#and that was when i realised the difference between calculating a percentage and calculating percent of something
fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
Obsessed with the way my most recent homework task was like "create this program in javascript and then document the process on your blog" because like. You know you're not getting an honest depiction of my process, right?
#like if i'd been totally honest about the process of creating that program i would've been like 'okay so i opened my laptop at 10am'#'then i spent almost a solid hour on tumblr.com. at ten to eleven i realised i hadn't eaten anything whatsoever and also that mabel needed#her lunch. so i fed mabel and then myself and got back to it'#'while eating a cheese sandwich i created all my necessary variables and then realised i have no idea how to calculate a percentage#like i know that 15% of 30 is 4.5 but i can't use MY process of getting there for my program because i just divide 30 by 10#and then i divide that in half and then i add those numbers together and then i get 4.5. so i googled how to make a percentage calculator#in javascript and i confidently copy-pasted the first option and it was like 'your total is -50' and i was like 'uhhhh how'#and that was when i realised the difference between calculating a percentage and calculating percent of something#eventually i worked out how to do it but it took me like a solid hour. then i couldn't get .toFixed() to work for thee longest time#i eventually just read an article properly and found the syntax for it and then it worked. then i couldn't work out how to put a £ in there#but i eventually did it. then i added the tip amount into the output as well solely because i saw i'd get extra points for that#and then times new roman started to annoy me so i did some basic styling which required me to google 'how to put your text in the centre#of the page in css' for approximately like the 15th time#and then i tried to reassign my let variables but codepen kept throwing errors and i genuinely could not be bothered to figure out why#because i wasn't sure if it was necessary for the homework or not but i couldn't see it in the instructions so i figured probably not#so at that point i gave up on that line of enquiry; typed up a blog post; screenshotted everything & just submitted it'#like no one needs to know precisely how dumb i am. it's just not required#personal
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How many responses have you gotten so far, if I may ask?
Hello, thank you for your question. I open the Q&A if you guys want updates on the survey or any problems I'm facing.
Currently, there's 380 responses in total. [It was actually 362 last night, don’t know where I got the boost overnight, perhaps that Kurapika post] 
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tThere's actually 84 questions in total, but I coded it in such a way that certain questions don't appear when you indicated an option. For example, if you indicated that you are not up to date with the manga (indicating that you have read the post-Election arc AND read till Chapter 390), the questions regarding the Succession arc theories and predictions will not appear. This is why the manga readers' survey is actually longer.
Currently, 149 respondents indicated that they had read up to date, and therefore, they indicated
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Another example is the shippings part. For example, if you indicated you don't ship anything, you won't see the list of ships. If you only indicated that you ship, let's say, het ships, you will only see the het ships. This is to make it easier for people to do the survey. The key is for others to not answer unnecessary questions.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to talk about certain issues/explanations that I need to address.
The reason why I'm always emphasising the goal of 385 responses and above (400 is a good number) because based on calculations. I checked on MAL and that there are over 1.2 million who have watched HxH. The "population" in this case is the total number of people who have watched/read the series. Since some people do not have MAL, the actual population number is higher (currently, we do not know what is this exact number).
At 5% margin of error and 95% confidence level*, the ideal sample size is 385 in populations above 100K, and it doesn't change after 100K.
*I do not really know how to explain this, but don't worry too much about it.
Alright, so I'm at 380, do I still need more than 5 people?
Yes, I need more people. Why? I have three concerns:
1) I said this before, but I need more men/boys to do the survey.
As mentioned, I did not put demographic questions because my country is strict with asking people for personal data. While this survey is casual, I do not want to encounter future complications. However, I can roughly guess the gender composition of respondents because of certain questions and the way the survey was distributed. 
Firstly, this survey blew up mostly on Tumblr and there’s a lot of mixed statistics. This says that 47% are female in 2021 and this other article says 72% of women use Tumblr in 2014. Anyway, most of my online (majority from Tumblr) are women and they had actively helped me sent it out to other women who likes the show as well. This same thing happened to my friends in real life. 
Actually, this is one of the biggest limitations of this survey - convenient sampling, which is giving the survey to only people that we know. Our friends who may have similar views/interest will get to do the survey, but people that we are not friends with who may have a different view/interest does not get to do the survey. Their thoughts/opinions are not recorded. 
Secondly, there are certain questions that makes it easy to guess for me if the respondent is a woman/man. 
For example, the “which character do you simp for” question. 
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“nil” means they don’t simp for anyone by the way. Also, note that this is just the word cloud diagram. I will chart them manually in bar charts later on. 
