#and that wasn't a lie. but now it certainly feels like ones. jesus christ I'm feeling awful akdkfllfg
daz4i · 2 years
is it possible to die just from being in pain. asking for a friend
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warwickroyals · 3 years
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Transcript under the cut - Click for HQ photos
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Final prelude! Tomorrow we'll get to see Phillip all gown up, shortly after the events of chapter two! His life . . . hasn't gotten any better as we will see lmao. I actually put bandages on one of Phillip's arms but decided against fully showing it. The subtle implication is enough, I think.
PS - Do you hate Louis yet or do I still need to convince you?
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Rosedale - August 31, 1989
[PHILLIP] An outsider might assume I had a very lonely childhood. I mean, anything to explain why turned out the way I am, right?
[PHILLIP] If anything my family craved solitude. My mother . . . really struggled with the photographers
[PHILLIP] Rosedale was home, more than any of the palace. We felt safe there
[PHILLIP] Besides, it wasn't as if my father beat us or anything. I should have been a happy kid, and I certainly felt as if I should be a happy child
[IRENE] You're going to look so handsome for the first day of school. The new uniforms are very smart
[YOUNG PHILLIP] I don't want to go back anymore. The photographers always yell at me. It's scary
[IRENE] Oh, I know, sweetie, but you have to remember what Dr. O'Hara taught you. Have you been practicing your breathing
[YOUNG PHILLIP] Yeah . . . but why can't I just do school at home?
[IRENE] Because sometimes we have to do things we don't like, Phillip. Remember what your father told you. Now, wait here, I'm going to fetch the comb
[YOUNG PHILLIP] It's not fair . . .
[IRENE] We have to at least consider it for him . . . Louis?
[LOUIS] What about his schoolwork? How . . . ? He's already behind
[PHILLIP] Sometimes I wish the answer was as simple as not getting enough attention as a child. But most of the time I felt as if I was getting too much attention
[DR. O'HARA] That shouldn't be a problem, sir, most children who receive in-hospital treatment . . .
[PHILLIP] I just remember everyone acting as if it was all so very simple.
[IRENE] I do not understand why you're so apathetic . . . homework shouldn't even enter this conversation
[LOUIS] Apathetic? Are you--you know what? I won't even acknowledge that. We'll talk later. Phillip, look at me, please
[LOUIS] You'll be fine, okay? No matter what: you're alright
[IRENE] He's not fine, things are not alright, and I wish you'd stop acting as if they are!
[LOUIS] Why in God's name would you leave him alone with the scissors?
[IRENE] You blame me for all of this, don't you?
[LOUIS] It's not exactly rocket science, Irene. You've always spoiled him; he knows if he does something drastic enough you'll let him have his way. Do you honestly think school has nothing to do with this? Don't make me treat you like an idiot
[PHILLIP] These people had me all figured out. All I needed was this drug or a stay at some mental ward and I'd be fixed. Simple. Two-plus-two-is-four simple
[IRENE] I spoil him?! I wonder why that is, Louis?
[LOUIS] Oh, Jesus Christ
[PHILLIP] It confused me because none of it was simple to me. I didn't know why I did these things to myself or why I couldn't be in a crowded room without feeling as if I were suffocating. It was just the way I was, but that wasn't the answer people wanted to hear
[JAMES] Don't worry about the hospital, it's fun! Remember when I broke my ankle? I mean it hurt a little, but I just got to lie in bed and watch TV all day long. Oh, and I got to eat all the pudding
[YOUNG PHILLIP] It's not the same. They're sending me away 'cause they want to forget about me. No one will ever, ever forget about you
[PHILLIP] All I knew was that if I wanted to make it out of childhood normal, I needed to find a way to cope
[JAMES] Oh, yeah . . .
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety-Three [PT.2]
Words: 4.2k
Warning(s): explicit language, violence, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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It's incredibly quiet and filled with tension as Amber looks at Nikki and I, curiously. 
We haven't been to therapy in over a week. 
Nikki hasn't come back to fucking rehab until yesterday and it took me threatening divorce again. 
"Well," Amber starts, smiling at us. "How was your time together?" 
"Good." We both lie simultaneously and Amber raises her brows. 
"Yep." Nikki says, flatly. 
"Like we're dating for the first time all over again." I add, unenthusiastically. "Exactly how it was when we first started dating. Just minus the sex." 
Nikki huffs out a breath. 
"Jesus fucking Christ, Vivian--"
"--Don't bring Jesus into this. Jesus isn't anywhere to be found in this situation."
