#and stickers cause I'm obsessed with stickers and can never have too many stickers
sincerity--extreme · 2 years
I really really wanted to get some money for Christmas so I could buy myself some stuff I don't actually need but really want to both look gay and also distract myself from this never ending dark pit that depression has thrown me in once again
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deadtiredghost · 2 months
Tmnt facts that are canon cause i said so:
All Leo's are sci-fi fans of varying degrees of old sci-fi series/movies
But MM!Leo thinks the old movies are old and thus has no major franchise to obsess over, he is just big into any of the more modern movies of the genre: I'm thinking Interstellar, Blade Runner, idk many more. And then he started watching Final Space and eventually got into Futurama.
But he still would think the other Leo's are old and a bit lame for enjoying old anime so much.
All the Donnie's and Leo's are the musical fans, but that doesn't mean that Raph and Mikey can't enjoy a musical too! Especially 2003!Raph who grew up watching shit like high school musical and teen beach movie with Leo and Donnie.
The 2003 boys all teamed up to sit on Mikey and tape Mikey's mouth shut cause he would dramatically and badly sing the songs otherwise.
2018 crew are hard into Hamilton of course while 2012 have a knock off version of it that flopped but Mikey loves.
2003 have a musical version of Lost Boys and Faries that could possibly be comparable with some rap songs and some emotional ballads.
Bayverse and MM have batman while 2018 have a weird mixture of some irl media and some really obvious knock offs. 2012 has Wingnut and Silber sentry as comics to replace Marvel and DC in their universe and we all know how 2003 is on superheroes.
All the Mikey's are naturally talented at drawing apart from 2012 who's skills apparently just got transferred to literally every single one of his siblings.
2012!Mikey's writing looks like chickenscratch and his drawings are chaotic in an abstract art kinda way, while 12!Leo can draw anime, 12!Karai is decent at drawing anything reallt, 12!Donnie preffers skatching items and backgrounds rather than people and 12!Raph is the one who does art the most in the fam.
The 1987 turtles are stuck in 1987 and have been since 1987. They like crossovers for the change of pace but 87!Raph and 87!Donnie very much dislike how other turtles have treated them in the past so take any and ever chance to fuck with their alternates in retaliation, feigning innocence well enough that they keep getting away with blatantly insulting their iterations to their face.
Leo is the tea drinker in the family across iterations but most of the iterations don't drink coffee - rottmnt gets into coffee wars (sans Leo and Splinter) but other than that 2007!Donnie and Bayverse!Raph are the only rabid coffee drinkers.
most of the Donnies drink energy drinks if they want a caffeine boost - the nonbinaries and their Monster especially.
The MM kids aren't allowed coffee because Splinter read a watched of child-raising YouTube videos and banned it. Of course that doesn't stop them from sneaking out. MM!Donnie is trying to convince him to allow coffee while MM!Raph just sneaks in his energy drinks.
2003!Casey was convinced the turtles were adults for at LEAST the first month into their friendship.
The ampunt Mikey wears stickers is directly proportional to the amount of leeway Splinter gives him - with the used-to-be-human Splinters being more strict on not personalising his weapon while the used-to-be-rat Splinters such as MM gives the go ahead.
The outlines of this rule are 03!Splinter and 18!Splinter of course who have entirely different ways of handling their adhd child.
And then there is bayverse!Splinter who said fuck the stickers, yes of course my 15-year-old children can have tattoos.
(And yes I firmly believe they were 15 in the first movie, and I attribute their tattoos to Splinter not really seeing the harm in it, or caring much as long as it won't hurt them.)
18!Leo is biologically the eldest but no one knows this apart from Draxum who will never tell at this point. Splinter aged them based on size.
On the other hand, 03!Leo is the biological youngest but only Donnie knows this (science shit to find it out) and will never tell anyone because he found out that 03!Mikey hatched first and that information can never be allowed to get to the turtle in question.
2012 Casey is transfem but doesn't know it yet and 2018 Casey is what 12!Casey will look like at 20.
All Donnie's watch anime and all Mikey's watch horror movies - despite how much they may or may not scream at the horror movies.
07!Mikey sells art online and 07!Leo becomes a language tutor in their 20's. Ironic as 12!Raph attempts to sell art online but becomes too emotionally attached to his work and 12!Donnie attempts to tutor for a time but is a terrible teacher.
Leo is a basketball or baseball fan, Raph likes wrestling and basketball, Donnie will partake in basketball or volleyball and Mikey prefers dancing but is open to playing anything... just not watching.
Splinter always watched the tennis, becuase his grandmother did. Leo likes to put it on but doesn't like playing it.
Mikey will forever be confused why the others enjoy watching sport. This stemms from when he was 12 and trying to watch his cartoons and Splinter would always take control of the TV during the Olympics. Mikey is still very salty and has an agenda against the Olympics and any other big sports match on their communal TV.
All the Leo's before 2012 just didnt use the Internet or any electronics as a kid and thus struggles with electronics massively.
Conversely 2012 and 2018 Leo were both on tumblr as kids and read fanfic about Space Heros and Jupiter Jim respectively.
And in addition: Donnie was on the Internet far too much as a kid.
(12!Donnie will never tell but 12!Mikey befriending Chris Bradford on Facebook hit a bit too close to home.)
After Don, Raph is the best at mechanics, other than 18!Raph who is kinda shit at them.
Splinter taught all of the turtles first aid but Raph and Mikey are patched up the most by the other two, which leads to the other two being more confident and skilled at first aid.
Leo's first aid experience is very much similar to an army medic, using improvisation based on his prior knowledge without any of the proper hospital procedure while Donnie's is much more based on his research into medicine and thus much more clinical.
The outliers are the 18!kids cause Donnie finds biological shit kinda disgusting unless he HAS to do it.
