#and thanks a lot for 12 200+!! (〃ω〃)
zu-is-here · 1 year
Got me thinking of the song "I saw mommy kissing santa claus"
🎶 what a laugh it would have been
If daddy had only seen
Papa kissing Santa Claus last night 🎶
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udunie · 2 years
no pressure but I'd love to hear about these oppressive omegaverse dystopia ideas if you wanted to share!
well dont leave us in suspense. whats the new oppressive a/b/o universe now
I was thinking of an A/B/O universe where there's a prolonged conflict (either with another country or aliens or something), plus there are demographic challenges (that the 'developed world' will eventually face everywhere) which is not a good combo, cause war feeds on human flesh.
There would be a large Population Optimization Program (POP), under this the following legislation would be put forward:
Abortion ban
Contraceptive ban
Α PAPA (alpha paternal payments - large tax credits based on offspring number in or out of mating bonds - or heck, maybe also some cash bonuses?)
Ω MAMA (Omega Mandatory Mating - a huge step back for omega rights, all omegas who are not mated by age 21 would be paired up with alphas, plus any widowed omegas would also be mated again if they are still fertile)
Ω DOLL program (Omega Debt Optimization and Loan Leniency) that makes it possible for families with a lot of debt to get all of it forgiven in exchange for giving up an unmated omega child to the state who would then go to State R&R centers (meaning Recreation and Reproduction here) where omegas who are dependents of the state 'work'
(can you tell how much I love all those acronyms and shit the US uses, lol)
Omegas are accepted in R&R centers from age 14 and up, here they are intensely bred and worked as prostitutes - referred to as Private Entertainment Technicians in polite society - aka PETs (mainly aiming services at the military and law enforcement).
The breeding program starts with health screening and an artificially induced heat that guarantees pregnancy within a day or two. Omegas are pregnant for 8 months (thanks to medical advancements, this doesn't pose much of a risk, and a lot of times they are carrying multiples that usually can't be carried to term anyway) During pregnancy they are working as PETs, they can be rented for 200/hour, tho military/law enforcement get a 50% discount, and they make up almost all customers. They are working at most 10 hours a day.
After the 8 months is up, labor is induced. After birth, there's one month of breastfeeding and recovery, then the babies are separated and placed into nurseries. The next month is continued recovery and fertility treatments that significantly raise the chance of conceiving multiples, to the point where the program averages 1.8 children per birth.
Then the 10 month cycle starts again.
Since they are giving birth roughly every 10 months, omegas are expected to give birth about 40 times during their fertile period, having between 60 to 100 babies.
Omegas in the program would be earning income after every child and also incur expenses (they would be charged for everything; medical expenses, accommodation, nutrition, overhead costs etc), which would leave them with around 20k earned at the end of a 10 month cycle, 90% of which would go towards the debts they are working off. 10% of their earnings would be saved for when they leave the program.
(of course, young omegas would be making a lot more, but their earnings would drop off - even into the negative - as they age and have less customers, so the above is the average)
That would leave omegas aging out of the program (usually mid fifties) with 80k total for the rest of their lives.
Babies born in the program (known as POP babies) would be kept in in-house nurseries where omegas not currently entertaining would be taking care of them until they are potty trained. Then they would go into state foster care. They would receive general education until age 12 when they would be tested for their dynamics. Omegas (and any betas not fit enough for the military) would be adopted out to families. Alphas and betas would be moved to military boarding schools. Here they would get general training until age 16. At that age, betas would be enlisted for a mandatory 25 years, Alphas would take competency tests, the lower 50% would be enlisted, the top would receive specialized training. After another two years there's another test with the lower 50% enlisted - in higher positions - and the rest would go on to higher education/the academy. Only these - the best 25% of Alphas - would be allowed to decide if they want to enlist or not (they usually do, but some of them go into politics).
And there you have it, a whole dystopia!
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