#and so i kept looking for my group and thr entire time i was fucking SURE i was being followed. finally i sorta semi gave up and walked
gibbearish · 10 months
thinking abt when we were in costa rica and we visited a place that let you feed the local spider monkey troupe + they would climb on you to do so, and the guides were very clear about hey do not fucking leave anything loose on you. ESPECIALLY glasses of any kind they are SO shiny and SO grabbable by a monkey sitting on your shoulder directly next to your head. put your glasses in your bag i am so fucking serious. and then this random ass rich girl just Ignored All Of That Entirely and left her glasses on, monkeys snagged them and ran away to the treetops with them and at first she was like "haha thats so cute!!!" then after a couple minutes turns to the guide and is like "ok how do i get them back" and hes like "😐...you dont. theyre wild monkeys. i told you to keep that stuff out of their reach" so she starts throwing a fit like "what do you mean i dont, they were expensive and i need those", and then not even a minute later the monkey chucks the two snapped halves of her glasses to the forest floor
#she spent the entire ride back alternately pouting and complaining that they didnt stop it from happening lmao#side note that whole excursion was most certainly bad for the monkeys and a rabies risk however i did#not plan the trip or its excursions i was just kinda Brought Along#and had i been in charge 'feed wild animals' would not have been on the list#but just like. maam they are monkeys. they do not give a shit nor fuck that your glasses were prescription.#they do not comprehend glasses or money or nearsightedness.#they see a shiny breakable thing and go 'ooh shiny i want to break it'#we also had a different trip for a night hike thru the woods to look at animals (i had a terrible time bc there#were so so so so many ants i spent the entire time looking at the ground so i didnt step in ants and let them climb on me)#and on the ride back the dad of this other tourist group who looked and acted like Old Old Old Money was#being super shitty to the driver for driving bad but like. the driver was doing great its just that roads in costa rica are#deeply fucking insane‚ like thr fact that we didnt have or see a single crash the entire time we were there astounds me#there was one (1) stoplight we saw and it was treated entirely as a suggestion no matter how strong the traffic#but anyways yeah the driver was doing terrific this dude just had 0 like ability to contextualize anything#and his family just fucking WENT OFF on him it was so funny#me my bf and his mom were all sitting together in the back and while they were melting down we kept just looking at each#other like 👁️👄👁️#it was so funny
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jhopezwrld · 3 years
oh i absolutely can, my dearest!
cw // pregnancy, babies, general fluffiness :]
kim seokjin: 
obsessed with your pregnancy glow. he literally stares at you 24/7 to the point where it’s almost creepy
“jin, you’re staring again.” “i know, i can’t help it” 
is disgusted with your weird cravings but will make whatever you ask of him, even if the pickles and marshmallow combination makes him nauseous
very very emotional during your entire pregnancy. you’d think HE was the one who was pregnant
watery eyed during every ultrasound appointment
cried so hard he almost gagged when he first heard the heartbeat
and when you found out you were having a little boy? mans almost passed the fuck out
the first person he told the gender to was jungkook who also cried with him and kept a copy of the ultrasound photo in his wallet 
at this point, you’re basically the 8th member of the group. the boys treat you like family
jimin always wants to feel your tummy and when he first felt the baby kick, he was weirded out that you could see it but loved the feeling. hes always shopping for maternity clothes with you and makes sure you know you’re a bad bitch even though it looks like you swallowed a watermelon
taehyung is always taking super cute pictures of you and your bump and just super cute photos of you and jin and the boys and he makes a scrapbook for you and jin as a gift after your son is born
namjoon loves to ask a bunch of questions about your pregnancy and buys jin one of those pregnancy books but ends up reading it himself. he’s also always buying cute baby stuff he sees. you literally have a never ending supply of baby clothes and toys bc joon has no self control
hoseok likes to do prenatal yoga with you and is always looking up new moves to try or ways to relieve some of your aches and pains. is also always down to rub your shoulders and takes you on walks all the time
yoongi is such an enabler and is always indulging your cravings when jin isn’t around. if you’re craving anything at any hour, just let him know and boom he’s at your house with multiple takeout bags and in his comfiest pajamas, ready to pig out and watch netflix
and jungkook is the most excited about the baby, aside from jin (he actually might be more excited than jin). he’s at your house all the time. the spare room at your house is practically his now. he loves to feel the baby kick and talks to your tummy whenever he can. the two of you get so close during your pregnancy he’s basically your baby brother at this point. he’s also asks the sweetest questions about the baby and your pregnancy all the time 
“noona, do you think the baby will recognize my voice when he comes out?” 
“noona, can i come to your lamaze class with you? i wanna help out too!” 
GRRRR he’s the cutest ever . anyways-
jin is singing to your belly all the time. not a night goes by where he isn’t singing some sort of lullaby or something. even if it’s just over the phone
will definitely put a pair of headphones over your belly so your son can listen to bts
“babe, he probably won’t even remember this when he comes out” “no no no, he knows his appa’s voice!” 
once you go into labor, he’s freaking the fuck out. he’s more scared than you are.  
you gotta call yoongi to drive you two to the hospital bc he’s the most calm and jin is about to pass out again
he let’s you squeeze his hand as hard as you need to while pushing
and when he hears your sons first cry, he cries too. the nurses are kinda concerned bc he sounds like a dying donkey but it’s kinda endearing.
he’s so scared to hold him because he’s so much smaller than he could’ve imagined and he’s just so fragile
feels his heart grow 100 sizes while watching you hold your son for the first time
immediately sends pictures to the group chat he has with the boys
“5lbs 6oz, kim daeshim, born at 5:47 pm!!!!”
kookie is the first to reply with a bunch of crying emojis and hearts and asks when he can come see his joka (nephew)
eventually they all trickle in throughout the day, admiring how quiet and tiny your son is
jungkook is the first to hold him and he definitely cries a little bit bc he’s just so happy for the two of you
“yah, he’s so beautiful. are you sure he’s yours, hyung?” “fuck off, yoongi.”
he’s so scared to bring him home but is very relieved to be out of the hospital
he drives so slow the entire way home
loves watching you breastfeed in a non-sexual way. he’s just so enamored with how your body works
just watching you be a mother makes him so inexplicably happy!
he’s already for another one but won’t tell you yet
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My Pet: NSFW Yandere!Kaon x Fem!Reader Request
For Write_me_a_story_love on AO3
Request: You're an absolute sweetheart you deserve all the love. If it's not a hella hassle would you do yandere Kaon x Reader (cybertronian or human whichever) NSFW maybe? If you can't it's totally fine if not, I am in your wonderfully artistic hands and on board for anything you make
I've decided that since this is the DJD we're talking about, Tarn wouldn't allow Kaon to keep an Autobot or an organic, and especially not a rogue Decepticon, so the reader will be a Decepticon that Kaon saw and had to have.
