#and that world is my favorite type of oc shit: alignment charts
weatherbane · 2 years
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a few of these just bc i can
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noro-noro-noro · 7 years
noro tell me abt ur ocs i see ur awesome art and they look neat but im so stupid and i don't know anything and also can maybe i try and draw them they look so cool ksjsbbebs just educate me fam
feel free to draw them!! i’d love to see!!! the 3 or 4 times people have drawn things for me have made me feel Ten Billion Heart Emojis
With my ocs, there’s 3 different plot pieces that I will now do my best to summarize without writing a 5 mile post, & also that entire subset of charactesr who are gods. Are they actually gods or are they giant space aliens with a diverse range of powers? Not sure! I’ve been working on an alignment chart for things like their disposition + the basic types of powers they have but it’s barely filled out. Anyway I hope all this makes sense!!     Here’s a gratuitous size chart  & here’s another post where i describe all my ocs. This one is a lot more up to date, but cutting a bit of detail for brevity!! But this is still gonna be long AS FUCK bc idk how to shut up
1st plot involves Mires, Lady Lud, Zelir (who isn’t really a main character, he’s just there to fuckin Fight) & Dys, who is my favorite and also completely terrible. This takes place at least a century before the second piece of plot. 
What happens at this part is that Lady Lud is terraforming our planet. She leaves for a while to work on one of her other planets, but when she comes back, there’s humans! She loves them. After some complications, the humans love her too & worship her. Fast forward a few decades & we’ve got Mires, a 20something guy with abandonment issues. A building falls on him, he dies, but is revived by Lady Lud & takes on a new appearance (white hair, third eye, won’t age, can read minds) & absolutely is the #1 biggest fan of her with a fanaticism bordering on obsession. He rises through the ranks of the religion & becomes Head Priest Guy. Some drama happens but a while later, since Lady Lud had been neglecting her other planets, they all rotted & spread to an adjacent system, Zelir’s. Zelir takes pride in how well his system is organized & the rot from her system fucked everything up. Zelir took his favorite daughter, Dys, to Lady Lud’s planet so she can watch him beat the shit out of this other god. There’s a huge fight, Mires is shook, & Lady Lud wins by a hair & crawls off into the mountains to regenerate. Dys followers her & kills her & steals her eye, which boosts her power by a lot. Mires leaves his city to look for Lud. Looking for Lud takes a very long time. Think centuries. Surprisingly, he doesn’t find her. A long time later, he gives up & falls into a depression & tries to drown himself in City Life, in like idk victorian era london or something. He meets Dys (who at this point has created Thrass), who recognizes him as Ye Olde High Priest Who Could Read Minds & takes to manipulating him to get what she wants, which is his complete & total subservience. The manipulation is absolutely horrible, really fucks with Mires, & at the end he’s just some empty-eyed hollow man sort of drifting after her wherever she goes & doing whatever she says. 
2nd plot has Diorr, Dys again, & Thrass. Mires is there, briefly. Erl might appear. I haven’t decided how this one ends yet.
Dys is really bad a strategy, so she made Thrass to help her plan out everything. What’s everything? Well, Dys wants to destroy the world that Lady Lud made as revenge for her dear ol dad. Thrass hates being alive bc he’s a giant centipede with human limbs whose design i might be altering a bit soon. They use mires to influence a bunch of things leading up to some day in 2075 when everything goes to FUCK & humanity is slammed by Robot Uprising & Void Invasion courtesy of Dys & Thrass. Some time before this, Mires finally rebels, but it’s futile & Dys wipes his memory & throws him into the Year Of Apocalypse, where he eventually dies alone :( . 
Diorr is here! A bit before the apocalypse begins, she gets hit by a car & goes to the hospital to receive a prosthetic. Then she’s stuck in some kind of futuristic fast healing capsule, & while she’s in there, everything goes to shit. She comes out, realizes that the arm prosthetic has taken over half her body & wants to kill her, makes peace with it, & finds a couple survivors to ask what happens. One of them was Mires, who’s pretty badly corrupted at this point, but he gives her enough information for her to find Dys. Diorr goes to confront Dys, but Dys resets the timeline so Diorr has to struggle through post-apocalyptic wasteland day after day after day without remembering any of it, bc this is Fine Entertainment & Dys has been so, so bored. 
Eventually something happens that breaks the cycle. I don’t fucking know what it is yet & that infuriates me. Dys dies though. Thrass either finally gets to die (to his delight) or he decides to live on. I haven’t developed his character enough yet for that. 
The Third One has Erl, Mar, & Zhen. I’m not exactly sure when this takes place relative to the other two. Maybe the events of this one happen between 1 & 2, or maybe sometime after 2. But it hasn’t happened before 1. 
Way, way back in the beginning of the universe, there was a giant worm thing that crawled around Empty Space & left the universe behind like some kind of snail trail. Due to [undefined circumstances] this giant worm thing had to break into two separate entities, Order & Chaos (Erl & Mar). Neither one of them is inherently good or bad & they’re constantly locked in combat to keep the balance of the universe in check. Neither of them exactly have minds, thoughts, or personalities, they just. Exist. to keep things the way they want them. Anyway, what they did was fight for a very, very, very long time. Then one day, Erl managed to cheat. Zhen was involved. I don’t know the details, but using Zhen, Erl was able to rip Mar apart & scatter them across the entire universe. Zhen was ripped in half as well & Erl shoved the largest hunk of organs into his body, which is why Zhen has a gash from chin to the bottom of his body & all those glowy yellow organs don’t match his color scheme. Or maybe that didn’t happen quitelike that, I’m working on it. Zhen knows something is wrong, but more importantly, without Chaos, the universe is falling to bits. Zhen has to do something about this, maybe with Diorr’s help or something. 
wow this is really long i hope it helps!! 
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