#and starfaring-princelotor you really do
fairy-cat-mother · 5 years
Tagging Game
Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by the lovely, awesome and handsome @starfaring-princelotor​ alsdkfjs;dlfkj I saw that you had The Darkest Hour in there and just. you K i l l e d  me. DED. It makes me so heppi that you like my song enough for it to be up there with your favorites. So happy <3 TT^TT <3
Alright, here goes nothin’!
Nickname: Okay, so I’ve never really had a nickname. My little brother called me “Vava” when we were growing up bc he couldn’t say my name aldsfkjas;lfk. On tumblr and discord, people usually just call me Fairy. So, yeah? Das it. Otherwise, it’s just Maria.
Zodiac: Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Aries Rising...I kinda like astrology a lil a lot :3
Height: 5’2’’ (most of my students are taller than me fml)
last movie I saw: Just watched Han Solo yesterday. It was p good.
last thing I googled: “Galaxy Lotor art” ...I just want my two fav things together...mah boi, and the stars.
favorite musician: Ohdamn, I can’t just pick one...if I haaaad to...hmm...ermmmfff...okay, I’m a SUCker for soundtrack music, so Joe Hisaishi or Two Steps From Hell.
Song stuck in my head: Fucking...Baby Shark. My students are relentless. They know it gets stuck in my head so easily. Those lil shits take advantage of it so mucH. It’s okay. I’ll get them back... >:3 with some weird “oldhead” music... SomeBODy once told me the WORLD is gonna roll me~ aaaaaaahaaa :P ….okay, but when it’s not Baby Shark, usually it’s Frank Sinatra’s Fly Me To The Moon bc that song comes on shuffle all the time in my car. But I’m not complaining ‘bout that one <3 also sometimes that one heckin’ awesome Dragonborn cover by Malukah too.
other blogs: None yet. Though, I have been thinking about starting one for posting my music stuff (I’m hopefully going to get a new mic soon and start recording more. So, maybe...)
Do I get asks: Sometimes, and I always love it when I do :3
following: 630. Welldamn. I don’t even remember half of these. I should go through and clean out.  
amount of sleep: I wish I had a consistent at-least-7 hours per night...but it’s more like 4 here, 8 there, naps when I come home and inevitably fall asleep on the couch. I’m workin’ on it.
lucky number: 7
what I’m wearing: A Huggle Hoodie. Or as I like to call it, a blanket dress. The most comfy thing in the world. I’m swimmin’ in it and it’s great. I’m so warm. And cozy. :3
dream job: Musician. Author. Professor. Children’s Theatre Director. I want to inspire people to feel and think and grow and learn—to own their creativity in whatever it is they choose to do <3 
dream trip: I love to explore, so anywhere really. But I definitely have a soft spot for trees and water. So anywhere with those things is great. Just like, hike all day and chill and listen to the babbling water, maybe take a swim if it’s safe. Yeahhhh :3 Also, Japan. I’ve wanted to go since I was like 9. And Ireland. I wanna sit in on some trad sessions with mah penny whistle a;lsdkjfa;lsdkfj
favorite food: Lettuce. I’m not even kidding. I fucking love lettuce. Like, I will eat that shit whole, plain, for a snack, whatever. Gimme the CRONCHy GREENSTUFF ;lakjs;lfkjasdf ...also I love ramen a whole lot. Like, real ramen. With the miso and soft boiled egg and chāshū mmmmMMMM~
play any instruments: Yeh! :3 Flute, violin, piano, ukulele, and penny/tin whistle. I dabble in others, like guitar and drums...and I’m always picking up new ones to learn i can’t staaahp. I’d really like to get a harp...but they’re just so damn expensive. One day, maybe.
languages: English, some French, some Japanese, and a liiiittle bit of Spanish.
favorite songs: Ohboiiii, too manyyyy. Better Together by Jack Johnson, A Fairy’s Love Song by Jean Luc Lenior, Far Horizons by Jeremy Soule, I Still Don’t Know Who I Am by Barnes Blvd., Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra, The Path of the Wind by Joe Hisaishi, Better Things by Headshine, Seven Years by Norah Jones, Such Great Heights by The Postal Service, Hotel Song by Regina Spektor, Ocean Kingdom & Rise Above & Enigmatic Soul & Undying Love all by Two Steps From Hell (omfg, i love these guyysss ;alksjfal;dsfkj), it’s space music timeAmong the Stars by Louis Viallet, The Edge of the Universe by Alex Doan, Theory of Rain & Age of the Universe by Elephant Music (I’ve actually really been into this playlist on YouTube lately...space musicccc asd;flaksjdf;ljf <3)...so many more, but i’mma stahp now, bc this is already long AF.
Random fact: Being in deep water sorta scares me. But I still like swimming. I’m just a lil scared and feel like something’s gon’ grab my toes and CRONCH a;lsdkfjalsdfj
describe yourself as aesthetic things: Lavender bushes, wild flowers, coffee shops and old books, green tea, fireflies in a field on a summer night, the moment before a thunderstorm rolls in, rain when the sun is shining, reading with a flashlight under the covers, the purples and blues in sunsets on the beach, flickering candlelight, a cottage in the woods on a rainy day, creating rainbows in the misty water from a hose, swinging on a swing set, writing a letter by the moonlight, rainbow fairy lights, oversized sweaters, car rides with the windows down, shooting stars, Saturn rings, galaxy prints.
I tag @legendofcarl (even though you’re already tagged, izza double-tag yo! >:3), @bookerror and @ghostarian !! <3
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