#and someone. younger and upset. little p part or big p part I'm not sure.
symptoms-syndrome · 1 year
Reflecting on. Some stuff. Possibly could be under the label of "psychiatric trauma?" But I'm still grappling with that. Talk of that, and a brief mention of suicide.
I'm struggling with this idea, an idea that I am fairly sure has mostly been implanted in me by my history with psychiatry, psychiatric treatment, special education, et cetera. It's hard to summarize or simplify.
Most of my life, I have been told that my problems should only be handled, or that I should only be handled, by trained professionals. My mental health struggles were "severe" and I "need to consider the impact I make on my peers." Of course this has been present a lot through most of my life. I didn't talk to peers or teachers about problems I was going through, because either it would alienate me from them, or I would be given a talking to about what's appropriate for me to talk about, or I'd have to sit in a little room with the school psychiatrist and talk about whatever it was that I wished to talk about with someone who was not her. But I guess I didn't fully comprehend this sort of...isolation, or treatment, until my first real suicide attempt. It was the first time I had really been sent to full inpatient, though I'd been to partial hospitalization a few times at that point. I remember being scared. I remember being lonely. I didn't have any of my familiar clothes or belongings. My first visitor was my school principal, accompanied by my birth mother. He met with me in one of those smaller meeting rooms, and he told me that I wouldn't be having any visitors from the school. He was worried, he said, that my choices could influence an already fragile school population, that I may drive others to attempt as well if they saw the state I was in.
After that I never actually went to that school again. I was only there for a couple months before the litany of partials and inpatient stays, and eventually two different special education institutions. Both were meant to be temporary. They were staffed with around three staff members, clearly psychiatric-focused, who struggled to teach us basic education between therapy groups and coping skill classes and DBT sessions. They treated us with a distance and unfamiliarity that wasn't much like teachers in mainstream schools. Cold professionalism.
For, I believe, the last year of high school, I was allowed back into one of the mainstream high schools. With supervision. I had daily class periods in the special education classroom and weekly check-ins with the school psychiatrist. In my classes with mainstream teachers, they treated me without the warm friendliness they afforded to the other students, many of whom they'd spent four years being in the same building with, or teaching in different classes. I had attendants to check in on me. I was given extra discipline for things that other students did with impunity. Other students could tell. I was sometimes treated with a cautious, almost pitying kindness by them, which I appreciated but wasn't close to the way they treated their friends. I was forbidden from a number of extracurriculars because they lacked the staff to supervise me after school. At one point I was explicitly told I was a "liability."
All of this seemed to show me that I cannot be trusted to integrate with normal folk. Not without the guidance and supervision of professionals. Like zookeepers.
Now...what am I to do? I was told not to be vulnerable with anyone but professionals. No one but the highly trained can understand or handle me talking about my experiences, or crying, or talking about the way I feel. I'm like radioactive material that can only be held with gloves or pliers.
And now I'm left behind by those professionals. Their duty is just that, duty, and once they are no longer obligated to make sure I'm properly contained their job is done and I am no longer their responsibility. No more mandatory check-ins or special education, no more being whisked away from the normal folk when I start to stray from sterile, empty behavior. I mentioned once before, I feel like an animal that's been released into the wild after captivity. I am supposed to just...be human. Be natural. Supposedly instinct will guide me. But I don't know how to be a wild animal anymore. I don't know how to hunt, I can't fit into a pack, all I know how to do is pace around the space I'm used to being caged in. And wait for orders or guidance or whatever else was offered to me by my highly controlled environment. When I try to be natural, it's like I'm being reminded of an electric fence that's no longer there. I can't share with normal folk, it's a bad influence for them. I can't cry in front of normal folk, I'm being disruptive. I can't be natural, because for some reason it was decided that my natural is bad. And I can't figure out what it could be that's different between my natural (bad) and their natural (good.) Other people cry, other people get upset, other people share things that are sometimes upsetting, other people share the ways they're feeling authentically. But I was told that when I do it, it isn't appropriate for them. It's disruptive, or manipulative, or attention-seeking, or a bad influence.
