#and shhh i know azteca is in a state of perpetual almost-pocalypse
meursaulty · 1 year
i think wizards of the spiritual schools would be particularly sensitive to a dying world, especially one that they briefly revisit later on (empyrea prequest).
upon returning, a necromancer might recognize the sheer abundance of spirits surrounding them: always out just out of sight but present without a doubt, stirring around the ruins of markets and plazas like they did in life. if the necromancer had more time to reconnect with the spirits, they may have been able to get closure, or perhaps forgiveness. but since they in a rush to get to empyrea, all they see is a faint, shimmering outline of a familiar headdress over pork's shoulder before stepping back through the world door to turn their back on the world for the final time
a theurgist might notice just how quiet everything is. No birdsong, no aztecosaurs, not even a breeze to rustle the leaves overhead. absent is the low thrumming of life magic they can sense in all other worlds. the zocalo, once the hub of their adventures and base to their many, many advisors, is still and silent. only the stone structures, with their painstakingly carved embellishments now crumbling, reveal that anyone lived in this world at all, like heart rot in a tree. they are traces of artists and architects long gone. it amounts to a dreadful and total absence of life that the theurgist can't stop thinking about, no matter how hard they try
a conjurer would arrive in azteca and immediately feel the grief of an entire culture's last moments. an immeasurable number stories, recipes, songs were lost forever when xibalba came burning through the sky. as a conjurer, they knew better than anyone else that knowledge of the past is imperative to controlling the future. they also know that azteca's fate was sealed the moment they stepped onto xibalba all that time ago. tragedy is ever present in mythology, and they can't let their sorrow keep them from saving the entire spiral. and still, as they leave for the arcanum with their new allies in tow, a small part of them hopes for a miraculous discovery, a single , surviving aztecosaur to prove that nothing is ever truly gone
and perhaps it's not important what natural attunement the wizard might have to ruined azteca. pacal, zaylin, tezcat, and countless others are only dust now, indistinguishable from the dust that blankets the wizard's old textbooks in their dorm, or cast in a window's sparkling beam. azteca is gone, and the wizard lives another day
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