#and that isn't good!! they might both be cute little baby gods made of void but their personalities are very different
abyssembraced · 2 years
((Quick heads up that my portrayal of Ghost might seem a little inconsistent for a little bit. There are a couple things I'm not super satisfied with right now))
#.🪲#ooc#my main issue is that right now they can sometimes seem too... kirby-like i feel#like. in some cases i feel like if kirby was in the same situation as ghost i would write him fairly similarly#and that isn't good!! they might both be cute little baby gods made of void but their personalities are very different#ghost is more... reserved? ...and. also more intelligent sorry kirby AGSGDBS#and more analytical i think i'd say#and like. with kirby. you see him. you see how he acts. and you confidently go ''yep that's a child right there''#with ghost? not so much. or at least it shouldn't be that way#you should look at ghost and go ''i *think* that's a child?'' at first glance#just based on their appearance alone. because physically they ARE a child#(though even then if it's an hk character then they might not be certain since small adult bug species like sly's exist)#but then you see how strong they are and you read the things they wrote in their hunter's journal#and you start to wonder if maybe they're actually an adult?#but then you see them do something unmistakably childlike#and you're kinda just in this infinite loop of questioning until you just give up and accept that ghost is ghost#the people who actually know more about vessels and have met hollow are the only ones who really know ghost's age for certain. like hornet#because then they can see hollow and go ''okay so that's what your species looks like in its final adult molt''#and thus in comparison ghost is very obviously a child#though technically that won't work in the far future because ghost can't actually molt anymore#since they're void in a bug shape. not an actual bug anymore#but yeah. i consider ghost to be like a robot who has just started to develop sentience and emotions#they're very smart and mature and capable in a lot of things!#but they're still learning about emotions and stuff and are effectively like a child on that front#they've been alive for probably at least a century but all but a small portion of that life was spent being hollow#so they weren't really conscious of anything and don't remember much of that past now#it's only upon coming to hallownest and deepening their connection to void (and eventually becoming fully void) that they start to develop-#-thoughts and emotions#...and. i have just realized that i forgot to put the ooc brackets around *all* of these tags.#oh well rip lmao i don't feel like fixing that now agsdgdgs
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Acts of affection ( shippy/ fluff edition )
💗 - our muses are wrestling playfully and yours suddenly kisses mine
🍟 - your muse steals a fry from mine and says “You’re cute when you’re mad.”
🎊 - my muse is pregnant and yours is ecstatic upon hearing the good news
She was... Well a little emotional about her fries being eaten by the love of her life. Well scratch that honestly... When Roland brought up that she was cute when she was mad, Sapphire burst out into tears. She just couldn't help it. Like literally couldn't. After going through the last few days of being woken up with the urge to empty her stomach through the day before settling finally by the time dinner time began to roll around. She was a little emotional about her food.
At first she thought it was some bug that she caught. After all it was part of her job to help those in need, and sometimes you couldn't help that those people were sick. But after day three, and concerned looks her way, the red head set herself up for a doctor's appointment. How wrong she was. A stomach bug didn't do this. No.. not with the news the doctor delivered to her. How could such simple, but so exstordernarily life changing news bring so much joy?
A baby.
They had been married at this point for perhaps... A little over six months? Having settled into a place that was a little larger than the last, the spare room they had wasn't going to be spare for much longer. But that was going to be fine. It was honestly the matter of sharing said news with her husband.
Which wrapped everything back to her being grumpy and distraught about the loss of her fries. Correction, one fry.
Cheeks puffed out as blue eyes narrowed in contempt. "Did you really have to take that? I need to eat you know." Grumbling at Roland, her hands reached to her plate as she pulled it a little closer. Bringing a hand up, as if to create a barrier between him and her food. Was this typical? Perhaps...but the fact that her eyes had become glossy, a sign of tears, was not.
"It's just a fry... You know we could cook more to replace the one I ate." Roland's expression changed from being humored to a bit more concerned for the fact that Sapphire was crying over the fry. The unusual behavior only made him more concerned. It usually ended with the two having a bit of fun after dinner. Then again, a bit more recently her mood swings had been a little more frequent and a bit harsher than usual. It made him worry there was something more going on that needed to be checked on by the doctor. Speaking of which, that was on the agenda of questions for his star. But perhaps... It'd be wise to lighten the mood. His focus falling fully back to his love.
"No..."she sniffled for a moment as teary blue eyes dropped to the floor. "It's just been a long day already...." She tried offering a small smile as Sapph looked up at her husband, an apology reflecting in her expression while her hands moved to clear her face of moisture. She really needed to pull herself together.
