#and she was like yea no i took like 3/4 of all the coffee crisps
grauspitz · 11 months
shoutout to my sister for making a candy bowl just for the family and filling it with only the top tier candy from what we picked up for the kids
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 3]
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Part 1 - Part 2
Chapter 10.75: It’s Vinegar- Wha?- It’s Vinegar, Pussy
I’ve been taking notice of the servants, they all have distinct features and some of them seem to serve a particular family member when they come around. Which leads me to think that this servant that took the picture probably knows the most about the house. From what I remember from the hologram, this servant is male presenting with light skin, sun spots, salt and pepper hair with a very pronounced nose. Problem is, I haven’t seen him.
I had some afternoon tea by myself in the parlor as uncle Tensei did some calls to our extended family. Usually I hate having tea time, because it makes me feel like a pompous piece of shit rich boy and I prefer coffee anyways. But I took the tea this time to observe the servants. I learned that they all gather in the kitchen at 8pm to gossip before the non-live in servants have to leave for the day. So I snuck down to the kitchen to listen in.
“...Can you believe I served afternoon tea again! Ugh, when will I forget he’s dead now?!”
“I saw, nice save that you served it to Iwata-chan.”
“Man that kid beefed up! He used to be so timid and never show his power. But I saw the way he levitated those antiques with ease, kid is like his mother.”
“Maybe we’ll get to see more of the family now that he’s dead?! The mother is just so pleasant to be around.”
“Too bad Thad-kun won’t be here to see them spend more time at the estate. He loved Itati-sama and Tenya-sama.”
I peeked my head in “Who’s Thad-kun?”
The staff yelped and jumped at my sudden appearance.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you!” I bowed in forgiveness “But I couldn’t help but to overhear that there’s a servant that isn’t here anymore?”
“Yes, Thaddeus was one of the oldest servants here” spoke one of the female servants “he was the previous head of estate’s favorite servant, from Thad’s record, he was about 20 when the previous head of estate inherited the estate. Since then, Thad was in service of him and only him.”
“Yea, Thad-kun passed two years ago of the flu in his private quarters” spoke one of the chefs “Poor man didn’t have any family or children, just spent his whole life serving the Iida family. But he adored all the family that married in and the children, he took pictures of all the children when they’re newborns and puts them in this scrapbook.”
“Oh yea the scrapbook! Pretty sure it’s in the parlor bookcase” chimed in a younger servant “We hid it from the old head of estate, we were scared that he might destroy it or something. Anything to preserve the memory of our friend.”
“Yup, all of us feared that old man. But Thad-kun knew how to calm him and never missed a single tea time” said the chef “We have his journal in the parlor book case as well. There’s notes on what that old man liked in case he wasn’t around to serve him and we dip into it when anything comes up.”
“Hmm, I just might crack into them” I pondered “Thank you for sharing! Sorry for interrupting again, I’ll be taking my leave.”
“Any time Iwata-chan!” said all the staff as they waved bye to me.
I float my way to the parlor, trying to not make noise to catch the attention of my uncle or the other servants that have night duties. I search through the books to find an old green leather photo album and a worn black journal. I took the books to my room to look them over, the album had so many pictures of couples and babies with their names neatly written underneath the photo. It was so organized that I could trace back to who was my great-grand father! Apparently I came from a side branch family and that theres 4 branch families and one main, but the main family didn’t marry and had children to maintain lineage. So great grand uncle was the last one of the main family. I only know of one other branch family, the other two are a mystery to me. Getting to the end of the album, I put it to the side and opened up the journal. I get to an interesting part that reads: 
March 14th, 
I helped Iida-sama take down portraits in the Lineage Hall. He’s asked me to burn them but I don’t have the heart to do so. When he left for work, I hid them in the West wing linens closet. I can only hope he will forgive me someday. Erasing these people and only keeping the heroes this family is the work of a tyrant! Mothers, daughters and non-engine sons are to be celebrated with their hero relatives. May the next heir see the light and I’ll unearth the family hidden history.
The west wing linens closet?! Such a place exists?
-The next day-
“Tio, what’s the agenda for today?” I asked after breakfast.
“Today I’m going to check in with the agency on the phone” responded Uncle Tensei “then talk to the gardeners, then we plan for a welcome ball.”
“Oh uhhhhh can any of those things wait until tomorrow?” I got timid over the full schedule of things “because I found an important clue regarding the portraits.”
Uncle Tensei looked at me with intensity “The agency can wait, show me what you found.”
I showed them the journal entry “...so do you know wheres that linens closet?”
“Hmmm the West wing is used to store the decorative pieces of the estate for Balls or other events” pondered Tensei “Nobody in the family would think of finding something that important there since it’s a servant accessible area...”
We looked at each other and activated our arm engines to zip to the west wing. It was like we shared the singular brain cell at that moment and it was telling us to stop being civil and zoom. And sure enough, there was the portraits! Still in excellent condition and in their original frames. There were some without frames and they were portraits of the women that married in the family in the recent decades, the most recent one was of my mom. I looked at the portrait and was stunted by the artist’s capture of her natural beauty. The way they painted the flower crown and her curls, the exact shade of medium tan skin, the detail of the rebozo on her shoulders and the crisp white of the traditional dress. She was so young in this portrait and it made me wonder when this was taken.
“Oh my I remember when this one was painted” chuckled Uncle Tensei as he caught me gawking at the painting “Your dad had this arranged for your mom’s 24th birthday, months before they got married. These are usually done with traditional wear and since your mom isn’t Japanese, she showed up in that dress and shawl. All the women in the family were fawning over how beautiful her traditional dress was. The artist was so inspired by the flowers in her hair that he had he pose in the garden, making her portrait the only one painted in an outside setting.”
“Wow, she had that type of power over others huh?” I said in awe.
“She didn’t want to at first but the family painter convinced her that she was already the first ethnic woman to marry into the family, may as well make the portrait as unique as possible” a frown slowly crept onto his face “But then great grand uncle wanted the portrait scraped because she wasn’t in kimono and that she looked unkept with her down down and no makeup. Honestly, I feel like he didn’t want Tenya to marry her because of her ethnicity but turned a blind eye on that because she was a CEO and wanted to asset the company. Your dad had this whole plan to make a garden for your mother to frolic in when he gets the estate, with lots of flowers and fruit trees OH and the lily pond! It was going to take up like half of that empty lawn space in the middle.”
I looked at the portrait “So much fuss over this woman.”
“But she was worth it. Look at all the things she contributed to the family!” He started to describe “She doesn’t see it but she’s a blessing to us. We needed someone outspoken and bold to challenge great grand uncle’s tyrannic ways.”
That stayed with me for the rest of my time at the estate. I didn’t know what to think of my mom anymore, yes she’s amazing but she kept an important part of history from me and who know who else?! Finally, after 6 days of tolerating it, I was able to go home! And just in time! It’s the day before Christmas Eve and Lili is flying in today. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home?” asked Uncle Tensei as I take my bags to the front door “I don’t have any business to attend to today.”
“Naw Tio, I’m good” I sigh tiredly “I’m just a little sick of spending time together like this, as much as I love you as my uncle” I float my bags “I just wanna go home on my own and reflect on things.”
“I understand, every young man needs their time alone” Tensei smiled warmly “Have a safe journey home, see you in a few days.”
I wave good bye “Bye bye tio!” I turn my head to the servants that gathered around “Bye bye everyone else! Thank you for helping me find the critical clue in the portrait mystery!”
Everyone bid me good bye and safe travel until I was out of sight. From there I took a short train trip and two buses home, picking up a few interesting things along the way that I could gift. In total, it took about 3 hours to get home. Whole time I was just thinking of the ways I was going to confront mom about what I learned. The ways I could say how I feel, the ways she might react...I don’t know what to expect! And I’m super nervous. I stood at the front door for maybe 5 minutes because of how nervous I was! Finally mustering the courage to open the door with my eyes closed, the air of baked goods hit me first. 
“I’m home” I announced myself, holding my breath to whoever answers.
“Iwata, you’re home” yipped the robo dog as it trots into view “Did you know it’s been 222 days since you’ve last been home?! I missed you very much and so has everyone else.”
I bent down to pet them “Has it? It feels longer than that” I booped their nose “I missed you too boy.”
“Mom is in the kitchen, Dad is picking up Lili at the airport, Hanaka is at her friend’s house and Tensei is practicing with their group” listed the robo “Everyone should be home before 7pm for dinner...it is now half past 4.”
I look at the clock thats mounted at the entrance to confirm the time, then looked down at the shoes. Mom’s were there in their usual spot and I kicked off mine in their usual spot. Now it feels like I’m home. I slowly made my way to the kitchen, and there she was, taking cookies out of the oven in her iconic floral apron.
“Mom? I’m home.”
“OH! Iwata! I didn’t hear you come in!” Mom squealed before setting down the hot tray to embrace me “I thought your were coming home tomorrow?!”
“Nah I’m sick of looking at Tio and doing rich people things” I gagged to drive my point “I left late morning and took public transport. I just really wanted to come home.”
“I understand mijo, I probably would’ve done the same” she pursed her lips and placed her hand on my face “Why don’t you settle back in? I’ll have some food ready for you if you’re hungry.”
My stomach growled in comedic timing “Heh, okay. I’ll go do that.”