"It was one night, Viv, cut me a goddamn break." 
"I've been cutting you a break for the last six years, Nikki, I'm done cutting people breaks. You need to cut me some respect--"
"--Some respect? After the shit you pulled, are you fucking me right now?" 
"No, I'm not fucking you right now, no more than you've fucked me the entire time you've been home." 
"Oh, my God."
I slowly start being pulled from my sleep when I feel a tickle up the side of my foot, my ankle, up the back of my calf then my thigh, my hip, up my spine...I feel my body jolt awake only to be trapped under someone for a moment. 
"Shh, shh, it's just me." Nikki assures me in a whisper, looming over me. 
"Oh," I mumble, sighing when he kisses my shoulder blade. 
I try to go back to sleep but my eyes force themselves open, and I look over my shoulder. 
"Why the hell aren't you in rehab, Nikki?!" I ask him, sharply, confused. "How the fuck did you even get in here?! How did you even know where I live?!" 
"I checked out for a few days so I could see you." He explains. "And Sharise let me borrow her key and gave me directions. I wanted to surprise you."
"You what?!" 
"Wanted to surprise you?" 
I sit up and he falls beside me, stretching out over the bed. 
"You checked out of rehab?!" 
"I missed you and Tommy and Vince missed their girls so we just decided to check out for a few days and visit and then we're going back Monday...like a four month long weekend." He explains. 
"You can't do that!" 
"It was highly advised against it by our counselors but let us leave." He shrugs. "And you know what? I've been back in L.A. for an hour and I don't feel the itch to go party like I used to. I think rehab's working." He tells me. 
"...You checked out of rehab…to come home...and you're going back?" 
"Just like that?" 
"Just like that." 
"Like you won't be tempted to do anything you're not supposed to do?" 
"I won't be because I'm gonna be with you the whole time." He shrugs. 
"You do realize how arrogant you sound right now, right?" 
"I'm not interested in drugs or anything anymore, Viv. I've gotten past that." He states. 
"Nikki," I start. 
"Don't say it like that." 
"How else am I suppose to say it?" I ask, raising my brows, looking at him, pointedly. 
He just rubs his lips together and smirks. 
"I know a few ways you can say it." He runs his hand up and down the side of my leg and I raise a brow. 
"You left rehab to get your dick wet." I tell him, knocking his hand off of me, laying back down. 
"No, I didn't." He denies. 
"Okay, then go sleep on the couch." I suggest. 
"No." He argues. "I wanna hold you." 
"Oh, please, Nikki, we both know what that turns into." 
"What does it turn into?" He asks, knowingly. 
"You know what it's gonna turn into." I state. 
"Vivian, baby," he slides his hand over my hip bone, squeezing it for a second, making my skin prickle and heat up. 
"Don't, 'baby,' me." I can't bring myself to push his hand away this time, I just turn my back to him. 
It's quiet for a moment and I feel him shift beside me, before his lips press to my bare shoulder, then my jaw, then my temple, and I'm rolling to my back, my lips brushing against his, my fingers going to his soft hair, a smile coming to my lips as I say, "couch," and push him away from me, turning back over to face away from him and snuggling into my covers. 
He mumbles under his breath and grabs the pillow from that side of the bed, leaving me alone. 
After a moment of trying to go to sleep, I can't bring myself to. 
I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. 
I pull my blankets off and drag a throw with me as I go to the living room. 
He's taking up the entire couch, and his eyes are closed but I know he's not asleep. 
I crawl on him and he groans, looking at me with furrowed brows.
"Your knee is in my thigh." He grumbles as I try to pull my blanket around myself. 
I just blink down at him. 
"Fine." He winces, sitting up as best as he can, helping me pull the blanket up around my shoulders before he's sliding his hands to my waist and we both lay down. 
I lay my head on his chest and he rubs at my scalp with his fingers. 
"I've missed you, too." I say to him quietly. 
"I know." He replies. "The Sixxter tends to have that effect on chick--ow!" He hisses, tensing up. 
"Oh, sorry, didn't realize your junk was there." I lie, playing off me digging my nails into his crotch was an accident. 
I knew him leaving rehab, even for a few days, posed a threat to his road to recovery. My biggest fear was his dealers hearing he was back. They'd sniff him out and lure him in and I'd lose him again. I couldn't let that happen, and it terrified me to think that it could. But it also made me feel better to see him in a setting that didn't involve stail coffee, therapists, and other recovery patients near by. There wasn't any privacy in rehab--not that we really needed any.
