#and takes a nap after her long and arduous day (1-2 hour outing)
walviemort · 6 years
a bump in the right direction (3/3)
Summary: Killian likes Robin. Robin likes Killian. They don’t think the other one is interested, though, even after spending a night together. But it seems that life has other plans for them when they both come out of the encounter pregnant. Maybe this was just the bump (well, baby bumps) they needed to get together. And starting a relationship while pregnant…well, that’s gonna be an adventure.
rated T | 3.5k | part 1 | part 2 | AO3
A/N: The (hopefully thrilling) conclusion the story that sprawled from a prompt that @killianjonesownsmyheart1 sent to @sancocnutclub. I can’t wait for you to see the art she’s done for this—it’s so sweet!
When Killian burst through the door of the bar not 10 minutes later, Will was getting Robin through another contraction; Robin hoped he hadn’t broken his friend’s hand with how hard he was squeezing. The next thing he saw when he opened his eyes after it was Killian, kneeling down in front of him. “You ready for this, Daddy?”
“As much as I’ll ever be, Papa.”
“Let’s go have a baby, then,” he said, grinning, and placed his hand on Robin’s stomach. Will helped Killian stand, and then Killian helped Robin up, placing a kiss on his temple. “Just don’t let your water break in my car, eh?”
“I’ll try,” he chuckled back.
The trip to the hospital was a blur, and so was everything that happened once they got there. But eventually, he found himself in a bed, strapped to all sorts of things, with Killian holding his hand in the chair next to him.
“Breathe, love—just breathe,” he calmly said through each contraction, never letting his grip against Robin’s fade. Robin tried to be careful when he caught Killian wincing as his contractions got closer together, but he only had so much control when his midsection felt like it was both collapsing on itself and about to explode.
Finally—blessedly—Victor said the best words he’d heard since he arrived at the hospital. “Let’s get you to delivery; it’s time.”
“You’ve got this,” Killian murmured as he stood and pressed a kiss to Robin’s temple. “I’ll catch up to you,” he added, smiling, as they started to wheel Robin out.
“Maybe if you hustle, you’ll be next,” Robin quipped back over his shoulder.
Robin couldn’t see the half smile Killian gave as he was taken to Delivery—but Victor did.
“ARE you next, Killian?” he asked quietly, giving him a visual once over.
“I’ll be fine; worry about Robin,” Killian said, waving him off, just as another contraction took hold. They were still decently far apart, he thought—no cause for concern just yet. He had to be there for Robin and their other child first—he had to.  
He started to waddle out of the room to follow his love, but he’d barely reached the door when Victor stopped him.
“At least let me get you a wheelchair?” the doctor offered.
Killian sighed; that did sound better, or at least faster. “Alright.”
Any relief he had a moving to the next stage of labor quickly dissipated—Robin found that pushing was several times more arduous. But once Killian arrived back at his side, he knew he could get through it.
“You’re doing brilliant, love—you can do it; keep going.” A constant stream of affirmations left Killian’s lips and kept him going, even when he was sure the baby was stuck.
“Almost there, Robin—just a couple more pushes,” Victor called out from what was probably a gruesome scene, if the sight matched what it felt like.
Killian was practically leaning on the bed next to him. “So close; we’re so close, love,” he murmured.
And in no time at all—or a seemingly endless moment—there it was. There he was—their son.
“It’s a boy!” Victor declared, and brought the slimy, squirming infant up to Robin’s chest. “Congratulations, Daddy.”
Oh, he was perfect. His lungs certainly worked fine, as his screaming indicated, and he had a fine mess of dark hair paired with a darling face. But he soon calmed once he realized he was in his father’s arms. “He’s beautiful,” was all Robin could say.
“Just like you, love—you were brilliant,” Killian said, pressing a kiss to Robin’s head and then their son’s. “I’m so proud of you.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” Robin replied, finally looking up at the man he loved—and finally sure enough to say it. “I lo—love? What’s wrong?”
The elation on Killian’s face quickly morphed to pain and he hunched in on himself.