My side of the room stayed untouched, as expected. Tensei was a good boy and doesn’t go through my things. I slammed myself face first into my bed and screamed into my pillow. GOD I missed my bed and the comforts of home! As I unpacked, I remembered what I was going to do and dreaded having to bring it up in casual conversation with her. I hid the device in my closet shelf, away from Hanaka’s prying eyes. When I finally showed myself downstairs, mom had my plate of food ready at my spot on the nook.
“How was things at the estate? Tensei hasn’t told me much other than it’s been busy.” Mom said as she washed her hands “Oh that reminds me! The school called tell me that you missed some finals and they’re letting you make them up the weekend before school resumes.”
I sat down “Things were weird mom. I learned way more than I asked for” I sighed and picked up my fork “I never want to be that rich and be without family! Did you know that the oldest butler hid the family portraits that the old man took down?! I didn’t know you had a portrait done with them.”
“You found it?! I thought that old man for sure destroyed it!” gasped Mom “It was a beautiful painting and a very sentimental art piece to your father. He wanted to keep it if the old man didn’t approve it to be hung in the estate, but before he could ask, it was gone! Or so we were told by the artist.” She sat at her spot to listen to me “What else?”
In between bites of chilaquiles, I told her of my time and who I spoke to. I tried to bring up what I wanted to confront to her about, but that look in her eyes and all her attention made me want more of her...I missed my mom and I as torn between all my emotions I was feeling. Wish I didn’t have to do this. Everyone came home and we were finally a full house. It felt so good to be in their company again, I didn’t even mind all the smothering this time! Suppose the confrontation has to wait.
-The next day, at breakfast-
“Damn B, it’s just spam and eggs with toast” said the twins, looking at Lili and me have a breakdown over our food.
Lili wipes her eyes “I KNOW! I have to cook for myself every meal” she pointed at her toast “I have to wake up at 6 in the god forsaken morning so I can buy bread like a peasant woman because there isn’t any chain grocery stores where I live in France!”
“I haven’t had a single decent meal since I lived in the dorms” I held my toast up gently “F in the chat for the toaster in the dorms that Beizu tore apart for parts in August.”
Lili held her toast up with me “F”
“Yall are so fucking weird” Hanaka said with a groan “You don’t see Oro and I do this shit.”
“Don’t make fun of your older siblings” scolded Dad with an arm chop “They’ve had a tough time being away from home. You’d understand once you have to cook for yourself everyday.”
“ANYWAYS! Mom, who’s coming tonight?” cut in Tensei.
“Oh ummm, Mr Hitoshi and his husband. Aunty Mimi with Nikita, uncle Jin, Mei and Beizu, Mr Tokoyami and Petti, the Ojiros” listed Mom “Aunty Midnight, Hoshi and the Midoriyas. So more people than usual.”
“Aw abuela and abuelito aren’t coming this year?” responded Tensei with a pout.
“They’re coming for abuelita’s birthday, so don’t get all pouty mijo” assured Mom “But after breakfast, we gotta get our butts in clean mode because Mr Hitoshi and his husband are coming at 3pm, they’re dropping the kids off at their grandparent’s then coming straight here.” 
And so I got back into the swing of things, my winter chore is cleaning the bathrooms and making sure they’re fully stocked with toiletries. I was done before our first guests were supposed to come, so my mind raced with how I was going to talk to mom as I showered.
“You decent?” knocked Lili at my door.
“Yea, come in” I said as I was drying my hair “What’s poppin’?”
She threw her arms around me and squeezed me “I just wanted to come in and hug you” she pinched my arms “Damn boy, UA beefed you up! I couldn’t tell under your baggy sweaters.” She laughed “But forrealzies, how much did you inherit?”
“Straight to the point huh?” I leaned in to her ear “2 million dollars and all the old man’s collectables.”
“Shut the fuck up!” gasped Lili “So you and tio were the only ones on the will?! That’s pretty wack, I’m the oldest and dad is literally that man’s family!”
I sighed “It’s complicated but I’ll say that it all has to do with mom.”
“Damn, but what are you going to do with the money?” asked Lili curiously.
“Might buy myself a house and go to college, or save it if I get a really good job out of high school.” I flop onto my bed “Lili, do you ever feel like mom has been hiding something from you?”
“Yea, it’s a given.”
I turn my head to face her “Wait what?”
“It’s a given. I’m sure mom hid things from us to protect us or because it’s none of our business” She responded “She’s a reasonable person, maybe she’ll tell us eventually when she’s ready to tell us. I’ve been curious of mom too when I was in high school. Nothing made sense and I felt like maybe I wasn’t going down the right path, so I asked her what she did and it opened up her past. After that conversation, I had more respect for her and felt like I can be more open to her about what I’m curious about.”
“Do you think she’ll answer me if I ask her something?” I felt my stomach tie itself into knots “I learned so much about her from other people that I’m not sure if we know the same person.”
Lili put her hand on my back “She’s our mom, no matter what, she’ll love us.”
That made me feel so much better about what I was about to do. I took my calming breaths at the base of the stairs before facing mom in the living room. She was having some down time after slaving over the pot of Pozolé and Ponché, her face still red from the heat of the pots.
“Hey mom, ummm mind if I ask you something?”
“Sure mijo is everything okay?” responded Mom as I sat down in the arm chair adjacent from the couch “You seem kind of stiff.”
“I’m just nervous” I responded “I just... I learned alot of things about you these past months. And I have so many questions that I’m afraid of knowing the answers too.”
“What is it? You can ask me anything” Mom said, looking attentively “You have my full attention.”
It hurt to see her like this, especially with what I had to say.
“Why did you hide about the death of Beizu Iwata?” I asked, looking at her dead in the eye.
Her face didn’t budge from her expression “I didn’t? His death is public information-”
“Stop LYING TO ME!” I yelled “You know what I mean! He was Bei’s dad and you couldn’t save him, and you’re guilty of your incompetence so you had me to give his son a friend. And that’s my purpose isn’t it?! I’m just some living plaything!”
“Iwata why would you say such a thing! I didn’t-”
“SHUT UP I’M NOT DONE TALKING!” I raised my voice “You named me after him, I’m here to just fix your mistake aren’t I? And what about your lovechild with Mr Hitoshi?! Oh and not to mention on why you came over here alone at 15 years old!” I felt myself become tense in this mix of rage and the verge of tears “It’s like I don’t even know you! WHO ARE YOU?!” I felt the hot tears run down my face “and why are things so complicated?”
Mom was white as a ghost and frozen on the couch. And my yelling got the attention of my dad.
“Iwata El Roca Iida! What is the meaning of this!” demanded Dad as he approached us “You dare to yell at your mother in that tone?! What has gotten into you? I-”
Mom held her hand up, commanding dad to stop talking. She then got up, stood in front of me and got on her knees for the deep bow. I’ve never seen her do this before and I got scared.
“I’m sorry Iwata, please forgive me for all my mistakes” she lifted her head to show the tears creeping down her face “I know I’m not a perfect mother and I’m a very flawed human with a very troubled past, but please let me explain things.” She took a deep breath to stabilize her breathing “I named you after Beizu Iwata, he’s one of the few people that I trusted to run the company. He poured his everything into the company and I wouldn’t be as successful without him. His death devastated me, I chased after him when he ran back inside the burning building. When I begged him to get to safety and to leave everything behind, he looked at me and touched my stomach before breaking the 6th floor window to throw me out with a box in my arms. Of course somebody caught me before my body reached the ground and he reappeared a few minutes later. After his death, I learned that I was 2 months pregnant with you, he saved both of us mijo. If I stayed any longer, I risked losing you and I don’t think my heart could take another infant death.”
“Another infant death?” my eye widened “No, don’t tell me-”
“I’m afraid so” She tried really hard not to lose her composure “I lost my first baby that I had with Mr Hitoshi, I wanted to have them so badly. You don’t know how much it hurts to not have a family when you still need them, so you make your own. But it hurts even more when you lose the family you failed to build.”
“Ita, please stand up” gently begged Dad, on the verge of tears “Please love, you don’t have to re-live the trauma. It’s okay.”
“No Tenya, I have to say it. How will we move forward if I don’t say what happened in the past?” She couldn’t look at us and kept her head down to face her lap “I came here to protect my family...” She told me the whole story of what happened in America and her decision that changed her life forever “...And that’s my burden to bear. I wish things didn’t have to be like this and I could be with my family and made my dreams come true back home. I dedicate my life to making sure nobody has to every go through what I went through unless it’s their decision.” She looked at me “I understand that you might not want to associate with me after all this, but just know that I love you so much. I wanted to have you, to nurture you, to teach you that you are free to be whoever you want to be, to love whomever you want” Her expression was full of pain, like it was bottled for years and it’s now surfaced “I know of all the bad things that could hurt you and I shouldn’t let one of them be me. And I’m sorry that I have.”
I felt like the villain, making my mom re-live her trauma and tell me she’s a bad mother. She’s not a bad person, she’s lived a life full of tragedy and we’re the one good thing that went right. And after all that, she still has the capacity to tell me she loves me? I really don’t deserve to be her son. I levitated her up and ran into her for a tight hug.
“I’m sorry” I sobbed “I didn’t know! And I feel awful! I just thought that maybe-”
“It’s okay baby” She shushed me, stroking my hair “No more bad feelings, no more deceit. If you want to know something, don’t bottle it up, just tell me and I won’t turn you away.”
“Okay mom” I held her tighter “I’m sorry I ruined Christmas.”
“You didn’t ruin Christmas Iwata” chuckled Mom through her tears “Your tia set the Christmas tree on fire when I was like, twelve, and it burned all the presents underneath it.”
“Never mind that actually sucks” I laughed, pulling away from her “Then is everything cool?”
