#sometimes I just get these irrational doubts heh
canisalbus · 4 months
kinda going off of what you said in the tags of a recent ask, of how you've been worrying about being self-centered by just drawing for you: please keep doing it. it's one of the biggest reasons i managed to dig myself out of a long art slump, because all of the vascheteposting was just so full of joy, and enthusiasm, and love for your characters and the world youve built around them... it reminded me of why i started drawing in the first place. it helped me shoved aside the critic in me that kept saying "no, that doesn't look right, that needs to be better, you can't show that to people you're a disgrace you need to make that perfect" and just have fun drawing my own silly little guys again. so if you worry about drawing too much of the same thing, or about being self-centered... please remember that it brings others joy. your followers are here because they want to see what you make. thank you for letting us into your world, sincerely - it means a lot to me.
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purplerose244 · 3 years
Irrational - Chapter 1: The first star in the morning
​Hello everyone!! The @spacecampweek is finally here!! 😍
I cannot wait to see all the content for these two math dorks! Here is my contribution, a collection of oneshots including all the prompts, starting with the first, “Stars”! ✨
Enjoy!! 💙💙
Summary: Seamus was going to smack that idiot of his best friend right in the head for putting him into this situation. A private moment with his little crush, sure, what a marvelous plan of his! There was only one thing he didn’t take into account: this space nerd’s absolutely terrible flirting techniques.
Read it on the AO3
“… have I… have I told you about that time I went for the tryouts of the basketball team?” Seamus huffed with superiority, mostly for the sake of breathing out some air on this overly hot day. “I’m sure you can tell, I’m a pretty athletic person. The only reason I didn’t join was because I needed to keep up my grades or whatever, school is a total pain.” He smirked towards his right. “Maybe I can bring you to the gym sometimes, teach you how to make three-pointers? I’m sure you’d like that.” His overly confident tone fell into oblivion, as silent kept prevailing. He could feel the sweat going down his neck, behind the high collar of his black jacket.
Good lord, he was wearing a leather jacket. A freaking. Leather. Jacket. When he thought this day couldn’t get any more awkward.
“Four.” Seamus jumped over his seat.
“Four times.” At last, the Cantaloupian had finally raised his eyes from his phone, showing him the most annoyed look he had ever seen on a human being. “You have mentioned this casket sport of yours at least four times tonight. Merely to answer your question.” Without much of a nod or an impressed look, his pretty nose went back to the lightened-up screen. Never mind, this day had all the chances to get plenty of more awkward.
He was losing him. Oh gosh, he was totally blowing it.
This made no sense! Sure he and Tight Jeans Hank had gone out only a few times before he got head over heels for Mary, but he was totally into the three-pointer thing! Sure, making up an excuse after that on why they never actually went to the gym had been a little draining, a little shameful, but at least there was that! He wasn’t completely out of his game.
… was he? Quick, another one! Huh, what did work out with that one guy from math class before he discovered he liked astronomy better?
“Huh, uhm… you know one time we got Mrs. Janeth so mad I was called into the principal’s office, but I got out without a single problem! You didn’t expect me to be this much of a bad boy, didn’t you? Yeah, this math student is good with numbers as a cover, my call is… being… mischievous…” Oh the cringe. It was going to be all worth it if he got at least a change from the guy sitting at the passenger’s seat. “Heh, people still wonder how I did it.” He grinned towards him, wiggling his eyebrows. “I could tell you, but it has to be… our secret.” Wow. He was channeling his interior Steve. The only difference was that that knucklehead at least was actually good at sports and actually good at getting into troubles.
Heck, even Pepperjack was more of a rebel!
Ah. Silence. Not even the Cantaloupian checking his phone was making any noise.
“Uh-huh.” His eyes were still all over the screen. He didn’t even bother to give him a look this time. “Would not be much of a secret in that case, now would it.”
The blonde was starting to think there was some kind of massive secret stored into that device. His eyes fell on it. Nope, this guy was literally tapping onto apps and exiting them without doing anything. Seamus almost laugh at the awfulness of all, wondering if it was too late running out in the woods and hope his allergy was going to kill him sooner or later. Then he stumbled with his memory to Spring Fling, the date he got – that had spent most of the night making out with someone else in the bathroom, but still.
Alright, confident. An intriguing, intimidating guy, one Krel might wanna know better.
“W-well, the best part of having secrets is sharing it with others! Saying, see this bruise I have?” He pointed at his temple, panicking for a second to remember where it was. His mind went right, and he really hope he wasn’t just pointing at his cheek like an idiot. “I got into this massive fight after class, it was insane! I won’t bore you with details, the usual argument with those bozos from our rival school, but if you think this dent is bad you should see the other guys! Pretty cool huh?”
Silence again.
A sigh. It held together such an annoyed power it left him baffled for a second. Krel was narrowing his eyes so much they looked closed.
“Forgive me, I am still trying to master the art of sarcasm, so I will have to warn you beforehand: I am about to use it.” He cleared his voice. “Wow, that is impressive and totally not an idiotic behavior, thank you very much for telling me.” He made a very forced, very exaggerated smile, before dropping it while still looking at him and then going back at losing time on the phone.
More death wishes filled him. Seamus grimaced, sneezed, and checked if the windows were actually closed while grunting under his breath. He breathed through his nose, hands gripping the wheel simply to have something to do.
It was official. This was the worst first non-date of history, and it was all his fault.
… or Steve’s. Yeah, Steve’s fault sounded better.
The ground of the woods was most likely all over the wheels of dad’s car which was going to drive him mad once again, the occasional sniff of pollen into the air had been making his eyes tear up even since they got here – the windows were actually closed, how, stupid allergy –, and he was stuck there ruining all the chances he never had in the first place. Yes, it made so much more sense blaming that good for nothing jock. The only reason Seamus was there in the first place was because his Vespa was out of service – he had said something something creeper walking on the crosswalk, he had stopped listening at some point –, and he had promised his girlfriend to go back to the kissing tree as soon as the situation was calmer or whatever. Seamus, being the good friend he was – especially since Logan was grounded –, had joined in to give them a lift and wait in the car for the two lovebirds to have their mushy moments, feeling extremely single in the process.
When he had seen Aja and Steve getting out of the Tarron’s residence, Seamus had waved.
When he had seen coming along as well none other than Krel Tarron, he had briefly considered pushing onto the accelerator and leaving everyone and everything into the dust. His body had not complied – the traitor. The happy couple had positioned themselves in the back seats, with Aja saying her little brother had decided not to be a recluse for tonight, while the Cantaloupian genius had comfortably seated himself next to him, giving a smile.
A smile.
How dare he? A smile!?
It was Steve’s fault, it definitely was. There was no way Krel would have come out of his own will, it was notorious he despised social gatherings with intellectually inferior people – mood – and hated nature even more – bigger mood. His sister had never been able to convince him before, he knew that because Steve had made it a habit narrating his escapades with Aja after every single date, and it had always started with “We left the buttsnack home and…”. The first time Seamus offered a ride home to the two of them, and magically the little crush he had only confided to Steve and Logan – and Mary but Mary was gossip queen so that didn’t count – had decided to tag along with them. Suspicious, very suspicious.
So, there they were. They had been stuck into his car for an hour at least now, waiting to check if Aja and Steve planned on staying here for longer or eventually head back. Seamus really hoped for the second. He had no idea how the tension had raised up to this point, nothing was working! Krel was barely acknowledging him, and he was starting to wonder why he decided to join in in the first place. Maybe he lost a bet with Steve or something, that would have explained it.
… it did explain it. He was here against his will, with him, having the worst time of his life. Seamus pressed his lips together, the silence weighting onto his stomach. Maybe he could ask something else? What more anecdotes did he have left? The full score at Alex, getting kicked out of Sam’s…
… why was he feeling worse?
His phone vibrated right there. He had no doubt who was disturbing and judging by the sudden vibration from Krel’s phone the other half of the couple was sending similar messages.
THEPalchuk: Hey man
THEPalchuk: Me and Aja are staying around more
THEPalchuk: Pick us up in one hour?
THEPalchuk: Thanks you’re the best!
Great, like he wasn’t currently questioning his flirting skills as much as his entire persona. What was left in his repertoire? Nothing was helping so far, maybe he needed another approach. What choice did he have though? His stories were usually somehow effective, being like Steve didn’t seem better, Mary just so happened to have guys always in line for her for whatever reason, what else could he…
“Johnson?” He held back another jump, because Krel was finally looking at him and it was progress and- “Would it be too much bother if I asked you to bring me back home?”
Oh. Oh.
In his head played the game over soundtrack from GoGo Sushi. Dang it. He wished he had more time to prepare for this day, but right now it felt like it was inevitable. He definitely did something, said something weird. Was there even a possibility in the first place? With someone like him? He had met Krel Tarron in between classes on a completely random day: the guy had completely destroyed Mrs. Janeth’s theory about triangles without breaking a sweat, had broken into the science lab apparently making a mess of the only functioning computer, and had gotten sent to the principal at the end of the day as a result, without getting into troubles afterwards. This guy had managed to be an absolute nonconformist and a shameless rebel… using math.
Yeah, he was on another level, there was no point. He was so going to scream at Steve on organizing this, it was meant to go bad. Worst of all, it didn’t feel like he could get over it anytime soon. Maybe because it was something that didn’t even start.
He started the car, holding back a sigh.
“No problem, right away.” Krel gave him a mild grateful smile, and Seamus felt the urge to cry.
The trip back was somehow even more awkward than the hour spent waiting. Not necessarily for the deadly silence still permeating the car, mostly for the amount of thoughts that were running wildly into his head. What now? He didn’t even know if the Cantaloupian had noticed his attempts at flirting, did he reject him or was he simply so bored he couldn’t take it anymore? Did it matter? The natural consequence was to stay as far away as possible and ignore his entire existence during high school, then get into the furthest college possible – Australia sounded good – and forget about finding love forever. Sure Krel was in most of his classes, and that guy was most likely going to be an Elite student with him and Claire, which meant they were going to be paired up for some stupid vanity event of the school; also he happened to be his best friend’s girlfriend’s brother, so no way it was the last he was ever going to see him, but he could deal with it.
