#and that just reminded me of Mothra's evolution
tinderbox210 · 6 months
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Mothzilla + emerging from their cocoons
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hrodvitnon · 6 months
Followup to the big Xenilla Arc submission from earlier about Abraxas:
The power would essentially have to combine their attunement to radio waves and their electricity. Indoctrination (at least in Mass Effect- not sure if there's any huge differences in Abraxasverse) is essentially a big electromagnetic field that generates brain impulses- like subtle whispers that eventually drive the victims insane and brainwash them into believing certain things. Abraxas is capable of generating both- but the actual mechanics of doing so are very precise and complicated- especially finnicky to a fighter like them who usually just blind rages with their power until everything's a collective puddle of red. This could be a subject of their fight with Gigan- he's a tricky fighter who knows how to manipulate their rage and cause them to make mistakes, which he punishes accordingly. Abraxas would have to slow down- focus- and be tactical here, find new ways to use their power to beat him. Once they've got the honed control down- they can start combining a subtle electrical field with psionic messages to imitate Indoctrination (weird comparison, but hear me out; it works kinda like San's Thundergasm in Abraxas- only much much more difficult to pull off as it's at a distance and you need to be precise down to the exact neuron or risk causing brain damage).
Reaper Indoctrination is insidious, dark, meant to make you question and doubt your own mind so you give in to the whispers. This is combined with their ships' architecture being meant to throw you off- meant to fuck with you- like a maze you get caught in with your mind telling you to go one way and the infernal noise in the back of your head telling you to go somewhere else. Abraxas's Indoctrination would be the opposite- meant to reassure, to comfort, to remind you to trust yourself, to remind of happier times. This could also be Vivienne's opportunity to mirror what San did for her within Jonah's captivity- being the voice to reassure her when she was so close to giving up. Now she has the power to whisper words of encouragement to her allies just like he did for her so long ago. This could be coupled with a soothing locale to reinforce peace- like somewhere natural.
One of the reasons I think it would be so powerful for Abraxas to have access to this is something specifically about Vivienne and her ancestry: Bone Singing. To amplify the ancient songs in this way would be an advancement of the technique- a true evolution that not even the most ancient of Titans knew was possible; and it would be powerful to hear. Like a song sung in the back of your mind- one that reminds you of the great old days- that calls back to a people long forgotten. Abraxas wouldn't just live up to the Bone Singer name, they'd surpass it; becoming something completely different but familiar. Imagine being a freaked out, mentally scarred Godzilla- or Rodan not knowing if he's going to survive infection or end up like Ozzy- and hearing a two-man chorus in the back of your head singing the songs that brought you joy and companionship so long ago, coupled with calming whispers from either San or Vivienne.
If anything, I think this should be what brings Ozzy back from the brink, and recontextualizing him as a suffering victim in the same light that Vivienne was back at the beginning of Abraxas would be pitch perfect character growth- giving her a chance to tell him the things she wish she told herself, connect with him on that level, essentially be to him what San or Mothra was to her when she was first going through it.
This power would also fall in line with the theme of- well, the name of Abraxas. Reaper Indoctrination was undoubtably one of the most evil inventions ever made- in a very similar light that Ghidorah's powers were. But just like those- the power now belongs to Abraxas. "You inherit it and that makes it YOURS now. No one else's. YOURS. Good, bad? Words. Power is a tool. You decide how to use it."
You know, I like this. Abraxas becoming more than just an Executioner Titan (though they absolutely will do violent bad things if need be, that's part of the name's territory) but will go out of their way to help.
"I have slain gods and demons. I have brought unimaginable horrors into existence and I have exorcised them. I bring no evil here. Have no fear. Be at peace. Here, you are safe. Here, you can dream of times long past. May they be sweet anodyne to your weary soul."
