#and shes a pc gamer so she roams pretty far. i think she finds it interesting
rontra · 3 months
sorry the dalamud mention in the outfit one hit me like a brisk smack to the face i can't believe i never put 2 and 2 together but she would totally have been on ffxiv 1.0... may not be a question you have an answer for so apologies, but do you think there's any particular job she prefers playing as?
1.0 gamer toriumi is like my favorite joke KJSJHBFD i actually made it here first (but im gonna keep making it)
it would be so funny if 1.0 was her "home game" after ISO closed. shes like im never getting attached again fuck this 😭
evidence in the comic suggests she does still play xiv though. and i feel like shes enough of a level grinding enthusiast to have every job maxed. but i dont know what her main would be at all. so i'm opening the floor to my followers
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by Ronan Wills
Thursday, 11 October 2018
Taiwan's history of martial law makes for an excellent portable horror game
Oooh! This is in the Axis of Awesome!~
Horror video games are in an odd spot right now. With my beloved Silent Hill buried beneath the ashes of Konami and the genre dormant in the big-budget space (although Capcom might be giving it a sharp poke back into wakefulness, if Resident Evil 7 and the upcoming Resident Evil 2 remake are anything to go by), gamers looking for a scary good time have increasingly turned to the indie scene to get their fix.
But even that’s starting to stagnate, with a plethora of shabby titles ripping off whatever the latest big trend is. The
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
clones weren’t too bad, but things got really dire once
Five Night’s At Freddy’s
came along.
There is, however, another trend that’s flown under the radar. In recent years, indie horror games from south-east Asia have started to crop up here and there. Developed with an international audience in mind but touting their local culture and mythology as a selling point, these games stand out both due to their point of origin and because they tend to take inspiration from older, more well-regarded horror classics, instead of chasing the latest flash in the pan. The trend seems to have begun with
, a Kickstarted game from Indonesia heavily inspired by the Fatal Frame/Project Zero franchise, and over the last few years more and more have popped up on Steam and other digital platforms.
Jonesing for something spooky to play and realizing that I hadn’t dipped my toe into this particular corner of the market yet, I browsed the Nintendo Switch online store and spotted
, a Taiwanese game from developer Red Candle. I remembered hearing good things about it when it was released on the PC early last year, but I didn’t know much about it past the basic plot setup and that it’s a 2D side-scrolling game.
Now I’m just kicking myself for not playing it sooner. Everyone who loves classic horror games and who harbours hope for the future of the genre needs to play this game immediately.
takes place in the 1960s, during the period of Taiwanese history known as the White Terror. The country is under the rule of the nationalist Kuomintang, who use anti-Communist paranoia and tension with neighbouring China to brutally stamp out any hint of dissent among the populace. Our protagonist is Fang Ray Shin, a seventeen year old high school student on the cusp of graduation and adulthood.
Trapped in her school during an unseasonable typhoon, Ray finds herself in a nightmarish version of her familiar world, where ghostly creatures roam the halls and supernatural manifestations force her to confront the events of her recent past--events that she either doesn’t remember, or is trying desperately to forget.
If that setup sounds just a wee bit familiar, then you’ll understand why I sat up and gasped in delight more or less the moment I started playing
. It’s very clearly and obviously riffing on the older
Silent Hill
games, and unlike many horror games that have tried to do this over the years, it both successfully distills the essence of what made
Silent Hill
so memorable and also manages to retain its own identity.
Despite the 2D presentation,
gameplay is as familiar and comfortable as a favourite pair of slippers. You explore spooky, elaborate environments, searching for clues and items to help you solve puzzles that usually operate on some amount of dream logic. You’ll use items on environmental objects, you’ll hunt down keys, you’ll find statues that look as though they’re meant to be holding something but are currently not holding anything...it’s very familiar survival horror fare. The puzzles are uniformly clever and intriguing; as the game goes on they ramp up in difficulty nicely, eventually requiring the sort of lateral thinking that leads to satisfying “ah ha!” moments. Smart environmental design means that you’ll never fail to progress simply because you didn’t press A on the right piece of background; things you’re meant to interact with are clearly signposted as such.
Where Detention diverges from its inspiration is in enemy encounters. Realizing that combat was always the worst part of classic horror games, Red Candle decided to do away with it entirely in favour of light stealth mechanics. You’ll be looking to avoid
eerie monsters rather than kill them, although I don’t want to spoil the main mechanic by which you do that because it’s pretty original. Enemies aren’t very common--they show up just enough that you’re always worried about running into one, but the game doesn’t throw them at you just for the sake of creating artificial difficulty. Puzzles and plot are the main focus here, particularly in the game's second half.