My Pet:
Being a Decepticon has been a lot harder ever since the war ended. The war had been the only way many Decepticons stayed alive. Everything was paid for and fuel was always available. However, all of that was gone now and many Decepticons were left with nothing. You just happened to be one of those unlucky souls.
At first, things weren't so bad. You still had your unit. Your friends. But then a squad of Autobots found your scout while he was looking for spare parts. They had followed him back and attacked. You guys hadn't been able to find a sufficient supply of energon, so it was basically like fighting with one arm and leg tied behind your back. None of you had seen it coming. It was over almost as fast as it had started.
You only managed to survive because you had been careful about saving your shares of fuel and your seeker frame didn't need much. When the Autobots first began their massacre you wanted to stand, fight, and die with your team, but you were the youngest and smallest of the group, so your leader ordered you to fly away.
It ripped your spark into pieces and you regretted it every second you were without them. You had been born into war and were immediately stationed with your unit, so they were the only thing you've ever known. However, no matter how depressed you got or how painful it felt, you refused to end your life. You were all that was left of them. To kill yourself would be the equivalent of killing the last pieces of them. But that didn't stop it from hurting.
You were currently curled up in an old abandoned Decepticon war cruiser that you had found on a lifeless planet. You had tried to fix the damn thing, but it was practically falling apart. When you finally gave up you couldn't help the thought that your mechanic could have got this rig working, and it sent you into another round of sobbing and cursing.
You didn't have enough energon to make it to another planet and there was no way you'd be able to get this thing working again. And you were alone. And now you're crying even more. 'Why!? Why did the fucking Autobots have to find u-!' Clank.
You immediate went silent and darted your head around the room. 'What was that?' The small voice that likes to make your anxiety skyrocket spoke up from the corner of your mind. 'What if it's another Autobot? Or worse. What if the Autobots that killed everyone managed to track you down?'
'No! Anything but that!' You got to your hands and knees and quickly crawled to a small hole in the wall, which was kind of difficult considering your wings were down facing, but you made it work. You burrowed back as far as you could and turned to sit with your knees pulled up to your chest. You pulled your gun out of its holster and pointed it at the entrance to the hole. You were out of ammo, but whoever was here didn't know that. You prayed to Primus that they wouldn't find you. You knew the hole was deep enough to completely hide you, but the little voice wouldn't shut up.
Suddenly the door burst off the door frame and to the other side of the room. You let out a startled squeak and immediately covered your intake with the servo that wasn't holding your gun up.
"Easy, Helex. We don't the whole damn ship to crumble around us." A deep voice as you saw large violet legs walk into the room.
"I swear I barely touched it." The one that must be Helex tried to defend himself.
"I don't care. Now, search the room. The scanner says the Decepticon life signal is close by." Four more pairs of legs, all ranging in size and color, and even a set of four filed into the husk of an engine room.
Things began to get tossed and knocked down all over the room. You had to clench harder at your derma to stop any sounds from escaping them, but you couldn't stop your wings from shaking or the tears that flowed down your faceplates. You hoped that all the noise they were making masked your shivering armor.
They searched the room for about fifteen minutes and you didn't relax or lower your gun for even a nanosecond. It went quiet for a little while and you couldn't tell what they were doing other than the subtle sounds of shifting every so often. "Enough! There are other rooms nearby. We'll look in there." The same deep voice from earlier broke the silence.
One by one they all left the room until all four of them and the four-legger left. You finally let the tension leave your frame and lowered your gun. 'Wait. Four? I could have sworn there were fi-' An orange arm shot into the hole and grabbed your leg and began yanking you out.
"AH!" You shrieked in terror and started squeezing the trigger over and over again, but no matter how hard you tried nothing fired from your gun. The orange and white figure forced your entire frame out of the safety of the hole and pinned your servos above your head making the gun skid across the floor.
You were finally able to get a good look at your assailant's grinning face and he- HE HAD NO OPTICS! You let out another scream and continued struggling with a new found strength.
"Aren't you just an adorable little thing." The seemingly blind bot chuckled at your attempts to get away from him. The rods on his back light up with electricity that flowed down his arms and into your wrist making you yelp; it was only a slight jolt but you got the message and stopped fighting him. At some point during the struggle, the others had reentered the room and now surrounded you.
You looked at them with tear-filled optics and each one you looked at was scarier than the last. The four-legger, that you now recognized as a rabid turbofox, growled and snapped at your face from its spot next to the purple and black bot standing over your head.
"Easy, Pet." The opticless bot pinning you down called to the beast, making it back up a little. Now that you weren't distracted by fangs in your faceplates, you could properly take in the giant standing above your helm. Your optics went wide with utter spark piercing fear. You recognized him. How could you not? Every Decepticon knows who Tarn is. The leader of the DJD. 'I'm going to die! And horribly if the stories are even remotely true!'
"What have we here? We follow a stray life signal and find a rogue seeker. Interesting. If I recall correctly, and I always do, your name is Y/n. Isn't it?" Tarn leaned down with his servos on his hips and tilted his helm at you.
"Y-Yes. Yes, s-sir!" You quickly corrected yourself and focused all your attention to the figure looming over you despite the bot shifting between your thighs and occasionally against your pelvic plating.
"You're registered under a squad of eight, Y/n. Where are they?" Tarn asked staring directly into your optics with his burning crimson ones.
"I-I.." You took a second to collect yourself and push down any thoughts of crying again. "I a-am the last, sir. M-My team and I w-were ambushed b-by Autobots. Th-They are all... dead."
"Then how is it you're still alive? I sure hope you didn't abandon them." Tarn accused darkly in a voice that promised many horrible things.
"NEVER! I-I mean I would never, sir. They were everything to me. H-However, I'm an MTO soldier and I was programmed to follow the orders of my squad leader, and he... he ordered me to fly away." You answered and broke eye contact with Tarn for the first time when you felt the creepy one on top of you move again.
He seemed to be gazing directly into your optics as he shifted you around so that he was sitting up on his legs and between your own that were draped over his and bracketing his hips. He also pulled your bound hands down so they were next to your shoulders. He did all this while managing to maintain that sick smirk of his.