“Killian, what is it?” His hormones were still a mess from birth—he was not ready to deal with whatever was going on.
After another painstakingly long moment, Killian relaxed and stood up, but his expression was still strained. “I...I think...it looks like...my water just broke.”
Robin felt his jaw go slack. It had been a possibility, but one he really hadn’t considered—they were seriously about to give birth in succession?
In the background, he heard Victor go “Goddammit, Killian,” and start giving orders, but Robin tuned the rest out and grabbed Killian’s hand.
“Why didn’t you say something?”
“You were my priority. Both of you. I had...I had to look out for you.”
“Well, now it’s my turn to look out for you, okay?”
The chivalrous side of Killian wanted to protest, but his body—or, rather, the thing that was currently trying to escape it—was louder.
“Alright, But not until you’re done here.”
After watching what Robin has just gone through, paired with his own increasingly strong contractions, his nerves were building. But Robin’s hand was still steady in his, even as the doctors took the baby and started to wrap things up on his end.
Another contraction hit and it was Robin’s turn to coach him now. “Breathe now, in and out—that’s perfect, darling.” In truth, Killian was still getting used to having someone take care of him. Looking after himself or someone else came naturally; being that vulnerable himself was taking some getting used to.
He couldn't help but collapse in the wheelchair after the contraction passed, his legs giving out after so long on his feet at Robin’s side.
“Okay, someone get him to an exam room, stat,” Victor’s voice shouted, and then he was in front of Killian. “I’ll get Robin to you soon, I promise; but we’ve gotta get going on you now, okay?”
Killian threw a worried glance at Robin, who gave him a reassuring look and nod. “I’ll be right there.”
“Alright; let's do this.” He didn’t sound confident, but he didn’t have much choice, did he?
Robin felt...he had no idea, really. Excited, drained, relieved, empty, tired—so tired. He felt one part of his heart follow his son out to the nursery and the other go with Killian, so he wasn’t quite sure what he was left with as the doctors sorted out his afterbirth care.
A large part of him just wanted to sleep. But the rest of him, desperate to be there for Killian like he’d been there for him, wouldn’t even consider it. That said, he knew he wasn’t capable of being at his side in the same way. “What am I gonna do, Victor?” he had to ask.
“Well, where would you rate your pain, on a scale of 1 to 10?”
“About 8.23, but decreasing.”
“Alright. We’ll get you on some mild painkillers and then someone is finding you the comfiest, tallest chair they can get. And then we do this all again. You ready?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Good enough.”
Killian barely even saw the face of whoever was wheeling him into the room Robin had been in earlier, but thanked them as they helped him into the empty bed on the other side of the room; he wondered now if Victor had done that on purpose.
For a minute, it was just him and the baby, still moving around inside even as it was about to truly enter the world. “Not much longer now, love,” he murmured, holding his belly tight. He had to admit, he was going to miss that part a bit—having the baby so close. But that was pretty much the only thing he’d miss.
Another contraction hit; they were less than five minutes apart now, but growing closer together quickly. He knew he still had time, but he hoped Robin, or at least Victor, would come in soon.
A knock on the door sounded, and the visitor didn’t wait for an invitation in—Regina. He’d nearly forgotten that he’d called her when they arrived. “Hey, what’s going on? Where’s Robin?”
Killian tried to sit up a bit, but his belly blocked him, so he just relaxed; that was probably better for him anyway. “He’s fine; they’re finishing him up now. It’s a boy,” he said reverently.
“I have a nephew?” Regina whispered, tears coming to her eyes. “Oh, that’s so exciting!” she added, giving Killian a cautious hug. She wiped her eyes when she pulled back. “Hopefully we don’t have to wait too much longer on this one, then; did Victor make you lie down after refusing to leave Robin’s side?”
“Er, something like that,” he replied, scratching nervously behind his ear. “Actually, I’m—”
“Alright, let’s see how far you’re dilated. Hey, Regina,” Victor said nonchalantly as he barged in.
Regina gasped as Victor started his exam. “Oh my god—you’re in labor, too?”
“It would appear so.”
