#and sometimes i make the head too big and like that im able to lasso it and shrink it to a more desired size
kitsiyo · 1 year
do you prefer doing traditional or digital art more and why? sending you hugs
I definitely have a favouritism for digital, as I'm very accustomed to the back button, and appreciate being able to flip my canvas' as well as being able to manipulate every part of my work with ease that I just don't get from traditional work.
Plus having access to every colour at one click, and can try different overlays and backgrounds without having to commit to any of them is nice to my brain. Traditional is fine, but if I have a choice I will choose digital any day
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eluvion · 1 year
for the fic writer ask game: 3, 16, 23, 74, 76 (for hope is our four-letter word)? i hope that's not too many lol
love your writing! wishing you joy <3
hi!! this took like a million years so apologies on that!! ive been packing for and moving into college the past few days so i was a little busy but!!!! tysm for the ask love!!!! this did end up like mega long so i put my answers under the cut
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
usually, my fics really start as disconnected snippets in my notes app. i usually sort the notes by fandom, and at some point the snippets kind of amalgamate into something more tangible. then it gets shipped off into a google doc where i basically just work at it (on my computer or my phone) until i have a full fic/chapter. i usually write more emotional scenes on my phone, and it's just a Thing to do in between Real Life Things. then!! once im finished writing i read it over a billion times, read through the dialogue out loud to make sure it sounds natural, and then ask my beta (my beloved @izarie) to edit through. and then after THAT i post it!!
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
right now, i have two main ones that are just sort of revolving around my brain. there's my flinch from roy's pov ted lasso fic, because that made fic me so so sooo insane and sometimes i just cant stop thinking abt scenes where jamie is super inside his own head and what roy is Thinking Abt during that time. here's a bit of that:
Roy wonders, not for the first time, how he kicked Jamie out at the beginning of all this. Jamie had that look on his face—even while he was making Jamie-like complaints and giving Roy shit—like he was going to cry. And Roy just threw his clothes back and forced him to call an Uber and watched him slump around himself from the window. Roy knows better than that. He was raised better than that.  So okay. Maybe Roy gets it, in that context. Jamie holds onto shit that hurts him on the off chance that it will hold him close. And as much as he fucking despises it, that puts him and James Tartt in the same category, that place in Jamie’s head where he keeps the people that could help but choose not to. Roy really doesn’t want to know how many people are in that box.
and a succession post-canon roman-centric fic! it will be like. a little bit ooc just by virtue of having a nice(r) ending because that's how succession Is but you know. this is what i call healing. here's a bit of that:
Kendall’s all teeth. “Fuck you. You're not better. You’ve—you’ve fucking imploded everything you’ve ever done.” “Yeah, ‘cause you're the fuckin’ picture of a success story.” Roman sinks deeper into his seat. Leans into the car window. “Real wolf of fucking Wall Street, getting fucked out of Daddy’s company because you couldn’t play act a real CEO.” Kendall’s hands twitch.  Roman smiles. “What are you gonna do? Hit me about it?”
and also like. forever in my brain is the elektra greek tragedy fic in which i have feelings abt my doomed by the narrative failwife <333
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
i think it was ve schwab who gave the metaphor of a creative well, and that for as much Stuff (art, music, podcasts books, ect) you put in, you get more out. i try to keep my media diet fairly diverse (not just kids shows or serialized tv or classic books, but more of a combination of it all. it really forces me to like. have to break barriers in my mind, as well as like!! keeping audience and tone and all that in my mind while i read/watch/listen.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
it's hard for me to really place any of the hallmarks of my writing that are super super distinct but!! Time Things are my big tell. ive pretty much always been obsessed with time and like these days there isnt a fic im writing without a big Looking Back component to it. salt pillars and vonnegut and orpheus and lot's wife. iykyk <33
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of hope is our four-letter word?
i actually do have an extras doc!! it has some yosano and dazai hurt/comfort that i tried v hard to fit into the fic but just didnt fit into the narrative i was telling. here's a snippet of that (usual warnings for dazai-typical suicide attempts):
It’s Yosano that finds him, shivering in the crimson water, watching the blood seep out from his arms.  Yosano opens the door, and she’s more calm than she usually is. She’s a good doctor, infinitely better than Mori, and she knows how much her usual bedside manner would send him spiraling. She eases him out of the water quietly, and gives him a towel.  “Dazai,” she says, stitching the cuts lining his arms. “It wouldn’t have killed me,” he says. “It just nicked a vein.”  She wipes the blood and water away and begins wrapping his usual bandages around his arms. There’s something cold and horrible in him, spreading from his stomach to his bones to every inch of his skin. He wants to rip it all apart, until that emptiness is torn bloody from the rest of him, and that thing, that pain made from scalpel edges and sharper smiles, with all its hooks and too-sweet whispers, to be burned from him, even if it means dying. Especially if it means dying.  Yosano scowls. “Not yet. Dazai…” She doesn’t call him by his first name, because the first time she tried that, when he was in high school and just out of court, he had run, hearing what he always heard at the sound of his first name. Yosano is smart; she learns quickly, and she had found him huddled on a roof and smiled crookedly, offering a hand. 