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droctaviolovecraft · 4 months
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ANM-451: Pallidus Homo (art by Lyss)
**ANM No.: 451**
**Responsible Researcher: Lyn Lopes (D9)**
**Identification: Pallidus Homo**
**Danger Level: Darlig 🔴 (Public, physical, mental, global)**
**Containment Difficulty: 3 (Difficult)**
**Anomaly Type: Shapeshifter, sentient, multi-anomalous, group, predatory, humanoid, manipulative**
A single instance, already contained by the MOTHRA Foundation, is located and held in the heavy containment zone of MOTHRA. However, it still poses significant risks to the workers studying it. All personnel involved in its containment must use protections to prevent the anomalous effects of 451 from manifesting, including wearing aluminum hats.
The entity is kept in a 5m³ cell with a height of 10m, with no view inside or any entry point. The walls are made of at least 50cm thick pure titanium. The creature should not be fed, and tests and research must be conducted with extreme caution.
Other alternatives to eliminate all instances of 451 globally are being considered. As of this writing, only 3 (three) have been killed, given that the entities seem to manifest in several countries.
Pallidus Homo, designated "Pale Man," instances of ANM-451 are capable of infiltrating the mind of anyone, posing as a loved one, and then killing their victim. There have been several reports of people who have fallen victim to the creature. Most of the "reports" come from deceased victims, mainly through audio and video recovered by the police from found cars or accident scenes.
The instances are white humanoid creatures, measuring 5 meters or more, and can wander through nature or empty roads looking for their victims. Their weight varies greatly with their evolution, with "Alta Hominum" weighing up to 187 kilograms, making them dangerous to a certain extent. They reproduce through their claws, but how this process occurs is still unknown. The eggs are called "Ova Alba," and gestation can last 2 decades. Males can have 2 to 4 eggs post-gestation, while females can have 5 to 8 eggs. Their eggs are no larger than 10 centimeters and are characterized as white, slimy cocoons.
A single instance of 451 is currently contained within the MOTHRA Foundation. All instances show the ability to transform into the image of a loved one to lure their victims or weaken them. They appear in urban and rural areas away from human habitation and have been associated with several accidents. Despite their physical strength, ANM-451 is also considered intelligent and capable of manipulating its victims psychologically. The instances' strength is not very high; they generally use their claws to tear their victims apart.
**Name:** Antônio Carlos Moreira
**Nationality:** Brazilian
**Occupation:** Truck Driver
**Age:** 47
**Event:** Encounter with ANM-451 instances
**Date:** ██/██/██
"I was driving alone on the deserted highway in the middle of the night. It was late, and I hadn’t seen another car for hours. So, I was feeling safe and at peace, enjoying the tranquility of the night.
But then, turning a curve, I noticed someone in the middle of the road. It was a woman dressed in white, her long hair shining in the reflection of my headlights. I was scared as hell, but she ended up waving at me, signaling for me to stop the car. For a moment, she reminded me of my late mother.
Soon I realized a tall, thin man was also in the middle of the road next to the woman. They were acting strange, and I quickly became anxious. I thought they were going to rob me.
You know, I carry a gun with me. Just as a precaution. I decided to stop the car and got out to talk to them, with my gun behind my back. As soon as I got out of the vehicle, the guy, or what seemed like a guy, grew towards me.
I quickly pulled my gun forward and shot him in the middle of his head. The bastard staggered back but didn’t fall. His appearance and the woman’s began to change, literally, into giant, pale monsters coming at me. I shot several more times at the "guy". Whatever god or the devil wanted.
I used all my bullets on that apparition, but it seemed that in the end, he finally gave in and went into the bush, leaving a lot of blood behind.
I faced the other apparition. But she seemed scared of me, and I continued pointing my "38" at her, praying she wouldn’t hurt me.
She also retreated into the bush, possibly following the other soul. I got back into my truck, reloaded my pistol, and continued my journey...
Maybe I should cut down on those Red Bulls..."
> End of record and file.
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where-dreamers-go · 4 years
James Conrad x Fem!Reader (Soulmate AU) Part One
(A/N: I wanted to experiment with another soulmate alternative universe. Predominantly in James’ point of view. This has been (slowly) in the works for a long while. Again, I went back to this now in 2021 when this was typed from a notebook in 2019. I kind of forgot about this one…my bad. So this is for @girl-next-door-writes Bingo Challenge~! Yeah, I know I have a few other insert readers that I’m working on, but this one was basically finished and I can’t believe I forgot about it. Part One, Erica? Yeah, I know...we get there when we get there. Bingo Card: Soulmates Warnings: Brief and vague mentions of people not surviving on Skull Island. Word Count: 3,246 words )
A world with ancient creatures long forgotten and slowly being remembered was an intricate puzzle. There were believers, those who were neutral, and those who spit negativity at the notion of something against their beliefs.