"I see," Tarn spoke up and snapped you out of the little sparing contest you were having with Opticless. "So you were just following orders..."
Tarn paused as if he was thinking deeply about whether what you were saying was true. You were so scared of what he would decide that you didn't realize you started shaking again.
The orange bot suddenly leaned down so that his dermas were uncomfortably brushing your audial and whispered into it. "Calm down, lovely. If what you're saying is true, then you have nothing to fear. However, if it isn't..." He sat back up and his grin became impossibly wider.
'He's insane!' You turned your assaulted audial away from the deranged creep with a grimace.
"Alright! I believe you." Tarn stood up with his hands still on his hips and turned around to walk out of the room. "Let's go. We've got names to cross off The List. Bring him with us."
The ones surrounding you groaned in disappointment and the one on top of you shot to his pedes and pulled you with him. He gripped your forearm and pulled you out of the room.
You didn't fight him since you had no other options for survival and waited until you caught up with Tarn to call out to him. "Um. Tarn, sir?" Those three words had come out a lot more skittish than intended, but at least you didn't stutter again.
"Yes, my dear, what is it?" Tarn turned his helm to look at you while you walked.
"I don't mean to be rude or anything like that, but I just thought I'd let you know that I identify as female, so it's 'her' not 'him'. Sir." You still kept optic contact with the giant of a mech, but shrunk down and turned your helm away a little. It was a little hard not to. You only managed to stand up to his hips and you were about three times smaller width wise.
"Female?" Tarn raised an optic ridge.
"Yes, sir. Is that... a problem?" You asked sheepishly.
"Not all, Y/n. Change and redefining yourself were the very principles that drove Megatron to create the Decepticon cause." Tarn leaned down a little and pointed a digit in an as-a-matter-of-fact sort of way.
"Yes, sir." You gave a nervous little smile.
"And it would certainly explain your slim and... curvy frame." Tarn hesitated for a second as he looked up and down your frame. His gaze made you nervous, to say the least, and you tried to wrap your arms around yourself, but the grip the orange bot only got tighter. It was then that you noticed how close he was to you. How could you not notice it before? He was practically pressed against your side.
You looked up from his servo around your forearm to his opticless faceplates. "I-I won't try to run. So... you can let go now."
"Nah, I'm good." He smirked down at you.
"Do forgive Kaon. He has a thing for small, terrified creatures." Tarn pitched in just as you all walked out of the downed vessel. Your attention was immediately caught by the huge spacecraft not too far away.
"Right." You responded a little unsure when the rabid turbofox from earlier suddenly pressed up against your unoccupied side and started purring its engine.
"Mm~. He likes you." Kaon leaned down so that he could hum and whisper in your audial. You flinched away, but between him and the turbofox, there wasn't really anywhere else you could go. "You can call him The Pet."
"Okay." You heard the two big ones in back snickering at your discomfort with Kaon.
After dealing with both Kaon and The Pet rubbing on you, and making you levels of uncomfortable you didn't even know could exist, you finally made it to the ship.
"Welcome! To the Peaceful Tyranny." Tarn gestured with his arms out like an announcer in a gladiator match and began walking up the boarding ramp. The ship itself was long and all sharp edges.
"Wow. It's a lot nicer than what I've heard." Tarn turned around at the top of the ramp to face you.
"Oh, really?" He tilted his helm. "Well, you haven't seen the inside yet. In fact, I think it best that you have someone with you to guide you and make sure you don't wander into one of the torture rooms and get locked in." You felt Kaon nuzzle his helm into the top of yours. You once again tried to get away, but you were once again left with no other options than to just stand there and take it.
"A-Actually, sir. I don't mean to be rude or take your hospitality for granted, but it's probably best that I just refuel on energon and be on my way." Kaon instantly pulled back a little, much to your relief. "You sounded like you have some important business to attend to and I don't want to be a hindrance."
"I see. Well, in that case, it was good to meet yo-"
"Tarn!" Kaon cut off his leader and finally let you go so that he could walk up to him. "Could I, maybe, talk to you real quick?"
"I suppose." Kaon gave his thanks and they both walked out of the hanger.
"Here he goes again." The biggest one, Helex you think, whispered to the second largest in the ground, though you still hadn't caught his name. Or the really thin one's for that matter.
"First, The Pet. Now, this one too. I swear, he always gets what he wants." The other big one added before the smallest of the group started speaking in old Cybertronian. You tried learning it a few times but could never get it down, so you had no clue what he said. He was a little less intimidating than the others if only because he was just barely taller than you.
You turned to ask what they meant, but The Pet suddenly stood on his back legs and pushed you over. You managed to move your wings out from their drawn in position before you landed on them. You haven't been so lucky a few times and it always hurts like Pit to land on them. All seeker wings are sensitive, and you were no exception to that rule.
Now that you were down to his level, The Pet stood over your legs and nuzzled his face into yours while occasionally giving a lick here and there. After trying and failing to push the mecha beastie off, you just let him do what he wanted while you pet him.
When the bay doors reopened a rather cheerful looking Kaon walked in behind Tarn.
"Called it," The tan goliath said quietly.
"Change of plans!" Tarn clasped his servos together to get everyone's attention and The Pet finally got off of you, allowing you to get up. "Y/n!" You perked up. "Congratulations! You'll be staying with us!"
"... Wha-"
"And Kaon has requested you stay with him so that you don't get into any trouble." Tarn didn't let you finish your question.
"I-I don't know if that's such a goo-"
"You'll technically be an unofficial member of the DJD. Like Nickel. Our medic." Tarn cut you off again and continued cheerfully as though you hadn't said anything at all.
"I d-don't want to be a-"
"You won't." Tarn refused to let you finish anything you said.
"I would j-just rather lea-"
"Are you defying a direct order from a superior officer, Y/n?" Tarn began to stalk toward you as though you were a target.
"WHAT!? I-I! No! I-I would n-never! Sir! It's just that-"
"It's just what, Y/n?" Tarn loomed over you and his shadow completely covered your frame. You could feel your wings begin to tremble and lower again.
"J-Just... N-Nothing... It's nothing, sir. I'm... proud to be here." You looked down in submission. You didn't want to find out what would happen to you if you refused an order from THE Tarn.
"That's a good little femme." Tarn pet your head with his servo and you clenched your servos into fists at your sides while keeping your gaze to the floor. Tarn turned and placed the same servo against the small of your spinal strut and lightly pushed you toward a joyous looking Kaon. "Now go get to know your new roommate. And. Play. Nice."