there was also a chuuya and dazai hurt/comfort scene, kind of loosely based off of the scene intimitopia wrote in the light that the fire would bring chapter 5 where dazai has a panic attack (unintentionally) triggered by poe describing a bloody scene. this is before chuuya and dazai are really close, but chuuya sees dazai leave the room and follows him to the bathroom "to give him back his bag". it was also just one of those scenes that didnt have a place in the final cut and kind of opened a plotline that distracted from the main ones. it also felt a bit too plagiarismy to nick the concept straight from someone else's fic, especially someone in the fandom that i really admire.
i also found this snippet in the extras doc, which i think?? i was going to end with but i couldnt find a natural way to put it in:
“It will get better,” Chuuya decides on, and even though it’s the truth, it’s a shitty truth. He knows how much he hated it when he was a teenager, his whole life in a bag as he traveled from house to house to home. He says it anyway, because there really isn’t anything else he can say, and even if it’s hackneyed, it’s something. “It won’t,” Dazai says predictably. “It doesn’t.” “I didn’t say good,” Chuuya says. “Maybe it’ll never be good. It happens. But it’ll get better.” Dazai sounds doubtful. “It’ll get worse, too.” “Yeah,” Chuuya says, and he reaches for Dazai’s hand, “but that’s when you hold onto the better moments.” Dazai’s hand is always cold, like a reptile, a snake that stayed out of its burrow in the winter and turned icy. Chuuya lets his body heat warm Dazai’s hand, lets it twitch back to something resembling life.  “This is a better moment,” Dazai whispers, and Chuuya isn’t sure if he even meant to say it. Chuuya squeezes Dazai’s hand. “It is.”
i never did get to writing it, and by design the fic doesnt include dazai's backstory. it's a combination of him not being in a place where he wants to tell it to anyone, chuuya not wanting to have to be the person to ask, and yosano and ranpo both knowing that it's not their story to tell. the basics are that dazai was carted around as a half-hostage half-protege of mori's through his childhood. mori was a fairly well known serial killer at the time, and, similar to canon, oda is in the crime world but starting to get out of it. he becomes a very bright spot in dazai's life, being the one person that cared about dazai (in a non-fucked up manipulative way). ango was undercover and ranpo was one of the detectives working the case to get dazai out and mori behind bars. they do eventually, but like canon, not without oda dying. yosano, having been under mori's control in a similar way some years ago, helps them find dazai and eventually legally adopts him. they have their growing pains, and dazai basically becomes a shut-in all throughout high school, but that gets him to where he is at the time of the fic.
i doooo have like. specific ages written down for all of these events somewhere (probably in a notebook) but i dont really remember where
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We're doing Cinderella.
If you wake me up from a dead sleep, SWAT is coming to your house and were DNA4U for your entire house.
1. You'll start getting paid through the app.
2. You'll see if you win the Lotto
If you remove kids from your house and still try to wake me then you'll get everyone from the last 3 weeks on the SMS that had been in and out your house or you went and talked to on the street ib order to sell to or other random what ever. That time starts now even if you wake me next week.
We have found 9 grandkids from only 3 houses. 6 were grandsons. And obviously 3 were girls.
So they were all found healthy and well. An almost 9 year old happened to look only 2 and that is normal.
The old parents helped pack and that was all. Some are just simple switched at birth issues.
Dna4u is to see if were compatible.
I'm no longer talking and just sending over my friends in SWAT. They are there to protect you. Otherwise I'd just get mad for being woken up and want to fight and kill you.
I designed this program in 2008 when i was a less bitter and angry person.
I am the Queen so no need to be afraid and try to hide kids like this current house. There was 10 people -- 8 adults and one of the women took the boys out the back door in order to run and hide them
Both ran to the SWAT. One is my grandson and one is not.
No one will be arrested. You'll just be disappointed if the "shoe doesn't fit"
Im quite sure that woman will not fit although the DNA will have to be checked anyway.
Usually some tingling occurs right after the test. It mimics my excitement.
SWAT doesn't have a list but I can create one with magic or Tree can do it for me. So.
Once people quit waking me then the SWAT may attempt to visit to check if you're the one that fits the shoe.
Its called the Cinderella Gimmick..
The word Gimmick is used because most people don't trust cops and there really isn't an actual shoe, just spit.
So they are not on their usual department needs thus they must be off duty from their regular shifts on their off time and they volunteer to do this service for us in the world as I am the Queen and the King may be having amnesia, possibly from being hit in the head with a rock.
So no problems have occurred except now this chick had taken out the kids at the 3rd house. And its over 100° outside and its too hot to be taking people out and running all over and so now SMS will alert if someone has been removed and not returned within 24 hours of the waking or the list. This is for their safety. If a car doesn't have air conditioning or enough gas to drive around. Its too hot to sit even in the shade. And with Quarentine we're not supposed to be going to others houses and all that for health reasons and I don't want anyone to conflict with anyone else or to risk their own lives in this intense heat.
Its simple, off duty SWAT volunteers. They don't see nor csre about bongs or what exactly is in them or how many dishes aren't done or what is in the fridge -- within the exception of having one of my blood relatives then what is available for the children, especially, to eat is a concern. No one cares about the blunt left in the ashtray.