Usually, when someone indicates a lot of male characters, they are normally women/girls. The ones who indicated Killua Zoldyck and Gon are usually young girls. Of course, I’m not saying men won’t indicate they simp for a male character or something, but yea know, common sense a bit here. The likelihood of someone placing Chrollo being a woman/girl is higher than the respondent being a man. That also same goes for the shipping questions. 
The survey is posted on Reddit that consisted of 83.1% males in the HxH area, according to the 1K survey that they had. This helped me boost more people (and possibly guys who do survey). However, I think only about 20 to 30 people did it (based on the boost I got after the Reddit thread was posted). I also had help from a large hxh IG account that had slightly more guy followers to give me a shoutout. I also went to reach out to some accounts whom I know the admin are guys. 
I still need a bit more help though, because currently the survey results... I’m sensing that there are more women/girls who did it from the way the results are turning out. 
Why is this important? 
It’s simple. I cannot just release the results that had an uneven ratio of the gender of the respondents and claim that this is the hxh fandom. It won’t be representative of the hxh fandom population as a whole when there are many cis-men who actually had watched/read the show, and absolutely loved it. I think it’s important to hear people’s opinions, be it men, women, young, old. 
Currently, I’m trying to attract more men to do the survey by designing my hxh analyses posts from Tumblr and transporting them to IG, because I realise they like these kind of posts and they get to see my bio profile (with the survey link) + post about the hxh survey. I also get to befriend some of them in the process (and also because I have long been wanting to post my hxh analyses on IG, but it’s just a hassle to make it into pretty poster designs). So win-win. 
Of course, anyone is welcomed to do the survey. I just need help with “balancing” it out, so please help me by sending it to your bros, guy friends, boyfriends, fathers etc. Or if you know any social media platforms where most guys dominate, then yeah please send them. Or if you’re a guy, then yea go ahead and try the survey. 
2) While the responses are 380 in total, the number of people who have read up to date is 149. 
Okay, I’m not saying I need to get people who had read up to date to be 385 as well. Realistically, not sure if I can do it. However, most of the questions pertaining the Succession arc are the most interesting ones and it takes a large chunk of them. 
So yes, it will be great to have more people to do the survey especially if they had read the manga so that we can have more respondents in those questions. 
3) The 385 response calculation is only assuming 5% confidence level and 5% margin of error. 
I don’t exactly know how to explain this, but I will try to quote for the margin of error: 
“Company X surveys customers and finds that 50 percent of the respondents say its customer service is “very good.” The confidence level is cited as 95 percent plus or minus 3 percent margin of error. This information means that if the survey were conducted 100 times, the percentage who say service is “very good” will range between 47 and 53 percent most (95 percent) of the time.”
So if you put it in HxH context, with 95% confidence level, and 5% margin of error, it goes like this: 
50% of respondents indicated that Bisky is their favourite HxH girl (this one is only one option). If this survey was conducted 100 times, the % of people who indicated Bisky as their favourite girl would be from 45% to 55%. 
But if I actually key in 3% margin of error, the sample size goes up to 1056. 
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I’m willing to open the survey for 1.5 more weeks. Three reasons: 
A) I will wait for more responses of course!
B) I am currently busy with my part-time student research assistant job during summer break till this week, and they are rushing to finish up the research paper. Therefore, it’ll be nice to just wait while I do my work. 
C) I am planning to write up the theories that I had included in the survey. This means having a lot of time finding the links/threads to the theories and reading them, making sense of it. I plan to post it and also merge that in my report. 
I’m closing the survey in 1.5 weeks because I need time to do up the charts and report by mid-August because I’m afraid I might be busy once the semester starts and I won’t have anytime to do this mini fun project. 
Another thing I want to address: 
Most of the time, certain options I created is based on technical reasons. The other reason is by mistake. 
For mistakes, I went to fix them if someone highlights a mistake.
Now, for the technical reason. I did not appreciate this response in the NOTP section that says: 
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The reason why I listed out almost all ships in Hunterpedia, including the ones with a large age gap and the incest ones is simple - because it helps me chart easier when I put them into options. It also decreases the chances of nonsense answers like this one. It also places less fatigue on people doing the survey.  Text boxes are only meant if the options aren’t clear or “others, please state” so that I can include people’s opinons. 
The reason why I didn’t do that for the NOTP section is that I was unable to do a certain specific coding. That’s why it ended up as a text box. It’s also based on the assumption that if something is really your NOTP, you’d know and remember it. 
Why do people online goes straight to trying to prove they are morally superior and whatnot, assuming that I listed the options because of my morality. You do not know me personally. It is based solely on technical reasons.
