?
The accident happened at a house i dont know if that counts as privite property or not but I've contact my own insurance filing it under my own policy. I gave them the opposite partys number and tag and they did tell me he did give a recorded statement. The insurance does hold him responsible but he refuses to give up any insurance at all. Is there anyway you can get insurance company through a tag number?
""Car accident, no insurance?""
I just got into an accident 5 days ago. I still don't believe it was my fault if anything maybe both of ours. Regardless she had minor damage. She was on the phone obviously not paying attention as I was pulling out of the driveway when she was attempting to pull into a drive way across from the one I was pulling out of. So as you can imagine it's hard telling. We both have scratches on our left hand side bumpers but she has a dent that can be fixed. She had her friend with her so it was hard to really even defend myself because it was her word against mine. She called the police, thank God they passed because no one was hurt. They just told her to take down my information and deal with it. She took down my license plate, took pictures, such a drama queen, it honestly wasn't that bad. She has my license number too but when I when I went to call my insurance provider, they said it wasn't renewed. No police report, and she hasn't called me with a quote. How much trouble can I get in??""
Looking for insurance on older apts in Mewrced Ca?
QWe are looking for affordable property insurance for our older apts. We keep them up.
How much will this car insurance be?
im 18 just about to get my liscense , im looking to get and audi a3 worth 7.999 used . how much approx woukd insurance be?""
Do I need insurance on a 50cc moped/scooter in Oregon?
...and if so how much? I'm looking at a 1986 honda spree and saw that it gets great gas mileage, registration is cheap, it's perfect for me. I'm a poor college student, working part time, and am in need of a money saver. So an estimate of insurance IF I need it would be great! :)""
Im 19 and look for a cheap car with some power but quotes below 900?
im 19 year old i got my full licence for 2 years now and im looking to buy a car a cheap second hand one any would be good to be honest just need it to be 1. big so people can fit in comfortably 2. reliable 3. good mpg 4. not ugly 5. 1 litre - 1.4litre 6. and ermm it must be a car nice to drive and can go on motorways without struggling thanks i was thinking about a vw polo or a vw golf but im not sure if they would be cheap on insurance thanks :)
Cheapest car to insure/ run in UK for a 21 year old female?
Someone said Renault Clio. Then someone said no, because they're branded boy racers. Then someone said Vauxhall Corsa. But then they're supposed to break down frequently. I don't like Ford Ka's or Micra's. Help me please! Aha x""
Anyone know of cheap car insurance for my 18 yr son thanks?
Anyone know of cheap car insurance for my 18 yr son thanks?
How much does a full cover car insurance cost in north caroline ?
trying to move to NC but want to know about the price of a nissan altima 2005 4 door , the price for a full cover on my car how much would it cost me > I have it lease anyone knows ????""
Auto Insurance Question?
I am a new driver and I just received my G2 a couple of moths ago. I am trying to get auto insurance at a cheep rate. I tried to add my name to my dads insurance (Johnson insurance) and their quote was 120 per month which seems a but excessive as I am only a casual driver. I was just looking for some advice and wondering if I should pay 120 per month or try elsewhere or try to barging with them Thanks a lot for any help
Motorcycle Buying Advice For Teen?
I'm 17 years old and plan on getting my motorcycle license in about 2 weeks. By the end of summer I was hoping to give my mom money to make a large downpayment on a bike and finance it to make monthly payments on it. However I then read up on insurance and read that in the teens if you don't pay cash for a bike the price of insurance is outrageous and near nothing when you pay cash because it's only liability. Would it be better to finance the bike or just wait a year or two and save up money to buy one off of craigslist? Thanks!
Would you accept a job working as an Insurance Call Center Agent?
The job entails helping senior citizens all over the country obtain affordable insurance solutions that cover their final expenses and medical bills. The work hours are Monday  ...show more
Cheapest for motorcycle insurance?
Got a 2000 zx6r ninja today and need insurance what company seems to be the cheapest. I dont need full coverage bought bike cash.
Car insurance?????????????????????...
i just got a quote from adrimal car insurance... and im going on through someone elses insurance..... i have been driving for a month and there quote was 658 a year.... around 54 a month.... the car is a saxo 1.6 8v is this quote good? thanks x
Confused.com form for car insurance?
Im looking to purchase an audi s3 and im 21, however the insurance is too much so what im thinking is to buy the car and then insure the car to my dads name so he can drive it for a year or 2 (I WONT BE INSURED ON IT) until i can be insured on it. My question is, on confused.com it asks when did you purchase the vehicle? And if i put say 2 years ago the price of the insurance drops compared to if i brought it say today. Is it ok to do this? When they ask when did you purcahse the car can i say 2 years ago? Hope this makes sense if you use confused.com you will know what i mean. Im really enthusiastic about audis and in particular the s3, im looking to join the members club online. So will this work to lower my insurance when i want to insure myself on it? Also what will be the deal with the registered keeper and owner of the vehicle? Would that be me? Even though my dad would be the person insured on the vehicle? I know im trying to obtain cheaper insurance but if i dont drive it for 2 years i dont see a problem in this. any ideas? What if my dad is the registered owner then registers it to me in 2 years will i have to say i brought the car 2 years ago or when my dad registers it over to me?""
""How do i get an car insurance quote without giving (name, address, social security no, etc)?""
A 2001 toyota sienna xle, for a 15 year old driver W/ Learners Permit living in bellevue, WA never had one ticket or accident, mostly A's grades, employed PS Not 15 yet but am employed, just wanna know when the time comes""
What is the best car on cheap car insuRANCE?