Said plot is easily
greatest asset. From the very first scene, where a teacher is called away by the school’s political officer for unknown reasons, the game establishes a heavy atmosphere of dread. Its handling of Taiwan’s history really demonstrates the difference between people telling the stories of their own culture and an outsider doing it. A western developer would likely have gone much heavier on the White Terror angle, rather than taking the much more nuanced approach that Red Candle did.
The White Terror is both ever-present and distant. Like all people who live through history, Ray isn’t aware that her experiences will one day seem extraordinary to future generations, or that the society she lives in will come to be viewed as a transient period of darkness between relative stretches of light. This is just her life; she and her classmates and family and teachers have the same daily concerns as anyone else living at any other time, they just happen to exist in an environment where mundane actions and worries can get people killed. Feeling stifled by her surroundings and her home life and yearning to escape, but not knowing what that would look like in practice, Ray takes the kinds of reckless actions that young people the world over are prone to. The fact that her life is engulfed in tragedy as a result isn’t treated as remarkable or even unfair; it’s just the reality of the time and place she happens to live in.
If you’re familiar with
Silent Hill
-inspired games, you’ll know that they like to have Big Plot Twists of a certain nature. Very early on, I figured out what I thought was going to be
Big Plot Twist, but it turns out that the developers were one step ahead of me. Obviously anticipating this reaction from savvy horror fans, they de-twist the twist by basically giving the game away well before the climax. The suggestive symbolism littered throughout the personalized hell that Ray finds herself in lays out the basic fundamentals of what happened to her and the other characters and why she’s in the situation she’s in very clearly, and then a combination of cut-scenes and documents makes it explicit if you’re paying any attention at all. This turns out to be a smart move on Red Candle’s part, as trying to conceal the truth for a Big Plot Twist would likely have failed, and the exact specifics of why everything happened is more interesting than the mere fact that it did happen.
Ray herself is one of the best-written videogame characters I’ve seen in years. Initially encountered through someone else’s perspective, she comes off at first glance as the sort of timid, helpless heroine that horror likes to go in for. But as you peel back the layers of the plot, she turns out to be something very different altogether, both stronger and weaker than she appeared at first, and heart-breakingly relatable even as she’s caught up in circumstances that most of the people playing as her will (hopefully) never experience.
More than just well-written, Detention is subtle and intelligent. Visuals, music, plot and dialogue weave together in eye-opening and unexpected ways, forcing you to constantly re-examine things you saw earlier in new light. It really does reach the heights of meaningful, subtle symbolism that Silent Hill achieved at its best. At times, it might exceed it.
I’m enough of a
Silent Hill
mega fan that that’s high praise indeed. In case it didn’t come through clear enough, I loved every single second of
, from its mysterious, foreboding opening to it's heart-breaking conclusion. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the successor to the throne of the top tier of videogame horror that Konami relinquished when they started farming Silent Hill out to inexperienced studios, and my anticipation for Red Candles’ next game is physically painful.
All that aside, the game has a few irritating flaws. The English version is plagued with a number of typos and grammatical errors, including the occasional straight up missing word; judging by Red Candles’ English website, it seems like they don’t have any entirely fluent speakers on staff, and it shows. The problems aren’t enough to be a deal breaker by any means, but the mistakes are jarring given how well written the dialogue is, and it’s disappointing to see these errors uncorrected in a version of the game released well over a year after the initial PC release.
At one point, the game brings up a student/teacher relationship which (reading between the lines) appears to have become sexual. Taken at face value, the way the story leaves off this plot point could be read as alarmingly positive. Thinking about it a bit more deeply in context, the rose-tinted way the relationship is portrayed is being filtered entirely through the perspective of the student--who has understandable reasons for feeling that way and wildly mis-interprets other adult dynamics--rather than any detached authorial voice. The only third-party opinion we get on the situation comes from another adult who's generally portrayed as an empathetic type with her head screwed on straight; the fact that she basically calls the teacher involved a predator is, I feel, a pretty clear indicator of where the developers' own feelings lie (there are also some horror elements of the game that don't exactly paint the adult party in a positive light).
Still, I wanted to bring it up in case readers may be uncomfortable with the idea of playing a game that tackled this subject matter at all. Other than this plot point, the game stays entirely away from sexual violence and abuse, which I thought was an admirable bit of restraint given how dark some of the other topics handled are (this is, again, somewhere that I feel a western developer might have tripped up).
Also, the Switch version of the game chugs and drops the framerate during visually busy environments. I’m assuming this issue isn’t present in other versions of the game, but it’s something to be aware of if you’re considering where to play it.
Regardless of how you play it, I recommend you do play it.
is the best horror game I've played in years and easily one of the most nuanced, mature stories in the medium as a whole. I have no hesitation in making it my inaugural
Axis of Awesome
entry on Ferretbrain.
Computer Games
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builtinadaygames · 6 years
itchy tasty: Free Games on itch.io, issue #3
Hi, I'm Kevin Beissel and I make videogames under the name Built In A Day (@builtinadayKB).