Regina’s excited squealing hurt his ears, but didn’t seem to bother Victor. “Well, you’re not gonna be in here long; maybe another couple hours to go,” he announced. “I’m off to take a power nap; see you soon.” He turned and left promptly after his assessment, muttering something about overtime and vacation days.
“Ahh, this is so exciting! Is there anything I can do for you? Does Robin know? Oh my god, I can’t—I just can’t.”
“Calm down, sis,” he told her, almost chuckling (except that kind of hurt at the moment). “Just...take a seat and let me hold your hand when the next contraction rolls around.”
“I can do that,” she said softly, pulling a chair closer to his bedside.
She got him through a few more before Robin was wheeled back into the room. The bed was barely locked into place before he was trying to get out of it, but the nurses had to press him back down.
“How are you doing?” he settled on asking.
“As best as can be expected when your contractions are barely 4 minutes apart. You?”
“I’ll be better with some pain relief...and when I can hold your hand.”
Killian blushed at the declaration, which was only furthered by Regina’s comment  of “You two are freaking adorable.” Thankfully, someone helped Robin into the wheelchair shortly after and moved him to Killian’s bedside.
Again, Robin’s hand found his, and almost all was right with the world; he desperately wanted to hold his son, and he knew Robin did, too, but his love never left his side—not until Victor declared that it was time.
“I’m right behind you,” Robin assured him, and they went and did this all over again.
Regina took the handles of Robin’s wheelchair and followed behind Killian as quick as they could, until they reached the door of the delivery room.
“You’ll take care of him, right?” she asked, sounding uncharacteristically nervous.
“You know I will, Regina. But will you do me a favor?”
“Of course.”
“Go check on my son?” He was still getting used to saying that; every time continued to fill him with joy.
“With pleasure,” she answered, grinning. “Now go on—meet the next one.”
Being back in the delivery room but in the other spot was giving Killian the oddest sense of deja vu. Especially once Robin arrived, and his encouragements sounded so similar to the ones Killian had just been giving him.
But the constant pain from his abdomen and pelvis made sure he stayed focused on the present; god, it hurt so much—how much longer?
“Okay, Killian: start pushing.”
“Gladly,” he retorted, though he couldn’t say that felt any better. Only knowing what would come at the end was any motivation.
It seemed like he was pushing forever; had it been this long for Robin? He had no clue, but Robin didn’t waver. “You’re doing brilliantly, darling; keep it up.”
After what felt like an eternity, finally, the pressure released, and Killian could do nothing but fall back against the pillows. Another cry filled the air, just hours after the last, and then the babe who had spent so much time wriggling on the inside was now squirming in the cold air.
“Congratulations, Papa—it’s a girl.”
Killian’s arms immediately went around her when Victor placed her on his chest and oh, she was perfect. Big blue eyes, ten fingers and toes, and the sweetest face he’d ever seen. He wasted no time in pressing his lips to her head, not caring that she still needed to be cleaned—she was still the most beautiful thing he’d since...well, since their son.
“You did it, Killian. You did amazing.” He felt more than saw Robin’s lips against his cheek, and may have swooned when he did the same to their daughter. (Or maybe everything was catching up to him; it was hard to say.)
“Thank you, love—there’s no way I would have gotten through it without you.”
“Not even Hades himself could have kept me.”
Killian used his free hand to grab Robin’s scrub top and pull him down for a proper kiss. Though it may have been too soon for that, given that they both came out of it a bit lightheaded.
But he didn’t care. This was the man he loved, and after the day they’d had, no one could keep them apart any more. “I lo—”
“Okay, I hate to break up the sweet moment,” Victor interrupted, to Killian’s chagrin. “But that one is almost asleep on his feet,” he said, pointing at Robin, then at Killian, “and this one still has a bit to go.”
“I’m fine; I’ll stay for the rest,” Robin insisted, then comically yawned.
“Go, love; I’ll be fine,” Killian assured him. “I’ll see you in a bit?”