The next morning I'm waking up to the smell of food, good food. Being that I burn most anything I try to cook now (I blame my pregnancy brain), it's nice to be able to smell breakfast without the heavy blanket of charr attached to it. 
I stretch where I've been left on the couch under the fluffy blanket I brought in last night, sitting up and pulling it off of me before going to the bathroom and making myself look somewhat presentable with a toothbrush and a hair brush, hoping and praying that whatever he's cooking up doesn't make me sick. 
I get in the kitchen and see him in front of the stove, and I wrap my arms around him, pressing my cheek to his shoulder blade, and I feel him rub at my arms that are tightly around him, chuckling. 
"Good morning," he says, looking at me over his shoulder. 
I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek. 
"Good morning." I reply, pulling away, grabbing a glass and getting some water. 
I take advantage of him not paying attention to examine any changes. 
I noticed the other day he'd been working out. I see now exactly how much alcohol bloat he's lost, and how much muscle he's built back up. 
His hair and skin even looks healthier, he's gotten his "glow" back to his once pale, sallow looking appearance. 
I reign in my hormones, chugging my water and getting another glass full. 
When he turns around to get the sausage out of the pan and onto a plate, I eye his crotch area, seeing that he's obviously not wearing underwear under his shorts and I'd be lying if I said I don't stare.
"I hope you still like sausage." He comments, oblivious to my eyes on his goods, not even looking in my direction, too busy with trying to get breakfast done. 
"Oh, I do." I comment, taking another few gulps of water, letting my eyes trail down his thighs for a moment. 
Sweet Jesus. 
He is certainly fearfully and wonderfully made. 
"Ahem," he clears his throat and I flick my gaze to his face. 
I've been caught. 
"Whatcha looking at?" He asks me and I shake my head a little. 
"I like those shorts." I lie, shrugging it off. 
"Mmhmm." He doesn't buy it for a second. 
"I do!" I defend myself. 
"I'm sure it's the shorts you like." He comments. 
"Well...I like what's inside the shorts." I blatantly correct myself and he squeezes his eyes closed and laughs. 
"Welcome home, Nikki." He says to himself and I finish my water as he turns the stove off. "It's ready if you wanna make a plate." He offers. 
"Maybe we should give it a few minutes to cool off." I suggest, slowly getting closer to him. 
"Um, I think it's okay." He brushes it off, shrugging, not paying attention. 
"I think we should let it cool off." I state again, my fingers teasing at the top of his shorts, and he looks at me. 
"Get away from me, you freak." He laughs out, shooing my hands off of him.
"Oh, I'm the freak?" 
"You were trying to blow me before therapy the other day and now you're trying to get it in while I'm trying to eat." He points out, still laughing. "I know I'm a lot to handle but just chill out." He smiles, raising his brows. 
"I don't know if you're being serious right now or not." 
"I'm being serious." He points at me. "Now get a plate and let's eat." He adds. 
"You don't want to mess around?" 
"I didn't say that." He states.
"Okay, then food can wait, c'mon," I grab his hand and try to tug him out of the kitchen.  
"Viv," he says as I plant my feet on the floor and use both hands to try to tug at him, my socks sliding against the tile but I try my hardest to get him to move. 
He waits patiently before I'm falling on my ass after slipping, still holding his hand, letting out a breath. 
I let his hand go and lay on the floor, groaning. 
"Are you done?" He asks me, raising a brow. 
"I'm horny." I say it flatly, staring at the ceiling. 
"I can see that." He says, looking between my legs where I feel a wet spot in my panties. 
"Nikki, you're being difficult." 
"I wanna fool around, you wanna fool around, we should just fool around. But you don't want to, even though you just said you do." 
"I haven't gotten thrown around and fucked into a coma in over six months." I blurt, crossing my arms, looking up at him from my place on the floor. 
"...He couldn't scratch that itch after all, huh?" He asks, amused, smirking, and I cut my eyes at him. 
"Because he has morals." I reply. 
"Interesting." He replies. 
We sit in silence for a second, and he nudges me with his foot. 
"Are you gonna survive without jumping my bones?" He asks and I sigh, sitting up. 
"I guess." 
He helps me up and we get our food and sit on the couch while we watch cartoons and eat. 
I notice him staring at me every once in awhile, but I don't pay any attention to him. 
My feelings are hurt, as childish as that sounds. 
It usually doesn't take much to get Nikki into bed, and he's always been up for it whenever I hinted at anything...or blatantly told him I was horny. 
But now things are different. 
A part of me thinks its because he sat down and really thought about the fact I cheated on him.