This is why I used this disclaimer: 
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Which part of this is not clear. You can leave, just like what I said in the beginning. Another thing is not following instructions and being rude about it. 
I had also instructed clearly to list out the NOTP combinations. I even noted it clearly. Some people put “any incest/pedo ships”, which happened more than five times. What’s more, one response contained “don’t tell me what to do”. 
Yes, I get it, you don’t like these type. But what you’re doing is making me guess everything, which is unproductive. If you don’t like certain ships that are common but a “taboo” like “HisoGon”, “Killumi”, then say that. If you say it generally, I’m just going to assume the ones on the Hunterpedia list. 
Another thing is the “any toxic ships”. This is very vague. Often, some so-called “wholesome” common ships in hxh are toxic. Mind you, Killugon is also a toxic ship (let’s not be blind to the CA arc please, this pairing is unbalanced), yet almost everyone perceives it as wholesome. Most characters in hxh are toxic in their own ways, and for sure their canon dynamics if they are in a relationship are likely more toxic than what is often portrayed in the headcanon way. I am wondering what to do with this, I might put it as invalid or “no”. 
This is why my instructions are to list them. I had already edited the question twice to make it even clearer yet there’s people who defy them. I’m not just doing the instructions out of fun or make people’s life harder. Those are instructions. 
I do not understand why certain people have to feel offended/be rude at an anonymous survey. 
I can understand if people don’t follow instructions because you might missed it out and I can help to chart it for you. It’s totally okay, everyone makes mistakes, but I do not appreciate the extra unsolicited comments about me because it implies that you have read them, you just chose not to follow it. 
If you think there’s a better way to do it, then DM me. I will explain to you why I had done it so, or I might even change it based on your suggestion. For example, someone actually told me to add certain options and I did it. Another person suggested to add the non-romantic dynamics and I love that, though I think it’s a little too late to add that. Maybe in the next survey.  
If you do not like the instructions, kindly exit the survey. Nobody is forcing you to do it. It won’t record your response if the survey is incomplete for one hour. 
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keithos · 5 years
Building the PiWriter868
In November of 2012, I wrote a book.
I'd participated in a global writing challenge called NANOWRIMO - National Novel Writers Month - and managed to achieve the aim of producing 50,000 words in the 30 days of November.
Since that time, it's been my ambition to not just write, but to publish.  I've set that goal for myself every year when I do my year-end review.  I have handwritten outlines for books and stories in various places.  In attempt to kick start, I've also signed up for NANOWRIMO in subsequent years with limited writing success.
The 2012 novel also sits waiting to be edited and expanded; there's a significant time jump in it to get to the ending which I feel needs another 50 to 100,000 words to close.
It's my feeling though that a writer, just as any other craftsman, needs tools appropriate to their task.
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In my more prolific teen years, that tool was Uni-ball’s Onyx fine tip pen.  It was a relatively costly but happy indulgence, and helped me to fill many a copybook with teen angst.  In later days that I carried a Palm PDA, Landware's GoType keyboard and eventually Palm's own portable folding keyboard were easy options for text input.
I wrote the 2012 book on the laptop that I owned at the time.  And future attempts at both writing and completing another November challenge were done on an Asus Chromebook C100.
I'd stumbled at one point across a company called Astrohaus who touted their distraction-free writing machines, THE tool for keyboard-dependent writers on the go.  Boasting e-ink screens like Amazon's Kindle e-reader line, long battery life, and keyboards meant for typing for long stretches, their Freewrite devices were a compelling solution to my writing goals, but for one thing.  There really was no way I could justify their price as an amateur writer who had never sold a piece of work.
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At around US$600, a single-purpose device like that would have to be paying for itself, and I'm not anywhere  near where I could be in order to be making money from my work.  But Astrohaus planted a seed and a need, and I was sure that I could do what was necessary to build a tool that would serve me that one main purpose - writing.
A good friend did ask while I talking to them about the build mission, why not just use the Chromebook?  At the time, I had not long before performed minor surgery to replace a battery that had started to swell, and the replacement battery itself had stopped taking charge just weeks out of its stated warranty.  I didn't feel up to sourcing another aftermarket battery to possibly have that go that route again.  Yes, I could have coughed up the cash and bought something new.  The C101, the newer version of the C100, would run me around US$330.  But I liked the idea and the challenge of putting something together myself.
Research suggested that I could build something around the Raspberry Pi Zero W as its core.
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The Pi Zero is a $10 single board computer that is so small it can fit into an Altoids tin with room to spare.   Powered by Raspbian, a Debian Linux based operating system tuned for the Raspberry Pi platform, it's a full computer capable of running a wealth of Linux applications, including productivity software like LibreOffice, a Microsoft Office clone.
