#and that is okay and not lesser or “losing” to ada
mandalhoerian · 1 year
i headcanon Leon as a very loyal man to his partner just saying 🙏 ofc he still cares for Ada but I definitely think he won’t step out on his wife/girlfriend boyfriend/husband cause you know, he lost a lot of people in his line of work and I don’t think he’ll risk destroying his family (I know no one hcs him as a cheater but just a thought I had LOL)
I agree with all of this and I want to add that I think Leon would only ever emotionally cheat on his partner because of lingering feelings for Ada but NEVER the real deal -- which is just worse in my opinion and makes for the best kind of angst because you KNOW Ada just has a different part of him that won't quite belong to you, ever. He's renounced ties with her in re4r and everything but there's just something there in him towards her, he'll never acknowledge it or ever talk about it, but you see it.
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reyofluke-ocs · 10 months
8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, 88, and 98 for Spotify Wrapped ask game
cries Ali I love you but whyyy
Send me 1-100 and I'll tell you what Spotify wrapped song it is and what oc/ship it applies to!
8. Cosmic Love - Florence + the Machine
Really any ship that could become dark. Obviously the first to come to mind is Karina Lantsov and her relationship with Mal, Alina and Aleksander bc Aleksander would LOVE to drag all three into the darkness with him. But also some of my AUs for Eleanor Winters, especially the ones involving Lycan!Chris and alive Wesker (which totally does not turn into Eleanor x Chris x Wesker bc what am I if not predictable). For OCs themselves, likely Ashley Williams and Octavis Octavius. In TLoU P2, Ashley kinda goes off the rails at Joel's death (though I go back and forth between killing him and not). And Octavius, there's the whole anti-heroine Madame Octopus thing.
18. Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron
ELEANOR. In fact, I should double check if I've added this to her playlist yet. The lyrics just scream the aftermath of House of the Rising Sun/All Things End. Goes with Ethan to figure what wtf is going on with Mia, gets (unknowingly) killed and turned into a B.O.W, goes through hell, meets and eventually falls in love with Chris only to get betrayed bc of Mother Miranda bullshit... should probably change this to be her them song tbh.
28. Ain't No Grave - Crooked Still
This is on my Ashley Williams playlist and fits her perfectly, because nothing will keep her from her loved ones (Ellie and later Joel). She grew up doing all sorts of questionable things just for Ellie; she's even willing for a good chunk of the journey to throw Joel to infected or groups if it'll buy Ellie time to escape and live.
38. Setting Sun - Lord Huron
Funny, as much as I adore this song, it's hard to apply it to an OC or ship without diving into massive AU territory. The Darkling I can see being like this, but Karina is a Malarklina ship so kinda not at the same time since he considers all three his? Same thing could apply to an AU involving Eleanor x Chris x Wesker or Lyall x Diana or even Luke x Jana. Pretty much add unhinged possessive behavior in a dark au to an oc or ship and you get this song, haha.
48. Fire and the Flood - Vance Joy
Romantically, Eleanor x Chris. Platonically... a lot. Eleanor & Ethan, Ashley & Ellie & Joel, Nelda & Eragon and Nelda & Murtagh.
58. Renegades - X Ambassadors
My Star Wars OCs. And DBH OCs. And havent introduced her yet but my Hunger Games OC, Ada Steelberg. Rebels and resistance in some way? Yeah, this song is for them.
68. Pompeii- Bastille
Eleanor Winters, Sidney and Donna Riley-Weathers, Maureen Prescott, Nelda (to a lesser extent when you factor in events from Murtagh). 'Does it almost feel like nothings changed at all?' And for all of them, in some way, that's true. Eleanor gets dragged back into facing off B.O.W.s in Romania; Sidney, Donna and Maureen all deal with Ghostface and being legacies of og Woodsboro survivors (and as the child of Sidney and Billy in Maureen's case). It's heavily hinted at in Murtagh that there's shaping up to be a new big bad that might have been behind Galbatorix and whatnot in Murtagh, so Nelda is going from one war to another, basically.
78. Seven Devils - Florence + the Machine
Even though it's on my Eleanor playlist, it could also fit Ashley, because of the lengths she's willing to go for the few people she cares about.
88. Gasoline - Halsey
Too many, tbh. Obviously it's added to my Eleanor Winters and Ashley Williams playlists but it also applies to my DBH OCs Fred and Christi bc of the lyrics 'I think there's a flaw in my code' bc you know, they become deviants and all.