He could… deal with it…
… he didn’t want to, though. He didn’t want to stop talking to him or stop wishing to talk to him. That guy was in sync with his friends, he was so smart it was unbelievable, he was fun to be around and even right now that the embarrassment was at its peak, Seamus couldn’t help noticing how pretty he was, somehow even in the act of ignoring his existence. In light of all of this, was this really the only way to go? It always was with the other guys…
There was a stop ahead. He respected it, lightly biting his lip. No, with all the others he never made contact after failure because he never cared for it, because they weren’t good people, and because he didn’t want to admit how much he had made up for the sake of one terrible date. He could reach a compromise, right? To be able to talk with him. Nothing in between, only the truth.
His very dorky, uncool truth.
He continued to drive, pondering over everything, only to notice a parking spot next to the crosswalk. He went, noticing the other’s weird look on him. He hurried to speak before he could.
“I’ve never been at the tryouts.” Krel fully turned to him, eyes widened.
“… what?” Seamus winced, rubbing his neck.
“The basketball thing? I never did it. I wanted to, I’m really not bad at it… but I didn’t finish homework for that day and my dad didn’t let me.” Ah, there it came, the absolute shame – gently provided by Mr. Johnson, trademark. “The grades stuff, that’s kinda the excuse I always use whenever someone ask me why I’m not in the team. It’s not exactly a lie, but it’s better than saying I have no freedom at all.” The Cantaloupian looked baffled. The blonde took it as a chance to keep going. “As for the principal call, you wanna actually know the secret? I was never in trouble in the first place, Mrs. Janeth wanted to personally congratulate for making it into the International Mathematical Olympiad. I didn’t want people to think I was lame.” Gosh it burned. It felt kinda nice but it was also awful. He sighed at the end, pointing at his temple. “And about this? The fight? As if, I tripped on my way to the planetarium… because I love space… and there people don’t make fun of me for it.” Oh. He didn’t mean that last one, he didn’t want it to hurt. It still did. Not even Steve or Logan knew why he had been keeping his passion lowkey only for close friends.
It was good… it was good, right? It was as genuine as he could get, because despite everything he still wanted to be able to look at him in the eyes without second guessing himself. He was a lame-o who could barely do anything without his dad’s approval, he was an absolute nerd who was good at math only because he had to, and he was a dork with an absolute passion for space that got him so much mockery in the past, before he started to mock back.
A leaf flew over the windshield of the car. He could feel his sweat turning into ice. Was it too late after all? He lost his chance with Krel even at being a friend? He could feel his eyes on him.
It was silence. Then, a long sigh of relief came from him.
“Oh thank Seklos, I was convinced you were being serious before.”
… huh?
“Huh?” He looked at him. Krel was smiling. He was… smiling? “Before?”
“You were turning into an even bigger oaf than Steve is, which is quite the accomplishment let me tell you.” He looked down, finally putting away his phone. Despite wishing for it the entire time, Seamus felt a wave of anxiety rushing over. “I knew for a fact that I was going to be in your company during the entire time, given that the Staja is a force too chaotic to be around without risking someone’s life.” Despite the tension the blonde snorted. The Cantaloupian seemed to like that. “I was even looking forward to it. I’ve always wondered about the sleeping guy from class.”
Holy. Freaking. Mole.
Seamus was agape, he was pretty sure his jaw was dislocated without repair. He wasn’t sure if this was actually happening, or the last sniff of pollen had put him into a state of hallucination – he didn’t mind trading an anaphylactic shock for this. He managed to breathe again after a while, trying to remember how to speak words.
“Wait- You- I… you were watching me too?” Ah, why the too, why did he have to admit of staring at him while trying to stay awake during class? Why was he such a-
Wow. Wow. Was that embarrassment?
Coming from the prideful Krel Tarron?
“I was… mildly checking.” Okay, this was definitely a coma-induced dream, no way he was that lucky – and could this guy stop looking this adorably shy, he needed his heart to come back to life. “You always raise your hand when Mrs. Janeth asks something, even before the question has been said. You seem to be constantly bored during the lesson, which I can completely understand. You seem to be one of the few people who can at least dream to measure up with me in regard of intellect.” Mm, maybe this was actually real, somehow that came out extremely irritating and incredibly endearing at the same time. “I was interested into knowing that person tonight… I have not seen him for now.” His eyes went down, a little bitterly.
He was going to care about that in a moment. First, his mind needed to compute. What was happening here? Were Steve and Logan into this? Were they following him with a black car from afar ready to scare the crap out of him as soon as he was going to believe that a guy this cool actually wanted to know the real him?
… jeez, he really needed to work onto his self-esteem.
Besides, it was Krel, the frankest person he had ever met. There was no way he was pretending, he was so sure it almost scared him.
Apparently, this was happening, this was a meeting of some sort. One that for now, he had been screwing up big time. He was trying so hard to be liked, trying the best that had worked before, but did it work really? He had never actually been in a relationship, every single guy had evaporated as soon as they had found something better to do than hang out with this weird space nerd. Instead, Krel was waiting. Krel was there to actually know about that part of him.
The real him.
“… are you really in a hurry to come back home?” He got a confused stare. But if he really had something close to a chance, he was fine with making it interesting. “In case not… could I arrange a meeting?” He forced a very nervous smile. “Between you and him?”
Krel looked at him in surprise.
Then he smiled. He smiled.
“Alright, one more chance. Make it count, Johnson.”
His father would have not liked how fast he was driving, even while making sure to respect all signs – he wasn’t that reckless, even if the idea of bothering his old man was tempting. It wasn’t a long trip anyway, he knew the way by heart at this point. Arcadia soon got less lived around them and started to raise up, into a road leading higher and higher while surrounded by those dang trees. His passenger was looking out of the window, clearly curious but without asking a single thing. Seamus didn’t mind it. Maybe he just wanted to appreciate the moment for now, having him intrigued by the situation, before something went wrong again.
No. No. No more screwing everything, not this time. He could make this work.
The planetarium was there almost too soon, as he had only started to notice the eyes of the Cantaloupian occasionally drifting from the glass to him, equally intense. He placed the car into a completely empty parking lot, got out and breathed in. At least here there was way less vegetation, he could almost take a full breath without coughing. He quickly went over Krel’s side, opening the door for him and offering his hand.
He got a weird look in return, a little smile and a tan hand into his. Seamus really didn’t want this to be the first and last time.
“Have you ever been at Arcadia’s planetarium?”
“I am familiar, not a frequent visitor though. I was here for the Science Fair, and once in the first days since I land- got here.” He stumbled a little and focused on looking around, frowning. “I did not find anything particularly interesting though. Only incorrect.”
“Oh, if you’re up for a conversation about mistakes made into the planetary system I’m all ears, but let’s get inside first. I’m bringing you somewhere special.” He walked towards the building, aiming for the back of it, hoping that the occasional cat had decided to do its stuff somewhere else, at least for tonight. Only halfway there it hit him that their hands were still united. He was actually holding his hand. The realization made his body tremble. “Huh, I…” He looked over his shoulder, trying to think how to ask someone if it was okay to hold hands while already doing it in order not to make him go away – why was his brain always this convoluted?
Krel blinked at him, with those pretty brown eyes of his. There was such a control into those irises, smarts and brilliance but not only. It was the kind of look that had seen much, stuff he probably couldn’t even understand. There was simply something that made him want to know more about him.
He clenched his hold. Seamus could feel his heart doing backflips.
“What is it?” This mischievous genius smirked. Absolutely aware. What a day was this day.
“… nothing.” Seamus grinned back, starting to accept that from now on everything was going to be absolutely mind-blowing. “I have been here so many times, and if I know something is that the employees here are… really bad at their job.” He eyed the backdoor. Then the doormat. A freaking doormat, what a cliché. “I swear, one could break in and they would barely notice.” Reluctantly he let go of his hand, slipped it underneath the obvious hiding spot and got the key.
“That is really careless. Although having access to this place could be useful, I did see some interesting components for potential devices last time I was here.”
“Dang, you’re a dangerous one… wait, you’re an inventor?”
“In a way, I’m mostly an engineer.” Total. Heart eyes. “How did you discover this entrance?”
“I used to be a kid who barely had friends, hate with passion staying at my own house and I wished for nothing more than to climb onto a rocket and leave the planet to explore the entire galaxy.” Huh. It used to sound way less edgy when he was younger. “At some point dad discovered that he could leave me here with an adult and he was able to go by his day doing business or whatever without a problem, so I spent a lot of time around here. It gets easier to discover tricks when you’re a kid.” He unlocked the door, bowing at the other. “After you, Mr. Rebel.”
Krel rolled his eyes with a smirk, getting in.
It was as silent and dark as he expected it to be. Also empty, as he expected the nightguard had ditched his job once again – he mentally thanked his careless of tonight. He had been there enough to memorize even the vague noise of the neon, it was echoing into his ears even now that the lights were off. He took out his phone, brightening the way for them to walk. He barely had to think about it, his feet already knew where to step and what poster to pass by, even in complete darkness. His attention was mostly on the guy following him anyway… he was bringing a guy to his special place. He was bringing a guy into his stupidly nerdy corner in this stupidly nerdy place he had adored ever since he was a kid. He was actually doing it.
Wow, Mary would have screamed murder at him for being this uncool. He decided he could deal with her fits later. For now, the projector room.
It pleased him the look of Krel’s face, as it was genuinely the first time he had been there. There were so many seats, the projector was in the middle of the room. It was dark, but the glass dome above them gave a bit of a view over the night sky. Nothing else, absolute simplicity. It was so peaceful here. It made him sigh of relief every single time.
Right now though, it was enough silence to hear his own heartbeats, as the Cantaloupian’s curious eyes went all over the room. He really wanted to be up to his expectations.
“Fascinating.” He looked up to the sky view. “What is the purpose of this place?”