"Yes, sir." You couldn't help the feeling that every step you took toward Kaon was one step closer to your doom, but you couldn't disobey an order from your new squad leader. The Pet ran past you and up to his master, who gave him an affectionate pat.
"Hi. I haven't introduced myself properly yet. I'm Y/n." Your wings nervously twitched behind you.
"Kaon. It's a pleasure." He stepped over to your side and hooked his arm around your waist, pulling your sides flush together. "Shall we?" You knew it wasn't really a question because that would entail that you had a choice in the matter, but you responded to him anyway. It was polite. However, you couldn't bring yourself to look directly at him, so you kept your optics pointed at the floor.
Kaon had shown you around almost the entire ship, he would have if you hadn't nicely asked him to stop showing you the energon soaked torture rooms. They were the things of nightmares. In that time, you did what you were told and exchanged personal details with him and he had been polite and kind if only a bit touchy-feely. You even learned that he could "see" through electromagnetic currents and external sensors. But he was still creeping you out.
He ended the tour on the command deck where everyone else was. You had made pleasant conversation with everyone and learned all of their names. And you even got to meet Nickel, who to your surprise was a minibot and also a femme. She was the easiest to get along with out of the whole group, and even gave you some pointers on how to be around each of them. Though she had joked around and said that you didn't seem to need any help with Kaon since he was practically glued to you. And it was true.
If he wasn't physically attaching himself to you then his somehow very existant gaze was. He didn't let you out of his sight for even a second. It was really starting to bother you, but since your programming had completely recalibrated to follow Tarn's orders you weren't able to tell Kaon off and make him leave you alone at the times you really wanted to. Like when he would pull you into his lap, or when he would get really cuddly, or when he would let his servos wander to places they shouldn't go.
Play. Nice.
Which is how you got in the position you were currently in.
Kaon opened the door to his room and stepped aside to let you through. You really didn't want your back to that creep, but you excepted his kind offer anyway.
Once you were in, the lights automatically turned on and you started looking around the mostly clean room. On the left, was a sitting area that was big enough for four and a viewing screen in the middle on the wall. A berth that was too low and too small of anything bigger than a minibot so it must belong to The Pet. Your suspicions were confirmed when The Pet santered in behind you and immediately went to lay on it. On the right, there was a long window that currently viewed the stars surrounding the ship. And lastly, a large berth next to the window. A SINGLE berth.
"Where will I be recharging?" You turned to face him before you asked.
"On the berth."
"And... where will you be recharging?" You were scared of the answer.
"The same place." There was an awkward pause where he stared at you with the weird fond smile he's been giving you all Primus damn day while you shifted from one pede to the other.
"That's... okay. I'll just... recharge on the couch." You turned to walk away from Kaon, but he grabbed your servo before you could take even a step.
"I insist."
"I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." You refused to stand facing him while you tried to subtly get away.
"You won't."
"I'm don't really know you that well, so still a bit shy."
"There's no need to be."
Play. Nice.
You found yourself fighting against the submission programming for the second time in your life, but just like the first time with your former team, you couldn't win.
"Sure thing." You forced out of your vocalizer between clenched denta.
"It's late, so we should just go to recharge now. The Pet already has us beat." You spared a quick glance to the blue creature before going right back to Kaon.
"... Yeah. Sounds good." Kaon then pulled you toward the soft looking berth and gestured to the side the that was pressed against the window.
'He's trapping me.' You couldn't help but think while you slowly climbed onto the berth and made your way all other to the window and laid facing it. You were one small shift away from pressing up against the window and you had to fold your wing to its lowest setting so you could lay on your side. It was a tense, uncomfortable position.
You heard Kaon move and then a soft click before the lights went out making you jump. 'There must have been a switch that I didn't see.'
You were relieved that when Kaon laid down he didn't make contact with you in any way, although you could tell that you were within his reaching distance. You decided to take what you could get and tried forcing yourself to relax so you could recharge.
You, however, found that to be easier said than done. You could feel him "staring" at you from behind and it unnerved you to the point of where you physically couldn't recharge. It wasn't until hours later that fatigue from the long and stressful week finally hit you full force, and even though you could tell he was still watching you slowly drifted off.
When you first felt something brush against your frame you dismissed it as a phantom touch from a dream you were having and tried to go back to recharge. However, you quickly realized the second time that it was real and not your processor playing tricks on you. Your optics fluttered open and you stirred as you became more aware of your surroundings.
You then felt another touch, but this time you could tell where it was: your hip. Whatever was touching you then moved to the front of your abdomen and traced the transformation seams. Your optics shot wide and you immediately tried to get up and away from the thing exploring you without permission only for the thing to wrap tightly around your waist and hold you down.
"What the frag!" You turned your helm to look over your shoulder plating and you were horrified to find Kaon faceplates. Directly. Behind. You. Smirking.
"Shhh~. Calm down, little seeker."
"GET OFF ME!" You demanded and thrashed around in his grasp. However, this only seemed to irritate him. He quickly got bored of your squirming and sat up, turned you to lay on your back, pin your shoulders, and push his knees betwixt your thighs. You immediately tried to close them but it was too late for that.
"That's enough!" You could see the electric rod on his shoulders light spark to life out of the corner of your optic and reluctantly went limp.
"Please, Kaon, let me g-"
"Hush now, my dear. It's alright. I won't hurt you. As long as you don't fight me. I love you, Y/n." He tried to soothe you and even lifted one of his servos off of your shoulder and ran his digits along a sensitive seam in your wing. You were surprised and let out a barely audible gasp, but refused to give him any more satisfaction than that.
"You don't love me, Kaon. You JUST met me."
"Love comes in many forms, Y/n. Just because it's not one you've heard of or experienced doesn't mean it isn't possible." He kept tracing your wing and with every upstroke, he got closer to the base of your wings. By far one of the most sensitive places on your frame.
"That doesn't change the fact that I DON'T LOVE YOU!" You received a little static for that.
"Perhaps. Not yet. You will. With time." He spread your thighs further apart with his knees and leaned down so that his interface array was on your aft while still managing to pin you.
"NO, Kaon! I will never love you! I will never even like you!"
"Never is not a word that is used in my line of work. I can do mean things, Y/n. I've learned so many tricks over the years. I know exactly how to make someone do whatever I want. Do you know what a Cybertronian processor will do if it's put under enough stress for a long period of time? It finds a way to protect itself. It conforms. It gives in. It submits." You were utterly terrified. You were trembling.