98. In Dreams - Ben Howard
I have no idea. Mind immediately goes to Eleanor but also not quite because she does get a happy-ish ending with Chris even though she does lose Ethan. In a way it also kinda reminds me of Ashley. 'I may be troubled but I'm gracious in defeat'; she's okay with who she becomes and what she has to do for Ellie and later Joel. Idk this was honestly hard.
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blackjacketmuses · 6 years
frost blue, burnt umber, tea orange, vermillion, coral, bougainvillaea, currant, crimson, mallow, cadmium yellow, anise, new leaf, sanguine, cool grey for you newest muses~
frost blue: does your muse enjoy the snow and cold? or are they the type to enjoy summer more?
Dazai: Dazai hates cold weather. Hates it! He’s too skinny for this he hates being cold, catch him burying himself in six blankets or draping himself dramatically across a space heater. He’s not a fan of sweaty weather, either, but summer is less awful.
Poe: Edgar prefers the snowy season and winter most of all, mostly because it’s the season for blankets and warm drinks and snuggling up in your room to write. And really, ‘strangers stuck in a building during a snowstorm’ is a classic mystery trope and one of his favorites.
burnt umber: how stable is your muse, mentally and/or emotionally?
Dazai: Ahahahaha. Okay, no, he’s actually fairly stable? In a, uh, very specific sort of way. He’s functional, by some description, and not A Mess, but...he’s stable in that we can expect him to keep his cool and not have a meltdown? But he’s definitely not...he’s mentally stable, I’d say, yes, but not emotionally stable. He’s just very good at pretending otherwise.
Poe: Ha, not really? He’s far better now than he was at the bottom of his epic downward spiral, but he’s definitely not the most stable man. Too much anxiety and depression and cripplingly low self-esteem and shyness. 
tea orange: what is something that your muse is fascinated with?
Dazai: Suicide. I mean, besides that, uh. He actually has a fascination with reading about gods and monsters and folk legends? Part of that is absolutely because of Chuuya and Arahabaki, but part of it is a desire to both find something so out of the normal that it might actually kill him, or find an explanation for why he is how he is.
Poe: Cryptography! Word puzzles and ciphers and codes are so neat, and he loves making them and solving them. He’s considering making some to give to Ranpo to try out for a change of pace from mystery solving, but he’s not sure if the other man would be interested...
vermillion: is your muse courageous, or would they consider themselves to be more of a coward?
Dazai: Well, Dazai doesn’t think in terms of courage/cowardice? He has a very utilitarian “if it needs done, it needs done” view of things; no matter what it is, if it’s necessary to do, he’ll do it. More generally, I’m not sure he even can feel genuine fear? He can be concerned or worried or shocked, but real fear is a little beyond him.
Poe: Oh, he absolutely thinks of himself as a coward! He refuses to fight and would much rather just avoid any confrontation altogether, and hates raised voices and loud noises and crowds. (He does however have an extremely high tolerance for spooky/scary things and occult creepiness, he loves that shit, so there is that.)
coral: what is your muse's romantic and sexual orientations?
Dazai: Bisexual biromantic. However, he’s also...I wouldn’t say he’s demisexual or demiromantic, but though he’s absolutely flirtatious on occasion (of late, it’s just a new thing he’s playing around with trying) and has had sex before, it’s not something that he really puts much thought into. Feelings are hard enough to parse without putting romance into it, and he sees sex as more of a way to feel things and as a release more than anything intrinsically tied to romance. He is capable of it, though, it’s just. Complicated to say the least. 
Poe: Edgar is absolutely deeply, deeply asexual, and he’s not very sure about romantic orientation? He has had crushes on a few girls before, but he’s very much also crushing hard on Ranpo. So I’d really put him as biromantic, but still somewhat closeted.
bougainvillaea: would your muse consider themselves as blunt, or do they beat around the bush instead?
Dazai: Ha. He can be vague about things when he wants to be, and he is a lot of the time --- he treats a lot of things as only need-to-know basis, especially his plans --- but when the chips are down he can be pretty brutally blunt.
Poe: He hates being straightforward, it makes him anxious that people will be mad at him, so he’s gotten really good at beating around the bush and talking around things. He is a mystery writer after all.
currant: what's something that absolutely disgusts your muse (can be a person, place, thing, ect)?
