#and that's on shipping Luka and Jess lmao
symphonic-scream · 2 years
What age did everyone arrive at camp and who's a Year Round Camper in your PJO au??
(they're all like 16-17, aight? Aight.)
Marinette is newer, she's been going since she was 14, and she's only around in the summers
Adrien has been going since he was 9, he starts every fall home, thinking his dad will want him there, but by Christmas he's back at camp again for the rest of the year
Kagami started coming when she was 10. She was summers only until she was 14, when her mother and step-father moved back to Japan. Now she spends the winters in Japan, and the rest of the year at camp
Alya has been coming since she was 12, and she's summers only
Nino came at 13, he's summer only
Rose started coming when she was 11, and she does go home each fall. She does convince her mom to let her spend the school winter holiday at camp though
Juleka and Luka have been going to camp since they were like, 5 and 6, when their Ma married Caline. They spend all year there, and during the Winter Anarka comes to stay at camp, taking a break from adventuring around on her "pirate ship"
Nathaniel started coming at age 12, he's summers only
Alix first came when she was 6, and she's been year round since she was 7. She goes home to visit Alim sometimes, but she stays most of the year. Caline gives everyone homeschool packages, but Alix finished them all by the time she was 13. She has her high school diploma already
Marc has been coming since they were 13, year rounder
Kim first came when he was 11, he's summer only
Max started at 12, he's summer only at first. His mom was accepted to the Space Program when he was 15, so he goes back to camp when she's away
Sabrina started when she was 10. She's year round
Chloe came to camp when she was 6, she's year round. Zoe started at the Roman camp when she was 8, she's still Greek by the way, and once she meets the Greeks she spends summers with the Greeks and the rest with the Romans
Aurore started coming when she was 13, she's summer only
Lila came when she was 12, she became a hunter when she turned 15. She was year round before that
Mylene started when she was 10, she's summer only
Ivan came at age 11, he's summer only
Jess and Aeon both live at the Roman camp lmao
Ondine started at age 12, she's summers only
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sweethibiscustea82 · 2 years
I dunno uhhh
Aiden mcsm <3
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual!
Gender Headcanon: cis male!
A ship I have with said character: probably Aiden x lukas, even if it’s not my favourite compared to lukessse, they’re dynamic is interesting!
A BROTP I have with said character: I don’t think I particularly have one with him, but probably maya x Aiden maybe? Ship them mostly platonically lol
A NOTP I have with said character: Jesse x Aiden. Look Jesse can rehabilitate this guy but like, they could never be in a relationship lmao not my version of Jesse at least, I was so close to pushing him off that cliff.
A random headcanon: I like to imagine he’s a big fan of Magnus, he’s one of his idols, he was pretty upset when he found out about his death in my world.
General Opinion over said character: during my play through I just wanted to beat him into the ground the entire thing, but you know what I’m glad he started to rehabilitate himself. Even if he you know, destroyed an entire kingdom ig.
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skeletonmermaidlife · 4 years
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blazingflareon · 2 years
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quick redraws of some of my old jesskas art bc i still love them very much
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Jesskas/Lukesse headcannon:
Jesse calls Lukas "Lukey-Pooky"
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ocelukas · 7 years
(( unpopular jesskas opinion (maybe?? idk)
before i get hate about saying its an unpopular opinion: dont worry its not bashing the ship or me straight up saying i dont like the ship
not qualified to read at all friends ))
ok so like
i see a lot of super cuddly jesskas and thats great!!! i love it!!!
but id love to see like,
stressed out slowly inching into a relationship, semi-angry jesskas that turns soft and sweet as things go like??
they get mad at each other yeah but it’s like a “goddammit you may be cute but you cant be an idiot and getting killed” sorta mad 
along with arguing that turns into embarrassed “i cant believe i said that but you can still be dumb” apologies
cause damn fam
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lonely-paracosmos · 4 years
Gjdjgjfojrjfdidjfeidjsjdbetndndxhfbrjdn sorry I am dumb of ass. I meant for the character ask thing and I didn’t know who or what question to pick. Uhhhhh I know the tags had Minecraft story mode so Headcanons of your fave mcsm character? (Tbh I’m starved of non binary hcs, if you have any ill ascend)
HEY THATS OKAY! luckely for you.. my favorite mcsm... is jesse
Sexuality Headcanon: HMMMMM.. thats one i never thought about tbh... bisexual mayhaps
Gender Headcanon: NONBINARY!
A ship I have with said character: LUKAS... they are just... so cute..and gay.. the entire game i shxt you not their pinning lmao
A BROTP I have with said character: ivor! he is their dad. also petra!
A NOTP I have with said character: petra and aiden.. i see petra just as their friend and aiden is just abusive
A random headcanon: THEY ARE SHORT AND CHUBBY [even tho that actually might be canon... i mean the short thing was mentioned a few times and the chubby thing was vaguely brought up]
General Opinion over said character: I love them! i mean i am a huge kinnie and i love how their voice acted by patton oswalt [who also voice acted remy].. their voice, personality, etc.. its just so unique from other main characters! ya dont get that type of character often ya know?
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Are you more Jetra, or Lukesse ?
I’ve always been a hardcore Lukesse stan, but I love Jetra as well.
I think i’m a sucker for those kinds of relationships where one of the characters is a bit of an outcast in the group but has a special relationship with the protagonist and acts really sweet and loyal to them (so they have an extra special bond). 