A society and world where soulmates could found one another on their own was exciting for the hopeful. Bioluminescent glow of the skin acted as a compass with one’s soulmate in place of North. A part of the body closest to the direction of one’s soulmate would glow. It could be the tip of a nose, an extended elbow, or any small pinpoint glow unless one’s soulmate was closer. The more near to one’s soulmate, the larger the glowing area. 
✧ ✧ ✧
James’ skin never glowed more than the size of a small coin. He had traveled more than the average citizen. He had been a captain, Special Operations, but was a civilian once more as a hirable tracker. Yet agreeing to go aboard his last job changed everything. What he knew about the world and her creatures was altered. Skull Island was only a part of it all.
On top of being forced into Monarch’s containment and learning that there were other monsters out there around the world—his skin was glowing in large patches. It was distracting for himself and those with him. The others were getting quite interested and offering to help. As it had been glowing more noticeably since he and Mason were briefed on the ancient super species.
“I can handle it. Let’s stay on topic, shall we?” James asked, as he walked out of the concrete holding room.
“Are you sure? Because—,” the boy, Houston, swallowed his words at the quick glance from James. “Right.”
It was no secret that the two scientists, Houston Brooks and San Lin, found James’ glowing skin to be a big deal. Seeing someone’s skin glow about the size of their hand was nothing to ignore. Yet that was what James intended to do. There were larger situations to consider, especially as the two scientists took Mason and James to another area—finally—once they were on board.
“More of your skin is glowing,” said Mason, her voice hushed.
“I know.” James stated, but not as flatly as he intended to end the conversation.
“I wonder who it is,” Houston stated.
“Someone in Monarch definitely,” San added.
“Again, may we stay on topic?” James looked pointedly at each of his companions.
He did not have a clear idea where they were being lead in the government building, but he did know it would lead to more information on the matters Monarch was involved in.
✧ ✧ ✧
Work had been left ignored, procrastinated for hours. Your eyes studying your own skin as its bioluminescence when you had walked through the compound and as you sat in your small office.
You were brought into Monarch almost a year ago with promises of knowledge and helping others. Your curiosity had sucked you in. It was a home, workplace, and life like no other. There were many surreal moments, definitely, considering ancient creatures not being just legends. Something a zoologist like yourself dove into researching.
You were happy. You had a purpose of helping others. The more you learned and researched, the more you felt actually fulfilled. Also, the more paperwork and notes you had pinned to the wall and filed onto your desk.
Seeing your skin’s soulmate glow broaden in size seemed more otherworldly than writing down a wingspan for Mothra.
Sighing, you rotated your forearm as the glow spread to your bicep.
This week just keeps getting more intense, you thought. First an expedition on Skull Island, now—
Knock knock
You quickly rolled down the sleeves of your shirt.
“Hey, (Y/N).” Houston walked in through the open doorway, “got a minute?”
“Sure.” You answered, standing from your seat.
Three more people walked into your office, one of which you recognized as San.
“May I help you?” You asked as you made an effort not to make any direct eye contact with the newcomers for at least a moment longer.
“Ah…” His eyes were on the man he had brought with him.
He coughed before speaking and turning his attention elsewhere, “This is Mason Weaver—.”
“Hi.” Mason waved, a woman with dirty blonde hair.
“Hi,” you smiled and waved in return. The glow appearing out of your hand. You quickly tucked your hands behind your back. A glow then brightening your face.
“—And…this is James Conrad.”
“Hi.” The tall man swallowed dryly, his face and neck glowing warmly. Extremely obviously.
Oh, dear, you thought.
Clearly, out of everything that happened in the past week, he was not prepared for meeting his soulmate. Neither were you.
“Hi.” Your voice lacked the strength you were hoping to pull out of yourself for one second away from your work. Although it did not seem to hurt any of the introductions.