One nurse wheeled Robin away and another took the baby to clean her up. Killian finally let out an exhale that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding as everyone else got him sorted. It was mindboggling how much his life had changed in the past 6 hours, but he almost couldn’t contain his elation, and a few happy tears slipped down his cheeks.
When everything was done, Victor came back into view. “Thanks, mate, for everything today,” Killian told him, suddenly aware of how drained he was. “We owe you.”
“Your insurance company owes me; your thanks are all I need from you. And maybe for you guys to be less stubborn.”
“No promises there,” he quipped back.
“I know. But can you do one thing for me?”
“What’s that?”
“Next time you guys get knocked up, maybe spread it out a bit?”
Laughing hurt, but he couldn’t help it. “We’ll see.”
Regina was still in the room when Robin came back. “Well?” she asked, on her feet immediately.
“It’s a girl,” he answered, smiling sleepily.
Regina grinned back. “Oh, that’s perfect. How’s Killian?”
“He’ll be back in a bit, and he’ll be able to answer better than I can. But if it was anything like me a few hours ago, then he probably won’t know either.”
“That makes sense,” she replied. “And your beautiful son is just fine.”
“Good,” he sighed as he was helped back into the bed, then asked one of the nurses, “When can I see him again?”
“We’ll have both babies moved in here soon,” she promised. “Rest up first, though.”
But he didn’t want to; he wanted to hold his babies close and learn everything about them.
“Listen to her,” Regina warned him, fully aware of how his mind worked. “Go to sleep; I’ll keep an eye on everything.”
“Wake me when Killian’s back,” he said, but sleep quickly claimed him.
Killian didn’t remember much once the doctor had cleared him; he must have passed out on the way back to their room. But when he finally came to, it was to a whimpering baby and someone squeezing his hand.
He blearily blinked his eyes and looked around at the unfamiliar walls, and then the last day or so slammed into him: they were parents now.
The first place he looked was at his hand; Robin’s was holding it. Someone had shoved their beds together when he got back in the room, apparently, and lowered the rails that would otherwise separate them. He suspected it was Regina, presently asleep on the room’s couch.
He followed the arm up to look over at Robin, who had the fussing babe in his other arm—their son, judging from the blue hat and the bit of hair sticking out from under it. Robin was talking to the boy with the happiest, softest expression, and he was sure he’d never seen anything more perfect.
Until a second tiny voice rang out in the room, from Killian’s other side; his little girl lay there in a clear plastic bassinet, and some foreign instinct told him she was feeling left out.
“Don’t worry, little one—Papa is here,” he murmured, letting go of Robin’s hand and reaching for her, carefully scooping her out of the crib and bringing her close to his chest. She quieted almost instantly and started gazing around the room from under the brim of the pink hat that matched her brother’s.
“Good morning, darlings,” Robin said from his side of everything. “How do you feel?”
“Better than ever,” Killian said, surprised at how watery his voice was. Apparently, his emotions were still ready to swing on a whim.
“Really? Because I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck,” Robin quipped, but was staring at him and smiling when Killian finally took his gaze off his—no, their—daughter.
“Well, yes, there’s that. But when I look at these faces, I don’t really mind.”
“No, I can’t say I do.”
They settled into a peaceful quiet for a while, just studying the babe in their arms, and then finally swapping. Holding his son for the first time was almost as emotional as with his daughter—he was so different, yet he could see some of the similarities. And oh, he was so perfect.
“She’s so perfect,” Robin echoed. “I still can’t believe they’re ours.”
“Same,” Killian said, completely entranced. When he finally managed to take his eyes off the sweet boy, it was only to watch Robin with their daughter—but Robin was doing the same thing.
Their eyes met, and they chuckled a little, but there was only one thing Killian could think of to say at that moment.
“I love you.”
Robin’s heart stuttered for the millionth time in the last day. He knew Killian loved him—he’d shown it a million times over in the past hours, weeks, months. But to hear it was something special.
“I love you, too.”
Killian let out a half-smile, half sob at that, and reached for Robin’s hand, tugging it to his lips to press a kiss on it. Robin pulled back their joined hands to do the same, not trusting his sore abs to move the distance to Killian’s face—especially not with such precious cargo between them.