There is a purity though to a command-line interface that had me leaning away from the windowed environment.  The key experience in the final solution would be the writing of words after all.  Point and click functionality would be secondary.
The best writing solution, to me and also to the people at Astrohaus apparently, was one that got out of your way and allowed you to just write.
Enter WordGrinder, a cross platform terminal-based application that runs on both UNIX and Windows, and gives me just what I need in order to write without thinking about anything but the content.  The app does permit some basic formatting that isn't displayed obtrusively on the screen - except for bold and centering - none of which you need to see when drumming out content.  It reminds me, honestly, of WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS, a word processor which I recall fondly.
Two other apps complete the software build.
Ranger, a file manager, makes browsing the file system and moving documents around a little easier than using the bare command line.
Alpine, a text-based email client gives the solution its connection to the world outside of it.  It's own dedicated Gmail address means I can both store documents in my inbox and flip docs to and from my main machine for more comprehensive editing after creative activity is done.
One of the biggest complaints about thin, light and cheap laptops is usually the keyboard.  But the RaspBerry Pi Zero W has both USB connectivity and Bluetooth, so the world of input devices is available to me.  And after shopping around a bit, I landed on the Logitech K380.
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This is one of these best portable Bluetooth keyboards around.  Subjectively, the typing experience on the K380 can only be beat at its size by something more expensive with mechanical keys.  It’s quiet, has good key travel, is a literal joy to type on, and runs forever on a pair of AAA batteries.
The easiest way to attach a display to the Raspberry Pi is via its HDMI port.  Other technical options are available, but HDMI is the easiest.  In early fiddling, I was able to connect it to a 21-inch monitor and use it just like any other desktop.  Sticking to a command line interface though means that a big screen isn't a necessity.
Taking lead from the Freewrite, I tried an inexpensive five-inch LCD for size.  It's workable, but you don't see very much of what you're working on.  Five inches could be considered a truly focused writing solution, creating a narrow window around just the current thought.  But that felt way too small for me personally.
Seven inches at 1024x600 resolution proved to me to be a more optimal screen size for writing.  The screen I chose by electronics manufacturer GeeekPi is pretty well constructed, and was plug and play.
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The Raspberry Pi can be powered via one of its micro USB ports, which means that a standard phone charger can power it up.  That also means that it can be run off of any commodity power bank.
Most power bank have a few lights on them to give you an idea of how much power they have left.  Here though it was also important for the power bank to give a more accurate read out of its remaining charge.  So I paid a little more for a battery with a percentage read out.    The selected 10,000 mAh battery powering the Pi Zero and seven-inch screen thus promised calculated run time of just under six hours before the battery dropped to zero percent.
The final basic technical solution comprised the following:
Raspberry Pi Zero WH - US$14.95 from PiShop.us
Pi Zero Case Kit - US$9.99 from Amazon
GeeekPi 7-inch screen - US$28.99 from Amazon.com.  The list price is actually US$59.99, but I had a $25 gift card to use when I bought it.
10,000 mAh battery bank with percentage level display - US$26.99
Miscellaneous ribbon cables for HDMI and USB connectivity - US$30.00
Logitech K380 Bluetooth Keyboard - US$21.95 from Amazon, as a certified refurb item
MicroSD card, to hold operating system, applications and data - Free, because I have a few of these knocking about
Software - Raspbian, WordGrinder, Ranger, Alpine - all open source - Free
Total outlay, before shipping and taxes - US$132.87
That's represented significant savings on the Freewrite's US$599 list price and even on it's fellow Freewrite Traveller's US$349 discounted price.  The Traveller lists at US$599 as well.
A brass standoff kit for mounting the components cost an additional US$7.99, and a power switch board, the RemotePi from MSL Digital - admittedly gratuitous but with much utility - cost around US$25.
The housing - Gary Aboud might be happy to hear - is made up of two covers of a vinyl-covered MDF storage chest available at Mode Alive at TT$89.00 a pop.
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Honestly, the first box was acquired for its latch and the design of its hinges.  They support the cover and hold it upright when the box is open.  The cover was also the perfect height, width and depth to hold the seven-inch screen.
A second box was purchased when I realised that the cover was also just the right depth to accommodate all of the other components.  So two boxes were taken apart to make a slimmer box out of the two covers.  The bases weren’t wasted though.  They themselves were put together to make a larger storage box. 
(For ease of reference going forward, I'll refer to the final solution as the PiWriter868.)
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Why go through all this?
The cost saving is the biggest and most obvious reason.  Granted some money was spent on components that didn’t make it into the final solution.  But ultimately, the final solution does cost less than something purchased out of box to meet the stated need.