Roland blinked as his gaze went from his wife to the clock for a moment. The time changing to 11:17 in the morning. "Well.. that's saying something considering it isn't even noon yet.." His gaze turned back to the small woman before him, contemplating something. Yes.. now would be a good time to lighten things up. A slow smile stretched across his lips as Roland stood slowly from his chair.
Blue eyes followed his movements as a slim brow arched on Sapphire's forehead. Tears clearly stopping as curiosity filled the void. That expression spelled trouble. It did every single time. Well good trouble. Despite that, she waited with baited breath to see what he was up to. After all, he was very distracting to look at. Him with his rediculous handsome face, toned addictive body and the sweetest damned personality she ever had the chance to drown in. So lost was she on following his movement, she had missed the fact that he was at her side, leaning down, and quite humored with her sudden realization of just how close he had gotten.
Startled, a odd sound of a squeal mixed a strangled gurgle of excitement, the small woman practically fell sideways out of the dining room chair before catching herself in a hurry to skitter off to the living room. The bark of laughter echoed behind her for a moment as short legs carried her through the living room and towards the hall for the bedrooms. Despite the bout of sadness she had over the stupid fry, the fact that it had faded quickly was a relief. Especially as Sapph practically was snickering now as she attempted to flee.
Key word : attempted
Roland was just as fast out of suit, and just as light on his feet too. It didn't take much to cross the living room and into the hall once he stopped laughing over that adorable reaction. A predatory grin along his face as he reached out both hands, fingers grazing the sides of Sapphire's waist, the gap closing between the two. The hunter catching his prey in a final burst of energy.
The bought of laughter from the red head was her down fall as strong arms wrapped around her frame, lifting her easily into the air for a moment before being pulled against a strong warm frame. Hot breath tickled her ear as Roland joined her in laughing for the moment.
"Gotcha!" Long arms shifted the smaller woman in his arms to keep her comfortable against him while being held. Minor fussing coming from the other was normal. Typically cursing his long legs to catch up to her. Crossing into their bedroom, and plopping down onto the bed. Roland nuzzled his nose into curly red locks before placing a gentle kiss atop her head. " Love you my Star."
Arms loosened as if following a routine to allow Sapph to shift in a more comfortable position. All fussing ended once she settled in his lap happily, her attention turning to him once again. "Love you too my Leo." Gently tugging the front of his shirt, she leaned in kissing him gently.
Settling against one another, it was easy to relax and enjoy being in each other's company. Allowing the days stress, even if it was early in the day, to melt away. They were each others best remedy to a bad day after all.
After some time, Sapphire spoke up as she gazed at her husband. "You know.. I am sorry that I reacted like that. I wasn't trying to freak out over a little fry." Warmth spread through her as Roland's forehead settled gently against hers. Waiting for her to finish speaking before joining in. "I went to the doctor this mornin, and she kinda gave a bit of news I guess I wasn't quite prepared to hear. But it... It really does explain so much."
"Oh? And whats that?" He tried to remain calm. Normally Sapph was pretty straight forward with him. But she fidgeted in his lap while she beat around the bush so's to say. Which meant this was bigger than some virus he thought she might have contracted.
"Well..." She took a breath in, cheeks puffing out only slightly before letting it out in a quick release. Her cheeks colored a little while giving him a reassuring smile. "It's not death or anything like that.. but it will take bout nine months or so to let it pass..and another eighteen years before its all said and done." Seeing him arch a brow at her description almost made her laugh. "Oh come on haha... Its a baby... I'm pregnant Roland!" She felt giddy finally being able to tell him without her freaking out herself.
Those words sunk in heavy and quickly as his eyes widened. She was... It made sense the past few days.. even the past few weeks."Seriously?!" A swell of pride and joy spread through his chest and to the rest of his body as he pulled Sapphire in for a passion filled kiss. Any of her giggles died in her throat as she responded in kind. Pulling back for some air, laughter bubbled out. Excitement clear while holding his wife close. Her own cheerful giggles melded with his. "Holy shit.. haha that's.. that's some of the best news I've heard..." Planting a few small kisses along her face, he couldn't contain the smile that spread across his face. "God.. I was worried you were sick... Like really sick." What the hell would he do without his Star by his side? He'd already done so much to make sure she was safe. Enveloping her into his arms, held flush against him, he peppered her face with small kisses once more.
"No... I would have told you well before leaving the doctors if that were the case." A smile cracked across her face. One eye shut as she focused on her husband. All those little kisses filled her with so much love for this man. It was impossible for her to not figure out how to move closer, to soak up his affection in every way possible. "Now you're really stuck with me." Laughing, she kissed just along his jaw the first chance she got.
"Oh no...Guess I'll just have to cope with that by making sure we have the best life possible." Roland chuckled lightly.
"God I love you so much..."
"Love you too my Star."
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