“I tried to tell you earlier,” Killian started.
“Me, too. But then someone had to get dramatic and go into labor.”
Killian rolled his eyes. “As if I could control it.”
“See, I’m not so sure,” Robin continued to tease, and would have more if Victor hadn’t come in, waking Regina in the process.
He quickly examined them and the babies, confirming that everything was going well. “Now, if I recall, there was one more competition you two had—biggest baby?”
“Aye,” Killian confirmed.
“Spit it out, mate.”
“First: names?” he asked, gesturing between the infants.
Robin and Killian met the other’s gaze again and nodded. They’d picked out front-runner names before all this, so they knew exactly what to say.
“This one,” Killian introduced, “is Roland Liam.”
“And I’ve got Alice Regina.”
Victor gave them a rare genuine smile, then turned to Regina, who was smiling through tears; they hadn’t told her about the names yet, and that reaction was exactly why. “Where does the betting pool stand on weight?” Victor asked her.
“Robin has the edge, but not by much,” she said, sniffling.
Victor nodded, and then gave the stats. “Roland Liam: 7 pounds, 10 ounces; 20 inches long.” He placed an updated label on the empty crib before walking over to the other one. “And Alice Regina: same length, but...7 pounds, 14 ounces.”
“Yes!” Killian shouted quietly, gently pumping his fist. “I told you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Robin waved off, but he didn’t truly care as long as they were both healthy, which they were.
Victor left, followed shortly by Regina, leaving the family of four alone again.
“So this is it?” Killian wondered. “The start of our own happily ever after?”
“More like the start of our own adventure,” Robin decided.
“I like that,” Killian said, smiling. “It’s certainly been one already.”
“And to think: all because we couldn’t just say that we liked each other.”
“Honestly? I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Me either.”
No one could possibly discount their feelings for one another now—all they’d done was grow, and surely would continue to as their children did, too.
Killian loved Robin. Robin loved Killian. They both loved their babies. And they wanted everyone to know.
thanks for sticking with this! tagging  @sherlockianwhovian  @ashley-knightingale @jennjenn615 @wyntereyez @superadam54
26 notes · View notes
We won our 4th dispute recently.
Thursday May 26 2020 I did an in home estimation with the wife of a customer who has 7 cats. She lives close the UNLV and it was a last minute estimation that I was glad to take anyway while my guys were working. This is a labor only job we will be loading up a 26' Penske truck headed towards Florida. We calculated that this will not fit into (1) 26' truck as this is what I saw.
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2310 ft³ and a Penske fits 1700 ft³ which she begrudging accepted. I told that we can put all of the heavy things into 1 truck like her 10 bookcases with glass doors. The customer was given a choice of buying her own dishpacks or we would sell them to her. She opted to do that herself. This was going to be a 3 man job to prepare a bunch of glass shelves and glass door bookcases set for Tuesday June 7, 2022. A deposit was taken for $402.61 which covers for our minimum of 2 hours labor (3 crewmembers) + supplies like tape and shrink wrap + Arrival fee.
Husband was going to arrive on the day of the job itself to move which I asked if the wife was sure that should happen. She insisted yes and this means he will be renting the truck in the morning after he takes a nap. This forces us to make this an afternoon job which means a 12-3 start time. We agree to this.
Jack Moody
1) Load 2) Truck 26 ft
 1) ChrisY  
 2) LuisMendez  
 3) Tony87  
2024 University Cir Las Vegas, NV 89119
Important points to take away: This customer will be renting a truck in the morning but wants an afternoon start time which is freakin' hot in Las Vegas. There is so much stuff that needs to be prepped and wrapped, the goal was to make it so easy they don't need to hire movers the 2nd trip and can drive a smaller truck. This was agreed upon.
