#and that the richer flavor in bloomed coffee refers to how they all make each other more fulfilled
full-bloom-zine · 4 months
you know that the Sakura (佐倉) in the family name isn’t the same as the Sakura in the cherry blossoms (桜 or 櫻) and doesn’t really have any connection to blooming?
The name "Full Bloom" is meant to be a bit of a play on words, actually! There's the obvious "Sakura" meaning, but what actually led us to pick this name is coffee — when making coffee, letting it bloom allows for a fuller, richer flavor. Since the three of them are also often referred to as "coffee family", this is a nod to that. Of course, the Sakura/sakura name was intentional as well; we certainly aren't the first to utilize homophones in naming conventions. This is why our icon is a cup of coffee with a petal in it, and why most of our posts are signed with ☕🌸!
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