“Hmmm, I wouldn’t say that” Mom said, giving me her iconic career ending face “I cleared up and explained myself, now it’s your turn.” She levitates me so I wouldn’t run “Care to explain your little academic double life?”
“Huh? What are you talk-” It hit me, she knows about my double program enrollment “Oooooh, oof.”
“We’ve known since June” Dad spoke up with his arms crossed “Nurse Eri told us when she called to discuss your health exam. We talked to the school to confirm, so theres no use in lying your way out of this one Iwata.”
I looked at my parents and sighed in defeat “Fine, I enrolled myself in the Hero and Intel course after your Great Grand Uncle told me he was going to pay for my tuition. So to spite him later, I was going to show him that I got both and decide to be an agent instead of a hero to break the streak of heroes in the family.” I felt like a trapped animal awaiting death “He insulted my family and I used my favoritism as my upper hand to get back at him that I am my mother’s son and so what?! Fuck that viejo and his hateful ass, I’m half latino!”
“You really are your mother’s son” said Dad in disbelief “It’s like looking at your mother when she was your age, same pettiness and pride!” He cleared his throat “But that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to punish you for lying to us on why you’re always stressed! You know better than to overwork yourself.”
“And on top of that, I had someone on the inside tell me about the device and the old school files” Mom added “So you peeked and meddled into my personal business ey?! And all you did was hurt yourself. We have no choice but to issue capital punishment to you AND Beizu.”
I gasped “You leave him out of this! He’s innocent!”
“Can’t do, he’s your accomplice” Mom pulled out her phone to show me texts “One of the perks of having friends that work in a school is that you have watchful eyes on your children at all times.”
“Damn you got us” at that moment, I knew I was about to hate my life.
“We’ll come up with a group punishment later, but we agreed that you’re to be sentenced to house arrest for the rest of the winter break” Mom crossed her arms “AND we’re taking away cursing privileges, starting now.”
I gasped “NOOOO! Anything but capital punishment!”
The doorbell rang, it was our first guests.
“Hey I brought- oh are we interrupting something?” Mr Hitoshi said walking into the living room.
“Not at all! Just issuing punishment” Mom puts me down and turns to the two men “Iwata was just talking about you Hitoshi!”
“Oh yea? About what?” chuckled the purple haired man as took a seat.
Mom motioned to me “Iwata, care to share with him?”
I gulped the guilt lump I had in my throat “I know about your and my mom’s baby and their death was the reason you left my mom.”
Mr Hitoshi’s face turned white “How did you- There’s no way!”
“He got real nosey and hurt his own feelings” Mom summarized it “Oh you brought the saké! Bring the cups out Tenya!”
“What else did you learn Iwata?” asked Mr Neito.
“I learned that you, um, did the deed with my mom” I cringed “Many times, in the dorms and a few times in the workrooms at school.”
“YOU WHAT?!” screamed Dad with a tray of specialty drink ware.
“Oh don’t act surprised Tenya!” Mom put her hands on her hips “It was totally obvious! I lost my virginity to him. And I rewarded him with intimacy after training and in turn, became a decent person.”
“Yup, sorry Tenya that you got my sloppy seconds” responded Mr Nieto unapologetically “But as I said at your wedding, good for you that you got a woman that can really spice things up.”
“I thought you meant that she’s a good cook!” Dad defended himself “Not that you two had a thing in the past?!”
“Join the club, I didn’t know either until she dropped off the wedding invite” Hitoshi said as he poured the saké “But I’ll drink to that!” He handed each of us a little cup of the alcohol and raised his glass “To Ita and her bomb pussy game, it was the one thing I missed the most.”
“Kampai!” cheered everyone but my dad and I.
I downed my cup and held it out again “Imma need another cup so I can forget that chief.”
I waited patiently for Beizu to come so I can hold his hand as we get flamed my our moms with the group punishment. And when he did, his face was puffy from crying and we just held each other for the brief moment we had before getting flamed. Our mom’s agreed that the group punishment was no sleepovers the entire break and one week of intense training with aunty Mimi. I didn’t know what to do, other than go up to my room with Beizu for blanket fort time.
“Iwa, we were so wrong about things” Beizu said softly as he put his head on my chest “but I’m happy it wasn’t that way. I couldn’t imagine a life without you, it’s the one thing I’m certain about.”
I smiled and stroked his hair “Me too, we’re two halves that can’t be left incomplete.” I thought about my inheritance “When we get older, would you go on a vacation with me or co-own a house with me?”
Beizu thought about it for a minute “Hmm, I’d co-own a house with you. Because then we can spend everyday with each other.”
“What if we do both?”
“Even better but I’m just thinking of all that money we’d need to do that” explained Beizu “the house is a better investment.”
“Okay, say I inherited 2 million dollars and I want to spend it on us, now what would you say?”
His eyes widen “You did not just inherited 2 million?!” Beizu was in disbelief “I’d probably just marry you at that point. Hell, lets get married right now!”
I laughed and brought him in for a hug “Let’s get married and spend all of our money on pillows and our favorite foods. Living easy for the rest of our lives.”
He held me tight “That’s my dream, to be with you forever.”
So maybe Christmas wasn’t ruined by me and I was just being latino-in-a-telenovela dramatic. I feel so much more like myself now. Year two of this shit is really happening!....wonder if it’s gonna rock my shit.
Chapter 10.75, End
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minhoslut · 4 years
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♡ summary: Y/N is a fairy in a world of magic hating humans, who moves into a house with seven young men after being kicked out of her old dorm. She learns about all their secrets while hiding hers for as long as she can. Lots of parties, games, sex and maybe even love.
♡ pairing: ot7 x fem!reader, fem!reader x various idols
♡ chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | ? |
♡ series warnings: alcohol consumption, blood mention, drug use, mxm, fxf, threesome, foursome, orgy, swearing, anxiety, depression, past trauma, past abuse
♡ series genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
♡ series rating: R
♡ word count: 2474
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter two: housemates
You could feel butterflies in your stomach as the voices gained volume. You took a deep breath and stepped onto the main floor. There were seven beautiful men staring at you as you walked towards the kitchen, fourteen eyes watching your every move. “Hi, I’m (Y/N) the new housemate, nice to meet you all.” You offered a simple greeting feeling out the atmosphere of the new people.
“Hey, I’m Jimin.” The boy with black hair  said, “I’m Jin.” Said pink hair, “Taehyung’s the name.” Blue hair, “You can call me Hoseok.” Blondish-red hair. “I’m Yoongi.” Lavender. “Jungkook.” Dark red. “And Namjoon but we’ve met.” And silver. These guys were a rainbow of colours, easy to tell apart at least, not that you could say anything, since your own hair was white. They all seemed nice, offering small smiles with their greetings.
“So, do you want help putting away groceries?” “Sure, you can learn where everything goes!” Jungkook said, moving over to the large stack of grocery bags. He handed you stuff while you put it in the fridge, Jimin stacked cereal boxes into the cupboard, Taehyung shoved things in the second freezer. It’s nice to be part of this, comfortable.
With so many hands even the huge pile was sorted quickly and once it was, each boy eventually left to go to their own rooms. It was fairly late after all, 11ish by now, you’d arrived early evening and they had been gone for most of it. Eventually it was only you and Hoseok left in the kitchen.
“So, (Y/N), what brings you here?” Hoseok asks you, “Mm just needed a new environment, my old one wasn’t very, uh, good for me? And my family kicked me out a long time ago so…” “I didn’t mean to pry sorry.” He rubbed his neck sheepishly. “Oh no don’t worry, I’m very open about my life and I don’t particularly care about not living with my family.” This was true, you had never really been one to hide things (other than you not being human) and your family could fuck off since they were so stupidly traditional.
“What about you guys, how did you all end up here?” “Well the place is Jins technically, left to him by his late grandmother. He was looking for other people to live in the house with him cause he hated being in such a big place alone, so he put out an ad and we all came across it one way or another. We’ve been living together for about 4 years now.” “That’s a long time, you guys must be really close.” “Yeah it’s a lot of fun and they are all good people.”
You felt a little bit bad about lying to Hoseok and the others, but you could never tell what a Humans reaction would be. You brush some of your hair out of your face and smiled at Hoseok. “I’m gunna retire for the night, talk to you tomorrow?” “Yea sure, night!” With that you headed up the two sets of stairs and went into your bedroom.
They seem like nice guys, it might be hard to sneak into a 4 year friendship though… You changed into a fluffy pink nightgown and dramatically cast yourself onto your bed. All seven men were extremely attractive and you couldn’t wait for your chance to tease them. You had a ‘bad’ habit of not caring how much of your body people saw, you heard the words ‘slut’ ‘whore’ and ‘prostitute’ quite often in your old town, but you just didn’t care. In your opinion bodies were there to be viewed and touched when given consent, your own was no exception. Humans were silly for trying to decide what was appropriate and what was too revealing, a body is a body and only becomes sexual when you decide it is.
You liked to dress in many different styles, whether it be silks and lace or leather and vinyl, you wore whatever you pleased. You often wondered if this was why the fairies from your colony refused all human contact and had subsequently kicked you out when you had initiated contact. Humans may be stupid but they were anything but boring. You liked watching the way they pushed themselves in work or pleasure, even though they had such short life spans. It often confused you that they didn’t take more risks in life when they could.