Maybe that makes me disgusting in his eyes. 
Maybe it's because I'm pregnant--even though I'm only starting to show. 
Maybe it's because I'm pregnant with the dude's baby that I cheated on him with. 
I can see that ruining his libido. 
I just try not to pay much attention to it, but it's nagging me slowly. 
After I finish eating I'm taking my empty plate to the kitchen and heading to my bedroom. 
"Where you going?" He asks me as he puts his plate in the sink, too. 
"Back to bed." I tell him. "I'm really sleepy." 
"Oh," He replies, not looking all that convinced.
"See you when I wake up." I add.
"Yeah, I'll see you then." He says back. 
I shut the door and crawl into bed, wiping the growing tears from my eyes before they even hit my cheeks. 
I wake up a little later and stretch out, hearing the shower running in my bathroom. 
I just lay in bed for a few minutes until I hear it turn off and in a couple minutes, he's coming in the room with a towel wrapped around him, his hair wet.  
He notices I'm awake and grins, coming over to the bed. 
"Hey," he leans over me, pecking me on the lips. 
"Hey." I reply, my voice still tired, his hand running over my side. "What time is it?" 
"Like, one o'clock, maybe," he replies, about to move away from me. 
"Wait, c'mere," I grab his hand and he furrows his brows. 
"What is it?" He asks me.
I don't say anything, just looking at him, and he chuckles. 
He reads my mind and leans down, lips catching mine before his tongue slips into my mouth. 
I softly hum, my hand going to his hair, his hand fumbling through the covers to find my hip and dig his fingers into it. 
My hands soon go to his towel, about to tug it off but he pulls away and catches his breath. 
"I'm gonna go get some clothes on and head to the store to get some things for dinner tonight...you want anything?"  
Yeah. Sex with my husband. 
"No, thanks." I reply, calmly. 
"Alright, I'll see you later." He kisses me one last time and leaves the room and I rub my hands over my face.
"There's nothing to get so pissed off about, Vivian, it's not a big deal." 
"For once in his life Nikki Sixx doesn't want to hump something, even when his own wife tries to start something, so yeah, to me it is a big deal." I argue. 
"No, it's not, it's not that serious." 
"Do you not understand what it's like to be pregnant and hormonal and just wanting to have a good time with the person you love and they don't want anything to do with it?"
"Oh, c'mon, Vivian. Me not wanting to have sex with you doesn't have anything to do with you in particular." 
"Pretty sure it does since you've had no problem screwing other women behind my back when I couldn't do a good enough job." I throw at him. 
"Woah, woah, woah, that was fucking months ago, Vivian, and I was fucked up and sick." He snaps. "And it wasn't because you couldn't do a good enough job, it was because you wouldn't even try to do a job at all. You'd just lay there and be uninterested, like you were just waiting for me to get the fuck off of you. Matter of fact, I distinctly remember you actually saying, 'are you finished yet? I'm getting sleepy.' And I get that you were depressed and in a funk but shit like that happened multiple times, sometimes for weeks, over the course of our marriage. You know how that made me feel, thinking I couldn't even please my own wife?" 
"Oh, God, Nikki, I can't even imagine that pain. Thinking, 'why am I not good enough? Why am I not attractive to my spouse? Why am I not still desired'," I start, sarcastically. "Oh, shit, actually, yeah. Yeah, I fucking can imagine it because I tortured myself with the same questions anytime you chose going out with your buddies over a night in with me, anytime you chose hiding in your closet with drugs over coming to bed, and not to mention the time, gee, I don't know--I found out you had a mistress, who I was friends with, that you would fuck in our house!" 
"Think you got pretty even with me on that being that I found a couple used condoms  that didn't belong to me, under our bed!"
"That can't possibly be my fault being that me and him never used condoms!" 
"You don't fucking say!" He motions to my stomach.
"Fuck this." I state, harshly, standing up and grabbing my purse. 
"Vivian," Amber starts. 
"No. No. No. Fuck you, fuck him, fuck this. I'm fucking done. We tried rehab, we tried therapy, obviously it's not working or he wouldn't have come home and fallen off the wagon!" 
"Ever considered maybe I fell off the wagon so early on because you kept nagging me for days on end?!" He stands up. 
"You didn't want anything to do with me fucking sober, but as soon as you were under the influence of something, I'm suddenly so fucking beautiful and you're wanting to 'fuck the shit outta me'?! Do you not realize how fucked it is that you only want me when you're fucking on something?!"