And then there is the 87!turtles who don't really get hurt for longer than an episode's run time. Despite this every single one of them are able to accurately and skillfully carry out any medical procedure should the need arise becuase cartoon logic and convenience. It is a skill they have and its usually 87!Donnie ordering them about while 87!Raph plays nurse.
Mikey and Raph spray paint together sometimes in all iterations other than 87.
87!Mikey and 87!Leo have never kmowingly committed a crime.
Mikey looks up to Leo most out of his siblings, and Leo would look up to Mikey in turn if he could get over the jealousy towards his youngest brother.
There is not a single itteration where Leo doesn't sometimes kinda wish he could be more like Mikey - he has never voiced these feelings and hates that he feels this jealousy.
If you wake Leo up from sleeping he will be alert, a bit grumpy about it, but will never turn you away. He rarely gets a full good night's sleep anyways, ans becuase of this he is prime target to bother when he is awake... up until they turn 14 where Leo gets into the habit of pretending to be asleep so Mikey doesn't bother him and starts meditating until he falls asleep.
The prior headcannon excludes rottmnt and mutant mayhem.
Mikey starts bothering Donnie more and joins him in the lab late at night a lot.
If you dare to disturb Raph's beauty sleep you will get a pillow to the face and a shouting to at the least.
Everyone of the turtles loves Kung Fu Panda or whatever similar movie exists in their world. They won't admit it but its because Poe reminds them of Mikey.
Raph maintains that he doesn't like physical contact much to get out of hugging the sweaty humans in his life. He is actually fairly chill with hugs he just hates the feeling of sweat on his scales so much, and learnt that the hard way when Casey brought him in for a hug after a fight and he shoved him off and blustered a bit. But any of his siblings hugging him is fine, he only ever shoves them off out of annoyance.
Donnie is the least huggy turtle, but he will sometimes lean his full body weight on April - which is fine in most iterations but some cannot handle the weight, I'm looking at Bayverse.
If Mikey were a human he would be a borderline nudist when home and everyone who lived with him would complain about it.
Like [insert hair covering here] and a fluffy dressing gown from when he was 9 wrapped around the waist if you're lucky.
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nabaath-areng · 9 days
People I want to get to know better
(Was tagged by @semper-miles and @sealrock, thank you! ♡)
Last Song: 'Fat Fetishism' with The Piass (don't look up without lowering your volume first just in case LOL) (Random tangent but seeing them live will forever be one of the best things I've ever experienced... I need to frame the stickers I put together on my old calendar cover. Honestly I'd love it if I ever got another chance to watch them perform, seeing that they've only done lives since the one I went to back in... oh my god 2012 what IS time—)
Favorite Color: Pinks, preferably light and pastel though I do love hot/neon pink too. Other people usually expect it to be black considering the way I've always dressed IRL (which is to various extents reflected in my OCs), and I do like black! But what I like to put on myself vs what I like to surround myself with (like my room, personal belongings, everyday items etc) differs and therefore I'm overwhelmingly surrounded by pink lol
Currently Watching: ... Honestly I tried to start multiple things many months ago but my ADHD makes watching anything an actual nightmare and if I finish a whole series, especially if it's long? You can bet that I'll barely remember anything orz So I guess in order for me to answer the question should be "what's the last thing you tried to watch" which would be Heavenly Delusion (hoping to finish it but I can only watch things properly in my gf's direct presence and we're long distance sooo...) (Though last year something possessed me and I watched the entire SVSSS donghua start to finish several episodes in a row without losing focus even once and I'm still riding that high. I suppose it helped that I'd already read the whole novel lol)
Last Movie: Movies are a bit easier for me (due to them having a very clear cut run time for me to mentally prepare for beforehand) but they're still subject to the same problems as the previous question... and I think the last one I watched was Ghibli's Castle in the Sky about a year ago or so (my favorite movie also)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Love all three, could never pick just one!!!! And for that matter, LOVE sour.
Relationship Status: In a relationship with @amberwound !!!!
Current Obsessions: My new desktop and the fact that I can have more than one game installed at a time on it. I've also been stuck in HSR cause something about the combat just scratches my brain in a way I can't explain...
Last Thing in my Search History: 'Svenskt lejon' to show friend lmao
Tagging: @fourfoldfires @amberwound @captainqster @ahollowgrave @mythandral @witcherbatard @apheliondusk @yloiseconeillants @tsupertsundere @draculas-husband @neoma-eltanin @ffxivtribehydrae @tinolqa @magicalyams @unfotp @cytherae-rubin (I bet more than half of these won't actually get properly tagged with no way to correct it cause this always happens when I tag people and this website might just hate me--)
+ anyone else who wants to! Consider yourself tagged by me!
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milkwaydreams · 2 years
My favorite Kpop songs/albums of 2022!!
Stay around and read if you want, maybe we can be friends🥰
(Reading time: +/-10 minutes).
I looove talking about it, showing it, so I'm going to put it out here.
*There are no specific order for this, this are my favorites, if I didn't mention yours, feel free to comment or send me a message 🥰
If You Leave Me - Seventeen
I'm OBSESSED with this song. Their vocals, the structure of the song, how they sang it, I don't know. There is something there that got me addicted to it. For 3 months straight, this song wouldn't step out of my top 3 most listened songs on Spotify 🤣
- Other Seventeen 2022 songs I listen too much to: Don Quixote, March, Hot, Cheers and World; also, the boys solos, Ruby (Woozi), Limbo (Jun) and Black Eye (Vernon).
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Childhood - The Rose
I know The Rose is not Kpop but, you know that songs that finds you at the time you need the most? That's Childhood for me.
