#and skinny sisk in the background
goodluckbabeheffron · 1 month
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skinny in the replacements pub scene moodboard
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kafka-ohdear · 9 months
me, to my non-hbo war fan friend: how can you not see him, he's literally right there! here let me show you the scene-
the scene (ignore my ugly ass hand please 💀):
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shoshiwrites · 10 months
Band of Brothers Ages: IRL vs. Actors
Did you know that according to a 1947 study, almost half the men who served in WWII were still under age 26 by the end of the war?
What this is : A (very long) post comparing the ages of the actors in Band of Brothers vs. the IRL figures they are portraying.
Background: Did I need to do this? No. Did anyone ask for this? Also no. Did I do it anyway? Yes.
Disclaimers: This is SUPER approximate for the most part. I based IRL ages off of D-Day unless otherwise noted, and actor ages off of January 1, 2000, the year filming took place (the latter is where the most variation will be because I didn't try to figure out what month filming started). I also didn't fact-check birthdays beyond googling. Most are sourced from the Band of Brothers and Military Wikis on fandom.com, Wikipedia, and IMDb.
I broke them up into rough categories, which are, again, approximate. I know I often forget how young the real life people were here, and this was a good reminder of that. I also found it interesting to see which actors were actually younger than their roles!
Check it all out under the cut ⬇️
~10+ years older
Dale Dye (55) as Col. Robert F. Sink (39) (~16 years)
Michael Cudlitz (35) as Denver "Bull" Randleman (23) (~12)
Marc Warren (32) as Albert Blithe (20) (~12)
Rocky Marshall (33) as Earl J. McClung (21) (~12)
Frank John Hughes (32) as William J. Guarnere (21) (~11)
Neal McDonough (33) as Lynn D. (Buck) Compton (22) (~11)
Dexter Fletcher (33) as John W. Martin (22) (~11)
~5+ years older
Simon Schatzberger (32) as Joseph A. Lesniewski (23) (~9)
Richard Speight Jr. (30) Warren H. (Skip) Muck (22) (~8)
Jason O'Mara (30) as Thomas Meehan (22) (~8)
Ron Livingston (32) as Lewis Nixon (25) (~7)
Donnie Wahlberg (30) as C. Carwood Lipton (24) (~6)
Matthew Settle (30) as Ronald C. Speirs (24) (~6)
Nolan Hemmings (28) as Charles E. "Chuck" Grant (22) (~6)
Douglas Spain (25) as Antonio C. Garcia (19) (~6)
George Calil (26) as James H. "Mo" Alley Jr. (21) (~5)
Rick Gomez (27) as George Luz (22) (~5 year)
Scott Grimes (28) as Donald G. Malarkey (23) (~5)
Stephen Graham (26) as Myron "Mike" Ranney (21) (~5)
~less than 5 years older
Shane Taylor (25) as Eugene G. Roe (21) (~4)
Tim Matthews (23) as Alex M. Penkala Jr. (19) (~4)
Matthew Leitch (24) as Floyd M. "Tab" Talbert (20) (~4)
Peter O'Meara (30) as Norman S. Dike Jr. (26) (~4)
Tom Hardy (22) as John A. Janovec (18) (~4)
Rick Warden (28) as Harry F. Welsh (25) (~3)
Kirk Acevedo (28) as Joseph D. Toye (25) (~3)
Eion Bailey (25) as David Kenyon Webster (22) (~3)
Craig Heaney (26) as Roy W. Cobb (29) (~3)
Damian Lewis (28) as Richard D. Winters (26) (~2)
Robin Laing as Edward J. "Babe" Heffron (~2, 21/23)
Ben Caplan (26) as Walter S. "Smokey" Gordon Jr. (24) (~2)
David Schwimmer (32) as Herbert M. Sobel (33) (~1 year)
Michael Fassbender (22) as Burton P. "Pat" Christenson (21) (~1)
Colin Hanks (22) as Lt. Henry Jones (21) (~1) (age around Bastogne)
Bart Ruspoli (23) as Edward J. Tipper (22) (~1)
~Same age
Peter Youngblood Hills as Darrell C. "Shifty" Powers (21)
Mark Huberman as Lester "Les" Hashey (19)
Lucie Jeanne (23) as Renée Lemaire (30) (age around Bastogne) (~7)
Ross McCall (23) as Joseph D. Liebgott (29) (~6)
Simon Pegg (29) as William S. Evans (~33) (~4)
Philip Barantini (19) as Wayne A. "Skinny" Sisk (22) (~3)
James Madio (24) as Frank J. Perconte (27) (~3)
Stephen McCole (25) as Frederick "Moose" Heyliger (27) (~2)
Matt Hickey (~16) as Patrick S. O'Keefe (18) (~2)
Incomplete/not found
Phil McKee as Maj. Robert L. Strayer (34)
Rene L. Moreno as Joseph Ramirez (30)