Fluffing your pillows, you plugged in your phone and turned off the lights with a simple flick of your hand, deeming it a safe time to use some simple magic. If pained you to live like a human sometimes because they always had to do such trivial things that were much simpler with magic, but you couldn’t risk being exposed so you had to refrain. Settled in your bed you closed your eyes and let sleep take you into it’s warm embrace.
Sun was coming into your window when you woke up early the next morning, you never slept for very long, you didn’t need to. You stretched your arms and padded out of the room, on a mission for some cereal. No one else seemed to be awake, so you just grabbed a bowl and spoon and poured some cheerios for yourself. Sitting at the table, you ate slowly while  lazily scrolling through social media. Normally you would be blasting music and dancing with your old friends at the dorm.
Frowning, you tried to shake the unsettled feeling away, it still hurt that they had been so quick to give you up when they had found out. You had always had so much fun in the mornings with them and basically all the time really. Fuck them, they betrayed me after all. Tired of feeling bad you cleaned your dishes and walked out to the back deck, despite still being in your night dress.
It was a cool morning but the sun was shining and you took a deep breathe of fresh crisp morning air. The forest was calling your name so you began to wander the grounds, not caring about how you looked. The trees in the forest were tall and beautiful and you brushed your hands along them as you walked, connecting with them. The sound running water peaked your interest and you picked up your pace, heading in it’s direction.
Eventually you came to a clearing and you almost squealed in joy. There was a small waterfall that fell into a lake, the water clear and inviting. You had been secretly hoping there would be some kind of lake nearby since you were out in the forest area. You walked to the water's edge and crouched down, trailing your hands in the cool water. This is my new home, my new space. Overjoyed with your discovery, you couldn’t help but giggle happily and began to sing to the forest. “Lullaby of birdland, that’s what I~  always hear, when you sigh~ Never in my wordland could there be ways to reveal~ In a phrase how I feel~” It was a favourite of yours. Feeling better, you turned to head back to the house, walking slowly through the forest, glad to have found such a beautiful spot.
When you arrived back at the house, the boy with lavender hair, Yoongi? was sitting on the deck. “Good morning~” You called as you walked up to the deck. Yoongi seemed surprised to see you and somewhat shocked at your appearance. “You’re up early, where did you go?” “Oh just for a quick walk, and I always get up early.” “A walk… In your nightgown?” “Oh. I suppose so, well I’m headed in for some tea do you want any?” He shook his head, “I’m good.” He gestured to the cup of coffee beside him, you nodded and went in.
Namjoon was in the kitchen and seemed just as surprised when you entered through the deck door. “I went for a walk, yes in my pajamas.” You said before he could ask, he nodded in response and turned back to his phone. You gathered the necessary items for your tea, and boiled some water. “Oh! We were thinking about watching a movie tonight if you wanna join.” Namjoon said as he watched you stir your tea. “Yeah sure, sounds fun.” The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for while as you sipped your drink.
“Good morning~” The one named Taehyung sang as he entered the kitchen and started shuffling through the cupboards for breakfast. “Morning.” Both you and Namjoon replied. “So, (Y/N) how do you like it here so far?” Taehyung asked as he settled into the chair across from you with his bowl of cereal. “It’s a really beautiful place! I love the vibe it gives off, if that makes sense?” “I totally get you, this place has the perfect air to it. It’s the best!” You smiled at his enthusiasm, it was endearing and his own smile was contagious.
Excusing yourself, you headed back to your room to get dressed for the day. Some black high waisted skinny jeans, a white peplum top with flowers scattered on it and some silver diamond shaped earrings with a smaller gold diamond inside was the look you decided on after searching through your drawers. You spun around in the mirror and smiled before heading back downstairs.
The rest of the boys had made it down when you came down and gave you various greetings, which you happily returned. You appreciated their kindness when you had arrived just yesterday. You sat down on the couch beside Jimin and Jin, “So what do you guys usually do during the day?” “Play games, watch shows, generally lounge around, not very much honestly.” Jin answered tapping his chin, “When you put it that way we sound so boring!” Jimin complained, “We have a lot of parties too, but since it’s Tuesday it isn’t a good time for one.” You hummed in reply, giving a nod.
“I’m gunna play some games, who wants to join?” Jungkook announced, getting up. “I’m down, if thats ok?” You said, “Me too!” Jimin and Taehyung chorused. “Nice we can play a 2 vs 2 match in Smash!” The four of you headed to the den and played a quick game of rock paper scissors to decide teams, ending in you and Jungkook on one team and Taehyung and Jimin on the other. You played for hours and you didn’t stop laughing most of the time, except when you were super focused. You and Jungkook were constantly beating the other two and only lost once when Taehyung had attacked you with tickles so you couldn’t fight properly and ran off the map.
“Taehyung no fair!” Jungkook whined when he lost against the two of them. “S-sorry Jungkook.” You said between gasps, after Taehyung released you from his terrible tickling. “Don’t be they’re just sore losers!” “Are not! You guys are too good to be on a team!” Jimin argued. “Mad just cause you suck dick at Smash.” Jungkook said shaking his head before darting away from Taehyung who began to chase after him yelling, “Take that back!” You laughed at the two of them running around and stretched your legs from sitting for so long.
“Foods ready!” Hoseok called from the kitchen. Jimin and you got up, heading to the dinner table where everyone else, minus Taehyung and Jungkook who were running about outside now, were seated. You sat between Hoseok and Namjoon and served yourself some spaghetti. “Did you make this? It’s so good!” “I’m something of a chef, no need to praise me!” Jin said smirking. “He’s lying he loves the attention.” Yoongi cut in, causing the whole table to snicker. Jungkook and Taehyung finally joined you after everyone else had served themselves, and tucked in as well.
It was a lot of fun to eat dinner with them, teasing each other and discussing your winning streak, all smiles and happy moments. It was really nice and you were happy with your decision to move in. “So (Y/N), why did you go out for a walk in the woods barefoot wearing your nightgown?” Jimin asked. “When did you see that? Well, I wanted to go out to clear my head this morning and couldn’t be bothered to get changed or get shoes.” You shrugged nonchalantly. “Oh, I guess that makes some sense, and I saw you coming back from my window, not in a weird way though.” You laughed at his hurried excuse, “It’s fine, not like I care. I don’t bother caring how others see me.” “That’s a good mindset to have.” Yoongi said nodding his head in approval, making you smile at him.
You insisted on washing the dishes after dinner, joined by Jungkook who was in charge of drying them. “We have to have a 1 vs 1 game sometime, you’re pretty good!” “You’re not so bad yourself, but I bet I could beat you.” “Oh yeah? We’ll see about that!” You both laughed and were soon finished cleaning up. “Movie time!” Jungkook called up the stairs. “Can they even hear you?” “They’ll hear me, promise.” Like he said soon the six others had joined you in the den.
“(Y/N) you pick, to celebrate your moving in!” Taehyung suggested, everyone gave their approval so you began your hunt through Netflix. “How about Insidious?” You suggested. The boys agreed to the dismay of a few of them. You adored horror movies, loving the thrill of watching the humans in them so frightened. Though you stayed away from any horror creature ones because they usually portrayed magical beings as inferior and awful, which was frankly disgusting in your opinion.
You were sat between Hoseok and Namjoon, which turned out to be quite an experience since Hoseok had his head buried in your shoulder for most of the movie, but you found it very cute. The other problem was Namjoon had his arm around your shoulders, he had stretched out part way through the movie and it was somewhat distracting, he smelled really good and you wanted to cuddle into him, but that wouldn’t be appropriate. When the movie ended, you apologized to Hoseok for picking a scary movie. He turned red and waved his hands, “It’s fine!! I don’t hate them, I just get easily scared!” You let it slide, but you were sure he didn’t like them.
You all went into your respective rooms after exchanging goodnights, and you quickly stripped out of your clothes. You pulled out a silk black slip that had lace on the neckline and a tiny slit on the side. Slipping it on, you threw your clothes back into your drawer and got into bed. It was fairly late and you were quick to fall asleep.
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ACT II. - “circles of influence”
Length - 8, 875
Mood - palliated, lonesome
Pairing - Chanyeol x Reader
“Can we just talk? Can we just talk? Talk about where we're goin' Before we get lost, lend me your thoughts Can't get what we want without knowin' I've never felt like this before I apologize if I'm movin' too far Can we just talk? Can we just talk? Figure out where we're goin' Yeah, started off right I can see it in your eyes I can tell that you're wantin' more What's been on your mind? There's no reason we should hide Tell me somethin' I ain't heard before Oh, I've been dreamin' 'bout it And it's you I'm on So stop thinkin' 'bout it”
“Talk” by Khalid
*Knock Knock*
You looked up from your desk where you were jotting down notes from your previous appointment in your day planner to see the office mail clerk waiting just outside your door.
“Hi, are you _____?” He asked, breaking eye contact with you as he ruffled in his bag for the touchpad, gesturing to you with the stylus to sign, when you nodded yes.
He took a step inside your opened office door, reaching down to pick up the box and help it over the threshold before standing again to hand you the touchpad upon which you quickly signed your name. He bent again, after stowing the touchpad away in his satchel, to lift the wide set brown paper box up from the floor.
“Th-thank you,” you said, grunting slightly as you adjusted to the box’s weight as it transferred from his arms to yours.
He nodded, muttering a nonchalant “no problem” as he left, ambling down the hall the same way he had come to your office.
Please let this be it…
You glanced at the shipping label, and slowly smiled at the name you recognized.
“It’s here,” you exhaled, placing it on your desk gently.
Without bringing your eyes away from the name on the shipping label you reached for your drawer, quickly pulling it open to retrieve your scissors.