Quiet quickly took over your small office. Multiple pairs of eyes looked between you and the Mister Conrad. With your desk behind you, you were a cornered little mammal.
“So, what’s your job here?” Mason asked, breaking through the other’s silent stares.
“I’m a zoologist and here at Monarch I try to figure out how these species live—survive in their environments. Hoping to learn about their evolution and habits. Basically the animal kingdom.” You answered, your shoulders slacking some.
“She also has an interest in mythology, which is a great help to us,” Houston piped up.
“If I was more into cryptology it would make this a little more fun. If not give me a small head start when I first came here.”
“Speaking of head start…How much time do you think we have?” Mason asked.
“Time… Uh. Considering we survived this long as a species, how technology is progressing, and how your expedition unearthed some of the creatures….I would say that we still have time before the world—our society as a whole—knows them as facts. That much can be said.”
“That’s good news.”
“But that doesn’t mean all humans or even our technology will be prepared for their arrival or even living amongst them.”
“I’m not sure I want to live next door to one of them,” Houston pointed out.
“The creatures already live here. They were here first.” San added.
“We are the ones who must adapt.” James said, arms crossed over his chest.
Your breath came in quickly as your eyes reminded you of the man’s own bioluminescence. It covered all of his arms’ skin that was visible from his short-sleeve shirt. Mesmerizing you in thoughts that seemed too supernatural and much too distracting for the topic at hand.
“Are we not gonna talk about you two’s skins glowing?” Houston asked, jolting you out of your thoughts.
You straightened up hastily.
“Learning all we can about ancient creatures that could possibly destroy the human race and other creatures of the world comes first.” You said, though perhaps more to yourself. It wasn’t entirely a ‘no’.
“Agreed.” James stated, arms still crossed and glowing.
You had only taken a glimpse at him from the corner of your eye.
“Alright,” Houston drew out the word. “The world is top priority.”
“As it should,” San added. “And we should show Mason and James the other wing. Show them their rooms and where they can eat.”
“It was nice meeting you,” Mason said as she turned towards the door.
“Likewise,” you smiled.
“A pleasure,” James said shortly before leaving just before Mason.
Houston and San gave their short goodbyes as they left you to your work.
You plopped down onto your chair. Heart thumping loudly in your chest, you shuttered as you let out a breath of air.
“He’s here.”
✧ ✧ ✧
Mason and James were shown more of the facility on the way to the living area. A whole opposite wing inside of the secret facility where those in Monarch could stay. It was impressive. Their separate rooms would be the final stop on the tour.
James wondered if there would be no leaving that place. After time, would he want to?
I’m going to have to help people. I’m alright with that. If they need help—the world, I’ll do what I can. He thought as he counted off the doors they passed.
Houston and San lead the way.
“I can’t believe you didn’t stay and talk with her,” Mason declared from beside James. “Actually I can. Nevermind.”
“There’s no time.” James said.
“That’s a poor excuse for someone who just heard that we do have time. Years even.”
“But would it be worth it?” He countered.
“That’s up to you and her. You could also learn a lot more about this place.”
“I think I’ve heard enough about this place for one day.”
He knew that Mason was trying to bait him, but also to genuinely help. It wasn’t an everyday thing to hear about someone finding their soulmate; let alone see it happen.
It had to happen this way, didn’t it?
When night fell and James was finally alone, he was reminded of everything he had pushed to the back of his mind. Well fed and cleaned up, he laid in bed. He could not help but to stare at the glowing of his skin on his left side. It meant that you did not leave the facility either. Could you though? He reached out his left arm and watched as his entire hand glowed. Bright whites and warm yellow tones. Even when he was in the UK his skin never glowed more than the size of his thumb. His soulmate was there. Alive and healthy.
He sighed.
Normally he would not even think about his soulmate or even remember about a glowing patch of his skin because it was always out of sight or not enough to notice. Too many changes and discoveries. Then he met you. However brief of a meeting, James had felt something spark in his mind and his veins. Somewhere in him, he felt a connection. An interest that rooted itself inside of him where he could not see.
Closing his eyes, James settled with his thoughts.