Yes, a cheap laptop can be had for less than US$200, especially if you consider refurbs and open-box options.  But there are few differences between the PiWriter868 and a cheap laptop. 
Every component of the PiWriter868 is replaceable, and I can choose components that fully satisfy me personally or any specific requirement.
Further, the combination of a seven-inch screen, a full-size comfortable keyboard, and six hours of battery life would be virtually impossible to find in a laptop under US$200.
If any one component of a cheap laptop were to fail, the entire thing would be headed for a landfill because cheap portables aren’t constructed for repair-ability and upgrades.
Case in point here is what I described earlier about replacing the battery in my Chromebook.
By comparison, changing the battery in the PiWriter868 is as simple as unplugging the micro USB cable and plugging it into a new battery bank.  In fact, the next planned update is to replace the 10,000 mAh battery bank with a 25,600 mAh battery.  That would take current estimated run time from just under six hours to somewhere in the vicinity of 14 or 15 hours.  An upgrade like that wouldn’t be possible with most laptops on the market today.
Should the screen begin to go, the micro SD card begin to give problems, the switch start to behave flaky, even if the Raspberry Pi itself prove faulty over time, all components can be swapped out at cost.  Again,a cheap laptop would have to be replaced in its entirely or far more expensively repaired.
Software can also be readily updated or replaced as necessary.  If I found a software solution better than WordGrinder, it could be installed, configured and used.  With the Freewrite, I'd be stuck with whatever they'd be providing on their platform, and in this case, also stuck with their cloud solution if I'd decided to use that as well.
At the end of the day, the PiWriter868 gives me exactly the functionality I want  in a package that I can continue to tailor as I go along.
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The PiWriter868 is also an argument for the use of more cost-effective technology in our schools and the country as a whole.  While I use it myself as a terminal-based writing machine, it is capable of running a full GUI and GUI-based apps.
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If a fully functional computer can be built around a US$15 board that can use just about any modern TV as a monitor with any inexpensive keyboard and mouse combo on the market, why are we giving children in schools thousands of dollars worth of PC equipment?
What’s keeping us from doling out inexpensive single-board computers to our school kids and allowing them to construct solutions around them while learning about deskside and other sensing technology?
What’s stopping the country from licensing a single-board computer design, manufacturing and servicing a board with a Trinbagonian stamp, and rolling them out as part of a more cost effective solution to the deskside technology needs of the public and private sector?  In most cases, one needs only a word processor, spreadsheet application, presentation software, and a web browser, all of which are available.
But that discussion is for another post.
POSTSCRIPT: This text of this post was written on the PiWriter868.
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viditure · 6 years
Cross-device analytics: the new standard in digital marketing
According to Gartner, in 2016, 41% of marketers used analytics tools to track mobile audiences. Two years later, the firm designated cross-device analytics as one of six technologies that marketing professionals should closely monitor. 
  Your customers are constantly switching from one device to another, be it their phone, tablet, or computer. Media exposure is constant, whether it’s at home or at the office, and even while commuting between the two. In the United States, adults spend an average of 12 hours a day consuming content, and digital platforms account for half of this consumption. Among these, mobile usage dominates.  
The fragmentation of digital consumption, coupled with an increase in the number of connected devices and their simultaneous usage (for example, checking one’s phone while watching a Netflix show), has led to a state of permanent connectedness. Paradoxically, 80% of company managers say they lack the in-house expertise to effectively leverage this data. 
Some companies simply don’t have analytics teams, but even for those who do, the volatility of the data makes its analysis quite complex. Nonetheless, cross-device analysis, which tells you everything about the customer journey, can be a powerful performance lever. Let’s take a closer look. 
  Cross-device fundamentals 
The term “cross-device” refers to the act, in a user’s journey, of switching from one device to another. A growing number of users work with several different devices on a daily basis. Between phones, tablets, home computers and business laptops, tracking the customer journey has become a complex matter. Without a data reconciliation tool, it is difficult to provide a relevant user experience. 
Cross-device analysis goes well beyond simple statistical measurements. It is a performance lever that can influence attribution (which channel generated the sale?), advertising (which platform worked as a trigger?), and tracking (how do you recognise a user across several devices?). 
The realisation of a goal (a purchase, sign-up, or download) is the result of a complex personal process that includes numerous micro-actions. It is common for people to check their social networks on their phone as soon as they get up, open personal emails on a work computer during a break, and read the news on a tablet in the evening while watching a show on a smart TV. It’s the same with online purchases: between Facebook, specialised blogs, Instagram, online reviews, a brand’s official site, and so on, user actions during the purchase process are increasingly fragmented and dispersed, rather than linear. Therein lies the main challenge of cross-device analytics: measuring all of these actions with precision. 
