#Again there is still something bittersweet about it bc my ex was the one who introduced me to starkid
yaminerua · 11 months
God I love the hatchetfield shows starkid has done. I just got done watching nerdy prudes must die and I am emotionally compromised on a number of levels but man was it an enjoyable ride;;;
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faithlesbian · 2 years
how do we feel about t4t bangel ?
oh my god that's spooky i was literally just thinking about what it would look like for them both to talk about their bisexuality after that s3 dyke (proverbial) post!! let these two discuss their queer experiences night apparently
i'm assuming u mean trans girl buffy right? love that reading. i've gotta say, similar to the t4t spangel ask (im assuming ur the same anon), i'm not a "shipper" in the traditional sense and specifically in this instance part of my love for their dynamic is Really feeling glad they don't end up together. my opinions on them in general probably deserve their own post, so i'll just summarise and say my favourite iteration of their relationship is friendly exes who can go to eachother for help, specifically stuff like angel showing up after joyce's funeral and the offscreen reunion after her resurrection in s6. like. these people care about eachother!!! and they want to make life easier for eachother!! specifically i love it when buffy can lean on angel for support if she needs to despite their lives being fairly seperate, bc good god does she need that.
so assuming obviously that buffy would be living as a girl from the get go in this version, you could build a starting over as herself element into her moving to a new town and new school in the pilot. you could play with the supernatural-as-queerness subtext from the show and have the understanding of her slayer identity between her and angel that she doesn't feel from her normal friends extend to her being out to him before she's out to the scoobies, which could then extend further into the s2 angelus arc with the threat of him outing her, and potentially that being how the scoobies find out if you really want narrative cohesion with canon (or if you want to be nice to buffy then. literally anything else happening)
going with my established Trans Angel Reading, he'd only figure things out himself long after their relationship is over, and i think that could honestly be such a fucking Moment for them both, for him to confide this in her now after they've reached an understanding as she did in him right back at the start before everything went wrong. bittersweet but also kind of promising, like if it's possible to learn something new about yourself after 250 years then there's definitely still ways for their relationship to grow even if they cant be together. i feel like just as angel was able to help buffy navigate the world of the supernatural initially, she could help him navigate gender in the 21st century, and i think getting that understanding from her would be really important to him in a totally different way to getting it from the ats gang.
i think for buffy it could be a kind of closure for, once again, just how badly their relationship went to know that despite everything she was understood by the first person she loved, more than she even knew at the time. however, a beloved Buffy Trait of mine is how badly she reacts to people she sees as threatening to replace her in any way (see homecoming and kendra and faith's respective first episodes) so alternately you could get the much funnier response of hello?? that was my thing first?? how dare you?? which synchronises really well with the previous ask and the possibility for coming out to put an end to angel and spike's rivalry - it starts a whole new one with buffy!
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Let's talk Friends Forever
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Honestly, because the My Universe directors are all different it is kind of a hit or miss with the storytelling and whatnot. It ranges from absolute fucking masterpiece (with Right Time Right You) to what's arguably a fifth semester film student project (with Fake Love) but let's focus for a second on this story in particular.
I'll focus only on what I believe to be the good parts, as I am in a goOd moOd todAy.
1 The Message: it doesn't take long
We all know My Universe is tackling some serious topics, one of them being abuse, in different ways. We saw in RTRU with the alcoholic ex and how it destroys a relationship, then in Lucky love where we see the abuse and how people run away from it and now we get Friends Forever. The buildup is quite subtle. We are given a relationship to root for, but then it becomes slightly uncomfortable. Form the moment I saw the scene in the stairs where the coach runs off angrily and pushes Pun I felt it in the pit of my stomach. "He's gonna kill him". My mind immediately went there. Basically this show said 'You cannot wait to get out, because the next time might be the one that ends your life'. You feel somewhat guilty for rooting for them in the beginning, and as it progressively gets worse... When he hits him w/o his consent, to the sneaking around, to the pulling him away from his friends to finally claiming he LOVES HIM and has done everything for him. Violence is not something we should tolerate, no matter how pretty it seemed at first. It's not always poetic and human, sometimes it's destructive and pure obsession.
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2 The way it's presented to you
I kinda went into this in the first point but the way this is showed it kinda turns the viewer into one of the friends, just slightly more aware of the situation. You know about the relax but you're still there with them when they follow them, you would've done the same. When they ran off to talk and they didn't check on them, you're part of that. As the fight isn't initially shown, you're still with the boys when they wake up, and when they find out their friend was murdered by this boyfriend you're the guiltiest of all... Because you knew. You saw the signs yet you remain in this passive role where you're a mere witness who wanted them to be in love and now he's dead. And as viewers we live on with the boys. We see them struggle with the loss and the guilt and the sadness. The main character was always the friend group, and the main point is.. in real life, would you have noticed? Would you have checked on your friend during the night?
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It is obvious that all of the memories that are shown in the episode are from the first part. We get that, but when they keep getting replayed over and over again it gets a bit tiring. I was getting slightly annoyed by having to rewatch them every two minutes when a new character appeared at the locker room. In my head I was already planning out how I would've constructed the character by showing how every friend remembered a different aspect of his personality but then it hit me like a ton of bricks. They keep replaying the same three moment, the same memories be a the main character is still the friends group, it not about individuals, and they keep repeating those scenes because... IT IS WHAT THEY GET. The memories they made together... That's all they get to remember him, and it's gonna be the same memories over and over again bc they don't get to make new ones. Just like in History 3:MODC... That boy is stuck in that moment forever.
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4 the ghost shit.
I cried sO fucking hard. I mean we all knew My Universe was obviously gonna pull some outta pocket shit but this goodbye was bittersweet. It is just there to give them relief, to lighten the weight of the guilt they've carried for the last three years and they'll probably carry forever (I even have my theory that Phols personality change was triggered to some extent by the incident). I love the fact that they didn't make him a bitter ghost, he didn't blame his friends, he just wanted to say goodbye to them. For one last moment they can see their group together and they were gifted something most people don't get: closure. We get that as well, we get to see the character one last time as we couldn't do anything either. That moment is for us as well.
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I really love this show, even if some of the directors are better than others. It's a great project to showcase new talent, to experiment with complexity and style. It's literally my No.1 Show of the year. Hands down.
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ventruevitae · 1 year
Went back and played nightroad between other responsibilities and it’s always interesting to see some subtle edits made between updates. It’s definitely been over a year since I last read it so ofc I’m sure my memory is fuzzy kinda but there were some small alterations made to a couple things that made me go ‘huh interesting.’ Like I’m pretty sure the malkavian at pattermuster’s morgue believed he was Christ reincarnated last time I read, whereas now it was something like ‘he had met Christ’ or been blessed by him or smth. I played the mobile version so no code diving but I’m curious to see if there’s maybe a note about these minuscule edits somewhere in it. I don’t remember seeing pattermuster or olivecrona’s people at the final scene either.
Anyway Iris/Lettow forever, they’re off in their plane going east and who knows what’s gonna happen. It’s kind of bittersweet with the whole beckoning thing but imo these two seem like they’re probably going to end up blood bonded at some point so I’m not entirely sure anyone cares lmfao. Julian was #disappointed I guess that he got blown off that badly by his ex but Iris is still very staunchly ‘you lied? So much? What did you expect’ about it which is Fair. I think half of his beef was probably just emotional hdjdjd I don’t think he necessarily still has feelings, but it was more of a blow to the ego that she wasn’t just going along with his plans again. She’s Tired okay.
Relationship with the sire was way better here. Pattermuster is on good terms with his childe these days, which was a nice change. St Basil’s stays an abattoir purely thanks to that relationship, which maybe isn’t Iris’ best moment but she’s also just trying to get out of these situations with minimal disturbance. Caul got away and so did the Lampago, but only after some nasty fighting. Ngl that’s probably also another reason she was down to get on that plane, she doesn’t need those headaches in the future. Beckoned or not, being around Lettow offers more protection.
this was definitely the worst relationship I’ve had with Julian lmao. I’ve never played fully through the game with Iris as a Brujah so there might have been some differences in flavour text? On the plus side the camarilla Loved me so real estate was cheap as fuck. No ghoul this time bc I’m also still operating under this being a double courier au & Romina ends up with Raul. Failed the Reremouse mission too, didn’t have enough vitae for disciplines annnd i got the achievement for messy crits 🙃 like I didn’t frenzy but I did fly pretty close to the sun a few times lmao. You Can definitely get though this one with a physical focus for your stats, but having nothing in awareness made some spots trickier. I ended up picking options at the start that were like. I think drive/mechanic stuff so it was an even split between intelligence, drive, and dexterity. We Managed. Romina will probably have a more survival/charisma based build bc she’s not really djjfjf she’s not booksmart like that yk. She’s not the Car Girl TM.
Donati went down so easily tho, like I had maxed out combat skills and just. Sliced her down the middle and that was that hdjfkf like I don’t think that fight has ever been so smooth ever? Wild.
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nemeseos-noctua · 4 years
For Xiao, Zhongli and Albedo: what if their s/o (separate) made a song for them https://youtu.be/n8g-LdDf-pA note: S/O isn't immortal haha but they made the song in case they probs leave just to reassure their beloved loses them and uses it as some lullaby for them or something--
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: xiao, zhongli, albedo (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: mentions of death, xiao & albedo & zhongli story spoilers, not proofread
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: for those wondering: the song is abt finding ‘you’ (the characters in this case) over and over again, even after death. bc you (reader) are never truly gone bc u were in their (the characters) hearts
also srry if i trailed off w this request!! i didnt know whether u wanted an angst or fluff ending!
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stares at u menacingly
is this. FORESHADOWING. that ur gonna DIE. hello?! 
once you clear it up that it’s just merely a song because you’re a mortal and he’s not, he’ll relax a bit
but then he’ll get a lil sad 😔
he knows. he knows death is inevitable, even for someone like him. he knows, one day, one day he will be alone again
but he wishes it didn’t have to be this way. the adeptus xiao, wishing for a happiness so unobtainable... 
Xiao was silent as you sang him your melody. The lyrics were so concise—yet, he felt as though you had rammed a spear into his heart multiple times.
He knew you were not permanent. That you were but a temporary, fleeting mortal soul, a soul who’d disappear like a wisp in the wind.
Your song—it reminded him of the Dihua Flute he had heard all those millennia ago. It reminded him of the eons he had spent, alone, the eons he had spent, cold. 
All of those memories he had hidden in the corner of his brain, racking up cobwebs ever since you came. You were the light that’d pierce through the darkness of the night, the darkness of his mind. You were someone so, so much more than a ‘mortal’ he had dubbed you as.
And yet, he wished he could dub you as anything, anything but ‘mortal’. Mortals meant temporary, mortals meant erasable. 
But you, you were not erasable. Never, never, ever. For as long as he’d live, as long as his name was ‘Xiao’.
You—you were the person whom he’d fallen in love with. [L/N] [Y/N].
he’d memorize the lyrics and tune of your song
though—as long as you live, he never wants to hear it again. hearing it once had already sent him into a dysphoric state, a state of which he seemed to mourn the future, to mourn what was about to come
and though—and though xiao knows, he knows you will leave him, that you will disappear like the rest...
he wants to believe. with his arms wrapped around you, with his hand clasped in yours, he wants to believe you will be by his side for eternity
The moon was silent, opening up a pathway for the Vigilant Yaksha as teal strands of hair fluttered with the wind, dancing like a needle and thread. 
Long ago, you were by his side. Long ago, you had sang these same words to him—
“I’ll love every version of you.
And you’re never truly gone
As long as a part of you in me lives on.”
The world was quiet without you.
Maybe because—because it wasn’t you who was singing the song.
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zhongli will have a bittersweet smile etched onto his face
he, like xiao, has come to accept the fact that you are but a fleeting life in the sands of time. and though it pains him greatly—zhongli has suffered many, many losses
though, that does not mean yours is numb to him. goodness, no! if anything, yours would sting him for an eternity
but zhongli knows, for his wisdom is unmatched. he knows that he should take this time with you and spend it to the best of his expenses. he knows that though you may not be with him for the next hundreds of years, to have you in these mere decades is enough for him
and though his heart is already beginning to brace itself for a swan dive into the future, he—he, the mortal zhongli—will love you in this lifetime, and the next, and the next
“Did you arrange the lyrics yourself? They are quite beautiful, love,” Zhongli smiled, though, you did not miss the way his amber eyes flickered in melancholy.
“Hehe, yeah! I made this song for you, Zhongli! Because I know...” You trailed off, rubbing the back of your neck bashfully as the consultant wrapped his arms around you, the warmth of his body and the beat of his heart pounding against his chest. 
Walking among mortals—Zhongli is reminded, time and time again, life is temporary. It always is, and always will be—even to someone such as himself.
Eternity was impossible, unreachable, but the ex-archon must admit... 
He wanted to spend eternity with you.
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albedo had told you of his concerns, of how he’s afraid to one day destroy mondstadt
it was obvious how he hinted the fact that he may break up with you. not because he fell out of love per se, but for your own good. 
and, a part of you had wished he had given you a chance. yet, you knew, you knew he did. he loved you, he loved you like how he loved alchemy, he loved you like how the sun would nurture and care for plants after the darkness of the night—
yet once again, albedo pulled through. he did it for you, he stopped loving you for— you
but you will never stop loving him.
Albedo sat in the corner of his camp, the fire doing nothing to alleviate the cold of his heart. 
He was alone. Again. The alchemist somehow always found himself in this situation—lost, forgotten, tossed away like a used beaker. 
But then he remembered, hah. It wasn’t him who was tossed away, it was you. It was your crestfallen face when Albedo ‘broke up’ with you, stating how he was ‘busy’ with experiments that you knew were just him shielding you from his inevitable doom.
Somehow, his mind always trailed back to you... as it always did. Whenever he felt powerless, the mere thought of your voice and laugh somehow brought him back to the known, back to hope. 
“But my love, I will hold you close to me.
‘Till you fade from my arms peacefully.”
The melody of that song you had strummed just for him still replayed in his mind like a broken stereo, like an endless music box that’d be played whenever he fell down.
Never before has Albedo wished to forget you—but, during this time, during this freezing snowy night,
He wished you never brought him warmth, for he feels colder than before. 
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— constellations! 💫
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roxa-sos · 4 years
before you go - jj maybank
jj maybank x ex-pogue!reader
tw; it’s a lil angsty (n o, it’s pretty angsty) mention of sex. sad sad. v sad.
request: “can you write an imagine with jj based on the song before you go by lewis capaldi”
a/n -- i don’t listen to lewis capaldi but this song is really good?? like i listened to it once and just. damn. i LOVE writing song fics bc i can’t write unless i have music playing, so plsplspls send more requests for songs :)
i fell by the wayside like everyone else i hate you, i hate you, i hate you, but i was just kidding myself our every moment, i start to replace ‘cause not that they’re gone, all i hear are the words that i needed to say
you grew up in the outer banks. an only child, the pogue’s golden girl, best friends with jj maybank since you were ten. you were the golden girl of the outer banks. cool enough to hang around the pogues and be one yourself, but hot enough to have some kook eyes on you. peaceful, funny, but you always declined when people chased after you. 
jj maybank had a shitty dad. a deadbeat mom. but he was your best friend. you had millions of memories of you two at the beach, him teaching you to surf when you were twelve, the two of you being the worst and best things that had ever happened to your side of the island.
when you were fifteen, you could’ve sworn you knew love. your love for your best friend, your love for the dumb boy that woke you up at six in the morning so he could sneak out before your parents found out he spent the night. the boy who made you a pothead. the boy who consumed all of your free time. 
but you’d always been too scared to pursue him. 
so, you fell into the hands of another guy. he was kind of an ass to your friends, but you thought he really cared about you. he brought you flowers, took you to the drive in, spent nights with you, and kissed you until your lips were swollen.
jj hated you for it. he always thought you were replacing him with your boyfriend, and he didn’t like you focusing on someone other than him. he wanted to be the guy who held you on his lap when he was driving the boat, he wanted to be the guy you clung onto at movies, he wanted to be the guy who kissed you until you were out of breath. 
but he wasn’t. 
after six months with your boyfriend, you dad delivered the worst news you’d ever heard. a relocation to upstate new york. and all of the sudden, time slipped through your hands.
when you hurt under the surface like troubled water running cold well, time can heal but this won’t
you told all of the pogues except for jj. 
he hadn’t talked to you unless he had to in months. 
he found out through john b, and he cried. cried angrily after storming out of the chateau, sitting down on the bank next to the lake. he didn’t have any more time with you. 
so, before you go was there something i could’ve said to make your heart beat better? if only i’d known you had a storm to weather
you knew you had three months left in the outer banks. you made the most of your time left with your boyfriend, but jj slowly started coming back to you for company. 
you still hadn’t told him. but he was back. 
you were spending your days and nights with your friends and your boyfriend, and every moment you spent packing was time spent crying your eyes out. 
you were leaving everything you’d ever known. 
but you had jj back, and that made everything seem a little bittersweet. he was coming back to you after all this time, and he didn’t even know you didn’t have any time left together. or so you thought. 
was there something i could’ve said to make it all stop hurting? it kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless so, before you go
“i’m leaving in a month” was how you told jj. it was almost like he already knew, but he had to leave when you told him. and he cried again, the damn boy cried right outside the room you were standing in, breaking your heart. he muttered things to himself, talking about how he was wasting time, but you pretended like you didn’t hear. 
and then, a week before you left, you were spending the night with your boyfriend while your parents were hanging out with friends. jj was at your door, and you had to step outside to talk to him.
