#and thank you for ur kind words 🥺🫶 you’re too sweet 💕
timothylawrence · 5 months
First of all, I adore Rana! She’s so cute and I love all your ocs they’re so interesting and their designs are all so cool! Also, I don’t know if you know this, but rana also means frog in Spanish, and so I love seeing Rana on my dash because I always think “Awh, cute little murder frog 🥰”
OMG NO WAYYYY 😭😭 THATS SO CUTE….. Rana is a fairly popular Arabic name which also means to gaze longingly 🥺….! But I love that it means frog so much!!! Cute little murder frog Rana so true 😭
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taegularities · 1 year
rid. rid! RID!!
I just read the drabble and ugh i hate you so much (im jk i love you with my whole heart 🫶) but MY GOD! i was put through so many emotions for such a short drabble 🫡 first of all, jungkook is so hot, its actually a crime 😔 i can just imagine his fboy, cocky aura LOL (rip to hoseok's bathroom 🤭)
second, the fireworks scene was actually so heartbreakingly sweet in such a unique way. i kept having to remind myself that the drabble takes place in the past and that they aren't as deeply attached and close yet 💀 but this specific line rid... “I think you’re the only person who’s bearable enough tonight.” 🫡🔫 LIKE HELLO?? its such a small thing, but it actually melted my whole girlboss, anti-men aura 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️esp knowing how closed off and reserved he was during that era UGH 🧎‍♀️
also, im so glad you set the drabble in the past! i think as the story progresses, you kind of grow with the characters and fall so deeply in love with their current situation. so the flashback drabble really opened my eyes as to how much the cmi couple grew. bc honestly their character development is unreal! (i just know jk would give her a new year's kiss now) im so excited for the future chapters ❤️
lastly, ur note at the end of the drabble, omg. i totally understand being scared to return to tumblr, esp after being gone for a while. ive seen so many other authors lose their support or hype bc they took a hiatus. but im beyond glad you returned! i cant imagine not seeing your reblogs and interactions on my timeline ❤️ you are truly loved here and have absolutely nothing to worry about!
im beyond proud of you and cant wait to see what else you produce! 🫶🫶
-wife from war anon 💂‍♀️
oh my god, yeah, his cocky aura was a lot more tangible when he wasn't soft as hell for oc just yet. you know, as the story progressed, i noticed how their banter got a lot less, since they're so into each other now and focus on making each other happy. but to go back to their roots and the bickering was so refreshing, so 🥺
girlboss, anti-men aura lmfaooo 😭 but yeah, definitely need to keep in mind how much his words mean, considering they weren't that close back then and that jk really was very closed off (after his break up with you know who and all...). i'm so so happy you're digging the character development omg that's always such a huge compliment 🥺 i'd definitely love to write more flashback drabbles.
and yeah, i did notice that a lot of people i used to talk to here are gone... like, the vibe was definitely a little different during cmi4 than it is now :( but so many of you lovely people are still here, and i focus on that 💕 so thank you for your support. it means so much, and i love you, too, really 🤍 ty ty ty <333
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