It took me a while to listen to Heal album, though I was really excited for their comeback, I only really listened to it a month after the release, but it was the day I needed the most. The Rose is a really good group, their songs, their personalities, the way they interact with their Black Roses, it's so nice and cute.
When I listened to Childhood, it was like they were telling me not to give up, to not lose myself, and it was exactly the day I started loosing hope again. Woosung's Come Down also did the same thing to me months before and again with Childhood. Though I'm not a active Black Rose, they are for sure REALLY important to me cause without them, my year would've be way worst.
Thank you The Rose, for being my anchor, for keeping me going one more time.
- Definitely check their whole album and Woosung's solo album Moth. They are both really good, every song are so real, if that makes sense 🙈. Besides Childhood, my favorite is See Saw and the title Sour from HEAL. From Moth, Side Effects and the title Phase Me I never skip any of them.
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Child, Ghost (Station), Candy (Album) - NCT
As a NCTzen myself, I was a little disappointed with the albums songs from both, NCT Dream and NCT 127. Don't get me wrong, I did liked some of the songs, but compared to last year, I would choose Hot Sauce/Sticker over Glitch Mode/2 Baddies.
BUT, I must say that the NCT Station is PERFECT. I loved every single song from it released this year, especially Mark's Child. This song touched me so much in ways I didn't even expected to, cause I can see myself on that same place, people expecting too much from me...
And speaking of NCT solos, I always loved Taeyong's songs from SoundCloud. Then he released Ghost on TY Track and, WOW. Ghost is perfect, the song, the dance, the performance video. I wish it had more views cause it's really good😍😍
And then, there's the winter special NCT Dream album, Candy, and I fell in love with the whole album. I'm completely OBSESSED with the concepts, they all look so cute. All the songs are really good, their vocals are perfection too. But I must say, Graduation... Wow. I'm graduating from college this year and one of my ULT groups releasing a song about it at the same time was just perfection for me🥰🥰🥰
- Other NCT (Station) 2022 songs I'm addicted to: Forever Only (Jaehyun), Birthday (Ten), Love Theory (Taeyong X Wonstein).
- Other 2022 NCT/WayV songs I like: Glitch Mode, Saturday Drip, To My First, Designer, Crash Landing, Phantom, Good Life, Broken Love.
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OK Not (Album) - CIX
CIX is one of my favorite Kpop groups, and they are still so underrated. If you don't know them or don't listen too much from them, I would recommend you to. They are so talented and cute, everything I need to make them one of my ULT groups 🤣
They didn't released too much songs this year, but this album is AMAZING. I was sad cause there is only 4 songs after so long, but they are so good😍😍
I got addicted to all 4 songs of the album, but Drown In Luv have my whole heart. If you ask me how many times I listened to it, the answer will be "Yes" 🤣🤣🙈 Please, check them out, I promise you won't regret it🥰
Also, the physical album?! Are you kidding?! IT'S SO PRETTY!! Both version are really gorgeous and so high quality. I new it was pretty but, when I had it on my hands, I was shocked and completely in love. It's by far the prettiest album I have until now.
- Title song: 458
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INVU (Album) - Taeyeon
Taeyeon will always be one of my favorite Kpop singer. Her vocals and presence are just perfection.
Her discography is really amazing and I already new that in INVU wouldn't be different. And I was right cause I LOVED the whole album, so many good songs, wow😍
My favorite would be Ending Credits, but to be honest, it was hard to pick one🤣🙈
- Other SNSD/Taeyeon 2022 songs I loved: Lucky Like That, Seventeen, Can't Control Myself, INVU, Some Nights, Timeless.
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Taste - Stray Kids
Both Oddinary and Maxident was really good albums. I got addicted to both of them🥰 But Taste... This song attacked my h*e side SOOO hard🤣🤣🙈🙈 It's such a good song, wow.
One thing that made me really happy about this song was Minho's vocals. Because he normally doesn't have that many lines in Stray Kids songs, I sometimes forget that his voice is so angelic and I love it. My favorite part of the song is his "즐겨 baby, baby don't test me, oh no. Baby, baby don't get me wrong" I don't know how many times I repeated this line, I swear 🤣🤣🙈🙈
Anyway, one of my favorite songs of the year for sure 😍😍😍
- Other Stray Kids 2022 songs that are constantly on my mind: 3Racha, Case 143, Venom, Maniac, Charmer.
- Also, really glad with SKZ-Replay cause we FINALLY have Drive on Spotify 🤣. And I love Jisung's Alien and I Can't Admit from Chan, I'm really glad I listen to it on Spotify now. For the new ones, I love Felix's Deep End😍
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Opening Sequence - TXT
I first met TXT through Can't You See Me and it became one of my favorite Kpop songs instantly and, even though I love other TXT songs, none of them could even get close to Can't You See Me. Until Opening Sequence appears.
I wasn't expecting much from this album of them because the last albums before it, didn't actually get me, so I listened to Good Boy Gone Bad on the release day and liked it, but that's it. Later, I saw people talking about Opening Sequence and decided to check it out. It was love at "first sight" and easily took Can't You See Me place.
TXT is not one of my ULT groups (cause I already have too many) but, if I were to pick another it could be them. Because of Opening Sequence, they came back strong to my radar 🙈🙈
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Survive The Night - The Boyz
I knew Be Aware era was going to be a little sad because Eric wasn't there. I was really excited for their comeback since Maverick but not having him there... Something was missing (I'm really glad he's back now. Hope he is feeling better 🥺).