This is the third post I've done about games on itch.io, you can read the others here or you can read them on my personal site, builtinadaygames.com/blog
This post is slightly different than the others.  The devs covered in this post have released well-regarded indie games thru publishers like Devolver and Adult Swim (Terri Vellmann and Andrew Morrish) or self-published on platforms other than PC (Powerhoof).  The previous posts focused on devs with only self-released work (and no titles on Steam).
I had played games by all three of these devs on Steam and was pleased to find they had work posted on itch as well.  Since itch has all types of games, especially small and experimental work, it was fun to play something by these devs that could explore a bit more and see them try things that might not work in 'commercial products'.
Not to say that they're work on Steam is generic or traditional or (worst of all) 'safe'.  But there is value in watching an artist experiment, fail, take risks, embrace weirdness and just try stuff, whether they 'succeed' or not.
So, my motivation for this post is basically two-fold: to let other gamers know that itch has cool, experimental work by devs you already know and love, and to encourage devs of all types to keep making new stuff (especially the small or weird ideas they have).
Here are the ground rules:
The purpose of this series is to cover some of the free games on itch.io, from a developer and fan perspective.
Before we get to the games, I just want to clarify why I'm doing this and what I hope it accomplishes.  So here's the what, why and how:
Discuss free games available on itch.io
I've got a list of profiles to check out, but please send along any recommendations.
There are no restrictions on genres.  The whole point of this is to be curious and ask questions.  So no dumb rules like "No walking sims" or "No puzzle platformers", which would prolly eliminate half of the available games anyways.
I want to become a better developer and playing experimental/small/art/trash games should help.
Getting an audience is hard and getting constructive feedback is even harder.  I can't help the devs covered in these posts with the former but maybe I can with the latter.
There is no rating system.
There is no alter ego here, these are not 'angry' reviews.
These aren't even really reviews.
The goal is to focus on the design choices that were made and discuss the reasoning behind them.
I don't really care about being right, I don't really care about sounding smart ("Yeah, no shit" the reader grumbles), I don't really care about agreeing with you.  I'm more interested in looking at the hierarchy of ideas (to borrow a phrase) that form game design.  By working at the ends and working in the middle we can find out more about it, right?
Enough with the formalities, let's get started.
Profile: Powerhoof (@Powerhoof, powerhoof.com, powerhoof.itchi.io)
Games: Murdercide 2017 and Peridium
Style: point and click adventure games, cyberpunk/comedy and horror/suspense respectively
Powerhoof is the two-man team (Dave Lloyd and Barney Cumming) behind 'Crawl', the excellent local coop dungeon-crawler on Steam.  They have a diverse selection of games on itch, but I'll be covering only three of them, tho each one is worth a look.
The point and click genre offers the chance to show off their narrative skills, with plenty of good dialog and superb voice acting.  Their games always have appealing visuals, so it was exciting to see that skillset paired with a good narrative.  It's also remarkable that both games are so different in tone, yet work so well.
Each game can be played in less than ten minutes, so describing the plot would spoil a huge chunk of your playthru.  So think of them like this: if you like Douglas Adams or 'Blade Runner' then check out Murdercide and if you like 'The Thing' or 'The Shining' then check out Peridium.  And if you like all those things and were also a fan of LucasArts adventure games, then for sure check out both.
Also, these games are much more about atmosphere than they are about the traditional elements of point and click games.  Yeah, you will have to use an inventory item to interact with some scenery, but none of it gets in the way of the setting and the story.
If I'm not mistaken Powerhoof has hinted at doing a full-length adventure game someday.  I've been mistaken before tho (turns out if you mix an acid with a base you get a reaction, you know like mixing drain cleaners?), so they'll prolly make something else that's dope.
Game: Riders of Rhea
Style: top-down, action, roguelike
Elevator pitch: It feels like an 8-bit version of 'Mad Max'.  I guess this is the perfuntory part where I point out that Powerhoof is based in Australia.  But this elevator ride is almost over, so fuck it.
You ride on a motorcyle thru a desert wasteland and track down groups of enemies using a mini-radar.  Another panel displays stats about your bike (armor/shield, heat, speed).  When you defeat enemies you get random drops, usually a small decrease from one skill (-1 usually) and a larger boost to another skill (+2 or higher).
The controls took awhile to get the hang of, but I eventually could take on small groups.  I can get overwhelmed easily (are we still talking about the game?) but that level of challenge makes each success feel more satisfying.
I've been searching for interesting action games lately and this one certainly fits.  Great minimalist art-style, nicely blends offensive and defensive tactics, and has a 'one more run' charm to it.
