theaskingsea · 5 years
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#soundoftheocean #luciebilodeau "Authentic shamans tend to be very humble people. Calling themselves shamans just isn't done, because doing so is regarded as spiritial arrogance and a quick way to lose one's power. True shamans are aware that the power to which they have access---the power that enables them to facilitate healing, for example---is not theirs to claim. Rather, it is the power of the universe, on loan and channeled through the spirits who work with them. The term 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘯 is thus appellation that can only be given to them by the spirits and by the members of their communities, based on their abilities to be of service." #thereenchantment #hankwesselman #healersofthelight #healersoftheworld #healinghands #dolphinenergy #wisdomofthesea #wiseone #medicinepeople #medicinewoman #empaths #bluehealer #greensoul #starpeople #lemurianseed #soulseeds #soulseeker #soulretrieval #shamanicjourney #walkabout #universalenergy #universalconsciousness #channeledwisdom #spiritwork #spiritualità #auricfield #aurabalancing https://www.instagram.com/p/B9gOM9YHmrf/?igshid=11mvsxvrvd51
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theaskingsea · 5 years
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Wow. This house has more dance space than I thought! #supalonely #houseshopping https://www.instagram.com/p/B9clkazn163/?igshid=13kl0tzhyo66c
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theaskingsea · 5 years
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#autumnskyemorrison "I should mention that there are also those who are solely 'spirit trained,' yet if they are without the guidance of an experienced and authentic teacher, their spiritual guidance can look a lot like spiritual emergency---like mental illness." #thereenchantment #hankwesselman #thehangedman #thejoker #thehermit #thewiseone #thepath #spiritualkids #spiritfamily #kindredspiritsclub #lonestarlight #oldsoul #wisewoman https://www.instagram.com/p/B9a83PIHtyZ/?igshid=1rezu511cny6v
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theaskingsea · 5 years
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#dolphindreaming #karintaylor "Shamans still exist in some form in every culture on the planet, including our own modernized Western world. Engaging with the shamanic tradition is not about cultural appropriation or ripping off spirituality of any indigenous peoples. We all come from indigenous ancestors if we go back far enough, and they all had great shamans. Thus, the shamanic path is one of our birthrights and the ancestral precursor of all of our spiritual and religious traditions." #thereenchantment #hankwesselman #modernshaman #urbanshaman #shamans #ageofaquarius #dolphinlove #dolphins🐬 #dolphinspirit #dolphinart #cosmicconsciousness #cosmicart #natalchart #astralplane #astralchain #northnode #pastlife #ancestralhealing #spiritualawakening #spiritanimal #spiritsoulbody #lifeofwonder #greatmystery #deepinside https://www.instagram.com/p/B9a5aswnD4n/?igshid=1ktn3hzx084i6
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theaskingsea · 5 years
"Shamanism provides the perfect vehicle for approaching this goal of deepened intelligence and experiencing ourselves as an interface between the worlds of things seen and the worlds of things hidden. The whole purpose of shamanic practice is to turn mirrors into windows. And the quest? That depends on the life games we choose to play."
#thereenchantment #thebowloflight #hankwesselman #shamanicpath #shamanic #shaman
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theaskingsea · 5 years
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#blazewarrender "Shamanism provides the perfect vehicle for approaching this goal of deepened intelligence and experiencing ourselves as an interface between the worlds of things seen and the worlds of things hidden. The whole purpose of shamanic practice is to turn mirrors into windows. And the quest? That depends on the life games we choose to play." #thereenchantment #thebowloflight #hankwesselman #shamanicpath #shamanic #shaman https://www.instagram.com/p/B9a2061H2fw/?igshid=1mwzlkvz9c5f0
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theaskingsea · 5 years
Heyy! Its petey from philly! Piarres steinke, how are you!
Wow, things are looking up. I can't believe it. It's been so long. Tell me about life. Last i knew you were really going deep within. These messages aren't private, but you can message me on Instagram with this acct.
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theaskingsea · 5 years
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"In the beginning of any relationship, the use of #discernment is necessary. In #todaysworld, many people have learned how to be seducers. To seduce another's senses by saying what one thinks the other wants to hear is an act of #dishonesty. To behave one way in order to attain another's trust, while denying one's #trueintent or nature, is an act of #cowardice. The #label human beings have affixed to these behaviors are #socialclimber, #golddigger, #user, #seducer, #yesman, #homewrecker, #scamartist, #gigolo, #groupie, and so forth. These #tragic misuses of #humanpotential defy explanation. The ultimate lessons of allowing ourselves to be seduced by #oursenses, or our longings to #beaccepted, admired, or loved, are often #verypainful." #paulagunnallen #grandmothersofthelight #mentalhealth #goddesslove https://www.instagram.com/p/B03dfFnnlm-/?igshid=vpohxwm9p83
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theaskingsea · 5 years
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#odessakelley #protectorsofhope "The delusions that humankind buys into are astounding. It seems that we are bound to our limited perceptions of life, based upon the #beliefsystems that we have encountered along our individual paths. It frightens most human beings to think that the tangible reality could melt, giving new awareness of #otherworlds that exist in the same time/space as the #physicalworld. Going beyond the seen and the solid has its own rewards. My #Mayan/#Yucan/#Aztec teacher #JoaquinMurielEspinosa taught me two ways that humans usually create their personal #delusions: By denying or doubting their own perceptions. Faulty perceptions that come through the accidents of untrained senses." #jamiesams #earthmedicine #manymoons #consciousness #nativeamericanteaching #truespirit #meditation #earthwisdom #souljourney #theunknown #spiritworld #cosmicart #cosmicjourney https://www.instagram.com/p/B0bI5a3HekN/?igshid=ibyvrv56nk2s
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theaskingsea · 5 years