But, they still gave me one of my favorite songs of the year. Survive The Night is such a good bside track. It's somehow comforting, though the lyrics are not that bright, their voices helps me to calm down. If you like ballad songs, love songs, I would recommend you to listen to it 🥰
- Other song from Be Aware I would recommend is Levitating. This song reminded me of Maverick era and that is my favorite The Boyz era so far, it was easy for me to like it 🙈
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28 Reasons (Album) - Seulgi
Seulgi had one of the best solo debut of 2022 for sure. 28 Reasons is SO good, I loved everything about it, the theme, the clothes, her vocals, everything is perfect here. Dead Man Running is definitely my favorite bside of the album, and because I'm going through a situation similar to the song, I got too attached to it🙈 If you haven't listened to the full album yet, go check it out cause you won't regret it.
And still in Red Velvet, I'm still so addicted to In My Dreams. That song is SO good. I'd love to listen to it live😍😍
- Also loved: Birthday, Bye Bye, Beg For Me (Red Velvet).
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Don't Regret - Wonho
I'm quite new to KPoP life to be honest and my first favorite Boy Group was Monsta X. My first bias was Kihyun and Wonho, but I arrived here too late🥺 When I joined this life was just a few months after Wonho leave the group and I was so sad when I found out. Then someone told me he was going to debut as a soloist and I've been following him since then and I Don't Regret it (no jokes intended 🤣🙈)
I love Wonho's songs so much, I love his voice. And when this song released I didn't realized it was a new song (that's how dumb I am🤡). I loved this song so much, it's really touching how his thoughts change through the song.
I'll be waiting for him to come back from military service 🥺
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There are so many songs I loved this year but these was the ones that marked me the most 🥰
Now let me tell something that is really sad for me. There are so many Japanese releases and they are SO GOOD, but they are not used that much, no big promotions and the physical album are not that good/pretty and too expensive. I love this songs so much🥺:
Ateez: Paradigm (it's so catchy and I love Yeosang's whispering)
CIX: Pinky Swear (everything about this song is so cute. Please check it out)
Red Velvet: Wildside (my favorite RV song)
Seventeen: Dream (to be honest, all SVT Japanese songs are really good)
Stray Kids: Circus (one of my favorite SKZ song)
The Boyz: She's The Boss (Jacob's rapping is so cute on this song)
But because I still have many songs left, I'm going to leave some other groups here:
(G) I-DLE: Tomboy, Polaroid, Villain Dies, My Bag, NXDE, Dark (X-File), Love. I love IDLE, they are my favorite GG and I think they had really good albums this year.
aespa: Illusion🥰. I don't listen aespa too much but this song is really good.
Astro: Candy Sugar Pop, Story (MJ's Solo), Who and Ghost Town (Moonbin Sanha Unit).
Ateez: Guerrilla, Cyberpunk, Sector 1 and Halazia😍. Halazia is SO GOOD, I'm obsessed with them saying this word😍😍😍
BIBI: BIBI Vengeance (I got really addicted to this one), Animal Farm. Her Noir album is amazing, she's a really good artist😍 Also, I love the way she sings, is really unique, her voice is amazing.
Blackpink: the whole Born Pink album. This is my favorite BP era and my favorite song is Typa Girl.
Enhypen: Blessed-Cursed (NIKI looks so gorgeous on this MV😍), Future Perfect (Pass The Mic).
GOT7: the whole GOT7 album is so good. My favorite is Two. I'm so glad they released a new album😍. Cruel (Jackson) and Slow Mo (Bambam).
Itzy: Cheshire and Snowy.
Key (SHINee): Ain't Gonna Dance (perfect), Villain, Burn and Bound are my favorites.
Kihyun (Monsta X): Youth.
Le Sserafim: Sour Grapes, Fearless, Blue Flame, Antifragile, Impurities. Their debut was the best GG debut of 2022 for me, and Antifragile just keep up the great sound from them (I hope Sakura gets more spot in the future though).
Mamamoo: ILLELLA, Honey (Solar's solo).
Minho (SHINee): The Chase album is so good😍 I'm obsessed with the song and MV, he's so gorgeous 🥰
New Jeans: Attention.
Oneus: Gravitation. Seoho vocals on this song are just perfection 😍
Onew (SHINee): Dice is so cute and bright🥰.
OnlyOneOf: skinz and Gaslighting. Also their solos are really good. I love the little BL stories of the MVs😍😍.
P1Harmony: Do It Like This, Doom Du Doom.
Pentagon: The Game, One Shot, Feelin' Like, Pose (Kino's solo).
Treasure: Jikjin.
Twice: the whole Between 1&2 album. My favorite songs are Basics and Gone.
If you made this far, I LOVE YOU 😭😭❤️❤️
Thank you for reading it, hope your new year is blessed.😍😍
And remember, you're amazing and don't let people say otherwise ❤️🥰
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sybilmarlowe · 3 years
I've always been addicted to fandoms, I use to follow a lot of series and it's very easy to me to grow fond of certain characters. The peculiar thing is, the characters I like the most are usually the ones who have something in common with me (might sound pretty vain, I know, but I'm ENTJ, I don't do it on purpose 😅)
So, my fav characters are figures I relate to. I've already came up with some who were so close to my personality that I was like "ehy, who's f***ing spying me?!"
Well, as you can assume by my fandom-themed profile, I recently started watching Peaky Blinders (I arrived shamefully late) and... What if I say I never saw the worst sides of my personality represented as well as in the character of Thomas Shelby?
Alright, I'm pretty different irl, I'm mostly cheerful and talkative, I'm not the head of any criminal organization (yet), I'm not even that manipulative and I prefer Scotch whisky.
But for the rest... I seriously had to stop the show in many points because seeing some scenes was actually too much. Especially when it came to see the worst parts of Tom's personality, I actually felt awkward watching at something I'd do irl but from an outside critical pov.
First of all, I totally understand that obsession for control, especially after having been through a really hard time. Not going to bother you with my personal story, but I actually lived a bad situation years ago and when it finished I literally told myself "alright, now I'm taking everything under my control, nothing will ever be able to break me again". So that's it, I want/need to have most of things in hand to feel secure.