Profile: morrish (@int_main, andrewmorrish.net, andrew-morrish.itch.io)
Game: Tough Love Machine
Style: puzzle, pretty colors
Andrew Morrish has two games available on Steam, 'Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe' and 'Kingsway'.  I haven't played the latter, but SPPD has a great concept, fantastic visuals, tight controls and a diverse group of playable characters.  I didn't know he had stuff on itch, but TLM was recommended by Steven Miller (@stevenjmiller37, who also has a bunch of cool games on itch too).  It's a great puzzle game: fun, intuitive and a joy to look at.
There are two hearts and two arms on the screen.  Using the arms (WASD for the left and arrow keys for the right) you reposition the hearts until they are either stacked or side-by-side.  This seemingly simple formula yields impressively deep results.
One thing I always look for in puzzle games is how clearly they visually communicate concepts and rules.  In games like 'Stephen's Sausage Roll' or 'Baba Is You', the concept and mechanics work seamlessly, because the visual cues and puzzle design are so well done.
Those games ('Roll' and 'Baba') force you to very carefully consider the space you're given and how the rules you know can be applied to them.  I know that sounds like something that ALL puzzle games should do, just like regular exercise is something that ALL people should do, but we know that's not the case.
So when I got stuck in 'Roll', it usually meant there was some part of the level I wasn't utilizing, despite the design/visual cues clearly pointing me towards it.  TLM does a similarly good job of keeping the puzzle design uncluttered and avoiding bullshit red herring solutions, another common puzzle game pitfall.
BTW, I haven't actually beat it yet.  I'm stuck on the level called "you might actually be getting worse".  My God, this game sounds like my ex-wife.
Just kidding, I don't have an ex-wife.  I'm not kidding about being stuck but don't spoil it for me.  You can spoil it for my ex-wife tho, she always hated surprises.  Or maybe she just hated me.
Whatever the imaginary case may be, just make sure you don't hate 'Tough Love Machine'!  You could say it's TOUGH not to LOVE it.  You could say that, especially if you wanted people to hate your writing style.
Profile: terriv (@terrivellmann, terriv.itch.io)
Style: roam-around tank-shooter
Terri Vellmann recently released 'High Hell' (which I'm very excited for) but I've been playing 'Heavy Bullets' for just about a year now and I love it.  I was a bit put off at first and it took awhile to develop effective strategies (I can get to level six out of eight so far), but a good run in 'HB' is super satisfying, even tho they all end in an abrupt death.
TANKITA (or 'Bounty Hunter Tankita') is a tank-shooter with nice 'roam-around' style maps.  Each map has bases to destroy or enemy waves to fight off.  All of it is done in a low-res style but with bright colors and appealing cartoon-style character/vehicle designs.
You control the tank's movement with the L-stick and weapon aim with the R-stick.  The left and right bumpers are your main and alt fire, and the A button is jump.
As much fun as the game is, the control style caused some mild frustration.  The only issue I have is with the jump.  Circle-strafing enemies is pretty effective, except you have to keep moving your right thumb to jump or risk taking heavy damage from missiles.
However this frustration led to a worthwhile thought experiment: If I were to remap the controls, what changes would I make and how much would they change other gameplay elements?
I'll preface this by saying (or writing, at least) this:
A lot of well-intentioned game design feedback suffers from a common problem: the proposed solution has far-reaching consequences and would alter so many facets of gameplay that the amount of work necessary would far exceed being just a 'small tweak'.
So, my first instinct is to eliminate the jump entirely and focus on the weapons.  The problem with that is the tank is now largely defenseless, so the enemy behavior and the map layouts have to change drastically to compensate.  For starters, the enemy's missile fire rate would need to be adjusted (even tho you can shoot them down with your own missiles) or the amount of damage they do has to be heavily nerfed.
My next idea was to eliminate the alt fire and just have the main weapon and the jump ability, and map them to LB/RB.  This allows a good balance between offense and defense, but still requires that many enemy/level elements be reworked.
I like the second solution better.  Either solution would take a lot of time, but the second has a higher 'ceiling'.  You could compensate for the lack of an alt fire several ways:
Create opportunities for 'massive' or 'chain' style damage - like lure a group of enemies near a fuel truck, pepper the truck with your main gun and watch the explosion cause a chain reaction among the enemies.  Incentivizes the player to group enemies together and utilize environmental elements, which would mean reworking each map's layout.
Have Contra-style weapon drops - sometimes you get just the right weapon and other times you pass it up.  It's asking a lot of the player to go thru a game (even a short one) with only one weapon type.  The control style is still simplified to jump/attack, but the player can still have some variety.
Still, 'TANKITA' is worth checking out, as is Vellmann's other work on itch.  I like his visual style and something like 'mundo lixo' is a good chance to admire the aesthetics without any pressing gameplay demands.  
Well, folks, thanks for reading.  May other people indulge you to the extent that you've indulged me.
Love & Respect,
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