Day of the move and of course shit happens...
on Tuesday June 7 2022 we had 3 jobs on the board. 3 crews were doing different things on opposite sides of town. We had 1 call in as a guy had gotten into a car accident so this means I am the backup and need to fill in for that mover. This mover was assigned to work for the Moodys in their house by UNLV. 1 crew finishes early at 12:30 PM, and we finish at about 12:04 PM but there is a 30 minute drive from where me and Luis are. The crew leader from the first job had called the customer waited for us but ended up doing something shitty and blaming that "his energy wasn't right" or something. This was the day he lost his month's bonuses for agreeing to be on a job but pulling out last minute. Anyways, this means that only 2 out of 3 people will be there for this job to start and Kathy happened to be in the area so she joined as a 3rd mover. Kathy is my fiance and partner in the business and she is by no means a mover. Her driving sucks, she is cannot hold 25 lbs to move around with but we came up with a plan with the customer. We will prepare the things while we wait for Chris who is finishing a different job, because there are after all 10 big ass book cases with glass doors we need to prep and that will take a while. There are TVs to wrap, and furniture we can bring down from the difficult stairs. We work diligently signing in at 1:40 PM.
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It was at about 3:30 PM that we were finally joined by our 3rd man who was finishing his separate job so he can relieve Kathy. Kathy as an owner stayed until Chris arrives so she could buy Chipotles offering some to our customers which they declined. We took an 18 minute lunch so we can regain our strength and finish this long arduous task of loading up for the customer's Penske truck. I turned on my GPS for Google timeline just like I tell all my movers and took the lead on this job.
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I have a ton of pictures from that day of how we wrapped everything and Kathy took the pictures of them using my phone. She stayed the entire time to comfort the customer and check for satisfaction every step of the way to which we were getting complimented and told that we are the best movers they hired so far despite our rough start. I always comfort customers especially when on the job. Here are some of the pictures keeping in mind that not everything is going to fit. The wife is staying behind anyways for another month, because you can't drive 7 cats comfortably in a 26' Penske.
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This upside down sofa was strapped in by the customer by a bunch of flat wardrobes. I protected it with dishpacks after the first layer of shrink, and it is held in place by the knees from soft clothes bags.
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Ok so after the job was completed we charged the customer the balance of the move. We used more tape so we charged accordingly, and we had the impression we were going to get a 5 star review if the customer gets to it. However...
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He didn't send any pictures of anything that was damaged but I sure hope everything in the truck was lost. A dispute was put in and we submitted evidence right away learning from our past dispute losses.
I also submitted this reply to his 2 star review on Google which I'm still unsure why he did that. Did I mention that he forwarded my phone calls all to VM and never returned them? No reply to my text messages either. Seriously fuck this guy! He tried to hurt our small business, and we cannot let the bad guys win.
Our Reply:
Jack N Moody Client ID C1H8VRK9 Job ID E1H8VRL4 Estimated Start time 12-2, actual start time 1:40pm which coincides within that range stated on your quote. The only reason we scheduled your move for the afternoon was to accommodate you. You did not want to pick up the Penske truck until 11am because you wanted to sleep in.
Let's address your negatively misleading, defamatory, dangerous half-truths in this review. When someone challenges our work by giving us a 2-star review on Google, and writing a 1 star review on Yelp without replying and ignoring our multiple call and texts attempts, how should a good moving company reply? This is why we must defend our reputation and tell the other part of the story that we feel your purposefully left out to print to false picture, in order to fit your narrative. When a review publishes and it is incomplete, a reader sees the review, it tends to sway into a very negative direction. I would like to think that you are a logical and reasonable person who has not had a chance to reply to us, because we know what being busy is like. Right now, I am explaining to you and the reader of your review - that it seems like you are ignoring us and the bad reviews on Google Yelp and dispute are here to hurt us and I'm not sure why.
Remember, during this whole process. We were checking for your satisfaction. You verbally commented serval times how our wrapping was on point, you were impressed with how much my movers were able to fit in your truck and you had tied down certain points with ratchet straps to ensure the stability of the truck during transit. We asked you for satisfaction each step of the way. No negative feedback was given during this whole process which makes us confused why this review came so many days after the job was complete. With that in mind, we were under the impression you were going to give us a 5 star review if given the chance. If you are so happy with us during the move, why are you trying to hurt our family-owned business?