Doug Allen as Alton M. More (24)
David Nicolle as Lt. Thomas A. Peacock (24)
Rebecca Okot as Anna (Augusta Chiwy) (24) (age around Bastogne)
Alex Sabga-Brady as Francis J. Mellet (23)
Mark Lawrence as William H. Dukeman Jr. (22)
Nicholas Aaron as Robert E. (Popeye) Wynn (22)
Peter McCabe as Donald B. Hoobler (21)
Marcos D'Cruze as Joseph P. Domingus (not found)
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dontirrigateme · 3 months
OF COURSE! 🙃 skinny is fantastic, i was so happy someone asked for some. i tried to get things i haven't seen a lot of before (i tried getting him in the baseball scene at the end, but my computer wasn't cooperating, so i'll keep trying. if i do get them, i'll tag you in them). Anyhoo, I tried to get some where he's all smiling and happy (because even when he's not in the middle of a battle or getting wounded, he's usually somewhere putting up with Someone Else's Crap), plus my favorite moment of Background Skinny in the series (it's fuzzy, but i still find it hilarious). i've got some other things of him i want to gif, so i can tag you in those if you want.
Anyway, on with the show!
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If you look at these and you're like "omg, you didn't get the one scene i was hoping for" just let me know and i'll be on it! 🙃
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ww2yaoi · 4 months
man I love skinny sisk. he gets like 5 lines but he's always in the background looking cute as hell. he's there. he's observing. "so do the naked native girls." he patched up web's leg wound. "I'M REAL SORRY, FRANK." he's webgott's third wheel. he murdered the commandant just to shut joe up. he's that bitch
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panevanbuckley · 4 years
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poor skinny is like a kid dragged to the store with his parents who insist on arguing about everything
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 4 years
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Band of Brothers screencaps/edits (146/?)
Francis Mellet
July 7: Happy birthday
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malarkeys-beanie · 4 years
a healthy reminder:
this bitch WALKED. she fucking STRUTTED that runway mama
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which songs from the new Bleachers album would you assign the Easy Co. lads?
One of my fave kind of asks. Thank you for the request!!!
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91 - Dick Winters! The staccato cello In the background gives me this very noble dignified Dick Winters vibe. That’s why lol
Chinatown - Carwood Lipton. Solely bc he seems like Bruce Springsteen fanboy to me😆
How Dare You Want More - Skip Muck. 😭😭The upbeat music just screams Skip to me. And the lyrics just remind me of Skips ultimate sacrifice. But, he lived with as much joy as possible until the end.
Big Life - Don Hoobler! No specific reason why but this song just is Hoobs vibing in my mind.
Secret Life - George Luz. Idk why but I just feel like despite George’s humor and charms there’s a part of him that just wants to run away from it all. At some point it’s gotta get exhausting being the comic relief, right? I bet a piece of him would love someone to have as a refuge.
Stop Making This Hurt - Skinny Sisk bc I always see him as a tough but softie boy which fits this song imo.
Don’t Go Dark - Buck Compton, this song is a hopeful cry reaching out & is that not Buck?
45 - Lewis Nixon. I mean just listen to the first few lines and you’ll get it!
Strange Behavior - Ronald Speirs. Again I return to this theme of Speirs being deeply insecure about his relationships, specifically with women he loves. He’s a man with a lot of layers that I think get lost behind his quirks and offbeat, confident behavior.
What'd I Do With All This Faith? - Donald Malarkey. The lyrics seem very fitting of Malarkey’s trials. He’s just kind of left at the end of the war with all these pieces to pick up. Plus, the beginning has a bandstand sound which Malarkey was known to love.