The next few days consists of me being unable to keep my...urges...barely at bay, all while Nikki has no problem ignoring my hints--more so blunt statements at times--that I'm in the mood. 
He just laughs it off or teases me about it or pretends he doesn't know altogether. 
I just do what I've been doing: being my own lover. 
But there's just some things he can do to me that I can't and it's hard to accept that reality. 
I raise my brows when I peek my head into my bathroom, seeing Nikki fixing his hair, only wearing boxers. 
"Where you getting dolled up to go?" I ask, crossing my arms. 
"Me and Tommy are going out." He tells me and I raise my brows. 
"Oh." I reply, rubbing my lips together. 
I don't know how to tell him I'm having my surgery tomorrow to have my uterine abnormality taken care of...I've been meaning to tell him but just can't. 
I was hoping he'd still be in rehab and wouldn't even really have to know I got it done until later. 
I don't want him to worry. 
"You wanna come with us?" He asks next, grinning at me in the mirror. 
I don't know if that's a good idea." I mumble, that article written about that open letter from those anonymous roadies flashing through my mind. 
"C'mon, baby, it'll be fun."
"I don't feel good enough to go out on the town right now." I admit. "What are you guys gonna do while you're out?" 
"Probably go to the Tropicana or something." He shrugs and I raise my brows. 
"Like I said, Viv, you can come with us." He turns and looks down at me and I just smile as best as I can and shake my head. 
"No, I'm okay." I assure him. 
He looks a little disappointed but brushes it off, leaning down and kissing me, wrapping his arms around my waist, his hands smoothing over my ass, and I giggle as he pulls me up to snake my legs around him, kissing my cheek and my neck before hugging me to him, making me squeeze him to me tightly. 
"I love you, Nikki." I tell him, closing my eyes. "I really do."
"I know, Viv." He says back. "I love you more."
"And like always, it's Vivian's fault Nikki's a fucking addict! It's Vivian's fault Nikki's drinking so much! It's Vivian's fault Nikki's so unbearable to be around! It's all that slut's fault because she's a fucking crazy snake-cunt, she-satan that steals, kills, and destroys, and he's left with no choice but to try to numb himself to get outta her grasp!  It's all her fucking fault, even when she's pregnant!" 
I storm out and slam the door behind me, stomping down the hall. 
"Vivian Sixx, don't you fucking walk away from me!" He shouts after me, following me. 
"Vivian Kinston! I don't wanna be a fucking Sixx anymore--I don't wanna be associated with you, you fucked up prick!" I scream back. "Matter of fact, I'm glad I didn't have any of those goddamn kids of your's or else I'd be fucking answering to you the rest of my fucking life!" 
I wake up when I hear the front door open, my eyes shifting to my clock. 
"Fuck," I hear him whisper to himself, dragging his feet to the kitchen…
The sink turns on, a cabinet slams open, a glass shatters on the floor. 
"Fuck." He repeats, cutting the sink off. 
I furrow my brows and sit up in the bed, slowly slipping off the mattress, tip-toeing out to see what he's up to.
"Do you--do you have a broom?" He asks in a slur, motioning to the broken glass on the floor. 
"Yeah, I do." I tell him. 
"Okay, I um, I…" he trails off, eyes on me, drifting down my bare legs, holding his gaze on my lace panties. "...I need it." He finishes, hand reaching down to readjust himself. 
"Have you been drinking?" I ask him, leaning against the doorway.
"A couple shots, nothing I couldn't handle." He replies, walking closer to me. "Something else I can handle, too." He says more so to himself and I take in a breath when his hands grasp at my hips. 
"You smell like tequila." I tell him. 
"It was just a couple drinks." He insists, leaning down, pressing his lips to mine. 
"Just a couple?" I ask when I pull away, and he nods, pulling me back to him, kissing me again, our tongues meeting. 
His hands are tugging at my tank top, pulling it over my head. 
"You're so beautiful." He tells me, licking up my neck and I let out a soft sigh, running my hands down his back, tears in my eyes…
I close my eyes and my mind flashes back. All those times he'd come in drunk or high or both...either telling me how wonderful I am, or wanting to fight…
"Nikki, wait," I force myself to pull away from him as he trails kisses over my breast. 
"What is it?" He asks me, trying to get me close again. 
"You're drunk, Nikki, alright? I don't want to do anything while you're like this." I admit and he just stares at me. 
"Excuse me?" 
"You're drunk. I don't want you to--"
"--You bitch at me all fucking week about your fucking sexual frustration but as soon as I wanna piece of ass you're suddenly too good for me?" 
