#and the children of the fae is just something ive heard passed around on social media for a good few years
I think all jesters should be of the fae
Back in this well, time frame of jesters, Nerodivergent children, were often calls children of the fae, for their odd behaviors, and likings (to what almost exclusively included nature at the time), social awkwardness, and all the sorts. If you had dwarfism, or any thing outside of the "normal" as a child, you were either of Satan(in which you were often killed I do believe), or of the fae, where you were just seen as a fucking weirdo
Yknow who also normally grew up to be jesters durring this time?
Their disorders often seen as comical, and were almost exclusively hired, for that Nerodivergent behavior, or dawfism, or, any of that, ok
What I'm saying here, is the jesters of the time are part fae, Nerodivergent fae, born of human parents to live a comical life of their own personal downfall, where everything they say is either not to be trusted because they are a child of the fae, or to be laughed at and not taken seriously
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