#and she really enjoys them but pretends she doesn't (secret theatre kid!!)
enbymai · 5 months
the exes are bestfriending:
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dongyeonsimp · 1 year
EVERYONE!!!! I found an old draft of this series and I'm tempted to start uploading it so lmk if the premise sounds nice because I had already written a few chapters: (also heads up I'm not American so idk if I got this right also it barely has any angst in it)
Vincenzo cast but all in high school!
The gist:
Vincenzo, Paulo, Cha Young and Han Seok are all seniors (year 11)Luca is a sophomore (year 10 I think) and Han Seo and Mi-Ri are freshmans. Miss Choi and Mr Han and the others are all either parents or teachees
Ofc there's other characters but they all get along with each other except for Vincenzo and Paulo, who try to one up eachother all the time, Han Seok isn't as close of a friend to Vincenzo compared to the others but they're pretty alright. Han Seok adores his embarrassing brother and Luca is friends with everyone. Cha Young and Vincenzo have something brewing between them and Paulo likes Cha Young even though he never has a chance.
Their personalities/life:
Han Seo is a theatre kid who is usually in charge of organising the events. He doesn't get on with his step mom but he likes his dad and brother. He's very shy but becomes best friends with anyone who makes an effort with him, which isn't really anyone outside of the theatre club since they're all branded as losers. He likes baking, knitting, learning new languages and going on runs. He excells in most subjects except for Literature. He's diagnosed as autistic and has ADHD and social anxiety.
Mi-Ri is in the theatre club and is in charge of the piano but occasionally plays the role of a ghost if she's feeling bothered. She's confrontational and one of the oldest girls in her year so she's typically not messed with. She sticks up for the kids her age who are being bullied, which is how she met Han Seo. She likes playing the piano, learning new languages, singing and volunteering.
Luca is in the theatre club as an actor. He's really good at singing but way too shy to do much. He used to get picked on for being a foreigner but once Vincenzo showed everyone what would happen to those who messed with Luca, nobody dared to do anything. He's still from a mafia family but he keeps that a secret. He likes going to the gym, singing, acting, eating whatever Han Seo has baked and archery.
Han Seok despises Han Seo's birth mother but never blamed Han Seo for her mistake. He's popular and in a lot of sports clubs, constantly in 2nd place to Vincenzo. Girls adore him and everyone wants to be his friend although he's highly selective with who can actually be his friend. He's confident, handsome and charming. He gets on with his mother and brother but not his father, who he never forgave for his infidelity. He's also not a psychopath! He knows his father doesn't really love his sons that much but he protects Han Seo from the truth by telling made up stories of the nice things he overheard their father say about Han Seo on the phone, gifting Han Seo presents on his birthday and pretending they're from his father etc because he knows Han Seo was so excited to have a dad when he joined their household. Everyone who's ever met Han Seok knows he adores his baby bro even if he pretends to be embarrassed or annoyed by him. He enjoys trying to beat Vincenzo at anything, hunting, archery, pining after Cha Young and making girls blush.
Vincenzo moved to Korea during sophomore (year 10) year with his cousin Luca, who he adores, and his little brother Paulo, who he hates because he never really accepted having an older adopted brother. He was ecstatic when they moved because he was no longer the odd one out. He's also from a mafia family and keeps it a secret, although he did recently connect with his birth mother who he forgave after learning the true story. Hes the best in the school at every subject, he's popular and well respected by basically everyone. After Luca became friends with Han Seo and Mi-Ri, he took on the role of parenting them alongside Han Seok and Cha Young, who he's slowly started falling in love with. He likes reading, sports, going to the gym, playing poker and learning.
Cha Young lives with her father but is currently going through a phase where she hates him. She's pretty and enjoys the attention she gets from boys although has her heart set on Vincenzo. She's not well liked by the girls because she sticks up for herself and isn't a pick me. She knows Han Seok likes her but doesn't really like him back. She likes picking fights, drinking, skipping school and teasing boys.
So in conclusions, my usual peeps of @minialienhuman @seerya @aerith-azalea @56707 @helianthus21 would you wanna read a series of one shots of this cast?
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