“You’ll see.” Seamus took off that awful jacket of his with a certain satisfaction and put it onto one of the seats. He patted the one next to him. “Give me a moment.” Krel obeyed, taking place, while the blonde went over the controls. He had seen it plenty of times, he had done it as well. Only a few controllers, along with the audio guide. “Get ready for the show!” He hurried to take place where he had left the piece of clothes, deliberately sitting on it – he never wanted to see it again, at least until winder, screw being cool or whatever.
A very familiar excitement took over when the first stars appeared, manifesting the galaxy as a whole. So many points made of light, further than his mind could ever go, yet so reachable in a way his mind couldn’t explain. Soon enough planets came into view as well, Saturn first in all of its beauty, showcasing the rings into the black space.
He took a breath, feeling the familiarity of the place… and something more.
“Space, the ever-present dome of endless wonder,” The audio guide roared through the video, toning it down a little had been a good idea. He remembered when he was a kid, and he had been so conflicted between putting his hands over his ears or risking becoming deaf only for the sake of knowing more about the universe. “And just when you think the universe can’t get any more mysterious…” He knew that explanation by heart at this point.
So he noticed the change nearby. He thought he was imagining it, because it wasn’t the first time the thought had hit him. Then his fingers met others, his heart screamed, and he decided that no dream of his had ever been this vivid.
“I like this place.” Krel was talking softly, close to his ear. It sent a shiver onto his back.
“H-happy to hear.” He let their fingers intertwine, trying to focus less on how everything could end up so horribly and more on how enjoyable everything was. He could live this moment, without thinking of the bad possible outcome. “… you know, the planets got colored like that to appeal the kids I think. The first time I watched it I’ve already studied my kiddie book about planets, and I was so disappointed that they weren’t being accurate.” He snickered, letting his eyes wander on how the celestial corpses were moving in circles. “Thinking that there is so much out there…”
“Yeah… so much.” Krel breathed out. “Galaxies so distant, Earth might never get the chance to reach. Everything is so far from everything here.” His tone had gone down a little, pensive.
The audio guide continued, Seamus was unconsciously moving his mouth along the description that was already stuck into his head. Krel had gone completely silent, even though his warm was still into his. The blonde had no idea what was going on in that impressive brain of his, but whatever it was, he didn’t want to stay away from it.
With his free hand he pointed at the projection, the fragment with all the stars.
“You know, I used to think that space was a little scary. It’s so vast and we humans will probably never live long enough to see it all.” He smiled, remember the stories about the stars his mom used to read for him. “Then I discovered how far stars are, and that from every single planet of the Milky Way the constellations all look the same. It’s like they reach all those places.”
“… what about beyond that?” Krel swallowed, clenching his hold. “What if there are even further planets out there?”
“Well, stars are many lightyears away from here, and one lightyear is 5.8 trillion miles. That’s one heck of a trip.” He got a look that said ‘I knew that’ and laughed, making him smile a little too. “All I’m saying is that, at least for a part of the galaxy, the sky will look the same. And even if we discovered even further away planets where they don’t know about Andromeda or Sagittarius, there will be other stars over there, reaching out for other places, but stars nonetheless.” The projection changed again, coming back to Earth. “As far as one can go, there are still things that feels like home, you know? That’s why, even though it’s terrifying, I kind of can’t wait to know if there’s more out there.” His throat felt lighter. Oh. He had rarely ever been able to say, was this ok-
Oh. Oh. He was wrong, Krel had never smiled before, not this evening, not even a single time. Because this was his real smile, a radiant curve with those lucid eyes, reflecting the light of the projector. He turned to him, and Seamus almost gasped out of the view alone.
Beautiful. Krel Tarron was really beautiful.
“That is a comforting thought.” His voice wasn’t far anymore, it got back some vigor. “So, this is the real you?” Seamus swallowed. Right, it all came down to that.
“I guess so… yeah, pretty much.”
“Good. I like this Seamus much better than the other one.” Okay, calm down. He was simply making a comparison with how jerky he was before. No need to get all riled up by his wording. “Although I am not completely convinced about the situation, perhaps this matter needs to be deepen on another occasion. Perhaps in another place, at another time… with the two of us.” Okay, no calming down, forget all the rationality he was so going to freak out.
It took him a moment. Then, mustering all of his courage at facing the last doubt that he was going to get slapped or laughed at as soon as he turned, he looked at the guy sitting next to him. No laugh. No slap. Not at all.
“Does… does that mean… another date? A-a proper one?” The Cantaloupian’s shrug said maybe, his extremely wide grin said yes. Seamus was too happy to care about the mocking intention. “Huh, uh, uhm.” Answer stupid, answer! “Yes. That is… sure, why not, it sounds good.” He so needed to work on his communication skills, especially since he was about to meet him so much more from now on – holy everything he just got a date out of Krel Tarron didn’t he. “I can pick you up one of these days, we can go to Sam’s or something…” Wow, a diner, such a romantic place for a date. “O-or something else, maybe I should ask Steve about idea- Oh, dang it!”
Krel’s expression fell. Oh, apparently he wasn’t the only one questioning himself.
“What is it? Is it no good?”
“Oh, no way, it’s nothing! I’m happy!” He straightened his back, glad that they were still holding hands despite everything. “It’s just that… urgh, I hate when Steve’s right about something, he gets super unbearable. Now the fact that he arranged the whole thing and it actually worked will be his biggest accomplishment, not looking forward to that.” He could already see the t-shirts ‘I got this buttsnack a date’ with his face on it. With that being said, it seemed almost an overly fair trade, weeks of mockery coming from that guy for a single date with the Cantaloupian.
Who was staring at him with an arched brow, slowly straightening his back with a wince – yeah, his own back wasn’t doing much better, these chairs were pretty uncomfortable.
“What do you mean he arranged this?” How subtle Steve was?… could Steve actually be subtle?
“Well, you know, it’s pretty evident.” Seamus scratched his cheek with his free hand, laughing a little. “He was the one knowing about my… uhm, interest in you.” Nice understatement. Those brown eyes widened. “The day I offer him a lift with my car you come along, there’s not much else to deduce here.” It was weird that someone this observant hadn’t noticed the coincidence.
Krel was smiling, again, and his cheeks were lightly red. It almost stopped his heart. Then he frowned, like another thought had taken over his more pleasant one.
“You think Steve pushed me to come today?” Seamus blinked. That was a weirdly worded question. He simply nodded. “What makes you think that?”
“Please, that guy would do anything to make me in the situation to make an absolute fool of myself! Granted, I didn’t need much of his help at this turn.” Krel was still blinking, looking baffled. “Besides, who else would’ve cared for this? I don’t think your sister knew about me, Logan is out of the picture tonight, and I’d be terrified if Mary actually managed to be involved without… what? What is it?” The guy was staring so intently, it was hard keeping track with that kind of look.
The hold clenched again. Krel was focused on nothing but him.
“I am simply a little taken back. I thought the fact that I came along only when you were there would have given away my intentions.” His inten- Oh. Oh. That syllabus must had shown onto his face because Krel laughed. He laughed and it was beautiful, even though his brain was having a grand hard time at functioning. “Steve simply said you were there to give him a ride, it was a good occasion. A plan of mine at least.” Still not functioning. “Speaking of, perhaps we should let them know we might be a little late at picking them up. I am in no hurry to leave anymore.” Still hardly understanding. “You are perhaps a little less brilliant than you think you are, Seamus Johnson.” Still non computing. Krel stared at him, right into his eyes. “But you are a nicer company than you might believe to be.” He got closer. Not functioning, not computing not-
Cheek, kiss.
Kiss cheek, cheeky kiss, kiss on the cheek with kiss-
Krel was kissing his cheek.
It was warm and soft, and it made his brain absolute short-circuit. Their noses almost brushed when he pulled away, and Krel’s hair moved a little, lightly smelling like metal. He was an inventor, he said. What else? What else was this person was? He really wanted to know, he really wanted to ask. All he could muster right now though was some sort of whimper, that made the Cantaloupian giggle some more, before getting back on his seat while still holding his hand.
The audio guide’s voice was still as powerful as ever, and at the meteor section something into his head woke up. Seamus realized that, once again, he wasn’t hallucinating. He couldn’t reach his warm cheek with his free hand without looking incredibly awkward but it was fine. It was okay, absolutely okay, and he couldn’t stop grinning because of it.
Turned out, it wasn’t Steve’s fault. It was Krel’s fault.
He was more than happy to go along with it.
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Hey Charity! I didn’t know you typed “You’ve got mail!”. That movie is quite fun, I even ended up watching it after I saw your post (Thank you Amazon prime for always having very old titles in Latin America). You know, I was always a bit doubtful when I’ve been typed with a TiFe axis, and especially ESTP due to the stereotypes, I thought to myself “god I must be the lamest one” since I’ve fallen asleep at parties due to work exhaustion, only being able to stay awake engaging in conversation. Nevertheless, while watching Kathleen (sensor) and Joe (thinker), I could relate to both as they use Fe and Ti. I’ve been told I can be pretty charming and persuasive when I want, and that scene with the cashier was incredibly relatable. I’ve done what Joe did a thousand of times to get the other person to help me out. Once a INFP colleague watched me do this and said “oh my god you’re so creepy! You were flirting with them! Didn’t you see you were making them very uncomfortable? God, how embarrassing.” To my confusion, of course, as I thought I was pretty nice and I got what I wanted (people don’t normally do stuff for strangers they don’t like... well, unless in danger but that’s another subject). It was hard for me to tell if she actually liked me (for years I thought she didn’t and kind of disliked her too, you see she can be a bit rude). Now, after reading your reasoning for Frank as an INFP (especially the low si eccentricity) I realized she could be one too (she got that result from a mbti test as well, and while tests aren’t reliable maybe she got it right as I learnt Fi doms know themselves pretty well). I have a tendency to talk about what I feel in order to understand it, whereas she is very private about her feelings and often seems bugged by me when I do it. (I know this is a major Fi flag, but I seriously considered her one of those Fe types that dislike emotional stuff and yet cries easily... ayyy lmao) In fact, a couple of months after I met her I realized that she sort of had a bad image of me at work by how she complained about my personality in a passive way... straight to my face lol! (Not behind my back like most people do) so I had to approach her in a vulnerable way and share some “dark events” in my life that would explain the parts she disliked about me. And believe me, it worked a bit. So yeah, thank you. I’m learning to see my sensor-thinker approach to life. Could explain as well why most of my like-minded friends are thinking types and why I have feeler friends for unconditional love (to a degree). And I have always identified with ESTP characters and other rational types, but my impulsiveness when pissed off often made other thinkers see me as sensitive and irrational, and feelers see me too rational and harsh. (Sometimes I feel I don’t belong anywhere and I don’t want to be the wolf dressed as a sheep of the group). Besides they are often depicted as party animals and energizing people, and I don’t see myself as that either. Next to my ESFP sister, I’ve always been seen as the introverted one, but people don’t think I’m THAT introverted either, just a bit. And if that was the case, according to theory I don’t see myself as a Ti-dom either. I’ve always asked knowledgeable people for help and I’ve been typed as ESTP, INFJ, and TP-FJ. All of them have the TiFe axis in common. So thanks for giving me your time!