Feelings? Total control on them too. It's impressivly possibile to put rationality over emotions sometimes. But possible doesn't mean functional. And although it's easy for me to appear calm and balanced to strangers, people next to me will always notice my real state, even more than myself sometimes...
And another thing: I NEED to give a f***ing SENSE to anything I do, I live from purpose to purpose, in the middle there's reaching for the following purpose 😅
Some other examples....
That scene in which Tommy shouted at Arthur for not being able to overcome thing "as he did". That's me, trying to help with logic and not always understanding why others can't do as I do (that was actually unpleasant to watch cause I literally hate that aspect of mine... 😭).
"I can be scared but still carry on": my lifestyle.
I'm rational as f***k but I take spiritual things hella seriously (oh, I read Tarots ✨).
Tough time? Disappear into the woods 😂
....or work to the point I don't have strength to stand anymore, not to allow my mind to "start talking about myself with myrself"
Of course, I hate myself but I have a high consideration of my potential 👌(this thing has never had sense to me tbh 😳 like, how can you be extremely confident and have a low consideration of yourself at the same time?? Well, Thomas Shelby was created to solve my existential doubts, apparently)
Ah, I found the way to calm down my messy way of living, when I met a person who was able to make me feel in the right place... But things went all wrong ☀ (fortunately nobody died hahaha) and here we are again ✨🍷
My greatest fear? STAGNATION. I could actually die from non-action 😱
The fact I speak French and I love reading poetry doesn't count, I guess, just funny 😂
And tbh I could go on, but I think I've already wrote enough. I knows this look like a f***ing teenage journal page (I should add 20s aesthetic stickers here and there, eh?) but I wanted to tell this story 😂
I actually think Tommy's character is highly realistic, that's what impresses me the most. His reactions, his way of facing things, his vulnerabilities and bad and good sides, they actually did a stunning job in making a non-existing man so credible. And from some point of view... It has been extremely useful to me. Sounds trivial, but it's easier to understand you more and find on which aspects of yours you should work on when you see someone who's similar to you represented.
Now. I'm 28 going for 29 now, if Peaky Blinders taught me something, I'm in the right age to start my climbing for becoming a goddess (and won't promise I'm not trying 😏)🍷 in the meantime, I'll just use my little free time to work on fanarts 😂 next one will be Polly ❤ so keep following, I swear I'm not writing any other stupid thing like this 😂
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Joe & Ronnie
Joe: Hi Joe: There's no gentle way of doing this, so I'll just get to it, I'm sorry if you don't want to talk about it but you're free to ignore this if that's the case Joe: but I've been looking for my half-sister, and I think its you Ronnie: if youre basing that on a family resemblance youve shot yourself in the face like Ronnie: reload & keep looking Joe: Yeah, I know Joe: but I ain't Joe: Aside from coming at you with what's on any facebook profile anyway Joe: do you know your biological mum's name or? Ronnie: whos used facebook in a decade thats your 1st fuck up Ronnie: 2nd to reckoning my dna is any of your business Joe: who's putting their date of birth and hometown anywhere else? Joe: you were born in [hospital] right? Ronnie: phone numbers on toilet walls getting played out Ronnie: yeah & Joe: then it is you Joe: everything adds up, you have the right birthday, right place, right last name, and first, still Ronnie: right colour Ronnie: miss me with your schoolboy maths Joe: its your bio dad that's black Ronnie: fuck you i know that Ronnie: read my file well before you stalked me Joe: so do you know her name or nah Ronnie: it was in there Joe: Tess Vickers Joe: she is your mum Ronnie: i came out of her Ronnie: shes not my fucking mum Ronnie: id know you if she was Joe: 'course Joe: that's what I meant Ronnie: pick your words more careful soft lad Joe: she don't have any more Joe: I ain't had to do this before, like Ronnie: made up for her Ronnie: & you Ronnie: only took her how many years to claim her bastards Joe: I don't know why she didn't, only what she's said Joe: but if you wanted to ask her, I could set that up Ronnie: if it took her a bit to recover from goin black i don't need to ask her about that Ronnie: got my own experiences cheers Joe: is there anything you do Ronnie: if i had any questions id have chucked 'em at her when i aged out Joe: fair enough Joe: you wanna ask me anything then Ronnie: you old enough to be cleaning out your mas skeletons & seein if theyll dance for you Joe: not what I'm doing Joe: but I'm 19 Ronnie: course she never kept herself stitched up for long Ronnie: got a taste for it like Joe: by all accounts she met my dad the same year she had to give you up so Ronnie: bet he was proper comforting Ronnie: fucking hell Joe: Must've been Ronnie: if she kept you longer than the hour yeah Joe: I've got 3 brothers and a sister too Ronnie: when did she meet their dads Joe: we've got the same, like Joe: youngest is nearly 5 Ronnie: shes still alive then Ronnie: impressive Joe: is it? Joe: suppose so Ronnie: he got cash your sperm donor Ronnie: less dangerous game that one Joe: they both do alright now but you'd probably aim higher if that was the game you were playing Ronnie: shifting gear aint no game now or back then Ronnie: but she was small time Ronnie: that hand to mouth shit Joe: yeah, for years Joe: her dad's debts not helping none Ronnie: hes gotta be dead Joe: yeah Joe: year I was born Joe: so new mouth to feed and inheriting the neverending debts of John Joe: must've seemed like a great time to have more 'cos my brother is only a year younger than me 👍 Ronnie: least you aint inherited his name Ronnie: like i said insatiable Joe: thank fuck Ronnie: piss poor addiction but fuck it Ronnie: shes keeping 'em fed & clothed this time 👏 Joe: gutted social don't hand out round of applauses no doubt Joe: know she is for a fact 'cos she ended up working for 'em, and fostering two poor kiddies in need Joe: what do you reckon to her addiction now? Ronnie: sounds about right theyd left her Ronnie: state of the cunts running that show Joe: mhmm Ronnie: white kids are easier to love Ronnie: its on the posters like Joe: in theory Joe: but this way she gets to be obsessed with you from afar Ronnie: pay me enough & ill come press my face longingly against her windows Joe: I'll keep it in mind for her birthday or something Ronnie: fuck all else you wanna rock my world with or what Joe: Hmm Joe: hold up whilst I trawl a lifetime of overshare for any more tidbits Ronnie: she aint rotting by the roadside or ashes i can snort means my hearts already broken Ronnie: take your time Joe: sorry to disappoint Joe: suppose by the time you got to your file, it told you she'd run away from Liverpool, yeah? Ronnie: bullshit are you Ronnie: youre loving having another cunt to share it with Ronnie: whats the matter dont your brothers & sister wanna play Joe: I'm the favourite Joe: favourite that's about Joe: they got the gist but no file for them Ronnie: 💔 Joe: you said Joe: so, what you saying, you care if I tell her I found you or what? Ronnie: if it feels good do it baby Ronnie: why would i care Ronnie: shes not gonna show up Joe: what if she did? Ronnie: no fixed address Joe: I've told you she loves a cause Joe: say you don't wanna see her Ronnie: shooting the messenger aint no kill shot Ronnie: youre not invested in me Joe: I'm not not, clearly Joe: I'm the one looking, ain't I Ronnie: let her look under every rock with you Ronnie: i hope one bashes her skull in Joe: alright Joe: I'll pass it on Ronnie: good boy Ronnie: get that sticker on your reward chart Joe: god I hope so Ronnie: 🙏 Joe: Your profile says you're in London, still true? Ronnie: i don't need you at my door either Joe: 🙄 Ronnie: roll your eyes at me again Joe: 🙄🙄 Ronnie: 🖕🖕 Joe: 😏 Ronnie: what the fuck do you want Joe: I've told you Ronnie: nah Ronnie: spit it out Ronnie: youre circling around it stop being a pussy Joe: how am I? Ronnie: what do you want for fucks sake Joe: meet you Ronnie: its not happening Joe: why not Ronnie: i hate that you exist Ronnie: that she got a 2nd chance & i didnt get 1 Joe: that's fair Joe: you can hate me in person Ronnie: i aint goin to prison for killing you Ronnie: you wish Joe: yeah Joe: oh well Ronnie: take your death wish home Ronnie: or on a different part of the internet Joe: awh, cheers for the sisterly advice Ronnie: shut your mouth Ronnie: i ain't your sister Joe: kk Ronnie: dumping all your bullshit on me dont make us related Joe: we are Joe: you not wanting it don't fight biology Ronnie: her not wanting me cancels it all out Joe: not to me Ronnie: i give a shit how you feel Ronnie: youre a stranger with fuck all i want Joe: you ain't checked what I've got Ronnie: until facebook adds income i dont care Joe: 💔 Ronnie: you must look like your da Ronnie: dont be Joe: well you look like her Joe: not that I've seen yours Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: i dont Joe: yeah you do Joe: [sends pics] Ronnie: shut up Joe: alright Joe: catch you around then Ronnie: get it through your head Ronnie: you wont Joe: what you scared for Ronnie: youre having fun trying to mess me up Ronnie: that aint how i get mine Joe: I'm seriously not Joe: I've got the message though, alright Ronnie: youre seriously throwing all this shit at me like im gonna smile as i eat it Ronnie: what the fuck Joe: I don't expect fuck all Joe: I just wanna know you but if you don't then that's alright Joe: I won't message again Ronnie: bullshit Ronnie: you aint asked about me Ronnie: you wanna bitch about 'em Joe: that's why I wanna meet you Joe: I've thrown enough questions at you for one convo Ronnie: nah you wanna meet me to see if i proper look like her Joe: I've got eyes Ronnie: if thats what you reckon you see they dont fucking work Ronnie: get down the social & claim Joe: you're fine, its not dead ringer levels Ronnie: im fucking fine cause theres none of her in me Joe: I'm glad for you Ronnie: were not family save your lies Ronnie: i dont need any blows softened Joe: its only me bitching Ronnie: yeah Ronnie: & you can save your tears Ronnie: you already cant see fuck all like Joe: what do you want? Ronnie: too late to give a fuck Ronnie: youve shit over me with this Joe: I'm sorry Ronnie: nah Ronnie: sorry for yourself aint the same Joe: Why would I be sorry for me? Joe: I got everything Ronnie: not how youre framing it Joe: why would you believe me Ronnie: not hard to believe mummy dearest loves me best Ronnie: not like she dumped me fast as she could & legged it Joe: she weren't allowed to keep you, she was 14 with a junkie non-dad to look after you both Ronnie: & what she didnt get any older or get her shit together Ronnie: fuck that Joe: did you want her to come 'round and pick you up 4 years later? Ronnie: she had you cunts instead Joe: so she comes and gets you and the social come with and see the fake bailiffs and the bashed in door and we all go back with you Joe: I see the appeal Ronnie: you reckon i had it better Ronnie: thats what this nancy drew bullshit is about Joe: nice one, genius Joe: in what world is that adding up Ronnie: yours Ronnie: in what world would i have not gone with any cunt to