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kaasknot · 5 years
An Analysis of Eugene Roe’s dialogue in “Band of Brothers”
I re-watched “Bastogne” this weekend all fucking week because, well, originally I needed to get BoB back in my ear so I could write, but that turned into a burning need to copy out all of Gene’s dialogue so I could understand how he speaks. And what started out as an analysis of how he speaks turned into an overall character study. This post is mostly just about his speech patterns, but stay tuned--there may be another post in the future where I dissect out the emotional arc of the ep. Tl;dr: Gene is shit at conversation. He’s not a chatty guy, and as soon as he steps outside his comfort zone he turns into an awkward dork really quick. (This post is long as hell, so the rest is behind a cut.)
Okay so, bare bones. Gene, of all the characters, has the most broken speech, in the sense that he hesitates over what to say most. He says “uh,” a lot. Everyone says one or two “uh”s, Guarnere’s got a couple, and Buck, on the edge of breakdown as he is, doesn’t have tidy speech, either. But Gene is constantly stumbling over his words: “I got, uh, I got this, and… got myself a Kraut bandage.” “Sergeant Guarnere. Did you, uh, keep your morphine from Holland?” “Well, I, uh… It’s Edward, right?” “Gordon, I--I need scissors. You got scissors? Sharp scissors.” [in reference to Toye’s missing boots] “Wh-what happened?” [when Martin tells him to sit the patrol out] “Uh… Yes, Sergeant.” (By a similar token, he's the only character--at least in “Bastogne”--who uses the filler words “Uh-huh,” “Uh-uh,” or “Mm-hm.” Everyone else verbalizes a full “Yeah,” “No,” “Okay,” or etc; Gene is the only one who doesn't always bring the full word out of a noise.) These are only the verbalized stumbles. There's plenty more times where Gene visibly searches for words, or his expression is the “processing” dial, or has to stop and pull himself together before he speaks. Everybody stumbles over their words in real life, our dialogue isn't scripted and sometimes things come out wrong or the brain takes a moment to process. For it to happen this often in a scripted show, though, it means that it's telling us something about the character. It means Gene isn't comfortable with words. It means he's often left searching for what to say. And this is backed up by his overwhelming preference for nonverbal communication. If something can be communicated without words, Gene usually goes for it, especially if it's at the beginning or end of a conversation. In “Carentan,” when Dick looks to him for an explanation for why Blithe can suddenly see, Gene gives a wordless shrug and goes back to business. At the beginning of “Bastogne,” when Dick tells him to scrounge whatever he can because he's going to need it, Gene just nods in reply. In the same episode, when Renée tosses him the chocolate bar, he smiles his thanks rather than saying it out loud. Later that evening, after he walks away from Guarnere/Lt. Foley, he tosses Foley a thumbs up to make sure his message was received. Gene finds actions easier than words. This carries into his bedside manner, as well. Gene uses touch frequently; he puts a hand on Dick’s arm in “Carentan” to urge him toward getting his leg bandaged, and again in “Crossroads” when he gives him the coffee; he pats Joe Toye on the knee when he gets up to leave after talking to him about trench foot; he pats a random background dude when approaching Lt. Dike. On the other hand, when it comes to words, he uses them rarely and often very badly. When Skinny is wounded, Gene doesn’t actually say a whole lot of reassurances. He issues an order immediately, but only says “Okay, Sisk, it ain’t that bad, ain’t that bad” after the pain starts really getting to Skinny. Then there’s the bit in the foxhole with Babe and Spina. When Gene first rolls into the foxhole, he says “Gotcha!” in a light upbeat way--but one speaking glance with Spina, and he alters his approach. He drops words and goes for the chocolate, which was the reason he went in anyway. He's very confident with this treatment: give chocolate, make Babe eat it, everything will be fixed. Only, Babe isn't fixed. He starts explaining the root of his emotional upset (Babe is very good at externalizing his emotions), and Gene gets overwhelmed/awkward very quickly. He looks away, clearly is at a loss for words, looks to Spina for help (Spina is no help, lol), and eventually tries a very bland platitude in his Calm Medic Voice: “Hey, no, it’s okay--” which Babe immediately shoots down: “It’s NOT. It’s not ‘okay.’ I should’ve got to him.” Words having thus proved useless, Gene returns to actions and goes to tuck Babe in better. Compare this to how Guarnere responds to Buck’s confession that his girlfriend dumped him: instead of going for a generic platitude, Guarnere says “Just in time for Christmas, huh?” which is not only a situation-specific observation, but communicates that he understands the emotional implications, and is commiserating with Buck. Gene, on the other hand, did not reply with specificity. He inadvertently dismissed the severity of Babe’s pain (it’s okay--it's not bad as all that), and he didn't really indicate he commiserated or shared Babe’s pain (even though from his expression he's sharing it a little too much, and is desperately uncomfortable). Somebody help this poor fool, he’s trying very hard despite not knowing what the fuck he's doing. Of interest, while I didn't pay especial attention to Babe’s dialogue in this ep, I did notice one significant difference between how he and Gene talk: Gene frequently repeats himself, most notably with the scissors: “Penkala, loosen your fingers, goddamn it! Loosen them now!” “Penkala, scissors. I need scissors. You got scissors?” “Gordon, I--I need scissors. You got scissors? Sharp scissors.” “Alright, here. This is what I want you to do. I want you to take someone and work your way over to the third battalion, alright? You know what we need. Bandages, plasma, whatever you can beg, you beg. Alright? And get me some goddamn scissors, I can’t get any. And you get yourself a hot meal too, huh?” The bit with the scissors may just be the equivalent of muttering something over and over to yourself so you don't forget it as you walk into another room, but the way he keeps saying “alright” when giving orders to Spina (or his verbal tic, “huh?” at the end of a lot of his sentences) is interesting. It implies he's subconsciously(?) unsure if he's being understood, so he has to keep checking in and making sure the other person is listening. By extension, the same could be said of him repeating “scissors” over and over: he wants to make sure his listener gets the picture. By contrast, Babe repeats what other people say. Gene says “Hey, it's okay” and Babe replies “No, it's not ‘okay’.” Or later, when he mimics Gene saying his name, again, he's repeating back Gene’s words. This is a way of him indicating as a listener that yeah, he's heard what the other person said, and he's now gonna say it back to prove it. I suspect Babe comes from a conversational culture that emphasizes audience participation. You indicate your engagement as a listener by talking over the speaker, repeating what they're saying, and announcing your agreement or disapproval. Gene, by contrast, waits for the other person to stop talking, and usually pauses to collect his thoughts before he speaks (this gets worse over the course of the ep, as the existential questions and trauma hit harder). I can easily see a conversation between them where Babe is chattering away, getting more and more uncomfortable because Gene isn't contributing--is he listening? Is he bored? Is he annoyed with Babe?--but meanwhile Gene’s desperately waiting for Babe to stop talking so he can pause to think and formulate a reply. In Gene’s culture (not speaking for Louisianans generally; it could just be his family culture), listeners are respectfully quiet until the speaker indicates they're done. Going back to Guarnere, though, something else I noticed--Guarnere looks fairly steadily at Buck’s face during his confession. His eyes flick away to the picture, but they go right back to Buck. Guarnere is connecting with Buck, witnessing and internalizing Buck’s emotions, and it's such a stark difference from how Gene handles eye contact. Gene almost never looks people in the eye for any long period of time, and often avoids looking at faces altogether. The notable exceptions seem to arise in two contexts: in periods of high emotion, or when he needs to communicate something. Examples: when Dick helps him up before the Normandy jump; when he verbally shreds Dick and Harry in “Crossroads”; when he takes Penkala’s aid kit after Penk was being a ninny; when he has a silent Medic Confab with Spina over Babe’s head; that blistering look he shares with Renée; when he looks up to Babe after Jackson died. They all seem, as far as I can tell, to function either as straight communication (“Do not do this again”/”How’s he doing?”) or as an emotional release valve (see: sharing a man’s death with your hands literally inside his body). It's clearly a powerful gesture to Gene, one that he doesn't like using very often. And that's another thing--despite all this reticence with other people, Gene doesn't tolerate bullshit lightly. He’s not shy, just reserved; he mostly keeps his opinions to himself, but he’s perfectly ready to defend his boundaries or his patients if the situation calls for it. When Dick says “Stupid” under his breath in “Carentan,” Gene looks sharply up at him, ready to cut a bitch if he has to. When Harry OD’s Moose on morphine in “Crossroads,” Gene does cut a bitch. When Gordon gives him shit about looking for scissors in the sewing room, Gene interrupts with a relatively mild “Alright.” Same with Toye’s feet--Gene is incredibly unimpressed with Toye’s self-care, but he doesn't take it out on him, and instead reiterates what Toye already knows. He also doesn't say outright “you fucked up,” he says (or uses his expression to imply) “can't you see why this is bad? you should know better.” He expects people to use their brains, and is