'This can't be happening. Why? Why am I losing everything? First my team, then my freedom, and now my dignity and seals! Primus, what more do you want from me!? Tears flowed freely from your optics once again. And as if a switch had been flipped, you were done. You were so FRAGGING done! You were about to activate the thrusters near the base of your wings and fry this carrierfragger when you felt a sharp ping in the back of your helm.
Play. Nice.
'No no NO NO NO! Not now! Please, not now!'
However, you couldn't stop your frame from going limp again.
"That's it. Just relax and let me have you." You didn't exactly have a choice in the matter and it made tears fall from your optics like a flood had been released as you silently sobbed.
You felt him lift off his other hand off of your shoulder and moved it to your waist while his other continued to play with your wing. He leaned down and began leaving kisses and licks and nips and bites all over your neck cabling making you desperately fight the urge to sigh or moan in pleasure.
The hand on your waist continued to move down and traced over your aft and stopped over your valve covered. His derma left your neck and pressed themselves to your audial. "Open up." He tapped your modesty plating. "Or I will."
You clenched your eyes shut and gave the command to open the plating lest he rip it off.
He gave you praises and kissed your audial before his derma found their place on your neck cabling again. He started slow and gentle. You jumped when his middle digit tentatively made contact with your anterior node while the servo on your wing continued to massage the sensitive armor.
You finally let out a moan after a particularly rub to your node making him purr in approval. You could feel your valve beginning to produce lubricant as he kept up his stimulation. Kaon then began to circle your leaking valve with the same digit and slowly pushed in. However, immediately stopped and flinched back in shock when he met a meek resistance just inside your leaking array.
He experimentally prodded at the seal and chuckled darkly when he realized that it was, in fact, what he thought it was.
'This is it. This is how I lose my seal. He's going to rip through it with no mercy.' You thought with dread.
"Well, this is most certainly a surprise~. I would have thought that an attractive bot such as yourself would have been taken by at least someone a long time ago." Kaon nuzzled the side of your helm with his as he revved his engines making electricity spark off of him in excitement. "No wonder you were being so defensive. But fear not my little one. I'll be gentle with you~. I'll make you feel good~."
He then continued to tease and stretch your valve adding a digit when he thought you were ready making you moan and sigh occasionally. During all of this, he was very careful not to go anywhere near your seal so that he would damage or tear it on accident. That would come next.
After he decided you were ready he pulled away from your neck cables and sat up. He grabbed your hips and carefully turned you over so you were facing him with him still between your stabilizers and gave you another quick but sincere warning. Kaon then leaned down and kissed you tenderly.
At this point, you knew you wouldn't get away and decided that since it was your first time you would try to enjoy it as best as you could. With this in mind, you closed your optics and attempted at kissing him back. You heard and felt him hum in approval at your sudden change of tune, which pushed him to kiss you deeper and introduce his glossa into the mix.
It soon turned into a full makeout session and you found yourself lost in it. So lost that you didn't hear his panels opening. You only noticed when you felt his spike quickly pressurize against the outer folds of your valve making you jump a little, but not break to heated kiss.
Kaon shifted a little so he could get onto his knees and brought your hips up with him. He lined up the tip of his spike with your valve and moaned into your intake as the contact. He withdrew his glossa from your intake but still continued to kiss you.
You couldn't help but wonder why but instantly got your answer when you clamped your denta shut as soon as he slowly pushed his spike into your virgin valve.
Kaon stopped once he had the head of his spike fully in and resting against your seal. The outlier then gently coaxed you into relaxing by finally breaking derma contact and whispering sweet praises and dirty comments into your audial while he rubbed comforting circles into your sides.
After about thirty seconds he sat up and reached one of his servos up to cup and stroke your cheek. The entire time you refused to open your optics even a little, afraid of what you might see.
The orange bot then snapped his hips forward just enough to completely break the seal and not go any further. You cried out, arching your spinal strut, and clenching down on him making him groan loudly and drape over you in return. Your faceplates heated with embarrassment when you felt a wave of lubricant that had built up behind the seal gush out of your entrance with a little bit of energon.
Kaon slowly pulled out before pushing back in over and over and over again. He was slowly, but surely, going faster and harder. When his thrusting began getting intense you clenched and unclenched your servos at your sides trying to find anything to grab. Kaon must have noticed because he leaned down and gave you a sweet kiss and let you wrap your arms around his neck cables.
What started out as sharp pain and turned into intense pressure became immense pleasure. You had never felt anything like this in your entire lifecycle and soon could no longer hold back your moans, gasps, and sighs.
This pleased Kaon to no end and feel him grin against your neck. But at least you weren't the only one beginning to have trouble controlling their sounds. Now every single time Kaon's spike struck your ceiling node and pushed against your gestation chamber he would groan lowly.
With every push and thrust, you felt a charge building all throughout your frame. You thought for sure it would dissipate, but began to panic once it got extremely intense. You couldn't help it, you had never felt this before, let alone interfaced with another bot. For all you knew, Kaon had ruptured something in your valve and the feedback was causing an electrical malfunction. It seemed unlikely, but interface or even self-service had never really interested you so you ever looked it up or asked anyone about it.
"Ka-KAON! WAIT! Something's wrong! A charge is building up and it's becoming too much! Please stop! I think something's damaged!" You threw away your last bits of pride to beg the outlier to cease. However, this seemed to have the exact opposite effect on the Con and he continued this pleasurous torture with a new vigor.
"Shhh~, Y/n. Calm down. Nothing's wrong~. Just let it happen. Don't fight it~." Kaon reassured you as the charge just kept building.
It eventually got so bad that your entire body was tightening up and your valve was spasming around his spike. His pace soon became erratic and faster with each thrust.
And then. The charge exploded. But not in the way you were expecting. In fact, this was by far the best feeling you'd ever experienced in your lifecycle, and you couldn't help the loud moan that left your intake.
You barely register that Kaon had pushed into your valve one final time, but you did, however, feel the warm fluid that filled your valve and pooled into your gestation chamber. You couldn't help but wince at the unfamiliar sensation but didn't bother putting any energy into getting away from it as Kaon collapsed on top of you.
After what felt like hours, Kaon finally spoke up and said, "That was wonderful."
You refused to respond and turned your head away. You half expected him to be mad and lash out, but you completely didn't expect him to chuckle at your actions.
"That's alright. There will be plenty of time to train you to be more receptive to me... My Pet."