“i’m fucking in love with you.”
you didn’t know what to say to him. 
“i have been. for years. and you just... got with him. and i couldn’t say anything, because i want you to be happy, but i can’t keep it to myself knowing that i’m... i’m fucking losing you.” 
you never said anything to him, but you hugged him. and he left. 
when you went inside, your boyfriend broke it off with you. you both knew it was coming, seeing as neither of you could do long distance like that, and he knew you wouldn’t be able to stay committed to someone that you couldn’t have. 
and you were alone. you were alone until you had twenty four hours left in paradise on earth. 
your last night there, you got drunk as hell. you smoked, and the pogues held their little goodbye party for you. at the end of it, when kie had to go home, and pope’s dad picked him up, and john b left you and jj to have your bittersweet ending, you kissed jj. you kissed him hard, and he kissed you back.
you’d probably remember every bit of that night for the rest of your life. 
his hands started on your face, pulling yours into his, then they slid down to hold your waist to make sure you didn’t get away from him in those last hours you had. he hated himself for letting you get away from him for all of those months. he hated you for getting a boyfriend. but he couldn’t spend the rest of that time hating things.
so he loved you instead. it could be classified as a hookup, but it meant more to both of you. by the time you two were laying next to each other in his bed at the chateau, looking up at the ceiling, sweaty and with marks forming on your neck, you were crying. sobbing, you had a breakdown. you couldn’t get those months back. neither could he, but all he could do was hold you and try to make you feel better.
you agreed to stay in contact before you left. you two were going to try to make long distance stuff work. the pogues were all outside your house the day you were supposed to put your suitcase in your dad’s car and drive to the ferries. 
you leaned out the car window, watching them get smaller and smaller as the car drove. jj followed the car for a little bit until he knew it was hopeless, keeping his eyes on you until your dad told you to sit down.
was never the right time, whenever you called went little by little until there was nothing at all our every moment, i start to replay but all i can think about is seeing that look on your face
you and jj left it off on a bad note. you didn’t get your awkward morning after having sex across the hall from john b. you didn’t get a sweet first kiss. it all hurt. but you both tried to get over it as you started off with facetimes once you settled down in your new home.
it always hurt to see him, though. he agreed. you switched to phone calls, scheduled them so you could get ready to hear him.
he missed half of them. in your heart, somewhere, you knew he was moving on. 
so were you. 
back home, he was beating himself up when he flirted with other people. when he spent his time with someone that wasn’t you. but he knew he couldn’t bring himself to hear your voice, much less see your face. he was trying to replace every bad feeling thinking of you gave him, but that meant replacing every moment you two had. 
you were doing the same. finding new people. none of them would ever match jj and the pogues, but you were trying. you held onto everything you had left of jj, but you knew his time in your life was over, or coming to an end. 
would we be better off by now if i’d have let my walls come down? maybe, i guess we’ll never know you know, you know 
the last phone call you two shared ended with tears, but you both knew it was for the best. 
you confided in each other. it hurt, and you told him. he told you the same. 
“i should’ve said something.” he practically shouted, frustrated with himself.
“i should’ve said something, too.” you laughed halfheartedly, choking back another sob. it had been a few months since you’d called, but you needed to have a clean cut. not let things linger.
“i miss you.” all he ever had to say was that he regretted everything he did. all he ever had to say was that he missed you. 
“i miss you too, but you know we’re over, j. i love you.”
“i love you too.” and then the static of the connection cut, and you knew he was gone from you for good. 
a/n -- i just realized that anon probably wanted this song request to be about mental health issues but this made me just as sad as that would’ve so like asldnlanwegvbolande holy FUCK this made my heart hurt. 
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v-poreons · 3 years
kova's backstory is so sad, like I knew it was sad but reading that still :((( anyways more kova lore bc I'm invested
I can talk about the campaign he was in then! :))
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I'm so mad Tumblr deleted everything I wrote hold on while I try to fix this
Basically what I said before was so fucking long I simply can't rewrite it in as comprehensive a way i did before so this is gonna be a lot shorter I'm PISSED.
I don't remember everything that happened in the campaign because it was four years ago but the party was me as Kova, Asher (Wood Elf Ranger), Lan (Changeling ((in the form of a High Elf)) Fighter), Mislia (Tiefling Sorcerer), and Savory (Tiefling Monk, we had an inside joke that Kova spells her name Savoury).
We were on a job delivering some stuff from one town to another I believe when we were attacked by some goblins who we beat the absolute shit out of. Lan was checking one of the goblins when she found a ring with an eye symbol engraved on it. She put it on and it latched itself to her finger and shot a beam of light into the woods, presumably for us to follow. We hid our wagon and set up camp in a cave for the night. I don't remember who was on watch but we were ambushed by some Dark Elves who took us to the Underdark to their queen who welcomed us and decided to throw a party in our honor.
We were all varying degrees of intoxicated but Kova, who was nursing his first cup of ale since he hates drinking since it inhibits his reasoning skills and he was a little wary of the whole thing. Lan also was suspicious so the two chatted for a bit and planned to do some investigating together later. When we had been escorted to our rooms we found out that we had been magically locked in so we found a way to bypass the spell and sneaked out with the rest of the party, but we were caught and taken into the throne room where the queen revealed she had led us here for a reason. She activated a big rune on the floor and we all blacked out. Then when we woke up our skin was translucent and you could see our skeletons under our skin because plot twist we were dead and had been sent to the underworld (the reveal slapped so hard david if ur seeing this u popped off so hard)
We ended up having to do like a gladiator type match where Kova and Lan created the legendary knife cube combo (Kova casts cloud of daggers Lan throws enemies into the cube and theyre promptly turned into bad guy soup). We won and were brought before Hades and Persephone (Kova and Savory charmed her because they're both nice :) ) and then we were thrown in prison because Hades had a stick up his ass.
We met Brutus and Milquetoast in jail and decided to do a prison break I'm not sure exactly how it went but it involved the warden and a prison riot and Lan killed the warden and was inexplicably drawn to this dark spooky hallway which supposedly held Thanatos but when she reached the end of the corridor all that was there were empty chains.
We had a sick ass chariot race with Hades and Lan flipped him the bird as we escaped down a big cavernous hole in the ground. We woke up at the bottom and learned if we wanted out we each had to go through trials to judge our characters.
I don't remember the exact order we went in but Mislia's was a fight with their ex wife and ended with them choosing Savory's life over the ex, Savory's took place in her old monastery which she had been banned from, Asher's was a puzzle that ended in a fight with his former friend and leader (who happened to be his player's other character from a different campaign remember this it's important), and Lan's (which was the last trial and also the last session since we unfortunately didn't finish the campaign) took place in her childhood hometown but everyone but her had lost their memories and she had to convince us all to come with her and get our memories back.
Kova's was a quiz show type trial during which we would gain or lose things (body parts, knowledge/memories, items, etc.) The trouble with playing a character who's smarter than you is when ur DM asks you what the components are to an X level Wizard spell (something Kova would probably know but I sure as hell didn't) you end up spinning the bad wheel (a la taz suffering game) and losing Kova's harmonica which was a gift from his dead friends dead daughter. Also it got turned to ash :)
The game show host ended up being Medusa and we killed the hell out of her and Lan and Kova struck the final blows.
I ended up asking the DM what the campaign would have gone like from the last session and he said the twist would have been that Brutus was Thanatos and I don't remember how but he could not longer continue being Thanatos so Lan, who had the ring, would be given the choice to become the new god of death or not.
From there we have two endings:
The 'canon' ending, in which Lan accepts her role and remains in the underworld while the rest of the living party members return to their lives. Kova is alone and lonely returning to his travels but has healed somewhat and learns to accept people into his heart again.
In the ending where Lan refuses, the party returns to the living world and parts ways. Lan and Kova reluctantly separate since Kova wishes to keep traveling and seeing the world but Lan is exhausted by everything that has happened in her life up until this point and just wants to settle down. The two visit from time to time but reminisce on their past and wonder how they could have remained close and developed their relationship (art in the video is drawn by Lan's player lil.bunny.prince on Instagram)
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In both endings (and here's where you remember that importance regarding Asher's trial), because the story has established that it takes place in the same world as another campaign, Kova meets
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Gwyn, and becomes a father figure to her and essentially adopts her. They're perfect for each other. Gwyn was cast from her clan and disowned by her family, and now she finally has a solid adult figure in her life who loves and accepts her and helps her overcome her fears of rejection and accidentally hurting the people she cares about. Kova has lost so much and with Gwyn he is able to raise her like he would have helped raise Iris and learns to overcome his survivors guilt and both of their scars and trauma heal together I love them so much.
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Kova does outlive Gwyn by a couple hundred years (damn dnd lifespans) and whichever direction his life goes his endings are always bittersweet but he is able to heal despite always feeling a little sad and when he gets older he settles in a nice town and owns a library. And obviously his canon storyline isn't sad enough so I have aus for that (villain au my beloved). ❤
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cloneslugs · 4 years
Wolf + Yayoi + Akiyama :)
this is seriously ill im sorry
First Impression: well he seems neat <3
Impression Now: he's very soft and kind.. <3 and very cool very nice man i love you wolf
Favorite Moment: the whole rice thing b/t the divine child and him and kuro, this isnt a moment but i enjoy how he speaks to people he makes me (: 
Idea for a Story: I'd like to see him first meeting Kuro ^__^ that would be cute.. or how he grew up w Owl bc it seems so … … … well anyway he has a lot of cool background that would be fun to explore 
Unpopular Opinion: i think people draw him smiling too much in some interactions i dont want him to even remotely have a sense of humor or even emote well tbqh, not that i think hes unhappy or anything but like well … + also people are freaks w him but that's another story.. i dont think he would date grandpas
Favorite Relationship: kuro <3 it's cute how he actually engages in conversation w Kuro i like how he talks w him and how Kuro talks w him it's nice.. i think his relationship w Owl is interesting but not . good. Emma + Isshin + Sculptor & every other friend he meets i enjoy esp Kotaro ^^
Headcanon: *gives him transgenderism + autism + homosexuality*, selectively mute (:, he also just has a general issue w socializing & when he doesnt know what to say he defaults to repeating people or just ignoring people, he likes being called Wolf by like Kuro and whoever but Isshin deciding to call him Sekiro makes him feel a little something (:, he can "cook" + knows lots of misc skills like sewing and stuff, doesnt like loud noises, doesn't like being in water -_-, i think he has trouble differentiating b/t what he likes v what he dislikes bc hes used to just putting up w things and never really got to acquire preferences ever hes accustomed solely to survival, he's done kuro's hair for him before <3 but he does it very quick and messy but he tries 
First Impression: ig this is her k1 substory idk i just kind of like . wow this lady seems cool ig goodbye 
Impression Now: … hi <3 she holds a very very special place in my heart now i miss her everyday please babygirl come back to me i need you back ive written out how you can come back please 
Favorite Moment: her k1 substory always makes me sad um.. everything in k2 when shes taking charge.. i love watching her interact w kiryu they have a really interesting relationship.. i like when she got on ryuji for his bullshit and i really really like her introduction in k2 i love watching her handle shitty lieutenants <3 i love you.. oh also whenever she looks sad + worries over daigo thank you for being a mom ma'am <3
Idea for a Story: um i have a lot of stuff already written for her bc im a sicko .. um ig most interesting to me is how her relationship w dojima developed & also what she was up to when dojima died and daigo went to prison right after bc i think about that period (+k1 substory) a lot.. </3 seeing what she was doing in 3 when daigo was shot would be nice iwant her to be homophobic to mine i think <3 ik a rggo event covered it but id like to see more of her when she stepped up to he acting chairman & how that went ig more in depth.. or just her general role w the dojima family back when it was relevant and uh yeah <3 
Unpopular Opinion: um i personally would never call her a milf that feels so :x idek to me gross almost not even bc im a homo or anything i just never would it feels too disrespectful aieeeeeee 🙈 also i wish people didn't care for her just as daigos mom or her being more compotent than daigo or whatever idk people are weird about them in a stupid way and i </3 ik shes just a side character but whatever.. also i hate everyone who writes her like "yes i married dojima for power and i crave violence" fuck you im the only right person ever 
Favorite Relationship: um daigo.. i have lots of thoughts they are so nice together ilove them very much <3 kiryu and kashiwagi are very cute w her too they respect her very much its sweet <3 i think nishiki and kiryu helping out w daigo as dojima members when daigo is little has very sweet potential b/t lady dojima and them not saying they outright would be seeking for a maternal figure but um.. also well kashiwagi uhh well i want her to move past her [k2] baggage and um.. um.. 🙈 boyfriend 
Headcanon: she's so bisexual shes very very bisexual and she knows it and no part of it even concerns her shes just bi + also her first major crush was on a girl that went nowhere and it embarrasses her to death <3, her dad is who introduced her to wielding a sword it was a very unorthodox introduction and came about by kind of bittersweet means but she very much enjoys it (he didnt teach her anything more than the very very shoddy basics he really just helped introduce), she comes from a very non-traditional [japanese] family, really bad vanity issues i wont publicly elaborate on, um something about dealing w loneliness, she was like daigo and was top of her class in school, she comes off as prett7 different outside of professional settings + acts a lot colder and meaner than she actually is around work people bc that's the only way she thinks she'll be taken seriously, she was a very excited first time mommy <3 she still loves daigo more than anything, she used to sporadically grow her hair out and chop it all off and grow her hair out and chop it all off growing up mostly as a teen -_-, she doesnt socialize well but shes good at parroting and imitating proper social etiquette,  she has an "older sister", she loved kiryu and then she hated him more than anything and now she likes him again, perfectionist but a lot of things come naturally to her, not very expressive but her eyes give away a lot, she used to really like kazama very fondly until she didnt, shes not much of a hand-to-hand combat fighter but she can handle self defense, cooking does not come naturally to her ):, shes kept every gift + prize daigo has gotten for her, shes not much for gifts (from people not daigo) but she likes flowers 
First Impression: he's funny (: 
Impression Now: he's still just funny <3 but also bisexual i love him he's very endearing and easy to like 
Favorite Moment: hanging out w haruka in rgg5 or any time he is having fun w hana <3 his one substory in rgg5 where you get more of his background is nice or when he first gets together with shinada + tanimura is funny.. anything that's not rgg6 um
Idea for a Story: i want him to hang out w haruka more <3 or just some of his day to day life.. what he splurges on when he does ummm.. background on when he and hana first met + his ex fiance, hin hanging out w the rest of the group .. anything fun i think ^_^
Unpopular Opinion: he has annoying/questionable moments but so does everyone in the series um.. akiyama/hana is superior when he crushes on her hard vs her to him idk if that's even unpopular ummm idk idek any freak stuff w him nobody talks about akiyama much 
Favorite Relationship: hana (: trans bisexuality <3 him + kiryu & haruka are sweet together, him and tanimura are fun.. i think hes a nice central point for both 4+5 protags i just enjoy him <3 hes good w people 
Headcanon: hes the least athletic i think that's canon though, tried to keep a fish tank in the office but hana ended up taking over + then getting rid of it but by then he wanted an office cat or bird or something "more interesting" so that hed feel like taking care if it but by that point she put her foot down on animals, tries out lots of misc hobbies that he eventually drops (golf, tennis(very embarrassing), gardening, etc (mostly sports bc he feels like a lazy piece of shit sometimes + gets splurges of Yeah Fitness!!!)), all kinds of math teams and etc growing up he actually really likes math, has a lot of gifts he chickened out on giving hana just kind of buried in the office, bad at video games, can't cook, he buys lots of cheap things bc he doesnt really see the point of splurging on fancy unnecessary stuff, magazine hoarder bc he just picks up whatever for a mindless read when at the store and forgets if he's gotten it before 
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donkey-hyuck · 4 years
Bus Ride Away
^^ song based off of Bryce Xavier
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A/N- the lyrics are italicized, whether they are dialogue or included into the story separately. And in no way is this story based on the title (sorry) just based off of the lyrics and meaning. A lot of cursing! Lots of time skips
Word count- 6.9k
Genre- angst/ some fluff/ post breakup! Au/ college! Au (almost half of the story)
Characters/pairing- jung jaehyun X Fem! Reader (not really bc they don’t get back together, sorry if that’s not what you wanted but it’s my story lol😝)/ Johnny Seo/ mentions Mark and Taeyong/ original characters (Byeol, Hina)/ extras that aren’t prominent to the story.