When Tony had estimated your job from the beginning we were told that this is a 2 part move as you had so much stuff that it would easily fit 2 trucks, where the first part we move all the heavy and fragile things to make it easy for you to move your own personal times on the second trip as you didn't want to hire movers again, so we made it as easy as possible for you this round. This was explained by your wife and yourself - which is why I'm surprised and sad to see a complaint about not taking everything onto your 26' box truck rental. We only concluded the job and left because there was no room to fit anymore big items in the truck. Also, please remember the only reason we started with a partial crew was because we had 2 simultaneous jobs and 1 ended faster than the other. Due to distance and traffic, we did not want you to wait any longer so we offered to start the job with the partial crew, which you happily obliged, and we charged you accordingly. The other owner was even on site to assist at no charge.
Not once did you express any dissatisfaction during or after the move. Not 1 phone call/text/message. Instead, you had the audacity to file a dispute. Shame on you! We promptly submitted 35 GPS meta tagged images, clock in and clock out sheet, lunch receipts, Google Maps timeline data matching the sign in sheet that we were on site, monitored and recorded phone calls, and both owners were on site to confirm that we performed this job and I'm glad that our bank and yours agree with us that we rendered services with the best way we knew how. How dare you to try hurt a small, family-owned business. You should be ashamed of yourself!
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Look we may have won but I consider this a pyrrhic victory. This means we won, but this took a lot out of us with his libel on 2 of our platforms for customer engagement.
0 notes
gaycrystalfemme · 6 years
Power Couple
Chapter 4: Warm
"Yellow!? What's the problem, honey?!" Blue ran as fast from the master balcony to the master bathroom where Yellow's scream had originated.
"It's not.. IT'S NOT WORKING!"
"Darling, perhaps we should try another ti-"
"How many times do we need to do this?!"
She threw the forsaken piece of plastic, a pregnancy test strip, on the bathroom floor. With her hands on her face, Yellow was sobbing after bursting with anger. Anger at herself, and frustration. Multiple attempts had already been made. So many months. So many pregnancy kits that read negative. The baby they've been hoping for, wasn't forming.
Disheartened on the floor, Yellow was crying harder. Blue hugged her tight.
"There, there, darling. Let's just try again, okay?"
"But, Blue. I'm.. I don't want to try. I want to get it right!"
"I know, Yellow. That's one of the things I love about you. But we just have to do it again."
"Blue, what about.. what if you were to carry the baby instead?"
"But, darling. The preconditions of White.. Plus, I don't suppose carrying my own DNA would be a good idea! That's just-"
"No, of course not! I'll make her a proposal. Rearrangements. We'll have to make her reconsider."
"Blue, I.. I can't do this. It has to be you."
"O-okay. If that's what it takes."
Yellow stopped crying as the new plan, contrary to White's, was coming to shape. Among the few things Yellow wanted to change were: #1 Blue to carry the baby, and #2 For one of Yellow's cousins be the sperm donor instead of, initially, Blue's cousin.
It had been ten months since they gained White's blessing for the baby situation. Everything in their plans and White's preconditions had been met except for the fact that Yellow couldn't successfully conceive.
They had consulted a handful of the best OB-GYNEs throughout the months. They came in and out of doctors' offices. They picked out the best candidate from Blue's cousins. They had perfectly timed Yellow's ovulation cycles. In the midst of their trials, however, they had discovered that Yellow was possibly, unfortunately, infertile. A few medical licenses almost revoked over this finding. But now, months after, still nothing.
"Blue. I'm going to set up a meeting with White. Would you accompany me?"
"Yes, honey, of course."
It didn't take as long to set a schedule with her mother this time. Only a week and a half, unlike the prior one which took three weeks. Perhaps White had been aching for updates with their project.
"Hello my darlings! Yellow, Blue. You almost gave me a scare! The last time I heard from you was months ago. So how is the baby? Is the baby on it's way? Is he giving you a hard time, Yellow? Oh, I remember when I was carrying you, dear. Oh, you certainly gave me a hard time!" White broke into a giggle.