"Nikki, you're drunk." I state. "I'm not too good for you, but I'm not just gonna be the cumrag you get off on and pass out in a drunken stupor." 
"You never complained about it before." He states. "All the other times you were on your knees with your mouth wide open begging me for it like a cock-starved whore." He adds. 
"That was before. You aren't even supposed to be drunk, Nikki." I sneer. 
"Well, I am,Vivian, you wanna fucking crucify me over it? Huh?!" 
"All of your hard work the past weeks...gone." I remind him. 
"Fuck off." He shoves past me. "If you're not gonna give me any pussy--"
"--Maybe I would if you were sober, asshole, ever consider that?" I snap. 
"I wanna fuck the shit out of you, I've considered that." He states and I feel my face heat up. 
"You're being a pig, right now." I ignore him, turning to go back to bed, pissed and tired. 
"C'mon, baby," he complains from outside my locked door and I roll my eyes. "Baby, seriously, can't we talk about this?" He asks next. "Baby!" He calls. 
I open the door and bitterly mock his voice, "'oh, baby, I'm so sorry, oh, baby, you're so beautiful, oh, baby, just gimme a blow job and it'll completely wipe away the fact that I'm a fucking drunk, ridiculous, asshole, oh, baby, baby, baby, baby'!" I slam the door back in his face. 
"...Well, I never said I was fucking sorry!" He says next. 
"Fuck off, Nikki!"
He snatches me by my wrist, and I see him raise his fist from the corner of my eye as I turn to face him, and I tense up and expect him to hit me but his fist collides with the wall by my head, my hand coming up to my mouth to keep from being too loud in my hysteria, tears rolling down my cheeks as he gives three solid punches to the painted cement bricks. 
He's crying, too, and his hand loosening around my wrist, his face red, his body shaking as he lets out a pained noise and heaves out breaths, his eyes closed.
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sweethomelima · 5 years
Text || Samcedes
Mercy: Sam, hey its Mercedes
Mercy: Oh if this is the wrong number Sorry.
Sam: No, I told you I didn't change it
Mercy: No this isn't Sam, or no it is Sam because I didn't change it?
Sam: this is Sam
Sam: I didn't change my number
Sam: always been here.
Mercy: Well okay hi. Hope you had a good day today.
Mercy: First I wanted to thank you for not acting weird or anything last night. SJ had fun talking Marvel with you.
Sam: Yeah, you too!
Sam: I was kind of in my element there
Sam: I could've fielded DC too
Mercy: I am sure he would have given you a run for your money, he loves the Flash and Batman.
Mercy: So we are leaving tomorrow and I wanted to see if you had the papers, and if you wanted to see him again before we left.
Sam: I am an expert in Batman!
Sam: Already?
Mercy: Well he will be glad to hear that.
Mercy: Our lives are in L.A. Sam.
Sam: I have them
Sam: I didn't sign them yet
Sam: I'm still reading them
Mercy: Sam there is nothing there that would cause any issues. It's just a divorce.
Sam: My mom said never to sign something you haven't read
Mercy: Okay I understand that
Sam: Just gonna take me awhile.
Sam: idk how long
Mercy: Sam what do I have to do to get you to just sign them now?
Sam: I need to read them. I said that
Mercy: Sam I know if I leave here without them they will never get signed. Why are you holding on so tight to something that was over years ago? Its a divorce stating what's yours is yours and what's mines is mines, simple to the point.
Sam: I just said I wanna read them
Sam: that's it
Mercy: And you also said you don't know how long it will take you to read like 6 pages. I have to go, I can't be here for a long time.
Sam: we both know I'm not very smart
Mercy: That's a lie.
Mercy: You are smarter than you give yourself credit for.
Sam: Still can't read very well
Sam: so I can't tell you how long it'll be
Sam: I have to do other things too, like cleaning my apartment and go to the gym
Mercy: You can read just fine Sam and we both know that.
Mercy: Okay now I know you are playing games.
Sam: it does take me extra time. That's not a lie.
Mercy: I know that Sam, but cleaning your apartment? Really?
Sam: It's very dirty
Mercy: I bet it is
Mercy: I need you to work with me here(edited)
Sam: I am.
Sam: I'm going to read them! I already started!
Mercy: Fine.
Mercy: Soooo we didn't get to talk about you, how is your family?
Sam: Doing well, you know.
Sam: The kids are almost done with high school which makes me feel old but
Mercy: You are Sold
Sam: Don't remind meeeee
Mercy: How is your mom? I have been meaning to talk to her but I know she is might hate me.
