#and thanks for tying rpg verse for most requested verse to write a starter in
askrockandfriends · 1 year
Open RP...
You encountered 3 Lizard Men!
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"Are we ready?"
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"Here we go!"
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"On my mark!"
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"You go squish now!"
Anzu used the Gjallerhorn! Anzu's party's Attack went up by 4!
Lizard Man 2 used Bash! Anzu took 1 damage!
Rock used Katana Slash! Lizard Man 1 takes 12 damage!
Lizard Man 1 used Bash! Monika took 3 damage!
Lizard Man 3 used Claw Slash! Rock took 3 damage!
Monika used Glitch! Lizard Man 1 takes 14 damage! Lizard Man 1 is defeated!
Homer used Body Slam! Lizard Man 3 took 18 damage! Lizard Man 3 is defeated!
"Got you now!" Anzu used Gigaton Kick! Lizard Man 2 took 14 damage!
Lizard Man 2 used Claw Slash! Rock took 7 damage!
"Ow, you shithead! All right, time to die!" Rock used Guitar Bash! Lizard Man 2 took 18 damage! Lizard Man 2 was defeated!
Rock's party quelled the monsters!
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"All right!"
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"Woo-hoo! In your face!"
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"Great job, guys!"
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"Hey... what's that?" Up ahead, Rock sees something in the distance? Another adventurer? Someone in need of assistance? ...More monsters? Who knows... but the party are willing to find out!
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