So I’m not sure what you want of me (if anything) from this post, but I would say if you can casually get people to like you in order to give you something, ETP is likely. And for what it’s worth, since you gave no evidence for sensing in your stack, usually an uninterrupted wall of text with caveats and explanations that does not reach a clear point (what is it you want me to tell you?) is often an indication of Ne/Si ‘flowing’ from one thought into the next, so I might consider ENTP, especially if you’re not especially extroverted or engaged in a highly sensory environment like a party. An ENTP needs mental stimulation or they lose interest. That might be why you can identify with some ESTP characters but aren’t that engaged or extroverted.
You’ve Got Mail is a great movie. I’ve seen it probably 20 times and can quote most of it from heart. It’s the source of many of our family ‘running gags’ in which someone will randomly start quoting from it to fill in an awkward pause. Heh.
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rickssugarplum · 5 years
An Itty Bitty Problem Pt. 2
Here is the conclusion! I hope you guys like it! Click here for Part One! ❤
(Rick C-137 x Reader) SFW, Swearing, Baby Morty, Fluff, 2100+ Words
You take care of Morty while Rick makes the antidote.
“Here comes the airplane!” you chirped. You made airplane noises as you brought a spoonful of applesauce to Morty’s little mouth. He ate it up, enjoying the sweet flavor as he numed down his meal with glee. The little baby made happy noises and started bouncing in your lap, waiting for his next bite.
“Okay, buddy! Hang on!” You exclaimed with a laugh. “I gotta make sure we don’t make a mess here.” you told him, even though you knew he wouldn’t understand what you were saying. Luckily you covered his shirt with an impromptu bib made out of paper towels. It was a bit difficult keeping him still since you had no high chair but, you were able to make due. And Morty was eating. That was enough for you. Checking the bottle of applesauce, you saw that it was now empty.
“Alright, Morty! You finished the whole thing!” you beamed. Morty made a happy squeal at your praise. You stood up from the couch with him in tow, and walked into your kitchen. Taking the messy dishes, you placed them into your sink. He’d been in your care for about an hour now and so far it has gone smoothly. In fact, you could say that it was almost kinda fun. But it didn’t last as Morty was starting to fuss in your arms, sounding distressed.
“Aww what’s wrong, sweetie?” you asked, sad that he was now crying loudly again. His eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth wide open, wailing at his dilemma. You had to figure out what it was. And fast.
“Hmm.” Smelling nothing that would need assistance. “Well you don’t need changing....” you said. He certainly wasn’t hungry since he just ate. Wait a minute, you thought. The light bulb in your head lit up. Of course. He just needed to be burped! You placed him over your shoulder and started patting his little back gently to try to get any gas out of him. Immediately he started to calm down a bit. Within a few moments you heard a small but mighty belch erupted from the little tyke. You burst into laughter.
“Whoa! You definitely take after your grandpa!” you chuckled. Morty gave you an innocent smile as he giggled.
The initial worries you had before passed at this point. But the poor kid might get bored eventually. He had nothing to play with. Suddenly, you thought of something. In your room, you had a bunch of stuffed animals. Some from your childhood, some more recent. You decided to take Morty with you to your room to see if he wanted to play with any of them. As you entered, you walked straight to your closet, knowing you had a large amount of stuffed animals piled up. When you showed him your little collection. His little face lit up and let out a delighted squeal of interest. His chubby hands reached out to the pile of soft toys.
“Yeah! Pick one out, little guy!” you encouraged. Letting him down, you watched as he crawled closer to all the stuffed animals. In his tiny mind, he was in a treasure cove. Out of all the ones in the pile, he crawled towards a stuffed green little alien, and hugs it tightly. He really was Rick’s grandson. You picked him up bringing his new toy with you.
“Hey! Great choice, Morty!” you complimented as you were about to leave the room, until...
You stopped, Did he....just call out for Rick? For a second, you thought you were going crazy, just as you felt earlier. You looked Morty in his eyes.
“Wha-what was that, Morty?”
“Wick!” He yelled again. He pointed out across the room, where your nightstand was beside your bed. On the nightstand was a picture of you and Rick, the two of you looking happy. You smiled at the photo, reminiscing for a moment.
“Yeah...That’s your grandpa.” you said quietly as you walked over to sit on your bed. Morty looked at the photo in awe. Almost like, he did have some memory still with him. Maybe the better ones, you’d hope for his sake. Going on adventures with Rick was a dangerous territory. Just in story form, it was always terrifying to hear some of them.
“He talks about you a lot, you know...”
Morty’s wide eyes looked back at you and then back to the picture. You were pretty sure he wouldn’t remember what you’d say, but you think that would be better. You knew Rick didn’t want him to be cocky. At the same time, you wanted Morty to know what he meant to his grandpa deep down.
“He’ll say you can be a pain in his ass. But, with him, I take that with a grain of salt.” you chuckle. 
“Sometimes, he’ll tell me about some great things you accomplish together. Like how you help him get some fancy crystals and help him find some important things he needs...You know what else he’s said?” you ask as he lays comfortably in your lap, little arms clutching the little stuffed alien. His eyes look into yours, as if he was listening attentively. 
“He tells me how strong you are. That no one can do what you do. He knows he’s an asshole yet, you’re always ready to help him.” you admitted
“I don’t know if he ever told you. You know how stubborn he is but... he really does love you...”
You noticed he was starting to nod off. His eyes were closing then quickly opened. The kid was trying to fight his sleepiness. Laughing softly, you wanted to help him relax and rest awhile before Rick would return. You quietly started to sing.
Once there was a way to get back homeward...
Morty cooed softly, liking the music coming from you. Standing up, you started to walk out of the room, back downstairs, never stopping. Cradling his little head, you made sure he was snug in your arms.
Once there was a way to get back home...
Sleep little darling, do not cry...
And I will sing a lullaby...
When you two got back to the living room, you grabbed a blanket and draped it over the tiny infant. Back on the couch, you gently cradled him as you continued singing, keeping your voice quiet and light.
Golden slumbers fill your eyes...
Smiles awake you when you rise...
Sleep little darling, do not cry...
...And I will sing a lullaby...
You watched as Morty’s eyes finally gave in, closing themselves off into sleep. His breathes were even, and was comfortable as you held him. Your house was now quiet and peaceful. You were able to relax at least for a little while. All you had to do now was wait for Rick to come back with the antidote ready. 
The wait was short as you heard the portal return, with Rick coming through with a small potion.
“Alright, I got the an-” he paused when he saw the little bundle sleeping in your arms. It would not be wise to wake up a tired baby. You simply greeted him with a faint smile as he sat down next to you, watching his grandson’s sleeping face.
“Did he give you any trouble?” he muttered.
“No. He was great company.” you confessed with a smile, booping Morty’s little button nose.
“What’s he got there?” he asked, pointing out the little stuffed alien. You told him, “Well, I figured he needed something to play with so I let him pick out one of my stuffed toys I have. Naturally, he went for the alien.” you laughed. Rick sneaked in a smile at that. He was glad that Morty had a appreciation for space. 
“And b-before you ask, I tested the antidote on a rat, it should reverse everything, and he’ll be back to fourteen again.” he assured. He placed the potion into his coat pocket. 
“Well that’s good. Hopefully he won’t kick your ass over this.” you jested.
“Psshh. Like he could try.” he rebutteled, making you roll your eyes. You both sat there, just watching Morty sleeping. Rick broke the silence again.
“Hey uhh...” he piped up. Your attention turned to him, waiting for him to finish what he wanted to say.
“...C-can I hold him?”
Your heart leaped hearing his request. All you could do was simply comply.
“Of course, Rick,” you answered. You smiled wide as you gently placed Morty into his grandpa’s arms. Rick was oh so careful. Little noises came from the bundle, but he was still sound asleep.
You saw Rick’s entire face light up. It was a trip back to memory lane for him. He remembered the last time Morty was this small, so many years ago. You swore, you’ve never seen Rick look more at peace, but you didn’t dare tell him that. It would only cut this all short. So, you just kept quiet and enjoyed the moment.
“Heh...Feels like forever ago...”
You laid your head on his shoulder, listening in on what he needed to get off his chest. 
“I almost forgot how tiny he was...”
As he stared down at him, Rick thought of when he first met Morty. When he first held him and told him that he would be his travel partner. That it would just be Rick and Morty, forever a hundred years.....
Goddamnit. His head spouted. He thought he was past these damn irrational attachments. How it is that one baby can make you so emotional? Rick decided he might as well take it all in while he’s still asleep. One of his hands softly ran through Morty’s little tuft of hair and he held him close to his chest. His eyes...you swore they started to shine...
“Thanks for taking care of him for me...” he added quietly. You brought your lips to his cheek. 
“Oh course, Rick.” It was all you could say. He sounded so appreciative, oddly so unlike him. But, you knew how much Morty meant to him, whether he openly admitted it or not. Whenever there were doubts about his humanity, you’d think back to this. 