Sam: For going to LA?
Sam: I don't think she does
Sam: she always said I should apologize for not going with you haha
Mercy: For leaving, for not telling her about SJ, even if you didn't believe it she would have.
Sam: Yeah, well. She doesn't know about him
Sam: Like I didn't
Mercy: You didn't tell her?
Sam: I've been a little busy trying to come to terms with it myself
Mercy: Maybe I should just go and let you mail it to me.
Sam: If that's your choice.
Mercy: Fine!
Sam: Great.
Sam: I'll send them
Sam: When do you need them?
Sam: I'll get them to you then.
Mercy: Monday
Sam: And when are you getting married?
Mercy: You don't get to know that.
Sam: Okay.
Sam: See, I'm trying to make sure I have them to you when you need them
Sam: I want to have time to think about it.
Mercy: What is there to think about Samuel?
Sam: A lot.
Sam: like maybe I should get to see SJ.
Sam: so maybe we need a custody thing.
Sam: I don't know
Mercy: That stuff I'm pulling? I wrote you and told you that I was pregnant, that you should just swallow your damn pride and come to me, and you sent back divorce papers, so don't get me started on that one.
Sam: You sent ME divorce papers!
Sam: and no letter
Sam: Jesus Christ, is this what you think is fun now?
Sam: Fucking with some townie loser you used be with?
Mercy: Are you serious right now?
Mercy: Like I can't tell if you are playing with me right now.
Sam: I'm very serious. It's not funny.
Mercy: Then stop playing around and be serious. I got your papers, which is why I find it funny that you never signed it. I get you were bitter but to abandon your pregnant wife?
Mercy: I always thought you were better than that.
Sam: I didn't do ANY of that
Sam: I mean, the last part happened inadvertently but I didn't send anything! Or get anything other than some divorce papers which, yes, I did not sign.
Mercy: My manager handed me the papers they were addressed to me, sent from you.
Sam: if I sent them, don't you think I'd have signed them first
Mercy: Sometimes you are scatterbrained.
Sam: I think you sent me divorce papers when you found out you were pregnant because you didn't think I was ready or something
Sam: I was
Mercy: Wow, for the record Sam, I thought you would be an amazing father. Ima gonna go.
Sam: Great
Mercy: It was nice seeing you Sam, if you could tell your parents before tomorrow about YOUR SON that would be great since I will let him meet them before I leave Lima for good.
Sam: How am I supposed to explain an eight year old I JUST found out about and how the fuck I missed that?
Mercy: Figure it out. I had too.
Sam: You keep acting like I knew.
Sam: Like you don't know me well enough to know I could never not step in.
Mercy: I told you Sam, I put that on everything, I don't know what happened, if you blocked it out, if you are trying to justify not being here by saying I didn't but I know my truth.
Mercy: I may not have told the world I have a child, because by the time I got on the scene and really started making a name for myself he was 2 and I didn't want that life for him, so I never said anything to maintain some privacy in my life. But you, I told you.
Sam: You didn't.
Sam: This isn't funny.
Mercy: No its not funny not at all.
Mercy: You really didn't know? Not in all these years? Because I swear to you I sent you that letter telling you about him.
Sam: I didn't get a letter.
Sam: Just divorce papers.
Mercy: This makes no sense
Sam: Hey, were on the same page for once
Mercy: Sam I promise you I sent you the letter, and then I got divorce papers in return
Sam: and I didn't send them.
Sam: if there was a letter, I'd have been there
Sam: could have called
Mercy: Call the man who refused to pick up his life and move with me for my dream?
Mercy: I couldn't call you, it hurt too much
Sam: You could have come back when you weren't recording.
Sam: I have a life here, Mercy.
Mercy: Come back to a man who didn't want me.
Mercy: I know that Sam, but I had a future there.
Sam: I did want you
Sam: I've always wanted you
Mercy: I guess it doesn't matter now does it?
Sam: Yeah
Sam: Your whole story is fucking me up
Sam: I don't get how this became my fault?
Mercy: I asked you to come with me Sam, I told you I wanted us to be together, I gave you the ticket to come. You didn't.
Sam: I said the same thing, but you didn't like my way
Mercy: I was scared, scared if I stayed in Lima, even part time, that I would lose myself.
Sam: Yeah
Mercy: I am trying to be honest with you. I thought you would just come when you were ready
Sam: I'm not ready
Sam: I know you and probably everyone else from glee "outgrew" Lima
Sam: I still haven't.
