#and tgwdlm literally came out while I was staying with them for the first time
yaminerua · 11 months
God I love the hatchetfield shows starkid has done. I just got done watching nerdy prudes must die and I am emotionally compromised on a number of levels but man was it an enjoyable ride;;;
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charlicpace · 5 years
🖊+ sofia
hi hello, thank you so much for sending this ! lowkey i feel like i might know who sent this ( my usual suspects were asleep and @ work respectively when i got this and i’m a Detective ) and if i’m Correct hi hello how u doin love your blog xox
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this is she! if anybody thought this was gonna be eloquent or even,, Coherent, i’m sad to say you’re mistaken, bc i get too excited and just !!!!! words !!!! characters !!!! but this is my lauren lopez fc, sofia, and here’s a fun thing about her choice of fc: when i told my friend i was thinking of using her for the plot in question, i also sent her like a link to a couple of gifsets ( probably like,,, something from the judas interview or something?? ) to be like !!! look, cute !!!! and she replied saying she was glad i sent her the link bc she searched lauren’s name on this hellsite and the first thing that came up was a gifset from avpm from that scene where draco’s like ‘and you have to be my slave for a whole day staring now!!!!’ and voldy doing the Iconic ‘yOU LITTLE SHIT’ so … we were off to a good start from the beginning sjsjsjjns. but anyway, sof’s one of my favourites !!! she was made for a lost mumu, and essentially her story is that she was in australia with her boyfriend to meet and pick up said boyfriend’s nephew after the death of said boyfriend’s sister, and they were heading home with this three year old toddler sofia’s never met before when oops plane crash yikes. but i also play her in a regular ol’ town verse where everyone is happy and mr toddler ( whose name is panda and he’s iconic ) gets to stay with his mum ‘cause yay she’s still alive, and sof and her boyfriend get to have a nice relationship with her and panda and it’s a good time.  
pre-island ( or just,, regular ol’ times in town verse!! ) she’s a dance teacher ( which feels SO lazy since lauren’s a dancer, and usually i’m not someone who does that kinda thing but i liked it for sofia and it’s mostly a coincidence shsbsbshs ) who fell into Teaching accidentally after a lot of missed opportunities and things falling through professionally, but lowkey loves it. and just loves her life in general???? she’s happy??? loves her tree of a boyfriend??? honestly the one (1) time i keep a fc’s height for a character, it’s the one time their romantic partner ends up being an entire foot and four whole inches taller than them. it’s,, hilarious. 
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look at that shit!!!! it’s ridiculous and i love it!!!! but they’re also rlly cute :’))) we love a loving, committed couple who don’t wanna get married but wanna be together anyway and both have the same wants in life and just seem to Fit, including a plan not to have kids until the suddenly get a three year old whoops. tbf he was like ‘this isn’t what we planned and what you want so if you want to leave it’s all good’ but sof was having none of that,,, even though she said a similar thing to him a couple years earlier when she found out some stuff about herself but ANYWAY. even if she hadn’t decided to stay she’d still be like BITCH WHAT KIND OF PERSON LEAVES SOMEONE JUST AFTER THEIR SISTER DIES but……..i digress. but sof’s always just been a kinda,,,, Get On With It person??? like she can just,,,, get on with things and accept it and move with it and carry on with life?? wish i could relate lmao. so she just accepts it as part of her life and moves on, and no matter what was going on with her internally she just kind of accepted that this was their life now and they’re gonna raise his nephew. and that attitude continues after the crash too??? like after the initial shock is gone, she’s Useful because she can just……. get on with it as best as she can??? it was kinda mean of me to purposefully make her birthday like a week after the crash and yet,,, here i am. but can i just say!!!! i don’t trust my friend to be kind to these three characters on the island!!!!! ya hear that @dulcerps I DON’T TRUST YOU NOT TO HURT OZZY ON THIS ISLAND. I DO NOT!!!!! panda is Safe but i still don’t trust you!!!! i feel like you’re up to somethin!!!!! snake!!!!!!
but anyway she went from living a gr8 life and going from being that obnoxious gym couple with her boyfren to fighting off Others and wearing the same pair of shorts for like two weeks straight in the beginning. all while trying to make this kid not hate her. she’d never really been around kids before panda?? it’s not to say that she doesn’t Like them, she just hasn’t been around them?? her brother is younger than her but they’re still close enough in age that they Grew Up Together and when he was a kid she was a kid too???? and they’re the youngest in the family pretty much, and none of her friends had kids yet or anything???? and the kids she teaches @ work are like,, pre-teens to teens, and she just talks to them like they’re adults and that’s her Thing and it’s why they like her??? like it’s the whole ‘u don’t treat me like a kid, you’re cool’ thing??? so she’s tryin really hard with panda but,,,,, eh, she’ll get there. even though she’s only now realising how much she swears, and that she can’t say his real name in a serious sentence bc she thinks it’s so ridiculous. 
anyway !!!!!! sof as a person !!!!! my daughter !!!! this is too long and ramble-y so i’m just gonna !!!!! basics !!!!! takes no shit !!!!! she does Not have time for people being buffoons !!!! a Brave soul !!!!! can be v emotional just as much as the next person but she hardly ever cries !!!! can’t relate my dude !!!! loves coffee but can’t really do caffeine anymore and she Luvs wine ( red, preferably ) but shouldn’t drink it bc it makes her sleepy !!!! either reads/watches really dark, twisted books/shows and loves a Thriller and something Twisty, or she’s watching the most light-hearted sitcommy stuff that’s all Laughs, and there is No in between!!!!!! bi legend!!!! tgwdlm was perfect for giving me gif material for sof, but it’s funny because sofia………..literally hates musicals. i made her like two years ago???? and yep she hates musicals. and she hates theatre kids shjbskhsbshs. she went to a performing arts college so she was Surrounded by the dreaded Theatre Kids and yikes it’s a no!!!! which is a shame because she has a GREAT belty singing voice that’s perfect for musical theatre and it just GOES TO WASTE ( other than @ work bc she also is a voice teacher/vocal coach just so she’s doing Something with it, u know??? ) like,,,,,,, other than that she sings in the shower and in the car and that’s It and i hate her!! and sofia is the reason i use a different fc for playing emma, bc then tgwdlm came along and i FELL IN LOVE with emma and oops lauren’s already in use. but yep sofia really is the girl that didn’t like musicals. a libra !!!! a gryffindor !!!! a type three !!!! an esfj !!! athletic legend who thought she might have to give up all her hobbies and potentially her job when she got sick BUT ALL IS WELL she’s fiiiine!!!! takes pole dancing classes for fun!!! can probably race you up a climbing wall and beat your ass no matter who you are, and despite the fact she’s an entire 5′0′’!!!! she can be such a stubborn little shit but that’s okay, she’s Soft really!!! anyway i’m gonna shut up now bc i feel for anybody who has to scroll past this Massive Wall of Ramble on their dash but tysm for sendin me this i loved rambling about sof !!!! :’)))) 
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