But that there is 2-3 things the child likes to eat and will last or did last about a week. So loaf of bread and jar of Goober. Some frozen meals if it's the kids organic version with hidden vegetables in the food or kids cuisine or even Banquet as long as the kids like the food in the meals and then say a box of their favorite crackers. Plus plenty of available liquid for the child to drink. Water and ice or just filtered water or juice or Capri suns or chocolate milk. What ever the kid likes.
So if the loaf of bread is half gone as well as the jar of peanut butter or lunch meat and cheese but its obvious there's more than one loaf of bread or the kid isn't told to lie they ate it when they did not. Tree will tell. And the bread id available and the kid was told to tell what to buy next soon because store time was coming up... Its not a problem.
Sometimes my kid eats almost a whole loaf of bread in a day. Point is that the kid can get what food they like or served to them on a daily.
Some do home cooking everyday and have leftovers the kids can get themselves by taking it to the table and loading it on a fresh clean regular or paper plate or bowel and can microwave or get help to.
They're small not handicapped or retarded.
Most will ask to be shown the microwave once to know they're doing it fine and not wasting time.
They been watching you for years.
Also they need clean laundry. Thr first house had 9 kids and 6 adults and no clean laundry.
So we are still in search and there is likely no reason to keep their names on a second go round for an interview if the King isn't found.
They didn't search. He was honest and said they had only laundry when the kids all said their clothes hadnt been washed and were re-wearing dirty. So the kids packed dirty and our assistants will wash. In fact the machines are already going with Tide and Snuggle. So its not a totally big deal.
Annabelle used to wear dirty uniforms to school because she refused to carry them to the machine, it lasted about a month before I threw down a fit. I'd tell her and our cousin Alex was living with us with his mom and I'd tell him and I told his mom. They continued playing Barbies and refused to carry the laundry for me.
So I went in and turned on the lights and said no playing you will get this laundry into the kitchen now. So i can wash it. ALL YOUR SCHOOL UNIFORMS FOR THE BOTH OF YOU, I'm gonna sit right here on this bed until you start carrying. And ill wait till you're done if you insist. Because this is ridiculous, if I can tell they're not clean so can your teachers and your principal and if you keep going to school dirty, were all going to get in trouble.
So sometimes we gotta lasso them in. But as parents or just simple adults we need to.
The first house had working laundry machines.
Like I said its not a huge deal. I know kids sometimes simply do not care. Some are even afraid of clean clothes. But they should have some clean laundry available
But the food definitely takes presidency over the laundry. All the houses have been cleaned and cared for this far.
Again some people actually prefer a messy house and so fresh food is what is looked at when my relatives are there, especially children or those without working cars. Wal-Mart pick up is available for those without cars and it literally takes 15 minutes to get like 100 items loaded in the auto. And so someone should be able to help. If not then we will have to find resources.
So the kids will be going on vacation for the summer and so they should take many things as possible. Especially their favorite items. We don't care what it is. If its a makeup box or giant stuffed bear. There's plenty of room to store or to have in their room. Plus then all their clothes. If it was too small but their favorite and they want to keep for themselves or let another relative to borrow it or pass it down, it doesn't matter, it gets packed to go.
There's no arresting or ticketing and if you know and you didn't report, we found them safe and well and so it doesn't matter.
Usually there's at least one responsible parent type that cares about the kids and that is most important over reporting.
Its not even what were looking for but everyone in the house must be under DNA4U for protection and payments. If a kidnapping occurs we can retrieve with DNA proof you belong to us as well as many other incidents that are unwell.
And all 3 houses had a kid of mine's kid. They all seem to be eggs so a surrogate may not had a clue.
Valencia County has one of the lowest rates of dna4u at only nearly 3% -- 2 point 9 percent.
Albuquerque has 9%
And all y'all are missing money.
So lets do $5 on this if you read and understood and it will be on your dna4u if you haven't taken it yet. If you have it will be there. You can read it 4 or 5 times if necessary. I would if I was one of Cinderella's candidates or wanted to be.
**i mention the food as the kids will be going on vacation if they biologically belong to my family, there's only 2million in the world. And so we would like to take their favorite foods or be informed of them, especially if they're picky.
Like some only like Goober. Or some only like preserves with seeds in it. Or some have allergies or have spent time finding their particular favorite brand of a certain bread or frozen food. Some don't care. But if they only like the green wrapper burrito or they like the orange, too. We should know. Just makes shopping easier and we will have available their own food for a week. So they hate dinner? Well your favorite food is in your cabinet then. Some may like to make their own but with me they need to bring it to me if its a bread and sandwich or if its a microwave, some may need to get it for me if its like in the bottom of the freezer and I have to bend. Like if it needs assembly then they need to gather the items for me so I can make it while sitting. I will have assistants but. This way they can learn some independence. I've done it with alot of kids and they enjoy it and they learn alot. Now Declan did not enjoy learning to use the microwave because he used an acrylic bowl like i told him not to but didn't listen. So don't have any acrylic dishes. "I didn't think you would let me. But i knew i could. But never let me do that again! That was hot!!" He spilled quite alot of chowder and so I told him to wait and eat and we would clean it together. Then i moved the ceramic dishes to on top of the microwave so he knew which to use. He said it was still too hot but he managed to skill up on the pot holder using.
And he said it took longer to microwave with ceramic. So they learn at their own pace and in their own way.