She’s safe. That’s what’s important.
✧ ✧ ✧
James awakened from his half-sleep state from a knocking on the room’s only door. Rolling out of bed, he walked to see who needed to see him. It was not until his entire front was glowing brighter than yesterday did he know for certain who was behind the door. He flicked on the room light. Sleep faded from his mind completely.
He took a breath in.
Upon opening the door, he did not mind greeting who he saw.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning,” you smiled all tense with your face all aglow.
A small smile curled his lips.
Guess it didn’t take her long to figure out which room I was in.
“I’m sorry if it’s too early.” You said, voice hushed.
“It’s fine. Truly.”
“I was just…wondering if you were okay.”
He could of laughed at the statement, but he chose against it.
“Considering I was lucky to return alive from an island full of monsters, was taken against my will to be brought here, was shown a presentation of other monsters on the planet, and still haven’t left this place—I would have to say that simply ‘okay’ doesn’t quite fit.”
Silence filled the hall.
James felt a twinge of guilt seeing the mixture of hurt on your face unfiltered. Your fingers intertwined tightly. He waited to hear what you would say.
You finally found words you wanted to share, “Monarch tends to be a bit dramatic and secretive, but I think that’s because it’s difficult for Monarch as a whole to find people they can trust.”
“They seem to trust you a great deal.”
“I’ve just gathered information. I’m a zoologist and I also want to make sense of what our world really is—but that doesn’t mean I’ll figure out everything we should even know about one of these creatures. I do my best. I don’t go out recruiting or anything. I haven’t even been out in the field in months.”
He saw more than he had yesterday how the subjects at hand were making you distressed. Seen from how your eyes looked panicked and you hid your hands in the sleeves of your sweater.
“I’m sorry for what you went through on the island. No one should have gotten hurt or…,” your voice trailed off.
“Each of us knew the risks—to a degree.”
“But you weren’t told the truth. It wasn’t fair.”
James leaned against the doorway. New thoughts coming forward in his mind.
“Were you available to go to Skull Island?”
“I—,” you cocked your head at him before your eyes glanced elsewhere. “Bill Randa told me to look over my research. Basically like writing a second draft to a paper. He told me that I was missing something. But…we didn’t have any new information coming in at the time.”
“Any chance he was wary of whether or not you would have told those he hired why we were really there?”
That would have been helpful. But Houston and San did not say anything either.
“I…I don’t know. I’ve never told a secret before. Not that any of this is really a secret. It’s more like myths and stories that people wouldn’t likely believe at first glance.”
He watched as you rubbed your arms still deep in thought.
James straightened up.
“Would you care to come in? I think we’ve stood out here long enough.” He smiled.
You smiled kindly in return.
“Would it be alright if we talked about something other than monsters?” You inquired.
“Sure. Did you have anything in mind?” He dearly hoped you were not going to ask about the War or that part of his past that interested most others.
No doubt she had heard something from Houston or San. Or she asked.
To his surprise and only partial relief, you held up a single glowing finger.
Right. That.
James’ chest rose and fell before he nodded in agreement. The man moved back inside the room given to him and held the door open as you gingerly entered.
As you passed him the side of your face glowed a bright white that his eyes seemed to follow without a second thought.
Seconds ticked by and you were both still standing around and not sure what to do as you both glowed, keeping a distance.
You rose your eyebrows, amused with the silence.
One of us has to say something, he thought.
What was there to say? It was not the most ideal of circumstances around.
“I…I must apologize for being so blunt when we met.” James said. “Everything has just been adding up and piling on more information. I didn’t want to put any of that emotion towards you. None of this was expected.”
“It’s alright. I mean, I always figured I’d miss my chance at meeting my—uh, you know…”
James nodded.
“Because of my work and usually being inside or one place. Not really moving around. Plus I figured I’d somehow walk right passed or something and not notice because I’m focused on other things.”
“Your work is important to you. That’s good.”
“Yeah,” you smiled a bit as you rested your hands on your hips. “Nothing like good work ethic in something your interested in. Though right now it’s quite the topics.”
Narrowing his eyes for a moment, James figured you were talking about more than just monsters. About him, perhaps?