You carefully applied the blade to the packaging tape, taking care not to push down into the box for fear of scratching the contents within.
And as you peeled the packaging away, the brown paper box coming away cleanly as you easily sliced through it with your scissors, your heart swelled within your chest, tears blurring your vision.
“You’re here,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper, breaking eye contact with the box for a brief moment to return to your open office door and close it.
Inside was the leather bound hard case now embroidered with three sets of initials, your late father’s being first, yours being second, and your son’s being the last.
You fingered the embroidered letters, tracing them with the pads of your forefingers in an infinite loop, closing your eyes as you recalled their faces, and their voices.
Taking a steadying breath you reached for the latch, and lifted the top of the case, and gasped at the sight of the slate gray and white typewriter you had been longing to see.
“Pop,” you whispered, amazed that the typewriter could have been restored to this extent. It looked just like the photograph you remembered from the catalogue.
“It’s impossible. It’s like it’s brand new again. Just like Pop kept it,” you felt a giggle rising as you touched each key, remembering the way he used to sit at his desk on weeknights and you’d sit beside him watching his fingers fly, the swirl of the floral scent of Yaupon holly tea and crisp, warm paper luring you closer and closer to the desk.
“Pop, it’s happening now. We’re doing it Pop,” you took another breath and exhaled sharply, feeling the strength go out of your legs as you descended abruptly into your office chair.
The waves of grief washed over you again, and since you had practiced and were prepared for their onslaught, you held on, counting down the seconds you would allow yourself this morning with your hands over your face.
The sobs subsided as you counted down closer and closer to 10 to 9 to 8 to 7 to 6 to 5 to 4 to 3 to 2 to 1.
And then…
You let your hands fall to your lap where you brushed your open tear stained palms against your thighs and released an ever deeper exhale.
“Ok boys, let’s get to work,” you said, removing the envelope that had been carefully taped to the top of the box after wadding up the brown paper packaging and tossing it into your waste basket.
“May these items make their way to you safely and find you at peace. With these items now restored and delivered to you, may your journey to healing truly begin,” penned in elegant handwriting by someone who had chosen to remain anonymous. Though without a name written you knew already who had sent the package.
*Knock Knock*
“Yes?” You asked, approaching your office door again as the secretary, Margo, who had knocked entered, her heels scuffing the threshold of your door at her abrupt entry.
“Hi, just wanted to let you know that your 2:00pm is here. Should I send them down to the studio or were you starting in your office?” She asked, her eyes bright as she leaned in and waited for your response.
“If you don’t mind sending them in to my office here, I think we’ll start here today,” you said, coming from around your desk to approach your baby grand piano as you awaited your third client of the day, hearing the whoosh click as Margo ducked back into the hall.
To think back again on where you had been the past couple of years while standing in the freedom of the present was jarring every time you turned to see the photographs of your late son and father framed in black and white on your desk. From time to time as you worked with your clients you would look back at your desk, seeing their smiling faces encouraging you, and urging you forward. It was no different today as your newest client, Camila, entered, and the writing session immediately began.
Camila was newly signed to your company’s label, and as all the artists were who were signed, she was a promising singer-songwriter in the making. Your goal was to help her along in her songwriting process by providing advisement where needed until you created the lyrics she was looking for.  A role you relished more and more as the days wore on as you met each successive project and challenge.
You spent an hour together, chatting in between tea brought in by Margo and listening through samples from your previous recording sessions, and at the close of the session with three songs drafted, promised and planned to meet within the following week to close out the project.
“Wow! That’s a gorgeous typewriter, is it a family relic?” Camila asked, not failing to note the initials on the leather case.
You beamed at her, showing her your father’s picture on your desk.
“It was his, my father’s. He was a writer as well. Poetry and short stories mostly. He taught English at my high school and a couple of Early Native American literature courses at the community college in my hometown,” she smiled at you, holding the frame in her hands carefully before placing it back in your hands for you to reposition on the desk beside the others.
“That’s awesome that you had writing in common,” she said and you nodded, replying, “yea, I really treasured that. He’s definitely been my inspiration.”
As you led her down the hall you heard the jingle of your office phone.
“Ah, I know the way to the lobby if you have to take that. Thank you so much as always for your encouragement. See you next week!” She called, waving as she went ahead and you nodded to her graciously before ducking back into your office.
You caught it on the last ring.
“______ with Aspire Publishing, how may I help you?”
“__!!! Hi it’s Ophelia!”
“Oh wow hey! How are you?! I just heard the news about your album. That’s so incredible!”
“Thank you so much. It couldn’t have happened without you. Seriously! And also, I wanted to invite you to this festival I’m headlining this weekend in the area. I’ll be performing a couple songs from the album and I would just be over the moon if you could come!”
“Of course! I’m there. Just let me know the details and everything. My weekend is pretty clear,” you said, shifting from holding the phone against your ear to tucking it in between your ear and shoulder as you looked for your desk planner to pen the event.
After gathering the details you texted your best friend Awinita who had already planned to come into town.
“Hey so what about a music festival this weekend? Would Tobias be down for that?” You quickly texted as you packed up your desk as Margo knocked again at your door to deliver lunch, a large quinoa salad, chili cheese fries and sweet fry bread from a local food truck.
As you set up your lunch tray on your small coffee table behind the loveseat where you and Camila had just completed the day’s session, you felt a buzz in your pocket where you were sure Awinita was replying.
After sanitizing your hands with your pocket hand sanitizer, you poured yourself a glass of water from your pitcher where it rested on the dining tray along the wall and brought it to your place setting.
“Yea I was just about to ask you about that festival because I saw Ophelia’s name on a flyer when I was scrolling through Eventbrite earlier! Let’s do it!! Also...Tobias had a friend in the area who we planned to link up with if that’s ok with you? Maybe he could meet us out there?”
“Sounds good to me. Are y’all still going to be here on Friday then?” You texted back.
“Yea girl. Riding out on Thursday night and we should be in on Friday morning,” she replied with a kiss emoji.
You laughed happily and went back to finishing your lunch.
“Hi Mr. Stone, I just wanted to let you know that I received the package,” you said into your phone, your purse on your lap.
“Greetings Ms. ______, I’m pleased to hear that,” he responded in the gravelly bass you had grown accustomed to following that fateful phone call at the beginning of this new year.
You remembered again the letter that had arrived on Christmas in the previous year when you were still living with Awinita before she had started dating Tobias.
“Who is that from? How can someone send something on Christmas? I thought everything was basically stopped,” she wondered aloud as you two sat together and opened the letter that arrived by a man who did not appear to work for USPS nor any of the other mail carriers you were familiar with. He didn’t wait for you to respond once he placed the letter in your hands and simply turned sharply on his heel to duck into the black Audi he had arrived in.
After tearing open the envelope with the letter opener Awinita offered you, your slipped your fingers inside to pull out the lone cream cardstock on which was penned a short note upon which five smaller envelopes were carefully pinned to its back.
You recognized the handwriting immediately, feeling a mixture of apprehension and hope churning within your stomach as you began to read the words written there.
“Though this can never replace what you have lost, in the new year please call these numbers in the following order.
I wish you well in the new year,
Perplexed but still hoping, you opened each of the envelopes where he had written legal, counseling, and employment option 1, employment option 2, and employment option 3.
He offered you a legal advisor, if given your approval and who if given time, would potentially review your case and provide counsel in your impending trial set to begin within the new year.
He suggested that the legal advisor could also be counted on to supply you advice in maneuvering legal and financial matters outside of court proceedings.
He offered you counseling resources for grief to help with any trauma inflicted during the proceedings, and in any personal matters which he oddly left unspecified.
He also offered employment opportunities in the realm of writing as a lyricist for multiple publishing companies you had only dreamed of. “These are companies I would recommend but I am not familiar with more than two of them through professional contact. Whichever you choose, if you so choose, please let the legal advisor know. They have been instructed to provide my recommendations to assist in your application process. However, a recommendation is not a guarantee for employment. I wish you the best in your future interviews if you accept these offers.”
“Take the deal,” Awinita stated after looking over the details.
She was still looking at the employment opportunities while you were looking at the notes you had brought from your bedroom to review.
“Take the deal _______. What he’s offering we can’t afford on our own. We just can’t. And things don’t look good with this case. You deserve this saving grace. You can finally have a life ______. After all of this that happened...and he’s right. It’s no guarantee but the legal advisor sounds promising,” she looked at you as if she hoped you already planned to take the deal but you couldn’t help the rising fear.
It felt strange to look at this handwritten letter that held none of his voice or his warmth.
It was clinical, sterile but still...him?
“I did ask him for help,” you confessed aloud again looking at the letters with her, pushing your stack of notes to the side away from your view.
“And he’s offering you help now,” she emphasized the ‘now’ as if meaning to say ‘forget what was before and move forward now.’
You spent that Christmas and New Years holiday wondering if you should call him but thought better of that when you remembered again that encounter you’d had at Metaphysics Records, and the faces who stumbled in upon you broken and pleading upon his conference room floor. The way they had looked over your head at Chanyeol as if to spare you any embarrassment when he failed to answer your request, and you excused yourself out the door.
You wondered often how you had looked to them and to him. You wondered if that’s why, after weeks of silence, that he sent you these offers and didn’t follow up with a phone call to make sure that you received the message.
Had he meant to send it or was he advised to sent it?
Does it matter?
You need the help.
You can’t afford to hire the legal help you need to fight this.
You are grieving.
You are...lost.