So when Lukas started getting treated differently by Axel, ect because he was part of the rival group I hopped right into that “imma adopt you” territory and then began shipping him and Jesse together lmao. Especially since they have so many tender shipping moments together and are both total dorks.
But Petra is also similar in that regard as well. Season 2 in particular really leans into their relationship, especially by the end.
If I could have them both with Jesse I would lol.
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briizer · 5 years
I was just laughing at most memes and thought "what if Lukas had a cute loud laugh and snorts" like Jesse tells a really funny joke or something and Lukas laughs and snorts and a ship sails
Of course, only jesse would be attracted to adorable snort chuckles lmao(case in point, reuben)
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wisphunt · 6 years
So!!! I saw you liked fire emblem and I gotta know what your various ships for awakening/fates/any game uve played are!! I love inigo/gerome personally (even tho it'll never be canon its always my no.1 otp ; ^ ;) and nowi/henry (their support makes me squeal to death!!!)
I honestly have so many fucking ships. Like, if I got a gay ship I probably also ship the people involved in that in another ship where I can actually get em together lol (since obviously in fire emblem you gotta pair people lmao)
I’ll list off my favs from awakening first:
Olivia/Henry, Olivia/Kellam, Henry/Nowi, Inigo/Gerome, Robin/Chrom (lol this one obvious af tbh), I also like Gaius/Chrom for some reason lmao, Libra/Viron is also just great to me because of their support, funnily enough male Morgan/Owain because their support was very cute but I’m also a sucker for Morgan/Lucina cus bffs getting their kids together, I LOVE Lissa/Maribelle, but also love Maribelle/Ricken and Lissa/Frederick and Lissa/Vaike and Nowi/Ricken or Henry/Ricken. Lmao I can get with any ship tbh they’re all good, I’ve probably missed some good ones tbh but these are just off the top of my head.
Here are my favs from fates:
Leo/Takumi, Laslow/Xander, Laslow/Azura, ANYONE (especially the royals)/Mozu cus Mozu has had the best supports I’ve seen, Hinata/Oboro, Ryoma/Scarlet ;u;, Kaden/Sakura, Hinoka/Camilla, Camilla/Kaze, Soleil/Ophelia, Forrest/Soleil, Orochi/Kagero, Subaki/Selena, Nyx/Leo, Corrin/Niles, Odin/Niles, Effie/Arthur
tbh there are so many fates characters and pairings I don’t even think I can get em all up here lmaooo. Anyway I saved the best for last my all time fav pairing in fates has to be Arthur/Azura, which surprised me BUT THEIR SUPPORT GOD. Anyway I’m in rarepair hell.
For echoes I’d say I like all the canon pairs a lot lol, but I also liked Silk/Jesse and Leon/Kamui or Leon/Valbar (please give Leon a bf..... I’ll be his bf if there is no one to be his bf lol) and of course Lukas/Forsyth/Python and Gray/Tobin/Clair cus man. I love ot3s lol.
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blazingflareon · 6 years
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wanted to draw something before the end of the year and jesskas seemed like a good note to end on c:
happy new year!!
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briizer · 6 years
Egads I’ve been TAGGED
JK Was Tagged by @mewi-or-lara ((I normally don’t do these but eh, once in a blue moon ain’t so bad.))
Rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
Three Two fandoms I’m heavily interested in: Minecraft Story Mode and Undertale
The first character you loved:
Mcsm: Axel. Best griefer grab buddy. UT: Napstablook. Love that little sad ghostie.
The character you never expected to love so much:
Mcsm: IVOR...FIRST ADVENTURE DAD/GRANDPA. (I curse my past self for choosing to punch him in the first run dfslkjfds) UT: Papyrus, tbh I hated fighting him, well, dodging his attacks anyway(I wanted to rage quit or switch to genocide for the longest time). But he’s a precious skele bro.
The character you relate to the most:
Mcsm: Aiden. I used to be that one jealous friend(Still am sometimes, I still get mad envy. :( ) and blamed others for being the lowest of the low. The only difference between me and Aiden is that I keep that all to myself whereas he acts out angrily and vocalizes it. It’s the same with Romeo as well, sometimes people go overboard along the way just to be recognized I suppose. (I relate to a lot of antagonists lmao) UT: Definitely Napstablook. I’m a huge introvert with low self-esteem and lots of issues. 
The character you’d slap:
Mcsm: Petra, for being selfish and making it all about her(no hate that's just how she seems to me I'm sorry I do like her as a character and I get where she’s coming from, really but hnngh) And Romeo for...well being an absolute twat in the second game. UT: Asgore, for going about things the wrong way.(That's about it everyone else in that game is <3)
Three Multiple favorite characters (in order of preference):
Mcsm: Stella, Aiden, Axel, Lukas, Ivor, Jack UT: Napstablook, MK, Papyrus, Undyne, Sans
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Mcsm: Probably Soren. He seemed like a good dude for a while. Then he just dipped the fuck out of dodge.
UT: Nah, I love all them monsters <3
Two Multiple OTPs:
Mcsm:(hoooboy tbh tho these can go both platonically and romantic...I swing both ways bruh ;y) Lukesse, Jesstella, Jesse and Aiden(no idea if its even a ship name lol) Jesse and Axel(mostly as best buds because they’re friendship is beautiful) and Jesse with everyone else platonically UT:.....eeehhhh Alphys and Undyne? They’re weird but adorable together.
(I won’t tag because I don’t want people knowing I exist lmao so whoever wants to do this be my guest!)
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