#and that's besides googling werewolves and teaching scott
mostly-vo1d · 4 years
okay, wow. do I have options on... a lot of that.
yes, I agree that it's very in character for Stiles who expects someone who should know basic gun safety to not throw a fucking gun at him.
as much as I love most of the adults, Stiles had no real reason (ie lack of trust) or time to ask them and actually train. (and they — the majority of whom have known for more than literally a few months — didn't offer either.)
Derek or Scott biting Stiles just does not make sense to me in canon. at all. I started rambling about this on another submission before tumblr ate it (what else is new?) but the tl,dr is, Stiles was there for/knows about most of what lead up to the you're not my real alpha moment. he has reasonable issues with loss of control (both from his mom and Peter controlling Scott, later the nogitsune and the dread doctors). asking for the bite from Derek would drive a wedge between Stiles and Scott. Stiles has seen Scott's reaction to people who wanted the bite for 'good' reasons. (good in quotation marks because if Scott went all 'then he's an idiot' at the boy who didn't want to be abused anymore, I doubt he'd agree to bite Stiles just because he wanted it/"to be useful") (also tw and choice in general but that's—)
point is, Stiles already is dangerous. not because he's a hunter/werewolf or has magic. his skills are more in knowledge and using others to get that knowledge or manipulating them with it.
it's not that he doesn't want skills in case he becomes dangerous, it's that, in his experience, everyone in the position to teach/give him those skills has used that position to reach their own goals, something that usually ends up hurting Stiles and/or his friends/family.
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