#and the Rider and Little Guy have super solid stories (with the latter usually making me cry at the end haha)
fanfic-inator795 · 1 year
I’m rewatching Wander Over Yonder and, say what you will about s2 (which yes, has a LOT of problems, mainly with Dominator, some aspects of Wander and Hater/their slight flanderization, and the arguably failed attempt at a serialized narrative) but it still has a lot of solid episodes in this season - with one of the ones I appreciate the most being “The Black Cube”.
In addition to how well it balances a fairly serious story with a decent amount of good jokes (“He spent so much time working on sick burns that he never learned to swim!” asdfghjkl) and probably one of the best songs/instrumental scores of the series, I mainly just appreciate the episode for its lesson/theme - not just on how important it is to be empathetic towards people, but on how it’s OKAY to feel sad and frustrated.
How many times have you heard someone say “it’s not so bad, try to look on the bright side” or “having a positive attitude will help you feel better”? As important as it is to try and remain optimistic, sometimes the best thing you can do - both for yourself and for others - is to acknowledge that things are sucky and that it’s valid to feel sad and frustrated. To know that you’re allowed to let out your negative emotions in a healthy way AND to let others know that you’ll support them even when they “freak out”. It’s only when we properly acknowledge and accept our feelings that we’re able to start to move past them.
I can’t say it’s my absolute favorite ep, as there are other eps with either more laughs, a better story or are just more enjoyable all around, but I still can’t help but rank The Black Cube in my top 10 at the very least.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
You Look Nervous.
David (The Lost Boys) x reader
Warnings: Implied sexual content (very much implied) .
Requested by @theeblueehazee : "I have a request if you're still taking them? It's another David request because I'm vampire trash basically lol maybe a story about David really liking or evening the reader, and he wants her to meet the guys. But he's super scared of them embarrassing him in front of her or afraid that they'll scare her, period, because she's a nice but really shy person? So David makes the boys swear to be on their best behaviour but Paul and Marko don't know the meaning of it lol I just love your stories!❤❤
A/N: I'm glad you like my stories! That really makes my day 😅💛 and thank you for requesting! I hope this works for what you had in mind❤
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"Stop picking."
I look up at the blonde biker as he reaches a gloved hand over, taking mine in his as he tries to pull my fingers from my sleeves, smiling slightly as he gives me a reassuring look, though there's something off about his behaviour. As usual, he stands leaning against his motorcycle, a cigarette between his lips as he watches the crowd, but his demeanor seems tense, his eyes flicking over the writhing hoard of people almost nervously, neck muscles taut as he cranes his head around, as if looking for something, or someone.
"Sorry." I reply quietly, casting a look over his posture again, my brow wrinkling in confusion.
Noticing my gaze, David fixes his piercing eyes on me, cocking his head a bit as he exhales a breath of smoke, eyebrows drawing together curiously.
"Oh, well, you look kinda nervous." I inform him, biting my lip as I turn my gaze away from him, worried that I've brought up something I shouldn't have, my free hand instinctually lifting to my face, where I start to chew on my fingernails, trying not to wince when I accidentally catch one of the already bitten-down ones.
"I do? How come?" The platinum blonde queries, visibly adjusting himself, though this only proves my theory.
I go to reply, only to be cut off by the sound of loud motorcycle engines revving to my right, the blonde to my left tensing again, his jaw clenching barely noticeably as he catches sight of the riders, my own gaze turning to the newcomers. Upon seeing them, my eyes widen, weight shifting inadvertently onto the balls of my feet, as if ready to up and leave.
The closest is a tall, tanned brunette with dark eyes, his expression seemingly neutral as he makes eye contact with me, barely reacting to my presence at all, his quietness as well as the fact he is shirtless beneath his leather jacket slightly unnerving me despite the very brief flash of a smile he sends my way. Just behind him is a shorter blonde with curly hair, a broad smirk plastered across his face as he catches sight of me, his doe eyes boring into me with a mischievous glint, eyebrows raised at my presence. As if mimicking me, he lifts a thumb to his mouth, where he starts biting at it, keeping eye contact the entire time, even as he leans back to speak to the last of them. This one is a lanky Twisted Sister lookalike, his dishevelled hair and choice of attire leading me to think this, though my mind briefly short-circuits when I notice him blatantly raking his eyes over my form, the action drawing a deep blush to my cheeks as I shift again, pulling the sleeves of my jacket over my hands in slight discomfort. Seeing this, David moves so he is standing closer to me, gently pressing his chest against my back reassuringly, his hand at my hip protectively. Looking up into his face, I realise he is carrying an odd expression, as if warning the others of something.
"Damn, who brought the eye candy?" The Twisted Sister lookalike remarks in way of greeting, winking suggestively at me as he dismounts from his bike, lip between his teeth, "I'm Paul, by the way."
Swallowing, I try to fight the rising blush again, leaning back against David as much as possible for support, the solidness of his chest behind me reassuring me a little.
"(Y/n). It's nice to meet you." I make the mistake of offering him my hand to shake, surprised when the other, smaller blonde skips in ahead of Paul, scooping my hand up and lifting it to his lips, which he then uses to press a soft kiss to my knuckles. Shocked, I withdraw my hand quickly, the action far too intimate to have come from a complete stranger. Behind me, I feel David's chest vibrate as he lets out a cautionary growl of sorts, both of the other blondes giggling at this.