Slowly, Rick felt squirming in his arms as Morty started to stir. His wide eyes opened and looked into his. His chubby cheeks rising as he reached out to the old man’s face. Rick chuckled at him.
“Hey, little buddy...” he murmured. 
“I got the antidote for ya...You ready to be fourteen again?” 
The baby’s feet kicked up in excitement. Perhaps he could understand what was going on...or maybe he was just happy Rick had returned. Most likely the latter.
“Uhh Rick? ..Won’t he need regular sized clothes?” you asked awkwardly. You didn’t know how this “transformation” would work.
Rick pulled out a pair of jeans out of his coat. “Got it covered.” he said as he put the currently too big pants on the kid. Rick crossed his arms. “It’ll save wha-whatever dignity he has left...” 
Fucking smartass. You looked on as Rick fed the potion to Morty, whose little face winced at the taste. Now the moment of truth. You both hoped to God this would work.
Comically fast, Morty grew fourteen years in a matter of two seconds! 
“UghAGGHH!” he shouted in confusion. His hands went all over, checking for anything wrong. You were in shock with how screwed up all of this was. Rick sighed in relief. “Oh thank god, Morty I thought I’d have to have your mom raise you all over again!” he joked
Morty looked pissed. “Y-you son of a bitch, Rick! That damn serum turned me into a baby, Rick!!” he shouted.
“No shit, Morty.” Rick stated. “And now your back to being a whiny teenager. You’re welcome.”  he uttered, taking a swig of his flask.
Well everything was back to normal, well whatever they considered “normal.” 
“Rick, you owe him big time.” you noted. Rick sighed in annoyance. ‘Fiiiine, Morty, you wanna me to get you some ice-cream? Only the galaxy’s best huh??” He nudged the kid.
Looking at him, Morty still looked mad, but ice-cream sounded really good to him right now.
“Yeah...I-I’d like some ice cream.” he said, admitting defeat. You were delighted to see Rick try to make it right.
“Hey Morty. I know this whole thing was rough for you, but I wanted to say you were a great little guest for me today.” you told him with a smile, giving him the stuffed alien his baby self had picked out.
He looked confused. Guess he really didn’t remember. “Oh uhh, thanks! Hey Rick, c-can we bring them too? A-as a thank you?” Morty suggested. 
You were pretty moved. That was very thoughtful and sweet of him. Rick only shrugged. “Sure why not?”
You felt a burst of joy as he pulled out his portal gun and shot a portal leading to the garage. “Alright, into the ship.”
 All three of you got into the ship, feeling as it lifted off the Earth. The chaotic part was over. Now you were just excited to finally relax and enjoy ice cream that would be literally out of this world.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Food fights are so fun! But they can be oddly romantic ;D (Going AU here) Sonic and Amy have a good fight with cake batter, some lands on Sonic's lips and Amy kisses it off >\\\
Ehhh… I’m afraid my creative abilities are telling me this may be more AU than in character… (Yeah, way AU XD) It’s a fun idea! I’ll give it a try… but… the kiss is gonna be really uncomfortably AU XD (For those who like me keeping characters in character) So I’ll do my best! 6D: (the ‘I can do it’ hand swish mingled with self-doubt face cause I’m scared of my potential inability lol gonna give it my all tho! >x )
Also, I can’t cook 0-0; I have no idea how to do cakes but I’ll do my best to make it look like Amy does XD
So… So like… in Japan… -looks away, discreetly- This would be a kiss xD (Going for In character but still AU, hope this works, Anon!!!!)
“Why do I have to help?” Sonic, having a hand up to hold his gloomy and bored looking face, flicked down a strawberry into place on Amy’s cake, sighing.
He clearly didn’t seem to want to be here… Amy was busy cooking for Cream’s birthday, and with Vanilla out buying gifts, Amy took it upon herself to lighten the burden on her and do the cake herself.
“Oh, stop complaining!” she huffed as she let the bag of flour fall onto the counter, and wiped her forehead, turning with a pleasant and determined smile to Sonic, raising a hand up and putting her other arm to it like Rosie the Riveter photos. “Besides! You’ve already licked the spoon! We gotta get the the rest of the batter spun and ready for the second cake!”
“Two cakes?” Sonic turned from the one he was previously instructed to ‘decorate’ but with his tastes, he just recreated a zone level with the frosting and other delectable food items around him.
“That ones too small for everyone!” Amy put her hands to her hips, leaning forward as if he should know that, making him lean back and look away, annoyed by her accusation. (Notice how I put ‘too’, instead of ‘to’, for that one Anon, I remember~ ;Db)
“Here.” she picked the little cake up, moving it away and onto her little table to let it sit a moment.
“Hey! I wasn’t done with green hill zone!” Sonic picked up the green frosting with the chocolate as Amy looked at his art, and noticed it didn’t look that girly at all.
She shook her head lovingly, “I should of known.” she smiled, as if truly looking at it through Sonic’s eyes. “I’m sure Cream will love it, regardless of all the blobs of green.” she teased, turning around and patting his hand with the green frosting, before getting the mixer and putting it into the bowl.
“Think you can handle this? It packs a whopper!”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” he put down the frosting and walked over, puffing his chest up and putting his hands where hers once were, as she removed them and stared as if all-knowing up at him.
She was clearly amused by his actions.
“Heh, you’re talking to Sonic The Hedgehog here! I can handle anything that moves fasts and spins!” he gripped the bowl, but Amy could tell at once it wasn’t tight enough.
“Uhh.. Sonic?” She tugged on a small bit of his back quills, trying to warn him.
“Amy, it’s fine. I’ve got this!” He cocked a look up in the air, showing his irrational haughtiness at how confident he felt his cooking skills were.
“You haven’t even made a brownie before.” Amy twitched an eyebrow, knowing what was to come.
“And… Where’s that on button? Ah-ha! Let’s go fast!” Sonic clicked it on but rotated it all the way up. “The faster the quicker!”
“Sonic, NOOO!!!”
Amy covered her face as the batter went flying, and Sonic fell down at the force of the mixer he wasn’t expecting to be so powerful at all.
The thing went on the fritz as Amy quickly leaned down and shut it off, before frowning as she bent her knees to look at Sonic.
She pouted, as he tried to smile while the batter dripped down his face.
“Eh…heh-heh…” he bounced his head down with each chuckle, knowing he was in trouble.
Seeing he knew his folly, she didn’t bother punishing him. Instead, she decided to make this fun and scoop up some batter, letting it drip from her hand as she eyed it, then him.
“Uhhh…A-Amy? Let’s be rational here…” he outstretched his hand, seeing no hammer… but something that could potentially be worse.
“Think of your house!” he flinched, as she splatted him with the cake batter.
“You already made a mess! I’ll have to make a new batch!”
“So… I don’t have to help you clean up?” He peeked through a gap he made with his two arms.
She growled and started throwing more at him, as he laughed and jumped on the counter, grabbing the frosting by creating a bridge almost with his body and then pouring it down on her.
“AHH!! Hey!” Amy gasped, looking at her hands and feeling the cool icing fall onto her head.
“Ah ha… there!” he squirted the rest out and then jerked it down for good measure. “Wallah! I made Palmtree Panic!”
She glared in a humorous way up at him, before grabbing the strawberries.
“Oh no…” his eyes widened, “Cherry bombs!!” he slid across the table, ducking as he started calling out commands, “All units, prepare for ambush!”
He grabbed some sprinkles and started flinging them at her. “Go for the eyes! Go for the eyes!”
“Ahh! Haha, hey!” Amy laughed, spitting out the sprinkles from her mouth as he started racing towards her.
She laughed as they slid on the batter and fell down, the tackle clearly not as effective as he made it sound to be.
“Ah! Oh no! They’ve got a counter-attack!”
Sonic slightly flailed on the ground as she took the rest of the bowl and poured it over him while having rolled on top of his belly.
“Oh… oh man.. I haven’t showered in months!” Sonic kid, rubbing the stuff on him and then opening his mouth to eat some.
“Eww! Sonic!” Amy laughed, before looking to see him licking the spots around his face, and laughing.
The two cleaned up after a hardy laugh before the second cake finally got into the oven.
“There.” Amy took her mittens off and giggled, turning to see Sonic going at the spoon again.
“You’re still hungry?” she looked as if she wasn’t amazed, but more so amused by his appetite.
“Ye-yah-huh.” he nodded, before she noticed some batter still on the corner of his lips…
She giggled a moment, before biting her thumb, wanting to try something…
Her and Sonic had grown closer over the past few years… maybe…
She leaned up and took her thumb, gently rubbing the batter off, before sticking it in her own mouth and sucking it up.
This made Sonic freeze, his smile suddenly dropping a moment.
The indirect kiss was easily dismissed by Amy’s next reaction, as she carried on with the instructions, taking her thumb out and over-exaggerated her actions as she stated,
“Emmm~ Even better than the last batch.”
She smiled to him before going on to clean more of the crevices they had missed in her titles.
As she bent down to do so, she suddenly became aware of a shadow over her that bent down…
Then the sensation of arms around her as he pulled her back down in the ‘playful tackle’ that had occurred a few hours before, and him smiling to her.
“And what… was that?” He cocked an eyebrow up, having her stuck in his arms as he laid down over where she was working, like a cat getting in the way of whatever you were doing for attention.
“I don’t like to be ignored, Amy.”
“Wh..wha?” Amy was startled by how suddenly direct he was, and blushed, lifting her arms back as if not truly embracing this as reality, but maybe a dream that was becoming too real.
“Oh… you know… can’t let anymore batter go to waste… haha.” she giggled, though an awkward sweat dropped dripped down the side of her face.
She clearly wasn’t sure if he understood what she had done or not.
He narrowed his eyes, suspiciously. Her ‘fan-girl’ craze had all but left her after she matured… but sometimes… he still swore she had it in her.
“I think that was rather intimate what you just did there… for mother earth and what not.” he was still trying to disguise his questioning with recycling, as that was her first excuse.