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pixelpolaroid · 6 years
Oath by the Blood- Chapter 6
Sitting back into the Past
When Jackie returned back to the ground level of the Google’s hideout, they had apprehended the three other intruders. Two of them were tied up and Google Green was taking care of their injuries so they didn’t bleed out. The third however, the one that Jackie already knocked out, they didn’t bother tying up, Red was doing what he could to wrap his injuries. The androids all turned to face Jackie when he stepped in the back doorway.
There was a moment of tension in the air, but Jackie didn’t seem to care about it as he walked in and casually approached Blue. “So what do we do with them?” He asked.
The main google’s eyes remained emotionless and unchanged. “That is for us to decide and you not to worry about,” He sternly told him. Jackie didn’t seem to mind that. One less thing for him to concern about, and the Googles seemed to capable enough to handle it. “Thank you for the assistance, but I believe it would be wise for you to leave now.”
The red sporting ego looked crossly at the android. “Why? I helped take care of half these guys,” He suddenly felt very angry again. Did they not think he was capable enough? He could take out them if he really wanted. “I’m the one that pointed out the damn tacker in the first place!” His voice unknowingly growing louder.
“Be-ecause yo- you’re re- e-eckles-ss,” The egos turned towards the hallway to see the still fairly injured yellow android now standing there.
Red rushed to his brother’s side. Oliver only had half of his face plate, his leg was reattached now, but he still limped and his one arm had been completely removed. The red android held him up with his side. “You should be charging.”
Yellow smirked at his brother. “I co-could fe-el all you’re col-collective an-guish,” the android’s speech was still clearly not up to proper working conditions, but he was dealing. He turned to Jackie now, his half covered bringing a shiver down his spine. “They are co-conflicted. You assist-ted them in di-disabling their thr-threat, bu-ut they do not know-know-know-know-,” Yellow’s voice began trailing off. His voice box finally giving in.
Yet it was enough for Jackie to get the picture. Blue stepped in as Red took Oliver back down the basement to rest and repair his still damaged parts. “You’re adrenaline levels were far too high for a normal person, and even now I sense that you may not be safe to be around,” The android was being blunt, clearly not one to beat around the brush.
Jackie however just huffed out in disbelief. He looked around the room, Green, being the only android still there, seemed to have the same expression as Prime. “Fine,” He spat, behind him though, Jameson was now entering through the back. “I know when to catch a hint,” The hero turned, pushing past Jameson who was holding the fourth attacker with his hands behind his back. Jackie didn’t look twice at the mute as he just made his way out of the alley.
The heroic ego didn’t initially go home, he was too caught up in his own head. So instead he went to the first bar he passed. It was fairly empty there, so he took a seat and ordered a beer, pulling his hood up and just staring down at the table. He could hear the other patrons in the bar interact, coming in and out, he just kept his head down. That was until he heard someone calling him out.
“Well well well. Look who it is., you son of a bitch,” Jackie smirked, immediately recognizing the voice coming from behind him, yet he kept his head down. “Thought I heard that you finally bit the dust Jackieboy man? Too stubborn to stay dead?”
The hero just chuckled, turning finally in his seat and leaning back against the counter top. “I’m not that easy to get rid of, sorry to disappoint you Danny,” The man standing before him wore a black leather coat that seemed a little too big for him and had wild curly hair. Jackie noted that even after all those years, he still hadn’t learned how to properly apply eyeliner without looking like a raccoon. The two stared each other down, before snickering and Jackie stood to give his old friend a hug.
When they pulled away, Danny looked the hero up and down, leaving a hand on his shoulder. “It’s been too long mate, mind if I take a seat?”
“Not at all,” Jackie stepped aside and the two sat together at the bar. “What the hell are you doing here?” Jackie questioned. “Shouldn’t you be fucking some chick 4900 years in the future?”
“Uh, check your math man. It was 4950 year,” the leather baring man corrected.
He rolled his eyes, calling the bartender for another drink. “Yeah whatever,’ He responded with a snicker. He still kept his eyes down though.
Danny’s gaze narrowed as he observed his long time friend, unable to ignore the distinct changes in him. Sure it had been a long time since the two had spoken, but something had changed behind his eyes. “Dude what have you been up to?” He abruptly asked. “You look like someone dragged you through mug and now you’re just laying in it.”
Jackie smirked, eyes remaining down. “You know me too well Dan,” Jackie took a breath, thinking through his words carefully. “You know my friends? The other septic egos?”
“I’ve heard whispers of groups of figments starting to grow, yes. Not really up to date with it all though,” He responded.
“Well it’s about them. Some shit went down a while back and… it’s just hard being around them with who I am now,” He simply said. Jackie knew how vague he was being, but he didn’t know how to explain everything to his friend.
The singer nodded however, having to put some things together on his own though. “Well just sitting down I can tell you’ve changed,” He gave him a suspicious side eye. “You haven’t gone evil on me now have you?” His voice was surprisingly serious with a hint of threatening as well.
“No. No no no. I just,” the ego ran his hand through his long bangs. “i feel like I keep hurting the people close to me. I don’t mean for this to happen but I just don’t feel like myself any more. Nothing feels right anymore,” Jackie shoved his shivering hands deep into the front pocket of his hoodie
“Family’s rough buddy. But I feel like you should know exactly who you are,” Jackie turned to him with a confused expression. “You’re a hero. Remember that oath you took? I’m sure you do. You used to recite it every day until you had it memorized. What did that say again?” He gave his friend a knowing smirk.
Jackie closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “May my senses, my strength and my heart guide me. To protect the innocent, and bring justice to the guilty. I swear one my life and on my mask, may I remain just. To the end of my days, till the light fades away, and by this oath that I take. I will always be,” Jackie opened his eyes, cutting himself off when he felt a breeze flow past him, a saw the seat next to him was empty and money left on the counter.
Jackie just sighed, taking one last swig of his drink before leaving the bar, he should head back home. As he was walking out in the cold night air though, he paused, looking up at tall apartment building. The sight of it sent a chill through his already cold body. He tried to turn away from it, to just keep walking, but everything about it just just spelled dread. As he was looking up at the very top however, his lips began to move. “I will always be a hero,” He muttered. The small sentence seemed to warm his legs enough to urge him to start moving again. He speed walked the entire rest of the way back, repeating his oath over and over to himself as he did.
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thestylesproject · 7 years
Harry fingering you and pressing you up against a wall. He tells you not to come but you can't hold it anymore so you come
Fuck. Am sitting with family and typing this. I hoped for a normal this night, but oh well.