We keep dancing around the soulmate subject. What do we even want? What do I want?
“It’d been nice to focus on other things.” You said.
The corner of your lips quirked up as you looked at him.
“Things about what other people do or are interested in.” You clarified. You had read his expression well enough.
“I’m not sure what information I could offer.” James stated softly. “I was still a tracker for hire when Monarch offered me the job.” He had not entirely wanted to bring that up to you, however there was not much else. How personal did he want to be? This was the most time he had spent in your presence since meeting you the day before. To him, you did not seem the radical type like those he encountered while on Skull Island. Time would tell when he would open up more to you. Even the whole soulmate subject was a heavy topic.
You seemed determined enough to push through the conversation.
“Could…,” you pressed your lips together in a tight line. Eyes no longer meeting his. “This is probably extremely personal, but—if you wanted to…would you had been able to find me on your own?”
“The glowing would had made it exceedingly easier. Yes.”
You nodded, taking in his words.
“Would you?” He asked.
Eyes returning to his, your shoulders perked higher. You shook your head.
“Even working for Monarch, I couldn’t.” You said quietly. “I think it worked out though.” You shrugged, trying to defend your happiness of meeting James.
She really is happy to have met me. Finding me though…That’s what I figured, he thought. She can’t travel the world with her expertise without support. She couldn’t have been able to find me in Vietnam. Seeing her office, she probably would had been helpful on the trip. He froze at his thoughts. No. That would had been terrible.
“I know that we agreed not to speak about any more monsters, however,” he inhaled visibly, “I am glad that you were not on that expedition.”
“Why?” Your question was out of curiosity not pride.
“Your presence would had made it more complicated. None of it would have been of your own doing. Rather, uh, the stakes would have been higher. Greater.”
Just the start of his mind thinking about if you there bothered him. The creatures, the people, unknown environment they found themselves in, and the secrets that were held.
“Oh…that sort of makes sense.”
“Sorry,” he took a step closer to you. “It’s just there were guns being pointed to anyone who disagreed with the Lieutenant Colonel. And if you were there I’m sure he would have used you as leverage or had threatened you or worse. Our glowing skins would have made us easy targets.”
“Not to forget the wildlife as I heard briefly.”
“That too. I’m so glad you weren’t there and I say that with much respect to you.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly.
That didn’t sound forward, did it?
“At least this is a much more safer environment to get to know one another.” James said.
At the closer proximity he could see that even the tip of your nose was glowing. He had never seen someone’s entire face illuminated before. To know it was from his presence, gave him an emotion he could not immediately place.
“How long do you plan on staying?”
The question struck him deep. James had not even left Vietnam when the war was over and even in Monarch he was not sure where he would stay. Was there a place for him in Monarch? He was a tracker and they were discovering monsters who lived below the Earth’s surface. He could find work there, but could he find a life there?
“As long as I am needed.”
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
James Conrad Tags: @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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spikebhm · 3 years
Oooo you're a Pokemon fan? Can you name some of your favourites? Here's mine Eevee and all apart from the fairy shite Eeveelutions, Psyduck (a underrated one but was my late mother's favourite) Ho-oh (love that bird) all of the water starters, Shaymin (my late mother again loved flowers) Arceus (a very cool legendary and I so want Legends Arceus out NOW haha) and that's all I can think about for now. Also promise me one thing that you will always love your mother, because I miss mine deeply :'(!
Oooh, I totally am!! Growing up, Pokemon was THE thing on the playgrounds! It was one of those games that helped me learn German actually so I am thankful for the existence of this game series for a multitude of reasons and this is certainly one of the major points!!!
Some of my favorites ... oof. That is difficult but I try my best!
Just as a side note, my favorite edition is Pokemon Ruby for the Gamebody Advance! It was the first pokemon game that I bought from my own money and I ordered it from the US!
I think I'll go from generation to generation!
Gen 1: Certainly Pikachu! Just incredibly adorable and I thought wielding the power of lightning was incredibly impressive to me!