Introducing- after three long years of loving him, your love died out. Jung Jaehyun had been your high school sweetheart and you wouldn’t have it any other way. From junior year in high school to your freshman year in university, you gave each other your all. After ending it on good terms, you moved on easily. While your ex lover had less luck with falling out of love with you. Years had passed by and Jung Jaehyun still had so much love for you, and when you received an email from “an old friend” you definitely weren’t expecting it to be him.
The lyrics of the song that are mentioned are NOT in order of how the song goes.
Falling in love with Jung Jaehyun at sixteen was all you could ever ask for. He was the star athlete during all seasons, he had high marks when it came to academics, he was a part of the dance club, and he sang so well when auditioning for plays that the school held, getting the lead role almost instantly.
Falling in love with you at sixteen was all Jaehyun could ever ask for. You were a part of the tutoring service at school, captain of the girls volleyball team, head of the theatrics, a part of the student council, and was the lead singer during choir.
The two of you were the idol couple. Of course people were jealous of one or the other. Hell, students from across town admired the two of you. As a couple, you and Jaehyun had been a part of so much during school and extracurricular activities, helping students, teachers, and the community. There was just so much cheer whenever you two were around. And you remained as a couple through senior year graduation, making people think the two of you would last forever, for sure.
But somewhere during the first semester of your freshman year in university, your love for Jung Jaehyun had slowly dialed down. Too caught up in your music- theory and composition major and communications major, you had realized you didn’t have enough time for Jaehyun. The two majors you were enrolled in were quite opposite therefore, meaning that you didn’t have enough time to share with Jaehyun. It was upsetting because you loved the man so much, but you wanted to have a good job, and you wanted him to excel at life. Being in a relationship was something you had never seen in your life, always thinking it was a bit of a burden. So when Jung Jaehyun had asked you out, it took some time to respond and reciprocate his feelings. And when you agreed to go out with Jaehyun, he treated you like a small chinese porcelain doll. You meant everything to him.
“Can you meet me at the lake near campus? I need to tell you something.” It was so nerve wracking as your fingers moved across the keyboard on the screen. Contemplating on sending it, you acquired that it was bound to happen at some point. And now was that time. Walking toward the small lake you and Jaehyun would meet when you needed to relieve your stress, shivers had crawled down your spine and through your whole body.
“Hey, what did you want to talk about?” Asked Jaehyun from the little arched bridge. Nervousness filled you up again, you were not expecting him to be there first. You had wanted to reach the lake first in hopes you could practice, for the nth time, what you were going to say.
“Jaehyun…” you exhaled the breath you held in. “I didn’t know how to say this and I practiced saying this for a while. Just know that this is for the best and I love you so much.... But, I think we should call it off. University is getting to my head and I don’t want to cause any pain to you when seeing me stressed out about my life. I want the best for you and that’s not with me anymore. I’m incredibly sorry and I love you more than words can explain. You showed me what the statement high school sweethearts meant. I’m so appreciative of having someone like you in my life. You taught me how to live, you taught me how to be brave, you taught me how to love. But we have to move on now, our lives will only get more complicated from here. And from the bottom of my heart, I’ll always love you endlessly.” It was quiet for some time before Jaehyun looked up and smiled a bittersweet smile, with tears rimming his almond eyes you were sure you were going to miss. “I don’t want to, but I agree. This is for the best of us and I know that’s all you want for me. It’s sad, I definitely wasn’t expecting this when you asked to meet. But I know your feelings are genuine and I don’t want to keep you from achieving your dream. I’ll love you endlessly and when you release music, I’ll be your number one fan.” Tears dripped down his face as you both chuckled. Lifting your hand and wiping the tears you’d barely seen after three years, tears filled your eyes too. “Don’t cry, or else you’ll make me cry,” you whined and he laughed, resting his hand on yours that lied on his cheek. “I’ll love you until the end of time.” He closed his eyes, “I think you should go now, it’s getting pretty late. And I know you have work to do. We‘ll stay as friends, yeah?” Nodding. “Of course we will.”
Four years. It had been four years since your breakup with Jung Jaehyun. It was funny, remembering to stay friends, but that never happened. While looking forward to seeing your new, old, friend it seemed that he didn’t want to be linked with you, which was weird since he was the one to suggest it. But you couldn’t blame him if he never wanted to see you again, you broke the guys heart. Moving on from Jung Jaehyun was easier than you had initially thought, considering he was your first true love, you’d taken the breakup better than you believed you would, and didn’t think much past that.
It was the night of your graduation. Your friends had begged you to attend the party since you’re no longer going to be in school, unless you wanted an associates or master’s degree. “Come on Y/N! You’ve been so cooped up in your apartment all these years. We’ve graduated and now we can get our lives situated,” said Byeol. “Ooh, okay! Fine… But I’m not drinking. And if anything happens I’m getting my ass out of that frat house.” Hina and Byeol screeched in joy. “Thank you! We love you so much.”
Arriving at Yuta’s apartment complex, Hina and Byeol practically dragged you to the roof, where the party was happening. Opening the door, people who attended your university greeted your popular and outgoing friends. “Y/N! I’m glad you could make it! Finally you’re out of your apartment for some fun!” Said Yuta— a Japanese transferee— with the iconic red plastic cup in his hand. Looking around you noticed Jaehyun, he was standing less than ten feet away and was chatting with Johnny Seo— tallest member of the basketball team and fellow communications peer. Surprisingly, when looking at your ex-lover, you had felt nothing but happiness for him. You were happy he moved on. And while at the event, guys had instantly approached you, aghast to see you leave your apartment at night, to attend a frat party.
Jealousy was the word to express what Jung Jaehyun was feeling. Seeing the attention towards you, Jaehyun was surprised to see you there. But overall, he was jealous. It wasn't your intention, gosh you hated to make people feel jealous, he knew you felt that way, but people were just dismayed to see you at a party. “Hey, Jae? What’s wrong?”
When you’re with your friends you try to pretend that you moved on but you can’t.
After your breakup, Jaehyun went straight to Johnny’s apartment and spit out everything that had happened. He was upset and sad at first, but claimed to say he was doing fine without you. After a while, Jaehyun did a pretty good job in telling Johnny he was over you. Either that or Johnny Seo was just too damn gullible.
Looking back to you, he saw you were the same person you were four years ago. It was insane that he still had so many feelings for you after all these years. He just didn’t have the guts to approach you. He was a coward after asking to be friends and flat out ignoring you; how selfish of him. He knew you didn’t want him hurting and dwelling on his feelings. If only you knew how much Jung Jaehyun missed you, but you would— probably— never know.
Approaching you, the cup in Jaehyun’s hand had been slightly quivering as his legs had a mind of its own. “Jae, long time no see.” he smiled, “Yeah…” , “So, how have you been these years? We haven’t seen each other in a while.” Seeing you smiling and not hurt almost healed Jaehyun’s single heart, only to have it crushed again once he realized you were no longer together, you hadn’t been together since 2013. “I’ve been okay. Academics are a pain in the ass but I get help from my friends here and there. What about you? How’ve you been?” , “I’ve been doing the same. You know, same old, same old. Picked up painting again, so I’ve been painting in my apartment to get rid of my stress.” Jaehyun remembered when he bought you a canvas and paint brushes, somehow forgetting the paint. But he loved to see you paint, the creativity from your mind flowing to the white canvas. Fuck, he missed it all.
“Y/N! I have someone I want you to meet!” Shouted yuta from the other side of the roof. “Sorry, duty calls,” you laughed, “Uh, it was good seeing you safe and happy. Maybe we can hang out, you know, as friends one day, only if you’d like.” , “I would like that, yes. And it was great seeing you too Y/N.” He always loved the sound of your laugh, it brought him so much joy. He always tried to make you laugh, but now he was only making things feel awkward because he was a douche that continuously ignored you.
The night was only eleven but Hina and Byeol were sensibly intoxicated by all the alcohol. “You got them Y/N?”, “Yeah, bye guys.” Throwing them in the car, you walked to the driver's seat and started to drive to your apartment which was, thankfully, not far from Yuta’s apartment. “Hey, Y/N…. you know… Hina and I…. Hina and I…. We were talking to the jackass that ignored you….. and you know what he said…? The idiot said he misses you, and still loves you!.... what a joke,” their words were slurred but you hit the brakes anyway. “What? Why would he say that?” The girls were unable to answer since they were just knocked out cold. “He still loves me?”
You would have been lying if you said you were still in love with Jung Jaehyun. You loved him, just not in the way you used to. You just loved him as a friend now, and only wished for the best, without you. Your feelings were easily sidetracked because of school and didn’t think much about your feelings towards him. Though, it was clear to you now that Jung Jaehyun had never got rid of his love for you; his romantic feelings.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Jung Jaehyun
After Jaehyun talked to his first love, his feelings had been exploding out of his chest. He was overjoyed to see you doing fine, picking up old hobbies the two of you shared. Painting. Maybe he should pick up painting too, just to try to connect to you once more. But he knew it would only make his feelings get stronger, if that was even possible.
Oh it’s sad to love someone so much who you know doesn’t care enough.
Jaehyun knew you still cared about him. You could never not care about him. However, he knew you cared for him like a close friend, maybe not even close. Even so, it made him think that there could be a chance. There could be a possibility for the two of you to get back together again.
“You idiot! You lied to me after all these years?! How could you lie to me like that?” Yelled Johnny when Jaehyun confessed his true feelings about you. “I thought I was going to get over her, but I just can’t! We gave each other our all and loved each other infinitely, but we broke it off. It was mutual, but I tried to convince myself that I would feel the same as her. Shocker! I didn’t, and holy shit do I love her so much. But I’m a prissy loser that can’t and won’t do anything to confuse her, hurt her, upset her, or disappoint her. Believe me, I tried, I really did. But everything I did never worked out and I’m stuck with a one sided love.” Grumbled Jaehyun, downing the rest of the spiked liquid and harshly placing the cup onto the table. “You are….” started Johnny. “This is all on you…. It’s your decision what to do with everything going on. I’ll be here for moral support and advice to give but everything you end up doing is all decided by you.”
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Reader
Hina and Byeol woke up late the following morning. “Eat up while it’s still hot! Some drunk remedies for you alcoholics,” you joked, placing the bowl of soup in front of your friends. “Ugh I had the most horrible dream. I dreamt that we talked to that jerk-face Jaehyun and he revealed that he still loved you. It made my head hurt so bad, oh my gosh.” You dropped the other bowl of soup to the floor, shattering glass and boiling hot broth spilled on your feet; your face, expressionless, almost. “Woah! What’s gotten into you?!” Shouted Byeol. “Hina…. that wasn’t a dream. Last night, when I was driving home, you said Jaehyun missed me and he still loves me.” It was dead silent, the girls stopped wiping the floor. “What…? You broke up four years ago. How does he still have feelings after four damn years?” Emphasized Hina, standing up to throw away the paper towel and broken pieces of glass. “Never mind that! Do you feel the same way Y/N? Do you still love Jung Jaehyun?” Cleaning your soup stained feet, you walked to one of the stools. “.... I don’t, that’s why I’m so surprised. I thought he and I were at the same stage of being over each other. But I guess we’re not and he still has so much love for me…. When I don’t feel the same….” It was quite the predicament.
“Well, are you going to confront him?” , “..... I can’t. I already broke his heart once. I don’t love him like that anymore, no, but I still have emotions, and I’m a considerate human being. I can’t break his heart twice within a span of four years. I hoped that day was enough,” looking up to your friends who had confused looks on their faces. “I’ll just wait it out I suppose, we talked for a little last night and he seemed fine. But if he comes to me then I’ll let him down, again. If he doesn’t, it’s better for me not to see him sad, especially since his sadness is because of me.”
“I can’t wait to meet you, girls!!! I have so much to tell you!!” The girls squealed over video chat while you were eating a small snack before bed. After a couple months of applying to different jobs, you had gotten accepted to work as a producer under SM Entertainment, it was truly rousing.
Hina and Byeol always wanted to keep in contact with you, they were your best friends, after all. And soon separating due to jobs, your small friend group was finally in Seoul at the same time. “I do too! The boutique is coming along so much better than last month's apparels!” Hina had pursued her career in the business and fashion game while Byeol was hired as a popular photographer for W Magazine.
“You will NOT believe who I had scheduled a shoot with the other day. Y/N you will lose your absolute shit when we see each other. I’ll tell you girls then, but for now I have to go shower and sleep. Tomorrow’s shoot is such a big deal for the magazine label. Bye! I love you both.” Subsequent to what Byeol had gossiped, curiosity spread in both you and Hina’s mind. “I wonder who she saw. And why she‘s acting like that.” Questioned Hina, scratching her head making you laugh. “Me too. I guess we’ll find out when we see each other on Wednesday. But I have to bathe Danbi. Can’t wait to see you! Love you Hina!” , “Okay, good luck with that. Love you too!” Closing your laptop, you shouted for Danbi, your year- and- a- half old nureongi dog. Whilst running the bath you couldn’t help but to wonder who Byeol previously worked with for her to tell you and freak out. “Who the hell could it be?”
The day of your meet, Wednesday. Waking up at around nine in the morning, you checked your emails that needed to be answered. Scrolling down, one email had caught your eye. From: An old friend, To: Y/N, Subject: ….Hi there :) “You’re absolutely kidding me.”
The restaurant Hina reserved, prior, was packed with people sitting in booths and waiting in line. “What the hell did you drag us into?” , “Relax, I had reservations set for us already.” The— quite attractive— waiter had brought you three to your table and did waiter things. “Okay, so…. my recent photo shoot was with…. Jung fucking Jaehyun, and Johnny Seo.” Hina, dramatically, choked while drinking her water. “Well, let me tell you… the same person emailed me at three in the morning, today.” Now both Byeol and Hina choked on their water. “You’re fucking with us!” , “I’m being dead serious. Look at my emails.”