It’s not like you haven’t taken his attitude all evening already. He was an ass all evening knowing he won the bet. He was rubbing it in your face, smirking all throughout while giving you the side looks, always staying in the line of your vision even when you shifted. It was getting to you. It was annoying. 
“What’s my treat tonight?” He asked. 
“A punch, if you don’t shut up!” you said, taking more than required pasta on your plate. 
“But, I haven’t said anything as yet!” He laughed, taking some pasta from your plate. 
“If you weren’t my best friend, I would’ve thrown you off the balcony,” You stared into his eyes, and he just smirked. He never won, and this time he did. 
“Yeah sure, but you wouldn’t have kept the bet if I wasn’t your best friend so, umm treat. I want a batch of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies when we reach home,” He said, getting you a glass of wine. 
“Home?” you frowned. 
“I’m taking you home, baby,” He teased, and you let out a groan. It was going to be a long night. You followed him to the group he was talking to this evening. 
So, Y/N still a virgin?” You coughed, trying to swallow the wine in your mouth. You almost forgot the existence of Kylie. This woman had been on your case since you could remember. You gave her a wide smile, squishing your eyes, trying to brush it off. People and their obsession with some strangers sex life! Harry noticed the entire exchange, not saying anything. “C’mon, you have at least got someone to go down on you!” 
Why was she having this conversation with you? You gave her the fuck off look. Thankfully, others in the group had a better life. “Not even some finger action? You are way sadder than I thought.” 
“Oh really, you think about me? I don’t think about you at all,”  You said not waiting for her to respond something smarter as you walked off, gulping your entire wine. It wasn’t a big deal. It just never happened. You never have a boyfriend, and you’d prefer that the first someone who does touch you will be someone you at least love and not a stranger. Studies and work were one of the few reasons you were successful at 22. Getting a love life could wait, and Kylie was the only one who made you feel desperate. 
“You cool?” Harry asked as you got yourself another glass. “Kylie’s a bitch.” 
“No doubt there,” you said, taking a big gulp. 
“Are you going with Jack on that dinner he asked?” He asked. 
“No, I have a feeling he is racist.” you told him. 
“No, how?” Harry rolled his eyes, “You always do this! Push prospects away!” 
“Prospects?” You laughed, “He said, he found me exotic. And, have you noticed he cracks his neck a lot. Like a lot a lot, that’s not normal.” 
“Oh yeah, that means he is a sex hound,” Harry said, now being sarcastic. 
“You go out with him!” You pushed him, “I want someone normal. Which I feel will never happen cause no one finds me hot. Like look at this dress,” four glasses of wine weren’t leading to a good Y’N. “I have a low cut back and everything,” You said pushing your hair to the side. “And not one guy in here has even flirted with me.” 
Harry gulped, “No like look at the number of single guys around! Not even one. I’m going to die a virgin and alone!” Harry knew it was his fault. People thought Y/N was with him. When asked he didn’t deny either, and he knew more people he than her so, no one wanted to cross him. He knew all that and said nothing. 
“You’re hot,” he said, he had noticed your dress. Then tried thinking of everything else in the world so, he wouldn’t get hard. You were his best friend. He’d like to keep you. 
“Right, how are you controlling yourself then?” You leaning against Harry sitting on the bar stool, almost on his lap wasn’t helping his case either. The world’s worry didn’t make him forget of your shoulder tattoo that he always found a little too sexy, and now, your thigh on his and his crotch so close to yours…he couldn’t help bringing his lips to yours. 
You took it in, Harry was kissing you. You were kissing back as you felt his hand on your neck, moving to your cheek, to bring your closer. You opened your eyes to meet his as he stopped, your lips still close, “I don’t want pity,” you said, climbing off and getting off his lap. He didn’t stop you as you rushed to the bathroom and fixed yourself. “I will not think about this. I’m drunk. It was in the moment. Means nothing. You, you here!” Looking at yourself in the mirror, “Means nothing. Get yourself together!” And you did, all cool you walked out to Harry talking to Michael. 
“Ready to go?” He asked, and you nodded. All cool that it made him frown. 
“Y/N, I need you Friday for the shoot. No one captures it like you do, and I don’t want the second best!” Michael said hugging you. You agreed and followed Harry out to his car. 
“Do you really want cookies?” You asked, in the car. 
“I have no idea why this is up for discussion,” he said seriously and you laughed. “Give me some clothes,” you told him as you walked into his house and straight to the kitchen. The bastard had everything organised. He knew he was going to win. 
You got to work, as saw Harry keep his shirt and pants on the counter and then walk away to change. Not bothering at all, you got your dress off in the kitchen and folded it. This dress didn’t allow a bra, so you were glad that your boobs were now free from the dress as you massaged ‘em a bit taking your time and not realising that Harry was just around the corner, choking on the water he had taken out from the fridge. You wore his big ass shirt, triple both your sizes. Thr pants were too loose and missing the rope, so they just fell down. Huffing you took em off and kept them outside on the sofa. “Go change and help me!” You said as you saw Harry still standing there with wide eyes. You always were comfy around him, so this wasn’t new. 
“Eggs, break em!” You mumbled singing and making the dough. This was your speciality. You could do it drunk, sleepy, sloshed and they always came out perfect. Lost, you didn’t notice Harry come behind you until you felt his hands on your ass. When he didn’t remove em, and kneaded in, “What’re you doing?” It surprised you as you felt kisses on your shoulders, his body now stuck to you. It wasn’t just difficult for him, but you as well. You couldn’t ignore the need of throwing him on the bed and fucking him on the bed. But it just was never said or showed by either, so you thought there was nothing. “Harry…” you said again. 
His hands stopped yours from letting the bowl go, and lock them fingers, as he attacked your neck from behind. You let out a moan, as his teeth bit in, and his hand held both of yours, the other going down your stomach, “Is this alright?” He whispered, in a voice you couldn’t recognise. You nodded, not being able to say anything as his hands went further down to your cotton panties. He always had long fingers you thought, as the temperature increased. This was new to you, and he knew it. He turned you around, and got to his knees, getting under the t-shirt, and kissing your stomach, as he went down below. You pulled your t-shirt off, not being able to hold it as you saw his eyes, looking so green with lust, as his tongue licked your navel, and travelled down. 