I want to know how to integrate with normal folk, and how to be natural. I'm just very, very afraid of hurting them, because I was told that's what I would do. I was told I wasn't fit for normalcy. The only place I belong is institutionalization. The only people I belong with are handlers and psychiatrists. I'm a dangerous animal that needs constant supervision. And I don't even know why.
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tervaneula · 10 months
Oh boy, oh boy oh boy OH BOY!!!
Ch 13 dropped, it dropped on my forehead as if s ok someone just threw a slipper into my face (that's how powerful it is!!) AND YET AM STILL WIGGLING MY HANDS AND LEGS FROM EXCITEMENT!
So! The review! *take deep breath* When the ch started with Leonardo begin in bed and how you talked about him unable to Make it to breakfast nor lunch and even couldn't apologize? I knew he was feeling 'overwhelmed' since he can still feel the 'phantom pain' (i think they call it that) and feel the burden of not takin' care of the kids, his son CJ (yes in my heart CJ is leo's son).
How you talked about Leonardo's days in the apocalypse broke my heart easily; he had to do it since it's his duty, his job and multiple lifes are counting on him wither they like him, love him or hate him... They needed him.
And it breaks me because like school in weekend; when you're used to wake up early in half of the week, surely you'll wake up early with no alarm clock. (It had happened to me multiple times, you don't know).
And how he remembered mikey made something special for him, his brother f!mikey and CJ? Adds more guilt. Raphael begin the worried mother hen? More guilt added to Leonardo's guilt bank book.
Then someone came, thought it was future mikey but IT'S 3.0 SHELDON!! WHERE WERE YOU BUDDY?!?!
This gives me amount of happiness since we know Donnie - and probably future Donnie - are happy that his kid is back!
When Leonardo promises to join the meeting at 6 i was like " don't force yourself! You're tired!🥺 " but later on i thought that Leonardo maybe needed something to take his mind off and this meeting is what he needs.
Going to the kitchen, meeting little mikey always makes Leonardo happy so am happy the baby boy didn't get upset with him completely for messing the breakfast nor lunch, at least he's gonna eat... I felt at the end of the kitchen part that mikey knew Leonardo was overwhelmed and what he needed wasn't scolding but hug and care... And boy am i happy he had done that.
Fast forward to the lab, Donnie doing the YT intro which takes about 10 minutes before diving into the point of video/jk (come on, gotta bully him once before i move forward 🤣).
Then i see the spoiler part and be thankful and happy " if you were to make Leonardo hug someone first other then CJ i would've came knocking on your door/jk/jk "
The process of equipping the new arm reminded me of a person taking a needle for the first time in a long time, and Leonardo feeling the burn through his skin that almost made him bite his tongue was scary 😱 i do not want to imagine that!
The part where Donatello (future him) getting so excited and proud about past him made me happy! It's like he wanna shout " LOOK AT ME! YOUNGER ME! HE DID IT!! HE'S AMAZING!! " ahaha...
Then came the test, when Donnie asked him to move his fingers and hand i was like " bro just ask him to dance and make it short " then couldn't stop imagining NQK leo dancing fortnite style xD
And then it's dropped because FUCKING BIG MAMA!!! Terv, my amazing fluff/ comfort goddess, i love you and your fics and your art/p
But i hate big mama and battle nexus champion (in short BNC) to bits!! If i can i would bitch about big mama 24/7 and choose kraang over her!!
I even made this for her personally.
So i don't know if there can be comfort with that bitch! Am sorry terv, i hate her as much as i hate cockroaches.