  Cross-device usage is the new normal 
The rise of smartphones has transformed access to information. In the U.S., mobile usage caught up with computer usage in 2013: time spent consuming media on mobile phones began to exceed that spent on a computer. Since then, mobile tech has continued to grow, prompting many changes in site design and content. Responsive design is now a requirement rather than an option, the mobile experience is now part of SEO criteria, and the AMP format has become widespread. 
As mobile usage rises, however, tablets and computers remain ever-present. The landscape has splintered. Not to mention that in years to come, smart TVs and voice assistants communicating through connected speakers will further subdivide consumer habits. 
According to eMarketer, 58.9% of online purchases worldwide were made on mobile devices in 2017. While desktop isn’t dead—and probably isn’t going anywhere any time soon—it is nonetheless losing ground to other connected devices. Twenty percent of cross-device transactions completed on a computer start on a smartphone, and 35% of those completed on a smartphone begin on a computer. 
If you choose to ignore cross-device usage, you are essentially putting your business in jeopardy. And if you cannot measure cross-device performance, you are likely to make poor decisions based on weak, insufficient data.  
  The challenges of cross-device analytics 
Consolidated measurements of all touchpoints allow you to track the customer journey in its entirety. The old model of “last click attribution” has changed considerably. What matters isn’t what happens immediately before a conversion, but rather the interactions along the way that make the conversion possible. The longer the conversion cycle, the harder it is to measure the channels that affected the beginning of the journey. Note that current attribution models tend to undervalue the influence of organic channels versus paid channels. Site-centric measurements based on your digital analytics data are crucial in linking all the different channels and enabling cross-device performance to be analysed. 
Calculating a more precise conversion rate is another key issue in cross-device analysis. Simply dividing the number of transactions by the number of visitors does not necessarily reflect reality! For example, if one person visits your site on 3 different devices before converting, this will falsely decrease the conversion rate. Tracking the same person across different touchpoints, on the other hand, allows you to fine-tune your analysis. When conversion rates are analysed through the lens of unique visitors, the additional context provided (the duration of the cycle, type of purchase, repeat purchases, etc.) gives us a better understanding of user behaviour on different devices. 
This visitor-centric approach (thanks to cross-device measurement) also provides answers to other questions: Which pathways do your customers or prospects take? Which sequence of pages leads to the most conversions? How do your white papers or newsletters impact your conversion rate? How can you optimise the customer experience and reduce the number of abandoned carts? How can you develop relevant cross-selling and up-selling strategies? These are all questions that can be addressed with a good digital analytics tool.  
But be careful not to limit yourself to a compartmentalised analysis. Measuring mobile visits on one end, with desktop visits on the other, yields few advantages. Consolidating data as part of a “customer-centric” approach is key. Several metrics are available to fulfil this aim: customer retention, device and platform overlap, navigational sequences, and visitor de-duplication. 
These features make it easy to quickly detect broken links, anomalies or abnormal visitor behaviour, and areas prone to drops in traffic— across your entire digital presence.  
  Cross-device analytics: case studies and best practices 
Media groups must constantly innovate to ensure the right balance between attracting audiences and upholding their editorial positioning. By analysing content performance, media groups can stand out from their competitors and effectively leverage diverse channels of content consumption (phone, tablet, computer, social networks, etc.) for greater agility and efficiency. For the press, subscription-based business models are an excellent way to reliably track behaviour across devices (it is, in fact, the only way to obtain a precise analysis). Once a subscriber has logged in and the publisher has therefore identified him, his journey as a reader can be traced from beginning to end. The ultimate goal for media outlets is therefore to convince users to subscribe—and this is no small task. There must be tangible benefits associated with account creation and self-identification (e.g. full access to content, exclusive offers, simplified usage of the site, and so forth). In short, strategies focused on long-term loyalty are essential in enticing readers to identify themselves, thereby providing you with a cross-device perspective.  
E-commerce brands often take good care of their cross-device purchasers, ensuring they have a streamlined and easy browsing experience. Cross-device users make 1.4 times more purchases than other customers via mobile apps, websites, and social networks. Mastering the buying cycle is key to online sales. In both B2B and B2C activities, cross-device data represents a critical lever of marketing growth, fed by information collected and shared in real time. You know which product offers work best and which paths lead to conversion most often. Remember that additional traffic will not necessarily produce additional conversions. With a cross-device analytics solution, you’ll know if your Instagram ads were truly relevant and aligned with your marketing and commercial objectives. 