You waited until the evening of the 2nd once alone again in jittery anxiety when Awinita had gone to visit her parents, and dialed the number Chanyeol had written in compacted script, and heard the voice you had come to find such solace and comfort in.
“Hello, I...my name is _____ and I am calling to speak with Mr. Stone about legal advice,” you heard your voice wavering as you held the phone to your ear, trying to keep your hands from trembling.
“Ah yes, Ms. ______. Thank you so much for calling. I am happy to be of assistance to you in your legal needs. If you could put me in touch with your current attorney so that I can discuss with him further what assistance I can provide, then I would also like to meet with you both in order to plan our approach. With your permission of course, Ms. _____,” his voice was calm as he spoke to you in unhurried tones, and all at once you felt thankful and reassured that things really could get better.
You did as he asked and within a week you assembled your legal team to discuss your counter defense to what the defense had alluded to. What anxiety you felt about entering the courtroom in opposition to your sister had dissipated as the promises made by your legal team were carried out in the manner of requesting that your sister agreed to a plea deal in exchange for a dismissal of certain grievous charges and commitment to receive necessary treatment in a secure and holistic mental health care facility.
“We recommend that this unfortunate encounter is settled quietly within the family. These are sisters who have been dealt a truly horrendous hand. We believe that in a moment of sincere distress due to the workload, and responsibilities shouldered considerably by both sisters and undoubtedly more so by the elder sister, caused the accusations heard during previous meetings to be made. My client does not hold any animosity towards her sister nor her dearly departed parents. My client remained within the family home and strived to contribute to the family home to the best of her ability. My client offered her assistance at any and every opportunity to her late mother, and worked together with her sister to also provide safe care for her late son. While the defendant is being penalized as appropriate for inflicting harm that resulted in the unfortunate death of my client’s late son, my client does not wish any ill will or disadvantageous situation to happen upon the defendant. Instead we would request, despite the degree of the crime, that mercy is granted upon the defendant who is a first time offender and that the defendant is evaluated by a licensed mental health clinician, and is able to consider long term mental health services within a safe, affirming environment.
In addition to these requests your honor we would like to move for a strict restraining order to be placed upon the other party identified in the serious allegations made by the defendant. While we would request mercy in the consideration of the familial relationship between my client and the defendant, we would alternatively request strict and harsh punishment to the other party who has repeatedly battered and aggravated my client. We can provide documentation in a later proceeding that will substantiate our request and prove that the other party is truly a danger to not only my client but to the defendant as well. The other party has brutally taken advantage of both of these young women under the premise of providing financial assistance and support of which they so sorely needed as their parents were struggling to return to healthy functioning. If so granted, we would request that the other party is strictly prevented from residing within the same state of which my client is a resident. We would request that the other party is not allowed to call, text, or communicate in any way through any alternate means, such as by way of a proxy, to deliver harmful, insidious violence or intimidation upon my client. We thank you for hearing our requests and recommendations at this time.”
And as you requested through your legal team the judge so granted. Within a month’s time you began counseling services with a licensed mental health counselor, and following that also sought out the employment opportunities with the listed publishing companies Chanyeol provided.
While all of the interviews went well, you decided to accept the offer from a company Chanyeol was not affiliated with and whose location was in Southern Arizona far from your childhood home.
Mr. Stone put you in touch with a realtor who quickly sold your home to an interested young family with infant children. In addition he also advised you on how to save the money you received from both the sale of your parent’s house, and your late mother’s life insurance policy.
The months spent moving in, training, and jump starting your client base blurred by with not a word from nor even a sudden appearance by Chanyeol and day by day as the winter warmed to spring you began to let go and make peace with his absence because of how much he had blessed you. Even the letters written in good faith to your sister all returned in a bundle unopened with a new searing red stamp of “return to sender.”
To be severed from these two people, one who had been in your life since your childhood and one who had changed your life forever, left you confused most days. Reconciliation not only seemed impossible but felt ludicrous to hope for.
Move on ________.
Move on.
“Really Mr. Stone, I couldn’t say thank you enough for everything you have done to help me. I’m really thankful that this could be restored,” you said to the legal advisor now.
“Absolutely. It was my absolute pleasure. All of the other items have also been restored and are now in storage as you requested. Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with. Anytime day or night, know that you can call on me,” he insisted once again as he had since the day you first spoke.
Now you said goodbye to Mr. Stone, the man who had become somewhat of a surrogate uncle to you, and your week went on.
“Hi I’m _______, and you must be Hugh?” You asked over the din in the dimly lit brewery’s lounge where the weekend r&b soul festival had begun.
Awinita and her boyfriend Tobias had arrived just as they planned, and had stayed with you from Friday night into this Sunday evening. After spending the weekend together enjoying the good weather hiking, you had ridden together and entered the Soul Festival to wait for the date Awinita had arranged for you.
“I mean...is it cool if we see it as a double date? He’s one of Tobias’ really good friends and he’s a really nice guy you know? I’ve told him a little about you and he’s excited to meet you this weekend, if you’re cool with that. If not we could always just meet up with him later of course and we three can go out,” she said as she helped you fix your hair Saturday night in preparation for Sunday evening.
Tobias, a mutual friend from high school who had grown into something more for Awinita after reuniting at your class reunion, had cooked you both dinner, a childhood favorite of pine nut catfish and corn salad.
“I’m open to that yea,” you agreed and the following night rode up to the venue with Awinita and Tobias to meet Hugh, who was tall with a loose-limbed athletic build. His dark ebony hair dusted his shoulders in full bodied waves, and his almond emerald green eyes were mesmerizing.
“Yea, it’s nice to meet you, ______,” he drawled, his accent catching you off guard, as his eyes took you in. You resisted the urge to look at Awinita though you were sure she was gauging your reaction from beside Tobias.
Together the four of you entered the venue, you beside Hugh with Awinita and Tobias following, and found an open table to sit at.
“I’ll get the first round,” Tobias immediately offered upon you all getting settled and you accepted, thanking him as Hugh turned to you.
“So are you excited to hear Ophelia tonight? Awinita told me that she was a client of yours,” he asked, reaching to comb his locks back from his eyes with his fingers as he waited for you to answer, a whiff of his heady scent escaping at the movement.
“Definitely. Actually I should probably see if I can let her know that I’m here,” you said, pulling on the strap of your satchel to untwist the purse from the opposite side of your waist so that you could reach for your cell.
“Wait isn’t that her?” Awinita asked suddenly, pointing towards the stage where you could clearly see her speaking with her band.
“Yea, I’ll just go say hi quickly and I’ll be right back. Excuse me for just a second,” you said to Hugh, who nodded as he watched you stand to leave, tucking away the conversation he wanted to have until you returned.
You moved through the crowd carefully, edging closer to the stage where they all stood on the floor in front of the mics until you finally reached Ophelia and her live band.
“Ophelia, hi,” you exclaimed seeing her turn just as you approached, her eyes full as saucers at your appearance.
“__!!! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for coming! Guys this is ______, da best,” she winked at you as she brought you closer to the band for introductions. You waved at the members who would each play keyboard, synth, drum kit, saxophone, and bass assembled on the stage.
“Thank you so much for inviting me, Ophelia. Can’t wait to hear you,” you said, turning to hug her again after greeting the members.
“Of course, __! Couldn’t imagine doing this without you being here. Hope you enjoy the show!” She called as you turned to head back to your seat, waving at some of your fellow team that you spotted in the seats closer to the stage as you made your way through the crowded tables filled with patrons dining on tapas, beer, and cocktails.
Awinita waved you back over, an event flyer in her hand. Hugh offered you a drink as you came to sit beside him, which you took while looking at the flyer.
“So these are all the labels and companies represented here tonight by artists who are performing...isn't Metaphysics…,” Awinita looked up at you, her eyes wide with realization.
“Oh...I...well yea that’s that label but of course they would be here. That’s cool,” you said, finally sitting in your chair as the house lights came down, and Ophelia took the stage.
Just because his label is here does not mean he is here though, you shrugged turning to whisper something to Hugh when a face caught your eye.
Hugh, who had been intently bobbing along to the beat of Ophelia’s drummer, snapped to attention at your sudden leaning in towards him.
“Yea?” He asked huskily, his dark hair falling into his eyes again.
“Um, I...sorry. I forgot what I was going to say,” you blushed, fiddling with a non existent loose strand of hair as you turned away.
“Oh,” he whispered under his breath, leaning back in his chair.
But you turned again, sipping your glass of wine.
I was sure that I had seen…
The crowd around you erupted in applause at the close of Ophelia’s number, and she bowed neatly before the next number began.
“Ah, dry again,” Tobias sighed as he finished off his glass.
“You really like that one huh? We should buy some when we get back,” Awinita whispered against his cheek, his arm curled around her shoulders.
He nodded against her lips, a small smile on his lips at the intimate way she kissed his ear before turning her attention back to Ophelia.
“I’ve got the next round,” you announced, standing to make your way to the bar.
Hugh jumped at the announcement. It seemed like you had beat him to it.
“Sure? I could get this round this time. In fact I think this one was on me,” he insisted, standing to go ahead of you to the bar but you held up your hands to him shaking your head.
“No worries. I’ll be right back.”
His mouth opened and closed quickly as if he meant to try to gently convince you but seeing that you were already determined to go, he swallowed his statement and took his seat.
You milled again through the crowd to the bar off to the left side of the stage, nudging past patrons who stood swaying in small groups as they listened along.