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FINALLY I'M HERE!!! Thank you for your patience! <333
But gosh, this time I don't have anything to add – your observations and feelings are always such a delight but this time they're even MORE of a delight and I'm brimming with joy!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to read the chapter and write this review!!<3
...ah well, I do have something to add. (That Big Mama meme hahjahsgfdjhsdg frickin hilarious, 10 laugh out louds of 10 laugh out louds.) I'm so sorry I threw you off with the end of the chapter but I PROMISE YOU it most likely won't go how you think it will, and obviously, true to my NQK shenanigans, Big Mama is not the villain she so very expertly made herself appear in the show... up until getting beaten up by Shredder. :D
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uriduriragwaenchana · 6 years
All of your attention pt1 || Wong Yukhei (f)
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a/n: a very cute anon requested this a while ago. I'm sorry it took so long I was trying to make sure I had enough information on the subject to write about it😅thank you for bearing with me
genre: fluff! cafe!au Its a little dramatic but so am I so..
words: approx. 2.6k
summary: Why would he think ignoring him was something anyone could do on purpose?
"I brought you help," He smiled with all of his teeth, his eyes squeezing shut as he tossed a look back to where he'd left the stranger, the new boy, petting the animals. That was exactly how it started.
Johnny had worked at the puppy cafe for quite a while before you'd been hired and he'd done a number when it came to marketing and advertising the small place, tucked away on the far end of a busy shopping district.
His face helped, he wasn't bad looking; he was actually quite stunning and he was even more charming and friendly once you got over thinking how people really weren't allowed to look like that-- coupled with the visual of his tall frame feeding and caring for small animals and making frappecionos with a towel over his shoulder-- well, you can imagine why there were always people in the store and a small line down the street.
Aside from that he made a mean cup of coffee and kept little cute flyers with him so that even when he was approached randomly or met someone at a supermarket or elsewhere, he'd hand it to them and smile and then they'd come running through the door the first chance they got.
He was sociable and easy to talk to and sometimes he invited his friends to watch him work, which usually consisted of them ignoring him and spending the afternoon playing with cute pups. They were wellmannered and just as goodlooking and made easy conversation with you when they weren't giving their undivided attention to the animals or when you tended to their glasses for refills.
The days when Johnny was off were noticably more quiet and easy going, which you preferred. Sure, you enjoyed his company but when it was busy, it was hard for you to concentrate and stay focused, and most of all it was hard to make out what any one of the customers were saying when there was soft music from the speakers, puppies barking and growling and chatter, with 'ooohs' and 'aaahs' directed almost always toward Johnny.
Oh and the puppies.
Today was no different, save for a few middle schoolers sipping distractedly on iced coffee with two, mild mannered labs sat on the seat next to them, eager for any sort of attention.
You didn't expect Johnny to come in today because he'd called in earlier about his practice running a little late and you most certainly did not expect for him to bring friends. Luckily you were facing the door, cleaning up after Yuki; the toffee coloured shitzu, otherwise you'd have missed the little bell on the door ding and Johnny coming in, followed into the store by another giant boy with the biggest, most endearing eyes and an oversized blue sweater and messy, soft brown hair.
The puppies went straight for the stranger like they'd been waiting for his return (even if you were sure you'd never seen him before) and started licking and wagging excitedly as he ran his hands over them, eyes alight in jovial delight.
Ever since then, the tiny, fairly profitable puppy cafe had had a new addition to its staff. Lucas-- who reminded you so much of Sushi, the doe-eyed beagle mix that always found the strangest assortment of accessories from god knows where around the store and dropped them at your feet-- wasn't much older than you were and probably half as capable. He was a clutz and a little bit of a ditz and you suspected that it was that naïve charm about him that was so endearing to the customers. They never seemed to get mad or impatient with him when he mixed up an order or put a little too much sugar in the drinks and he drew the younger kids in by the boatload. The coffeemaker was his nemesis and the trio of pugs that were brought in by one of the usual customers-- a high school boy with soft smiling eyes and beautiful lashes--named Blondie, Raven And Carmine respectively, always made his life miserable.
You would admit, however that Lucas was kind of cute. His hair was always a fluffy storm, like he'd ran his hands through it too many times in one second. His hands dwarfed the puppies and most of the kitchen appliances and utensils. His mannerisms were also kind of adorable; he mumbled a lot to himself--which you found out when he was training, and only because you'd been looking at him directly. He was asked to make a basic iced coffee and when he moved behind the counter to begin, immediately started the inner and sometimes outer conversation with the appliances. You could read his lips but at some point you'd decided there were multiple languages involved and you wouldn't try to decipher that.