“To the most lovely person, it’s Jaehyun. I know it’s been years upon years and I’m a prick that can’t stick to my words; but it’s been a while and I just wanted to reach out if we can actually hang out. As friends. I totally get why you wouldn’t want to catch up with me, and I totally understand if you don’t even respond. But I’d appreciate it if we could eventually meet up, even with our busy schedules. - Jung Jaehyun,” read Byeol with a traumatized look on her face and Hina with an even more traumatic expression on her‘s. “Look behind Y/N. Right now.” She was seated at the nearest end of the booth and she had seen the person that can’t get rid of his feelings, walk into the occupied restaurant.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Jung Jaehyun
He’d been contemplating on writing a letter, texting you— if you still had the same number— or emailing you. “I’ll just email her,” he decided. Shakily opening his laptop in the midnight air, Jaehyun pressed the keys to your email address.
And it hurts, I wanna text so bad but you don’t want your best friend mad. ‘Cause they told you to walk away, but it’s hard and you’re feeling weak.
When Jaehyun called Johnny prior, he was upset but couldn’t control his best friend's romantic life. “Look, I don’t have a say in this but you shouldn’t text her by her number. You’d be crazy if you did that. Just email her I guess, but it’s been three years since you last saw her and it’s been seven whole years since you’ve been together. Jaehyun, I get that you love her but isn’t this a little crazy? And by a little I mean a lot crazy? What about her can’t you not forget? She’s clearly over you by now.” Jaehyun didn’t know either. He couldn’t answer Johnny’s questions because he didn’t have an answer. It was just difficult to think and talk about. And, of course, Jaehyun tried to get rid of his feelings for you. Going on blind dates, having one night stands, drinking his feelings away, but nothing helped, nothing cured him.
Jaehyun had been scouted as a model while working at some beat down cafe. It'd been about a year since his college graduation and he was pursuing his dream of being an architect. A not very known architect, at the time, but an architect nonetheless.
April 22, 2020 had been the schedule for his shoot with Johnny for W Magazine. While fitting into their Leonardo DiCaprio style clothes, they waited for the photographer they were to work with that day. Byeol had walked into the room, talking to a couple of the staff and when she turned to see her models, her face had dropped. The men had soon realized that their photographer was your best friend. Immediately going up to Byeol, Jaehyun had tried to talk to her about you. “It’s not for me to tell you how she is. Now get ready, I want this photo shoot done, pronto.”
Looking to the table he had sat at, a girl was placed across him. “Wait! That’s Park Chaeyoung, she’s one of my models for this month's launch. What are they doing together?” , “What a two faced dickdead.” Scoffed Byeol, turning back to you and looking you in the eyes. “That wrench practically begged me to tell him how you’re doing and now he’s on a date with some model!? Quite the unbelievable person Jung Jaehyun is.”
Eating whatever you ordered, the girls just talked about how they were doing and scheduling your next get-together. Until Jaehyun walked by your table to get to the restroom. “Oh! I can talk to Chaeyoung now. I’ll inform you about what she says.”
Gliding across the room, Hina sat across Chaeyoung, catching her attention and smiling brightly. “Hi Hina! What brings you here? Did you just come here to talk about your launch? If so, I’m quite busy-” , “No, no. I’m here with my friends and we wanted to know why you’re here with, uh, Jung Jaehyun.” Her eyes virtually lit up at the mention of his name. “Oh, blind date. Our mutual friends set us up. He’s quite the guy! Super respectful, kind, and not to mention, incredibly good looking.”
Jaehyun had seen your face walking back from the restroom, and he paused in his steps, looking at the food-smiling you. He then looked back at Chaeyoung. The whole purpose of this blind date was to get over you, not see you. So, ignoring you, Jaehyun strided past, in small hopes you would notice that he was there; no luck. While looking ahead, he perceived his blind date to be talking to Hina, another one of your best friends. “Sorry, your date is back. But we’ll talk during the try-on. I’ll see you then, Chaeyoung.” , “Of course!” Hina glared at Jaehyun and purposefully bumped shoulders as she walked back to your table.
“They’re on a blind date. She seemed super interested in him. But I don’t know about the other story.” Byeol looked at the pair from her seat, making you laugh. “Guys it’s okay. It’s been seven years. I’m happy he’s finally going on dates. I appreciate it that you guys care, but I honestly don’t. Jaehyun is his own person and I am my own person. And we are separated, we have been separated for over six years now.”
Chatting away, your best friends couldn’t help but to look back at the table, only to see Jaehyun constantly glancing his way to yours. “Why do you guys keep looking back at their table?” You laughed at their faces but they just ignored your words and continued to stare down the blockhead that continually lied to you. “Maybe we should just go now… I think they’re a little uncomfortable. Plus, we don’t want them to ruin our plans for today, yeah?” They nodded and asked for a check. Walking out of the busy restaurant, Chaeyoung bid a goodbye to Hina and Jaehyun turned around only to see your back walking towards the exit.
If we ruled time and space and the Milky Way, would you reach me? Yeah, I know you wouldn’t reach me, but I hope that you think of me.
You had always thought of Jaehyun. After all, seven years had gone by so quickly and you had always wondered if he still had feelings or if he was still hurt. Whatever the reason was you were sincerely happy that he was moving on. And you were glad to see him more well-mannered and gentlemanly than he already was.
Jaehyun was glad to see you’d matured so well over the years he’d never seen you, but that made him miss you more everyday. Johnny had persistently been setting Jaehyun up on blind dates to get rid of his fondness for you, though to no avail and Johnny fails every time.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Jung Jaehyun
It had been around four in the evening when Jaehyun went back to his shared apartment with Johnny. “Damnit Johnny I saw Y/N at that stupid restaurant. My affection for her is only getting stronger and I don’t know how to relieve them. This is taking such a big toll on me but it’s been seven fucking years. My heart aches for her so much and I don’t have a clue why!” He let out once more and Johnny just sighed, sitting on the couch next to his best friend. “Then just open up to her about it. She works under SM, yeah? Just ask around for her, you're doing a shoot with Wendy, right? Well, Y/N’s a producer for multiple artists under SM, just ask Wendy then.”
It was the upcoming day and you were getting ready to work with Red Velvet and Super Junior. Opening the door and walking towards one of the receptionists, you had signed in and walked straight to one of the recording studios and greeted whoever tendered a good morning. “Morning Y/N!” Greeted Taeyong and Mark, a duo under SM but also a part of Super M, SM’s newest debut boy group. You’d worked together in the past, only on a couple of songs but they were really good friends with you. “Morning boys! You guys are quite hyper at this time in the morning. I’m almost done with my coffee and you guys have more energy than I do!” You played and pointed to the dark circles under your eyes, which you tried to conceal with makeup. They laughed and gave you a short hug. “What’s your schedule today, Y/N?” , “Just some stuff for Red Velvet and Suju. We don’t record until Sunday, though. What about you boys?”
“We have our choreo that we have to finish and then some try-on stuff for our promotions and music video.” , “I’m sad that we can’t work together this time. But good luck with that! I’ll be definitely checking out the album when it comes out! Bye Mark, bye Taeyong!”
You unlocked your office— which was basically just a recording studio— and went straight to the cafe on the ground floor since your manager had asked to grab him a cup of coffee.
“Hey. Weren’t expecting you down here.” The voice was so distinct. “I work here…?” It sounded like you were irritated but you really weren’t, just confused because you had thought he knew you worked under SM. “Oh- I know, it’s just, I uh….” He scratched his neck in embarrassment. “I just didn’t know what to say when I approached you. Plus you always used to have coffee at home.” You were surprised he remembered something as small as that. “I just came down here to get some breakfast and the coffee is for my partner. We’re working with Suju soon. Then we’re working with Red Velvet.” , “So am I! Well, just with Wendy, we have an SM Station coming up. Today’s just the shoot for it.”
“Y/N, your order!” , “Sorry. I didn’t expect to see you here, especially so early, since you’re not a morning person. But text me some time, yeah? I still have the same number so we can communicate whenever you’d like.” This made Jaehyun beyond exhilarated. Maybe there was hope after all; you remembered how he hated mornings and you offered him to text you. And he was stoked to finally see progress, though it was mostly his fault of the zero progress, anyways.
“Of course! I guess we’ll be seeing each other a little more for a while then.” , “Yeah. But I really gotta go. See you whenever Jae.” He was happy to finally be having a less awkward conversation with you. His emotions were exploding out of his heart but he was able to contain them. He was happy that you were calling him Jae again, no one ever really called him that besides Johnny. And at this moment, Jung Jaehyun was content with your interaction. This time, Jaehyun promised himself to buff up and get over everything because, as of now, you two were friends— or at least he’d hoped you were. Luck was on his side and now he didn’t have to ask Wendy about you. He barely even knew the girl.
While in the middle of their shoot, you had intruded to ask some staff how much longer it would take. “Maybe, thirty more minutes? This is the last outfit for the shoot then she’s all yours,” explained one of the makeup artists. “Can I sit here then? Just to wait, and only for ten minutes. I need to set up a little bit soon.” , “Of course you can!” So, scrolling through your phone and occasionally looking up Wendy and Jaehyun had a short five minute break. “Wendy!” , “Y/N!” She waved, getting her lipstick and hair retouched. “I’m about to go to my studio. I’ll see you and the girls then!”
“Sounds good! I’ll see you in about twenty. Bye Y/N!” Sauntering toward the exit, Jaehyun bid you a goodbye as well. “Bye, I hope we meet again soon!” You beckoned. There were no words to describe how Jaehyun was feeling. He had no idea where the sudden burst of confidence came from, but it came then and he was fortunate enough to experience it now. Better now than never, he thought.
The ensuing day, Jaehyun had texted you to eat and catch up over some brunch. “Only if you’re not busy. Which is totally fine if you are. We can reschedule!” You chuckled at the text, he was still the same shy and awkward high school boy from years ago. “I’m down. We can meet at the front of the building at 11:30. I have a meeting to attend first.” , “Great!”
Driving to the label, your routine had been the same as the days before and took the elevator up to the meeting room. Once the boring, yet, necessary meeting was over, you placed your binder of papers on the desk and walked back to the entrance of SM. You smiled when approaching Jaehyun. Tapping on his shoulder, he turned around and returned your smile. “Ready? I’m taking us to The Hideout. I don’t know if you remember but I really liked eating there.” Your smile only grew wider, and your eyes were squinted shut in happiness. “I do remember! We used to always get banana bread and french toast. Gosh, I missed that place! I haven’t been there since 2013.” , “You and me both,” he said on the quieter side, anticipating your ears weren’t able to catch what he had said. You did, but you wanted to convince yourself that this was all in good fun and you two were friends now. It was impossible that after the years that had passed, he still had some sort of romantic feelings for you. But oh boy, were you wrong. He just didn’t want to admit it to you, at least, not yet.
The car ride was exactly the opposite of what you’d thought it was going to be, thankfully. Jaehyun brought so many topics into the conversation during the ride and while you were eating. “We should definitely order the banana bread and french toast! It’s been a while since I had some good brunch food!”
And all of a sudden, after being in the café for a short while, the discussion had gotten more serious, “Look, Y/N. I know I was an ass in the past but I finally had the guts to ask to go out and not bail on you. And I’m incredibly sorry for always ignoring you and not sticking to my words. I’m a jerk that you shouldn't have forgiven but I’m so damn grateful you put up with me for almost a whole decade. Gosh, I’m such a fake person, but I’m here to make up for it. And I’m glad we’re here together, as friends.” Every word that exited Jaehyun’s lips were genuine and sincere. He was happy to finally reconnect with the one he used to call his love. Yet at the same time, he was sorrowful he wasn’t able to reconnect earlier, he was sorrowful that you and he were no longer together. But there was nothing he could do, it was your decision and you both talked it out.
“You’re completely fine! I mean, I get why you didn’t want to talk to me. I broke your heart and you weren’t ready for it. It’s my fault I suppose, I was the one to unexpectedly tell you what was going on. But I’m happy as well. I’m happy you’re doing fine, and I’m happy we’re here as friends. And I’m happy you went on that date with Chaeyoung, you really needed it, I could tell… Oh! Speaking of Chaeyoung I wanted to ask how you two were doing. If the both of you were no longer going out on blind dates.” Your eyes had lit up at the thought of him being in another relationship. “We’re not, unfortunately. She did divulge in her thoughts about me, I just didn’t feel the same, I guess. She was undoubtedly nice but something just didn’t click between the both of us.” The light in your eyes had now dropped down. “That sucks. I’m sorry for asking then.” , “Oh, no! You’re great, I don’t really like blind dates anyway.”
The next half hour had passed by quickly and your manager had called you to meet at the studio for another, abrupt, meeting. “Well let’s go, I don’t want you to be late for that!” Jaehyun was still as kindhearted and delightful as you remembered. It was one of the things you loved and admired about him.
“Maybe we can meet again some time..?” , “We sure can! Honestly, we can just meet at the café on the first floor while you’re working with Wendy. But if you have any other plans, definitely text me! Well, I’ll be off now. I hope you enjoy the rest of the day in SM. Bye Jae.” Turning toward the elevator, Jaehyun admired your figure, then Wendy taps his back, jolting his reflexes. “Woah. Jung Jaehyun, are you interested in L/N, Y/N.” He sighed, a shy and sly smile appeared on his dimpled face. “I am. And I have been for seven whole years. Well, almost seven.” , “Wait, what? What do you mean?”
“I mean that I’ve loved Y/N for that long.... We separated seven years ago and I’m still so damn in love with her. Our anniversary is on June fourth. I want to take her out then and reveal my care for her.” Wendy sighed, patting Jaehyun on his back. “Good luck with that but she doesn’t seem to feel the same way.” The dimples on his face disappeared, “I know… when she and I broke up, she seemed completely fine and I was suffering. And I was a douchebag because I ignored her for years. Now’s the time to recover the time I had missed.” , “Are you going to tell her?” She looked at the taller man who was still staring at the elevator you took to your office. “Eventually….. June fourth, I will. I have to let go of my feelings for her and I think telling her that I still love her will help. That or Johnny just sucks at giving advice.” She sighed, a little disappointed, in a way. “Well, good luck with that. But just don’t think about it now. June fourth is still a couple months away. Just spend more time together and confess to her then. Now, let’s go, they’re going to get mad that we’re late.”
Meeting with Jaehyun over the past two months was very pleasurable. You did miss his old self, you missed hanging out with Jung Jaehyun more than anything. He was such good company once he opened up, it was also one of the things you loved about him.
“Oh my gosh did you remember when Mrs. Yoon caught us making out? Her face was honestly priceless. Man, I hated her being.” He laughed. Of course you remembered, how could you not? “Yeah, she never bothered us the rest of the semester!” Reminiscing you past, the two of you joked around. You fooled around so much that you caught strangers stares.
“Well, I had fun tonight Y/N. I’ll invite you to dinner again soon. But dress up, I think I’m going to reserve a fancy restaurant.” It was quite weird, but it was Jung Jaehyun. And he was a sucker for sentimental moments. “Okay. Thanks for today. I had fun, like always. I’ll see you then. And thanks for the ride, I totally could have drove there myself.” , “I wouldn’t let you do that though.” Standing on your toes, you hugged the man that used to own your heart. “Thank you, Jae.” He hugged back. “Don’t thank me. But I’ll see you soon, yeah?” You nodded and waved as he walked to his car.
While showering your face had dropped, thinking about Jaehyun. You’d hoped he didn’t get any ideas about you having feelings for him. “No, he can’t be into me, after seven years he still can't have the same feelings. That’s impossible.”
June 4, 2020. You vividly remembered the date of your anniversary with Jaehyun. And it was fishy he had texted you, the morning of, about going to Rich Table, a renewed fancy restaurant downtown. “What is this boy up to this time?” You’d thought while reading the text he’d sent you.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Jung Jaehyun
Jaehyun looked in the mirror. Fixing his tie and gelling his hair down, he retold himself, “Just admit that you still love her but you didn’t want things to feel unwieldy. You got this Jung Jaehyun. She’s over you and you have to move on.”
And it breaks me inside, ‘cause I know that it’s been over now.
There were no words in the entirety of the universe to explain how he felt, and how guilty he was since he still loved you. Jaehyun knew you remembered your anniversary, and he felt so distressed about you remembering. He knew you must’ve thought something was wrong.
But you make excuses still, so there’s a reason not to kill every feeling you have for them.