“Two orange peels, and two glasses of rosado,” you told the bartender once you’d gotten her attention.
While waiting for your orders you fiddled with your purse, shaking off a slight shudder down your spine.
Why do I feel so nervous about this?
Hugh seems nice.
I’m just out of practice.
I’m just…
“__-____?” A raspy baritone voice called out to you.
You turned, wide eyed as you saw the face you knew you’d seen.
You knew those eyes anywhere.
“Chanyeol…” you breathed, suddenly parched at the gleam of his smile.
“I...I thought I saw you for just a moment in the crowd headed towards the stage but it’s really you,” he said when you said nothing more.
“I...yea. Yea I’m here to see my...Ophelia is one of the artists I’ve worked with,” you said nodding to where Ophelia waved to the crowd after closing the number.
“Really? She’s great. I like her vibe,” he said looking from you to her and then turning again to the bar where you both stood quiet for a moment.
“Yea she’s awesome. I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to work with her. I...I well I didn’t know when I could call just with everything happening. But I...thank you Chanyeol. I just. I was hoping I could tell you thank you at some point but-“
He shrugged, leaning against the bar which brought his posture lower and closer to you.
“I’m glad everything is ok. That you’re doing ok. How’s work? You loving it?” He asked and you nodded emphatically, refraining from spilling everything that you truly loved about your work. Would he really hear everything you had to say over the music, the conversation, the ambiance?
“So you’re here with Metaphysics? How is everything going? From the flyer it looks like you have a couple of artists performing tonight,” you said and smiled proudly at your mentioning of it.
“Yea things are going well there for me also,” he replied, the proud smile still on his lips as he watched you.
“That’s great. I’m so glad to hear that. I-”
“Ma’am your drinks,” the bartender interrupted, taping you lightly on the arm.
“Oh yes. Thank you,” you said turning back to the bar to finish out the transaction.
You looked back at Chanyeol who looked down at the tray she offered you, and thought you could see him counting the drinks.
“I’m here with Awinita and her boyfriend and a friend,” you blurted to which he raised his eyebrows.
“Oh? I wasn’t sure if you were here in a work capacity or…” he shrugged nonchalantly though his eyes roved from your face to something behind you. The open sun of his smile had dipped behind the shadow of an uncertain look.
You turned to see Hugh behind you, an unsuspecting smile on his face.
“Hey I thought you may need help carrying the drinks since you were taking awhile. You missed a lot of Ophelia’s set,” he chuckled in a friendly tone as he picked up the tray.
You turned again to see Chanyeol watching you, his expression closed.
And cold like that letter.
“I...Hugh this is Chanyeol. Chanyeol this is Hugh,” you didn’t understand why you didn’t introduce them both to one another as friends of yours. Hugh placed the tray back on the bar and reached a hand out to Chanyeol which Chanyeol received, his smile clipped.
“Hi I guess you also work for Aspire?” Hugh asked to which Chanyeol shook his head.
“No actually, I’m from Metaphysics. ______ and I know each other from another event,” Chanyeol stated simply, his eyes never leaving Hugh as he spoke to him.
Hugh nodded , unassuming and sweet.
“Well I’ll grab these then. You coming?” He asked you as he held the tray of drinks once more, his head tilted back towards the table where Awinita waited.
“Yea I…” you turned back to Chanyeol and saw the tempered heat in his eyes as he watched you.
“It was nice seeing you again. Enjoy the show,” you said, backing away to follow Hugh back to your table, noting that Chanyeol’s eyes did not leave yours until you turned away.
“So what did you think of Hugh,” Awinita asked you on the phone as you drove back to your house.
You all had parted ways at the venue doors following the end of the festival performance. Hugh asked you out on a date for the following weekend to which you immediately said yes. Tobias and Awinita had waited until you parted ways and gotten safely into your cars before asking what you thought of the night’s events.
“He’s really sweet. Kind of a music nerd like me which is cool. He’s also beautiful. His hair, oh my god,” you gushed to Awinita who laughed aloud at your confessions.
“So you like him enough to see him for another date without all of us?” Tobias asked, and you heard a muffled “ouch” and figured that Awinita elbowed him.
“Yea I have to admit that I was a little nervous going out tonight. It’s just been awhile since I’ve been out. I just work each day and head home and don’t really go out to meet people. So tonight was just nice to meet people and-”
“Dance! Girl! I saw you and Hugh getting down out there. He thought he was moving but girl you were serving,” you both laughed aloud at that.
“Yea he was a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to seeing him again,” you said as you pulled up to your house and turned off the ignition.
“Sounds good hun. Have you made it home?” Awinita asked, a pop and crackling of a soda can sounding in the background.
“Yea I am. You guys drive safely. Are you really far out of the city now? If you want you can always stay the night and just drive out in the morning,” you offered but knew that Tobias had to be to work in the morning.
“Next time love. We’ll see you next time,” Awinita promised.
“Ok. Well I love you both! Please call me when you make it in!” You asked and heard them return the sentiment before you hung up, hopped out of your car and froze at the sight of a hooded figure on your doorstep.
The shadowed person turned at the sound of the slam of your car door.
You felt a feverish chill break over your body as you stood.
Go, you have to go, go now! Now! Now! Your body screamed.
As quickly as you could, you ripped open your car’s door and slammed it shut just as the shadowed person raced towards your car, slapping the trunk as you sped away.
You drove blindly for an hour before stopping at a nearby elementary school to call your legal advisor.
“There was someone at my house. I couldn’t see their face or hair or hear their voice but I think they were about 5’8” to 5’9”. Very athletic build. They were dressed all in black and wore a hood. I drove closer to the downtown area and am at this elementary school,” you informed him, turning over your shoulder to look at the name of the school so you could share your location with him.  
“Ok. Please lock your door. Call the police. I will be there shortly,” he brusquely ended the call and you followed through on his instructions informing the police with as much information as you could possibly give them.
After calling you closed your eyes and pressed your phone to your chest, willing yourself to be calm and not to cry.
You can’t call Awinita to come back and stay with you.
Knowing Tobias they’re probably already there by now and he has to work in the morning.
Definitely cannot call Hugh.
Let the police clear the house first and then you can stay there tonight.
Don’t be afraid.
You repeated those instructions to yourself over and over and over until you heard a voice outside your car door.
“_____? ______ are you ok?”
“Chanyeol?” You gasped at his sudden appearance at your driver’s side window, breaking you of your calm concentration.
After opening the door, you stood in front of him, trembling.
“I told Mr. Stone that if anything ever happened to you that he should call me immediately. I was just finishing up at the venue and he told me where you were. Are you ok?” He asked again, his eyes looking over you in a way that you felt a doctor would, checking for any signs of pain or trauma.
“I’m alright really. I got away and they weren’t following me. The police should be here shortly and then I’ll head back. Th-Thank you for coming,” you felt the quaking of your limbs increasing as the police arrived followed by Mr. Stone just as Chanyeol stepped closer. You were grateful for the distraction however.
They escorted you back to your home where you waited outside with Mr. Stone and Chanyeol both of whom stood before you as dragons, emitting gusts of hot air at the surrounding air as it blew around you.
After a fifteen minute walk through the police joined you where you waited on the opposite side of the street further down.
“Well ma’am we cannot find anyone source of entry or disturbance within the home. However what we can do is put a patrol on the house. Is there someone you can stay with-”
“Honestly I would prefer to stay at home. If it’s not too much to ask for a patrol for tonight, I would appreciate it,” you said dismissing the idea that you would go elsewhere.
No one if going to chase me away from here.
“Absolutely ma’am. If that’s your request. At the first sign of anything please give us a call,” he shook your hand as well as Mr. Stone and Chanyeol’s hands before walking back to his squad car parked in front of your house and radioed in the request.
Chanyeol’s familiar black Jeep was parked just behind his patrol car and Mr. Stone’s sleek BMW was parked behind your car on the opposite side of the street.
“I can stay with you if you want,” Mr. Stone offered and you took his hand gratefully in yours.
“I’ll be alright really. Thank you so much for coming. I’ll feel even more afraid if I stay somewhere else and then I won’t want to come back here. The patrol should be here any moment,” you said as Mr. Stone reached to hug you into his chest.
“If that is your will. As always I’m not too far away. I will call every hour until you retire to make sure that you are safe,” he departed with that statement after nodding to Chanyeol  and climbed into his BMW.
“Are you sure you don’t want someone to stay with you? I’ll sit outside for a little while if that’s ok too,” Chanyeol asked, pulling his keys from his jeans pocket as he moved towards his Jeep.
But you lifted a shaking hand, regretting that you had done so when you saw the way Chanyeol looked at you trembling there before him.
“I’m ok,” you insisted turning to head inside the house, hearing Chanyeol behind you.
“I’ll stay right out here in the car ok? Lock the door,” he said as you entered through the front door.
He closed the door behind you and you locked the door, crossing the floor to sit on your couch.
The quaking of your knees increased the longer you sat in silence, watching the clock on your kitchen wall ticking away the hour you spent frozen in place.
You are safe.
It’s ok.
It’s ok.
“H-hello?” You scrambled to pick up your cell phone you dropped at its sudden brash ringing and heard Chanyeol ask, “you doing ok? You haven’t moved from the living room. None of the other lights in the house are on.”
You cupped the phone to your ear, swallowing audibly.
You swallowed past another dry patch in your throat.
“I think Mr. Stone is calling,” you said as your other line beeped and you clicked over to hear Mr. Stone asking how you were.