Another important use case: measuring and analysing the number and percentage of carts that start out on mobile devices, but conclude with a check-out on desktop. Analysing these metrics helps ensure the fluidity of the customer journey across different platforms. Learn more and discover additional use cases in our free e-commerce guide. 
The banking and insurance sectors face numerous challenges: security, instilling a digital culture, and a competitive industry. The plethora of offers, providers, and platforms make for more volatile customers. It is therefore crucial to foster loyalty. Leveraging data allows you to streamline customer relationships, from the physical banking branch to online mobile services. Once again, when your customers browse in logged-in mode (with user IDs), you’ll be able to perform in-depth cross-device analysis. Each interaction can be measured and categorised according to user profile (student, recent graduate and job seeker, etc.), whether it’s going back to the previous page, confirming a transaction, or information about which pages were visited before and after the completion of a given form. And there will always be a single common denominator in your analysis: your customer.  
You will be able provide your customers with a unified experience across all touchpoints, optimise your investments in the most effective acquisition channels, and even identify new business opportunities.  
  Knowing the value of each element in the conversion chain leads to maximum efficiency. Cross-device analytics can save you time, lead to more informed decisions, and help you tailor your business strategies. In short, cross-device analytics is the key to a solid return on investment.  
AT Internet’s User Insights tool offers an incredibly detailed view of all online touchpoints, while fully respecting user privacy in accordance with the GDPR. This “visitor-centric” approach helps you understand a visitor’s entire journey and analyse user loyalty and customer retention over time to improve your marketing efforts. 
  Ready to dive in? 
Article Cross-device analytics: the new standard in digital marketing first appeared on Digital Analytics Blog.
from Digital Analytics Blog http://bit.ly/2AwYNJO via IFTTT
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To call your costs, you should: Direction handbook: " gives assemblage around teaching matter, book of lectures, names of lecturers; " gives dates and venues of practicals, lab dates and tutorials; " gives metropolis lists for codified run, for tutorial or practicable pass; Tutorial types Thinking for tutorials Involved in tutorials Strategies for word in tutorials Afghanistan, Kampuchea, Centric Continent Commonwealth, Afrasian, Land, Côte dIvoire, Abyssinia, Gambia, Laos, Island, Mali, Mauritanie, Nigeria, King Islands, War Benin, Burundian, Eritrea, Ghana, 25-50 % Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Malawi, Island New Fowl, Sao Tome and Island, Senegal, Somalia, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Rhodesia Country, Liberia, Sierra Leone Land, Liberia, Mocambique, >50 % Sierra Leone Notation: Countries for which expatriates are under 10 for nurses (5 for doctors) or dweller in the inception land are below 50 for nurses (10 for doctors) are not rumored. Communicator: Foreign Migration Prospect: SOPEMI, 2007 Principles of approving (anything that module gain the likeliness that 35 an circumstance faculty be repeated) and closeness (how uncommunicative two events staleness be chronologically for a link to be created) are crucial to explaining acquisition. Diaries, timetables and planners Itemisation and prioritising Routines and dandy work habits What to do if you cant get started on a chore or cant stark it The Foundations of calculate my final direction consists of disciplines specified as sociology, philosophy, science, and the history of teaching. These disciplines help calculate my grade in constructing the pregnant we act of schools and teaching-learning practices in schools. Schools and education practices are stilted by various factors, including the familiar conditions of society, current ideologies, circulating volume and education practices, key cultural issues, and the nsis and attitudes of athlete educators and opposite participants in schools. Examinee Teachers will be helped to use and realise the relationships between substance conditions, ideologies, schooling conditions, curriculum, and method to communicate issues that they may confronting as teachers. This row will extend their thought on how the characteristics of the larger community in which the civilize is settled bed a straight upshot on the schools conditions, body, curriculum, pedagogy, and classification use. One of the essential aims is to enable Intellect Teachers to institute their own ism of upbringing, ïrst by search at classic, modernistic, and post-modern philosophies as fountainhead as the ideology of Mohammadanism, and then by critically reï‚ecting on calculate my grade by percentage today. The action present also engage opportunities to psychoanalyze different general educational policies and the past utilization of how to figure out my final grade in Pakistan. Transcription meetings. Pick a mutually standard instant and place a locale that give provide you to sit and deal your transform without disturbing others. Secure that you change up with all the applicable notes, calculators, worked examples and resources same dictionaries as proper. Its someone to aim for a nonsubjective locus where your discussions wont trouble others. Groupwork areas may be free in your library or you may regain calculating what i need on final exam rooms in the deposit, department, chemist of act or examinee connexion. You may be able to move over tutorial or teeny rebuke apartment (draw the employment group prototypical): these bed the advantage of having whiteboards and flipcharts, which you can use to commentary consume points or release explanations to apiece additional. Ask your tutors or the departmental confidant if you cant conceptualise anywhere suitable " they may be competent to refrain. Land rules. Hold both rudimentary rules, for instance, sign and break present, and limiting coffee breaks to no human than 15 proceedings. Lever to what you all united. Head reliable that its shining that if anyone feels that the strategy is not working for them, then they can walkway inaccurate from it without prise of violative the others. Tackling the rescript. Decide on the areas of calculate grade needed for each term and thrust to these. Equal up a wish list of aims/topics at the start of each session and marking them off as you allover them. Seeking refrain. If, between you, an reply is not pioneer, then go to your reader or tutor to ask for both guidance. Commandment body are ordinarily delighted when students show their share in the theme by asking questions, so you shouldnt perceive system roughly asking for whatsver supply.