Eight P.M., Thursday June fourth. Like he promised, Jaehyun was at your door by eight sharp. The car ride, this time, had so much unknown tension. And while placing yourselves at the table, there was still absolute silence. It was quiet when you ordered and it continued to stay quiet as you ate, the both of you avoiding eye contact with each other.
“Y/N.... I know what you’re thinking. But I just wanted to take you out today to confess that I am still so in love with you.” You were silent, and looking straight at the table. “I’m sorry I was such a coward after not admitting it to you after years had gone by. But I wanted to find the perfect time to tell you, and I figured today was the right time. I already knew that you knew I had something planned. And I’m sure this wasn’t what you were expecting. I apologize a million times for being such a wuss and not saying anything at all. I thought that trying to meet with you would make every emotion that you taught me, go away. You’re probably mad as I say all this, but I don’t blame you. But those feelings have drifted away slowly…. You know, here and there. So, I wanted to tell you this as friends….. that if…. if you were only a bus ride away, would you see me?” It was hushed for a long moment, until you looked up at him with tears in your eyes. “Of course I would. We’re okay now. Why would you even ask that? And I couldn’t never stay mad at you. I’m not that kind of person, Jaehyun. Just know that we broke up and you were fine with it, and please know that I still have so much love for you in my heart.” He dryly laughed. “But not the same way I do. I missed us a lot, I missed you a fuck-ton. But most importantly, I wanted to say that I miss when you needed me.”
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mockiery · 4 years
Mandalorian Ch 16 "The Rescue" Meta/Fix
So I had a lot of mixed feelings about The Mandalorian season 2 finale, mainly because the execution felt lacking to me. So I fixed it.
I start with my take on what the problem was, but if you want to skip to my fix, feel free! This is mainly for me lol
My problem:
My fundamental problem with Chapter 16, I think comes down to the fact that once they're at the bridge and Luke shows up, things progress for the drama of it, leaving out important pieces of development and narrative satisfaction. Instead of slowing down and taking a minute once Luke is there, they keep it rolling with tension and fan service, hastening the character beats that Din and Grogu need for their seperation to truly be affective in the way it needed to be, not in a way that hurts badly, but in a way that hurts softly, is bittersweet.
The Rescue needed more textual moments examining Din, Grogu, and their relationship. Din's insecurity to be what Grogu needs, and his difficulty in letting him go. Grogu's lack of control and the dangers that presents paired with his attachment to Din.
Grogu going with Luke as is in The Rescue feels like it doesn't have quite enough merit. Grogu's need to be trained and leaving Din needs stronger textual reasoning, because as is, it is largely based in telling rather than showing, dialogue about the dangers of attachments, about Grogu's lack of control. Grogu hasn't been shown to be a danger to himself and others at this point. Or have a clear desire to want to train.
Having Din struggle against one dark trooper earlier in the ep and then the juxtaposition of a jedi coming in and absolutely killing it against a fleet of dark troopers is a good way of leading into Din's feeling of inadequacy for Grogu next to a jedi, but it is not quite right to me as it is presented in the episode. Luke is OP, his arrival and unassisted destruction of the dark troopers is fan service but not enough narrative-serving for me. Too deus ex machina, not giving our characters the chance to bounce off of him in a way that could better the narrative and character development.
Also Luke's role could be another jedi, one we know or a new one, either who can name-drop him as a fellow jedi to train younglings, I don't care.
My Fix:
The dark troopers break through the door when a Jedi/Luke arrive. There is no time to watch him on the monitors, as those on the bridge are now fighting for their lives. Everyone is struggling. Moff Gideon tries to pull something in the chaos but is stopped each time.
Din goes feral in his defense of his child, eventually wielding the dark saber as it is the only effective weapon against the dark troopers. Perhaps Bo Katan picks up the beskar spear when it is thrown from Din's hands. Din wields the Darksaber somewhat recklessly, the adrenaline of protecting Grogu and the newness of the weapon proving a challenge. His beskar saves him from a few close calls of the Darksaber being turned against him.
Everyone is growing overwhelmed as the Dark Troopers refuse to fall. Things look dire. Then, a lightsaber blade is seen swiping through a Dark Trooper, and it drops from the frame, revealing Jedi/Luke. In that moment, saving Grogu when Din struggles to. Jedi/Like continues, laying waste to the Dark Troopers, and Din joins. It's clear that Jedi/Luke has power in a way that Din doesn't, in the same way Grogu does, and knows how to use it.
More Dark Troopers. Din has the upper hand for a bit, but then loses it in a potentially fatal way for a moment, and Grogu acts. To save his dad, he calls on the Force to stop every Dark Trooper in the room. Things finish quickly with this upper hand. Din rushes to his kid. For Grogu, previously weakened by his time captured and his blood taken, it's too much. It hurts/exhausts him. Din panics, holding Grogu in his arms.
Jedi/Luke approaches, lends a force-healing hand while explaining that he's pushed himself too far, overcome with emotion and lacking control. Grogu stirs, and wakes, clearly exhausted but happy to see his dad and a jedi above him.
Din looks to Jedi/Luke, coming to terms with the fact he can't be what Grogu needs when it comes to his abilities. Luke has a look of understanding. Din knows; he has to let Grogu go. It is what is best for him. Grogu reaches for his father. Jedi/Luke same line about Grogu wanting his dad's permission. A line about promising to keep Grogu safe, Luke promises, the jedi temple training ground he has been building on whatever planet is truly safe (Din needs to know where his son is ok). Din starts to ask questions a dad would ask at a jedi pta meeting, though is probably met with a signature jedi vague short answer.
Luke offers Din the opportunity to have a private moment with his son. The rest of the squad look at Luke curiously as Din and Grogu go down the hall to a side room to have their time for goodbye. Alone with his son, the clan of two, Grogu reaches for his father's face. The helmet rises. Din encourages Grogu to go, to not be afraid, that they both know this is what is best for Grogu. Grogu touches his father's face. Din sets him down, kneeling, reaching into his pocket for the little ball to give, but Grogu pushes it back to him, wanting him to keep it. Din has a sad smile.
Din nods Grogu to go, we get the same devastating look on Din's face as he lets his son go. Grogu goes with his dad's blessing and promise to meet again. Din's eyes follow his kid out the door, and he stands and watches as Luke picks him up in the hallway. Luke sees Din's face bc he can't find it in him to put the helmet on while Grogu is still looking him. Din stands in the doorway, watching Grogu and Jedi/Luke go to the elevator. Grogu, over Luke's shoulder, has the mando necklace in hand, and Din has the little ball in his. If any of the others get a glance at Din from the bridge down the hall, it's just some of the back of his head.
The elevator door seals shut. Din turns back into the side room. He picks up his helmet and gives it a long look. Looks to the ball, takes a moment, then returns the helmet to it's rightful place on his head. He breathes, then steps out from the side room, returning to the bridge with the others.
Bo Katan and Cara Dune are holding Moff Gideon securely, and as Din returns Cara gives him a sympathetic, comforting look.
Through the bridge windows, Din sees the x-wing take off. Sees his son go. Let's his son go. It's difficult. The camera shifts from the view of the X-wing entering hyperspace, then gone, down to Din's hand, gripping the ball tightly. A beat as the X-wing is gone, the music swell shifting. The camera shifts in angle, zooming out some, from the ball in his hand to the Darksaber, now on Din's belt. Low shot of Bo Katan staring down at the Darksaber pointedly. Moff Gideon sees her glare. And he smiles. Cut to black, credits.
(Oh and if the jedi who showed up in this version wasn't Luke then little blip of Grogu arriving to the jedi training temple and seeing Luke and then cut to black.)
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keitheaverage · 5 years
something occurred to me just recently. I’m not here to shake the table or put words in any creators’ mouths, so bear with me, and take this with a big ol’ grain of salt.
Here’s my theory: Tugger’s role got greatly diminished in the 2019 movie because of the fact that he is widely recognized by fans to be an either bi or pansexual character.
Now I know what you’re thinking: “Riley you absolutely buckwild buffoon, what would make you reach for such a conclusion?”
Well, I don’t think it takes a film major to see that Tugger’s sexuality is a huge part of who he is. Not to mention his song is supposed to be about how strangely fickle he is about his preferences, about how he’s always changing his focus from one desire to the next, and the older cats being disgusted and annoyed with his habits and with the fact that he’s so brazen about his sexuality. (Sound familiar, my fellow bi/pans?) In some productions of the musical he flirts with both toms and queens in equal amounts. The 1998 version with John Partridge playing Tugger, AKA the most widely-available version that most fans have seen and accept as the definitive version, radiates bi energy.
But my one big “piece of evidence” is Mr. Mistofelees’ number. In most versions of the play, Tugger is the one singing it, right? And while obviously the amount of homoerotic subtext depends greatly on whoever is playing each tom in what show, the fans, at least, have Gone There. Even the actors of the 2016 Broadway Revival were saying Tuggoffelees Rights! Nothing is confirmed, but the subtext is There, sis.
And I think this means that, retroactively, ALW has become aware of that fact. Because who did they choose to sing (or at the very least lead) Misto’s number in the 2019 film? Victoria. Y’know, his love interest?? That thing we were all saying that Tugger was to Misto since 1998 at least?
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(more rambling under the cut)
Now one might ask, “Oh yeah? well if Tugger being a bi-con got him the ax, then why didn’t they ax Misto as well?” Because he’s an integral part of the plot, Karen: they need him and his magic to snatch Old Deuteronomy out of Macavity’s clutches. So they shoehorned in a m/f romance with him and Victoria and hoped nobody would notice (said with no disrespect to Mistoria shippers, of course, but this just didn’t vibe well with me).
But since just about anyone could sing Misto’s number (well, preferably anyone with an iota of chemistry with him), there wasn’t much else protecting Tugger’s role from getting diminished greatly. And not just in Misto’s song (though that does smart pretty hard), but in the movie he dips like the second his song is over and doesn’t even get his solo in Old Deuteronomy’s number. We only see him again for a few uncomfortable seconds of Bustopher Jones’ number and sometimes kinda-sorta in spurts during the Jellicle Ball.
Now, I know this is accusing ALW of a lot (bc while he did have a hand in the movie, Hooper is the director and likely is making the big calls for how this all plays out), but we are talking about the same dude who wrote Love Never Dies nearly 30 years after the bittersweet-but-important ending of POTO just so he could write Raoul as a total dick and Erik could flex on his ex. Not to mention, if we’re gonna talk about diminished/downright axed roles, let’s mention how they completely cut Jemima’s role out of the movie. You know who played Jemima in the original 1981 London play? ALW’s ex-wife, Sarah Brightman (who also played the OG Christine in POTO when the two were still together, which makes LND slap juuust a little different). I’m not saying he did it for that very reason, but I’m also not saying that I’d put it past him.
Now motive-wise, I don’t have anything to say that ALW and/or Hooper whittling Tugger’s role down was in anyway driven by personal bias or anything like that, like cutting Jemima’s role could have been, but this is a major motion film made for international release, so despite us heading into the year of our lord 2020, we’re still hardpressed to find decent LGBT representation since filmmakers are still trying to make their films marketable to countries with much less tolerating opinions on LGBT people. D!$ney allegedly did the same thing to Shang from Mulan in the remake because of his supposed attraction to both Mulan herself, and to her more male-presenting persona, Ping.
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pictured: me, thinking I’ve hit some galaxy-brain level of enlightenment as I ramble incoherently
So, in short: I think that the people behind Cats 2019 cut the Rum Tum Tugger’s role substantially from the film because they, at the very least recognize RTT as a highly-theorized-as-Bi/Pan character, and since that plays quite a role into his identity, and most importantly, to his relationship with Mr. Mistoffelees, they reduced his role greatly so that they could keep the PG rating and sell the movie to international markets.
But hey, that’s just a theory. Chances are, all of this is just be one big coincidence and I’m reaching for the sky here as the average fandom Tumblr user does; but if it was true, then I would not be surprised at all.
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knoxhq · 4 years
► ( rudy pankow & cis male ) according to the school’s records, knox drury is a 22-YEAR-OLD senior studying political science, and he lives over in moriarty. he is a gemini, so that must be why others describe him as dignified, humorous, cowardly and naive. when i see him, i’m reminded of walking into class an hour late with sunglasses on, the feeling of anticipation as you wait for a firework to fully blossom, the sound of party music leaking through the walls of a bathroom. ( gibby, 20, they/them, est. ) ◄
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hello everyone !! so i won’t even lie to u guys, i am NERVOUS and it’s literally only bc this is the first group i’ve joined in so long like dfdhkjsfjad the last group i was in was almost a year ago but i ended up having to leave due to personal reasons and didn’t get to write so like !!! idk i’m excited !! anyways w that in mind, pls bARE with me bc i have like one (1) braincell and i forgot how to write intros. anyways enough of me rambling, lemme give you knox !!
also this is a bad intro pls dont judge me im trying 2 like. rewrite what i had b4 the storm took it out n like, i lost the braincell
full name: knox hale drury.
nicknames: drury.
age: twenty two.
gender and pronouns: cis male and he/him
sexual & romantic orientations: bisexual, biromantic, femme leaning.
major: political science.
housing: moriarty.
triggers: implied bullying, police and incarceration ( dw i didn’t make him jj 2.0 ).
nobody gets to pick their beginnings. it’s something that people tell knox all the time, hell, it’s plastered in every stupid coming of age movie, book, film, everything he’s ever seen. you don’t pick who your born into, you don’t pick who you get to be. and to an extent, he does think that this is true but he can’t help but wonder if maybe, if people could pick, if they’d pick differently. because he knows he certainly would pick differently.
it’s not that he even came from a bad home - hell no, he had the most loving family ever. his mother was a saint, a warm sensation bubbling up in his chest when he thinks about her warm cookies or the way she tried to still tuck him in even as a teenager. his father had his flaws, we all do, but he was a good and honest man. hardworking, he showed knox what that stupid american dream is that everyone likes to preach about. 
no, it had nothing to do with them but rather the overall opinion on him and his family. see, the drury’s weren’t well liked - they were seen as lowlives and as shady, the kind of people who you’d only go to if you wanted to get stabbed in the back. generations of drury’s fit this narrative but no, his father was determined to change that. and so was he, even if nobody around him seemed to want to give him a chance. 
knox would go throughout school with this name attached to him like a dagger to his throat - whisperings in the hallway of, “oh, my mom said the drury boy might be steal things if you let him over,” and other random, rude remarks. of course, the people that get close to him know better - they see him for who he really is.
that person is knox. he’s a golden light, often more selfless than the rich pricks who run that small town. he’d give his jacket or umbrella to people even if they didn’t ask if it just so happened to be raining outside, and despite the fact that his family didn’t have a lot, he’d still go out of his way to try to give when he could. 
he eventually graduated high school - one of the top people in his class due to his father’s encouragement, and after a lot of debate, settled on attending haddon university - miles away from that sweet, small little hometown he knew, but a fresh start where he didn’t have to work for anything. he could just go in being him, with nobody attaching a new narrative to him. it was what he wanted, what he dreamed of.
and he loved it. his first semester there was memorable as he found himself surrounded by new friends and people he even considered family. back home, however, things were slipping.
the drury family was never rich, ever by any means, but business was low. nobody wanted to go there, fearing that his father was just as shady as his grandfather. as things got worse, his father had to resort to other needs - stealing, lying about taxes, and doing everything he could to try to make it by. 
it finally caught up to him when knox came home for spring break - red and blue lights flashing outside as loud noises went on throughout the house, until finally someone swung knox’s door open and briefly blinded him with a flashlight, demanding to know where his father was. by the time knox got a grasp on the situation, his father was being rushed off in the back of a cop car. 
he plead guilty almost immediately and for the next few months, knox did school from home to stay with his mother. it was then that he switched his major from what had initially been just a vague, business degree to political science in hopes of going into law after getting that degree - a way of changing things, of helping people so they never got to that point. 
for now though, he’s gone back to haddon’s campus where he study’s away and occasionally finds himself slipping and partying, glasses always covering his eyes as he slinks back class, getting almost nO sleep every night.