disappointed/exasperated (or occasionally enraged) when they don't. He also tends to use questions to call out people’s lapses in logic. He says, “You don’t think it might be important to let me know how much medication the man has had, huh?” He says, “You don’t want to go out in this shit and you’re yelling ‘medic’?” He says, “What, do you got a drugstore in here?” And then there’s the times he outright ignores stupid people/questions, like when Dike asked what would happen if he and Spina got hit, or when Alley asked if Gene was using all the morphine personally. And with two exceptions, the first with Harry and the second with Penkala, Gene generally keeps his temper to himself. He’s incredibly inwardly-directed; he doesn’t take his anger out on others unless the situation is dire. That scene with Penkala is interesting in a couple of ways. First, outside of the “Jesus Christ!” in “Crossroads,” it's the first time we hear Gene curse in the whole show. And even more interestingly, he's actually echoing back what Penkala says: “It’s the artery, I can feel it--” “Penkala, let go--” It’s the goddamn artery!” “Penkala, loosen your fingers, goddamn it! Loosen them now!” To my recollection, this scene and “three syrettes, maybe?” are the only times Gene echoes what someone says, and they’re both in times of high emotion. Gene’s just made a run through artillery or mortars or whatever the heck the Germans are lobbing at them, he's tightly wound and riding the sharp edge of adrenaline. Then when he gets to Penkala, Penk’s freaking the fuck out, and Gene doesn't have time to collect himself. He does with Skinny--there’s a little moment after he jumps into Skinny’s foxhole where he takes a deep breath before getting to work--and he does while he waits for the reconnaissance patrol. And later, when his BSOD starts, he needs longer and longer to collect himself before the action begins. It looks as though if Gene doesn't have time to get into a Medic frame of mind, he ends up feeding off the panic of whoever he's trying to help. And it sticks with him, too--when he dumps himself back in the hole with Spina and gives him the order to go find 3rd Battalion, he swears again: “And get me some goddamn scissors, I can't get any.” That's not particularly unusual human behavior--we’re empathetic creatures for the most part, and it's extremely easy for us to panic each other. But look at Guarnere again: when Buck comes up half in a panic about Liebgott and Alley singing, Guarnere doesn't feed into it. He talks Buck down, reassures him he’ll address the problem, and presumably does. He doesn't get caught up in an emotional feedback loop strong enough to carry him through a whole nother conversation. So, Gene is highly susceptible to the emotions around him. Not to say that Guarnere isn’t, he wouldn't be half as good at dealing with people if he wasn't, but Gene either feels them more strongly, or his coping mechanisms aren't as good (that second post I mention will deal heavily with Gene’s coping mechanisms, if I ever write it). Either way, since Gene isn't good at handling people’s emotions, and since war is basically an explosion of the nastiest emotions people can have, one of his coping mechanisms is to avoid people. Hot take here, I know. Gene Roe isolates himself: news at 11. Now, I personally feel that Gene is an introvert, and that his keen awareness of/sensitivity to other people’s emotions feeds into/is exacerbated by it. It would explain why he's so bad at conversation: he doesn't get much practice. So when he's tossed into war, he becomes even more reserved, not only because war is hell, but because Gene is in a position of basically non-stop exposure to the pain, fear, panic, and death of his friends. Take all that together, and it's just easier for Gene not to get close. So, he generally doesn't speak unless spoken to, first. When he does venture first, it's almost always work-related, and generally only ventures into personal territory when he's explicitly asked, like when Spina asks about traiteurs. He tells exactly one awkward, doofy joke, and he doesn't shit-talk the others, save the very last line of the show, when he tells Babe to watch the line. Other nuts and bolts about his speech: he frequently starts sentences with hesitators like “Well” or “Alright,” to buy himself time to come up with a sentence. He also frequently ends his sentences with “huh?”, a verbal tic that could be a genuine need to make sure his listener’s paying attention, or just a turn of phrase he picked up from others. His grammar is fairly informal--Renée asks if he's a surgeon and he replies that they “don't got no surgeon”--but his word choice can sometimes be stilted and very formal: “You don’t think it might be important to let me know how much medication the man has had, huh? Because I do not see one syrette on the man’s jacket!” (an interesting combo of “don’t” and “do not” in this one, plus the length of the sentence is much longer than casual sentences tend to be.) “No, I don't recall.” (a more old-fashioned or stilted way of saying it than “No, I don’t