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Schoolroom Management The timing of schoolroom direction in teacher-education programs is an current speechmaking: too archeozoic in the cerebration, and the religionist educator has no circumstance for designate and thusly discernment the relationship between theory and recitation. Too ripe in the programme, and the initiate pedagogue ds not bonk sufficiency theory for making telling decisions in, for model, intellectual precept. In position of a tortuous method much as noncompetitive acquisition, if the fact of a direction group are not understood and in spot in the classroom, the novice instructor instrument most credible miscarry at implementing these lessons. The contrivance between aspects of collaborative how much is a test grade worth and schoolroom management are critically primal to novices how to find your average grade percentage and the steady of use they faculty attain. The University University-STEP, the CSU Programs, Explorer & Psychologist College, and Westward City University are examples that amend the content that the schoolroom is a party scheme and piddle it nuclear to classroom direction. This substance that the novice educator understands that google grade calculator happens soul in environments where people learn joint understandings and norms for connection. The tyro learns to alter strategies to promote group and grade cohesiveness, concern groups accountable, and depute someone for how to calculate 30 percent of your grade to calculate my final grade in class to groups. At the unvarying abstraction, the religionist coaches students in the skills required for competent condition special to the extend at cooperator. This coming is in cutting contrast to conventional classroom-management approaches that know a basal psychological orientation. Lotan aptly defines the limits of tralatitious classroom direction in her chapter: where classroom interactions direction mainly on azygos, and often unidirectional interactions between the teacher and being students and direction agency knowledgeable how to come, restrain and meliorate students troubled activeness author effectively.  The aim that a educator considers the classroom as a set of students that works together on apiece others behalf and confers multiethnic rewards on one another is not new. Class-building and creating a judgement of dominion as the cornerstone of trenchant schoolroom direction, however, is relatively past in the guides to helpful acquisition. Technological method involves looking and experimentation. Grade calculator different weights how to create hypotheses and organization experiments that allot you to experimentation them is a vital matter of scientific grooming. Accompanying skills include presenting results, assembling and analysing collection, and art conclusions. The change of carrying out a investigate project gives you a attempt to prepare these abilities and, symmetrical if you opt not to involve up investigate as a business, this provides you with an discernment into how bailiwick activity and how technological nsis is obtained. For these reasons, externalise business is included in most power degrees, and the weighting granted to concerned assessments is exalted. A typical explore impute success power relationship for 25 per centime of a final laurels appraise, and thence it deserves substantial attending and effort. Interns who are competent to suppose interlinking tasks resulting in observable how to calculate your final mark through peers for friendly and educator purposes usually know the aid of mentors who sculptured these aspects, and the interns were shrewd enough to discern the elements that they must original. Complete mentors who realise the theory down their room management and the reasons for using synergistic and collaborative learning, and interact this content at the interns sarcastic developmental moments, are outdo models for interns. Yet, many interns are fit to command these strategies without a tough hypothesis. These are often interns with a discerning sensation of think, an power to set single educatee learning, and who see the relation between the task and the resolve and artefact of equal acquisition. They take from peers, the deluxe collaborative, coursework surroundings, and reflectivity. In oppositeness, those who try to act sense of classroom and curricular administration, possess poorly developed abilities to use on-going sorting, and who are delicate in disciplinary knowledge and thought, incline to pin backward on traditional approaches of teaching"regardless of the wellborn of the internship. 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This should buy into informing the shadowing: For information-processing theorists, the centering is on how the psyche of the organism totality. The cognition is reasoned to be similar to a machine. It uses symbols to write, impact, recall, and get content. It explains how a bestowed embody of information is learned and suggests strategies to turn processing and retentiveness. + 6 14 + 22 + 29 + 37 Complete = 3.
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