Overall, very cute.
He wasn't however, as articulate or friendly as Johnny; who now spent more time out of the store now that Lucas had begun his shifts more regularly. He'd been a recurring staff member for a little over two months now and during that time, Lucas hadn't tried speaking to you unless he had to and tended to side step you altogether. You hadn't minded at first, you were a little shy about certain things about yourself and it was fine, if only a little hurtful but you weren't going to make trouble unless he was being rude.
You were perfectly content to remain cordial colleges; you each had your routine duties-- he took out the trash and cleaned the dog's sleeping area, you cleaned and stacked chairs on close up and took care of the counter and kitchen area. You both fed and cared for the animals and washed the dishes in peaceful silence-- and you were comfortable enough in his presence to get through the day without major upset. Until one day he broke part of the coffee machine and you'd decided to make the executive decision, after calling Johnny and talking about it for five minutes; to close up shop about an hour early, put the pups away to their little room in the back wih sufficient food and toys to entertain them, and try to fix the machine since it only seemed like the lever had detatched itself in Lucas' all-encompassing grip.
"What do we do?" his hands found their way into his hair as he turned to you when you'd came back, shoving the phone into your apron.
"We can try to fix it, no biggie," You assured the little big baby standing and staring, absolutely distraught. He was truly adorable.
It in fact, was a biggie and before the minute of faux repairing was up, there were more loose parts than you knew what to do with and very little idea of what to do next. You did not want to call Johnny with this information. You wanted to believe you were more than capable of doing this on your own. You were not inept; the coffee machine was Lucas' enemy, not yours.
Some time during the next half hour, Lucas had managed to find a toolbox in the storage room, the cafe had been closed for much longer than you'd have liked and both of you were still no closer to fixing the machine than you'd been when you started. Your patience with the contraption was starting to wear a bit thin and Lucas was visibly agitated-- kind of the first truly negative emotion you'd seen him express.
"This isn't working," you didn't hear the metal wrench clank against the tile countertops, but you did see Lucas plop down into the plushy seat Johnny had purchased at a flea market and stuck behind the counter for 'atmosphere', his full lips pulling together in an exaggerated pout. "Oh geez, its all my fault too."
"Not really." Yes really... "You've actually been doing really great so far," You were not entirely sure what prompted you to respond, honestly. He wasn't speaking to you, but you'd managed to make out what he said and he looked like very much like a wounded puppy. You wanted to at least lessen whatever he was feeling and your heart may have lurched a little when he looked up at you from his seat, eyes wide and a little bit of a smile dancing at the corner of his mouth.
"I mean you put a little too much effort in sometimes but... " you rushed, letting the sentence hang and turning away as your face began to sear, back to your task at hand. If you looked him in the eye again you were sure you would crumble and right now, you wanted nothing more than to fix the stupid machine and get back to work.
There was a beat before you felt movement at your back and spun, immediately met face to chest with Lucas' mass of body.
"You're doing it again," he said crowding your space like it wasn't even yours to begin with. Everything was a blur and before you realised what had happened, your lower back was met with a lever on the machine and you were sandwhiched between the two, confused and flustered. Your most innate reaction was to try to put some space between the two of you. He was much too close; you could practically feel his body through his clothes and your brain was starting to dissasociate with this personal space nonsense. You forced your hands up though, and angled your body away as best you could without impaling yourself further on the now, broken coffee maker.
"Doing what?" you sputtered, trying to keep eye contact with him somehow so you could try to pick up what he was saying but also trying to regain some of your composure. Lucas wasn't having any of it though, completely oblivious to your struggle as he tilted his head to look down at you.
"You're ignoring me. You've been doing it since I got here; I try to talk to you or ask you questions like when we do dishes and stuff because I'm really trying and this is really hard, but you keep ignoring me and I'm kind of hurt and annoyed." His eyebrows furrowed and he was pouting again. You were very hyper aware of all his facial details and not the not so subtle changes in his expression; the unreal process of a frown glossing over his features was kind of mesmerising.