remember.”) Maybe he’s self-educated through books, or possibly he spent a lot of time with an older relative who talked old fashioned (I like the idea of him inadvertently mimicking his grandmother’s speech patterns). He definitely isn't picking up the speech patterns of his fellow soldiers, which is something most people do when they spend time around each other--a symptom of his self-isolation. And last of all: French. When does this Cajun boy speak his second language? Answer: pretty infrequently. He does with Renée because he's trying to connect with her; he's curious enough that he's willing to step outside his self-imposed reserve and connect to another person. That was a deliberate choice on his part, nothing unconscious. The other time he uses it is when he's speaking to Guarnere about his biroute. There's a couple possible reasons he says this--he's fucking with Guarnere (unlikely, given his tone), or maybe he learned it in French first, and that's what he reached for first (perhaps adults in his family said dirty words in French to keep small, primarily-English-speaking ears from learning them. Too bad for them, children are language sponges). ALSO, given that he calls his grandmother a traiteurs instead of a traiteuse, i.e. he mixes up plural and gender on his noun cases, it could be said he's not very fluent in French at all (from a Watsonian standpoint, anyway; the Doylist explanation being that the writers done fucked up and Shane Taylor, not being a French speaker, didn't know better. This is held up by how Gene can apparently yell in frustration that he can't reach the artery, which is Advanced Second Language Skills, so pick your poison). He does all his cursing in English, though, so that's clearly his primary, instinctual go-to tongue. ETA: it turns out Cajun French is an odd duck and the word “traiteur” is used for all comers, men, women, and other. This was not an error! Gene can be fluent in the language again, as a treat. In conclusion, Gene Roe is a disaster child who doesn't know to make the words go.
(P.S. for the curious, I made a transcript of all his major scenes on my DW, which can be found here.)
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lightningigi · 4 years
After the millionth time I've seen band of brothers in full I can say with certainty that Skinny Sisk is the king of the background
It's always there, in the background, and it's damn adorable every time!
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kafka-ohdear · 8 months
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skinny sisk being pixelated in the background compilation -> the first half of "currahee".
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bonus, with chuck and popeye.
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wexhappyxfew · 4 years
3 4 12 20 and 28 for the writing asks? 💜
KRYSTA!!! hi and hello and thank you so much for these asks, i’m so excited!!! these asks looked so fun and interesting and FRESH compared to others and i knew i had to try them out!! THANK YOU!! <3
3. What loves do you tend to write about? Agape (unconditional, spiritual love), Eros (romantic, passionate love), Philia (affectionate, platonic love), Philautia (self-love), Storge (familial love), Pragma (enduring love like between long-married couples), Ludus (playful love, infatuation you feel during the “honeymoon period”), and Mania (obsessive love that leads to madness and jealousy)
OOOOH! i love this question so much!!! because based on different books and the tones, each has layers of love i include, but there’s always one at the very, very top that is the most important of the book which i will talk about! 
Sunshine Solider - For Sunshine Solider, it is very much a tie between Eros and Philia, simply because we have the love interest, Ronald Speirs, who plays a huge part in Charlotte’s life, but we also have the platonic relationship that Charlotte ends up having with many of the characters throughout the context of the story, such as Eugene Roe, Joe Liebgott, Chuck Grant and Skinny Sisk to name a few, even though in general it is in fact almost the entire company!! But it’s because they truly just care for each other and love one another like family, and I feel those two are at a tie in this story!! <3
The Soldier of Stars - Very much centered on Philia and Philautia simply because it’s about the friendships between the women and the man, and those bonds they create as well as they love and passion they hold for each other in platonic ways, which is something I wanted to heavily establish - not every story has to be centered specifically on a love interest - and since I had focused heavily on a love interest in Sunshine Soldier, I figured the first book of this 2 part series would focus more on the sisterhood, the platonic love, the friendship to really just establish the place of people, as well as their friendships. And I also focus on self-love of different characters, including various struggles they go through to remain confident in themselves, and such, but Ad Astra Per Aspera heavily focuses on that as well!!