so i need u to know right now... knox is baby, FDSHJDFSHAJK
like he’s not by any means like he’s kinda a gross dude like, absolutely randomly burps n is like lol oops n shit, very little manners, will grab clothes off of the floor to put them on kind of man BUT LIKE as a whole ?? he means very well FDSJFAHJ he’s very gentle and will sit there and admire flowers on a bush and then get mad if u pick one bc ur hurting it like. he’s baby.
he also is very loyal to the ppl he’s friends w tbh like. damn he will never leave ur side
that also makes him kinda... super, actually, naive. you see, while knox is incredibly loyal, he often finds himself ignoring signs of toxicity for the sake of preserving a friendship - he fights for people who won’t fight for him, he lets people back in too easily, he just. he sees the good in everyone, even if there isn’t any good.
regardless, he’s not easy to just... manipulate to an extent. while he’ll fall for you being innocent, you can’t ever try to make him think he’s something he’s not - he knows his intentions and he knows they’re usually pure and he’s not gonna fold for anyone if it comes down to him or them. 
bt like again he’s baby
like i dont think he ever gets mad but damn when he does its probs scary as shit like bc he nEVER gets mad !!! hes like. a golden retriever ig
if u cannot tell im trying really hard not to make him too much like jj bc i realize that might be a big thing ppl do n i dont think jj is baby bt like. knox? knox is baby DSFHJKFDHKJ 
he’s just. idk. he’s very protective and cares about his friends a lot and will walk you home even if you went to HIS place and like is always ready to give you a jacket if it’s raining and he’s just lowkey a big, kinda dumb at times, teddy bear and i think that’s valid tyvm 
wanted connections.
friends. — please. knox will lOVE ur muses just let him be their friend tyvm plus he’s a bit of a social butterfly now and i think he’d honestly have a lot of friends.
best friend. — i’m gonna keep this to one muse bc idk i think it’d be really cute if knox got to have his own like, ride or die where they care abt him as much as he cares about them and they’re always there for each other and like !!! that’s cute !!! also found family trope bc i think that is.. again, kyoot, ty
frienemies. — so these are always like, super fun to plot out and i think there’s a lot to work w here... like give me ppl who are happy that knox is loyal and would defend them but would push knox to the side n not do the same for him... also friendships where knox fucked up ?? where knox, despite his goodness, couldn’t keep his mouth shut and revealed a secret to their friend group bc u see he can kinda be a gossip fsjfdaskj. idk there’s a lot u can do n i’d love to brainstorm!
enemies. — pls. like. we can brainstorm this too so i dont just ramble but pLEASE?? please.
flings. — honestly romantic ships are not the point of rps but romantic flings and stuff can be really fun to plot and i love getting soft about them so like ?? idk dude lets fling it up n have muses date for two weeks n then break up like thats swexi, dramatic, 10/10
exes. — i mean this is kind of like flings but i have an idea... give me an ex of knox’s who really was like. everything knox wanted. hell, the two had a really good relationship - they were in love and etc etc gushy details but they ended up breaking up bc they just. they weren’t meant to be! as sad as it is like it was as simple as that! and then the angst comes in after they break up bc god they still love each other so much but they just aren’t meant to be and they see them with other people and oh it just hurts but like, bonus points if they manage to become good friends even after this !! (sidenote, idk i wouldn’t want this to be a full ship tht gets back together bc idk i think there’s a bittersweetness in stuff like this n its just. like. its ok !!! idk !!! )
roommates. — and they were roomates- fdshjkfdsahjk
other things. — honestly these are half assed plots but i’m down for anything !!! i’m still fleshing out knox a lil too bc i really did make him on the spot so pls bare w me :)
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utopianvoices · 5 years
bittersweet | k.seungmin
↭ genre: barista au; fluff 
↭ word count: 4.24k
↭ description: Your blind date went to the depths of shit, but was that an entirely bad thing?
↭ a/n: finally a seungmin fic aksdj i always feel some kind of guilt when i don’t see fics under certain members :( it’s also not proofread oops hehe hope y’all like it!! x 
↭ warnings: explicit language
“Come on, Y/n. Just one date?” your best friend pestered you. “You haven’t been out in that field for months and don’t you think it’s time to move on from Mr. Dickhead?” 
“This is the fifth time you’re asking me this week, and my answer is still no, Minho,” you said calmly, letting out a sigh once again, shaking your head. “You’re making me sigh so much, I’m going to grow older faster.”
Truth be told, you were heartbroken.
It was your first-ever relationship, lasting for about a year and a half when suddenly, said boyfriend wasn’t giving you as much attention and love as before. No calls, no texts, fewer meetups, and more avoidance. 
It had started about a year into your relationship — which you thought to be the happiest time of your relationship, seeing that you had reached the first milestone. But fate had different plans.
Initially, you just made excuses for him, blaming it on practices (he was on the school’s basketball team), convincing yourself that he couldn’t hang out with you because he was too tired after practice. But once off-seasons hit, you were left with no other reason to hold on to your relationship. The truth was glaring in your face, and yet you still decided to put on your pair of ignorant sunglasses and carry on as if nothing was wrong.
The first hit was when you saw him out at a restaurant with his teammates, after telling you that he was not able to hang out with you because he was down with a really bad flu and had to stay in bed. 
It was like the whole universe was trying to convince you to let him go, that he was definitely not worth your time and energy.
You still didn’t let go. 
Years of watching clichéd and unrealistic rom-coms had started to take its toll on the rational part of your brain, the part that was screaming the very obvious and correct answer at you, every time you saw him. You wished you had listened to that part of you, because a few days later, you saw him show up to school with another girl, arms around her waist, looking the happiest he has ever looked. 
Your eyes met from across the hallway, one pair reflecting hurt and the other nonchalance. He felt zero remorse for what he had done, and that was what hurt the most. 
"Am I bad in relationships?” you asked out of the blue, surprising the boy beside you. “Am I going to be single for the rest of my life?” 
“No, Y/n. You’re not bad. You just happened to fall for the wrong person. But trust me, when you find the right one, you’ll have a blast because that’s what you deserve,” Minho said firmly, sending you a slight smile at the end of his little speech.
“You know, you’re not that bad when you’re not acting like a sassy little bitch,” you say, blocking the pillow that came flying towards not a second later, soft chuckles escaping your mouth. “But really, thanks Minho. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Die alone.”
“And, he’s back,” you say, rolling your eyes at your intolerable best friend. “So... Um, what were you saying about that date?”
And as those words leave your mouth, you get the shock of your life, because you have never seen your best friend get that excited.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
Pushing the door to the little coffee shop near your campus, the little bell tinkles above your head, causing a series of “Welcome” to echo through your ears as the workers behind the cafe put on the brightest and fakest smile to make sure you believe that they’re having the time of their lives working long hours after school, and occasionally dealing with snobs just to make sure they’re able to afford basic necessities such as air, water, food, and shelter. 
Walking up to the counter, you are served by a face you had never seen before, considering the fact that you were a regular and loyal customer. If your mind wasn’t occupied with pre-date jitters, you totally would’ve chosen the table at the far right — perfect view, and all — to admire the faces stressing out behind the counter. 
“Hi! What can I get you today?” the boy speaks up, flashing you a smile that almost made you think he enjoyed serving you. 
“I’ll get a vanilla latte, please,” you say, fishing around your bag for your wallet, as the boy in front of you entered your order into the machine. After considering it for a while, you decided to get something for your date as well. “Actually make that two vanilla lattes. And a chocolate chip muffin too.”
The boy nods, adding your extra orders in. “Can I get your name?” he asks, grabbing a marker, tip hovering over the plastic cup, as waited for an answer.
“Nice name,” he said with a smile, not looking up at you as he wrote it down. “Here for a first date?”
Taken aback by his straightforward behaviour, you look up, surprised that he had noticed. “Yea, how’d you notice?” 
He moves over a few steps towards the coffee machine, as he starts prepping your drink, causing your feet to involuntarily shuffle towards the direction in which he was moving. 
“Your body language kind of gave it away,” he started, speaking over the loud coffee machine. “Psych major, and all that. Why so nervous?”
“It’s because I don’t even know the guy,” you said, and immediately realising how that sounded, frantically added more to your sentence. “I mean, it’s a blind date, of sorts. My best friend wouldn’t stop bugging me to go on a date because apparently, I need to move on from horribles ex’s.”
The boy in front of you nodded understandingly, finishing up your order during your little rant. You were not sure why you opened up to him —a complete stranger. But somehow it didn’t feel forced. On the contrary, it felt almost natural.
“Well, here’s your order Ms. Y/n, and I hope you have a great date!” he said, passing you the tray with your drinks and confectionary on it, nodding with a smile as he noticed you had tipped him quite generously. What? Anyone who listened to one of your rants deserved some kind of compensation. 
Mhm, sure. Definitely not because he was cute or anything. 
You rolled your eyes to yourself, ignoring the little voice that was whispering absurd but otherwise true things in your mind. 
You walk over to the back of the cafe and whip out your phone, tapping on your frequently contacted list and drafting a message to the number at the top of that list.
you: whr is he cat boy: patience, little one. he said he’s reaching cat boy: you’re sitting at the back right? you: yea cat boy: he said he’s there. look for someone wearing red plaid. g’luck be urself  cat boy: but not too much bcs u’ll scare him away you: gtfo cat boy: if he says anything stupid or is mean just sent me a text. he might be sung’s friend, but anyone who messes with my best friend answers to my hammer-like fists you: mjölnir is shaking in thor’s hands
Putting your phone away, you look up, and true enough, you see a rather dashing boy in red plaid, standing at the entrance and looking towards the back of the cafe in confusion. Unsure of what to do, you awkwardly raise your hand, in hopes that he would understand your pathetic attempts in trying to get him to notice you without attracting too much attention. 
Soon enough the both of you made eye contact, a smile blooming on his face as he walked over towards you.
“Hi, I’m Hyungsik! Jisung’s friend,” he said, extending a hand out. “You must be Y/n.”
You reach over and shake his hand, returning his smile with your own, letting out a “yes” to his question. 
“I got a drink for you!” you said, pushing one of the lattes towards him. “I didn’t know what you’d like so I just went with a safe option,”
“Oh no,  I don’t drink coffee from here,” he said, pushing the cup back towards you. “The ingredients are cheap and low quality, my body just won’t be able to accept it.”
Thinking back to the days where you lived off of instant noodles because you just were too lazy to cook for yourself, or when you finished a whole tub of ice cream while watching a movie, you felt your face slowly heat up as you let out an awkward chuckle, hoping that he’d drop that topic.
“Actually I wouldn’t really have chosen this place — not really my scene. I usually go over to the cafe on Main Street,” he continued, adding more and more details about the exquisite dishes they serve there and the ingredients they use. 
Just as you were starting to zone out (something that you should never be doing on a date), another question was thrown in your way. 
“So, Y/n, what is your family like?”
“Uh, so I have my parents and no siblings. They live in-” you started, but got cut off almost right after. 
“Mhm interesting. Do they own any companies or any own businesses?” 
Now you were confused. 
“No they don’t?” you answered, your answer sounding more like a question. 
You noticed the slight fall of expression from his face, as he heard that you were not some rich spoiled brat who got plenty of money from her parents. 
“I see. Because you know, my ex-girlfriend’s parents had this huge company? Really rich people, just like my parents,” he continued, once again falling into a whole ramble about how great his ex-girlfriend was or something like that; you weren’t listening. 
Instead, you were hurriedly typing on your phone, as you just continued to smile and nod at something the boy in front of you was saying. 
you: sos you: can you call me and start crying or smth you: i’m going to kill myself if i hear him talk about how his dog shits gold or wtv you: minhO CHECK UR PHONE ITS A LEVEL 9 EMERGENCY you: ugh you suck
Realising that your best friend wasn’t going to come to your rescue, you resorted to cutting the boy off with the lamest excuse you can think of.
“Hey, can you give me a moment? My hands are kind of dirty after eating the muffin,” you say, slowly getting up even before you could receive an answer. 
“Um sure,” the boy in front of you said, looking slightly perturbed at the fact that someone could even afford to get their hands dirty. Not in his rich household. 
Shooting him a final smile, you walk over to the small sink at the side of the cafe, gripping the sides of the sink as you regulate your breathing, unsure of how to get away from that not-so-amazing date you were having. 
“Need help?” 
Your head whipped up at the familiar voice, as the barista who made you your order stood beside you, tray in hand, as he looked upon you with concern. Who would blame him though — you looked like you were about to enter panic mode any moment.
“I-I, uh-” you stuttered, internally smacking yourself for not being able to form coherent sentences making you look more of an idiot than you already seemed like. But thankfully, someone was able to put two and two together. 
“Bad date, huh?” he said, setting the tray down on the counter beside him and shooting you a sad smile. 
You let out a breath of relief, somewhat happy that you didn’t have to explain yourself. “Yeah. I’m trying to think of ways to escape.”
“I’ve got an idea. Wanna hear it?”
“Colour me interested.”
Smiling at your response, the boy laid out his plans in front of you, making you both feel like you were in another episode of True Detective or something. 
“When you go back there, just make small conversation for five minutes. My shift’s over, so I’ll come there and pretend to be your best friend, saying there’s some emergency. Once we convince him that someone’s dying, we’ll go out the back door and escape from there. Cool?”
“Totally cool.”
With an encouraging nod from the boy in front of you, you take a deep breath and walk towards the dreaded table at the back, as you see your date scrolling through his phone, impatient sighs escaping him every 10 seconds. 
“I’m back!” you say, faking some enthusiasm as you finally take a seat. “Sorry, there was a problem with the... tap.”
Hearing your voice, Hyungsik set his phone down onto the table, smiling at your return. “Ah, you see, that’s the problem with these low-quality cafes. Nothing ever works right.”
And just like that, you both were back to your conversation about how he thought Gucci was better than Louis Vuitton. Not that you could relate, your go-to was definitely plain ol’ H&M.
As promised, four minutes later, you were met with a frantic looking boy, dressed in a dark blue denim jacket and a pair of black jeans. 
“Hey Y/n! I’ve been trying to call your phone for the past half an hour! You’ve got to come with me now,” he said, hands flailing around frantically as you were trying to best to hold back the laugh that was threatening to spill out any moment. 
“Hey....” you started, coming to a sudden halt as you realised something. You didn’t know this boy’s name. But you were not going to let that small setback hinder your whole plan. 
“Hey... Bob! Long time no see,” you say, mentally facepalming yourself for thinking of the lamest name ever. “What’s up? Sorry, I’m just on a really amazing date right now that I couldn’t check my phone.”
Okay, maybe you were exaggerating a bit, but who cares? You had to milk out the best outcome possible from this little skit. 
“Oh hi. I’m Bob, Y/n’s best friend. Sorry to cut your amazing date short, but I really gotta bring Y/n with me now. Her dog was just admitted to the hospital,” he said, not even sparing Hyungsik, who was now looking extremely confused, a glance. 
“What? I better leave now. Sorry for cutting the date short, Hyungsik!” you said, quickly grabbing your things and leaving before your date figured out what was happening with your terrible acting. 
“Yea... See you-” Hyungsik started, but was left alone before he could finish his sentence. 
You sprint out the back door, as planned, with “Bob” leading the way, falling into a heap of laughter as you were sure the door was closed behind you. 
“What kind of a name is Bob?! Seriously, Y/n?” the boy asked, trying to catch his own breath after the laughing fit. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t do well under pressure!” you defended yourself, wiping the stray tears that escaped the corners of your eyes. “Hey, but thank you so much for helping me out. I probably would’ve gone mad.”
“Anytime!” he said, finally settling down only to warm your heart with a small smile on his face. “It’s Seungmin, by the way.”
“Definitely better than Bob.”
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
As you open the door to your shared apartment, you are almost immediately engulfed in a hug, as this person hugging you chants “I’m sorry” over and over again like some cult leader. 
“Okay, Minho, I got it. You can let go now.”
“I can’t believe I forgot to charge my phone like who does that?” your best friend screeched, tugging at his hair as he looked at you as if he had committed a murder. “I’m a horrible best friend.” 