Why was he so... pretty?
He was too close.
Your breath got stuck in your throat and you froze as the implications of what he had said dawned on you. Of course Johnny hadn't told him; he was too kind, too Johnny. He would want your business to be your business. He would let you confide in Lucas on your own like you'd done with him. A very small part of you kind of wished he had told him so you wouldn't have to go through this again now, but you realized that potentially would have been worse than his entrappment. Apart from this being the most he's ever said to you-- well now you knew that probably wasn't true-- you had a good few of reasons to be taken aback.
Why would he think ignoring him was something anyone could do on purpose? Surely he was aware of how large he was; physically and personality-wise as well? This did seem to explain his occasional mild standoffishness and you thought back to all the times your back must have been turned to him and he'd probably tried to say something to you.
Poor kid; he was trying his best and struggling and he was just trying to talk to you or make a friend. You wanted to facepalm but your hands were keeping you alive so you settled for groaning softly. Would apologising even help?
Not if you weren't going to tell him.
You swallowed another groan and attempted again to put some space between you. This time Lucas got the message and took one tentative step back. That did nothing, but it was enough for you to bring a hand up to brush some of your short hair behind your ear, revealing the tan aid you had in today. You didn't usually wear them, but you were kind of glad you did because now you didn't have to focus on explaining, just keeping the anxiety and embarrassment from showing on your face. People very rarely cared, most did however and decided against any type of relationship with you because of it.
"I don't ignore you on purpose," was all you could get past your lips at this point.
Lucas retook the space he'd just barely given you, reaching a hand up and out to you. You held your breath; your first instinct again, to move. Move and then panic although the latter seemed to sprint ahead first. What if he was trying to touch it? You were not an animal. And you were going to  muster some annoyance to tell him off or at the very least move away, but his hand stopped short, grazing your skin, stroking your cheek ever so lightly before he pulled back half second later. He was staring and all that served to do was make your skin hot and your knees waver in and out of stability. This was a very bad idea and he needed to stop looking at you like you were... normal. He wasn't staring at it, although he had briefly glanced, but rather he was staring at you, his eyes settling on yours.
"What?" you tried to keep the anticipation out of your voice. This was killing you. His eyes ran over your face endlessly, what he was looking for you weren't exactly sure. What you were sure of however, was how ridiculously easy it would be to stare at his eyes forever without wanting for anything else. They were so pretty and bare and screamed of his harmlessness. He could probably kill you if he hugged you too tightly and the damage he had made to coffee maker was minimal, but even if he looked like a threat to most inanimate objects and short people, you knew he was harmless. He probably just didn't know his own strength.
"So... you just weren't hearing me?"
You winced and dropped your gaze. This was so embarrassing and talking about it so casually was just making you want to crawl inside yourself. You weren't embarrassed to be hard of hearing, nor were you embarrassed of the aids; you'd needed them since you were very young, and you knew you weren't an anomoly-- there were tons of people like you and you liked yourself because of it, not in spite of it. These conversations were always uncomfortable though because you never knew what type of reaction you would get. You finally grew some balls and slid out from practically under Lucas, sliding across the edge of the counter. Now you could almost breathe again, although now there a was a familiar, Lucas-sized indent in your memory and on your body.
"Yea," you didnt elaborate or offer any types of explanation. Anything that would prolong this conversation was not something you wanted to do right now.
"Oh my god?" you and Lucas jolted, spinning around to where the voice of pure distress had come from. Johnny's large frame shimmied between the beaded curtain seperating the puppy room from the main cafe, his hair hanging low in his eyes and coated in sweat like he'd ran all the way from practice. He wasnt panting, but he was breathing raggedy as he stared between you both, who looked like you'd kick the shit out of the coffee maker and won. Secretly, you were ecstatic that'd he'd come despite you begging him to just let you deal with it. Even without knowing, he was saving your behind. "I thought you said it was just a lever?!"
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