Ad Astra Per Aspera [SEQUEL TO TSOS] - This book heavily focuses again on Philia and Philautia but also heavily on the importance of Eros, plus a little bit of Storge in postwar! Continuing off of what I said for The Soldier of Stars, in this book those are still two very important topics throughout the course of the book, on sisterhood, brotherhood, self-love, friendships, platonic relationships all of that. But I also introduce Eros between characters like Joe Liebgott and Hazel Parker or Catherine McCown and George Luz or Elizabeth Elliot and Floyd Talbert, 3 different, dynamic couples and some of my favorites - and I stress the importance of the foundations in their relationships which is A WHOLE OTHER POST TO WORRY ABOUT THEM :))) I could go on LOL But it focuses heavily on the platonic relaitonships of Hazel Parker and Shifty Powers or her and Ronald Speirs, as well as Catherine McCown and Dick Winters or Lewis Nixon or Joe Liebgott and also Elizabeth Elliot with Eugene Roe and George Luz!! WHICH AGAIN IS A FULL OTHER POST so I won’t bore you :))
UPCOMING -> Landslide - And in the upcoming Band of Brothers fanfiction, Philia, Philautia and Eros will be important but the main topic will be on Storge, since we focus mainly on Natia, Klimeck and Ryzshard Filipski a group of reckless Polish Resistance Fighters in the Second World War and just want to fight for their right, truly. Even though Natia comes n contact with Easy Company, and things happen, family is the most important factor in this story and simply the bond between family members!!
 can you tell i loved this question because i could GO ON about the love i hoped to portray with each book !!!! AHHHH
4. In your works, is blood thicker than water or is the blood of the covenant thicker than the water of the womb? (Are familial ties or friendship ties more important?)
Friendship ties are MOST IMPORTANT! Even though in many of them, at least the current ones published, friendship ties are ultimately the most important ones throughout the context of the story. In Landslide - familial ties will be most important but since that is not published - I’m focusing on the fact friendship ties for all my fics at the moment are the most important, because a strong and healthy friendship can sometimes be the best part of the book!! <3
12. What is the fashion like in your wip? Do you have any pictures saved of outfits your characters would wear?
World War 2 Era Based! And I have some pictures but not many unfortunately, I usually have a design in my head that i describe and end up not being able to find on the web, so I just intend on describing it really well to get my image across!! 
20. If you were published and had complete control over your covers, what would it look like? Do you have any specific artists that you’d like to illustrate it? Do you like when characters are pictured on covers or do you prefer inanimate objects?
OMG I HAVEN’T THOUGHT ABOUT THIS IN A WHILE! i actually have no clue if I’m being honest! But in the future if I think on it I can definitely let you know LOL and no specific artists :(( i love all art really!! AND IT DEPENDS ON THE STORY! I like putting characters on my story covers to show a human in different positions, but for sometimes it might depend on what the object is and if it can work on a cover!! <3
28. Do you need background noise to write? If so, what do you listen to?
Ok, SOMETIMES! If I’m working on a scene I might play music just to get me in the mood, but sometimes I wake up and just whip out the computer and just write in dead silence in the morning and I vibe with it. So I guess you could say it depends on the mood!! And I usually listen to classical or soundtrack of instrumental and then 70s, 80s, 90s and sometimes current with my 26 hour playlist LOL and then sometimes I’ll go to even Christmas music or 40s and 50s!! It’s honestly I mess but I love it LOL <3
thank you sm for the ask krysta!!! these were so fun and cute i loved them!! :) 
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chucklerjuergens · 4 years
Skinny Sisk for the "give me a character" thing? 😊
Thank you so much! 🥰
How i feel about this character: I love skinny!! Hes so cute in the backgrounds and when its his time to shine he doesnt shy away from making the best scene in the show. Philip barantini has the cutest voice and even tho skinny has literally like one line he stile my heart!! I love this dude!!