Strong hold on your legs, your hands holding on to the counter and you speechless which was a thing he noticed and smirked on, as he took your panties off, “Nice pussy,” he murmurs,”Can you open up for me a little baby,” He said, as your legs softened and spread a little. “Okay?” He asked once again, and you couldn’t find any reason in your head to disagree. He nestled between your thighs, leaving sloppy kisses on ‘em, and you wondered how you could ever not do this before. His tongue travelled up, now right on your clit, his eyes not missing the reaction of your first time. He wanted it to be good, as he mixed his spit with your wetness, amazed at this state he got you in. The always in control Y/N was so soft right now, just for him. 
Any other day, he wouldn’t have believed his luck, but today as he got lost and so involved with you, his mouth all over, and his body tied to your lower half, he was taking everything you offered. A minute later, when he heard you whimper, this feeling absolutely new to you and not a lot compared to your sessions with yourself, he picked you up and threw you over the shoulder. You yelped his name, as he took you to the couch and, immediately pulled your legs apart, to not let the moment get too far. “I like how your clit’s swollen,” he said sucking on it and taking it long and slow. Your knees trembled, and he brought his fingers in, pressing on it, and he went down to your holes. “Let’s try one,” He said, quite lost now in you, as he pushed a finger in, “You like that,” as your cries increased a bit, his fingers were way longer than yours. “Relax, relax,” he said, as you bucked your hips, the pleasure taking control now. He put two in and increased his pace, now faster as his fingers fucked you while keeping his tongue on your clit. No idea how he did it, but you were slowly losing it. 
“I’m…Harry,” You whimpered, He climbed up and, attached his lips on your again, swallowing your moans, his fingers fucking you faster as you held his face. “Close, so close…” 
“Hold it for me a bit, baby,” He asked. Lips travelling down to your neck and back up. His hand, kept your body in place as you trembled, while the other relentlessly didn’t stop from being inside you. 
“Can’t, I can’t…” You said, as you felt your orgasm coming stronger than it had ever before and this was just by his fingers. He giggled, and went down again, as you looked at his sticky fingers which he just pulled out. He slowly put his fingers in his mouth, and you gulped sitting on your elbows. “Sorry…” 
He didn’t respond, as his mouth went back to lick you clean, and you threw yourself back down. You pulled at his hair, to look at you, and he stopped and sat up. You did as well, and climbed in his lap, and tipped his head back and kissed him. His hands held you tight, as you tasted yourself on him. “I won’t be so easy on you next time,” He said, as you kissed down his neck. 
“I can make up with cookies,” You whispered in his ear. 
Not that good, but I’m still getting in my groove. Tell me what you think about and send me more if you have ideas!
xx. theStylesproject. 
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Tom Sizemore Was Removed From Movie Set For Allegedly Molesting An 11-Year-Old Girl
I look younger now than when I was in my early 20s
We need to warn you in advance, this is one of the most disgusting stories we've heard over the past month, and that is truly saying something.
According to a new investigation by The Hollywood Reporter, Tom Sizemore was kicked off of a movie set in 2003 for allegedly molesting an 11-year-old girl.
Photos: Women Share Pics Of Themselves At The Age Of Roy Moore's Youngest Accuser!
The actor was filming a movie called at the time Piggy Bank (later released as Born Killers, likely to draft off of the notoriety of Sizemore's role in Natural Born Killers), when a child actress told her mother Sizemore "put his finger inside her."
THR spoke to a dozen witnesses from the film set to confirm the incident, which allegedly occurred during a still shoot, in which Sizemore, actress Robyn Adamson as his wife, and the girl playing his daughter were recreating family photographs.
Adamson remembers the exact moment she saw something she couldn't explain at the time happen when the 11-year-old was seated on Sizemore's lap:
"At one point her eyes got just huge, like she could've vomited. I was watching her. She soon reintegrated and kept going, although she had trouble taking direction. Later, when I was told about what happened, I knew exactly what it was."
No one knew what had happened at the time.
It wasn't until the next day that the actress' mother called casting director Catrine McGregor, who recalls the horrifying incident in detail:
"The mother noticed that her daughter was unusually quiet and told her she was going to take her to this swimming place that was the little girl's favorite thing. When the girl put on her bathing suit, she told her mother that it reminded her of the day before, in an upsetting way — that the bathing suit's contact against her felt like what happened when the man had put his finger inside her."
McGregor says she filed a report with SAG.
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Production assistant Roi Maufas says he remembers news of the horrific allegations spreading to the entire crew and how upset they all were:
"The little girl said what she said and we all thought, 'That fucking sleazebag.' There was never any doubt. He was this guy who was already known for making inappropriate comments, being drunk, being high. We're talking about consistent behavior, just being 'Tom Sizemore' on set every day. Then this happens. Guys reached for hammers. [Producer James R. Rosenthal, who died in 2011], who was livid himself, had to stop a group of us from going to visit Mr. Sizemore to kick the guy's ass."
Producers Jai Stefan, Michael Manshel, and Gus Spoliansky confirm they removed Sizemore from set immediately and reviewed the photos taken on the day but couldn't find any conclusive evidence of the crime. Stefan says he was emotionally distraught at the very idea it had happened:
"I was like, 'Did that just happen on my watch?' I started crying."
Without extra evidence to add, the producers say they told the actress' parents they should call the authorities; Manshel recalls:
"They did talk to the police but didn't press charges. We also talked to Tom at the time, and told him everything that had been told to us, and he said: 'I've done a lot of awful things, and I'd never do anything with kids.' We considered whether we had some responsibility to him to not pass judgment on him."
Production manager Cassidy Lunnen says "the girl was so young it was unclear to her and [later] her parents what had actually taken place and if it was intentional or not."
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Spoliansky told THR they had no choice but to finish the film:
"We had a fiduciary responsibility to complete the film so we decided to go about business as usual — lacking the evidence of what happened that day... We took the allegation extremely seriously and we were willing to do anything, including dismissing Tom. We just couldn't be police, judge and jury."
And just like that, the whole thing went away. Sizemore even did reshoots for the film, which was eventually released with its new title.
Sizemore was dropped by his manager and agent, but there's no direct evidence it was over the incident.
Born Killers' second assistant director Jennie Latham recalls thinking of the incident when Sizemore was later sent to prison for assault and battery against his ex-girlfriend, the infamous "Hollywood Madam" Heidi Fleiss:
"I remember being excited that he went to jail, even if it was for something else."
It seems not for long enough.
THR reached out to Sizemore, whose rep told them "No comment."
The actress, now 26, said she is exploring legal action against both Sizemore and her parents.
[Image via Brian To/WENN.]
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