So to assemble a sandwich they recognize the ingredients they like to eat. So onion, tomato, lettuce, cheese and ham and cheese loaf. Or not.. Whatever they want. They learn their own tastes.
Draven would be all "marshmallow fluff, meat and oh yeah cheese and can i have some avocado"
"All on bread?"
"Yeah here"
And he would hand me two pieces of bread "i want wheat"
"You want all this in the same concotions"
"That would be me.yeah yup"
"Heavy on the marshmallow fluff or light?"
"Heavy mean alot? Just do it like mayonnaise. You know what that is right?"
He was 4. And he would eat it all because he liked it.
So they really have freedom not to eat what we make for the majority. But we don't know what they like and so maybe also the parents don't because I know Sara didn't let Draven make that kinda food for himself. But he took full advantage of "anything we want?!?"
"As long as you eat it or eat at least half. Or try some good big bites before you decide you don't like it."
But some kids just want their comfort foods and we like to know what that is.
Luckily except for Declan the rest found Pizza as their comfort food. Declan liked Clam Chowder. But would take a slice of pizza he would dip into it and let the other kids try.
I typically only make dinner but make sure the rest eat. Because those 4 were very independent or wanting to be and usually it was just me. With other random people in and out. Jesse usually brought fast food for lunch for us. And they could do breakfast on their own. We had plenty of milk and cereal and enough spills to ruin a carpet.
But we will have assistants to help teach as I physically not. Like we have 8+ now. Kids. So that's alot of milk to pour for me while standing. And watch they pour it in the cereal just right. Dad will kill me if we trash his hotel. So.
The other one was mine and we were doing renovations anyway. So didn't matter.
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grubhivemind · 7 years
--supersonicFoxtrot [SF] began pestering primadonnaTartuffe [PT]-- 
SF: >Yo!!!< 
SF: >sup online party gurl<
PT: oh haaaay. 
PT: not much im just winding down for family festivities.
SF: >o right its human egg day or sumthing< 
SF: >rite?<
PT: right you are. 
PT: the eggman has risen on this day. 
PT: my boyfriends dad always makes a big deal out of holidays so i crashed that affair.
SF: >lmaooo< 
SF: >noice< 
SF: >i got to say egg rising man day is so confusing sounding culturally<
SF: >sounds like ur celebrating massive birthdays< 
SF: >or troll babies<
PT: no you see this is the time of year we celebrate dr robotik aka eggman well known nemesis of sonic the hedgehog.
SF: >who now wut face?<
PT: dont be so fucking insensitive towards my culture.
SF: >ur human customs are WEIRD ryanne<
PT: is it WEIRD to paint eggs with your sonic ocs???
SF: >um yah< 
SF: >why do u want to paint EGGS<
SF: >when u can eat them<
PT: why not both?
SF: >do u do both?<
PT: YEAH. painting them doesnt make them inedible.
SF: >o well shit<
SF: >pfft well I hope u ate a lot of eggs<
PT: im just FULL of eggs.
SF: >pfftt<
SF: >so full of eggs u might as well be< 
SF: >a mother grub<
PT: thats me. one big elegant mama.
SF: >snrk< 
SF: >beautiful<
SF: >I guess tho cus of ur human holiday< 
SF: >u aren't around to hang out<
PT: eh well me and my folks came home. 
PT: i could sneak away for the rest of the evening.
SF: >OvO<
SF: >lets sneak out and party<
PT: yeah buddy.
PT: where you wanna meet?
SF: >I'm fine meeting wherever< 
SF: >but how bout the park near the skaianet buildin<
PT: ah yes i know it well. 
PT: ill be right there.
SF: >sweeet< 
SF: >catch u there<
NELLIE: -Whenever Ryan shows up there in the future, Nellie is already in the dimly lit park.- 
NELLIE: -He's trying hand stands on his hoverboard like a dorkus.-
RYAN: -wanders over, hands in the pockets of her hoodie. when she sees this goofy boy, she snorts.- ohhh wow im so impressed.
NELLIE: -He doesnt hear her and she goes unnoticed until his hover board pivots around so hes facing her and then he startles a little. Enough to fall off his board and flop to the ground right on his ass.- OOF! 
NELLIE: Oh. Hai, Ryanne.
NELLIE: -Snrks and hoists himself back up onto his feet to dust himself off.-
RYAN: -grins- hey. 
RYAN: didnt know you were a boarder. 
RYAN: can i see it?
NELLIE: Pfft. Yah I've picked it up over the last few years. -Snatches the board out of the air and then offers it to her.- 
NELLIE: Yuh know how to stand on one?
RYAN: yeah sure. i used to steal my brothers all the time. -takes it and lies it down in front of her before she starts to climb up on it.- 
RYAN: -wobbles- ohhh shit. its been a while tho haha.
NELLIE: -Watches her wobble and snickers.- Here want a hand? 
NELLIE: -offers his hand out and goes to stand next to the board.- Just dont go tuh high or yuh will either fall off or drag me up hehe.
RYAN: -places her hand in his just to balance herself- lol i would consider the latter but im not strong enough to lift you. so wed have double trouble there. 
RYAN: -lifts off the ground and takes her hand with her so she can zip around a little. she definitely seems competent with this thing. suddenly she's having flashbacks to dirk teaching her how to use a hover board...-
NELLIE: -Good! That she doesnt fall anyways.- There yuh go! 