All the people i ship romantically with this character: Hmm ive seen skinny/shifty before which is pretty cute! Thats all i can really think of honestly
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Shifty again! I just think it would be super super cute :) him with webster and liebgott is also hilarious in any scenario hes like the kid theyre fighting for custody over i feel so bad for him but its so funny.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I dont think i have one? I guess one is that hes not all cute and sweet and innocent? Hes fought in a war and killed a man without hesitation bc he trusted his friend when he said he was guilty and could see how it was affecting his friend
One thing i wish would happen/ had happened with this character in canon: I wish he had more lines! More scenes and lines that really showed his character like his iconic ‘the train was coming, she was coming, and so was i’ or something like that. I wouldve loved to see more of him in general i suppose OH as an edit i wish his line ‘the lord willing and jesus tarrys, i hope to see you at the next reunion. And if i dont, ill see you at the last jump. I know you wont wait in the door’ or whatever was included somehow I LOVE THAT LINE!! If they had closed the show with the line i dont think i wouldve ever recovered. I like what they used but imagine if they used this one... the Potential
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gutsandgloryhere · 4 years
#7 and #15 for the ask 💝
7. What’s your favourite quote from the show?
Okay, my answer is going to be full of cliches but here are some of my personal favorites: 
-  “Would that be the enemy?” “As a matter of fact, yes”
- “You’re kidding me! I love to read”
- “Really? It’s hot in Africa?” 
- “I could use some brass knuckles”
- “When you talk to an officer, you say ‘sir” 
But obviously, my favorite is: 
- “Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?” “No, but I served in a company of heroes.” 
Gets me every single time. 
15. If you had to have a sidekick that was one of the guys from the show, who would you pick and why?
Okay, definitely Skinny Sisk. Imagine what amazing background faces he would be making as a sidekick. Also, I have a feeling that this boy is hilarious. My other option would be Joe Toye because he reminds me of my best friend irl. 
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Hi, I hope you're having a good day! I was wondering if I could get a ship? I'm pretty short, about 5'3, with shoulder length blonde hair and hazel eyes. I'm very polite and quiet at first, but when you really get to know me I will joke and mess around like there's no tomorrow. If someone messes with my friends I won’t hesitate to fight them. I don't really like being in a leadership position, but if I see things go south I will take charge and try to fix it. I also painting, music. Thank you!
Oh gosh, I can see you matching really well with Harry Welsh!  Not gonna lie, you both probably meet in the middle of some fight, probably on opposite sides, over a friend’s honor. Harry’s a scrappy dude, but can laugh things off just as quickly; the first thing that catches his attention about you is definitely the sense of humor you show off around your friends. The double-sided coin of your personality is endlessly exciting to him, and he wants to know more  ---  more about you every single day. Careful, because when Harry falls for someone, he’s in it ‘til the end. He loves your humour, especially that you can keep up with him. He loves how passionate you are about the things you enjoy, how well you manage crises in a pinch, how you can make him laugh harder at your jokes than he could ever laugh at his own. Frankly, Harry thinks you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread, and never misses a chance to show how much he loves you.
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I think you’d also work well with Skinny Sisk! Skinny’s a lowkey guy, okay  ---  he’s happy hanging out in the background, watching his friends do their much louder things, and lowkey judging them for it. He’s also got a smart mouth, so someone with a good sense of humor brings his more outgoing side out. He loves that you’re more than you seem at first; your calm demeanor is like a secret that only the people closest to you are in on, and he’s happy when he can count himself one of them. If it ever comes down to a fight, he won’t hold you back; trust Skinny to be right behind you, throwing punches while letting you do your own thing. He gets drawn into your more artistic pursuits easily; the two of you vibe to music together while working side-by-side  (Skinny might hum along, but he doesn’t feel embarrassed around you). Long days always come to an end with you lying side by side, his head pillowed against your shoulder while you run your fingers through Skinny’s hair  ---  which he absolutely loves. He tends to be the little spoon, even though he’s a lot bigger than you; the fact that you make him feel safe is something he appreciates more than anything else, more than words could possibly express.
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