You roll your eyes at his dramatic antics and grab him by the collar, dragging him towards the couch and throwing him on it. “Nobody died. I’m alive and fine. Phones die all the fucking time. Get your shit together, Lee Minho.”
“B-but...” your friend stuttered, pout already forming on his lips. 
If there was one thing about Minho that everyone knew about, it was his tendency to blame everything on himself. Even if it wasn’t his fault and he had no control over it whatsoever. 
“Enough about that. Are you gonna hear my interesting story or not?” you said, a playful smirk playing at your lips as your best friend perks up at the fact that you were about to share your day with him. 
Nodding his head to signify that he was ready and listening, you narrated that day’s happenings. 
“So, basically he was cute and all, but all he could talk about was how high class he was? And how he didn’t like to enter, and I quote, low-class cafes,” you say, earning an offended gasp from Minho. “And on top of that, he looked disappointed when he found out that I didn’t own some hugeass business or whatever.” 
“Mhm, right. That’s when I messaged you and tried my best to get out of the situation, but you couldn’t reply,” you continue, hastily adding on a “but that wasn’t your fault because phone batteries suck,” when you see Minho’s face drop into a slight pout. 
“I had to get out of that place so I just went over to the sink and tried to think of ways to escape when the barista that took my order offered to help,” you say, thinking back to Seungmin’s cute smile. “So he just came over and pretended to be my best friend and said there was an emergency and kind of just dragged me away through the back door.” 
You were unaware of the fact that your face softened at the mention of your saviour, but it didn’t go unnoticed by the boy in front of you, who was studying your every facial expression since you started your little story. 
“Barista, huh?” Minho started, smirk evident on his face. “Was he cute?” 
You slowly felt the heat creep up your cheeks as you fiddled with your fingers, a sign that you were flustered. 
“Does it matter?” 
“Yes, yes it does, Y/n. It matters a whole lot,” Minho teased, glad that he had grabbed the perfect opportunity to annoy you. “It matters because the blush on your face is giving me many, many indications on how you feel about this barista of yours.”
“Shut your mouth, dipshit. There’s nothing like that,” you counter, desperately praying for the heat to leave your face.
“Whatever you say, m’love.” 
You roll your eyes for the umpteenth time, leaving to prepare for bed, as that day’s events replayed in your mind. You weren’t sure how to feel about the barista occupying your mind, but all you knew was that you had to see him again. 
After all, you didn’t manage to get his number. 
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
The familiar ring of the small bell fills your ear as you step foot into the same cafe you were in four days ago. You had actually planned to go the day after, but you were, sadly, a college student who apparently had to go to classes to make sure your grades don’t fall below expectations. 
“Welcome to SKZ ca-” Seungmin started, instinctively, until he saw the person who had entered the cafe. “Y/n! You’re back!” 
“I am!” you say, with equal enthusiasm, as you walk up towards the counter and get your wallet ready. 
“Another blind date?” Seungmin teased, wiping his hands on a paper towel as he walked up towards the main counter. 
“Shut up,” you deadpanned, shaking your head at the boy’s little jab. “I came here for some caffeine because I am currently behind on my assignments and I don’t really feel like repeating this semester. Any drinks to recommend?” 
“Relatable,” Seungmin grimaced, thinking about the pile of assignments in his bag that was locked up in the staff locker. “How about an iced americano? The ice will definitely make sure that you’re wide awake, maybe more so than the coffee itself.”
“Sure, anything to keep me from snoring away on that table,” you replied, letting a tired sigh escape your lips. “I wish Minho was here to study with me, ugh. I hate studying alone.” 
Although that last sentence was muttered under your breath, Seungmin’s ear still caught it, his mind immediately whirring with solutions. 
“I finish my shift in about an hour,” he started cautiously, not knowing what your answer would be. “Maybe, we could study together?” 
You freeze on the spot and slowly look up at the boy in front of you, unsure if you had heard him correctly, but the look on his face told you that you had heard him perfectly well. 
You let out a breathy laugh and nod your head. “Sure, I’d love that.” 
“Great! Drink’s on me then!” Seungmin grinned, fishing out his own card to pay for your drink and the muffin (he took the liberty to add it in for you), and left to make the drink before you could even start to protest. 
You shake your head and walk towards the table against the window, big enough for two people, and set your heavy bag down as you plopped onto one of the seats. 
Not wasting any time, you grab your laptop and your notes, diving right into your assignments, afraid that you’d change your mind and go back home if you procrastinated one second longer. 
One hour later, you’re halfway through your drink and there are crumbs left on the pastry plate, as you hurriedly type away on your laptop, initially not noticing Seungmin walking towards your table, out of his work attire and school bag slung over his shoulders. 
“Move slightly forward and you’ll fall into your computer screen,” a familiar voice rang out, causing you to snap out of your bubble and focus on the boy taking his seat in front of you. “I’m surprised you don’t wear glasses.”
“I do wear glasses, just not often,” you replied, going back to your essay on how Shakespeare had made a change in the world’s arts. Seriously, who cared. All you got out from your literature lectures were that you could annoy Minho by talking in Shakespearean English for a whole day. He definitely did not appreciate that. 
Realising that you were in your zone and that he shouldn’t disturb you, Seungmin grabbed his own pile of worries and got to work, the fatigue of working a four-hour shift after school slowly catching up to him. 
Three hours later, and you finally stop tapping away incessantly on your computer, leaning back in your chair and stretching your arms above your head. 
“Hey Seungmin, I’m do-” you started, but abruptly cut yourself off as you see Seungmin’s head resting on his hand, eyes closed as he let out even breaths, indicating that he was fast asleep. 
Seeing that he was exploring dreamland, you took this opportunity to admire the boy’s features, in a non-creepy way, of course. The way his left cheek was slightly chubbier than his right, and the little mole on his cheek, or even how brown his eyes we- Wait. 
You shouldn’t be able to see the colour of his eyes if he was sleeping. 
Just like that, you stare into the eyes of the cute barista in front of you, unable to tear your gaze away, even as colour rushes to your cheek as you realise that you have been caught admiring him. 
“Take a picture, Y/n, it’ll last longer,” he said, not passing up on the opportunity to tease you even though it had been less than a minute since he was awake. 
“I-I wasn’t staring,” you started, immediately falling into defensive mode, as embarrassment took over every cell in your body. “I was about to wake you up, okay.”
“Sure,” he humoured you, but not stopping the smile that was spreading across his face. 
“Oh, look at the time! It’s time for me to go back!” you said, frantically packing up your things as you wished to get away from the cafe as far as possible until you were sure that your heart wasn’t going to burst. 
But just as you were reaching for the last piece of paper on your desk, a hand stopped you, forcing you to look up at the boy who’s eyes you had been avoiding for the past few minutes. 
“Um, do you think we can do this tomorrow?” he started, eyes darting around everywhere except your eyes. “But without the studying?”
You could feel your heart abruptly stop, as your mind slowly processed the question that had just left Seungmin’s mouth. Was he implying what you thought was implying? The only way to find out was to ask. 
“Like a date?” you asked, voice small due to the lack of courage. 
“Like a date,” the boy confirms, eyes finally meeting yours, as he awaits your answer. 
It hadn’t been long since you met him, but you couldn’t deny the fact that something was blossoming between you, whether it be a strong friendship or something more. And you were willing to find out.
“Let’s do it.” 
∞ end ∞
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toxicbolts · 7 years
the reason i cant enjoy aa that much anymore it’s bc of that ex friend who was stalking me (if youre there, hi!) even if i was the one who introduced her to that fandom... but the weird feeling is mostly about the main games and not aai/aai2/dgs/plvsaa. so maybe i should try playing dgs or something
and yeah i have tried getting attached to the games again, but they still have a bittersweet taste... THE THING IS, i refuse to let her poison my interests, okay. they were my interests before i even met her
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rainbowoffics · 7 years
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FIC REC’S OF 2017 part 4 (march-april)
Perfect Storm by cherrystreet (80k) CHAPTERED 
What do you do when your best friend asks you and your (now) ex to be the best men at his destination wedding? You can either tell him the truth, tell him you’re not together anymore, and deal with the consequences, or you can pretend you’re still together and roll with it, just pray you don’t spiral. Fake it ‘til you make it. You know, for the sake of the wedding.
Harry and Louis choose the latter.   FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP WITH A TWIST
You Always Seem To Bring Me Light by sinisterist (18k) CHAPTERED
He jumps when he feels a hand stroking his hair lightly. “I love it like this,” Louis murmurs, reaching to tug a wayward curl.
“Love what like this?”
“Your hair.” Louis’ touch is hesitant, almost reverent, all trace of humour gone now. “When it’s still kind of damp but the ends are dry and curl up like corkscrews. It’s supposed to look gross but it doesn’t.” He pauses before continuing quietly. “Your curls are so lovely.”
Harry swallows. Louis is a hurricane, and amidst his whirlwind of emotions, he slowly says; deliberately says, “So are you.”
In a world where YouTuber baker Harry pines for the (inconveniently taken) Louis. In other words, another YouTuber AU.
Emperor’s New Clothes by sunsetmog (92k) CHAPTERED
The fact that Louis’s most precious belonging was a cat with a face like thunder and an uncanny ability to cover every single inch of Louis’s clothing with cat hair was something that Louis chose not to think about too much.
or: Harry’s a pop star and Louis isn’t, and there’s a non-disclosure agreement where there used to be a relationship. SECRET RELATIONSHIP
Flour And Chocolate by teaandtumblr (145k) CHAPTERED 
It was nice, for a bakery he supposed.
Then he approached the display cabinet.
And the foreboding slammed into him. Because every product had letters next to it. Letters. GF, DF, V, O, VGN.
What. The. Fuck?
Lifting his eyes to the chalkboard menu spread across the back wall Louis felt physically ill. ‘Gluten-free’, ‘organic’, ‘vegan’, ‘paleo’, ‘dair-…’ Wait, what the fuck was a paleo? He had entered some hipster-trash establishment and it was more than time to get out.
OR Louis is a single dad and Harry works at the newly opened bakery down the street. KID FIC, SINGLE DAD!LOUIS, BAKER!HARRY
Needing You More And More, Let’s Give Love A Try by supernope (33k) ONE SHOT
'Do not get hard, do not get hard,' Harry chants in his head. It’s working, but Harry still breathes a silent sigh of relief when Louis lets go of his wrists and clambers off of him. He doesn’t move for a moment, just watches Louis fuss nervously with his fringe before saying, “Why don’t we go walk off breakfast?”
Harry only hesitates for a second, then nods. He gets to his feet with a quiet, “Be right back,” and heads back to his bedroom to get dressed. Once safely enclosed in his room, Harry glares down at his belly and scolds, “It’s bad enough that you’re messing with my body temperature, do you have to mess with those hormones, too?”
There’s no answer from the baby, but Harry takes that as surrender. Pausing by his bed, Harry takes a second to shake off the residual, lingering embers of arousal before choosing an outfit for the walk. He’s already pregnant with a stranger’s baby, the last thing he needs right now is to be lusting after his best friend.
[OR when Harry gets pregnant after a one night stand, Louis helps him get everything together, from buying pregnancy clothes to taking him on a babymoon. Somewhere along the way, they realize that their feelings for each other are more than platonic.] MPREG!HARRY, FRIENDS TO LOVERS
May You Enjoy Your New Life by aimmyarrowshigh (264k) CHAPTERED
It begins for them all at the bungalow –
'Alright, time to lay out the cards. We’re in this together and hopefully, for the long haul, yeah? So I think – you know, we should just be honest. It’s deal-breakers time. That thing that like, if we’re gonna hate you or something, just tell us all now.'
When One Direction begins, Harry Styles is a sixteen-year-old boy foundering under the pressure of impending fatherhood. His ability to balance the sobering responsibility of caring for his tiny daughter, Millie, and the exhilaration of seeing his own dreams coming to fruition affects not only his future, but those of Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis, who never expected fealty to be the key to their success. But Liam is the first to show him how to grow up without growing old, and Zayn is the first to defend from the public what is private and precious. Louis -- Louis is the first for a lot of things; for most of the moments of Millie's life and for the moments of Harry's that matter. And Niall is the first to toast when Millie is born: Go maire sibh bhur saol nua -- 'may you enjoy your new life.' KID FIC
The End Should Be A Good One by bananasandboots (43k) ONE SHOT
t doesn't feel like falling in love, the way it had felt the first time around, easy, simple, almost like floating, wrapped up in a whirlwind of touches and kisses, late nights spent laughing breathlessly into each other's skin. This feels broken, complicated, like every move carries the weight of their past. Like the floorboards beneath them could collapse at any moment. This doesn't feel good.
Or, the one where Harry loses the love of his life on New Years Eve and finds him again, six months later, ready to open some poorly-stitched wounds. EXES TO LOVERS
See Clearly Now by Awriterwrites (11k) ONE SHOT
“My eyes are up here.”
What? Was— was Louis flirting with him?
Harry looked up — much too slowly, probably — and saw Louis watching him, his mouth quirked up on one side, a grin threatening to steal the pretty curve of his mouth.
“What?” Harry squeaked.
Louis put his hands on his hips, almost challenging Harry to look again, “I said...my eyes are up here.”
Harry felt something electric pass between them. He felt the need to take a step forward, call Louis’ bluff, see if he was more bark than bite.
Biting sounded really fun right about now.
OR a five-times fic where two guys, one college dorm room and a faulty door lead to a few embarrassing situations and finding out more about themselves and each other than they ever bargained for. ROOMMATES
In This Light by exhilarated (99k) CHAPTERED 
Harry is a wardrobe stylist who likes to live in the moment, and Louis is a popstar who looks dreamy in double breasted jackets. Harry never stood a chance. FAMOUS/NOT FAMOUS 
Carried Away Like Butterflies by waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee (17k) ONE SHOT
“Actually…” Liam said, scratching his chin absently. “I have a friend who is moving to London soon.” “Without anywhere to live? Who is it? Do I want them living in my home?!” “You met him at my birthday party. Harry, from Cheshire. Remember? Really tight jeans, curly hair down to here?” Realisation dawned on Louis, staring at Liam who was gesturing round about his nipples. Did he remember Harry? Did he remember Harry? He remembered Harry’s square front teeth biting into his collarbone, and he remembered Harry moaning, loud and obscene with no provocation. He remembered Harry dropping to his knees at the edge of the bed and roughly pulling Louis closer. He remembered, vividly, Harry’s lovely plump lips wrapping around his- “Lou?” “Uh- what?” Louis said, startled. “Oh, yeah. Um, I think I remember him.” - It was probably a huge mistake for Louis to let his former One Night Stand move into his spare room, especially when said One Night Stand doesn't seem to remember him. ROOMMATES, PINING
Life Was A Song, You Came Along by rainbowninja167 (37k) CHAPTERED
It's embarrassing how long it takes Louis to recognize his own song. Niall had sung it as a bright, hopeful love song, and that’s honestly how Louis had always assumed it should sound. But this new voice, slow and rough, stripped of any backing instrument, has infused the lyrics with just the tumultuous mix of fear and defiance that Louis can remember so clearly from the night he wrote them. It’s not a comfortable thing, to feel like someone is singing all your secrets back to you.