get me out of that place then Joe: I'm telling you why she didn't get you, not telling you why you wouldn't wanna be there Ronnie: youre giving me both Ronnie: cant help yourself Joe: they're the same reason Joe: if she tried to get you, they'd say nah 'cos her life was a mess, simple as Ronnie: & yet here you are Ronnie: not a care kid a single day in your fucking life Ronnie: so like i said she got her shit together in the end Joe: she was 18 when I came around and we got taught how to say the right thing to socials and how to shut our mouths the rest Joe: but that's just what she told me Joe: she probably didn't want you, looking back Ronnie: why would she Ronnie: had a new set up with a cunt that stayed Ronnie: cuter kids Joe: 'cos she loved your da the way only a 14 year old girl can Joe: pro and a con in your favour Joe: does she want the reminders or does she not Ronnie: not Ronnie: youre the only pussy walking memory lane Ronnie: aint her looking Joe: yeah, s'me, so why you chatting at me like I'm the one that fucked you off Joe: not productive Ronnie: cause you are Joe: I've gone to leave loads now Joe: you've clearly got shit to say Joe: so just say it at me, I've already offered that n'all Ronnie: fuck you Ronnie: i didnt ask for this Ronnie: she was in the ground for all i knew Joe: she still can be Joe: I ain't telling Ronnie: nah you opened your gob & let all that shite out Ronnie: i couldve been about to slit my throat or pull a shift Joe: you could've easily found out she weren't dead yourself too Ronnie: what should it tell you that i didnt Joe: ignorance ain't such bliss I've tipped you over the edge Ronnie: you dont know shit Ronnie: how does yours feel Joe: how do you think Ronnie: i think you should ask if people have got time & space to spin out before you fuck with their heads Ronnie: i think you should go suck a dick mckenna Joe: why should I? Joe: no one asked me and I owe you shit Ronnie: she owes me Ronnie: youre nothing Ronnie: you dont see me knocking cause im not looking for answers & theres fuck all else to collect by the sounds of it Joe: then fucking collect Ronnie: talk to your ma like that Joe: hit me up when you stop being scared Ronnie: keep it up and ill smash in your face Joe: how Joe: you don't wanna meet Ronnie: dont flatter yourself nancy drew Ronnie: i can still kick your door in Ronnie: be like the baliffs are back Ronnie: you can revisit your childhood Joe: now who wants to go for a jaunt down memory lane Ronnie: you wish Joe: 🙏 Ronnie: i reckon your imaginary friends gotta be sick of your bullshit by now Joe: no doubt, nancy drew Ronnie: we cant both be nancy Joe: alright you be sid then Ronnie: still not gonna kill you baby Ronnie: but youre getting warmer Joe: I know, stalked you, remember Ronnie: get a hobby or habit mckenna Ronnie: your little misery boners aint cute Joe: oh I got plenty of thoses Joe: your concern is, kinda Ronnie: youve thrown me into the big sister deep end Ronnie: sounds like how you want it Joe: very obliging Ronnie: unloved kids get it where they can Ronnie: thats on the back of the poster Joe: trust, I know Ronnie: 💔 Joe: not me Joe: never mind, not my sob story to hit you with Ronnie: you only wanna share yours Joe: maybe when we get cosy I'll divulge all the family secrets, sis Ronnie: maybe if you chat shit like that to me again ill choke on my puke Joe: n'awh Ronnie: kill yourself Joe: sure thing Ronnie: very obliging Joe: it was already in the diary tbh Joe: but I'll pop you in the note if that makes you feel 💘 Ronnie: show me yours & ill show you mine Joe: deal Ronnie: 💘 Ronnie: [skippity skip] Ronnie: pick me up Joe: where from Ronnie: [location that's sketchy as all hell] Joe: alright Joe: that should take me 'bout half an hour this time of day Ronnie: im not goin anywhere mckenna Joe: you alright Ronnie: 🖕 Joe: got it Joe: 🚖 📵 Ronnie: important for you to know your place Joe: must be popular with the cabbies 👑 Ronnie: yeah im on a ban Ronnie: look out for my picture hanging Joe: what did you do Joe: vom and not pay the fine one too many times? Ronnie: we taking another trip down memory lane Ronnie: i aint 12 Joe: go on then, what was it Ronnie: the cunt crashed its fuck all to get excited about Joe: did you get hurt? Ronnie: didnt feel it Joe: what about the driver Ronnie: i reckon he felt it Joe: fucked you're stuck with the tube then Joe: 💔 Ronnie: cheers motherfucker Ronnie: cant you drive Joe: 'course I can Joe: where'd your license go, got a story for that and all or? Ronnie: car theft would be a dead good sibling bonding activity Ronnie: but i dont need your help to break a window Joe: another time Ronnie: nah Ronnie: next time some other cunt will pick me up Joe: good thing I didn't specify Joe: tah for keeping me well in the loop of your schedule though Ronnie: other shit in the diary besides blowing my brains out Ronnie: can move it up if you aint gonna shut up Joe: 🤐 Joe: you can keep all your dates Ronnie: made up i am Joe: no need to say thanks, I feel it Ronnie: you wanted to meet up Ronnie: wish granted Joe: I know Joe: reckon blue would suit Ronnie: what Joe: genie Joe: you owe me 2 more, yeah? Ronnie: rubbing me up the wrong way dont count Joe: damn Ronnie: i can do black & blue Joe: changed your mind then Joe: my 🍀 day Ronnie: you got the accent Ronnie: my head cant do subtitles Joe: not really Joe: not proper Joe: some of my younger ones do but they can barely remember Liverpool Ronnie: nothing to be 💔 about Ronnie: its a shithole Joe: least its a shithole with some history Joe: we moved to a newbuild shithole so Joe: win some lose some Ronnie: your boner for history aint that big Joe: you checked what I'm studying? 