Motorcycle insurance?
can someone recommend me to a good motorcycle insurance. Thanks
What does it cost to get registration and tag for a 1992 thunderbird? also insurance a month?
i am 18 years old and this is my first car...
How much will my insurance company give me for a totaled car?
i bought a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero and totaled it less than a month later. the kbb value of the car is about $3000. Can anyone tell me about how much i should get from the insurance company?
Car insurance confusion?
I have full comp. insurance for my car and I can drive any other vehicle as 3rd party (As per policy). I also own another car which is not insured to anyone...Can I drive my this car (un insured) under my existing policy as 3rd party ?
Whats a good insurance out there that would cover prenatal care?
i am looking for type of insurance that would cover prenatal care.. but i don't know where to start from!!
Car accident will his insurance pay for the rental?
I got hit by a Semi the police came we exchanged insurance info I got estimates faxed them to his insur and they paid me but now the Body shop guy say's its gonna be a week to fix ...show more
What is good Car insurance in Atlanta?
I'm moving to Atlanta. What is a good car insurance to get and at a reasonable price. I'm not sure the whole breakdown but state farm was about the best price I could find for about 120 dollars a month and that includes renters insurance for about 10 dollars a month. Please tell me what insurance you have and the breakdown of it and how much you spend a month on car insurance in the Atlanta area. Thanks a lot
Can you really find cheap health insurance ?
I live in mass and i can not find health insurance for my needs and have been denied by the state health insurance. Dont know what to do ... anyone can help ?
""My husband and I are self employed.....We are shopping for health Insurance, what do recommend?""
We are looking for affordable health insurance, but I don't even know where to begin....If you are self employed, who is your provider and why?""
Second car insurance very very expensive - why? What would make it cheaper?
Hi, Me and my fiancee currently own and insure a Rover 25, V reg, 1.4 ltr, through Quinn. I'm the main driver and she's a named driver. We currently pay about 400 for tpf&t for the policy, and this has been roughly the price since we started the policy about 2 1/2 years ago. We're now looking at getting a second car as we will be working in different areas. My Grandma offered me her old Nissan Micra (1.3 ltr, K-reg) for us to have. I phoned up Quinn to get a quote for this car and they quoted 2,020!! I can't understand why it's so much more expensive, it's ridiculous! The lady I spoke to couldn't give me any adequate explanation of why it was so expensive, though she mentioned that we wouldn't be able to use a NCB on it as it would have to be an entirely new policy. But we took our first car policy with no NCB and that was a fraction of the price. Apparently the micra is called a Super-S or something, though it is not suped up or a fancy model or anything. Could that be it? We've tried a few other insurers and they also give expensive quotes (1000+) though not as ridiculous as Quinn. Any ideas why it would be so expensive? What could we change to try to make it cheaper? Change each car to have one named driver ony? Try a different car? Find a multicar insurer? I'm 31, she's 28, and we've both been driving for 2 3/4 years with no claims, points, convictions etc. Thanks.""
What is the cheapest way for me to pay for car insurance?
I'm 17 years old, and I recently passed my G2 exam...soo happy :) but now I dont have insurance to drive. So I asked my dad and he said I could get it, but I would have to pay myself. I totally understand that but I don't understand how the car insurance policy works. I took driver's ED with my school and I know that my insurance price is lowered because of that and I'm girl so my insurance would be less expensive than guys but I would like to know what the cheapest way for me to pay for insurance is.""
What is a cheap insurance?
I am a student and i dont want to pay a lot for car insurance i want the cheapest
Marine Insurance?
Why do the Underwriters enjoy an apparent freedom to give seven days notice and announce an area a war risk zone and, effectively, arbitrarily withdraw insurance cover? - like cases in the Straits of Malacca -""
What is the best rated auto insurance in California and why?
I'm having trouble finding ratings by people regarding their auto/home insurance. I'm located in Southern California. I don't mind paying a premium for better coverage.
""Car accident, not at fault, but no insurance, other driver has no license. what to do?""
my parents got into a car accident with another driver. however, it wasn't their fault. in addition, my parents don't have insurance for that car because they just go it about 2 months ago (used.) but we have 2 other vehicles that are insured. does that mean that our car is technically under the policy? The other driver, who was at fault, HAS NO LICENSE but has an identification card, and has insurance. (her license is probably suspended) what are my parent's options?""
Why is my car on Motor Insurance Database (MID) while I haven't bought insurance yet?
I've just bought a used car for my son, received the new log book; however, I haven't bought insurance yet, as I intend to keep the car off road at the moment. But when I checked my car on the Motor Insurance Database (MID), it recognized my car. Apparently it is ok to drive this car, although I haven't bought insurance for it. Do you think this is ok, or will I be stopped by the police driving this car?""
What are affordable health insurance plans in mass?
private insurances, available to full time college students""
If my car insurance finds out that i scratched my rental car will my rates go up? (it's my second incident)?
i am renting a car, i scratched it, my credit card will cover the damage but i have to first report it to my car insurance. will this make my rates go up?""
How can i find out if someone has insurance on me?
life insurance police
Motorcycle Buying Advice For Teen?
I'm 17 years old and plan on getting my motorcycle license in about 2 weeks. By the end of summer I was hoping to give my mom money to make a large downpayment on a bike and finance it to make monthly payments on it. However I then read up on insurance and read that in the teens if you don't pay cash for a bike the price of insurance is outrageous and near nothing when you pay cash because it's only liability. Would it be better to finance the bike or just wait a year or two and save up money to buy one off of craigslist? Thanks!
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