"I'm Marko." The short one informs me, taking my hand in his again as he uses it to pull me forwards slightly, Paul quickly slinging an arm around my shoulders as I'm helplessly dragged in towards them. I stiffen as I feel Paul nuzzle at my neck, the blonde deliberately sniffing at me, his breath hot against the skin there, though I don't feel it long, my instincts kicking in as I pull away again, accidentally knocking into Marko, who steadies me against his chest, drawing a surprised squeak from me as he smirks down at me.
"She smells great, where'd you find her?" Paul comments to David, whose jaw is clenched, his muscles rigid as he watches this exchange, reaching out to gently pull me back to him, wrapping an arm around my waist again, fingers pressing into me slightly in anger.
"Aww, come on! We won't bite..." Marko teases, bursting into a fit of giggles with Paul at some inside joke until their companion gives the latter a clip round the ear.
"Hey! I didn't make the joke!" He protests, rubbing his head a bit, clearly a bit disgruntled after this, though his friend can barely control himself.
"Doesn't mean you don't deserve it." The brunette points out, rolling his eyes in exasperation at the other two before turning back to me, "I'm Dwayne. It's nice to finally meet you, (Y/n), we've heard a lot about you."
"Y-You have?" I manage, still a little shaken after my encounter with the Terrible Two, surprised that they've heard about me at all: David doesn't seem like the type to share his feelings, seeing as he's barely told me anything about himself anyway.
"Oh yeah, we've heard all sorts." Marko butts in again, lifting an eyebrow at me as I feel my eyes widen.
"Yeah, David won't shut up about you." Paul chimes in, smirking at the platinum blonde behind me, who quickly tells him to shut up, though using much more colourful language to convey his point.
"L-like what?" Internally, I curse myself for stuttering again, knowing it's not helping my case at all.
Paul goes to respond, a smirk already pasted onto his face, only to be cut off by Dwayne.
"Nothing bad, don't worry." He confirms, looking over my head at David, who appears to send his friend a grateful glance, his icy blue eyes clouded with annoyance at the other two.
"Except that you're a bit quiet which I now see is totally true." Paul butts in again, chuckling and reaching over to tilt my head his way with one finger, admiring the deep red tinge of my cheeks, "You don't have to be. In fact, we know the perfect way to get you more...vocal."
At the insinuation behind his words, I flinch away from him, looking down as Marko and Paul erupt into fits of laughter, the two of them high-fiving each other triumphantly. A sharp crack and a grunt of pain informs me that Dwayne has once again delivered a whack around the back of each of their heads.
"Just shut up, will you? Show some respect." Dwayne scolds them, brow furrowed in irritation.
"Come on, (Y/n), let's go get some food." David finally says, having stayed quiet almost the entire time, except for the noises of anger that he let out every now and then, body becoming tenser and tenser behind me.
"Ok, sure." I agree, going to turn away from the others with a thankful smile at Dwayne, who seems the most controlled of all of them.
"Enjoy your bite to eat! Make sure you get something you can really sink your fangs into!" Marko calls after us, his laughter cut short by a screech of pain, Dwayne having finally stepped in, dragging the two troublemakers off by their ears. Beside me, David visibly stiffens, eyes closing momentarily, though I could've sworn I saw them flash yellow a second ago, the platinum blonde doing his best to remain calm as he directs me someplace else, clearly eager to get away from the others.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n), I wanted you to meet my friends tonight, but I didn't realise they'd behave so badly around you, though I guess I really should've seen it coming." David apologises, taking my hand in his as we walk, giving me a guilty look, "They're good friends when they're not being so inappropriate."
"It's fine, though I think they'll take some getting used to." I reassure him, squeezing his hand gently.
"I guess. That doesn't excuse their behaviour, though." He responds, frowning again, "I'm sorry, I should've warned you."
"About them being so physical, maybe, but not about them being typical friends. I'm sure I'll come to like them in time." I say to him, carefully coming to a halt beside the rear of one of the food stalls lining the Boardwalk, having figured something out, "That's what you were nervous about, wasn't it?"
"Hm? I wasn't nervous." David scoffs, smirking at me.
"You were! You were worried about how I'd react to your friends, weren't you?" I prompt him, crossing my arms over my chest with an unusual confidence I don't often feel.
"Of course I wasn't!" The blonde goes to argue, only to catch sight of my expression, rolling his eyes in defeat, "Fine, I was a bit concerned about how they'd act, and then about what you would think of them, but not a lot!"
"Sure, keep telling yourself that." I tease, squeaking when I suddenly find myself pinned against the wall behind me, his muscular body pressing into mine as he leans in close.
"Say that again, (Y/n)." He growls into my ear, his smooth voice making me shiver in anticipation as his breath fans hotly across my skin.
"Keep telling yourself-" I try to repeat myself, only to let out a quiet gasp of pleasure when he starts kissing at my neck, mouthing at my sweet spot as my hands snake around into his hair, his own gripping my waist, pulling my hips into his.
"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" David purrs against my jaw as he licks a stripe up the column of my neck, before he presses his lips against mine, deepening the kiss as soon as I reciprocate, knowing I won't be able to reply now, smirking against my lips in triumph.
What I didn't know (and wouldn't know until much later) is that he had made the boys swear to behave, only to feel a surge of possessiveness come over him when he sees Marko and Paul completely disregard their promises, now feeling the need to make it well known who I belong to, even if that means risking my dignity in public.
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