NELLIE: Yuh got this gurl. -Makes sure to stay as her balance point.- Yuh have got the hang of this.
RYAN: hell YEAH i do!! PCHOOOO. 
RYAN: -but she gets bored right away, slowing to a stop. she stays hovering there for a moment though.- 
RYAN: so what were you thinking about partying?
NELLIE: Well we culd do a lot of things. 
NELLIE: We culd go out. There are clubs and bars and stuff still open. Or we culd hang out here sum more. Or go anywhere.
NELLIE: -Grins at her.- Partying is sub ject uv.
RYAN: -thousand yard stare. teetering back and forth on this board.- i wanna go to a club... -kind of trails off like there's an implied BUT-
NELLIE: -Raises a brow at her implied but.- 
NELLIE: Well oh kay then lets go tuh one ell oh ell!
RYAN: ... 
RYAN: ... 
RYAN: yeah alright. -she tells herself she won't drink, she'll just dance.- 
RYAN: -hops off the hover board.-
NELLIE: -Well there are other things to do at clubs besides drink.-  
NELLIE: -Anyways the moment Ryan hops off is when Nellie hops up and mounts his board before once more offering her a hand.- Here cum on up. Dunt worry I can balance us both, and its faster tuh get tuh this place I know.
RYAN: well up i go again. -takes his hand and hikes back up onto the board.- where we headed? i probably know it.
NELLIE: I like this place called The Aquarium. Its gut all those surfaces that are really fish tanks. Its batt shit awe sum! 
NELLIE: Oh kay suh hold ontuh me so yuh dont go flying off. Oh and once we start moving I wont be able tuh keep reading yur lips cus I'll be focusing ahead. if yuh need sumthing just tap me, oh kay? -Once she is up and steady, Nellie kicks them off and they start zooming through the air at high speeds. Its only because he has a passenger that Nellie wont show off and do flips.-
RYAN: -read her lips? HE WAS DEAF THIS WHOLE TIME AND DIDN'T TELL HER? wow. incredible. except she doesn't even care. she holds onto him with one arm and waves an ok hand :ok_hand: in his face before they take off.-
NELLIE: -He forgets to tell people Ryan. Nellie used to advertise it more but over the years he has gotten so used to reading lips and speaking without sign language that it just slips his mind most of the time. Also he doesnt see why it would matter either.- 
NELLIE: -Thanks to his speedy flight skills, they arrive outside the club before too long. Nellie slowly lowers the board closer to the ground so they can hop off.- Ladies first.
RYAN: oh thank you. :yum: -plops onto her feet and steps away fro mthe board to give him room, also to approach the building. she's definitely familiar with it. if she recalls correctly, it was fairly new before she left skaia. but maybe she's thinking of something else. her memory of that time is pretty hazy at this point.
NELLIE: -Once Ryan is safely at a distance Nellie dismounts his board and before he hits the ground he stores it back into his sylladex. How cool is he? Not at all...- 
NELLIE: Oh kay suh we heading straight in? -Offers Ryan his arm.-
RYAN: -was he being cool? she didn't even see because she zoned out, but her attention snaps back to him when he speaks. it takes a moment to register the question and the arm being offered to her, but she loops hers in his and nods.- 
RYAN: lets do this shit.
NELLIE: -Aww thats okay, she will get other chances to see him try and be cool later.- 
NELLIE: -Maybe.- 
NELLIE: Hell yah. -He is going to walk her up to the doorman, they dont even have to wait in line too long and as long as they both flash their IDs (Nellie will cover the entrance fee for Ryan) they get in without any hassle.- 
NELLIE: -Inside the club music is pounding, people are crowded on the dance floor which is see through into a large tank filled with all sorts of strange and wondrous sea life, and there are drink servers dressed in dazzling mermaid themes. There are cocktail menus based on shipwrecks and tropical fish, and the several bars placed around the club and each one features tanks of different species of small critter, from colorful nudibranchs to hue flashing cuttlefish. Its an all over kind of ridiculous venue.-
RYAN: -yeeees. she is all about this aesthetic and that bass is already infecting her, getting her pumped up and bringing her right back to the frequent evenings she spent in clubs just like this one.- 
RYAN: -bobs and shimmies into the crowd, dragging nellie with her. she'll make her way to the bar eventually, but first she has to dance her way through all these people. and sing along to the music playing, of course. she turns towards nellie to dance at him. GET IN ON THIS BRO.-
NELLIE: -Now it is his turn to be led. Nellie laughs as Ryan pulls him into the crowds after her, and when she starts to dance he is only a little hesitant to join her. Usually he is not a big dancing person given that he has a hard time noticing rhythm, but clubs like these always blast the music hard enough that he can physically feel the beat and thats why he likes this place.- 
NELLIE: -He is going to gently hip check Ryan, watching her sing but hardly being able to make sense of it anyways.- Heheh!
RYAN: -she's a firm believer that you don't need to have rhythm to dance... you just need it to be GOOD. and being good ain't what dancing is about.- oohp! -laughs and bumps him back with her big butt. then falls into a butt bumping rhythm.-
NELLIE: -Good thing its not about being good because hes really not. But he can butt bump! And he will keep it going so long as she does.- 
NELLIE: Oh kay suh yuh can ride a hover board and dance?? Daaayyyuuummm!!