Gen 2: That one is difficult but I thought it was MIND blowing to me that they've introduced pre-stages and new evolutions to already established pokemon. At that time, people were SO hyped for things like steelix and all the baby pokemon. But I think Scizor is still taking the cake for me for coolest, newest design! But a runner up would've been Espeon/Umbreon !
Gen 3: Aaaah, my favorite edition. Hands down, my favorite Pokemon(s) are ...
Snorunt and Glalie!! Yes! Indeed! Super unusual but when I got them, they were both the cutest and then evolving to one of the fiercest looking monsters! I was a big fan of Glalie because his head reminds me of a japanese super mech which show I watched called Getter Robo! Look him up, the resemblance is uncanny!
Gen 4: I gotta give it to Honchkrow, what a great design! Not much to say about that except the fact that I love the dandy hat!
Gen 5: There is something about Ramoth that gives me big kaiju vibes, a Mothra-type pokemon is just super cool in my opinion and it took me some time to find out how to get this pokemon!
Gen 6: Greninja! Also a super cool design and a great starter to pick! I didn't get the "fantasy rpg character" design they went with, like the three starter pokemon representing typical rpg classes? But I guess ninja counts as thief?! Weird, game freak, really weird lol.
Gen 7: This gen has SOOO many great designs!!! But I am pretty sure it's Salazzle, especially the shiny version is a really cool pokemon and it took me ages to get one :)
Gen 8: .... really difficult because I didn't find a lot of Pokemon from this edition were really good?? The closest one is a bit of a cop-out because it's an evolution of a Gen 1 pokemon and it's Sirfetch’d! Just a really neat idea!
Thank you for your anon! You also have a really neat list of picks there! Arceus is indeed a really cool legendary and I think probably one of my most favorite too :)
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therealeagal · 7 years
The best pokemon - Updated
As some of you may recall, I previously made a post about the pokemon I consider to be the best of each type.
It is a list based not on statistics or battle viability, but rather it is based on how much I like any given pokemon.
As I was replaying Pokemon Moon the other day, I was reminded that this list was created before the release of Pokemon Sun and Moon, so I have resolved to update it.
I have also updated my policy on those who disagree with me viz a viz anyone who does it is a Communist whore.
With the exception of my beloved Aggron, Sanchez, who is indisputably the greatest pokemon to have ever existed, you may feel free to disagree with any of my selections, both new and prior, without fear of being considered a Communist whore.
In many cases the list has not changed. Pokemon Sun and Moon introduced many wonderful pokemon, but not all of them are winners. I’m lookin’ at you, Crabominable. As a result, I have elected to leave the types that did not gain new champions out of the list.
Without further ado, let us begin:
Bug: This hive has a new queen. Or king as the case may be, because Golisopod is a bug with no equal. I named mine Alolan Kaiju. Eat shit and die, Mothra.
Grass: There are many types of plants in the world. Some of them sprout from the backs of weird lizard things. But all life comes from the sea, and Dhelmise is no different. Keelhaul the scurvy dog that disagrees! I named mine Cap’n Salty. He sails the seven seas and doesn’t afraid of anything.
Ice: There are so few ice pokemon that stand out as the new hotness, but I would be remiss if I gave the cold shoulder to Alolan Ninetails. I named mine Leonard.
Poison: I would hate for the discussion of best poison type to become toxic, but Alolan Muk has dripped its way into my heart. Mine goes by the name of Stinky.
Electric: In an electrifying reversal of fortunes, Alolan Golem has secured the new spot for best electric type. The new facial hair, those stubby little arms and the freaking rail gun sticking out of his back. What’s not to love? I named mine Maximum.
Normal: There’s nothing normal about my new selection for best normal type. It’s a pokemon that was not introduced in Generation 7. Rather, I’ve come to appreciate the appeal of a certain pokemon from ye olden days of Gen 1. You know it! You love it! It’s Snorlax! Still, I think my Snorlax, Sir Reginald Ingram-Yates Aldrich Whitaker Winsington Roadblock III (just Roadblock for short) is the Beedrill’s knees.
Honorable mention: Eevee. A pokemon with many different evolutions, each cuddlier than the last. Unfortunately its new signature Z-move pretty much signs a death warrant for any prospective new eeveelutions.
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