“If you feel comfortable allowing Mr. Park into your home to sit with you, that may help you to move throughout the home and ready yourself to retire. If not, I can come by to stay with you,” his tone was doting in a way that made your quivering turn into inaudible sniffling.
“I may ask him inside. I thought I could go into the house and just get on with the night but it’s hard. I don’t want to call you back after you just drove home. I will ask Chanyeol inside. Good night Mr. Stone,” you said ending the call once he had said goodbye.
You clicked back over, shakily bringing the phone back to your ear.
“Chanyeol, please come inside,” you said, hearing how small your voice was in the echo of your dimly lit stucco home.
“Can you make it to the door to unlock it?” He seemed to be genuinely concerned or maybe you hoped he was. There wasn’t a hint of teasing in his voice or malice.
“Yes,” you stood and made it to the door, feeling your knees knocking as you heard his car door slam outside.
He met you at the door as you opened it, his phone still to his ear as you also held yours there, frozen.
The patrol car slowly cruised by on the street just beyond your door and Chanyeol turned to wave to them as they continued on their way.
“You ok?” He asked as you stepped back to allow him in and he closed the door behind you both.
“Yes. I’m...if you could just. I am going to walk through and take a shower. Please make yourself comfortable,” you said gesturing shakily to the couch as you walked back to your bedroom.
You knew the police had already walked through and that there was no one else there but the surreal quiet of your home that had always been filled with music at this hour of night was solidifying you in a petrified state.
Even a brisk warm shower didn’t ease your nerves.
You returned to your bedroom to change, hearing Chanyeol in the kitchen on the phone with someone.
“Yes we’re still not sure how this happened. How in the hell does someone randomly show up in the middle of the night and just disappear? There’s a patrol yea.”
You wondered for a brief insane moment if he had had anything to do with it and felt guilty for second guessing him.
But how could Chanyeol have appeared so suddenly?
This whole time he had known where you were but just hours ago he had acted like he didn’t know anything…
Was he in regular contact with Mr. Stone about your whereabouts  or did he really give you your space unless something bad happened to you?
You worried all the way out into the hall back to your kitchen where Chanyeol was seated on your living room sofa, the call finished, his head in his hands.
He looked up at the sound of your slippered feet trudging along the floor.
And the look in his eyes, the return of that bright sunny smile, stilled the tremors wracking your body.
“It’s ok, _______. We’ll figure this out,” he said, his tone steady as he looked at you.
Your cell phone that you had left on the coffee table chimed suddenly and Chanyeol reached for it, standing to bringing the phone to you.
You brought it to your ear as you asked, “hello?”
“Seems like you’re still breathing huh bitch?”
“Excuse me?” You asked, the feverish chill resurfacing.
“I am going to fucking kill you!” The garbled voice shouted and you pulled the phone from your ear, your stomach churning.
Chanyeol’s eyebrows were furrowed in concern at the way you shook but you brought the phone to your ear again.
“You cannot call me. You cannot be in touch with me,” you answered Liam, your ex boyfriend.
He chortled at the way you answered, as if he was glad that you knew exactly who it was without him identifying himself.
“Nah bitch how did you get that money?! Who the fuck are you fucking now?! Huh?! That was my fucking money bitch. You owe me! THAT WAS MINE!!” he continued to yell into the phone and as you lowered it Chanyeol reached for it but you snatched it from his grasp putting a finger to your lips.
You placed Liam on muted speaker phone, bringing his tirade to its climax.
Chanyeol frowned at the words he used and seemed furious with the idea that he had to remain quiet while he listened to Liam insult you over and over and over again. But you placed the phone down on the kitchen counter and walked around the counter to find the only house phone that you kept in the kitchen.
You dialed Mr. Stone and told him what you had rehearsed, “I have him on speaker phone. Are you available to record?”
You heard the snap of a button and Mr. Stone stonily replied, “we are recording. Once he finishes the call, allow him to hang up.”
You placed the phone on the counter alongside your cell where Liam continued to hurl obscenities at you and your family.
You stood looking at the phone now counting 10 minutes that had gone past of his ruthless anger.
You felt Chanyeol suddenly beside you and looked up to see him watching you as he had done all evening. His gaze was open and thoughtful as he suddenly asked, “do you want to sit down? I...can I get you anything?”
Hardly the questions you thought you would hear.
You sat on the sofa opposite him, exhausted.
He was quiet for a while as if he was waiting for you but you ignored the urge you had to say something.
It had been months since he had seen you and all this time that you spent hoping for reconciliation, thinking you had been parted with for your benefit, doing your best in attending your counseling services despite your inability to reasonably achieve closure without being able to see the two people left in your world who you needed closure from.
As you sat in silence, gradually descending into yourself, you felt in the midst of your exhaustion a stirring anger at the realization that he hadn’t been far from you at all. He had hidden himself from you in the familiarity of Mr. Stone who had seemed someone safe and removed. He had robbed you even of that.
“Why do you keep messing with me, Chanyeol? Why are you here?” You heard yourself saying, despite the way your body had sunken into a fetal curve in the seat of your couch.
You saw him turn to look at you, his smile quivering in shock.
“I’m not here to mess with you ______. I’m here to-”
“Why are you here? Why did you help me?” You asked, seeing him turn so that he was facing you.
He watched you for a moment.
“Now you’re angry at me because I helped you when months ago you were asking me for help? I just wanted to make things right between us-”
“You don’t think that was weird? Acting like you didn’t know where I was and what my life has been like...have you known about Liam too? Have you been listening to these threats for months?” You heard the erratic trembling of your voice but at this moment, you would not stop yourself until you finished.
He took a breath to say something but you rose from the sofa.
“Is this some sick game to you? Do you make a habit of saving women so that you can swoop in and reap the benefits? I just...something about you and this whole thing isn’t right. I have no idea where you have been or how you have been. You just showed up. I have appreciated your help but I’m not going to sit here and have you judge me and my situation tonight. I am not going to entertain you anymore with my trauma,” you turned to walk towards the door to let him out and all at once he was standing to take your hand.
“________, wait. Please. I’m sorry...I-”
“I don’t want you here. I don’t want to do this again. Please leave me alone-”
Tears overcame you as you pulled yourself away from him.
“I’m tired of this. I’m so tired of this. All of you just leave me alone,” you hiccuped between unsteady breaths.
His expression was openly pained and sorry, his large brown eyes misting at the look of fear and indignation you gave him.
“_______. I’m sorry-” his voice cracked as you stepped away from him.
“I’ll go. If you want me to go I’ll go. I just wanted to make sure that you were ok. Really I promise you. I stayed away because I just...I’m not sure what I want. When we were trying to figure things out you weren’t ready and now...when I saw you tonight with that guy I thought-”
“But what does that have to do with anything? You didn’t ask me. You just assumed. You’ve been watching from the shadows like some creep and then suddenly when I’m doing better here you come to try again? Do you understand how fucking sick that is?” A scream was rising in you as he grabbed his phone from the coffee table and made to move past you.
“So you’re just going to walk away now? So that’s it? You have absolutely nothing to say?” You followed him to the door.
He stopped, his back tensing as he held the door knob in his hand.
You heard a “click crunch” of the handle as it turned in his hand.
You both took rasping inhales and exhales in turn, waiting the other out.
“I don’t want to fight-”
“Then what do you want?”
He turned to face you, his eyes red and his nostrils flared.
“I...I want you _____ but then…” he choked out his answer, his hands in fists at his sides.
“But then what? Why leave me in silence for months? Why did you help me? Why didn’t you just walk away?” You went on, though you knew it would have been better to be patient and wait for his response you didn’t give a damn at this point.
“I have been living in this false bubble for months. Months. My sister won’t speak to me. She won’t even let them update me about her progress. I moved away from my childhood home. I sold almost everything I could take pay back our debts. I lost...i lost my son-” you didn’t bite back the sobs that threatened to unsettle your grounded stance.
“I cannot do this anymore. This back and forth. I need the truth. I need peace. And if you’re not going to be part of that peace then just let me go Chanyeol. Please let me go-” you sobbed into your hands as you sunk to the floor.
You weren’t expecting him to catch you.
You hoped he would walk out the door and leave you to grieve alone.
You hoped he would allow you your space, finally.
But he moved swiftly to catch you where you fell, taking you into his arms.
It had been forever since you had been cradled against someone’s chest where you rested fully in their arms.
You remembered your father holding you and carrying you home after you fell from your bike in grade school.
You remembered crying into his shoulder as he told you, “you fell the first time so that you could learn how to stand up on your own next time. You’re my strong girl, you just don’t know it yet.”
Chanyeol carried you effortlessly down the hall and looked into each door until he found your bedroom.
He sat down with you still in his arms, letting out a deep breath as he turned to lay you down to rest on top of your sheets.
“Here. Just rest here,” he said, his eyes beginning to puff up no doubt from the tears in his eyes.
As you laid there, the height of your anger and the fevered race of your anxiety depleting you of the strength and the will to resist.
“I’ll just wait outside like I said. I’ll-” he began not looking at you as he awkwardly tried to help you tuck yourself into your bed though you were not turning your body to allow him to help you in.
You placed a hand on his arm, noting the depth of the tan that had settled in.
You remembered the tautness of his forearms, and the ripple of his veins.
He looked up at you as you placed your hand there.
And you saw the invitation.
You felt the fire of desire rising in the way he somehow leaned closer to you.
“Chanyeol…” you whimpered as he leaned closer and kissed your forehead.
He murmured your name like an incantation against the bridge of your nose.
His lips against yours sealed your fate.
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