“O-oh, well, umm…” she looked away, her blush becoming so apparent that now he knew from the red on her muzzle that she clearly did still like him that way.
For once, he actually found that… amusing.
“Heh.” he smirked, before facing suspicion as if he hadn’t figured it out yet and leaned up, sitting up with her and staring as if looking for fault in her eyes.
Her eyes, fearful of how he would react if he had known that she was going for an indirect, almost sexy cooking-mama kiss, had her eyes jump to each of his in slight panic.
Her mouth hang open as if not believing he was really that close…
“…Well, anyway.” he let her go a little, but it was a false sense of security, as if he wanted to catch her off guard…
“This is gonna be one heck of a party!”
She took that as she was off the hook, and sighed in relief, her body untensing.
Once he saw her arms falter in staying up in the air and pulled away from him, he saw the perfect opportunity.
“Hang on, is that customary for cooks to get batter off like that?”
“Cause you missed a spot.” he winked, having already eyed some flour on her own muzzle, and leaned up to gently kiss it off her cheek.
“Eeeee!!!” she covered her face after he pulled away, her face bright red now, as he pulled away and snickered, eyes closed.
He had never wanted to before get a reaction out of Amy like this, but now that he’s older, and especially because she resisted it more often, he definitely liked pulling her former years out of her like this.
It was just too fun!
(How’s that? :DDDD)
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koojiru0-blog · 8 years
OKAY MEN! I get it...
I get it cys men who feel like youre being oppressed. Change is scary I know, imagine living your whole life in trauma and then suddenly it all disappears. So yeah I fucking get that change is scary. But when it comes to feminisim, our goal is not total world domination, our goal is equal rights. It may seem like we want to take over but AHAHAHAHA.HAHAHAHA.HAHA. no....No not quite right. I feel like it's because we're mad though that you're scared, it's a lot of anger to deal with I mean generations of women standing together yelling our truths. You have to face facts though, we ARE angry and rightly so. We still ne d feminisim and don't tell me that's bull with stats like 2/3 women IN CANADA yes guys, OUR WORLD are raped. And there's a whole culture around it to, I'm sure your well aware thanks to some of my angrier sisters. The culture basically says she wanted it because x bs excuse to not face reality. Things like "well she was talking to him! In THAT outfit she was being a tease" which can fuck you up BELEIVE ME. Let me break it down for you here... If that happens to women, then rape culture is a feminist issue... "But what about male survivors?!" God I can hear you from here stfu and listen, yes male survivors exist and think, the victim blamings worse therefore men are also victims of rape culture and rape culture is a feminist issue. See what I did there? Yeah, were also fucking fighting for your rights. Beyond that though, there are still bigots out there who believe women's places are in kitchens pregnant and bare foot, yeah even in my own fair city somewhere in Canada. Weird right? Because the guys I'm talking to here wouldn't say that whole heartedly, you bigots can do/say what ever I've already dubbed your views invalid ^^. Anyways so while those men exist, dating your sisters, mother's, aunts, friends, women you love you're freaking about US taking over? Um HULLO! We STILL can't because those men are very capable of reaching positions of power (I hate to beat a dead horse but Donald Trump, nuff said) while we're still kinda laughed at and sexualized when we do that shit cause isn't it true that women in power just want a man to imasculate them right? NO and the fact that we even view power as masculine is in itself messed up I think. So those are some examples, of our need for feminisim but not all and aside the rape culture point kinda weak I get that. Why though? I'm assuming, (ass.u.me) that's because of the women who claim to be feminists but in reality aren't educated in the ways they are oppressed, like thinking grass in a sports stadium is a need to address RIGHT NOW! And while fake grass for women and real grass for men IS indeed a tad unfair THAT parts not the issue. The issue behind that that I can see? Is fake grass is cheaper, and there's some joke that goes around a lot that women's sports aren't as popular as men's. Less popularity less funding that's how the world works (sometimes even popular doesn't get funding but that's my own personal shit) and even that's not exactly the problem it's far from the money. Why are women's sports so unpopular compared to men's? There's my issue I feel. I can hear the snickers and snarky comments about women's sports now, and you're only further proving my point while you do that. If you didn't? Awesome we might get along. I personally can only guess but it's like since when have we taken many female athletes seriously? Aside the ones who play in.....MEEENS LEEEAAAUUUGGGEEESSS~ yup, that's the only time I've seen a female athelete get the same respect as a man, when she reaches manly state. If you don't see it, then I pity your delusional ass. Finally, before I stop, kinda being an angry bitch (but I'm sorry it's hard to not become one when you remember all the things we need to work on here at home for women's rights) Men reading, no I'm not going to be snarky this time: What did you do this morning to make sure you could protect yourselves today on outtings? I'll tell you what I do, I tell my boyfriend where I'm going, the time I should be there, when I'm coming home and when I should arrive. I also took some self defense classes, I have tips to scare off a predetor, I have been taught what is an effective weapon and what is not (keys fyi ladies? *Shakes head* unless you get lucky aren't actually effective self defense tools, also weapons that can be turned against you like knives aren't so spectacular either unless you KNOW YOUR SHIT). I even had to go as far as to stay close to any glass things with alarms like store Windows, car windows, I was given a whistle once....So amazing to live in sketchy nabourhoods I swear. But unfortunately for us a sketchy situation could pop up anywhere, some guy you meet up and agree to have sex with, your boyfriend, relative, basically anyone who could be in a position of power over you. This also includes other women, sadly I'm aware of that. And I don't know what the rates are for men, unfortunately that info is scarce but I do know a decent number of men who've faced sexual harassment or exploitation or assault you name it it can happen to men too. But like I said, feminisim took over that cause, so many years ago because we got sick of staying scilent. And I'm aware that we had enough power to stand up and speak out with our hearts, souls and minds but we had to band together to do it. And I'm also aware that men face issues like "I'm a man's man, I don't cry unless I absolutely can't hold back, and I am strong! I am a leader I don't have time to be sad or scared" (like seriously?! Who the fuck can sanely live up to that if they face mental health issues, abuse, general build ups of stress? No wonder you're all flipping). However, men have been in positions of power for a very long time. Don't even get me started on that downfall for Canada, I could go on forever dad's half Inuit. Anyways that's a fact, you know it, I know it anyone who's aware of history within someone's life span. Like there are people who are still alive who could tell you what it was like during their life, what they heard from others about days even before them. And it was very male centric. Male leaders everywhere, women on the sidelines somehow even in many movies today you see the MAN take over and save the day or the woman's doing things for a man all the time generally talking about a man etc. I saw a ted talks that asked some questions, I don't remember them all or word for word, but it was a man with daughter's talking. He basically talked about how a lot of a woman's role in media is tied to a man, even when she's supposed to be the hero. Men in media don't always have love interests correct? Sometimes he'll fuck a few though but he's not always romantically tied down. Women always seem to be. Catnis, Pocahauntus, Harley Quinn (granted she's a villian but she's also a powerful woman no doubt), ugh! I forget her name but the lady from gaurdians of the galaxy...I could go on. I mean there ARE a handful of female hero's or stars who are simply hero's or stars on their own accord like Mulan....Uhm.......*blinks*...... ...... Wow okay really thought I had more....Jesus wtf. =_=. Anyways my main point IS this. Feminisim isn't just for women power, though it has fem in it, it's become an equal rights issue based off women's issues but had branches in everything. Our very birth or death could be dictated by a man who either wanted or didn't want us. We could be fatherless because of this and that affects us all for sometime at least (if you did have that experience and it still hurts I'm sorry, I was there too, but I can promise one day you'll wake up and it won't matter. I don't know when that is but I know it's possible). If women's emotions are irrational, then any emotions beyond anger men feel is too (remember I made that point?) And, women, men, non-binary, whoever you are, it's well known that suppressing emotions can have adverse affects. Not just mentally though but physically (I was taught to be manly in order to establish my independence, gotta love old school feminisim. I now have a fucked up heart beat though it's not dangerous it's a product of hiding my anxieties for so long. I recently almost developed an ulcer due to suppressing my emotions and I've read multiple times from multiple educated sources that this is possible). Everything that keeps us down or hurts us feminisim wants to rise above or against depending on what's needed. Because we all got sick of being shoved down for centuries, we got sick and fucking tired of watching people we love get affected by these oppressive systems. And there are men out there I applaud for getting this. Men who saw the reality unfortunately like my own biological father, my adoptive grandfather, my own boyfriend now (though he's weired out by this post heh ^^; meh that's fine disagreements not so bad as long as intent is pure I suppose). They all know how women can be oppressed and why we need equality. Yet sadly they don't know how feminisim can help them too, how it's for them and their sons as much as their daughters. Think of it like this, if men cant show female emotions which are, actually simply human not restricted to women, then their only outlet becomes agressive and dominating. You become someone you never thought you'd be when shit hits the fan I know this because again I was also held to male standards. You don't want to but you aren't given any other option because "weakness and vunrability are dangerous things" cause who knows how far someone would go to take advantage of that. Things like crying or talking about it are signs of weakness. Expressing it is being vunrable. However, if you're in the right setting it's quite the opposite, that's a lesson I learned from women. If you're in a safe place, it can give you strength and power, it can ignite the flame once lost and put a bounce back into your step because it's no longer posioning you slowly from within. We are aware we need to value men too and that means letting men be human. Feminisim is about all of this, we can't do this alone like I said before. Hell we only got this far cause men who got this to some degree helped us too. They listened and agreed it wasn't right that we had no say in our government. Even today I'm held and agreed with that what happened to me, what happens to 2/3 women here at home isn't okay and it's bullshit that reporting is so hard. Without the support of loving caring smart guys, we may have just been swallowed up by it, just as you're being swallowed up by this restriction of how a man needs to be. It's been a team effort all around so don't let the whiney ones sway your view on feminisim, it's not about fake grass, or clapping, or domination (or making bread out of your own yeast.....*goes green*). Hell it ain't about rights to party either (heh nabours 2 is fucking great I do recommend). It's about all of us and how this rigid unwritten rules of society make us sick Thanks if you read this all ^^ especially to the dudes who did even after I kinda went all snarky ^^; like I said, kinda stems from a jaded place because of injustice from my own life too. Have a great weekend!