Mercy: I know. It's why I had to move on Sam, and you had to find someone who wanted the same things you do. You deserved that.
Sam: I never wanted anyone else
Mercy: Sam I just
Mercy: Sam I want you to be happy
Sam: Yeah
Sam: I said I'll send them
Mercy: Send what?
Mercy: Oh I wasn't even thinking about thing right now
Sam: I'm just saying. You want to leave again and I'm not stopping you
Mercy: I know you aren't. You moved on too.
Sam: I didn't.
Mercy: You did. You can say you didn't but the truth is if you didn't move on we would still be together.
Sam: because I didn't go to LA?
Sam: Why was I the only one who had to give something up
Mercy: You weren't! I had to give up you! SJ had to give up a father! You aren't the only one who lost something Sam, I lost you.
Sam: yeah, I lost you and him too.
Mercy: You can have a relationship with him if you want.
Sam: And so will your fiancé
Mercy: He's not a bad guy.
Sam: Hey, I never said he was
Mercy: Just thought you should know
Sam: I don't care about him
Sam: [ five minutes later ] No, we both know that's a lie. I hate him
Mercy: Why do you hate him?
Sam: You'll know exactly why if you stop and think for a second
Mercy: Because of SJ
Sam: Not Just
Mercy: What do you want from me Sam?
Sam: Do I need to say it!
Mercy: Well I certainly don't know
Sam: You.
Mercy:-[Deleted] Sam don't do this.
Mercy:-[Deleted] I just got over you...
[five minutes later]
Mercy: I can stay for a few more days so you can spend time with SJ.
Sam: Yeah, maybe we can figure out how to tell my mom lol
Mercy: I'm gonna let you do that one
Sam: No help?
Mercy: Fine
Sam: I doubt she'll buy the truth
Sam: Which you apparently don't buy either.
Mercy: Why wouldn't I tell you?
Sam: I don't know!
Mercy: I don't wanna go back around in a circle like this.
Sam: I just wanted to know why you didn't tell me
Mercy: And I keep telling you that I did. I wrote you I felt if I called you I would break down and a letter was safer...
Sam: I didn't get a letter!
Sam: I don't know why you don't believe me
Mercy: I don't know why you don't believe me.
Sam: Because I only got the papers you sent me.
Mercy: The papers I sent back to you
Sam: Right because I sent you unsigned papers
Sam: I thought you agreed I wasn't dumb lol
Mercy: I don't know what to tell you.
Sam: Okay
Mercy: So where does that leave us Sam?
Sam: Not where I want to be
Mercy: when are you free?
Sam: i'm free now
Mercy: I was going to take SJ to the Zoo, you can come with us.
Sam: I'm always up for being with you
Sam: And SJ. Really hoping he'll like me lol
Mercy: SJ loves you he's still talking about you. Just so you know going to a Zoo or park with me is often... crazy I wanna say.
Sam: Good.
Sam: is it bad I want him to like me more than your fiancé?
Sam: Probably not. I'm his father.
Sam: You think I don't remember how you get?
Mercy: it's not bad Sam, SJ is your son of course you want him to like you
Mercy: He will like you just fine.
Mercy: I mean it's been years
Sam: Hopefully.
Sam: And maybe I'll have to come to LA and see him.
Sam: I remember everything about you
[Mercy:Deleted] So you will go to L.A. for th-
Mercy: yeah maybe.
Mercy: I will have the car pick you up unless you just wanna meet us there
Sam: Whatever works for you.
Mercy: You gonna be okay being driven around in a town car?
Sam: Unless you're gonna let me pick up you two in my old truck?
Mercy: Soooo if I tell you something you gotta keep it secret
Sam: Now I'm curious
Mercy: My driver is my bodyguard, under my contract I can't go anywhere without him.
Sam: Are you saying I'm not able to protect you?
Mercy: Not at all its just in my contract
Sam: Sneak off
Mercy: Yeah I get fined for that
Mercy: He won't bother us, you won't even know he's there
Sam: I don't know if I believe that but!
Mercy: But?!...
Sam: But I'm good
Mercy: You gotta be clear babe you coming with?
Sam: Babe?
Sam: I'll meet you there
Mercy: What? Why did you call me Babe?
Mercy: Okay
Sam: You called me babe and I was questioning it
Mercy: I did?
Mercy: Oh I did, I'm sorry
Sam: It's fine
Mercy: We will see you there.
Mercy: SJ wants me to wear my "Spidermom" because he is wearing his, if you want to wear Spiderman you can
Sam: I got you
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