#and suddenly it makes sense why they encourage GT and AL with their comments
ingravinoveritas · 1 year
spookyangels replied to your post "Saw this comment on Twitter tonight and I am…”
thank you for saying this I can't stand these fuckin assholes who are perfectly happy body shaming a man but oh nooo can't body shame a woman fuckin double standard bs!
I am honestly floored and flummoxed and appalled by the comments I have seen from fans yesterday and today, regarding Michael's appearance on that red carpet. In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that the suit he had on was not tailored properly, which I think is the root of the issue. But I have seen people calling AL "Barbie" and Michael "Ken," and while yes, I understand that there is a meme involved, said comments have been followed up with things like "Why is Michael just...there??" and "What has happened to your hair??" and other comments specifically (and often negatively) commenting on Michael's appearance. Meanwhile these same fans are calling Anna a "queen" and saying she looks "so amazing" and so on, and I'm legitimately at a loss as to why Michael's appearance has to be made fun of and put down in order to praise AL's appearance. For that matter, could you imagine what would possibly happen if someone said, "Anna, what has happened to your hair? We can see your roots!" or "She looks too skinny"? People would be flipping out. Not one person would take it as a joke, and the commenter(s) would be piled on in an instant. Yet somehow, for some reason, it's completely fine to do this to Michael because he is a man.
I truly wonder what it is people hope to accomplish by leaving these comments--some of them on Anna's own Instagram post, no less. Do they think she wants to hear/read them slagging off her boyfriend's looks? Or given her own history of making snarky comments about Michael's appearance (and again, if he did that to her, he would be pilloried), maybe she doesn't mind at all. In which case, I'm not sure which one is worse/better.
The double standard extends to what we saw just a few days prior to this, with Georgia's controversial Instagram caption about Birdie being a drunken accident. Everyone was commenting about how "hilarious" it was, but again, imagine if this was coming from a man. If Michael said this about Lyra, or Mabli, it would have taken on an entirely different tone and not at all gone over well...yet somehow it's absolutely fine because Georgia is a woman.
I just hope to hell Michael does not see the comment telling him to lose weight, even though that person had the unmitigated gall to leave that in response to one of his comments, with him tagged. I hope these "fans" consider that if a relationship needs to involve one or both parties putting each other down to be "interesting," then it's not an interesting relationship at all. And I hope they realize that it is not actually cute or funny to make fun of a man's appearance or weight, even if the person doing is his significant other.
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