RYAN: im skilled in all sorts of things. -snickers and starts wiggling her way in the direction of the bar. mimes throwing a lasso at him and pulling him in to follow.-
NELLIE: Um I bettah get tuh see the rest of these things then. -Yes please guide him around. Truth be told its great to just follow around a strong personality person sometimes, and Ryan fits this criteria for him.- 
NELLIE: -Hes going to slide up to the bar next to her tough and start looking over drinks.- 
NELLIE: Wuts yur poison?
RYAN: -it's ALL poison.- mmm... -it's a little overwhelming since she hasn't really been to a club where she can order GOOD drinks in a while. she's mostly been dipping into the hard lemonades when she's feeling weak.- 
RYAN: ill take a blushing margarita first off.
NELLIE: Blushing marga rida? -He hasn't heard of that one before, but hey learn something knew each time you go to the bar. Hes going to flag down the bar tender for the both of them and order her one, and a screwdriver for himself.- 
 NELLIE: -They are quickly prepared and placed in front of the two of them on little anchor themed coasters. Nellie sips his the moment is ready and turns to chin hand at Ryan.- What do yuh think of this place so far?
RYAN: -SCHLOOORP.- i think its the bees fucking knees my dude.
RYAN: i was right tho... ive been here before. its just been a while.
NELLIE: Yah? How cum? Yuh got another place yuh like tuh go tuh now?
NELLIE: This is my personal fave I think.
NELLIE: I really like watching all the fish ell oh ell. -He snickers and sips more of his drink.-
RYAN: mmm. well... 
RYAN: last time i was here it was before i moved. 
RYAN: see i moved from skaia to lopan for a while. 
RYAN: but i ended up comin back a few months ago. and uh... i havent done much social drinking since then. -says this guiltily... but nothing she can't drown down.-
NELLIE: -Dont worry Ryan he isnt going to pry. Nellie is a strong believer in leaving the past in the past.- 
NELLIE: Aww well thanks for cuming out with me tuhnight if its not usually yur thing.
NELLIE: Also well come back tuh skaia!
NELLIE: Consider this yur late homecoming.
RYAN: thanks man. -yeah... she's definitely not gonna elaborate if he doesn't ask. sips this drink.- 
RYAN: maybe ill join ya from now on if you frequent this place.
NELLIE: Um Im all abut that? 
NELLIE: Im always looking for new pals tuh hangout with. -Gives her a fangy grin.- 
NELLIE: I dunt always go here though. I also dunt mind partying in the cumforts of hive yuh know?
RYAN: yeah dude thats got its merits too. 
RYAN: if you wanna low key kinda party. which isnt always my thing necessarily... im a go big or go home kinda gal. 
RYAN: ... -sips- a bad analogy. but you get what i mean.
NELLIE: -Raises a brow at her.- Yah? 
NELLIE: Sounds like yuh know how tuh have a gud time. Got tuh say its been a while since I've intentionally gone hard at anything.
NELLIE: I kinda am used tuh coasting over a long period of time.
RYAN: hahah thats probably smarter anyways. 
RYAN: but what the fuck is moderation i ask.
NELLIE: A suggestion probubly?
NELLIE: At least thats how I take it. 
NELLIE: Treat yurself yuh know.
RYAN: -laughs a little about that. hoo boy... that's some shitty piece of advice right there, but she really is not equipped to argue with it. not when deep down it's something she agrees with anyways.- 
RYAN: darn fucking tootin. -downs this drink and flags the bar tender over for another. it begins.-
NELLIE: -Oh shit, she finished that quick. Nellie doesn't want to seem like a light weight to his new club buddy, so of course as Ryan flags down the bar tender he swings back the last of his vodka and orange juice in one go so he can get another and they can be even.- (Shiiiit.) 
NELLIE: Oh kay Ryanne we should like. 
NELLIE: Yuh should tell me more about yuh. Or wait like. We culd play a game like tuh lies one truth. 
NELLIE: Or whutever its called hahah.
NELLIE: I want tuh know more about yuh.
RYAN: oooo i love games like that. 
RYAN: let me think. :thinking: -grabs her new drink and sips thoughtfully.- 
RYAN: ok i got it.
RYAN: my mom is a famous musician. :microphone:
RYAN: this isnt my natural eye color. :eye:
RYAN: ive never ridden a horse before. :horse:
NELLIE: OOooooohh oh kay, oh kay um. 
NELLIE: -Squints at her as he thinks.- Yuh said yuh sing. And yuh can dance... suh the mom thing might be true... 
NELLIE: Im pretty sure thats yur eye color...
NELLIE: Nuh, I'm going tuh say yuh have never ridden a horse befur.
RYAN: ding dong you are wrong. 
RYAN: my mom IS famous. you ever heard of robyn saint?
NELLIE: -Dramatic gasp.- 
NELLIE: The Rob bin saint????? 
NELLIE: ....pfft nuh, I'm not really a big music guy.
RYAN: wow i cant imagine WHY. 
RYAN: shes kind of niche anyway so im not surprised when people havent heard of her. plus she hasnt been super active for a while... kind of a moldy oldie lmao. 
RYAN: anyways ive DEF ridden a horse before. 
RYAN: my big brother used to take a bunch of us kids in the family to horse ranches because hes like unhealthily obsessed with horses.