Dazai: Waste of life. He’s very pragmatic and efficient and straightforward with all he does, and even if his plans are left mysterious and a little convoluted at times they’re all plotted to get the result as quickly and simply as he can manage; he hates any sort of thing where people die or are hurt for no reason, like how Mori basically threw Oda away, or Mori releasing Q without caring about collateral damage. Can you tell he isn’t a big fan of Mori? He didn’t like him before, but despite him being genuinely devoted to the mafia, his habit of making moves that don’t seem to care about getting people killed who don’t have to get killed has really not helped. 
Poe: Bad writing!! Purposefully bad writing!!! Writing that shows you give zero fucks about the actual characters and plot of your work, just the end goal of whatever you’re writing!! Writers selling out and going paint-by-numbers with their plots because they care more about the money than the work itself!! He’s very passionate about this!!!
crimson: how passionate is your muse about the things they love most?
Dazai: Passion is difficult. I wouldn’t say that he’s passionate about the things he cares about most, even suicide, but he’s devoted. Passion implies a level of emotion that he’s not really capable of experiencing quite as much as most people, but he’s devoted to the things he cares about, so that’s in a way the same thing.
Poe: Super passionate. Mysteries and writing (and to a lesser extent the occult and cryptography) are basically the only things that get him excited and able to actually talk and gesture and get really happy and passionate and vibrant, that really let him come out of his anxious shell and be the huge dramatic dork that he is.
mallow: what sorts of things might remind your muse of those close to them? any scents, objects, sounds?
Dazai: Wine, stupid fancy hats, cats, curry, bourbon and jazz music, schedules, the sound of a chainsaw, butterflies, straw hats, piles of candy, stuffed rabbits or stuffed tigers, a default cellphone ring, black coats, ochazuke.
Poe: Candy, newsboy caps, the smell of grapes and the ocean mixed together, snowglobes and tea, the scratch of a pen on paper, green eyes.
cadmium yellow: what subjects or topics does your muse avoid, because they bring up harmful / painful memories?
Dazai: Don’t talk to him about the mafia, don’t talk to him about Lupin, don’t talk to him about Ango or Odasaku, don’t ask him about his history with Akutagawa or Mori, don’t ask him about why he’s so obsessed with suicide (and expect a straight answer). In fact, he tends to avoid talking about anything from before he joined the ADA as much as he possibly can. He’s started a new life, as far as he’s concerned, and wants the ADA to know as little about who he was then as possible. Not necessarily that he cares if they think less of him, it’s just...he wants to do what he promised Odasaku. He doesn’t want to bring the person he used to be back into this.
Poe: He doesn’t talk about his parents much, and he sure as hell avoids talking about the six years between his defeat at Ranpo’s hands and his arrival in Japan with the Guild. He can give basics to others if necessary, but he doesn’t want to relive that time.
anise: when it comes to self-care, what does your muse do to take care of themselves? do they take care to spend time on it, or do they feel they don't deserve it?
Dazai: What’s self care? His sleep patterns are pretty irregular if he sleeps at all, and he either eats normally or forgets to eat for days at a time, it varies wildly at best. Self care for Dazai is, in all honesty, trying to kill himself. Yes, you can be worried, this is definitely unhealthy.
Poe: Self care is blanket burritos, hot cider or mulled wine, and a good book. He has enough bad days that sometimes this is literally all he can do, and though he’s trying not to drink as much anymore, it still happens.
new leaf: what message would your muse send to their past self, if any
Dazai: He can’t think of anything, and even if he could, it’s not like it’s going to change anything. What’s the point in it? He knows the person he was wouldn’t listen.
Poe: Please don’t give up. If you keep working hard, you’ll see him again and he’ll acknowledge you.
sanguine: does your muse typically have an optimistic, pessimistic, or some middle ground outlook on life?
Dazai: He’s pretty realistic, almost pragmatically so. People are idiots, prone to thinking emotionally, evil people exist and win more than they lose, and life is full of bullshit and things you can’t stop or change even if they suck. But somehow, people still live. People still live, and that’s...probably enough for them. As for personally, it’s....a lot more complicated. 
Poe: He’s pretty pessimistic as a general rule, poor thing.
cool grey: if your muse could ensure one thing for certain in their future to come, what would it be?
Dazai: (manga spoilers) If he could ensure one thing in the future, it would be that the ADA gets their reputation back after they defeat Fyodor and can go back to their usual lives without being hated or chased down or accused of things they’d never do/have never done. He doesn’t care so much about himself, but he wants the rest of the ADA to get their lives back.
Poe: One thing for certain? That none of the people he cares about die or are lost to him. What’s going on right now is scary, and he’s afraid for the people involved in it. (That, or that he gets to keep Ranpo’s respect.)
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