Louis is a songwriter trapped in a lie that could ruin his best friend's career. Harry owns a record store, distrusts everyone in the music industry on principle, but loves Niall Horan's newest album. A modern retelling of Singin' in the Rain. SONGWRITER!LOUIS, MUSIC STORE OWNER!HARRY
Now You Know Me (For Your Eyes Only) by nadinecestmoi (77k) CHAPTERED
AU, Where Harry and Louis are solo artists and they’re not exactly friends per se but they’re friendly, know each other from industry parties and things like that and there’s always been this weird unspoken sexual tension between them and Louis’ always kinda confused bc isn’t Harry the biggest ladies’ man in the industry?? And one day Harry asks Louis to collab with him and of course Louis says yes even tho he’s kinda surprised and Harry plays the song for him and Louis is completely blown away by how beautiful it is and it’s a love song and he’s like damn, whoever this is about is lucky as fuck bc it’s clearly written from personal experience so they spend all this time together recording and it’s super bittersweet bc they click right away and it takes Louis about three seconds to realize he has a huge fucking crush on Harry but on the other hand Harry clearly had someone in mind when he wrote the song so the last day of recording comes and Louis’ like “thanks for having me on the song” and Harry just shrugs and is like “well it just seemed fitting bc the song is about you” SOLO ARTIST!LOUIS, SOLO ARTIST!HARRY, FRIENDS TO LOVERS
What’s Stopping You? by kikikryslee (14k) ONE SHOT 
That shirt was what held his attention again. How many other guys had the same shirt that H and Harry had, and – wait. H… Harry. Harry did yoga. So did H. They both had the same shirt, and had both gotten home ten minutes ago and were cooking dinner. No way. Louis looked at the picture again, and stared more closely at H’s lips. They were pink and pouty, with the lower lip a bit plumper than the top, just like Harry. And H had brown, curly hair that reached his shoulders, just like Harry. Louis looked over at Harry, who was putting his hair back up into a bun as the kitchen was most likely getting warmer. “Holy shit,” Louis whispered. Have I been flirting with my own roommate all this time? --- Or, the one where Harry wants to get over his crush on Louis, so he makes a Grindr account to find someone new. Of course, Louis messages him, not realizing H's real identity. It only takes a few days for them to figure it out. FRIENDS TO LOVERS, ROOMMATES
Can’t Start A Fire Without A Spark by larrymylove (22k) ONE SHOT
Louis Tomlinson is the pop sensation with his first new single out since taking a personal hiatus from the spotlight. Harry is a paparazzi hired to photograph him during promo. Louis hates paparazzi with a passion, but there’s just something about the pretty young pap with wide green eyes and chocolate curls that Louis can’t shake from his head. ENEMIES TO LOVERS
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harukatomoe · 7 years
Special (Yumeno x Reader)
Originally posted on January 4th, 2017. Yumeno’s birthday.
So like, I imagined you to be in your twenties in this one-shot bc I have yet to think about a young!Reader, interacting with Kyūsaku. BUT LIKE DON'T GET ME WRONG ABOUT THIS THIRTEEN YEAR OLD AND A TWENTY-SOMETHING YEAR OLD BEING TOGETHER. More friendly? ------------
There was no difference.
There was no difference to him.
There was no sign of any concern in his deranged eyes. Only focus on the individuals that "hurt" him. The madness that welled deep in his veins was definitely displayed in his actions. He seemed soulless almost; just his words kept your thoughts back that he was still sane. Screams were audible from half a mile away, the area being the source of the screams. Red, warm liquid everywhere; consistently being shed within every few seconds another swing was given at a person.
But, he was only a child.
No, he is a child.
Your eyes could not follow the various different activities going on around you. There was bloodshed everywhere. Bloodlust in everyone's eyes. Constantly they attacked each other, brutally.
They didn't know.
They didn't know that they were being controlled.
They didn't know that they were being controlled by Q's ability; Dogra Magra.
You had to live with this. You were Yumeno's partner after all.
After the threeway clash with the Mafia, Agency and Guild, it was decided that Yumeno would be released from his containment and allowed to roam freely as he pleases; as long as he had someone watching him, that someone was you. You could still remember the dryness in your mouth when your boss had informed you that you'd be the one supervising Yumeno Kyūsaku, a.k.a. "Q". You could remember being unable to speak upon his order, remembering your boss asking if you were okay; you were pale.
Even though it was multiple times that you've seen Yumeno use his ability - with his twisted laugh, you could never get used to how much he looked like he enjoyed hurting others. Never being able to succumb to the amount of body bags you had to see after a large mission that was given. Never being able to-
"(Last Name)-san?"
You felt a strong tug on your jacket sleeve. You instantly snapped out of your thoughts, feeling like the breath you just took was your last. A slight chill ran down your spine as you felt like all over you just sweat. You looked down your right arm, to see Yumeno smiling ecstatic up at you.
"I'm done~"
He sang.
You nodded as you followed him.
"Would you like to play?" You could already hear his sick laughter, he was trying to scare you; and honestly, it was working a little.
"Kyūsaku, let's just get back to base."
Yumeno spun back around to you on his heels, an unamused face given to you. His mouth was tugged to the right of his face as he blew a raspberry at you, booing at you afterwards.
"Boo...(Last Name)-san you're no fun~"
You rolled your eyes, ignoring the boy. He was always like this; after every mission, asking if "you'd like to play" with him. He knew how you felt about him, how much you couldn't stand looking at his work. He barely cared, he'd say. But, he knew what he was born with; he never wanted it, he wanted to be happy. He didn't want you to know that though, he kind of liked the thought of you being scared of him, but yet again; he wanted to be happy.
You were only slightly scared of him though. Knowing what he could do. The only reason you were his partner was because of your ability. It was similar to that of the great ex-executive of the Port Mafia; Dazai Osamu. You heard many stories about him; his nullifying ability, how he became an executive at a young age, how he betrayed the mafia - you heard everything about him. Though, you were much different than him, they told you. You were less of a threat than him, which made it easier for them to control you. With their ability to control you and your ability, you were to watch over Yumeno. You had the power to drain the physical energy out of a person, with a single touch. You could render them unconscious even; so if Yumeno ever decided to go against you, or the mafia mainly, you could stop him.
"(Last Name)-san, I'm hungry. Can we go for dessert?"
"Yes...we can."
❣  Some time later  ❣
There you sat, watching the white and brown haired boy scarf down on his many desserts. He mostly ordered the brown sugar flavoured desserts that he was very fond of.
As he was sitting there, you became lost, deep in your thoughts.
❣  Flashback  ❣
"I don't understand why you don't talk to the boss about this," Chūya shook his head softly, gulping down another sip of his wine. You sat beside him, staring down at your wine cup as well. The atmosphere was a little depressing, you had to admit; but you couldn't blame it, it wasn't something to be happy about at all.
"you could get hurt, or worse even; killed."
"I know..." you sighed, lowering your head even lower than before. You raised your head for a moment, just to have a sip of the expensive wine Chūya presented to you a few minutes before. You tasted the bittersweet liquid in your mouth, savouring it as you felt a bit of your worries lighten. Your eyes half lidded as you gazed over to the side to listen to what he had to say next.
"You 'know'. Shit, (First Name) are you even listening to me? I don't want to see you in a body bag, alright?" You felt a bit honoured that you were really close to one of the five executives. Chūya cared deeply for you, maybe even more than just one of the people he's working with; but a friend. After all, it was you that saved him from his mass injuries; you could still remember the pain in his face when he arrived back at base a few years ago. You didn't know what happened and didn't question it, you used your ability; not only could you drain, but give as well to heal any injury. Not too grave though.
"Last thing I need is another person I know to disappear out of my life." [dammit, Dazai why-]
❣  End of flashback  ❣
You rested your chin in the palm of your hand, staring glassy-eyed at the boy who was in his own little world of sweets. You could feel the table shake as he swung his legs back and forth in his seat. You observed him without any thought: his porcelain-like skin, pink-hued cheeks, odd shaped pupils, and his different coloured hair.
"You should kill him." You remembered Chūya saying. You were capable, but unwilling.
"He's only a child," you remember replying. It was those four words that kept you from ever hurting the boy. Even though Yumeno's ability was triggered from pain to him, with your ability, you could counteract that.
"He's only a child," you were right, he was only a child. With all the consistent comments about Yumeno, you could tell what kind of trauma he's been through just by looking at him. The white hair on his head; it's not anything from having bad blood, it was having tons and tons of emotional trauma that caused his hair to turn white. Also known as the Marie-Antoinette Syndrome.
You could never find yourself to blame him for anything that's happened; you didn't know about his past, but what you did know was that he was raised in the mafia. Who knows what the mafia was capable of, what he's seen; all there was to know was it wasn't anything pleasant.
Suddenly, Yumeno stuck a piece of his brown sugar cake in your face, the piece stabbed by a fork. You raised your chin off the palm of your hand, tilting your head at the boy to question his actions. You parted your lips slight, very confused by him. Yumeno shook his hand a little, pushing the delicious dessert closer to you. You pursed your lips at him, shaking your head no.
"No, but thank you for offering it to me, Kyūsaku."
"Hmm~ You should at least try it, (Last Name)-san. It's good!" You could already tell that he really meant that last part, crumbs of the pastries and drink on his cheeks around his mouth. The boy waved it around, not seeming like he would give up offering it to you unless you accepted it. You let out a sigh of defeat, opening your mouth so he could feed you. Yumeno reached farther, sticking the fork in your mouth along with the sweet pastry. Once he pulled away, he continued with his food, letting out sounds to exaggerate how good they were.
"How is it, (Last Name)-san?"
You shrugged, picking up the napkin next to you, "It's good..." It's too sweet...! You thought, cracking an uneasy smile. Yumeno nodded excitedly, attempting to speak through the food in his mouth. You clicked your tongue, holding his face as you wiped the frosting and crumbs off of his face. "Don't speak when your mouth is full, Kyūsaku."
Whenever you two were together, which was basically ninety-percent of the time, leaving out some time for yourself (sleeping, bathroom breaks, etc.), you would look over him like a mother and her child. You were like a mother to him, or a big sister. There would be times that Yumeno would say inappropriate things regarding the chaos he could cause, and you'd be there to tell him not to mention it, scolding him then and there. There would be times where he'd be impolite and you'd teach him manners that were never taught to him. You were teaching him how to be a decent human being during your time together, despite the type of work you two do.
You and Yumeno lived together in an two-bedroom apartment, it was weird at first but, you two eventually got used to seeing each other everyday. You knew that when you were assigned, it meant keeping an eye on him 24/7, so you took him into your home and set everything up for him. He didn't mind it as long as you didn't pester him so much when he was at home.
Yumeno nodded at your lesson, only to start talking through his food again.
"Iwt's doh gowood." [It's so good.]
❣  On the way home  ❣
"I'm so full, (Last Name)-san, could you carry me?" He reached up to you. Your eye twitched at his request; Yumeno was thirteen years old, did he really need to be carried? Also to add, Yumeno was only inches shorter than you, just enough that it would seem awkward for you to carry him.
"You don't have any sharp things on you, do you?" With knowledge on how Yumeno went about on using his ability, you were cautious. It took a few seconds before he actually responded to your anxious question, shaking his head no with a smile on his face. A part of you felt queasy about picking him up, but you obliged anyway. You opened your arms as he wrapped his around your neck, you hoisted him up and jumped a bit to get him comfortable and secure.
Yumeno held onto you tightly as you started moving in the direction of the Port Mafia base, just to drop off your report before heading home with him. There was complete silence between you two, only the small light breathing that came from Yumeno was audible in your ear. You strolled down the streets with the cursed boy in your arms, rethinking your thoughts. Yumeno was a nice boy, despite his twisted personality.
Yumeno felt like he could close his eyes, just trusting you enough to relax. He knew that you wouldn't do anything to him. He inhaled deeply, inhaling your slightly rich, floral smell. It relaxed him, putting him at ease. The warmth he was getting off you soothed him so; he never experienced this kind of care before, but he had to admit, he loved the feeling.
Was this the feeling he was craving for his happy life? Were you the key source of his dream? Could he live a happy life with you in the twisted one he's living in?
No. He told himself, it couldn't be.
He's seen the way you look at him, with great disapproval. He knows how you feel about him, like he was some monster. He's heard you talking to others, looking down on him behind his back. He's thought about your thoughts, your plan. He's felt your fear.
Or was all that in his head?
Everything was going in slow-motion, as if this was something important playing in his life. The warmth he was feeling had gone cold, the scent he snuggled up against had gone sour. He couldn't understand, he couldn't believe his own two eyes. How did you two switch positions? How did it all happen so quickly? Why did you do it? Why were you shielding him?
A sharp gasp echoed in his ear, almost bloodcurdling. He felt a strong grip on both his arms, holding him in place. He felt the warm red liquid splatter on him, staining him from the torso up; it wasn't a huge amount though. His eyes couldn't focus in front of him, everything was a blur; in his peripheral vision, he could see the people around shrieking in terror, gasping, running.
It was only until you stomped down, snapping him out of his blurred vision that he could finally comprehend what was going on; blood running down and out of your mouth, your uncontrollable trembling, the bloody coughs that you choked back on when you tried to speak to him, the unknown object that was impaled through your back. He finally understood, there was an unknown man with an ability behind you.
"Ky-Kyū-" You called, more of the metallic liquid running over your tongue.
Had the man behind you mean to aim for him instead? Had you seen him while he was lost in his thoughts? Had you quickly spin around so that you would be the one hurt instead of him?
Yumeno knew what was going on, a hitman was sent to eliminate him, but you had gotten in the way. That was the only part that Yumeno could't follow was that, you were always so strict towards him, looked at him differently, feared him; or was that all in his mind? This whole time, were you actually caring for him? Was he seeing this all so differently?
"(L-Last Name)-s-sa-...?" he called, his breath hitching in his throat. He gulped down the hard lump in his throat, reaching out to you; reaching to touch your cheek. He could see how weak you were, how much you were struggling to keep standing.
"R-Ru..run..." What?
"Kyūs-saku...run.." What?
As his hand came closer, a burning sensation filled his eyes, tears pooling up in his eyes. He didn't know what to do, he just wanted to touch your cheek for answers; he always felt so calm when you touched him.
Just about when Yumeno was close to seeking for your feeling, you dropped onto your knees, then falling down flat. The unknown ability had been pulled out of you, blood pooling from underneath you. It took him a long moment that you had disappeared from in front of him. He blinked in realisation once, bringing his traumatised gaze down to see you beneath him, not sure whether if you were dead or alive.
He gasped. His heart hurt. His chest felt like there were knives in it. He didn't know if he was sad. He was confused. He was alone. He wanted you to guide him. He didn't know the man before him. His mind was fuzzy. He was trembling uncontrollably. He felt great fire inside of him. He felt rage.
It was only after Yumeno used a sharp object to injure himself by the "help" of the stranger, that his terrifying ability was activated.
❣  Hours later  ❣
You felt an itch on your arm, twitching in the darkness of your eyelids. You moved your head to the side, frowning in discomfort. Were there bandages wrapped around your arm? And your torso? Judging by the tight and rough feeling. You could feel that your breathing was weird, the feeling of tubes in your nose? Something strapped to your mouth?
You cracked open an eye, a bright white light flooding your vision. It took a moment before you could see what was around you. A few machines and tubes, some people you knew who were working in the medic area of the Mafia, and Chūya standing next to Yumeno. You sat up from your laying position, feeling the intense pain in your torso; a few of the nurses came to your aid, but you waved them off. You pulled off the mask and looked directly into Chūya's eyes, seeing him shake he head as he closed them.
Suddenly, you felt someone pull at your arm. You snapped your head towards the source, your (Eye Colour) irises meeting with Yumeno's unique pupils. You could tell that he's been crying, the redness underneath his eyes gave it away. You let out a sigh of relief, relieved that he was okay, that wasn't injured. Though, you watched as tears rolled down his cheeks, biting his bottom lip to stop himself from crying in front of everyone.
"Hey there...don't cry."
"I-I thought tha-that you were-" you hushed him softly, stroking his hair. Yumeno kept shaking his head as he clung to your arm. The anxiety that built up inside him when he knew that an operation was going on, on you. The fear he felt when he was told that you might not make it, the fear of losing you. You were the one person that ever treated him nicely, through the smallest things that he only realised when you were close to disappearing forever.
Yumeno realised after all this that you were important to him, special to him. He had never felt so enraged when watching someone he knew get hurt. That's when he knew that he never would want to use his ability on you, or anything that had to do with hurting you.
"But, I'm not, see?" You smiled, opening your arms for him. Instantly, he got the message, jumping into your arms. You giggled, resting your chin on the top of his head. You held him in a tight embrace, feeling him hold you as well. He was familiarised with the warmth and smell, his crying then dying down. "I would never intentionally hurt you, I would never leave you all alone, I will never stop loving you, Kyūsaku." you committed, leaving a long, endearing kiss on his forehead.
"I...love you, (Last Name)-san..."
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