#and that a lot of people follow me specifically because of the vascheteposting
canisalbus · 4 months
kinda going off of what you said in the tags of a recent ask, of how you've been worrying about being self-centered by just drawing for you: please keep doing it. it's one of the biggest reasons i managed to dig myself out of a long art slump, because all of the vascheteposting was just so full of joy, and enthusiasm, and love for your characters and the world youve built around them... it reminded me of why i started drawing in the first place. it helped me shoved aside the critic in me that kept saying "no, that doesn't look right, that needs to be better, you can't show that to people you're a disgrace you need to make that perfect" and just have fun drawing my own silly little guys again. so if you worry about drawing too much of the same thing, or about being self-centered... please remember that it brings others joy. your followers are here because they want to see what you make. thank you for letting us into your world, sincerely - it means a lot to me.
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