😏 Ronnie: you dont post about fuck all else Joe: I'm barely outta freshers let me have it Ronnie: dont give me the flu Joe: thought that was just a euphemism Joe: either way, on my life Ronnie: fuck knows Joe: not as much fun as people chat, shockingly Ronnie: what is Ronnie: the shit that feels good is the shit youre meant to keep your mouth shut about Joe: hear hear Ronnie: 💘 Joe: 💘 Joe: you live there or am I picking you up from a mates Ronnie: neither Joe: alright Ronnie: drop me on the other side Joe: no problem Ronnie: then you can go back to wanking over symphonies Joe: you wanna help me with my homework Joe: so nice Ronnie: what are big sisters for Joe: yeah Ronnie: shits fucked up Joe: right Joe: but you can be more specific Ronnie: nah i cant Joe: don't know where to start? Ronnie: it starts with being born Joe: okay, so the starts the easy bit Joe: the middle Joe: we don't have time Ronnie: we aint gonna trauma bond mckenna youve been beaten to it Joe: ah you got a troubled boyfriend Joe: that's cool Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: you heard me say i aint 12 Joe: you know what I mean Ronnie: not very nancy drew if you reckon im that bitch Joe: we can't both be sid Ronnie: touche baby Joe: 💘 Ronnie: im gonna carve up this cunt if you dont pull me out Ronnie: & thatll make him feel too special Joe: who? Joe: I'm nearly there Ronnie: my not boyfriend Ronnie: dont waste romance like that on strangers Joe: sensible Joe: just carve anything but 💘 and he shouldn't get too clingy Ronnie: whats the symphony that gets you off fastest Ronnie: ill do that Joe: Khachaturian's Sabre Dance works as a play on words and should get him to crescendo 👌 Ronnie: hot Joe: orchestra nerds get all the bitches Ronnie: yeah Joe: you aren't a catfish, are you Joe: I mean, I'll recognize you Ronnie: look for your mas face Joe: fuck it, therapy overdue anyway Ronnie: fuck you for saying that Ronnie: making it go round my head Joe: I shouldn't have said that Ronnie: i should stab you Ronnie: all these pieces of mirror Ronnie: fuck him Joe: you can, long as you keep it shallow, or don't mind swinging by the hospital Ronnie: i dont get my kicks at a&e Joe: you'll have to play nice then Ronnie: youll get too clingy Joe: avoid the 💘 Ronnie: some other bitch can have the honours Joe: or has Joe: don't I seem 💔 Ronnie: dont need to hear how you lost your virginity mckenna Joe: noted Joe: save that trip down memory lane for private time Joe: me and mozart Ronnie: explains a shit ton if the conductor is molesting you Ronnie: but not gonna be the sister who tells him where to put that stick he waves about Joe: Mozart was pretty fucked up but I don't reckon it went that far Ronnie: i dont know him 💔 Ronnie: there was a Moz here earlier fuck knows if theyre any relation Joe: You're more a Liszt type, called it Ronnie: what the fuck kind of fuck you is that Joe: 😂 Joe: actually he's considered the world's first rock star, I was being nice Ronnie: shut up Joe: what, you ain't seen the ken russell film with daltrey in? Joe: have a word Ronnie: get a life Joe: tomorrow Joe: maybe Ronnie: i cant fucking believe it had to be you Ronnie: thank fuck i already aint showing my face here again Joe: thought you said you weren't 12 Joe: but I don't need to come in if you don't wanna be embarrassed in front of your mates Ronnie: i said my mates aint here Joe: no need to tell me why you're there Ronnie: where the fuck are you Joe: just got out, 5 minutes Ronnie: i need to get out Ronnie: move it like Joe: alright Joe: come find me then, make it go faster Ronnie: fucks sake Joe: what's wrong Ronnie: if my body would do what it was told i wouldnt need you Ronnie: cant even paint you a fucking picture Joe: right Ronnie: theres a shit load of stairs yeah Ronnie: i cant do 'em Joe: if you're fat I swear to god Ronnie: calm your tits nancy drew Ronnie: you know thats bullshit Joe: I'll trust you ain't catfishing then Ronnie: thats my next tat Ronnie: all for you baby Joe: sweet Ronnie: hurry up Joe: I am Joe: [show up boy] Ronnie: [when you're just there like damsel in distress which ain't you so it makes it more awks] Joe: [what a first meeting just having to carry her away from god knows where like] Ronnie: [just like we don't know each other but just carry me to your vehicle thanks] Joe: [just doing it silently like this is normal] Ronnie: [since I cant find a pic she should go get that tattoo now just casually drag him along] Joe: [once you get the use of your limbs back lol] Ronnie: [lbr its blatantly someone sketchy she knows the state of them all] Joe: [god bless] Ronnie: [when I know its gotta go on her face somewhere cos #triggered by looking like Tess and I'm just screaming like NOOO] Joe: [my boo is horrified and Joe too] Ronnie: [soz you're so cute bitch and you wanna look so ugly] Joe: [lowkey dread to think how annoying the heal time is on a face tat] Ronnie: [blasting that orchestra bop he mentioned earlier as loud as poss cos yeah you searched for it and yeah you don't wanna hear your thoughts or have a convo] Joe: [when you don't run like you should 'cos you too are a crazy person] Ronnie: [match made in heaven lol] Joe: [🔥😈] Ronnie: [does he have any tattoos I have forgotten] Joe: [Oh, I don't think so??? but he probably would in a self-destructive manner too, as long as they could be hidden like his self-harm like go ahead] Ronnie: [just thinking get one now if you want boy #bonding] Joe: [yolo] Ronnie: [ooh what should it be] Joe: [the real question, hmm] Ronnie: [perfect excuse to be staring at each other while that's happening though cos you can't be moving all about] Joe: [but of course] Ronnie: [Joe can move around more cos not on his fucking head but] Joe: [probably get a cherry or something for the lols] Ronnie: [love that for you Joseph]
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