NELLIE: Hahah wow.
NELLIE: I saw a horse like. Once.
NELLIE: -Finishes his second drink and places the glass down on the bar with a pleasant sigh.-
NELLIE: Oh kay suh my turn then? Hmm.
NELLIE: I graduated wuth a degree in arow-dinamics. 
NELLIE: Ive never been ahrested. 
NELLIE: I'm lactose intollerint.
RYAN: ooooo tough... :thinking:
RYAN: im gonna say you got an aerodynamics degree. 
RYAN: becaaause i choose to believe theres a fun story behind you getting arrested and also that you dont suffer from an affliction as terrible as lactose intolerance.
NELLIE: I cant touch cheez without suffuring. And also I never finished school feeding ell em ay oh. -He snickers.-
RYAN: damn!! thats the saddest thing that ever got said. 
RYAN: the cheese thing... ive never gotten proper schooling either haha.
RYAN: :eyes: but you have been arrested?
NELLIE: Yahhh it sucks majer bulge.... Still doesnt stahp me from eating it though. 
NELLIE: -Orders himself a third screw driver.- And eyup. 
NELLIE: I went tuh jail for like a month tuh. It wus a real long time ago.
NELLIE: Yuh are technically looking at a reformed felon.
RYAN: :scream:
RYAN: can i ask what you did?
NELLIE: Heh well... 
NELLIE: -Sips more drank.- 
NELLIE: Mostly shop lifting.
RYAN: oooo mostly. i cant believe im fraternizing with a deliquent. -snickers- 
RYAN: ol sticky fingers nellie.
NELLIE: Hahaha yuh thats me. 
NELLIE: I wus a thief. -Among other things...-
NELLIE: Now I just fly ships and get high on thuh weekends.
RYAN: takes breaks from flying high to fly high. sounds like a good life to me. 
RYAN: im still... between careers lol. i think i mentioned that. i cant remember.
NELLIE: Yuh might of but I didnt remember either though haha. 
NELLIE: Thats oh kay though.
NELLIE: -Taps his fingers on the bar.- Hmm.
NELLIE: Also like. 
NELLIE: If its a gud life yuh want to try. Its still kind of the week end?
RYAN: ... -I shouldn't, I really really shouldn't. she keeps telling herself that.- 
RYAN: i mean i aint about to deny the invitation.
NELLIE: -He is grinning more now and straightens himself up.- Well shit. 
NELLIE: Then like. I've gut stuff at my place? Yuh know anything about Wish?
RYAN: -finishes up THIS drink quickly too.- sure ive heard of it. 
RYAN: never tried it before tho.
NELLIE: -:eyes:- 
NELLIE: Duh yuh want tuh?
NELLIE: I'm a little new tuh it tuh but. 
NELLIE: I like it. A friend shared it with me suh its only right i give the same chance tuh another.
RYAN: sharing is caring after all... 
RYAN: lets do it.
NELLIE: It shure as hell is. -He winks back and then slides the bar tender money for the drinks they've had so far.- 
NELLIE: We culd head there now, or keep hanging out here for a while more but. 
NELLIE: If we duh stay here I'm cutting mahself off suh I can still fly us back safe.
NELLIE: Its up tuh yuh, Ryanne.
RYAN: hmmmm. 
RYAN: eh we can split. im feeling a little crowded anyways.
NELLIE: Well in that cayse. -He stands up from the barstool and offers Ryan his arm.- 
NELLIE: Can I escort yuh out, buddy?
RYAN: -slides off and loops arms with him once again.- such a gentleman.
NELLIE: I try. Cunsider it making up for being an ex con. 
NELLIE: -He is going to lead her through the crowds and out the nearest exit then. When they get back outside into the fresh night air Nellie decaptchalogs his board again and once more will help Ryan up onto it with him. He's not too wobbly despite having three drinks in him.- I'm fifteen minnuts from here, suh same rules as last time tap if yuh need somethin!
RYAN: -she's feeling a little woozy after getting onto her feet, which is strange to her. her tolerance used to be much higher but then again she's been sober for like 9 months now. she nods in understanding, clambering up onto the board with him.- 
RYAN: right right i got you.
NELLIE: Oh kay then hold on tight! -Once he says that Nellie is zooming up into the night sky. He goes pretty fast, but stays in control the whole time. Zipping through the air on a hoverboard is like second nature to him after all these years.- 
NELLIE: -They arrive at his apartment building in the time that was promised. More specifically they arrive on the roof and Nellie leads Ryan down a set of fire escapes after tucking away his hoverboard again. After that he just slides open the window to the livingroom and presto!- Heh, hivestem sweet hivestem. 
 NELLIE: -He slides on in and then will give Ryan a hand if she needs help getting in.- Pretty sure mah roommate is out until wednesday but if yuh feel like sumthing is watching yuh thats probubly her ell oh ell. 
NELLIE: -The place isnt too fancy. But its got a decent kitchen, and furniture. There is one full bathroom and two bedrooms that branch off from the living room.-
RYAN: -thanks for the help friendo. she slips inside, pointedly ignoring the gut feeling she has that this whole situation is wrong and she should know better. she doesn't even know nellie that well, and yet she's throwing caution to the wind and accepting drugs from an acquaintance someplace she's unfamiliar with. just like the good old days...- 
RYAN: its cool im always down to be watched. 