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#cherlyn #mysticartmedicine #motherslove "And together we will bring the songs Of those who rode the wind before us, As they made their way, gathering the goodness Of the Earth and returning their love to the land. For we are all that has ever been and All that ever will be . . . Reflections of the quest for life or The spirit within the breeze. And to that end, our lives are blessed For we will always be . . . A part of the Force That forever exists . . . Within infinity" #earthmedicine #jamiesams #mysticart #infinitebeing #infinitelove #familyoflight #tribe #trippyart #dreamwalker #windrider #earthlove #higherspirit #spiritualawakening #blessedlife #lifeforce #lightandlove #spiritanimal #dolphinmedicine #dolphinart #dolphinencounter #nativeamerican #lovelife https://www.instagram.com/p/B0gxSJ0nb2v/?igshid=1tbygfutcvubk
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theaskingsea · 5 years
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#steveread #pearlprincess "Stories connect us to the universe of medicine --of paranormal or #sacredpower. This universe of power referred to by the old people of some of the tribes as the #GreatMystery is the universe that #medicinepeople inhabit. Many of the stories contained in the #oraltradition concern that universe, detailing its features: its terrain, the physical and #psychical laws by which it operates, the orders and kinds of beings who dwell there, their #ethos, ethics, and politics. ...An apprentice medicine person becomes familiar with a number of these stories because they act as general guides to that special universe. They enable practioners of the #sacred to recognize where they are and how to function, the entities they might encounter, their names, personalities, and likely disposition toward them, the kinds of instruction they might gain from them, and how to #exploretheuniverse of power to gain greater #paranormal knowledge and ability. Every #medicinepath has its attendant stories, and medicine people, also known as #shamans, #wisewomen, #conjurers, #adepts, #mages, #practioners, or masters, teach apprentices through story. ...To walk the medicine path is to live and to think in ways that are almost but not quite entirely unlike our usual ways of living and thinking, and the stories show the right and wrong ways to proceed." #grandmothersofthelight #paulagunnallen https://www.instagram.com/p/B0iw18wnzli/?igshid=uncfmej0xf09
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theaskingsea · 5 years
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"In medicine stories as in #medicinelife, it is always difficult to discern where the mundane merges with the #arcane. Their boundaries are not sharp and distinct but barely discernible and, for long stretches, invisible, like faint trails in the grass and forests left by small creatures. So in all stories from the #oraltradition, some of the details are from the world we know while other details refer to the #supernatural or nonphysical universe. Many times the stories weave back and forth between the everyday and the supernatural without explanation, confusing the logical mind and compelling linear thought processes to chase their own tails, which of course is a major #spiritualpurpose behind the tradition's narrative form." #paulagunnallen #grandmothersofthelight #invisiblewoman https://www.instagram.com/p/B0i2O3UHtLK/?igshid=lq6rjnu1gkry
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theaskingsea · 5 years
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"At this point in #herjourney, she may choose seclusion, even isolation, should her guides indicate to her that is the proper way for her. Performing rituals, teaching #themysteries, healing, meditating, spending most of her time with plants, nonhuman creatures of all orders, bringing rain, tending the wilderness, gardening, gathering, muttering, mumbling, and myth-making, she might become what the white world recognizes as a #medicinewoman -- though there are other, less obvious modes of being one. She might choose politics, public service, or a profession as her arena of practice. Becoming a leader, she will advocate a spiritually sane way of practicing whatever profession she follows." #paulagunnallen #grandmothersofthelight #divinelyguided #cosmicconsciousness #cosmiclove #cosmicjourney #joyful_sky #skinnydiplondon #mastersoftheuniverse #spirituallaw #newparadigm #5d #sistar #spiritguides https://www.instagram.com/p/B0lX-szHkvz/?igshid=sh0ofnj4nnxz
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theaskingsea · 5 years
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#jimthorpe #herjourney "Travel to and in the universe of power thus is more a matter of psychic travel than physical movement. 'Dialing' different gestalts or clusters of awareness results in becoming conscious in another world." #paulagunnallen #grandmothersofthelight #attunement #tribevibes #raisethevibetribe #callofthedolphins #raiseyourfrequency #highervibrations #higherfrequency #dolphinlove #universallove #universaltruth #universequotes #psychics #consciousvibrancy #expandingconsciousness #cosmicdownload (at Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0lztlzneBt/?igshid=1kg86rx38ulfw
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theaskingsea · 7 years
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#1000nights #frenship "With a pocket full of that gypsy stuff i heard you calling me, calling me, calling me through the dissonance. I've been known to run just to feel the rush, but the dying sun illuminates so much. It's hard to see beyond what's in sight, but when you tilt the light I realize." #thisisforyou #allwaysalways #sisterofthelight #gypsysoul #3am #seebeyond #restlesssoul #findthesun #findyourtribe #findthelight #heavenknows #whatsinside #dissonance #gypsyvibes #feeltherush #dyingsun #familyoflight #foolsgold #keepitsurreal #lovelight #sisterhood #gypsytattoo #itshard #thelight #tribegram #ephermal #plexus
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theaskingsea · 7 years
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#autumnskyemorrison #symbiosis “Heraclitus believed in a world of perpetual change, of eternal ‘Becoming’. For him, all static Being was based on deception and his universal principle was fire, a symbol for the continuous flow and change of all things. Heraclitus taught that all changes in the world arise from the dynamic and cyclic interplay of opposites and he saw any pair of opposites as unity. This unity, which contains and transcends all opposing forces, he called the Logos.” #thetaoofphysics #fritjofcapra
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theaskingsea · 7 years
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#selinafenech #aphrodite's passion "In all the myths and legends that have been passed down through eons of time, the dolphins are most remembered as guides." #callofthedolphins #lanamiller
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