"Mother, I.. I want you to reconsider."
"Why, my darling? I suppose our arrangements were justifiable, yes?"
"Yes, but I'm experiencing.. a difficulty."
Yellow laid out, in full detail, her failure to conceive for the past months. Frustration and defeat was evident in her voice. Yellow and Blue very rarely, if at all, display affection in front of White. But Blue could not endure how pained Yellow was as she narrated to White her uterine mishaps, so she instinctively grabbed Yellow's hand.
Yellow squeezed Blue's hand as she pleaded her proposed rearrangements to White. "Please, could you reconsider?"
~ ~ ~
It was a typical day at Yellow's office when a phone call had changed.. everything.
"Yes, Madame Yellow! Do you want me to-"
"Stay here! Make sure everything's in place! Watch over everything while I'm gone call me for anything I'll call if I need anything!" Without hanging up the phone on her ear, Yellow caused a slight commotion and dashed out of her office. She could not think properly at this point. All she wanted to do was to get to Blue. Her assistant confused with all the commands and havoc she left, "Yes, Mrs. Diamond."
Blue had been working from home for the past two months. Her due date is expected in a week. But, she had just experienced labor. Blue had lost her calm composure for once and had been screaming atop her lungs in the car. The pain was excruciating. Her personal assistant doing her best to focus on the road. A few more stop lights and they'll be arriving at the hospital.
"Pearl-two! Tell me she's fine! Where are you now?!" Yellow revved her gold vehicle.
"She is.. in pain, madame," Blue's Pearl had been on the phone with Yellow since she drove Blue to the hospital.
"I CAN HEAR HER PAIN FROM HERE, TWO! HURRY UP AND DRIVE FASTER!! DON'T MAKE ME ARRIVE THERE FIRST!" Yellow can hear Blue screaming from the other line.
It took about twenty minutes before Blue and her personal maid had arrived at the emergency room. Blue could not recall a more arduous time in her life than that twenty minute drive. She felt a bit calmer though, at least she was already at the hospital. They would know how to handle her and the pain in her belly. Yellow arrived an hour and a half after Blue. Blue's Pearl was at the sofa just outside the room, waiting. A nurse came out and saw Yellow.
"Mrs... Diamond, good timing! We're about to prep your wife for surgery."
Pacing by the waiting area of the operating room, Yellow's strong worried steps echoed the hallway. Blue's Pearl sitting by the row of waiting sofas, her hands clasped together as if she was praying. It took around forty-five minutes of just that. The two didn't even talk. A doctor came out of the O.R. and broke the worry in the air.
"Mrs. Yellow," his smile was wide with pride, "she's a girl."
~ ~ ~
"Honey, can you please," Blue paused to yawn, "watch over baby Pink for a while. I'll just take a," Blue let loose a more exhausted yawn, "nap."
Blue went on to the nearest comfiest thing: the sofa. They gathered at the main living space, Blue, Yellow, and their new baby, Pink. Blue had been barely sleeping since giving birth to Pink. She was still under maternity leave, especially since she had undergone the C-section. She rarely ever left Pink to their maids. They both wanted to be hands on parents despite their status and lifestyle. It was one of their greatest achievements, maybe even more than their successful businesses: to raise a child, to have a family of their own.
"Ma wa wa ma," Pink mumbled to Yellow a language no one could understand while Yellow held her in her arms.
"Pink, what do you want?"
"Wa wa ba wa," the toddler kept on mumbling as if striking a conversation to the mighty Yellow.
"I wouldn't understand you like that. You better learn to talk soon so your mother and I can converse with you," Yellow spoke the softest she can. It seemed like an order even if she was talking to the baby, but she was merely excited for Pink to grow up. She already had future plans for Pink.
"Ma wa wa wa m-," before the toddler could finish her syllables, she had drifted asleep just like her other mother, Blue.
Yellow looked at the sleeping Pink in her arms and the exhausted Blue sleeping at the sofa. She broke into a smile as she appreciated the view. Contentment and warmth filled her heart. Everything had dawned into her, her purpose for living.
My two favorite people in the world.
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