RYAN: -distracts herself from her inner turmoil by wandering around the place, inspecting anything and everything there is to look at.-
NELLIE: -Its a nice place! Its well lit and there are video games and movies on the shelf by the tv. The couch is covered with strewn blankets (Whoops he didnt know he'd have company) but overall its pretty homey.- Oh kay yuh chill out for two seconds I'm going tuh get the stuff. Bee are bee. 
NELLIE: -He waves her towards the sitting area and she can sit on the couch or the arm chair near the coffee table. Nellie slips towards one of the back rooms, and when he comes bag he has an old fiduspawn card tin in his hands.-
RYAN: -flops onto the couch and makes herself cozy, looking around until he returns.- oh shit is it time to duel?
NELLIE: -The blankets are very cozy, soft and clean smelling if she wants to get super comfy.- Heh, yah always??
NELLIE: -Sits himself on the floor and puts the tin on the coffee table before opening it. Inside is a collection of weed, cigarettes, a nasal spray bottle, and then a bunch of these strange body patches.- 
 NELLIE: -He takes out the bottle and a patch.- Oh kay suh yuh have got options here. I never used this spray but its a more direct and faster high? Suh yuh can use it if yuh want. Im a fan of these though. -Holds up the patch.- 
NELLIE: It melts intuh yur skin over time suh its a longer lasting high.
RYAN: hmm... -considers her options carefully.- 
RYAN: okay like. 
RYAN: its not gonna kill me if i take a shot of this and then slap on a patch is it? 
RYAN: im talking immediate health risks. im well beyond the long term kind.
NELLIE: Proububly not? I mean I did tuh patches at once this one time.
NELLIE: But yuh are going tuh feel that shit pfft.
NELLIE: Its kind of a high like weed. But more in the front of yur pan if yuh get that?
NELLIE: Makes shit heavy and light at the same time. Warms yuh up.
RYAN: oh okay that doesnt sound so bad. 
RYAN: -grabs that nasal spray.- gonna get me a WHIFF. -examines this bottle to assess how it's used before she does the honors. WHOOF. she seems a little surprised, blinking and shaking her head after it tickles up her nose.- 
RYAN: alright alright. now slap me with one of those thingers. i dunno where the ideal place to stick it is.
NELLIE: -Watches her figure out the spray and snickers a little as he hands her a patch.- Peel off the back first. And I like tuh put them on the small of mah back. 
NELLIE: Or shoulder. -He takes a patch for himself, peels off the back and lifts his shirt and sticks it on the skin of his shoulder. Nellie then rubs the patch just to warm it up faster so his body can absorb it sooner.-
RYAN: -peels off the back of the patch and lifts up her shirt around her middle, slapping it onto her back. depending on where he's sitting, he might catch a glimpse of the tattoo covering almost all of her back when she leans over.- 
RYAN: cool. now the party can truly begin.
NELLIE: Hehe hell yah. Let me know if yuh want snacks or sumthing tuh? Ive got stuff tuh munch on. 
NELLIE: -He just catches the sight of her tat out of the corner of his eye and he leans a little to try and see more of it.- Oooh. 
 NELLIE: Thats sick looking? Yur tattoo.
RYAN: oh yeah. let me give you the full experience. -lifts her the back of her shirt up higher since it goes all the way up to her shoulder blades. a beautiful blue and pink peacock tattoo stretches over the expanse of her skin.- 
RYAN: okay its not the full experience because otherwise id be flashing my ass at you.
NELLIE: Pfft. Well thanks. -But still :eyes: all over the designs.- Wow. 
 NELLIE: Nuh seriously thats sum amazing werk.April 20, 2017
RYAN: right? theyve got some killer tattoo artists on lopan. 
RYAN: you ever go there much? i bet youd be into that scene.
NELLIE: -Shakes his head.- Nahh. But now it's on my list ell oh ell. 
NELLIE: Whut kind of place is it?
RYAN: shit dude its like the night life planet. 
RYAN: great for partying. great for artsy folk. but thats in the cities. 
RYAN: in the desert its junker city like its star wars or some shit.
NELLIE: Wait junkers? Whut can yuh buy parts out there? -Hes all about old ship junk.-
NELLIE: If suh then yah this seems like a place I need tuh guh tuh ay ess ay pee.
RYAN: -smirks and nods- yeah exactly like that. 
RYAN: makes sense. most of you space truckers are into that it seems like. -tilts her head, resting it on her hand and equilibrium seems thrown off so suddenly she almost falls over to the side. whoa there. guess this shit is kicking in and she's got lead in her head, but it must be the airiness keeping her upright..- 
RYAN: im feeling it mister krabs.
NELLIE: -Ryan please do not fall over, he would feel real bad if you did.- Oh em gee. 
NELLIE: Well take it easy oh kay? -His is a slower building high, but Nellie can really start to feel his body warm up as the drugs are absorbed into his system.- Ahh its the shit though rite?
RYAN: its real nice dude... im starting to chill way the fuck out now. hahaha. -passes a hand through her hair.- 
RYAN: you said something about snacks?
NELLIE: I probubly did. 
NELLIE: Yuh like popcorn. Chips?
RYAN: why not both?
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