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purplerose244 · 3 years
Irrational - Chapter 3: Out of this world
Third day is here, with another piece for the @spacecampweek!
This one I really liked writing, it's honestly shameless fluff and romance so I hope you like that sort of thing 😂 In these the guys are adults, Seamus got his dream job and not only that! 😉😉
EDIT: I mentioned this in the AO3 chapter, but this story was inspired by this beautiful fanart made by @pastelideas! 🥰
Enjoy!! 💙
Summary: At last, it was finally here, the moment Seamus had been waiting for. A space suit secured onto him, the vastity of the universe outside the porthole, and the love of his life by his side. At last, he was making his dream come true.
Read it on the AO3
This was the most outstanding, most unbelievable moment of his life.
Everything was perfect, exactly like he had imagined… alright, not completely, but mostly because back in high school Seamus’ biggest aspiration was making it into college and finally leave that dang house with his dang father. It hadn’t turned out the way he had expected, the nostalgia had come out of nowhere while preparing his things to move to campus, his father’s tears had been out of this world – heh, the irony of now. All things considered, it had been a while since he dreamed about this moment, between one thing and the other.
Alas, it was a beautiful as it could get. It was dark and mysterious, completely different from what he was used to on Earth, but exactly for that absolutely intriguing. It was also light, luminous, in a way it was hard to described. It was everything he could had ever hoped for. Right there, only a porthole of distance. Right there, for him.
Krel’s laugh shook him from the trance, he was holding his helmet.
“Are you okay? It looks like you are having a core-attack.” His eyes were so soft today. It was a rare sight for someone that had gone through so much, even after years. Such a beautiful sight.
“I’m fine! Just… just nervous.” More than this prince could think. Seamus took a breath, tapping onto the pockets of his suit out of stress. “This is a pretty big moment for me.” Gosh he could feel his arms shaking underneath the cloth, this was so out of the blue. He had programmed this moment for so long, of course he did, but he didn’t doubt that something could go wrong. He hoped that at least, he could enjoy some, without immediately blaming the first error on himself. It was a really bad tendency of his, that hadn’t fully left him even after finishing college.
Unnatural blue eyes came into view, along with a grin. The blonde gulped, then he smiled when the prince pressed a quick kiss on his lips, before putting his helmet.
“Come on, astronaut, you’ve been waiting for this long enough!”
“This is the first time you’re calling me astronaut for a reason.”
“You do not get to say that after getting lost into your own thoughts once again, like a human floating in zero gravity.” He walked towards the exit of the ship. Seamus felt his stomach twitching. Every moment felt like a discovery. “Ready?”
Seamus patted his pants once again.
He breathed in and out, the sound echoing into the helmet. He nodded.
The way his horizon widened towards infinity stole his breath right away. It was night. It wasn’t of course, that was all space, yet it felt like an absolute, impossibly dark night. Gorgeous stellar world, where there was no bound, the limit put by Earth itself was completely broken. His eyes were fixed over the black sea above them, he couldn’t look away. Then he caught a mountain through his eyes and followed it to the ground. It was no cheese. He knew that, he had always known. Even so, he fact that he could actually go back on Earth and state one hundred percent that it wasn’t was filling him with a strange excitement mixed with tears. It was all gray and white. It was actually here. He would have been okay at looking at this forever, just to know that he had actually made it.
He heard another giggle behind his back, a whispered “Astronaut indeed”, so he forced himself to move a step, even though he was afraid to break such magic. No gravity. He actually laughed, feeling tears coming up. Like in the books, like in the simulation he had gone through, he was moving slowly without being pushed towards the ground. It was happening. He moved a second step. The same. He decided to jump, absolutely ecstatic.
Everything was possible. The moment he was detached from the ground he truly felt like everything was possible. His stomach was almost numb he was feeling this ecstatic. Then the descent happened, and he failed to calculate the timing, slowly landing over his butt. It didn’t hurt. It felt like he was trying to reach somewhere while in water.
Oh, Krel was having a blast at this. He couldn’t hear him, but his mouth was moving, and he was holding his stomach. Any other day Seamus would have rolled his eyes, trying to call him out on something else – “What are you laughing at, it takes half the time for you to get knocked out!” –, but today wasn’t one of these days. Today his boyfriend was simply glowing, immerse into his natural element, almost one with the infinite beauty of the moon and space all around them. He had never gone back to Akiridion-5, they had never visited, it was always Aja coming for him. It was the first time seeing him like this and it was a sight.
Better not say that to him though. He was already weak for him, especially today. Seamus pointed at his ear, the prince gulped and nodded, finally activating his communicator.
The blonde grinned, despite the embarrassment.
“Having fun over there, your majesty?”
“The most I have ever had ever since I taught that one math teacher how to deal with the third dimension.” He smirked, getting closer to him. Despite the extraterrestrial appearance, he seemed to move at his same speed. “What is up with you people and your will to test me, anyway?”
“First, it’s been eight years since the Math Duel. I was a jerk, I was still under my father’s wing, and you weren’t exactly making it easier by being all snarky about your votes.” Krel huffed. Again, better not say that that day had been the dealbreaker that had made the blonde realize just how much he wanted to know him – he was trying not to choke over here. “Second, that was a university teacher, you taught a university teacher how to do their job. That’s considered a little offensive.”
“Yeah, I have noticed. Humans are sensible.” He offered him a hand, pulling him up with two. “Clumsy too, I cannot believe your first mission is retrieving a broken rover. Bunch of globers.”
Seamus snickered, eyes down, getting pulled up.
“Again, eight years. Still calling everyone humans?”
“It is more of an endearing term at this point.” Krel smirked, pulling out his serrator. It was raised, projecting a map with a special location highlighted. It was a good thing his boyfriend liked to take charge. “Come on.” No way he could ever say no.
The moon was big. Of course it was, he had exhausted all of his local library with info about it, this wasn’t nothing new to him. Expect it was. It was nothing like the tales his mom used to read him before going to bed. It wasn’t like the magazines he used to sneak in the bathroom instead of doing his father’s math homework. It wasn’t like the posters of Arcadia’s planetarium, where he had been spending most of his time as a kid, and his very first date with Krel as a guy. It wasn’t the same because this time it was real, all around him. His mind was racing, every single thought was pulsing into the middle of his brain only to leave place for another, and another, and another, making him black out for a moment. When he realized that they were still walking, as fast as they could, and he was following Krel simply by instinct, he felt everything coming back to him.
This was real. This was beautifully real.
They walked near some kind of parking lot for spaceships – he had accepted he wasn’t going to find a lifeless desert on his first mission the moment he had asked an extraterrestrial to be his boyfriend –, where Krel was lingering with the eyes a little longer than normal. Seamus managed to catch up, noticing his vague stare. The place wasn’t familiar, that insecure look of him was. He let his hand touch one of his, asking permission and getting it as they were clenched together.
“Are you okay?” The prince sighed. He knew there was no point hiding anything from him, but he seemed reluctant at getting it out. “… is this from one of your adventures?”
“It is the Hunter’s Guild lunar outpost. It used to be an extremely menacing place, but after me, Aja and Varvatos defeated the Zeron Brotherhood years ago, now only a few unthreatening subjects frequent this place. Mostly foo-foo fighters, and they are in good terms with House Taron after helping defeating Morando.” Words flew out of his mouth rapidly, like he didn’t really care about them. “… it reminds me that… I am like them. An extraterrestrial, that is.” This is what he cared about. “I belong here, I know I do, so… sometimes I can’t help but wonder if I would have made a better choice if I had gone back to Akiridion-5 with Aja.” He breathed out. He wasn’t too keen at talking out his emotions, but he always felt better afterwards. It was a him thing.
Seamus laced an arm around his shoulders, bringing him closer to him. Wearing a suit in this place was still surreal and outstanding, but he still cursed it for not being able to feel him warm against him. Being close to this person didn’t stand the confrontation with the rest of the galaxy.
“We would’ve missed you. A lot.” Krel blinked and arched an eyebrow at him. “Okay, yeah, that’s a pretty standard encouragement. I’m just saying, you went through so much and then you decided yourself what to do with your life. That’s pretty amazing.” It went unsaid that it was something the both of them hadn’t been able to have for a long time, given their fathers. “You got through high school, colleges, part-time jobs, and how about your new lab?”
He got a smile out of him. Better, better.
“Someone had to make one, to teach you humans how to actually do engineering.”
“And I know it’s gonna be good for everyone. You even got that proposal to teach at university! You’re accomplishing so much here.” He hoped he wasn’t letting himself go too much. “Aja is an amazing queen, Varvatos visits all the time, and you’re living the life you want. Isn’t this good?” He swallowed, shrugging a little. “Isn’t it good… that I am in it, too?” Again, his body was shaking. He didn’t know if it was excitement still or something else. He got Krel to laugh some more, so it had to be good.
“That was also pretty standard to say.” Maybe not. “But… also pretty good. You are good.” Maybe yes. Anything to get even a bit of his smiles, even a bit of his good moods. “I do like my life. I would not have it any other way.” If Seamus was any worried, now he was no more.
If he had any doubt, now there was no space to.
… no pun intended.
It turned out that this really was a pretty fast trip, at least judging from the map. He would have thought the location would have given him more time to enjoy the moment and the company. Again, it was to be expected something going not according to plan, it was almost a characteristic from anyone who had ever spent even a single day in Arcadia. There was no time to sulk on that, not when he was getting over rocks and dunes all over, not when the moon was there, the most vivid of his dreams and the most concrete of realities. It was getting even more vivid inside of him, to the point his mind screamed stop and his heart shouted to keep going.
“-Gaylen 1, this is Houston, come in.-”
It all came crashing down into his mind as soon as the communicator broke his thoughts. Oh no. He tried to battle the shock and went to answer. Krel was faster. Kleb.
