#and that makes me so fucking mad. like yeah it's possible to interpret something incorrectly like just look at tumblr.com
mymarifae · 1 year
i think that you would be an amazing teacher and i wish i could be in your class
aw thank you so much!! i'm glad you think so.. hopefully i can make at least one student's high school career a little easier, and hopefully i can remind them why they should never stop loving learning, no matter how hard the school system tries to beat it out of them :')
#it's sad how few teachers acknowledge how the school system literally does not promote or reward learning#the way schools are designed now is like... they just want you to memorize. keep it in your head long enough to pass a test#and then you can forget all about it. all that matters are those stupid standardized tests lollllllllll#the way this approach to schooling has decimated how language arts (my subject) is taught is especially infuriating#it's no longer about learning to analyze literature and how to think for yourself while also understanding the author's original message#i see so many people say they lost points on language arts assignments for not interpreting the theme 'correctly'#and that makes me so fucking mad. like yeah it's possible to interpret something incorrectly like just look at tumblr.com#BUT. very very very very rarely is there just ONE 100% 'correct' way to interpret a piece of literature#language arts teachers should not be giving out failing grades when their students pull out new themes and meanings from literature!!!!#they should be EXCITED! they should want to hold a discussion and see where those unique interpretations came from#all teachers should be open to learning from their students. but in a subject as nuanced and subjective as language arts?#it's absurd to act like there's one correct answer because no the fuck there isn't#i believe that as long as the student can explain why they came to a certain conclusion and cite the passages that made them think that-#then like. they're right. their interpretation is valid.#the beauty of literature is different people will pick up on different themes based on their own experiences and personal worldview#i don't understand why that gets punished when that's the whole fucking point of studying literature#anyway#mailbox
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saltminerising · 1 year
Anon here is literally right and the replies are just ignoring that in favor of "calling them out" or nitpicking or whatever you wanna call it. That's all pretty much exactly what anon said the replies would do, too.
Anon knows exactly what they're talking about lmao and people are like "NO! Actually YOU'RE being aggressive because [insert x nitpicked words that anon already said they weren't personally responsible for your interpretation of, and they weren't gonna exhaust themselves carefully choosing every single one of those words for the benefit of people who were gonna incorrectly assume their tone anyway]".
I mean sorry to the people in the replies, but you proved other anon right. You incorrectly assumed their tone (and intentionally ignored their outright stated tone indication at the end) based off a few incidental words that, yeah, I'll give you that they have some rude implications, but honestly so can literally everything else. It's subjective and affected by your real life region and environment. And assuming anon is neurodivergent (and I am too for the record), they aren't gonna know Every. Single. Fucking. Way. that tone can be assumed for each and every word. I feel like if you know someone is ND based off their ask, then maybe cut them some slack????? Or here's a fun idea, let's not assign tone or intent to other people through text online based off our own subjective feelings about the words, which was the whole point of the original ask.
And just so you know, no, I'm not being angry or intentionally rude, nor am I directing any anger at the people in the replies (the replies are just an example of the problem, I'm not mad at you and I don't have a personal beef with you). Actually, I'm being very frustrated and a bit bitterly sarcastic because this is a very old and very traumatic song and dance for me as a ND person. I'm exhausted of going through the steps and being forced to be responsible for other peoples feelings like other anon has been forced to. It makes me especially frustrated to see other anon being 100% right about it but getting completely ignored in the replies because they didn't revise their ask 20 times to appeal to the goddamn tone police (which was, again, one of their original criticisms and something that they seemed to know was gonna happen no matter what they did).
In conclusion... idk. Let's just be kinder to each other, I guess? By not assuming everyone has a angry or rude meaning or intent hidden under their expressly stated intent? It doesn't hurt to give people the benefit of the doubt. I just..I'm tired lol. People can't perfectly anticipate or be expected to 100% control the way they'll come across to others and it's not anyone's job to overthink and triple-triple-triple check their words before saying them on the chance someone will be offended. (Emphasis on overthink, obviously I'm not talking about just giving messages a once over revision, which everyone should do anyway. I'm talking about being forced to worry about every single possible reaction and guard against them all.)
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