“Drop the codename Costas, it is just us.” The prince muttered under his breath, something about why humans were so obsessed with naming and formality for something as simple as space traveling. It would have been fun in any other situation. “What is the problem?”
“-Oh! Krel!-” That man was a much more respectable person than most, but he really didn’t know how to cover himself. It made him shudder in fear. “-I, huh, I didn’t expect you’d be the one answering…-” No no, don’t make it obvious. “-… any chance I could talk alone with your boyfriend instead? It’s a pretty urgent matter that involves only, uhm, certified astronauts. I hope you understand…-” What in the world, did he learn nothing in eight years of this Akiridion?
As predicted his boyfriend frowned, clearly not liking what he had just heard. He folded the lower pair of his arms, keeping two fingers of one upper over his communicator.
“Do I understand that I am being cut off the conversation even though I was the one that built the ship in the first place? Or do I understand that you and your superiors are not out of the target, considering all the trouble you had put my family and me in the past?” There was silence on the other line. If Costas wasn’t about to ruin his perfect day Seamus would have chuckled, especially with how shamelessly this extraterrestrial was addressing the government – his boyfriend just couldn’t help getting into a fight with the system every time. “If this is about the mission, I have every right to know. Unless you are actually hiding something from me…” Abort, abort!
He could almost feel Costas’ brain struggling to find a way to come up with whatever solution to whatever problem was happening. There was some whispering in the background, a few whispered curses most likely, and Krel’s scowl wasn’t getting any less intense.
“-Uhm… the mission requires some rock samples as well.-”
Was helmet-palm a thing? Seamus felt like making it a thing. His boyfriend gaped.
“… really?”
“-Yes, yes, absolutely! We don’t have that many samples anyway, especially from this area!-” An input was sent onto the map. “-Take your time, really, enjoy the view!-”
… ah. He needed to buy some time. Great.
Seamus took a breath, feeling the echo in the helmet again, going for the communicator.
“Copy that, we’ll follow the instruction. Gaylen 1, out.” He cut the communication quickly, in order not to give Krel the possibility to pose more questions and hoping Costas wasn’t that stupid to call back to make his point even further. “Alright, it’s not far, we can make it fast!” Which was the opposite of his plan. He didn’t know how much time it was needed, but he could gain some. Picking up rocks, not the most time spending activity, but it could work.
Probably. Again, nothing was certain when you came from Arcadia.
Krel looked taken aback, it was risky giving him time to think. Luckily, his pride was already taking over his curiosity, making him pout adorably while following him. Pretending everything was fine was easier when everything felt fine with him.
“Why do I get the feeling I am solely your assistant here?”
“You said it, not me. Maybe you’re intimidated by my leadership for this mission?”
A laugh. It was a beautiful sound, on Earth as much as on the moon.
“Wow, it is your first time stumbling in space and tripping onto a no gravity surface, and you already think of yourself as the expert.” Krel grinned back, because how could he not? “You humans truly need to learn some humbleness.” Said from him, pff, what a hypocrite. And a perceptive one, he seemed to read his thoughts, giggling.
Again, the most beautiful sound.
As it turned out, there was hardly any difference from the different areas on the moon, at least for his untrained eyes. Thinking that at some point he was going to be so knowledgeable to recognize every single zone like it was his old locker from school was beyond exciting. His suit had some compartments for small rocks, it was the best he could do without having brought along actual containers – Krel was calling out the unprofessional behavior, Seamus had simply nodded along. The gathering ended pretty quickly, there was little he could think of without giving everything away, especially with his brilliant boyfriend. He almost pondered if coming clean and wait for the rest was a better idea at this point.
Then, space came to the rescue. Or rather, Earth did. The sun was coming from behind it like a sunset, radiating orange light from afar. His world looked so little, so manageable, yet so precious at the same time. Seamus was starstruck, he couldn’t move. This was going beyond what he had hoped for, this was a completely different perspective. Everything was new and exciting, everything was a new birth coming out of what he already knew.
Before he could realize it, he was sitting down, admiring the view. Before he knew, Krel was by his side, holding his arm with his head resting onto his shoulder.
It was perfect. It was unexpected, and so very perfect. Seamus smiled.
“Hey.” The prince hummed next to him. “How about we forget the assistant part, and you get to be my date? This could be a date too.” Having a date on the moon with an alien, what a concept – his six years old self would have gone mad with happiness.
Krel snickered, snuggling closer.
“I guess it is better than nothing. I reclaim the duty of being the expert though.” He could let him have this one. Just this once. “… you know, I have seen something like this before.” His voice dropped a little, more vulnerable and intimate. “It was on the way to get to the Hunter’s Guild. The travel was uneventful, and so very long. Thank Seklos we did not use Stuart’s ship for this mission.” So this was why Krel had declined for him when the durian had proposed it – he had thought he was simply afraid of the stench on the ship… well, they were not mutually exclusive. “I have never spent so much time waiting before, it was exhausting, boring and unnerving. Then, the sunset had come out.” He smiled, eyes lightening up. “It was one of the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It made me forget how wrong everything was in my life, even for just a moment.” Their fingers intertwined.
Again, Seamus cursed his suit. He wanted to be much closer to him, he always did.
“Space is pretty great, huh?”
“It was not space. I have been travelling through planets before that time, it is not that big of a deal for me anymore.” Krel pointed at that planet, theirplanet, that was slowly revealing its shining star. “It was Earth. Raw, dirty, unexpected, unbelievable Earth. It was the moment I had first thought that despite being a dumb heap, there was just something about it.” He laughed a little, sighing happily. “I believe it was the time I had first fell in love with this planet.”
His voice. His words. His posture. His eyes. Everything, everything about Krel right now was unparalleled, vivid. Him, so absolutely, outstandingly him.
Seamus had to swallow, to not let his voice crack.
“I came second then? Too late, that’s kind of a bummer.”
“You soolian.” He took his hand, pressing it against his glowing cheek. Again the dang suit. The intention alone though, it was enough to make Seamus feel warm. “One of the main reasons why I love Earth, is because it’s the reason why I met you. You were just in time.”
This was right. This was absolutely right.
At the end it was less a matter of letting as much time pass as possible and more the fact that neither of them wanted to move away, not even after the sunset had occurred. At some point the goal area was highlighted over the map again, making them remember that they were currently in space for a certain mission right now. The walk was mostly silent, Krel was really focused whenever he wanted to finish something important. Even so, Seamus couldn’t even think about the quietness, not with all the thoughts going around in his head. They were getting there, it was happening.
His breath almost stopped when Krel did, deactivating the map and looking around. He was frowning, turning over and over to have a clear view of his surroundings.
“What… where is the rover? I do not see it?”
Seamus swallowed. Nothing was around. Come on Costas, did he really need more time??
“Huh, are you sure? Maybe it’s behind some rock?”
“It’s a rover, it is not little! And we are in the middle of a monochromatic land, I believe I would notice something this distinct.” The prince walked around, two hands over his waist. “Did Costas give us the right coordinates? If he dares make such a mistake after pushing me aside during the mission I… huh?” A good sound. A very good sound. Soon the very distinct noise of wheels manifested, and a very little device arrived. It was done. “… this is no rover, and in no way broken.” Krel leaned down to have a look. Seamus did the same, but not to check. “Wait a sekton, this is not even terrestrial! What is going on?” When he touched the top of the device, something opened revealing the inside. A little box. “What? Seamus, what is…?”
Krel turned. He had to look down to find him, because while distracted the blonde had found the time to get on his knee, even without gravity. The way his face changed, from confused, to shocked, to understanding and then absolutely amazed, his hand covering his mouth, found his way into his heart for a memory that was going to last forever.
Like now, right now. This was the right moment after all. Seamus smiled.
“Sorry I tricked you, although it wasn’t completely a lie. My first mission is actually only exploratory, and I’m still having an absolute blast.” He really wished he didn’t have the helmet on right now, just to take in all of the view. Of this place. Of him. “When I was little, going to space was the biggest dream of my life, the reason why I put up with so much. Then, in high school, you came along, and turned into just another dream of mine. I couldn’t help myself wanting to turn the both of them true, in the same place, you know I’m an overachiever.” The prince wasn’t moving, his eyes were getting lucid and if it wasn’t the most amazing view in the entire universe. Seamus took a breather, stood up, and went over the little machine.
The Akiridion engineers had done a pretty good job, the device was clean and had conserved the box perfectly. Aja had gone crazy after he had told him what he wanted to do – her hugs were closer to chockers at this point. He got the box, turned around, to find his boyfriend in the same position, shaking completely.
“S-Seamus…” The blonde smiled, kneeling again. He opened the box. It was a simple ring, silver like the color of his perfectly polished inventions, an azure gem as the color of his eyes.
Sharp, to the point, like him. Beautifully him.
“I love you, so much. You made me stand up against my dad, you made me go beyond how my mom left, you always encouraged me to do what I wanted to do. You were there through everything, my best and my worst, and you’re still here now that I’m at this point. You made me a better person.” He took a deep breath, looking down just for a moment, to hold onto this second a little longer. “You are the smartest person I know, and at the same time the most caring of all. I wanna take care of you the way you always did with me, officially.” He swallowed, and finally looked up, struck by the beauty in front of him. “Krel Tarron, will you marry me?”
Words came out. At last, it was real.
Krel was completely unmoving, stuck in his position. It was a long, terrifying minute, one that still didn’t make Seamus doubt, not this time, not when he could feel the two of them this connected. Right after tears were born onto the prince’s eyes, not flowing down because of the lack of gravity, stuck onto his cheeks and floating into space. Creating stars of his own.
“Y-you gloober… y-you absolute soolian of a human…” He rubbed his eyes, almost angrily, but his grin was so wide it came out from behind his hands. “H-how am I supposed to kiss you now when you cannot take off your suit??”
Seamus laughed, standing up, feeling his own eyes pinching as well.
“Is it a yes?” Krel looked at him, his lips trembling. Then he reached out for him, fighting the gravity in order to launch himself between his arms.
“It’s a yes.”
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